Minutes of the annual meeting of the Board of Regents of the University of : June 22 and June 25, 1925. 1925

Madison, Wisconsin: Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, 1925 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/5FUCBGVJ27QQ38C

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ce oe 7 . ater. : ; a! i cebigh ay ee oot . : . - - . i | ek ye | | rT aaeaeareeare PALE ops ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS — wd pS ih : “ | | ( os . . / a“ oo pa We ee oe oe e oe : Ke 4 _ “¢ oe 7 . . : | : | / - : / MA Oe Madison, Wisconsin: 2 (©. 0% jh Fy smmmsnanennnamnnenn eee ee oe _ | ol AT PAE Re ee OEE — _ | Po op eA SB TN ee BB - AMonday, June 22, 1925, 10 A. M, tent CC ad weet akan pens ost SN, ree oe mi eR ee os Ee ae ELE

ogi PRESENT; President Birge, Regents Cashman, Casperson, Faast, 9 yes oe Gale ,rGrady, Gunderson, Hirschman, Kronshage, Mae 0 Big ed honey, Olbrich, Richardson, Schmidtmann, Waters. 9 ee ge a gE See » APTI ee Mat eahan Naren Dr EI SASS eo ABSENT; Regents Bachman, Callahan, Nace, 00 0. 6 a a ee |. 691925. vere approved, ratified and confirmed, © 00 4k

ee eee ee ee oom 6 Upen motion of Regent Waters, seconded by Regent Faast, the 9 June 19, 1925, and the minutes of the — i/'. A \) 23, May 8, May 25, May 29 and Development and . |. fos £\-h

Be an ea ng a ee OE oo GRE Be ae pend met yee agme ee ss a President Kronshage read a cammunication.from HE. As Birge, = - .. oo 6 S@ndering his resignation, to become effective September 1, 1925, 9 | seconded by Regent Mahoney, =, "Upon motion of Regent Gundersen, was by a i *. 9 ‘the rosignation was accepted, and the following resolution oo. Led vote adopted, all regents present yoting and voting Mayet ooo. WHEREAS, Dr. BE. A. Birge, after fifty years of effece = «| oo ge = tive service as teacher and administrator, has tenderéd Hee ee fy his resignation as president of the University of Wisconsin © 5 oi} ' M .%o take effect September 1, 1925, 00 08 fe pe / 9@\,) THEREFORE, BE IT-RESOLVED, That the Board of Regents, we ek OY recognition of his’ long and faithful service, hereby (0 or 4 IN tenders him the position of President Hmeritus at his prese 900) \)


we ree A a ces GN ORE as Ute ait ae EG SII IVE SEE eg Ge ME WR el Dot Nee Bibi ge OR Se a Gye ES oh ac 9 SNE GIRS go ee ee ee CR ee Oe a TE her a Upon motion of Regent Schmidtmann, seconded by Regent eS a | : | | A Waters, it was | |

> a VOTED, That upon recommendation ofnthe committee conduct= — | | ing negotiations with Dr. Glenn Frank, who was unanimousy | og elected President of the University at'a special meeting of — g ee oo ' the Board of Regents held on May 29, 1925, his sa lary be fixed — Fe | i at $18,000 per amnun, payable in twelve payments, appointment “De of | effeetive September 1, 1925; that the Business Manager be exe oe : authorized to pay Dr. Frank $200 per month in lieu of expenses - a 4 chargeable to special grants, f- COdrntncad Oe frle bese poly) : o | Called vote was taken, all regents present/ voting and vote | ‘ ‘ \ { ing tt Aye. iF) | | “ . - . ; - . | .

“ . “sed ges i ? ey LE PRA.» pie fe af a. a p ae [ Chek che of fe: baa

| | - Upon motion of Regent Faast, secondéd by Regent Richardson, // - it was | cos | - OO a

a | VOTED, That a sufficient sum of money be appropraated to | provide for a tablet, in accordance with one of the provisions a in John M. Olin?s will; that the place of erection of the tablet | be sélected by President Birge and the trustees, and that the | design be approved by them, | | | ) |

. A communication was received from Loyal Durand, chairman of ry: the Board of Visitors, together with a report of the Board of a ‘oh pt s<¥isitors to the Regents for the year 19b4=25. (orley am Ide} earn. The Secretary was instructed to send a copy of this commun- | / ication and report to each regent, | |

A communication from Professor ¢C. K. Leith, dated June 9, | YH 1925, accompanied by some graphic chdéfts showing the crowded © a ns yw conditions in the Geology Department, was presented and referred | oo” . to the Finance Committee, - oa (om _ a 7 . A communication was presented from John J, Hannan, Secretary | of the State Board of Control, calling attention to Bill No. | Boe 552 S$, which provides for transferring the control and operation | | of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute to The Regents of the ge 1 ove University of Wisconsin, , | | | Be ip | The matter was referred to the Business Manager and the 2. =e estat of the Medical School, to meet with a representative of the — *" Qo State Board of Control, to work out the details of the cooperation _ oor = contemplated in the bill. © : ae 4 ‘Upon motion of Regent Faast, seconded by Regent Richardson, = VOTED, That the following appreciation be recorded in the = oo minutes and a copy transmitted to Mrs. Robert M, LaFollette by = | the Secretary: a ee ERGs | i/ . The death of Senator Robert Marion La Follette has removed | %, ‘rom this earthly scene the leading citizén of Wisconsin and the fe most renowned of the graduates of its University. His public | OF career is recorded not only in the pioneer legislation for human: | | - welfare of this State,and: in the liberal temper of its citizens, | | but also in the growth of a truer spirit of democracy throughout ~ | the Nation. His services to the cause of education, particular- | - iy in this State and in this University, are remembered with _ heartfelt gratitude today and will’ be regarded by posterity as | | placing them enduringly in his debt, As student, graduate, con-= | gressman, governor and senator, he ever showed the keenest, Most profound, and most constructive interest in the development | of his Alma Mater into a beneficent agency of enlightenment, — | This living and growing ‘University will always be one of the | oe most enduring memorials to Robert Marion La Follette, great son ae | of Wisconsin and its University. a

. Upon motion of Regent Mahoney, seconded by Regent Richardson, ~ | it was © | | | a | - VOTED, That Regent Faast prepare a telegram to be forwarded to Coach Vail and the crew, at Poughkeepsie. oe

| Regent Faast presented the following recommendations of the |


1, That the interest rate on the E. A. Gilmore loan, $7000, | University Trust Funds, be reduced from 63% to 6%, effective June 21, 1925, | | | a . Adopted. ._ | | |

ae 2, That the loan of $12,000 from University Trust Funds to Phi of Theta Xi House Building Association on their property at 168 Prospect Avenue, Madison, for five years, with interest | | at 6% semi-annually, be approved. | | | : - Adopted, | Oo oe | . |

