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© in This Web Service Cambridge University Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19000-8 - Friendship and Empire: Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353–146 BC) Paul J. Burton Index More information Index Abydus (Greek city), 104, 242 Adranodorus (Syracusan politician), 336, Acarnania (region in western Greece), 92, 93 337 Achaean League Aemilius Lepidus, M. (pr. 218 bc), 192, 193 amicitia with Rome, 2, 102–05, 174, 181–86, Aemilius Lepidus, M. (cos. I 187 bc), 210, 231, 206–07, 209–16 242 beneficia to Rome, 174, 181–83 Aemilius Regillus, L. (pr. 190 bc), 196 breakdown and dissolution of amicitia with Aenus and Maronea (Greek cities) Rome, 345–51 taken by Antiochus III, 193 bc, 342 expansionism of, 209–13, 226, 232 liberated from Pergamene control, 168 bc, and embassies from L. Flamininus, 296–99 Pergamum, Rhodes, and Athens, 198 bc, Aetolian League 102 alleged perfidiousness of, 269–78 attempts to broker peace between Rome and amicitia with Rome, 90–94 Boeotians, 196 bc, 202 breakdown and dissolution of amicitia with joins Rome’s war on Nabis of Sparta, 195 bc, Rome, 269–78 206, 209 involvement in murder of Bracchyles of embassy to Rome, 193 bc, 209–10 Boeotia, 206, 233, 239 absorbs Sparta, 192 bc, 209–10 performance at the battle of Cynoscephelae, absorbs Messene, 191 bc, 210 271 absorbs Elis, 190 bc, 210 refuses to join Rome’s war on Nabis of Sparta, treaty of alliance with Rome, 190sor180s bc, 206 81, 181–86, 206 treaty of alliance with Rome, 211 bc, 80, 81, and embassy from Q. Caecilius Metellus, 84, 90–94, 185, 269–78 185 bc, 211, 226 treaty of peace with Philip V, 206 bc, 91, 202, and embassy from Ap. Claudius Pulcher, 269–78 184 bc, 211–12, 216, 226, 233, 251, 300 embassy to Rome, 202 bc (?), 270–71, 276, chastises the Romans, 172 bc, 182–83 277 policy debate, 170/169 bc, 183–85, 206, 213–15 and the Panaetolian assembly, 199 bc, 251, and embassy from Ptolemy V, 169/168 bc, 216 268, 270, 276, 300 and embassy of the Spartan exiles, 150 bc, 347, at Tempe conference, 197 bc, 90, 194–95, 232, 350 269–70, 271–72 crushes Spartan revolt, 149 bc, 347–48 attempts to broker peace between Rome and and embassy from L. Aurelius Orestes, 147 bc, the Boeotians, 196 bc, 202 348 awarded Phthiotic Thebes, Phocis, and and embassy from Sex. Julius Caesar, 147/ Locris, 196 bc, 227, 272, 278 146 bc, 348 and embassy from Athens and Flamininus, and embassies from Q. Caecilius Metellus 193 bc, 273–74 Macedonicus, 146 bc, 348–49 embassies to Philip V, Nabis, and Antiochus Acilius Glabrio, M.’ (cos. 191 bc), 188, 234 III, 193 bc, 273 and the abortive Aetolian deditio of 191 bc, invites Antiochus to free the Greeks, 192 bc, 116–19, 289 207–08, 225, 226, 274 381 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19000-8 - Friendship and Empire: Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353–146 BC) Paul J. Burton Index More information 382 Index Aetolian League (cont.) with the Parthini, 136–41 advice to Chalcis, 192 bc, 207–08, 209 with Pergamum, 84–87, 178, 197–99, abortive deditio to Rome, 191 bc, 116–19, 249, 217–19 289 with Pharos, 81, 136–39 treaty of peace