Revitalization and Innovation Project: Procurement Plan

Annex: Procurement Plan

Procurement Plan of Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project April 24, 2019 Public Disclosure Authorized Project information:

Country: The People’s Republic of

Borrower: The People’s Republic of China

Project Name: Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project

Loan/Credit No:

Project ID: P158215

Project Implementation Agency (PIA): Gansu Financial Holding Group Co. Ltd (line of credit PPMO) will be responsible for microcredit management under Component 1. Gansu Provincial Culture and Tourism Department (culture and tourism PPMO) will be responsible for Component 2 and 3. The culture and Public Disclosure Authorized tourism PPMO will be centrally responsible for overseeing, coordinating, and training its cascaded PIUs at lower levels for subproject management. Both PPMOs will be responsible for liaison with the provincial PLG, municipal PLGs, and the World Bank on all aspects of project management, fiduciary, safeguards, and all other areas. The project will be implemented by eight project implementation units (PIUs) in the respective cities/districts/counties under the four prefecture municipalities. They are: Qin’an County Culture and Tourism Bureau, Maiji Culture and Tourism Bureau, Wushan County Culture and Tourism Bureau, Culture and Tourism Bureau, Culture and Tourism Bureau, Culture and Tourism Bureau, City Culture and Tourism Bureau and City Culture and Tourism Bureau.

Name of Components PIUs

Gansu Financial Holding Group Co. Ltd (line of credit Public Disclosure Authorized PPMO). GFHG is designated as the wholesaler FI to handle Component 1. Under the direct oversight and Component 1: Increased Access to Financial management of the line of credit PPMO (GFHG), Bank Services for MSEs of Gansu is designated as the 1st participating financial institution (PFI) to handle micro- and small credit transactions.

1. The Gansu Provincial Culture and Tourism Department (culture and tourism PPMO). The culture and tourism PPMO will be centrally responsible for Component 2: Urban-Rural Regeneration (investments by county): overseeing, coordinating, and training its cascaded PIUs at lower levels for subproject management. Public Disclosure Authorized

2. Qin’an County PMO (Dadiwan-Longcheng Ancient Town-Shangguan Ming and Qing Dynasty Historic Street Scenic Area Construction Sub-project)

1 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project: Procurement Plan

3. Lintao County PMO (Majiayao Cultural Exhibition Center Construction Sub-project)

4. Ganzhou District PMO (Ganzhou District Cultural Heritage Protection and Downtown Tourism Development Subproject)

5. Dunhuang City PMO (Dunhuang City Xuanquanzhi Cultural Relic Protection Development Sub-project)

6. Jiuquan City PMO ( Cultural Research Center and Library Construction Sub- project)

7. Tongwei County PMO (Tongwei County Moxiang Painting and Calligraphy Town Hanmo Cultural Center Construction Sub-project)

8. PMO (Maiji District Carved Wooden Lacquerwares Intangible Cultural Heritage Center Construction Sub-project)

9. Wushan County PMO (Wushan County Yuanyang Jade Featured Cultural Town Construction Sub-project)

Gansu Financial Holding Group Co. Ltd (line of credit PPMO) (capacity building to GFHG and selected PFIs, Component 3: Institutional Strengthening and as well as business start-up advisory services for MSEs)

Global Knowledge Transfer Gansu Provincial Culture and Tourism Department (culture and tourism PPMO) and 8 county/district/city PMOs

Date of the Procurement Plan: April 24, 2019

Period covered by this Procurement Plan: 2019-2025

Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016, Revised November 2017 and August 2018) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project.

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP.

2 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project: Procurement Plan

A. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents (SPDs): The Bank’s SPDs shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

B. National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures (Tendering and Bidding Law of the Peoples’ Republic of China, i.e. TBL promulgated by its Order No. 21 dated August 30, 1999 and the Implementation Regulations of the TBL promulgated by its State Council Order No. 613 dated November 30, 2011 and any amendments thereof) may be used with the following conditions to meet the requirements for open competitive procurement of paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations:

a. All procurement notices shall be published in a national newspaper of wide circulation, or on a widely-used website / electronic portal with free access.

b. A minimum of thirty (30) days shall be given to Bidders between the date of such advertisement (or the date of availability of procurement documents, whichever is later and the deadline for the submission of bids). The advertisement and procurement documents shall specify the deadline for the submission of bids. Potential Bidders shall be allowed to inspect and purchase procurement documents at any time prior to the deadline for the submission of bids.

c. Any Bidder/Consultant should be eligible to participate in a procurement process and to be awarded a Bank-financed contract as defined in paragraphs 3.21, 3.22 and 3.23 of the Procurement Regulations.