3. That the loan of $5,000 to B.A. Birge, on the property at 2011 Van Hise Avenue, valued at more than three times the ae. _ amount of the loan, for five years, at 5% semi-annually, be Eee. | approved, : | | | pe oe | Adopted, — | | | | | | ee ae | | | Be | | | 4, That the Secretary be authorized to send the Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, a sealed tender offering $15,000 of the bonds of the Western States Gas and Electric Company now held | in the Tripp Estate, at par, accrued interest and 57 premium, | : a Adopted, | a a : : a | a

/ §, That the 162 shares of the preferred capital stock of Deere & Company, received from the Estate of Mary J. Hichelberger, | be sold at 95 or better: that $15,245.36 of the proceeds be cred- | gy itéd to the principal of the Mary J. Bichelberger Fund, making the total $20,000, as provided in the will: that any balance in | excess of the $15,245.36 be credited to the income of the Mary J. Hichelberger Fund, Se _ | | . Adopted, | | | | | |

6, That the regents accept a warranty deed to the NWz of the | | | SE} and the N 4 of the S 4 of the SE} of the NEY, all in Section — | 16, Township 9 N, of Range 6 E, Sauk County, Wisconsin, from Alois peace of Sauk City, in full satisfaction of his indebtedness to” | he Tripp Estate: viz., mortgage $600 and interest since February 28, 1912, and a promissory note for $20, | oe | , | Adopted, . ee a

Upon motion of Regent Faast, seconded by Regent Richardson, -- recommendations 1 to 6 of the Trust Fund. Committee were adopted, | |

| - Upon motion of Regent Faast, seconded by Regent Hirschman, it was ~ a en | a | ; | | VOTED, That that section of the By-Laws relating to a one year term for president be waived and that the Secretary be instructed | | | to cast a unanimous ballot in favor of | | : we . REGENT KRONSHAGE FOR PRESIDENT oe | |

for the coming year, The ballot was s9 cast and Regent Kronshage a declared elected, ee a : oe |

Oo | Upon motion of Regent Hirschman, seconded by Regent Richard- son, it was | - | | a , oo

| VOTED, That that section of the By-Laws relating to a one > | year term for vice president be waiived and that the secretary : be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot in favor of 7 | | REGENT FAAST FOR VICE PRESIDENT ee

_ for the coming year, The ballot was ao cast and Regent Faast a declared elected, wn ve | | Co |

ee ; - a | e ae - ee a Waters, it was oe of Regent Faast, seconded by Regent | Upon motion unanimous Oo VOTED, That the President be instructed to cast a pallot for oe | | a SO | | ME. McCAPFREY for SECRETARY | | | | cast and Mr. McCaffrey | | during the ensuing year. The ballot was so | declared elected, | | | . |

and upon motion of | | Upon recommendation of President Birge, it was. a Regent Mahoney, seconded by Regent Schmidtmann, «VOTED, That degrees,be granted, certificates and honors con- "4" co ferred, fellows and scholars appointed, in accordance with the | certification of the registrar. (See EXHIBIT "A*, Commencement — ss program, enclosed) . - |

a Upon motion of Regent Faast, seconded by Regent Schmidtmann, : OO = a it was | Sa | | VOTED, That Walter J. Kohler be elected to membership on the _ | | Board of Visitors to succeed himself, for the term ending July l, | 34929, 7 | |

At 11330 A. M. ADJOURNMENT was taken to Thursday, June 25, - 1925, at 10 A. M, os | nee | a |

| | | a | | Thursday, June 25, 1925, | | | | | | | 10:00 A. M. |

“\W. PRESENT; President Birge, Regents Bachman, Callahan, Casper- — . | gon, Gale, Grady, Hirschman, Kronshage, Olbrich, | | | SO : Richardson, Waters. : |

| ABSENT: | Regentg” Cashmap, Faast, Gundersen, Mahoney ,Schmidt- ce | mann, Nace. | - : Be RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT | _

L. That in accordance with the certification of the registrar, a We oo degrees and certificates be granted and honors conferred, as shown : by the Commencement program attached hereto, (EXHIBIT "A") | AE _ Adopted on June 22, 1925, | a | |

| | ae a | | | ate 2, That Harry Lapp be granted the Beloit College scholarship Sef. for the year 1925-26, | | | an,

College Sef, Linn be granted the Milwaukee-Downer | | 3, That Dorothy | acholarship for the year 1925-26. | | | VO ao | Adopted, | - : J

| 4, That Chester Karl Rosenbaum be granted the Ripon College | Sef scholarship for the year 1925-26, | ter, Adopted. | Oo | | 4

5, That, in-accordance with the recemmendation of the com- | mittee on loans and undergraduate scholarships, the following | Oo SCHOLARSHIPS | ee OO be granted for the year 1925-26; | | |

The Fanny P, Lewis Scholarships: / | we Neky | | | Lillian Scheuber, L.S. 3. a ee

The American Association of University Women Scholarship: . ,, eee Hes Anna A, Gronlund, 1.8. 4 (Med) pea “

| The Kappa Kappa Gamma Scholarship:. a | ° | Oo | | - Louisa J. Neitge, L.S, 2 | | i “The Amelia M, Doyon Scholarships: __ - U | | - Helen D. Wilde, - 1.5, 2 (oY | | : | - Ruth K, Byrns, | L.S. 3. | | The Gamma Phi Beta Scholarship: f yO | ou“ oe Wabled Yar trn5 Bess le B. gZadrazil, L.S. 30 pee Ree Oe / | | The Christian R. Stein Scholarship: | es Althea M. Christensen,L,S.2 foe : - Adopted, . os | |

| | 6. That in accordance with the actin of the University fac- - ukty the music requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music ‘be changed from 66 credits to 46-66 credits, as follows; ~~

— ~ | Music ------iMinimum 46 credits | | a | -Maximun 66 credits a a Oo

| | | | College ~----Minimumn 54 credits | | | Adoptea, Total = =, = 120 credits» oe a 7S That in accordance with the action of the University oe faculty the schedule of the third and fourth years of the — "BR" ss Medical course leading to the M.D, degree be approved. (See — | EXHIBIT "B" attached}, - : a i: ————hon motion of Regent Callahan, seconded by Regent | Olbrich, adopted, Se oo. |

«8, That in accordance with the action of the faculty the "eC ; four-year course in Physical Education and Athletic Coaching ne | for Men be approved. (See EXHIBIT "C" attached). Oo | | .. * Upon motion of Regent Hirschman, seconded by Regent © ee Waters, adopted. ) fee |

- ge 9. That the resolution of the faculty of engineering be “i ye adopted asking that a professional degree in metallurgy, | pe Metallurgical Engineer, be granted By the regents. | oe! Adopted, | | a : : | - |

| «10, ‘That the following students in the School of Music be paid each the amount set opposite her name, for a scholarship Oo under the Juilliard Musical Foundation for 1924-25: oe | oe . Sa co Sf | Constance Patricia Macleane-<---=$200 . | | Chul oo os Merion Herfort Pelton ------= 150 - yk - Adopted. _ me 7 SO

| Be Oo ate AR a ps gs wAgriculture- ee | oot | 1, That W. GW Carroll be appointed part-time assistant in / agricultural bacteriology for two months, beginning July 11,1925; a galary, $62.50 a month, to be charged to allotment of $250 for summer assistants ~ legume cultures and tuberculin, | Adopted, a | | |