with Rome, 189 bc, 81, 274–75 with Pleuratus of Illyria, 266 anti-Roman politicians deported to Rome, with Ptolemaic Egypt, 107, 188, 203, 207, 180 bc, 215, 233 208–09, 231 Aetolian War, 116–19, 209–10, 232, 274, 277, 289 with Rhodes, 83, 175–76, 195–97, 199–200: Ager, Sheila (modern scholar), 201, 202, 203, renewed, 169 bc, 280 204, 247, 284, 288 with Saguntum, 79, 80, 192, 193, 233, Agron (king of the Illyrian Ardiaei), 136, 139, 238–42 262 with the Samnites, 107, 122, 125 Alexander Balas (Seleucid pretender), 221, 222, with Scerdilaidas of Illyria, 206, 232, 234, 232, 234 266 Allucius (leader of the Spanish Celtiberians), with the Seleucid empire, 105–07, 219–23, 73–75, 157, 260 339 amicitia with Sicilian towns, 133–36, 148, 229 domestic/interpersonal, 1, 14, 28–38, 75 with the Spanish Ilergetes, 257 international, 1, 2–6, 14, 25, 26–27,and with Spanish tribes, 179–80, 229, 278 Chs. 2–5, passim with Syphax of Numidia, 94–102 breakdown and dissolution, 95–96, 169–70, with Syracuse, 80, 142–53, 164–72, 173, 187, 201, 204, 276,andCh.5, passim 190, 192–93, 229 response-flexibility of, 162, 163, 185, 265–66 with the Thessalians, 178–79 “true friends” of Rome, 191, 198, 214, 231, with Thisbae, 2 242 Amynander (king of Athamania) with the Achaean League, 2, 102–05, 174, beneficia to Rome, 194–95 181–86, 206–07, 209–16 at Tempe conference, 197 bc, 194–95, 232 with the Aetolian League, 90–94 joins Antiochus and the Aetolians, 192 bc, 225 with Antigonid Macedon, 174, 175, 188, anarchy, 9, 15, 19–20, 30, 86, 114 190–91 Greece, 210s–190s bc, 105 with Apollonia, 136–41, 229, 235–36 Hellenistic, 23 with Athamania, 194–95 North Africa, 210s bc, 101 with the Atintani, 136–41 of the Mediterranean system, 76, 120, 121, 126, with the Boeotians, 206–07 131, 163, 204, 228, 264, 265, 289, 295, 354, with Camerinum, 80, 88–90, 91, 191–92 356 with Cappadocia, 191, 219–20, 231, 242 Anares (Celtic tribe) with Capua, 122–27, 229, 235 amicitia with Rome, 191–92 with Carthage, 107, 188–89, 308 anthropomorphism of international relations, with the Celtic Anares, 191–92 22, 25 with Chalcis, 207–08 Antigonus III Doson (king of Macedon), 265, with Corcyra, 136–41, 229, 262 266 with the Cretans, 207, 208, 233 possible treaty of alliance with Demetrius of with Delos, 2 Pharos, late 220s bc, 139, 263, 265 with Edeco, chieftain of the Spanish Antiochene War, 116, 195–97, 209–10, 232, Edetani, 155 276 with Epidamnus, 136–41, 190, 229 escalation phase, 178, 224, 243, 342 with Heraclea Pontica, 204 Antiochus III (Seleucid king) with Issa, 136–41, 229 ambitions and power, 106, 190, 343 with Italian cities, 79–84 and the Greek cities of Asia Minor, 249 with Lampsacus, 2 breakdown and dissolution of amicitia with with the Lucanians, 80, 82, 229 Rome, 339–45 with Mamertines of Messana, 128–33, 229, pact with Philip V, 203/202 bc, 189, 222 236–38 conflict with Ptolemy V mediated by Rome, with Masinissa of Numidia, 1–2, 99, 200 bc, 105–07, 230, 339 108–13, 180–81, 188, 229 attacks Pergamum, 198 bc, 105, 339 with Massilia, 2, 193–94 and Roman embassy, 196 bc, 340 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19000-8 - Friendship and Empire: Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353–146 