d. Bidders/Consultants shall be allowed to submit bids/proposals by mail or in person. Bidders/consultants shall not be mandatory required to be present at the bid/proposal opening session.

e. Bidders should not be required to register as a condition for inspecting or purchasing procurement documents, submitting its bid or receiving contract award. Winning Bidders shall be given reasonable opportunity of registering (if required) before contract signing without any let or hindrance. Bidding shall not be restricted to any class of contractors.

f. The winning bidder shall not be required, as a condition of award, to reduce its bid price No contract negotiation shall be permitted unless agreed in the procurement plan.

g. No bid may be rejected solely on the basis that the bid price exceeds any cost estimate. Rejection of all bids or re-bidding shall not be allowed solely because the number of bids is less than three (3). Rebidding shall not take place without any sound justification.

h. The Bank’s procurement documents for approaching the national market or any procurement document acceptable to the Bank shall be used. All procurement documents must require that bidders/consultants present a signed acceptance at the time of bidding or submitting a proposal, to be incorporated in any resulting contract, confirming application of and compliance with the Bank’s Anti- Corruption Guidelines, including without limitation the Bank’s right to sanction and the Bank’s inspection and audit rights.

i. The procurement documents shall disclose the newspaper and / or the electronic means in which the information on contract award shall be published.

j. The contract award notification shall identify: (a) name and address of the Borrower’s Project Implementing Unit, (b) name and reference number of the contract being awarded and the selection method used (c) names of all Bidders/Consultants that submitted bids/proposals and their prices as read out at the bid opening meeting and as evaluated (d) names of all Bidders/ Consultants whose bids/proposals were rejected either as nonresponsive or as not meeting qualification criteria or were not evaluated, with the reasons therefor and (e) the name of the successful Bidder/Consultant, the final contract price, the contract duration and a summary of its scope.

3 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project: Procurement Plan

k.The Borrower shall implement an effective complaint mechanism allowing bidders or consultants to complain, and have their complaints handled and responded in a timely manner. Procurement documents should indicate the complaint mechanism procedure and provide the professional title and address of the officials to whom such protests should be sent.

l. The Bank shall be allowed to review procurement documentation and activities related to the activities included in the procurement plan.

C. Other national procurement arrangements: When other national procurement arrangements other than national open competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations.

A. Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables.

B. Procurement of Second-Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations is not applicable:

C. Domestic Preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations:

Goods: Domestic Preference is applicable for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables.

Works: Domestic Preference is not applicable.

G. Other Relevant Procurement Information: Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services:

Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions are subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Annex II to the Procurement Regulations (July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018).

Procurement Contract Procurement Method Bank Prior Review Category Value (US$)

Goods & Non- ≥ 10 million International Open Competitive All contracts Consulting Procurement (International + Services Open)

≥ 0.5 million National Open Competitive All contracts ≥ USD 2 million. to < 10 million Procurement (RFB)

(National + Open)

< 0.5 million Shopping (RFQ) None

Others DS (Direct Selection) All contracts ≥ USD 2 million.

Works, Supply ≥ 40 million International Open Competitive All contracts & Installation Procurement (International + Open)

≥0.5 million to National Open Competitive All contracts ≥ USD 10 million. Procurement (RFB) < 40 million

4 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project: Procurement Plan

(National + Open)

< 0.5 million Shopping (RFQ) None

N/A DS (Direct Selection) All contracts ≥ USD 10million.

Notes: DS: Direct Selection

NA: Not Applicable

5 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule:

Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan (Civil works and Goods)

WB Estimated Cost Revie Schedule w Cate No. Contract No. Contract Description Method Estimate Duratio PIU gory Contract RMB USD Prior/ d Bid n Signing million million Post Opening (month Date Date s)

PPMO RFB/Op Post October SXMB- Supporting vehicles Supporting vehicles in scenic area Good August 1 12.90 1.88 en/Natio Revie 12, 3 PPMO HW-01 in scenic area (Wuying, Longcheng) s 12, 2022 nal/ w 2022