: 2, That W. B. Sarles be appointed part-time student assist- — ant in agricultural bacteriology for two months, beginning July 1, 1925; salary $62.50 a month, to be charged to allotment for gummer assistants - legume cultures and tuberculin. Adopted, | :

| | 3, That E, A. Gibson be appointed assistant in agricultural | | bacteriology for six weeks during the summer of 1925; compensa- | . tion, $100 for the period, to be chargedto item in budget for - summer assistant - dairy, | ) | | Adopted, | Se | - - ; | | -7 | | a | agri- be appointed assistant in ss A That Nander M. Nelson com- | : from June 15 to September 8, 1925; ss gultural economics be charged as follows: | at the rate of #100 a month; to pensation 54, 1924-25 budget; balance to cost accounting, labor, Pp» | #50 budget. 7 to cost accounting, labor, 1925-26 a | | | | | Adapted. | | be appointed assistant in agricultural | 5. That L. S. Ellis at the rate | July 1 to Octaber 1,1925; compensation economics from =- labor, 1925- | to be charged to cost accounting of $125 a month; | | 26 budget. 7 - | es Oo ee — adopted, | | | oe : | oe | — oo eae Pruett be appointed county agricultural rg 6, That Eugene F. , beginning April 15, 1925; cempensation Yor agent for Sawyer County, to be — yecteh,,. of #2100 per annum, twelve month basis, / at the rate $4.00. | ten, University $1700; County | - charged as follovs: : | | | OO Adopted,

assistant in agronomy | L. A. Robertson be appointed ee 7. That compensation at the rate of from June 22 to September 1, 1925; a month; to be charged to special flax fund. - #140 | a Oo Adopted. |

assistant in dairy 8. That Charles A. Mohr be appointed ee beginning June 22, 1925; compensation | husbandry for ten weeks, from June ~ : a week; charged as follows: salary at the rate of $25 balance contingent salaries, 1924-25 budget; | 22 to July 1 to | a | | | | Purnell fund. . | | Adopted. |

assistant in plant pathol- That P. E. Hoppe be appointed | 9, compensation #100 for the month; ogy for the month of June, 1925; for R. B. Streets, resigned. | charged to balance on allotment | | ae | Oo Adopted,

be paid each the sum set oppo~ 10, That the following persons | to be charged to Farmers' site his name for the service indicated; | | - | | | | | Institute budget: | | conductor=--$40 — , ) —W. Woodard----assistant 55 a | H, A. Arneson-special worker meeecne eaeewe- 10 | P, W. Jones---special worker

in agricul~ © Nek,, resignation of H. M, Kuckuk, sholar RE 11. That the | a Ye be accepted. - P \~ tural journalism, Be oe an | Adopted. | 12, That H. R. Thornton, B, S. Alberta, 1922, be appornies - a scholar in agricultural bacteriology for the year 1925-26, in. | are R place of H, M. Kuckuk, resigned, Compensation $250 for academic year Saf a Adopted. | a - | Chap

assistant in | | 13, That William Ogden be appointed technical for the year 1925-26; salary $100 a month for July, horticulture | August and September; $50 for half-time senvice for the balance of the academic year: charge to allotment for tobacco research- | | horticulture, | | | | | | ‘Adopted, | | | |

-R 14. That the resignation of BE. C. Thompson, county agent , | i for Milwaukee County, be accepted; to take effect June 15, 1925 «lhicbh, Cee | Adopted, ee | a ~

| 15, That Raymond B. Pallett be appointed county agent for repo Milwaukee County, beginning June 16, 1925; salary at the rate of on #2700 per annum, twelve months’ basis; payable as follows: Univere- | sity $1700; County $1000, | | oe nn ) Adopted, | - | | ,

| 16, That Archie Black be appointed industrial fellow for the Z, a year 1925-26: salary $2400 per annum, twelve months' basis; fund Cp, to be furnished by the Quaker Oats Company. gy, /a7, Lisey FY 2. /2 oo ma — Adopted, — a | y |

x | | 17, That Mary Brady be appointed industrial fellow for the year 1925-26; salary $3300 per annum, twelve months! basis; _ | Cp charged to fund furnished by the Milwaukee County Milk Producers’ Ay Association, (See b.\ \ oo eet | a | Adopted, | .

| 18, That Oscar A. Hanke be appointed technical assistant in agricultural journalism, effective July 1, for tne months of July and August, and the first two weeks in September; compensation to | | be at the rate of $100 per month; chargeable to allotment of $1200 | for salary vice Platten, page 62 of regent budget. vo | Adopted, | | | |

7 | 19, That Walter A. Leukel be appointed assistant in agronomy, — effective July 1, 1925, for a period of two months; salary to be > | 7 8120 per month. Chargeable to the $240 allotment for research | assistant in alfalfa, page 83 of regent budget. _ | | | adopted. | a |

. Qe - | | | : of $300 from the Wisconsin Dairy Council, 20, That the gift be | , wide competition for a milk poster, ., for prizes in a state of the College oo Prizes to be awarded upon recommendation qe accepted. | | | | | Ut of Agriculture, Oo | | | | : Adopted.

in agri= | | William A. Hartman be appointed assistant 21, That 1, 1925; | | cultural economics for three months, beginning July | for labor and ten- | salary $100 a month; charge to $800 allotment | a os ancy, Pe 5D. | | | Adopted, a

be appointed research assistant in (22, That Paul % Miller , from July 1 to September 15, 1925: salary glOO plant pathology | a month; charge to Purnell fund, | Oe | a | 8, 7 | Adopted,

in plant pathoi- | , 23. That L. W. Boyle be appointed assistant — and from Octo-~ ogy from July 1 to October l, 1925, on full time; 1, 1926, on half-time; salary at the rate of. | < Vv ber 1, to January be charged | 4120 a month full time; total for the period, $540, to oa : | ( to Crop Protection Institute fund, | | | c | Adopted.