BC) Paul J. Burton Index More information Index 383 embassy to Flamininus, 196 bc, 340, 344 asks Ptolemy V for protection vs. Philip V, embassy to Flamininus, 195 bc, 341 200 bc, 209 embassy to Rome, 194 bc, 341–42 embassy to Achaea, 198 bc, 102 and Roman embassy, 193 bc, 342, 345 embassy to Aetolia, 193 bc, 273–74 takes Aenus and Maronea, 193 bc, 342 intervenes between Rome and the Aetolian crosses to Greece, 192 bc, 207–08 League, 190 bc, 202, 204 Antiochus IV (Seleucid king), 215, 219, 281, placed in charge of Delos by Rome, 167 bc, 297 289–92 Antiochus V (Seleucid king), 219, 300 Atintani (Illyrian people) anxiety, see reconnaissance dance (modern amicitia with Rome, 136–41 sociological concept) and friendship, conquered by Demetrius of Pharos, 220s bc, unequal/asymmetrical 139, 229 Aous conference, 198 bc, 202, 203 deditio to Rome, 229 bc, 136–41 Apollonia (Illyrian city), 277 attacked by Philip V, 213 or 212 bc, 236, 300 amicitia with Rome, 136–41, 229, 235–36 Attalus I (king of Pergamum) deditio to Rome, 229 bc, 136–41, 235–36 strategos of Aetolian League, 210/209 bc, 84 attacked by Philip V, 214 bc, 229, 235–36 defeated by Philip V, 209 bc, 84 Appian (Greek historian) winters at Aegina, 209/208 bc, 84, 85 account of mediation attempt of 207 bc, 203 joint campaign with the Romans, 208 bc, 85, on the Third Punic War, 317–18 178 arc of political possibility, 186, 214, 216–17, 222, withdraws from First Macedonian War, 208 223, 224, 230, 243, 250, 266, 285, 299 bc, 85, 87 Archon (Achaean politician) adscriptus in Peace of Phoenice, 205 bc, 85 policy vis-a-vis` Rome, 183, 213–15 helps secure Great Mother goddess for Rome, elected strategos of Achaean League, 170/169 205 bc, 85, 87, 178 bc, 183 death of, 197 bc, 86 in debate over Ptolemaic embassy, 169/168 bc, Attalus II (king of Pergamum), 217 215 favored by Rome, 296–99 Ardiaei (Illyrian people) restores Ariarathes V to Cappadocian throne, piracy and raiding, 140 157 or 156 bc, 220, 222, 232 Ariarathes IV (king of Cappadocia), 217, 218 letter to Attis, priest of Cybele at Pessinus, ca. Ariarathes V (king of Cappadocia) 156 bc, 217, 222–23, 297, 298 offers armed escorts to the Romans, 164 or 163 places Alexander Balas on Seleucid throne, 150 bc, 191, 232 bc, 221, 222, 232, 234 deposed by Demetrius I (Seleucid king), ca. Aulus Gellius (ancient author), 61 158 bc, 219, 234, 242 on Cato’s pro Rhodiensibus, 285–89 restored to Cappadocian throne by Attalus II Ausetani (Spanish people) of Pergamum, 157 or 156 bc, 220, 222, join Ilergete revolt against Rome, 205 bc, 258, 232 261 Aristaenus of Dyme (Achaean politician) contribution to Flamininus’ “Freedom of the Badian, Ernst (modern scholar), 3–6, 7, 13–15, Greeks” policy, 194, 232 22, 42, 63, 83, 87, 111, 112, 115, 116, 127, policy vis-a-vis` Rome, 177, 213–15 132, 133, 136, 138, 150, 247, 265, 274, 275, persuades Achaean League to side with Rome, 293, 295, 309, 311, 316, 318, 343, 355 198 bc, 102–05 Baecula, battle of, 108, 110 Aristotle, 28, 67, 163 balancing behavior, 228–29, 247, 295, 343 on virtue friendship, 48, 163 bandwagoning, 228–29 Astin, A.E.
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