Qin’an County Urban Qin’an Regeneration of Dadiwan construction and County TSTJ- Civil RFB/Op Post April Wuying Town of renovation works; Shaodian Village Culture 2 DDW- 6.50 0.95 Work en/Natio Revie 12 10 Dadiwan Area: traditional houses protection and repair February , and 01 s nal w Residential Houses works 12, 2020 2020 Tourism Renovation Works Bureau Qin’an Urban County TSTJ- Regeneration of Tianshui Dadiwan infrastructure Civil RFB/Op Post March May Culture 3 DDW- Wuying Town of construction, renovation and upgrading 51.73 7.53 Work en/Natio Revie 12 12 15 , , and 02 Dadiwan Area: works ( Shaodian Village) s nal w 2021 2021 Tourism Municipal works Bureau Qin’an Urban County Regeneration of TSTJ- Tianshui Dadiwan environment Civil RFB/Op Post Culture Wuying Town of April 10 4 DDW- enhancement works; Yanjiagou River 3.00 0.44 Work en/Natio Revie February , 5 and Dadiwan Area: 03 course treatment works s nal w 2020 Tourism Water conservancy 8, 2020 BureauB works ureau

6 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Estimated Cost Revie Schedule w Cate No. Contract No. Contract Description Method Estimate Duratio PIU gory Contract RMB USD Prior/ d Bid n Signing million million Post Opening (month Date Date s)

Dadiwan Cultural Tianshui Dadiwan sub-project: Digital Qin’an Experience Zone, Exhibition Hall, Academic Research County TSTJ- Civil RFB/ Post Incubators Space Exchange Training Center, Interactive Feb April 7 Culture 5 DDW- 31.27 4.55 Work Open/ Revie , 12 and Tourist Service Display Experience Hall, Intangible 5 2020 and 04 s National w , 2020 Center Housing Cultural Heritage Folk Customs Tourism construction works Exhibition Hall, Tourist Service Center Bureau

Urban Dadiwan housing renovation works: Qin’an Regeneration of Protection and renovation of buildings County TSTJ- Longcheng Historic Civil RFB/ Post on both sides of the historic street of July 10 Aug12 Culture 6 DDW- Town of Dadiwan 19.21 2.80 Work Open/ Revie , , 15 Longcheng; protection and renovation and 05 Area Housing s National w 2020 2020 of historical courtyard and Nuwa Tourism conservation and Cultural Exhibition Hall Bureau renovation works Urban Qin’an Regeneration of County TSTJ- Tianshui Dadiwan infrastructure Civil RFB/ Post August Longcheng Historic July 6 Culture 7 DDW- construction, renovation and upgrading 53.40 7.77 Work Open/ Revie , 10 16 Town of Dadiwan , and 06 works (Longcheng) s National w 2020 Area Municipal 2020 Tourism works Bureau Urban Regeneration of Shangguan Ming- Qin’an Tianshui Qin'an Shangguan Ming and and Qing- Dynasty County Qing Dynasties Ancient Street Building Civil RFB/ Post TSTJ- Historic Street of August Oct 6 Culture 8 Renovation and Improvement; 13.97 2.03 Work Open/ Revie , 16 GJ-01 Dadiwan Area 3 2020 and Infrastructure Renovation and s National w , 2020 Housing and Tourism Improvement. supporting Bureau infrastructure construction works

7 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Estimated Cost Revie Schedule w Cate No. Contract No. Contract Description Method Estimate Duratio PIU gory Contract RMB USD Prior/ d Bid n Signing million million Post Opening (month Date Date s)

Qin’an Dadiwan Cultural Tianshui Dadiwan: Scenic area County Experience Zone, exhibition equipment, lighting and RFB/ Post QA- Good March April 6 Culture 9 Incubators Space sound equipment, intelligent systems, 5.77 0.84 Opn/ Revie , 3 HW-01 s 6 2021 and and Tourist Service garbage compression and National w , 2021 Tourism Center: Equipment transportation equipment Bureau

Maiji District

Tianshui Carved Wooden Lacquerwares Inheritance and Development Building Maiji Yellow River Renovation and Improvement: Carved District Lacquerware Civil RFB/ Post TSTJ- Wooden Lacquerware Intangible Feb April 10 Culture 10 Creative Industry 50.43 7.34 Work Open/ Revie , 12 QD-01 Cultural Heritage Inheritance Training 8 2020 and and Incubator s National w , 2020 Center; Tourism Center Bureau Infrastructure upgrading and improvement: roads and ancillary facilities. Yellow River Maiji Lacquerware Tianshui Carved Wood Lacquerware District Creative Industry Inheritance and Development Sub- RFB/Op Post January TS- Good Novembe Culture 11 and Incubator project: Multimedia Equipment, Audio 3.72 0.54 en/Natio Revie 10 3 HW-01 s , and Center: Equipment, LED Screen, Showcase, nal w r 10, 2021 Tourism Multi-media Exhibition Board 2020 Bureau equipment

Wushan County

8 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Estimated Cost Revie Schedule w Cate No. Contract No. Contract Description Method Estimate Duratio PIU gory Contract RMB USD Prior/ d Bid n Signing million million Post Opening (month Date Date s)

