best of English edition FRANCE BON-À-TIRER Objet : Parution dans le LE GUIDE PRATIQUE 2015 de L’Isle-Adam Format : 1 page Merci de bien vouloir relire attentivement l’annonce ci-dessous et retourner votre accord ou éventuelles corrections par mail à
[email protected] Open 7 days a week Our will … a great value for money • Cuisine homemade prepared with seasonal and fresh produces from French agriculture as often as possible • The way we have developed our menu will allow you to eat healthy food … • Soon, a paint and drawing workshop will be available just for your children, so you can enjoy properly when you taste our weekend’s brunch • In a pleasant covered and air-conditioned outdoor terrace overlooking the river Oise, we offer you our efficient and friendly service, even during the rush • With your comfort in mind, I am at your disposal to listen to your opinions to improve our service! Philippe Date : Signature annonceur «Bon-à-tirer» : 13 bis, quai de l’Oise à L’Isle Adam Reservation at +33 (0)1 34 69 01 92 LMC CONSEIL • RÉGIE PUBLICITAIRE 419532_1.indd 1 17/12/2014 01:13 PM 7, avenue Forbin - 78600 Maisons-Laffitte Tél. : 06 87 83 64 20 - Fax : 01 34 93 04 47 N° de Siret : 428 270 441 00010 - N° TVA intracommunutaire : FR 664 282 70 441 PUBLISHING Collection Directors And Authors: Dominique AUZIAS and Jean-Paul LABOURDETTE Welcome to France Authors: Céline PIETERS, Hélène MURRAY, Stéphanie BEE, Robert GERMAIN, Thomas GIOVANNETTI, Marc SIGALA, Laure ROOSEN, Mathieu DOUMENGE, Dominique HUTIN, Jean- Designed for