Ethel Roberts be appointed assistant in agricultural 24, That in place of : economics, beginning July 1, 1925; salary #75 a month; | | Stella Jacobus, | : | | Adopted, | Se

plant | | James M. Hamilton be appointed assistant in | 25, That a month; | pathology from July 1 to October 1; 1925; salary $100 | Pp. 80, | charge to Peninsular Branch Station, vice Wilson, | Adopted, |

That the continuation of the International Milk Dealers’ 7 26. J.Rankin Fel Oy, | ( - Industrial Fellowship of $600 be accepted; that Bugene a salary of $550, ee -[\ be appointed to this fellowship for 192%26 at month. | . Uh payable in ten monthly installments of $55 per | , - , | Adopted, oe |

of the Barney Link Poster Adver- oo Foy | | 27, That the continuance hloy increased to $6000 for the. year 1925-26, be | . fstising Fellowship,, Barney Link WY that John R, Campbell be appointed to the 7 °\{ accepted; of $2400, payable in — Ai Fellowship for the year 1925-26 at a salary | 4"\ twelfths; that Frank J. Holt be employed from August 1, 1925, to | total $1500, in June 1, 1926, at a salary of $150 per month; in connection with farm outdoor and farm | charge of new studies | | #l0e@ \ | reve | OO = : | | \ Chae w Q CR Aeetg Poca Fil _ products advertising, under the direction of Agricultural Jour- — - nalism; that the balance of $2100 in the Barney Link Feliowship Fund be used for general operating expenses, including purchase of necessary apparatus, plant material, labor, clerical and other | work, ae ) | | | | | Adopted, © oe Se | oe ne

| 28, That the gift from the Chicago Medical eee OOe Ga of $4000 for research for the year 1925-26, be accepted,= $2000 1K _ to be paid July 1, 1925, and $2000 January 1, 1926; the fund to - | {4 be known as the Chicago Medical Milk Commission Research Fund; _ / that the following plans for expenditure be approved: | |

: Do feet , . | : ae (a) Appointment of Dr. J. H. | Brown of . Johns Hopkins © | qe Abe University for the months of July and August, if suitable “arrangements can be made, Compensation, including travel-_ cu a“ ing expenses from Washington to Madison and return, $1000.

a oe (b) Appointment of Dr. W. D. Frost on summer service, | . -—-spayable September 1, 1925, $600, for six weeks' service. a 7 (ce) Appointment of Myrtle Shaw, assistant to Dr. Brown, © for the months of July and August; compensation for two

ss (d) A PwL1-time assistant for ten months: compensation — | $1000, payable in tenths, ne

| | (e) A half-time assistant for collection of samples and | | - assistance in routine work; compensation $600, payable in |

7 | | (f) The balance of the fund, $616.67, to be used for the | payment of necessary expenses, for the purchase of necessary | ) apparatus, feeding and care of animals, traveling expenses,etc. |

| | That the Business Manager be authorized to sign the memor-=- andum agreement with the Chicago Medical Milk Commission in the © amount of $4000 for the fiscal year 1925-26, | Adopted, oo | | |

29, That the continuance of the Milwaukee Milk Producers | | Sag Association Industrial Fellowship, sper gesed from $2800 to $3300, 7 | f : be accepted, payable in twelfths; that Mary Brady. be reappointed Ly q@ to the fellowship, effective JWyl1, 1925, at the\bealary rate | ty go of $3300 per annum, (In addition to the salary palid Miss Brady oO yee the Wisconsin Dairy Council provides her with a car and takes care | of all her expenses, } — : | a | | oo 30, That the renewed contract with the U.5.Government for ~—~_byrotol distribution for 1925-26, for a maximum not exceeding : four million pounds, be approved, and that the Business Manager | | be authorized to sign the contract. . | oo - . oo Adopted, | , | - -

me | _ «Engineering=— | ee

Co 1, That BE. R, Shorey, assistant professor of mining en- gineering, be appointed to canduct the mining inspection trip for six weeks during the summer of 1925; to receive for such | service $480; provided in the bidget. | | . | | | Adopted. | es | - | |

a | a -Extension- | | | :

a 1. That Leila Bascom, assistant professor of English, be Xe oe granted leave of absence for one month, during the summer of | e,. 1925, without pay. . | | | C Adopted, | | a

a 2, That Mrs. Maude Mendenhall be appointed summer substi- : tute in history from July 27 to September 2, 1925; salary at the | a rate of $150 a month; total, $180 for the period, to be charged to ss provision for summer substitutes. a | | | | | | | Adopted, te | oe 3, That Masao Miyasaki be appointed summer substitute in os electrical engineering for the month of July, 1925; salary,$100 _ | for the period, to be charged to provision for summer substitutes.

| f | Adopted, =. | | .

| 4, That Irwin Griggs be appoihted instructor in English, ben py ginning July 1, 1925; salary, $1255 per annum, twelve months' lecheg Oo basis, three-fourths time; to be charged as follows: $780 pro= ete | vided in the budget for Mildred Fish, resigned; $475 to balance TL on salary for Mrs. Kuney. ~ © oy | a Adopted, a | i |

| a 5, That Alice Spensley be appointed assistant to tne secretary of the correspondence-study department for eleven months, begin-~ ning August 1, 1925; salary 1500 for the period; in pl@ce of oo - Mrs, Helen Peters, resigned. , | | a — Rdopted, | | | | 91 2—) | ee Ruth L. Shryhock be appointed summer substitute | | 6, That | in English, half-time basis, from June 8 to September 25,1925; salary at the rate of $50 a month; total not to exceed $193.75 | oo for the period: to be charged to provision for summer substitutes, — | Adopted, | ) | | i” OC |

| 9, - That Mary Hutchison be appointed summer substitute in | English, on half-time basis, from June 15 to August 9, and on full-time from August 10 to 24, 1925; sa@kary at the rate of $110 _ | a month: total not to exceed $165 for the period; to be charged | to summer substitutes. | | | | Adopted, | | | |

| | 8, That Clarence B, Casom be appointed summer substitute in | English on half-time basis from June 11 to 25, and on full-time mo — from June 26 to August 21, 1925; salary at the rate of $100 a a month: total not to exceed $225 for the period; to be charged to | | gummer substitutes. | 7 - |

| 9, That Charles Stevens be appointed summer substitute in | English from June 25 to August 8: salary at the rate of $110 oe a month: total not to exceed $150 for the period; to be charged | to summer substitutes. | | | | Adopted. Oo : a |

| «10, ‘That Gertrude Malz be appointed summer substitute in Latin oe and Greek from July 22 to August 22, 1925, to receive $100 for the | 7 period; charge to summer substitutes. / os | Adopted, _ ) Oo a |

| | ll, That Alice L, McCarthy be appointed summer substitute | in Latin from August 24 to September 1, 1925; to receive $25 | for the period; charge to summer substitutes. . | » Adopted... | | | - | | |

: | . eLetters and Science=- | .