Wushan Jade Art Tianshui Wushan Yuanyang Jade Creative Industry Featured Cultural Town Construction Wushan Exhibition and sub-project: County Incubator Center; Civil RFB/ Post TSTJ- Yuanyang jade culture complex, road February April 11 Culture 12 and Urban 58.81 8.56 Work Open/ Revie , 16 WS-01 reconstruction along the river, municipal and Regeneration of s National w 11, 2020 works etc. Tourism Shandan Town of 2020 Landscape improvement along Wushan Bureau Wushan Jade County to Shandan Town Industry

Urban Wushan Tianshui Wushan Yuanyang Jade Regeneration of County Featured Cultural Town Construction Civil RFB/ Post TSTJ- Shandan Town of February April 9 Culture 13 sub-project: River course treatment: 1.54 0.22 Work Open/ Revie , 5 WS-02 Wushan Jade 9. 2020 and landscape improvement works on both s National w 2020 Industry Water: Tourism sides of the river conseration works Bureau Wushan Wushan Jade Art Tianshui Wushan Yuanyang Jade County Creative Industry RFB/ Post WS- Featured Cultural Town Construction Good March May 6 Culture 14 Exhibition and 1.00 0.15 Open/ Revie , 3 HW-01 sub-project: Office equipment, audio s 6 2021 and Incubator Center National w , 2021 equipment, LED screens, showcases. Tourism Equipment Bureau

Lintao County

Dingxi Majiaoyao Cultural Exhibition Rural regeneration Architectural renovation and Lintao of 8 villages of improvement County Civil RFB/ Prior DXTJ- Majiayao Area: 1: Renovation of exterior walls of Oct 12 December Culture 15 76.22 11.09 Work Open/ Revie , 16 MJY-01 Housing renovation residential houses on both sides of the 6 2020 and s National w 2020 , and infrastructure main road; repair of roadway in the Tourism construction works village, beautification of roadway Bureau landscape etc.

9 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Estimated Cost Revie Schedule w Cate No. Contract No. Contract Description Method Estimate Duratio PIU gory Contract RMB USD Prior/ d Bid n Signing million million Post Opening (month Date Date s) Majiaoyao Cultural Exhibition Architectural renovation and Lintao Majiayao Cultural improvement County Exhibition, Civil RFB/Op Post DXTJ- 2. Majiayao Cultural Exhibition Center, February April 20 Culture 16 Research, and 36.91 5.37 Work en/Natio Revie , 15 MJY-02 Majiayao Cultural Experience Center, and Incubator Center: s nal w 20, 2020 Majiayao Cultural Research and Tourism construction works 2020 Exchange Center, Majiayao Cultural Bureau Industry Incubation Center

Lintao Rural regeneration Dingxi Majiaoyao Cultural Exhibition County Civil RFB/Op Post DXTJ- of 8 villages of Architectural renovation and February April 22 Culture 17 12.07 1.76 Work en/Natio Revie , 10 MJY-03 Majiayao Area: improvement 2: Outdoor engineering, and s nal w 22, 2020 Municipal works cultural square paving, etc. 2020 Tourism Bureau

Lintao Majiayao Cultural Dingxi Majiaoyao Cultural Exhibition County Exhibition, Architectural renovation and RFB/Op Post LT-HW- Good April 1 Culture 18 Research, and improvement: Cultural Exhibition 2.25 0.33 en/Natio Revie February , 3 01 s and Incubator Center: equipment, office equipment, security nal w 2021 1, 2021 Tourism Equipment equipment, information equipment etc. Bureau

Tongwei County Tongwei Tongwei Calligraphy and Ink Dingxi Moxiang Hot Springs Town County Painting Creative Construction works: Civil RFB/ Post July DXTJ- Augest Culture 19 Industry Exhibition 1. Gallery / Cultural Products Store / 37.91 5.52 Work Open/ Revie 11 12 WQ-01 , 1 2020 and and Incubator Maker Center, calligraphy materials s National w , 2020 Tourism Center: store Bureau construction

10 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Estimated Cost Revie Schedule w Cate No. Contract No. Contract Description Method Estimate Duratio PIU gory Contract RMB USD Prior/ d Bid n Signing million million Post Opening (month Date Date s) works(1)

