The Cedarville Herald, January 19, 1923
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Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 1-19-1923 The edC arville Herald, January 19, 1923 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, January 19, 1923" (1923). The Cedarville Herald. 1117. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Tha advertising ot today, not only A M M W A r m WEVi'TJED f O pwdowM result* of it* own, but it m a n , a n d a s f t n u v m w k * emchoi and brine* to final culmination AND THIS INTEREST* OF iCHiAR- til* advertising of the yesterdays. %eda herald. VILLE AND V IC IN G FORTY-SIXTH YEAR NO. 5, CEDARVILLE, C m LIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1923 PRICE. $1.50 A YEAR Fess Opposes We Should Have Too Much Competition CONDENSED OHIO NEWS Bloc System New* Items Picked at I n d i a and K oiM Down for ifc* Baity Reader Tw o bills have keen Introduced, in- , Senator-elect S. D. Foss, in r. :he legislature that if passed will tax speech before the Quill club in New Convention of Ohio miners, ached- william Zimmerman was killed in- gasoline for automobiles, The:tax pro York City condemned the ‘‘bloc” IOA tied to be held In Columbus this week, siatitly and Otto Schafer, driver of posed j* one cent a gallon to bk system in congress and declared it *0 OAV ias been postponed until after the ; .-.thor automobile, wac injured, prob* (MS KivAiifnKHT- paid at the distributing end. Many; to be “naturally selfish and based meeting in New York of the edale ably fatally, when a passenger traiu look on this proposed tax as the fair-; upon groups which may be classified committee for the central competitive wrecked both automobiles at a cross- cat for automobile owners that hasi over specific interests.” field, ipg at Toledo. Toiwr William H. Ennis, 67, a decorator, been proposed. ! The different “groups” maintain Ollie Chill, baseball umpire, was 1 I died in a hospital at Toledo as the re- Jt is proposed to. divide the money; headquarters in the Capitol. Each i % ^questioned by the police in connection suit of an attack by two footpads, who i wjth the death Of EdWard J. .Mc between the municipalities^ the town-i has its ‘lobbyists”. Each conducts a ** V held him up In front of his home. Gregor, 28, found shot to death in a 3hipa and the county for upkeep .of wen-organised and systematized prop MU Joseph Stafford, 28, was shot to Cleveland apartment house, following street* and roads. aganda not infrequently well supplied death in a Cleveland restaurant by an a booze party, Such a tax would be lifting mudf With necessary funds. Sentiment iB employe after he and several eom- ; State Director of Education Rlegel o f the burden from land and property „ t.on» baa been ordered to leave manufactured to force Congress’ to proposes that a class be created in owners and placing it on the users of pass or retard proposed legislation as to uTiinc. because they were making high schools of the state to “study '-'C3£r the highway*. ’ , the case may he. a disturbance. the m ovies" The man that used the ’Toads the- william H. Larkins, 53, former as A. C. Flint, teller of a PalnCsvllle “This modern tendency has at least most would and ahduld pay the most,: two sources of danger, It lends itself sistant postmaster at Behring, is un hank returned home as mysteriously - der arrest at Kansas City, charged The big trucks, which consume fab* to allowing a few leaders to report A he left it last week, since when a with embezzlement of 33,413 from the nore than the automobiles,'would pay: their view as that 'of the membership. statewide search for him has .been In Sebrlng postoffice, core of their share of the upkeep of: The leaders too freuently are circum progress, Flint went to Painesville D. R. Crissinger of Marion, now from Dayton, where he said hefirst ;he reads. ; scribed wholly from narrow and sel comptroller of the currency, was nom-, realized his whereabouts. * The distant tourist that now travels* fish interest. Secondly, it develops a mated by President Harding to ’ ' Brigadier General William Y* Me* >ver our roads free would pay some-! habit of delegating to, the leaders the governor of the federal reserve board,, Maken, 68, member o f the state board hing by a tax on gasoline. ' Mrs. Ann Hauua was shot and Mil*J responsibility of the citizen