[Distributed to Members of the Council.] C. 260. 1 9 2 3 .

Geneva, April 11 th, 1923.



List of Documents distributed to Council during March, 1923.

(Prepared by the Distribution Branch.)


Advisory Committee on Memorandum dated , 1923, by Secretary-General summarising proposals for establishment of, and for­ warding draft articles for constitution of C. 203. 1923. I.


Report dated , 1923, by Swedish Representative (M. Branting) submitting draft resolutions to 23rd Council Session urging retention of Commission of Enquiry until arrival of Financial Adviser, approving appointment of Mr. Patterson as such and urging delimitation of frontier between and Greece C. 142. M. 76. 1923. VII.


Arms, Private Manufacture of and Traffic in Memorandum dated , 1923, by Secretary-General quoting resolution adopted by 23rd Council Session postponing consideration of action to be taken on Re­ solution No. 23, paragraphs 5 and 6a regarding, together with resolution adopted by Temporary Mixed Commission proposing that Council ask United States of America to make concrete proposals as to lines on which they would be willing to collaborate with Governments in question of C. 208.1923. IX.

S. li. N. ÎOO ( F . ) + ISO (A.) 4/23. Imp. Kundig. ARM AM ENTS, REDUCTION OF (continued) Guarantee, Treaties of Mutual Letter dated October 23, 1922, from Council to States Members forwarding resolution adopted by 3rd Assembly requesting their opinions on elaboration of general or partial treaties (C. L. 119. 1922) Letter dated ,1923, from Secretary-General to States Members requesting replies before June 1, 1923, to C. L. 20. 1923. IX. (C. T. A. 231.) Reply from Albania to Official Journal, 4th year. No. 2. P. 175. (C.T. A. 1 9 5 .) Reply from Bulgaria to Official Journal, 4th year. I No.2. P. 176 (C.T. A .1 9 5 ,) Reply from Panama to Official Journal, 4th year. No. 2. P. 175. (C.T. A. 1 9 5 .) Reply from Roumania to Official Journal, 4th year. No. 2. P. 175. (C.T. A. 1 9 5 .) Memorandum dated , 1923, by Secretary-General giving up-to-date position of execution of Assembly Resolution No. 23, paragraph 14, and quoting resolution adopted February 1923 by Temporary Mixed Commis­ sion submitting draft Treaty by Lord Robert Cecil to Permanent Advisory Commission for advisory opinion, and proposing its submission to States C. 215. 1923. IX. Statistical Enquiry Expenditure, national, for 1922 /1923 Resolution adopted October 1, 1921, by 2nd Assembly Letter dated , 1922, from Secretary- General to States Members, sent out in accord­ ance with (C. L. 3. 1922) Reply from Canada to Official Journal, 4th year. N o.2.P. 169. (C.T. A. 223.) I Reply from Chili to Official Journal, 4th year. No. 2. P. 169. (C. T. A. 203.) Expenditure, national, for 1924 and following years Resolution No 23, Paragraph 11, adopted September 27, 1923, by 3rd Assembly Memorandum dated March 21, 1923, by Secretary- General giving opinion of Temporary Mixed Commission as to States to which this resolu­ tion should be transmitted and as to choice of criterion laid down in, and proposing post­ ponement of such transmission until after re­ consideration of C. 207. 1923. IX. Requirements of National Security, International Obliga­ tions, Geographical Situation, etc. Letter dated April 13, 1922, from Council (M.Hymans) to States Members submitting resolution adopted by 2nd Assembly requesting statement of (C. L. 32.1922) Letter dated October 10, 1922, from Council (M. da Gama) transmitting reports of Tempo­ rary Mixed Commission and 3rd Committee to 3rd Assembly urging replies to (C. L. in . 1922) Reply from Denmark to Official Journal, 4th year. No. 2. P. 171 (C. T. A. 211.) Reply from Spain to Official Journal, 4th year. N o.2. P. 173 (C.T.A.213.) Tables drawn up by Permanent Advisory Commission for years 1922 /1923 in accordance with programme approved by 3rd Assembly regarding arma­ ments in peace-time C. L. 11. 1923. IX. Annex. Letter dated from Secretary-General to States Members forwarding and requesting, before June i, 1923, information referred to in C. L. II. 1923. IX. ARMAMENTS, REDUCTION OF (continued)