Tongwei Calligraphy and Ink Tongei Painting Creative County Dingxi Moxiang Hot Springs Town Civil RFB/ Post DXTJ- Industry Exhibition Feb 15 April 15 Culture 20 Construction works: 32.27 4.70 Work Open/ Revie , , 8 WQ-02 and Incubator and 2 Hanmo Cultural Art Center s National w 2020 2020 Center: : Tourism construction works Bureau (2) Tongwei Tongwei Calligraphy and Ink Dingxi Moxiang Hot Springs Town County Painting Creative Infrastructure Construction and Civil RFB/ Post DXTJ- Feb 13 April 13 Culture 21 Industry Exhibition Improvement: 15.77 2.29 Work Open/ Revie , , 8 WQ-03 and and Incubator Square pavement, calligraphy and s National w 2020 2020 Tourism Center: Municipal painting street, landscape pool Bureau works

Tongwei Tongwei Calligraphy and Ink County Cultural relics security monitoring RFB/ Post TW- Painting Creative Good Feb 11 April 11 Culture 22 system, intelligent scenic spot system, 1.35 0.20 Open/ Revie , , 3 HW-01 Industry Exhibition s and display equipment etc. National w 2020 2020 and Incubator Tourism Center: Equipment Bureau

Zhangye City

11 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Estimated Cost Revie Schedule w Cate No. Contract No. Contract Description Method Estimate Duratio PIU gory Contract RMB USD Prior/ d Bid n Signing million million Post Opening (month Date Date s) Ming Dynasty Granary Zhangye Discovery Cultural Heritage Inheritance and Ganzho and Tourist Service Development Sub-project housing u District ZYTJ- Center; and Rural upgrading and improvement: Civil RFB/ Post March 1, May 10, Culture 23 MLC- regeneration of 1. repair of the north and west buildings 12.09 1.76 Work Open/ Revie 13 2020 2020 and 01 Folk Village in of the Ming Dynasty Granary; Tourist s National w Tourism Wulan Ancient Service Center (New); Square paving Bureau Town of Zhangye and essays, square lighting installation, roads and ancillary facilities.

Zhangye General Military Cultural Ganzho Rural regeneration Heritage Protection Inheritance and u District of Folk Village in Development Project Building Civil RFB/ Post ZYTJ- March 9, May 11, Culture 24 Wulan Ancient Renovation and Improvement 4.41 0.64 Work Open/ Revie 13 ZBF-01 2020 2020 and Town of Zhangye: 2: Renovation of the old library, s National w Tourism Municipal works installation of lighting facilities; Bureau Municipal works.

Rural regeneration Ganzho of Folk Village in Zhangjia Wulan Ancient Town Folk u District ZYTJ- Wulan Ancient Village Renovation and Upgrading: Civil RFB/ Post March May 13, Culture 25 WLGZ- Town of Zhangye: protection and repair of ancient houses, 40.53 5.90 Work Open/ Revie 16 12, 2020 2020 and 01 Housing repair and traditional dwellings and ancient s National w Tourism infrastructure buildings; Roads and ancillary facilities. Bureau construction

Zhangye Ming Dynasty granary cultural heritage protection inheritance Ganzho development project intelligence and u District ZY- Zhangye Discovery RFB/ Prior office equipment Good Feb 20 April 15 Culture 26 HW— and Tourist Service 18.74 2.73 Open/ Revie , , 3 1&2. s and 01 Center Equipment National w 2021 2021 Wulan Ancient Town Project: Wireless Tourism Network, Portal, Online Booking Bureau System, Payment System Jiuqua n City

12 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Estimated Cost Revie Schedule w Cate No. Contract No. Contract Description Method Estimate Duratio PIU gory Contract RMB USD Prior/ d Bid n Signing million million Post Opening (month Date Date s)

Jiuquan Jiuquan Silk Road Cultural Heritage City JQTJ- Jiuquan Silk Road Civil RFB/Op Post Research Center Construction: New March May 14 Culture 27 SWYZ- Culture Research 66.02 9.61 Work en/Natio Revie , 15 Research Center; Roads and ancillary 5 2020 and 01 Center and Library s nal w , 2020 facilities. Tourism Bureau

Jiuquan Jiuquan Silk Road City Jiuquan Silk Road Cultural Heritage RFB/ Post JQ- Culture Research Good Feb 21, April 20 Culture 28 Research Center intelligent system and 9.07 1.32 Open/ Revie , 3 HW-01 Center and Library: s 2021 and office equipment National w 2021 Equipment Tourism Bureau

