The Tree Peonies
TI-IE NA.TIONA.L ~GA.rz J INE THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, INC. 1600 Bladensburg Road, Northeast Washington 2, D. C. OFFICERS Presidellt: Dr. John L. Creech, Glenn Dale, :Ma ryland First Vice-Prcsidellt: Dr. Ezra ]. K raus, Corvalli s, Oregon Secolld Vice-Presiden t: I1{rs. Robert \"Toods Bli ss, vVashington, D. C. Secretary: Dr. Francis de Vos, Washington, D. C. Treasllrer: Miss Olive E. Vveatherell, Olean, New York Editor: Mr. B. Y. Morrison, Pass Christian, Mississipp i J1[ allagillg Editor: M r. James R. Harlow, Takoma Park, Maryland Editorial S tall : Miss May M. Blaine, Washington, D. C. Mr. Bernard T. Bridgers, Washington, D. C. Art Editor: Mr. Charl es C. Dickson, Kensington, Maryland DIRECTORS TerlJl s E xpirillg 1955 TerlJls E.,pir'ing 1956 Mrs. 'Mortim er J. Fox. Mount K isco, New Mr. Stuart Armstrong, Silver Spring, IVIa ry- Yo rk land lv[r. Frederic P. Lee, Bethesda, Maryland Dr. Fred O. Coe, Bethesda, Maryland Dr. Brian O. Mulligan, Seattl e, vVashington Mrs. Walter Douglas, Chauncey, New York Dr. F reeman A. vVeiss, Washington, D. C. Mrs. ]. Norman Henry, Gladwy ne, Penn- Dr. Donald vVyman, Jamaica P lain , Massa- sy lvania chusetts M rs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Media, Pennsy l vallla HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS M r. James B. Craig Mr. George W. Peyton American Forestry Association American Peony Society 919 Seventee nth Street, Northwest Box No.1 \>\Tash in gton 6, D. C. Rapid an, V irgi ni a 'M r. Harry \ >\T . Dengler Mrs. Hermann G. P lace Holl y Society of America The Garden Club of America Maryland Extension Service 45 East 62nd Street Co ll ege Park, Maryland New York 21, New York Mr.
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