Temporary Mixed Commission Members of, also members of Permanent Advisory Com­ mission Memorandum dated March 22, 1923, by Secretary- General quoting resolution adopted February 1923 by Temporary Mixed Commission submitting ques­ tion of, to Council for decision C. 209. 1923. IX. Rules of procedure of Text adopted February 1923 by Temporary Mixed Commission of C. 212. 1923. IX. Treaty concluded , 1922, at Washington between United States of America, British Empire, France, Italy and Japan limiting naval armaments Extension to non-signatory Powers of principles of Conference, international, Geneva, 1923, in view of Memorandum dated March 21,1923, by Secretary- General notifying Temporary Mixed Commis­ sion’s request that Council consider advisability of examination by Permanent Advisory Com­ mission of extension of its scheme to States non- Members, and giving up-to-date position of result of enquiry as to whether Council Members in agreement with this request C. 210. 1923. IX.


3rd Session, , Geneva 1st Committee of Minutes of Records of 3rd Assembly Minutes of Committee I. 3rd Committee to Minutes of Records of 3rd Assembly Minutes of Committee III 5th Committee to Minutes of Records of 3rd Assembly Minutes of Committee V. 6th Committee to Minutes of Records of 3rd Assembly Minutes of Committee VI.


Financial situation of Report, 2nd, dated , 1923, of Commissioner- General of League at (M. Zimmerman) for period -February 15,1923, togelher with 13 annexes regarding C. 174. 1923. (C./S. C. A./24.)


Association, international, for promotion of See: ORGANISATIONS, INTERNATIONAL


Reports of Procedure, general, regarding See: DOCUMENTS, LEAGUE — 4 —


Covenant, Article 4 regarding Protocol of amendment adopted by 2nd Assembly Note (unofficial) dated , 1923, by Secretary- General to certain Council Members showing neces­ sity for ratification before 4th Assembly of C. 189. 1923. V. 23rd Session, January-February 1923, Paris Minutes of 13th Meeting, held February 3, 1923 Minutes of 14th Meeting, held February 3, 1923 Text, revised, of Note dated , 1923, by Secretary- General forwarding Document unnumbered 24th Session, , Geneva Agenda for Text issued March 16, 1923, of, together with list of rapporteurs C. 196. M. 115. 1923. Text, revised, issued , 1923, of C. 196 (1). M. 1x5 (1). 1923.


Article 4 of See: COUNCIL, LEAGUE Article 6 of See: FINANCES, LEAGUE Allocation of Expenses


Advisory Committee to examine preliminary questions concern­ ing See: ADMINISTRATION, INTERNATIONAL High Commissioner Decisions taken during 1922 by Special Volume. Note dated , 1923, by Secretary-General for­ warding C. 216. M. 124. 1923. I. Polish war materials, Depot for Case of Ship ( Guibwiller) unloaded November 21, 1921 Decision of High Commissioner of December 20, 1922, regarding Reasons dated ,1923, by Polish Govern­ ment for appeal against Reply dated , 1923, from Danzig Government to Note dated , 1923, by Secre- tary-General forwarding above-men- tioned documents C. 223. 1923. I. Report dated November 17, 1920, by Japanese representative (Viscount Ishii) and resolution.adopted November 17, 1920, by 9th Council Session approving this report 20/48/98 (1) Report, general, dated February 3, 1923, by Secretary-General for period September 1922-February 1923 Official Journal, 4th Year, No. 2. Page 151.


