The Great Streetcar Conspiracy by Randal O’Toole

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The Great Streetcar Conspiracy by Randal O’Toole No. 699 June 14, 2012 The Great Streetcar Conspiracy by Randal O’Toole Executive Summary Streetcars are the latest urban planning fad, in the streetcar corridor. Almost no new develop- stimulated partly by the Obama administration’s ment took place on portions of the streetcar route preference for funding transportation projects where developers received no additional subsidies. that promote “livability” (meaning living without The second argument is that streetcars are “qual- automobiles) rather than mobility or cost-effective ity transit,” superior to buses in terms of capacities, transportation. Toward that end, the administra- potential to attract riders, operating costs, and en- tion wants to eliminate cost-effectiveness require- vironmental quality. In fact, a typical bus has more ments for federal transportation grants, instead seats than a streetcar, and a bus route can move up allowing non-cost-effective grants for projects to five times as many people per hour, in greater promoting so-called livability. In anticipation of comfort, than a streetcar line. Numerous private this change, numerous cities are preparing to ap- bus operators provide successful upscale bus ser- ply for federal funds to build streetcar lines. vice in both urban and intercity settings. The real push for streetcars comes from engi- Streetcars cost roughly twice as much to oper- neering firms that stand to earn millions of dol- ate, per vehicle mile, as buses. They also cost far lars planning, designing, and building streetcar more to build and maintain. Streetcars are no lines. These companies and other streetcar advo- more energy efficient than buses and, at least in re- cates make two major arguments in favor of street- gions that get most electricity from burning fossil car construction. fuels, the electricity powering streetcars produces The first argument is that streetcars promote as much or more greenhouse gases and other air economic development. This claim is largely based emissions as buses. on the experience of Portland, Oregon, where in- Based on 19th-century technology, the street- stallation of a $103-million, 4-mile streetcar line car has no place in American cities today except supposedly resulted in $3.5 billion worth of new when it functions as part of a completely self- construction. What streetcar advocates rarely if supporting tourist line. Instead of subsidizing ever mention is that the city also gave developers streetcars, cities should concentrate on basic—and hundreds of millions of dollars of infrastructure modern—services such as fixing streets, coordinat- subsidies, tax breaks, and other incentives to build ing traffic signals, and improving roadway safety. Randal O’Toole is a senior fellow with the Cato Institute and author of Gridlock: Why We’re Stuck in Traffic and What to Do about It and American Nightmare: How Government Undermines the Dream of Homeownership. If there is Introduction streetcars until 1963, when it sold the system a streetcar to a public agency—which quickly converted In 1974 a Senate staffer named Bradford all streetcars to buses.6 conspiracy, it Snell invented the myth of the “Great General Transportation experts agreed that buses is of politicians Motors Streetcar Conspiracy.” According to were superior to streetcars. In 1947 a New and contractors Snell, GM, Firestone Tire, Phillips Petroleum, York City transit expert named John Bauer tes- and Standard Oil of California conspired tified before the Portland, Oregon, city coun- seeking to to “destroy public transit . by eliminating cil that he was “absolutely opposed” to cities spend taxpayer streetcars.” This would supposedly force peo- maintaining their streetcar lines. Streetcars, ple to buy cars that used gasoline and rubber he told the council, are slow, noisy, and tie up dollars building tires.1 Academic and other experts have repeat- traffic. The limitations of tracks also prevent frivolous and edly debunked Snell’s claims.2 express services that are possible with buses. obsolete streetcar Even James Graebner, who chairs the Amer- “Streetcars maintain an average speed of only ican Public Transit Association’s streetcar com- eight miles per hour,” he testified, “whereas lines in today’s mittee, calls the General Motors conspiracy “a [trackless] trolleys and gasoline buses average cities. rather satisfying urban legend,” but notes that, 12 miles per hour. The most modern streetcar “in fact, when presented with the choice of ei- equipment could make only about 10 miles ther maintaining the street railway infrastruc- per hour.”7 ture . or operating buses on publicly funded Replacing streetcars with buses was a ra- roads,” replacing streetcars with buses “was an tional decision then for all the