Dunhuang City Dunhuang City Xuanquanzhi Cultural Site architectural renovation and upgrading: Exhibition Center and Visitor Center; Dunhua Dunhuang Tianshuijing Display Area, Yizhan Site ng City Posthouse Display Area, Gobi Landform Display Civil RFB/ Prior March DHTJ- May 20 Culture 29 Discovery and Area, Xuanquanzhi and Surrounding 78.65 11.45 Work Open/ Revie 14 , 16 XQZ-01 , and Tourist Service Environment Display Area, viewing s National w 2020 2020 Tourism Center platform, internal display road, self- Bureau driving camp and hiking campsite, sewage treatment facilities (sewage pipelines and septic tanks), garbage disposal facilities, electricity. Dunhua Dunhuang ng City DH- Posthouse RFB/ Prior Dunhuang City Xuanquanzhi Cultural Good Feb 13, April 11 Culture 30 HW— Discovery and 25.47 3.71 Open/ Revie , 3 Site Intelligent facilities and basic s 2021 and 01 Tourist Service National w 2021 equipment. Tourism Center Equipment Bureau

13 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Estimated Cost Revie Schedule w Cate No. Contract No. Contract Description Method Estimate Duratio PIU gory Contract RMB USD Prior/ d Bid n Signing million million Post Opening (month Date Date s) Dunhua Dunhuang ng City DH- Posthouse Post Ox cart and horse cart exhibits in Good July 13 June 13 Culture 31 HW— Discovery and 0.40 0.06 DS Revie , , 1 Xuanquanzhi Relics Site in Dunhuang s and 02 Tourist Service w 2021 2021 City Tourism Center Exhibits Bureau Total (BF): 783.38 114.00

Legend: First 18 months Packages Note: US$1 = CNY6.8718 6.8718 USD/RMB Exchange Rate

14 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

Selection of Consultants:

Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in Annex II to the Procurement Regulations (July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018):

Prior Review Procurement Contract Bank Prior Review Threshold for Selection Method Category Value (US$) Threshold Contracts under Retroactive Financing

≥ 300,000 QCBS, QBS, Firms: All contracts Firms: All contracts >=USD 1 million; >=USD 500,000; QCBS, QBS, FBS, < 300,000 LCS, CQS Firms: All DS contracts Firms: All DS contracts >= USD 1 million; >= USD 500,000; Others DS Individual Consultant: Individual Consultant: All Consultants All contracts >=0.3 contracts >= USD million; 200,000;

Others IC DS for individual DS for individual consultant: All consultant: All contracts>=USD 0.3 contracts>=USD million 200,000

Notes: QCBS: Quality- and Cost-Based Selection DS: Direct Selection

QBS: Quality-Based Selection IC: Individual Consultant selection procedure FBS: Fixed Budget Selection NA: Not Applicable LCS: Least Cost Selection

CQS: Consultants’ Qualifications-based Selection

Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule:

15 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule:

Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

(Consulting Services)

WB Cost Estimation Review Estimat Duratio Contract Contrac Selection Prior ed Bid Contract n Progre No. Contract Description Signing Owner t No. RMB USD method Review/ Openin Amount (month ss Date (million) (million) Post g Date s) Review QCBS/Open SXMB- Credit Risk Management and Post May 31, Oct 31, 1 3.09 0.45 /Internationa 60 PPMO C01 Corporate Governance Review 2019 2019 l

Financial Technology in support of QCBS/Open SXMB- Post May 31, Oct 31, 2 MSEs Application and Credit 2.41 0.35 /Internationa 60 PPMO C02 Review 2019 2019 Assessment l

TA to the GFGC on global good SXMB- CQS/Open/ Post Oct. 31, Dec. 15, 3 practice in executing and 1.37 0.20 24 PPMO C03 National Review 2019 2019 managing guarantees

Improve Strategic Planning and Oct. SXMB- CQS/Open/ Post Dec. 15, 4 Regulations of Culture and 1.51 0.22 31, 24 PPMO C04 National Review 2019 Tourism Sector 2019

SXMB- Direct Post Oct. 31, Sep 30, 5 Branding, Marketing & Promotion 1.99 0.29 84 PPMO C05 Selection Review 2019 2019

16 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Cost Estimation Review Estimat Duratio Contract Contrac Selection Prior ed Bid Contract n Progre No. Contract Description Signing Owner t No. RMB USD method Review/ Openin Amount (month ss Date (million) (million) Post g Date s) Review

SXMB- Training of Cultural Tourism Direct Post Oct. 31, Sep 30, 6 1.99 0.29 84 PPMO C06 Practitioners. Selection Review 2019 2019

Community Outreach and Training SXMB- on Creative Industries and Direct Post Oct. 31, Sep 30, 7 1.99 0.29 84 PPMO C07 Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Selection Review 2019 2019 Heritage

Business Start-up advisory SXMB- Services for Prospective Small Direct Post Oct. 31, Sep 30, 8 1.99 0.29 84 PPMO C08 and Micro Enterprise Operators, Selection Review 2019 2019 especially women.