Expenditure incurred by League in connection with Correspondence exchanged from Oct. 27, 1922, to , I9 23 . between Secretary-General and Lithuanian Govern­ ment regarding reimbursement of advances made by League C. 188. M. h i . 1923. X. DISPUTE BETW EEN L ITH U A N IA AND POLAND (continued)

Neutral Zone

Line of demarcation to replace Resolution adopted February 3, 1923, by 23rd Council Session deciding on, and announcing its coming into force from January 15,1923 (C. 201. M. 71. 1923) Memorandum dated March 1923 by Lithuanian Government in support of telegram of , 1923, refusing to accept, and requesting that question be put before Permanent Court whether resolution contrary to provisions of Covenant. Letter dated , 1923, from Lithuanian Government (M. Galvanauskas) covering C. 2x8. M. 125. 1923. V II. Telegram dated , 1923, from Council (M. Viviani) to Lithuanian and Polish Govern­ ments reminding them of their engagements not to infringe terms of, and replies from Polish and Lithuanian Governments (C. 176. M. 100. 1923. VII.) Telegram dated , 1923, from Polish Government (M. Askenazy) replying to Lithuanian Government’s above-mentioned reply C. 184. M. 108. 1923. V II. Telegram dated , 1923, from Secretary- General to Polish Government requesting in­ formation as to Polish occupation of Dmitrowka C .184.M. 108. 1923. VII. Annex. Telegram dated March 5, 1923, from Polish Government (M. Askenazy) replying to C. 184. M. 108. 1923. VII. Telegram dated March 5, 1923, from Council (M. Viviani) to Lithuanian and Polish Govern­ ments noting replies to his telegram of Feb­ ruary 22, 1923, and urging Polish Government to take measures for withdrawal of its agents who have exceeded limits fixed in C. 179. M. 103. 1923. VII. Telegram dated March 9, 1923, from Polish Government (M. Skrzynski) replying to C. 191. M. 112. 1923. VII. Telegram dated March 21, 1923, from Lithuanian Government (M. Klimas) protesting against attacks of Lithuanian Posts by Polish bands C. 211. M. 123. 1923. VII. Summary, historical, dated , 1923, by Secretary- General of question of G. 219. M. 126. 1923. VII.


Distribution to Council and States Members Memorandum dated March 9, 1923, by Secretary-General proposing provisional circulation of reports of Advisory Commissions to States Members before their approval by Council C. 186. 1923.

Subject List No. 21 of documents distributed to Council from January 1-29, 1923 C. 162. 1923.

Subject List No. 21 of documents distributed to Council and States Members from January 1-29, 1923 C. 162. M. 86. 1923. — 6 —


Financial Conference, international, Brussels 1920 Recommendations adopted by Application in Brazil, Latvia and Poland of Review after two years of Text, English and French, of C. 10. M. 7. 1923. II. Volume III. Application in certain countries of Review after two years of Text, French, of C. 10. M. 7. 1923. II. Volume I. Application in Italy of Review after two years of Text, French, of C. 10. M. 7. 1923. II. Volume II. Statistics Bulletin, monthly, of (Submitted to certain States only) February 1923 4th Year, Volume IV, No. 2


Allocation of Expenses Covenant, Article 6 regarding Protocols of 3 amendments adopted by 2nd Assembly Note (unofficial) dated March 12, 1923, by Secre­ tary-General to Italian Government showing necessity for early ratification of first amend­ ment G. 190. 1923. V. Budget for 5th Fiscal Period (1923) Transfers in Memorandum dated March 22, 1923, by Secretary- General regarding transfer from Item 3a: “Salaries, Wages and Allowances of Secretariat at Geneva.” to Item 4: “Latin American Office” G. 213. 1923. X.