7 1. That. E.Z. Palmer be appointed temporary assistant in | . | economics during the illness of J. & Meikeljohn in the second | | semester of the current year; compensation $100; to be charged to Oo | budget of department. _ a | | Adopted, | : Ce

| “yy 2, That H. G. Hewitt be appointed research assistant in phar- macy for the term of the summer session, at a salary of $150 for . | this period; to be charged to research fund,allotment 24.25, | | - 3. That K. H. Rang be appointed research assistant in phar- . | . macy for the term of the summer session, ata salary of $100 for | this period; to be charged to research fund, allotment 24.25. | — Adopted, © ee | oo, |

4, That the following assistants be appointed for garden — - work, Pharmaceutical Experiment Station, for the months of July, oo August, and September; compensation $150 each for this period, Su | | to be charged to Pharmaceutical Experiment Station budget: oe - B. V. Christensen a a : | | F. J. Bacon | oe | | | | L. R. Kravik, | , | ' Adopted, | | | . , oe |

s«&®, That T. B, Godfrey and R. R. Riesz be appointed summer — —— | ropeateh*essistants in physics for six weeks of the current sum- mer: compensation $120 each, to be charged to research fund, al- lotment 24.29. | | a Po | | | Adopted, " | | |

| | 6, That the following persons be appointed to summer research C: | scholarships in physics for ten weeks of the summer of 1925; com- Sek, _ pensation $150 each; to be charged to special budget appropriation: OS ok | D. M. Bennett — need . 7 | Lie A. DuBridge | HG. W. Giddings a es | | | a ‘RHR. Lillie | | - — G@ F. Rouse | a | | oS Theodore Soller | noon C., L. Utterback | oe | | . ~ J. G Winans. a Adopted, (¢ | : | oe Pe

| 9%, That the following appointments be made for the Broadcaste | | ing Station for the year 1925=26, at the salary given in each case; | to be charged to Broadcasting Station budget: \ | a Burton F. Miller---chief operator---$500 |

Ge W. Curranewene--end asst. " —we 200 | | Adopted, | : oe | a

| 8. That the following appointments be made for the Broadcast- : | ing Station for the summer session, at the salary given in each | | | | case; te be charged to Broadcasting Station budget; | oa |

a | Burton F. Miller----chief operator---$100 | | | | Margaret Purcell----stenographer----- 82.50 | | age H, Hartung be appointed summer research - a 9. That Walter - | sistant in chemistry for ten weeks duting the summer of 1925; allotment 24.01. © | : ss galary $150; to be charged to research fund,

7 of William Haber, fellow in economics | | (Ru 10. That the resignation iS be accepted, . | | T lay

be | 11, That Lucile Welty, BeA., University of Michigan,1923, | Sho / appointed scholar in speech for the year 1925-26, - | Adopted, | | et ay

Chat- 12. That Pearl Stuart Montgomery, A.B., University of 1925, be appointed scholar in Romance languages for the 0 | tanooga, | | - year 1925-26. eaeae | | ee Chef . | Adopted. | | . OY, | ua M1

| en | : Medical School-

in Zz - -L, That J. S. Supernaw be appointed technical assistant 1925; salary, | | anatomy during the months of June, July and August, | | #150 for the period, to be charged to 1l-E,anatomy. — ) Adopted, © | | -

. 2, That F. D. Geist be appointed technical assistant in anatomy during the months of July and August, 1925; salary $200 | a month; charged to 1-E, anatomy. | | a | . Adopted, oe . | po we | a | a a a be ap- © | That Chalmer Davee, Marshail Boudry and Sam Henke 3, : - pointed student assistants in histology and neurology gor the | , year 1925-26, each at a salary of $550 for the year; charged to provision for this purpose in the 1925-26 budget. | | | | Adopted, | |

| | 4, That Dr. Irma Backe be appointed instructor in clinical } ae CORA | | medicine (student health) for the year 1925-26; salary $2000 a | per annum, twelve months! pasis;: provided in the budget. Adopted, | | | eT

eG : | | Physical Education- | -

the faculty be approved: | | | 1, That the following action of | requirements and options in | oy (a) That the present | education and military science for male 1 physical to provide for either 7 | Undergraduates be modified | | hours per week of physical education or three 4 three the week of military science, throughout a | hours per that there shall . | freshmen and sophomore years, and , ‘be no other options. oo | meke his choice between | (») ‘That the student shall | the two alternatives, semester by semester, at the | place it on _ | time he makes out his election card, and | | . | F his election card. the Univer- | -- (g) ~‘That freshmen or sophomores entering the basic R.O.TG. course already completed | gity with a | must take the prescribed work in physical education oe field | | | or the advanced R,€.T.C. course (infantry or Such students, however, shall not re- | | artillery). | . ceive academic credit for the advanced ROTC. when taken to meet the requirements of the | _ course, ee | _ freshman and sophomore years in physical education | - . | : and military science. |

ee | | =-Adopted, : | | Waters, seconded by Regent Hirschman, — : | | Upon motion of Regent a adopted. | - | |

President Birge presented the following recommendation con- | cerning appointments to the faculty in the | | | | _ MEDICAL SCHOOL | - | |

a lL. The term "associate" shall designate a rank essentially shall | - equivalent to that of assistant professor, An associate — - be appointed for a given year but such an appointment may be | | | annually renewed, An associate shall not be considered a mem- _ | ‘per of the legal faculty of the university but in published lists 7 | shall be ranked with the "professors" rather than with the in- | : | structors and assistants. :

2, The terms: clinical professor, associate clinical pro- | | | : assistant clinical professor, clinical associate, and fessor, — | | ) - clinical instructor, shall designate members of the medical . -~16= and who | ‘profession who give aid in teaching medical studemts ‘gerve without financial compensation, Such appointments shall | be made for a given year but may be annually renewed. © ce

of the 3. The term "preceptor" shall designate a member medical profession selected to give individual instruction be | to medical students. One thus designated is entitled to | classed with the professors, associate professors, and as- ss sistant professors, but not as a member of the legal faculty. | oe Such an appointment shall be for a given year subject to annual renewal, an ee | | :

| is Upon recommendation of President Birge, it was _ —_ ; Ruf: Cone’ VOTED, That the matter be referred to the regent committee ) on Medical School, with power to act, and to report at the - | ae August meeting of the Board. a | | .

\ | | : | ee A - Upon motion of Regent Bachman, seconded by Regent Richard- ~ a | son, it was : a . | | | to VOTED, That Professor B. W. Snow, who now has three summer | sessions to his credit, be given leave of absence for the year ok | \ 1925-26; three-fourths on summer session basis and one-fourth © re “with pay, | | | | Se

| - Upon motion of Regent Casperson, seconded by Regent Hirsch- man, it was | | eA VOTED, That the resignation of Dr. Richard T. Ely, professor : ja of economics, be accepted at a date to be fixed by President | | Birge - not later than August 1, 1925. The following minute, | expressing regret at Dr, Ely's resignation, was approved: | _

| - For a third of a century Dr. Richard T. Ely has been a ~ distinguished and honored member of the Faculty, His untiring | devotion to economic research has inspired scholarship both ~ a a within and without this University, and has won for him inter- | national reputation and influence, His stimulating teaching | | and his many and brilliant pupils have made a deep impression | a upon the economic thought and policies of the country. His suc- | cess in building up a strong department has been an important factor in winning for the University of Wisconsin @ position among the educational leaders of the country, The Regents deep- © ly regret that economic advantage compels the removal to Chicago — | of the headquarters of the Institute for Research in Land Eco- | nomics and Public Utilities, established here five years ago,and / : thus takes from us one of our oldest and most famous professors, | oS 4 Upon motion of Regent Casperson,seconded by Regent Grady,it was _ | VOTED, That Dr.Richard T.Ely be appointed Honorary Professor of : economics. Le ee a | seconded by Regent Casper- age “ Upon motion of Regent Callahan, of the JUommittee on oo | : | son, the following recommendation | — — | PHYSICAL EDUCATION a JOH punk DL, (7A. | was adopted: ; , with the recommendation of:ithe Athletic | That in accordance to con- student coupon books be sold at $7.50, each book | Council, ts tain coupons good for the following events:

