Contract Negotiation Questions Barred at Candidates Night by ROBERT L
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'•'/Co Your Want Ad Is Easy To Place- "''• iside is Just Phone 686-7700 An Official Newspapei ^^ '^—_———• For r The Borough UOtf Mountainside ^-^™—-^ VOL 12No 8 P b Mf - - I"^^2;;|I'N.^ MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J.,THURSPAY;_FEBR'UI'RY 5. 1970 f^^:t:^::i^-::^T^ "" "im* __ ,_"~ ISCTUPTOW Contract negotiation questions barred at candidates night By ROBERT L. LIBKIND program. Following the addresses, questions 1 Tt y ROBERT L. LIBKIND 1 program. Following the addresses, questlona tto Uve,live,"'sh shee observedobserved.. "A"Ass ou ourr Mountainsld Mountainsidde pledgepg d tto maintai maintainn "th"me Ug IIIKIhI standarstandardd ooff eduedu-- Thee secon"second reason he stated was that ""II public relations at Syracuse University, said The big flurry at last week's candldatei1 were posed by Crane and the audience, Includ- P 1 I he big flurry at last week's candidaies were poied by Crane and the audience, melud- Childrechildren mature they will be callecaUed upon ttoo catioca[1on that we now enjoy,*enjoy, *' He said that "w"wee wwui,uiti ""t oto do my sharshare in servinserving the comcom- - thVtin " boarboard "coul"could use somsome improvemenimprovementt Jin Bight for school board contenders came not 11 Bight for school board contenders came not ingg the teachers whosoquestlansworwhosequestlons were "passepassed accept responsibilities different fromthosewfromthosewee muslmus t havhave ththe besbestt educatioeducation availablavailable fofor ou ourr munity'ss needs,needs." HHe addeadded thathatt ththe comcom- - theithuirr imagimage tto th theo publi publicc. ThThe boar board iiis workwork-- from the four on stage but the floor as a few by." knew as young adults," she told the audience. children and receive the best value for every munity "must continue the constant work in- iny for the public, is responsible to thepublie, Mountainside teachers asked for answeri to The two challengers, Spina and Lombard, "I welcome the opportunity to continue to dollar spent. 1 will continually strive to keep volved In malting Mountainside's high standards and should bo responsive to the public," questions that were under negotiation, stressed the need for '•professional manage- serve,..and use my qualifications and exper- tins goal in mind, and maintain the position and in reaching new goals." He also said the board needs more "corn- George Crane, moderator for the Mountain- ment" In the school system. Both noted their ience to help insure and support the positive tliat Mountainside has in being tile fourth Acknowledging tliat "there are no biji burn- mumty listening posts" and "greater com» Bide PTA which sponsored the lession at experience in this area: Spina, his work in approach toward excellence in our schools." lowest in Union County concerning taxes," ing issues involving the local board," Splna munlcatlon with the voters." He also advocated Beechwood School ruled — with eoniiderablB insurance, and Lombard, his in engineering and Suckno, candidate for reelection to the board, He pointed out that the "amount of tax s.iid thai because of the defeat of the October the greater use of school properties for com- support from the 100 persons In attendance — "value systems." emphasized the necessity of taxpayers letting referendum, the board "now has a mandate munity service, perhaps as recreation center* ttiat questions dealing with teacher salary, • • • their views be heard by the gchool board, "A dollars allocated to education has decreased about three percent in recent years,'* tram the voters to find another solution to the and adult education, Splna stated that the working conditions and affiliated items would MRS. BKADSHAW, running for election the critical time in our educational system is pruhlems the referendum was to have solved. Mountainside Board of Education should "mak( Hot be proper because o! current negotiatlonB, first time since her appointment to the board forthcoming because of Increased pressure Spina told the group he has two reasons It is incumbent upon the boart to do this," its position known regarding the high school which have reached an Impasse. Under state in July, stressed experience as a member of from outside forces," he jaid, "Because of for running for a board position. The first l! last year's bond Issue referendum was situation. My opinion is that we should have a law, an impartial mediator will be assigned to the board and her work as an educator, "I this, borough residents must be heard and their one, he said, was "I've gotten to know a large approved, it would have made available home high school — that is, for Mountainside the negotiations to help settle the dispute. hope to be able to makd a contribution to the opinions known. It has alway* been my feeling number of our children through my years In $747,000 for additions to Deerfield