Epidemics Commission Funds of Letter dated December 26,1922, from Siamese Govern­ ment (Prince Charoon) replying to Secretary- General's letter of September 15, 1922, pointing out necessity for contributions to Official Journal, 4th Year, No. 2, Page 189. Epidemiological Intelligence dated March 1923 for period May-December 1922 No. 6. Epidemiological Report dated March x, 1923 R. E. 42. » » March 5, 1923 R. E. 43. » » , 1923 R. E. 44. i) » March 22, 1923 R E. 45. Health Committee Sub-Committee, joint, of Advisory Committee of Traffic in Opium and of See: OPIUM, TRAFFIC IN Advisory Committee Sub-Committee, joint, of Health Committee and of — 7 —


Engagements, international, undertaken by Hungary regarding Hapsburg Dynasty Letter dated , 1923, from Hungarian Govern­ ment (M. de Daruvary) replying to arguments contained in letter of January 8, 1923, from Little Entente regard­ ing registration of C. 180. M. 104. 1923. V. Frontiers between adjoining States and Report dated March 27, 1923, by Secretary-General on meeting of Committee of Experts of Hungaro-Czecho- slovak Delimitation Commission and of Secretariat, held February-March 1923, in view of determination of frontier in Salgo-Tarjan District, annexing statement by Hungarian Commissioner, statement by Czechoslovak Commissioner, observations of Hungarian Commissioner on Czechoslovak statement and observations of Czecho­ slovak Commissioner on Hungarian statement C. 220. 1923. VII.


February, 1923 4th Year, No. 2.


Conference, international, of 2nd Session, June-July, 1920, Genoa Conventions adopted by Ratification by Bulgaria of three of Letter dated March 27, 1923, by Secretary- General announcing C. L. 29. 1923. V. Ratification by Esthonia of three of Note dated , 1923, by Secretary- General announcing G. L. 24. 1923. V. 3rd Session, October-, Geneva Conventions adopted by Ratification by Denmark of one of Note dated , 1923, by Secretary- General announcing G. L. 19. 1923. V.




Nationality of inhabitants of B and C Mandated Territories Letter dated November 27, 1922, from New Zealand Government (M. Massey) explaining reference made in Sir John Salmond’s opinion dated May n , 1920, regarding incorporation of Samoa within British Empire, which reference was mentioned when discussing nationality of Western Samoa and is contained in Minutes of 2nd Ses­ sion of Permanent Mandates Commission (A. 36. 1922. page 68) C. 194. M. 114. 1923. VI Memorandum dated March 12, 1923, by Secretary-General summarising position of question of C. 192. M. 113. 1923. VI — 8 —


Memorandum dated September 2, 1922, from “Intellectual Union of Slovaks in Hungary” and annexes, petitioning on behalf of situation of Letter dated November 7, 1922, from “Intellectual Union of Slovaks in Hungary” forwarding Observations dated February 1923 of Hungarian Government on 3. 178. M. 102. 1923. I


Request dated March 2, 1923, for Advisory Opinion of Per­ manent Court, transmitted in accordance with resolution adopted February 3,1923, by 23rd Council Session (Dist. 300) Letter dated March 19, 1923, from Secretary-General to States Members forwarding 3. L. 27. 1923. V.


Memorandum dated June 30, 1922, from Hungarian-Skekler * Association petitioning on behalf of Observations dated , 1923, from Roumanian Go­ vernment on Note dated , 1923, by Secretary-General forwarding these two documents and explaining numbering of pages of . 195. M. 116. 1923. I Request dated March 15, 1923, from Hungarian Government to Council, under terms of Article 11 of Covenant, together with annexes, concerning expropriation of immovable pro­ perty of Hungarian optants . 224. M. 128. 1923. I.


Advisory Committee on Sub-Committee, joint, of Health Committee and of 1st Session, , Geneva Minutes of • 7 9 - M. 33. 1923. XI. Convention, international, concluded January 1912 at the Hague on Letter dated March 16, 1923, from Secretary-General to States Members which have not accepted system of Im­ portation Certificates or which have not adhered to Con­ vention, forwarding report and recommendations of 4th Session of Advisory Committee (C. 37. M. 91. 1923) calling special attention to Recommendation 2 urging adhesion to 3. L. 21. 1923. XI. Importation Certificates Letter dated March 16, 1923, from Secretary-General to States Members non-adherent to Convention of 1912 and to those which have not accepted this system, for­ warding report and recommendations of 4th Session of Advisory Committee (C. 37. M. 91. 1923) calling special attention to Recommendation 2 urging acceptance of system of 3. L. 21. 1923. XI. Report, annual, on Letter dated March 16, 1923, from Secretary-General to Austrian Government forwarding report and recommen­ dations of 4th Session of Advisory Committee (C. 37. M. 91. 1923) calling special attention to part of Recom­ mendation 3 urging submission of preliminary statistics for 1922 3. L. 22 (b). 1923 XI. — 9 —