who, in of pardons, died suddenly of heart To the average automobile owner ed at Cleveland while scuffling with, stead of speaking, permits the selfish* failure at his home In Toledo. he cost would not be- great, provn her husband over possession of a shot-' group interest to speak. R. N. Matthews, 72, Marion, an In 'iding that the auto was used- for gun, “It permit* the most dangerous log valid, shot and killed himself. Measure only. At one cent a gallon rolling where leaders of various im New York Central’s car repair shop* at Toledo will be reopened Feb. 1. Mayor Fred Kohler of Cleveland > ,gallons would cost him five cents portant blocks may get their heads George Baynham of CrooksylUe was- said that he would submit to the civil nore. At 20 miles to the gallon this together arid dictate an entire pro named a dry inspector by Prohibition service commission the question Of vould take him 100 miles. Five cents gram on a reciprocal plan.” Commissioner McDonald. holding examinations and preparing :ax for a hundred irriles is not: rhudh eligible lists of women for police duty.5 The most active of the ‘blocs’ in Three foxes were caught in the. big -o any one person but would make congress are the Labor group; the Miami county foxr drive near. Piqua, Rev. E, R, Willard, 70, former presi- a new source o f income for street and liquor group; the Antisaloon group; More than 2,000 persons participated; dent of the Ohio synod of the Reform rdad repair which' qutoists want., ed church, died at Akron. the Farm bloc; and various others , Three Tiffin youths were given' jail The grangers recently endorsed Dr. Victor Wilker, 80, author, Civil with more or less influence. sentences and a fourth, a minor, was Such a tax as have other organiza XENIA GETTING TO BE A I RAILROAD CO? *ANY DRAWN turned over to the juvenile court fol war veteran and tor 45 years a mem- tions. The only opposition comes from COLLEGE NOTES SATURDAY NIGHT TOWN INTO C0UR1 toY INJUNCTION lowing admissions of alleged whole, . her of the faculty of Baldwln-Wallace SEVERAL INJURIES REPORTED; sale automobile tire thefts. college, died at his home in Berea, the automobile associations, compos Miss Wilma Arnott has resumed HOWEVER NONE SERIOUS Xenia1 i$ coming in for her share' The Pennsylvaf||u railroad company Lawrence- IL Jeffers, 20, company j' D. J, Frey, 38,' crossing watchman, ed largely of city folks that now her studies after an absence of sev of notoriety of late, much after the has been enjoined by a Cincinnati L, 166th Ohio infantry, was shot and has . been exonerated by the grand want the lahd and property owner to eral' weeks, having been called home fashion of the metropolitan .’enters, court from taking. Off trains until ap- killed at the armory at Athens when jury .o f any blame in the death of keep up his reads .and-streets. Several injuries have been reported on.'account of the illness of her moth- Some time ago a policeman was shot, proved by the •lie Utilities com a ,target pistol he was carrying;slipped ■ three school children, killed by a Nine, states have already adopted within the past few days. Charles eft". ■ ■ Holdups occur at intervals. A shoot- mission. Attorni General Crabbe has from his pocket aud was discharged. j Pennsylvania railroad flyer at Ada. the gasoline tax. Ohio should do .the Clemar.s sustained a dislocated should * ■■■ *" ■; ■ m . ing scrape -in the East end adds to instituted the jA- n. Nevertheless the Epidemic of flu is spreading through 1 Fire at Cleveland destroyed tbe same. Write ‘ Representative M. A. er blade, left member, while unload Miss Louise-Clark is able to return the spice of life in the county seat, trains are not operation.- Whether the Hocking valley. | three-story frame building occupied by Broadstone your views 'on the sub ing hogs at the railroad. W. S. Peters, 50, and George Wes to classes after several days illness. Automobile accidents that occasion- the schedule Wll restored remains tbe General Bi-opae Foundry company, ject. Also Senator Pence from this Floyd McHenry, an employee on ton, 36, coal miners, were crushed to' with a loss estimated at$40,0<jQ. district. Send the letters in care ipf illy cost a life. The last happening to be seen. death under a fall of slate in a; mine the Sam Diffendall farm lost part of On Wednesday morning the Y. M. We have no.