School students, the same school for four years," The four Mountainside Board of Education board and through the board to the children," that every taxpayer in Mountainside has fl MACY, Little League and PTA Youth Theatre, and the closing of Echobrook School. It was Splna told members of the audience that candidates — Thomas J, Splna, Abe Suckno, she remarked in her speech in the multl- »take in education, whether they have children These are interesting, bright kids and 1 would defeated 1,294-455. he believes "in a strong educational system George Lombard and; Mrs, Marjorlo Brad« purpoao room of the schooL in tile system or not, and all should be heard,*' like tu work for them and their educational shaw — spoke five minutes each to begin the 1 * * * ^"his is a challenging, complex time In which SUCKNO, A MANUFACTURER In UnlOB, nueds, bFlNA, WHO RECEIVED an education in (Continued en pogo 12) Frank Lombard - PROFILE « Thomas J. Spina Jones wins Anyone born in YplisanB, Michigan, can't Every candidate for every office feels that be all bad — or at least born in Ypiisantl, he is the best man ami must qualified for that in Regional Michigan, and now living in Mountainside, N,j,, position, Thomas J, Splna is no different and ii in the case of Frank Lombard of 338 Linda he Is quite affirmative in presenting his quali- dr, fications to the voters who will decide the Lombard, who is running for one of the two upcoming Mountainside Board of Education school vote Beats open on the Board of Education in the elections, Dr. Minor C, K. Jones was re-elected Tues- borough, has some very Sffong views on cur- Spina, who is opposing Mrs. Nicolas Brad- day as Mountainside member of the Regional tent educational policies In the community. shaw and Abe Sucknn, incumbents, and Frank High School District Board of Education. Hede- During the past few months, Lombard made Lombard, a newcomer, points out "I feel feated Mrs. Marjorie Miller, a write-in candi- himself quite well known to members of the qualified for a position on the local board be- date, 385 votes to 183, present beard by representing a strong op- cause of my experience with other bnards of ' At the same, voters in Mountainside position force to the November referendum education in my daily buHinesb dealings," helped the Regional budget sweep to a victory presented to the Mountainside voters for ap- The 34-year-old candidate, who was born in by a margin of nearly two to on*. The opera- proval, '• LnwviUe, New York, Is uurrently aKsisLinl ting budget of $7,542,757 won, over-all, •. Lombard, who is a senior eleenieal- manager of the Newark fJimip Oifiee nf Con- 1.237 to 644, The total for the capital outlay meehanieal design engineer for Westingheuse necticut General bile Insurance Co,, Mervinst portion of $107,435 was 1,191 to 677, Electric; Corp, and has lived in Mountainside northern New JerKey, He in a graduate of In other contests for seats on the Regional with his wife Dorothy for the past eight years, Syracuse University's School of Business Ad- Board, incumbent Mrs, Natalie Waldt won in explained Ms position in opposing the referen- ministration with a BS degree in public re- Springfield by a margin of 455 to 86 over dum by saying, "I found mat flie way the bond latltins and has worked towards graduate Howard Schwartz, and\Charies Seheuermann , Issue was handled was not wise," eroditH Jt f airleigh DlckitiMi" liniverHlty's defeated Herman Bieber in Kenilworth, 134 He continued by stating, "1 felt that the Graduate School of Business AdmiiiiHtraLion, votes to 126. board was either misled or misinterpreted Splna fulfilled his military duty by HervniH Another incumbent, John H. Conlin, was and has really lost contact with the people, two years in the I , S, Air lorce as a special elected without opposition in tiarwflod. He re- which in- turn caused the loss of public con- investiuaiions tiftieer in the field nl' enunter- ceived 76 votes. fidence and support," inlelligence liivesiipaiiijiis. At present ho Ls Spfintfield voters favored the operating • ••• a captain in the USAI' Reserves. expenses portion of the budget, 329 to 113, * , The 47-YEAR-OLD CHALLENGER pointed They also backed the capital outlay portion, out that he felt that the referendum would On the community level, Splna has served (in the Mayor's Advisory Ccnincil on Ynuih and 218 to 124. not have produced higher educational standards In Clark, the operating budget won by a in adequate proportion to the amount of money, the FTA Safety Committee, He is active in the Newark Communiiy hund and has worked • slim margin, 98 to 94, and the capital outlay which would have been spent, portion was favored, 102 to90,Carwood voters * "«"" ^Lombard,attrtbutes bitJJeeJinjii to hjs m-. with the PTA Youth Theater, He is also lii- volved lii Little LeaRue baseball as a leam^ backed the operating budget, 48 to 20, and the ] pijpriencet as an, engineer,inIbefleld o£ya%»- ^"apital outlay portion, 46 to 21.