OPIUM, TRAFFIC IN (continued)

Report, annual, on (continued) Letter dated March 16, 1923, from Secretary-General to Netherlands Government forwarding report and recom­ mendations of 4th Session of Advisory Committee (C. 37. M. 91. 1923) calling special attention to part of Recom­ mendation 3 urging submission of preliminary statistics for 1922 C. L. 22 (a). 1923. XI.

Letter dated March 16, 1923, from Secretary-General to States Members which have not forwarded their reports for 1921, forwarding report and recommendations of 4th Session of Advisory Committee (C. 37. M. 91. 1923) calling special attention to Recommendation 3 urging forwarding of C. L. 22. 1923. XI.

Requirements of drugs for legitimate purposes Letter dated March 16, 1923, from Secretary-General to States Members which have not forwarded annual reports for 1921, forwarding report and recommendations of 4th Session of Advisory Committee (G. 37. M. 91. 1923) calling special attention to Recommendation 4 regarding fixing a limit under which importations and export­ ations of certain drugs may be considered negligible C. L. 22. 1923. XI.

Seizures of drugs Letter dated March 16, 1923, from Secretary-General to States Members and certain other States forwarding report and recommendations of 4th Session of Advisory Committee (G. 37. M. 91. 1923) calling special attention to Recommendation 8 urging inclusion of information regarding suspected persons, among information ex­ changed regarding C. L. 23. 1923. XI.


Child Welfare Association, international, for promotion of Correspondence exchanged from September 19, 1922, to , 1923, between Secretary-General and above-mentioned Association regarding modifica­ tion in its composition to make it more representative of Governments in view of placing it under auspices of League Note dated March 8, 1923, by Secretary-General submitting C. 183. M. 107. 1923. XII.


Composition of Note dated , 1923, by Secretary-General announc­ ing death of Brazilian Member (M. Ruy Barbosa) and proposing consideration of filling of vacancy G. 206. M. 122. 1923.V.


Dispute between Lithuania and See: DISPUTE BETWEEN LITHUANIA AND POLAND — 10 —


Refugees from Passport and transport facilities for Identity Certificates Arrangement adopted by Conference of Government Delegates regarding issue of Letter dated August 11,1922, from Secretary- General to States submitting and asking whether Governments prepared to adopt (G.L. 79. 1922) Reply from Austria to Official Journal, 4th Year, No. 2. Page 186 (C. R. R.43) Reply from Germany to Official Journal, 4th Year, No. 2. Page 187 (C. R. R. 40) Reply from Guatemala to Official Journal, 4th Year, No. 2. Page 186 (C. R. R. 41) Reply from Lithuania to Official Journal, 4th Year, No. 2. Page 187 (C. R. R. 44) Reply from Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom Official Journal, 4th Year, No. 2. Page 186 (C. R. R. 42) Letter dated March 2, 1923, from Secretary- General to States Members forwarding up- to-date position of adoption of C. L. 12. 1923. V.


Advisory Committee to examine preliminary questions con­ cerning See: ADMINISTRATION, INTERNATIONAL Case of M. Frantzen, Mining Engineer Letter dated , 1923, from German Government (M. Maltzan) protesting against placing by Governing Commission, at disposal of French Government of Saar officials, referring especially to (C. 93. M. 36. 1923) Letter dated , 1923, from Governing Com­ mission stating that Commission had no observations to add to letter of , 1923, in reply to C. 182. M. 106. 1923. I. Education, public, in Letter dated , 1923, from German Government (M. Maltzan) forwarding and protesting against order dated November 8, 1922, issued by Governing Commis­ sion (M. Notton) to school inspectors of Saar regarding transfer of children from National schools to French Mine Schools C. 177. M. 101. 1923. I.