5 football games | oo a 7 | a | basketball series of 3 games | oo | 1 SO | 9 basketball games | | - | | ee - 2 outdoor track meets coupons for the we, In addition, the book will also contain | | OO , | following events; | | oa 2 indoor track meets - | a | | | , a 2 wrestling meets | | : _ 2 swimming meets - | | | oe | 6 hockey games — | |

by Regent Waters, | . Upon motion of President Birge, seconded - the following resolution was adopted: | | | ss RESOLVED, That the regents of the University of Wisconsin offer of the | | , | accept with thanks the generous | 28 < / GENERAL EDUCATION BOA oe | | | to exceed $12,500 to enable the department AW to provide a sum not | its research work in pharmacology, aan of Pharmacology to continue | reference to syphilis and trypanosomiasis, for with particular | = | year, beginning July 1, 1925. | one it is to | This gift is accepted with the understanding that to be paid July . : be paid in four quarterly installments, the first will _be_transferrea—to | 1, 1925; that $3,100 of the total gift | | before deposit with the State Treasurer, Northwestern University | defraying the expense of the coopera- foF the specific purpose of , the chemistry department of Northwestern | | tive research between | the department of pharmacology at Madi- University at Evanston and | at the end of the year there will be any unex- son, and that if | the Board's appropriation it will be returned. | pended balance of _ | ~ Called vote was:taken, Regents voting "Aye": Callahan, voting "No", | | Kronshage, Olbrich, Waters, Birge; regents : Hirschman, © Oo | aaa 2 Bachman, Casperson, Gale, Grady, Richardson,

| ae | _-18- | | | _ —_ Birge, seconded by Regent Callahan, | Upon motion of president | | | | it.was be made under the | + yorEp, That the following appointments | for Dr. Loevenhart's work: — | | special research funds received FUND ce ae | PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2 mo. basis | OH stratman-Thomas---Research Chemist----$2000 | Associate--~- 600 (23 months) Oo | George Wakerlin------Research 12 mo, basis — | | D. J. pritchard------Technician------1440 12 mo, basis Quartucio ~-----Technician------2----1020 - Nick 320 12 mo, basis | Blake------Stenographer ------| Irene waeeeeeen= 120 Ie mo, basis : William Young ------Technician © | oe | Oo a “$5500 | | | | Pharmacology 1060 : | Irene Blake also | | | State Toxicol. — 120 | 1600 a eet Total salary - Young also Pharmacology 1440 oo waz.4am — 1560 — ee | - | Total salary

© | | | . oo ‘PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTE FUND a | 675( post | - A, S. Loevenhart | summer session) =— | | a oes Ba eS . | |

| the following | | | Regent Kronshage presented ey ges se pEPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE

| together with other regents, (eight | seh? The Finance Committee, | all day Tuesday and Wednesday and iy *°9 nine regents in attendance) | q the pudget for 1925-26 in de- also each evening, have gone over | > Age budget be adopted aS recommend to the Board that the Butd tail, amd | : | by the Committee, - we amended the distribution of the | | The changes recommended pertain to | dap lee among the various divisions 5|> appropriation 20.41 (1)(a) Operation | 4 affect the following summary © yo of the University. These changes | Funds Budget: 5, 8, 9, andil. | pages of the Specified the recom- — | | is submitted herewith a schedule showing , There divisions for | mended distribution of (1)(a) Operation among ae | sheets will be revised in accordance with the The detailed copy of the OT made by the Committee, and a complete amendments as soon as possible. , budget will be sent to each Regent amended over in detail and is oe | The Revolving Funds Budget was gone | | . | ST for approval as submitted, os : . recommended 19" | | , | June 25, 1925. — OPERATION : ; 7 | oe 20.41 (1)(a)

-«-Budget Budget ese | ce —

234,970 | 272,232 Administration and general BL , 500 a ~ oS | | 48 ,070 oe | | General Library | | 78,314 82,500 | Physical Rducation | «9g 262 9,562 / Military Science | ees oY — 1,032,886 1,050.779 — | | College of Letters and Science «515,618 : 508 ,240 | _ | - College of Agriculture , 500 250,700 | | 259 Engineering | | ee College of Bg 000” 50,392 : «Dew School , 300° | 221,150 218 cs Medical School | - a 10,000 - | School of Nursing | 33,400 | Student Health — — - 49,845 | School of Music — «44,580 | \_ a (61,430 65,115 | OO School of Education 120,409 ; : | | | 119,138 oe Summer Session | 7 | ne 23,105 26 ,985 | | Hygienic Laboratory 10,285 | 7 10,735 | coe a ! Forest Products Laboratory oy . 309,406 sd Physical Plant a 195,353 , : : oe _ | | | - ‘Wemorial Union a 30,000 __ 21,550, : | Regents! Unassigned | 2,925,311 3,050,000 | a ee Totals Regent Biche , president Kronshage, seconded by | a - Upon motion of voting — | Called vote was taken, all regents present | 7 man, adopted, | | : , and voting “Aye." | - cach | | 20- oe | | — | / - swohitect Peabody appeared before the Board and presented — | _ the sketches for the development of the land lying north of | | \ Lake Strest,and discussed in particular the > | cofoy ef A LOCATION OF THE MEMORIAL UNION BUILDING. Peabaty- Crit : | Se ne 5 oh ca! po Upon motion of Regent twas a : Olbrich, | / seconded oe by Regent | Bachman, fr Mefor/ f yO ; - VOTED, That the Memorial Union Building be located as FOLw HL aah os Lows: the north and south center line of the building to coin= ‘ tA Peng + gide with the north and south axis of the front portion of the | | ss State Historical Library, and the front of the building to be \ approximately 90! from the center Line of Langdon Street.

| | ‘Upon motion of Regent Callahan, seconded by Regent Olbrich, it was : | | eo | | | | _ VOTED, That the plans for the end section of geats on the | east side of the gtadium_ ke approved; that the plans far con- a sy .sStruction of dressing rooms, store room, etc., under the stad- | pe ium, oe approved, and that authority be granted to secure bids.

| _ Upon motion of Regent Callahan, seconded by Regent Grady, ob it was | a | | | | N * ye | VOTED, That the regents be authorized to arrange with the Asi, Wisconsin University Building Corporation for the lease of the ‘yf \\ | furniture to be purchased for the President's house, payments ay BB to be amortized over a period of years. (This plan would cor yee | template a loan to be secured by the Wisconsin University 4 | Building Corporation, equivalent in amount to the cost of the arn furniture, 7 | | | wo

| | Regent Olbrich brought up a question from the executors | , of the trustees of the Vilas Estate as to the advisability of oo gelling cut-over lands in the State of Min bg a | (i ——“§pon motion of Regent Richardson, seconded by Regent © | | Ry Bachman, it was | | | | | 7 Cw VOTED, That the matter be referred to the Executive Com- | | Tt mittee, | ee Oo a

| | Upon motion of President Birge, seconded by Regent Waters, * es a | | itwas | - . | | | | oe | — | OTB pp | an VOTED, That the list of new appointments, reappointments vam | | - and leaves of absence (EXHIBIT "D") be approved. a | |