SXMB- Skills Training of Tianshui Lacquer Direct Post Oct. 31, Sep 30, 9 1.03 0.15 84 PPMO C09 Carving. Selection Review 2019 2019

Community Outreach and SXMB- Capacity Building Services for Direct Post Oct. 31, Sep 30, 10 1.03 0.15 84 PPMO C10 Low-Income Group on Business Selection Review 2019 2019 Start-up

17 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Cost Estimation Review Estimat Duratio Contract Contrac Selection Prior ed Bid Contract n Progre No. Contract Description Signing Owner t No. RMB USD method Review/ Openin Amount (month ss Date (million) (million) Post g Date s) Review

Project Management Consulting QCBS/Open SXMB- Services, including socio- Prior May 15, Oct 1, 11 17.87 2.60 /Internationa 84 PPMO C11 economic impact evaluation and Review 2019 2019 l beneficiary satisfaction surveys.

Establishment of Project QCBS/Open Post SXMB- Management Information System May 15, Oct 15, 12 2.82 0.41 /Internationa 24 PPMO C12 (Procurement of Standard Review 2019 2019 l Software).

Post SXMB- Environmental Impact CQS/Open/ May 31, Oct 31, 13 1.99 0.29 84 PPMO C13 Assessment & Monitoring. National Review 2019 2019

Post SXMB- Social Development Assessment CQS/Open/ May 31, Oct 31, 14 1.99 0.29 84 PPMO C14 & Monitoring. National Review 2019 2019

Qin’an County Consulting Services for Design, QCBS/Open Prior SXMB- May 15, Oct 15, Culture 15 Construction Drawings, BQs of 7.42 1.08 /Internationa 12 C15 Review 2019 2019 and Qin'an County, Tianshui. l Tourism Bureau

18 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Cost Estimation Review Estimat Duratio Contract Contrac Selection Prior ed Bid Contract n Progre No. Contract Description Signing Owner t No. RMB USD method Review/ Openin Amount (month ss Date (million) (million) Post g Date s) Review Maiji Cultural and Tourism Consulting Services for Design, QCBS/Open Bureau SXMB- Construction Drawings, BQs of Prior May 15, Oct 15, 16 4.26 0.62 /Internationa 12 Wushan C16 Maiji District and Wushan County, Review 2019 2019 l County Tianshui. Culture and Tourism Bureau Lintoa County Culture and Consulting Services for Design, QCBS/Open Tourism SXMB- Construction Drawings, BQs of Prior May 15, Oct 15, 17 8.45 1.23 /Internationa 12 Bureau C17 Lintao County and Tongwei Review 2019 2019 l County County, Dingxi City. Culture and Tourism Bureau Ganzhou District Consulting Services for Design, QCBS/Open SXMB- Post May 15, Oct 15, Culture 18 Construction Drawings, BQs of 3.30 0.48 /Internationa 12 C18 Review 2019 2019 and Zhangye. l Tourism Bureau Jiuquan City Culture and Consulting Services for Design, QCBS/Open SXMB- Prior May 15, Oct 15, Tourism 19 Construction Drawings, BQs of 7.28 1.06 /Internationa 12 C19 Review 2019 2019 Bureau Jiuquan and Dunhuang. l Dunhuan g City Culture and

19 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Cost Estimation Review Estimat Duratio Contract Contrac Selection Prior ed Bid Contract n Progre No. Contract Description Signing Owner t No. RMB USD method Review/ Openin Amount (month ss Date (million) (million) Post g Date s) Review Tourism Bureau

Construction Supervision of QCBS/Open SXMB- Prior Jul 31, Nov 30, 20 Qin'an, Tianshui, Tongwei and 14.29 2.08 /Internationa 84 PPMO C20 Review 2019 2019 Shandan Works. l

QCBS/Open Prior SXMB- Construction Supervision of Jul 31, Nov 30, 21 7.63 1.11 /Internationa Review 84 PPMO C21 Zhangye, Jiuquan and Dunhuang 2019 2019 l Prior

Advisory Service with UNESCO to Strengthen Gansu Creative Industry; Intangible Heritage Direct SXMB- Prior May 31, Jun 30, 22 Support; Dunhuang Site 3.50 0.51 Selection of 60 PPMO C22 Review 2019 2019 Management Plan; and Support UNESCO Global Knowledge Sharing (on- the-job capacity strengthening)

20 Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Procurement Plan

WB Cost Estimation Review Estimat Duratio Contract Contrac Selection Prior ed Bid Contract n Progre No. Contract Description Signing Owner t No. RMB USD method Review/ Openin Amount (month ss Date (million) (million) Post g Date s) Review