Letter dated March 8, 1923, from Governing Commission (M. Rault) replying to German Government’s letters of and February 16, 1923, protesting against measures taken by Governing Commission regarding C. 199. M. 117. 1923.I. Gendarmerie, local, in Letter dated March 8, 1923, from Governing Commission (M. Rault) outlining scheme for development during financial year 1923 of C. 202. M. 119. 1923. I. Governing Commission Composition of Saar Basin Member Substitute, temporary, for Dr. Hector Letter dated March 3, 1923, from Governing Commission (M. Rault) announcing appoint­ ment of Mr. Land as Note dated March 8, 1923, by Secretary- General quoting text of instructions adopted by Council , 1920, regarding appointment of sub­ stitutes, and forwarding C. 181. M. 105. 1923. I. — II —

SAAR B A SIN (continued)

Protection abroad of interests of inhabitants of Letter dated January 8, 1923, from German Government (M. Maltzan) protesting against transfer by Governing Commission to French Government of, and proposing that States of which persons are nationals should under­ take (C. 49. M. 15. 1923. I.) Letter dated , 1923, from Governing Com­ mission (M. Rault) replying to C. 205. M. 121. 1923. I. Relations, commercial, between Germany and Oath required by Delegate of Commissioner of German Reich at Saarbruck for exports and imports Form issued January 1923 of declaration of Letter dated March 6, 1923, from Governing Commission (M. Rault) to German Govern­ ment protesting against Letter dated March 6, 1923 from Governing Commission (M. Rault) for warding above letter and form C. 221. M. 127. 1923. I. Report, general, dated , 1923, by Secretary-General for period of September 1922 to February 1923 Official Journal, 4th year, No. 2. Page 146. Security, public, in Decree, provisional, dated March 7, 1923, adapted from the law of the Reich of July 21, 1922, for protection of German Republic and promulgated by Governing Com­ mission Report dated March 1923, introductory to C. 200. 1923. Letter dated March 9, 1923, from Governing Commission (M. Rault) forwarding and announc­ ing coming into force of Decree from May 12, 1923, of C. 200. M. 118. 1923. I. Taxation, double Agreement dated July 5, 1922, between Governing Com­ mission and French Government regarding Letter dated , 1923, from German Govern­ ment forwarding and protesting against form of (C. 84. M. 28. 1923. I.) Letter dated , 1923, from Governing Commission (M. Rault) replying to C. 185. M. 109. 1923. I.


Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-Coast Declaration signed April 20, 1921, at Barcelona recognising Ratification by Roumania of Note dated March 8, 1923, by Secretary-General C. L. 18. 1923. V.


List No. 16 of treaties and international engagements registered with Secretariat during January 1923 List No. 16. List No. 17 of treaties and international engagements registered with Secretariat during February 1923 List No. 17. Volume No. IX of treaties and international engagements re­ gistered with Secretariat during 1922 Treaty Series, Volume IX, 1922, Nos. 1,2,3 and 4. — 12 —


Judges, deputy, to Belgo-Austrian, Belgo-Bulgarian, Belgo German and Belgo-Hungarian Appointment of Letter dated , 1923, from Belgian Govern ment (M. Jaspar) requesting League to proceed for four independent divisions to, in accordance with Treaties of Versailles, Trianon, Neuilly and St. Germain 1 197. 1923 V. Memorandum dated March 19,1923, by Secretary- General quoting terms of Versailles Peace Treaty regarding 2. 198. 1923. V.


Commission, mixed Composition of Note dated March 23, 1923, by Secretary-General announcing inscription of question of appointment of Chairman of this Commission on agenda of 24th Council Session 3. 214. 1923. I.


Convention, international, concluded September 30, 1921, in Geneva Adhesion of Denmark to Letter dated March 14, 1923, from Secretary-General announcing ;. l . 25.1923. v.