At 12:20 P, M. the meeting ADJOURNED. © | - oe sh _ME,McCaffrey,Secretary | Dee hag Document 262 - 1924-25 — . os, ne ee |‘ THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN oo | |


| | The faculty of the medical school recommends the adoption of | | the following schedule for the third and fourth years of the medical course | | leading to the M. D. degree. | | | oe . | | | | | THIRD YEAR a | | oe

a Medicine 201 Third year medicine Year 15 cr. | | Medicine 202 Pediatrics _ I ler. | | - Medicine 205 Neuro-psychiatry Il 2cr. on , | oe Medicine cOQ4 Therapeutics = LT Leer. | | a | Medicine 205 Dermatology | I. Liers | a | | a Surgery 201 Third year surgery Year l2 cr. | Surgery 202 Head specialties | I _iocr. oo | Surgery 203 Orthopedic surgery 1 ior. | Surgery 204 Obstetrics | If 2 Cr. | | | | Surgery ¢05 Physio-therapy | If | i Cr. Surgery 206 Urology Il Locr, | |

; | | ‘FOURTH YEAR | |

| — Medicine 301 Fourth year medicine Jor Il 6 cr. : _ Medicine 302 Pediatrics ~ . ITorIl Scr. © | | -. Medicine 303 Dermatology | Ior II ler. | : | Medicine 304 #Neuro-psychiatry . lor Ii ser. | : | : Medicins 305 Medical Jurisprudence JI or II 1 cr. | | Surgery 301 Fourth year surgery Tor II Scr. | | | Surgery 302 Head specialtias Ioor II 3cr. : | Te Surgery 303 Orthopedic surgery §olIor II ler. © | . Surgery 304 Urology Tor if ler. | | : | Oo Surgery 305 X-Ray technique Toor II locr. | Surgery 306 Obstetrics ~ - Tor Il 6 or. a , | 7 Hygiene 301 Sanitation and Public a : | Health TorIl Scr. —— :

IN GR a oe | Sete) Se oatel | Ee

ae a Document 265 ~ 1984-25 oe : | ' Approved by the regular Letters and Science Faculty meoting : | | | of June 15, 1925. ; Oo

Oo _ FOUR-YEAR PROFESSIONAL COURSE IM | oo Ea be — PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETIC COACPINC. FOR MEN i GENERAL STATEMENT - The Curriculum. - | | | The curriculum should be so constructed that it will combined a broad | general education ee with specialized trsining. ‘The subjects of the zurriculum | _ should te arranged in not less than threo srowps, each grcup corcernod with | preparing the student for a particular phase of his future interests and | : _ activities in this particular field, _ | | | | GROUP ONE - Subjects which may be regarded as cultural in character and at the | ; Samo time of some professional value: English, history, chemistry, | psychology, sociology, public speaking, and such ctner supieuts! listed | | | urndur Education as will acquaint the studont wiih the scientific oo ee methods of teaching and with educational adminis tration. oo | | GROUP TWO - Subjects in this group should be selected with «@ view of acquainting ae 7 _ ‘the student with the structure and functions of the coay and its) | | orguns, and with the normal vital processes, as follows. ZOOLOgT, | | | anatomy, chemistry, gonural physiology, physioicgiss: shomictry, and Oo _ applied physiology or physiology | of exercises, with gvertionular | : reference to nutrition, motebolism, growth, nourco-musoulor paysiology, - exurciss, fatigue, | rest, ete. Hygiene shculd also be incorporated | | | : in this group “s woll as in Group Three. | | - GROUP THREE ~ This group of studios will prepare the student to organize, . Supervico, and toach the various interests and acttivities tnat come 7 | | in this particular fisld cof physical educetion and athletics, . 2. | | Teachers and capervisoes must urcerstand thorougaly the ctjectives | a | | in this field anc must have a technical treininge, doth theoretical and practical. Tho subjects in this erouy are arrenged to meet this | need - namely, History and Frinciylses Gof Prusical Eduzation, Kinesiolagy, | | Therapoutics, Disgvasis, Administration, beriene and. School Problems, , 7 | | Physiology of Exercises, First Aid, Feature Punetion ane Urearnization | of Slay, Community Recreation, DCOUTLINE, Taocning and Ldaotation of Exercise, and, particularly, the Theory ar¢ Practiced of Physical — | | Haucation and Athistics with Special motneds. : — - | CONSENT OF EFOPOSED CURRICULUM = oe i, Academic Group:and corresponding credit: a | English - om Hygions (Pathology 5) 2 7 Chemistry | 13 Phileserhy 3 a —L00108Y | LO. Bauceticna | G8 | : Ans tomy | 4, — Larevage-Mathematics or Hist. Ho Physiology 8-10. | 4 - Electives from covrses open | , | | Medical Diagnosis 3 only to candia@ates for the , : - : | - Bs A. dagen a 7 | | | : Total Acaderiaq 2. eg 04 | | | | PB TP ID | |

| —_ Lo! | | | ee eee nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nn

| Group-and corresponding. credit: ee oe | [le “Professional | ee | | Kinesiology | “ Los | . Nature, Function and | Cn Academic Grenp.. “Open. bo all L & S) Oo Organization of Play 34 (Also | | | First Aid dP EO " ro " mot . | | | : Physiolegy of Exercise a. | _ | Oo Therapeutics | | a ee | | Teaching amd Adaptation > course } | | | of Exercises 2 (Teachers! and Admin. <& . | | a -_ Oréenization a School He ith Problems 2 | | a, co | Thesis 4A - | a | Physical Education | | | : (Theory and Practice} 24 : Professional Group a | | oo 47 Total and Practice three hours | Note. The block in Physical Education Theory cover | or a-total of 24 hours for the cight semesters, will | per semester, also the the 10 nours in spé@cial technique now provided jn the old course, course, also 2 hours of. | . A hours for practice teaching provided in the old in Scouting | Principles of Physical Education, the & hour course | - History and for and all special méthods. The revised course,then, in realivy is asking is the minimum | | but 6 hours additional practice and special methods. This student can | amount of credit in the bleck Theory and Practice by which any Comparing = adequatcly aualify himself for the work in this particular ficld. proposal is at the amounc of werk which vould come under this block, cur | | least 1G hours lower tran that of any other University of the Western | - Conference offering such a course. | | _ |

per semester, | | | - -~Tt. ig recommended thet to secure the 3 hours credit under the bldck Theory and Practice, that the work offered in this pisck shall continue over a period of 2 hours daily and for 5 days of the week, a | work; and : total of 10-hours; a definite block of time set aside for this - | the activities to be included for cach block of 3 hour: shall be workea out | ; on a seasonal schocdule. Example; The first semester of the first year | might include frorts, one hour: epecial methods, Tactics and Calisthenics, one hour: s»ecial methods, Histcry of Physical Education, one hour — thus | semester. | | 7 | | completing the block of three hours for this