Advisory Service with UNWTO to Review and Enhance Gansu Tourism Strategy; Enhance Direct SXMB- Marketing, Promotion and Post May 31, Jun 30, 23 2.75 0.40 Selection of 60 PPMO C23 Branding Strategy Efforts; and Review 2019 2019 UNWTO Support Global Knowledge Sharing (on-the-job capacity strengthening)

SXMB- CQS/Open/ Post Oct. 31, Sep 30, 24 Learning Exchanges 5.22 0.76 42 PPMO C24 National Review 2019 2019

Establishment of Gansu Global Culture and Tourism Knowledge SXMB- CQS/Open/ Post Oct. 31, Sep 30, 25 Hub (curating knowledge content 2.75 0.40 84 PPMO C25 National Review 2019 2019 and development of communication strategies)

Total (BF): 109.95 16.00

Legend: Retroactive Financed Packages New added packages Note : US$1 = CNY6.8718 6.8718 USD/RMB Exchange Rate

21 PROCUREMENT China : Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project PLAN General Information

Country: China Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2019-05-15 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)2019-11-04 Project ID: P158215 GPN Date: 2019-05-06 Project Name: Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project Loan / Credit No: / , IBRD / 89700 Executing Agency(ies):Gansu Silk PMO

WORKS Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

GOODS Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

NON CONSULTING SERVICES Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Notice Request for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes Technical Proposal Negotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

SXMB-C11 / Project Management Consulting Component 1: Increased Services, including socio- Quality And Cost- Open - Under / Access to Financial Services Prior 2,600,000.00 0.00 2019-05-15 2019-06-20 2019-08-03 2019-08-31 2019-09-30 2019-11-04 2019-12-09 2020-12-08 economic impact evaluation Based Selection International Implementation for MSEs and beneficiary satisfaction surveys.

SXMB-C02 / Financial Component 1: Increased Technology in support of Quality And Cost- Open - Pending / Access to Financial Services Post 350,000.00 0.00 2019-05-31 2019-06-21 2019-08-04 2019-09-01 2019-10-01 2019-11-05 2019-12-10 2020-12-09 MSEs Application and Credit Based Selection International Implementation for MSEs Assessment

SXMB-C16 / Consulting Services for Design, Component 1: Increased Quality And Cost- Open - Construction Drawings, BQs IBRD / 89700 Access to Financial Services Post 620,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2019-10-15 2019-11-05 2019-12-19 2020-01-16 2020-02-15 2020-03-21 2020-04-25 2021-04-25 Based Selection International of Maiji District and for MSEs

Wushan County, Tianshui.

SXMB-C17 / Consulting Services for Design, Component 1: Increased Construction Drawings, BQs Quality And Cost- Open - IBRD / 89700 Access to Financial Services Prior 1,230,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2019-10-15 2019-11-05 2019-12-19 2020-01-16 2020-02-15 2020-03-21 2020-04-25 2021-04-25 of Lintao County and Based Selection International for MSEs Tongwei County, Dingxi City.

Page 1 SXMB-C18 / Consulting Component 1: Increased Services for Design, Quality And Cost- Open - IBRD / 89700 Access to Financial Services Post 480,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2019-10-15 2019-11-05 2019-12-19 2020-01-16 2020-02-15 2020-03-21 2020-04-25 2021-04-25 Construction Drawings, BQs Based Selection International for MSEs of Zhangye

SXMB-C19 / Consulting Component 1: Increased Services for Design, Quality And Cost- Open - IBRD / 89700 Access to Financial Services Post 530,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2019-10-15 2019-11-05 2019-12-19 2020-01-16 2020-02-15 2020-03-21 2020-04-25 2021-04-25 Construction Drawings, BQs Based Selection International for MSEs of Jiuquan and Dunhuang.

SXMB-C12 / Establishment of Project Management Component 1: Increased Consultant Pending Information System IBRD / 89700 Access to Financial Services Post Qualification Open - National 290,000.00 0.00 2019-11-04 2019-11-25 2020-01-08 2020-02-07 2020-03-13 2020-09-09 Implementation (Procurement of Standard for MSEs Selection Software).

SXMB-C15 / Consulting Component 1: Increased Services for Design, Quality And Cost- Open - Pending IBRD / 89700 Access to Financial Services Prior 1,080,000.00 0.00 2019-11-11 2019-12-02 2020-01-15 2020-02-12 2020-03-13 2020-04-17 2020-05-22 2021-05-22 Construction Drawings, BQs Based Selection International Implementation for MSEs of Qin'an County, Tianshui.

INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Invitation to Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Draft Negotiated Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Identified/Selected Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Contract Consultant Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

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