same reasons easy choice for the private sector.”3 Yet transit that building streetcar lines is irrational today. advocates continue to raise Snell’s claims to Whereas buses share the cost of roads with justify federal funding for rail transit. autos and trucks, streetcars require their own The truth is that in 1948, GM and the dedicated infrastructure. This makes the cost other companies were held liable in a civil suit of operating and maintaining streetcars far of conspiring to monopolize the sale of GM greater than that of buses. Buses can safely buses, along with Firestone tires and Phillips operate more frequently than streetcars, and if and Chevron fuel for those buses. They did one bus breaks down or is in an accident, the so by investing in National City Lines, which entire line does not become disabled, as is the owned transit companies in about 60 cities, case with streetcars. starting in 1936. They sold that company in 1949 after losing the antitrust case. They were found innocent of any attempt to monopo- The Modern Streetcar lize public transit, nor did they try to destroy Conspiracy streetcar lines, but merely recognized that the transit industry was rapidly replacing street- If there ever was a streetcar conspiracy, it is cars with buses and tried to take advantage of today’s conspiracy of politicians, engineering that trend.4 firms, contractors, railcar manufacturers, and During the years GM and the other com- transit agencies trying to persuade city govern- panies had an interest in National City, more ments and taxpayers to spend hundreds of than 300 streetcar systems converted to buses, millions of dollars on frivolous and obsolete but fewer than 30 of those systems were owned transportation systems such as the so-called by National City.5 Many other transit systems modern streetcar. That conspiracy aims to owned by National City still had streetcars deceive taxpayers and appropriators into be- when the “conspirators” divested themselves lieving that, all by themselves, streetcars can of National City in 1949. When National City magically revitalize blighted neighborhoods, bought the St. Louis transit system in 1939, produce jobs, and generate billions of dollars for example, it purchased more modern street- of economic development. cars for the system and continued to operate Spurred by the promise of federal funding, 2 more than 45 American cities are expanding, to only a small number of people. building, planning, or considering streetcar One impetus for the current flurry in street- lines.8 Some of the most active projects or car planning is a proposed change in Depart- plans are in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Atlan- ment of Transportation rules for transit grants. ta; Cincinnati; Dallas; Kansas City, Missouri; In 2005 Congress created the Small Starts grant Los Angeles; Madison, Wisconsin; Miami; program authorizing the Federal Transit Ad- Milwaukee; Minneapolis; Oakland, California; ministration (FTA) to provide up to $75 mil- Omaha, Nebraska; Portland, Oregon; Sacra- lion in funds for transit capital projects whose mento, California; Salt Lake City; San Antonio, total costs are less than $250 million. This led Texas; Seattle; Tacoma, Washington; Tucson, many cities to start planning streetcars. Arizona; Washington, D.C.; and the Washing- When Congress created the program, how- ton suburbs of Arlington and Alexandria. ever, the FTA wrote rules requiring that agencies Streetcar advocates claim a host of benefits compare the cost effectiveness of streetcar and from streetcars. Streetcars have higher capacities other projects against simple improvements in than buses, they say, which leads to lower operat- bus service. The measure of cost effectiveness ing costs, energy consumption, and air emissions was which mode cost less per hour of time that per rider. But the biggest benefit, they claim, is the project saves travelers. Since streetcars are that streetcars will revitalize downtowns or any never cost-effective as transportation compared The Obama area in which they are built. Even more, the instal- with buses, only one streetcar project was ever administration lation of a streetcar will make a city a “mag- funded out of Small Starts. This restriction did is rewriting cost- net” for urban growth, attracting in particular not apply to the 2009 economic stimulus bill, the “creative class” of young workers whose high- however, and several cities—including Atlanta, effectiveness paying jobs will boost the fortunes of any city Cincinnati, Dallas, and Tucson—successfully rules so it and region smart enough to build a streetcar line. sought stimulus funds for streetcar projects. can fund All these claims are bogus and most are eas- The Obama administration is currently ily disproven. Yet a variety of engineering firms rewriting the
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