' : i Departmental Electives; Community Recreation 2 hours 8 nours an a | Physio-Therspy

| : Note: The sourse in Nature, Function and Oreanization of Play, three | hours, and Pirst Aid, ons hour, might te classified under the Academic | | | Group sinmee thoy are oyen to sll L & S stuaents. — The same can be said of | the ecurse in Gommunity Rocreation, which migkt be an Acacemic Glective. © _ | Physiatherany, being a mecical subiecs, might also be classified under the OS Academic elective. | | : :

rs . L & S Document 88-65 | oe | YEAR FROFESCIONAL COURSE If | . OUTLINE OF FOUR | AND ATHLETIC COACEING = | | ee DEYSIGAL EDUCATION . MEN | | | | year | | | | | - j First

Language A Lanpuage _ | 4. | . 7. or Co | we i — ~A 7 : A | Mathematics - Mathematics : . or . Gz oo 5. | : Fistory T4etors | Tastdary History — 5 | 5 5 | | Chemistry 7 | Chemistry oe Physical Ecucavion Physical Education __ a ee ) | Theory & Practice a Theory & Practice 15-15 7 oe : ae — | So _ LB-L6E |

5 ; | Zoolegy 1b . & Ce 5 7 ~ " Zoology ta : . 4 | _ Physiology 9 4. . 3s Anatomy 119 : A Electives — 2~5 | Philosophy 2 | 3 oS | Physical Eéucation 15. Physical Education | | | | First Aid .) LL | & Fractice Bo - Theory | a | a | ore | | Physical Bducaticon | | = | Theory & Practice _ 3 | | _ a - | , - | : LoO- 16 : | Toird year | : | - a . | of Exercise o | Physiology . 56 or 83 4 a . . Kinesiolcegy . 17 oo : . (Pathe lozy B) +e. | Function | | Hygiene | | Nature, enc. } _ and Orenanization of Therapeutics 16d 2 Play P.b. bY | 3 , wTducation dl 3B Education 41 or ll 3 os ano | a Eieetives oo. | Physiological Chem" — | : wa | istry 114 3 , Physical Education. : Oo a Oo : Theory & Practice 3} Electives 1-2 | | Lo-16 | ‘ | : | a | — | | | - Physical Education — | a a | a | Theory & Practice 7 | — . ge | : * | | ee | Fourth Yoar , | and Administration © | Be “Organization | : ‘ | Wducation 90 168) 2° | | (Physical Sducation | : | - : 8 i | | Therapeutics 163 oe we Tenching and Adaptation a | | | 90) BO - Medical Diagnosis 114 3 (Physical Education Problems _ | ) Thesis | 2 School Health | | (Physical Education 164 2 - | | oe | Bk = ne | a Electives | 2 m | Ce Thesis | | | | So Physical Education o-5 | o Electives a | - Theory and Practice | . / | 14-16 a oe Education | | | Physical a | | Theory and Practice » | oo | TAH 16 , | cae _ . | | |

ey Sducation 80) | 2 oe ‘Commmity Reercation (Physical } | | | 3 | | Physical Reconstruction (Phy siotherepy

one forcigh language, who present three wnits in 7 | Language; Students | | are exempt from further study of or four wits in two forcign languages - present two units, or loss, of one foreign | foreign languago. Students who one language, and must to secure eight credits in | language are required | | composition. © a | | carry a year of sophomore | | - RRQUTREMENTS OF GRADUSTION, | for graduation will be total number of credits recuired a First: The | | | | | | a 12450 —— | of Science jn | degree conferred shall be Bachelor - | Seconds The | | | Education. | : Physical o DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION | pee - Ments Division EXHIBIT "D*

| | Salary for 1925-26 | Men fe Ce Ot AL |

7 New Appointments: | | | | | | Professor _ a | oo ae | - George Little $2,500 $5,000 $7 , 500 ae Manager of Athletics oe a | | 7 a | oe George W. Levis “ : | 4,500 4,500 |

- Assistants me hae : | | | | | A, J. Bieberstein (Football) | 400 © 400 2 | | Charles Carney (Football = season) 2,400 2,400 | Ward Connell = (Football) 1,200 1,200 | i Earle V, Hicks — | S00 | | 800 © | E. R. Slaughter (Football) — 1,000 1,000 | _— Dwight Spooner — Basketball) 350. 350

. Reappointments: | | | | |

a Associate Professor (Promotion) - - | F, E. Schlatter | 3,350 (250 3,600 ~

- Instructors | - oe 7 GO. Berg | — 2,000 ~ 600 2:600 | - Mead’ Burke 1,100 | 500 1,600 | oo A. L. Masley 2,850 — 50 3,000 | - Frank Leitz - + time | 1,200 | 1,200 | J, C. Steinauer — 2,000 1,000 3,000 7 H. EB, Vail 1,200 — 2,000 3,200 |

7 Assistants — | | | | | James L, Brader (Re otbal2) 1,500 2,000 3,500 - Kay Iverson Hockey) 500 400 | 900 | Frank Nickerson | , | 1,100 1,100 2,200 Guy Sundt Oo 750 3.000 Irvin Uteritz 3,750 — 750 2,750 3,500 - Oo Resignations: | we | | 7 | | _ Paul F, Hunter = Ticket Manager and Director of Publicity. , | John J. Ryan | -= Associate Professor pre - Head Football | | Coach,

| a Oo | ore : DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION — noe, | | | | Women's Division EXHIBIT "D"

| New Appointments: | | | a a ) 7 Salary for 1925-26 - 7 Assistant Professors | So a on | “Freda Mosscrop | | $2,350 Aw

Instructors an | | a - | oo | Gladys Bassett : | — 2,100 ‘ ae | Gladys Gorman | - 2,100 — LL | | _ -Blizabeth Hastie 1,800 Ff # : Oo : Mildred Howard ~ | 1,600 ;

Assistants _ BO o - : | | | 900 | | Dorothy Dodge (= time)

- Promotions ; | | 7 oo | | Assistant Professor oe oe | | |

: mo | Carol Rice = a | } : 2,250 | |

| Reappointments: | | | | |

instructors - | - | a | | ; 7 Alice Brownell (+ time) — | 1,100 | : | : 1,900 | | 4 | Carol Keay | : Derothy Waterman | | 2,500 | |

/ Resignations: | | oe | | | | > | | L. Carns - Assistant Professor fo. 04 | | , | Marie ( )\/ic2/m - | _ Alice Cynthia Gall M. Wesson - Instructor = Assistant Professor an | mas LETTERS AND SCIENCE EXHIBIT "D"

ee oo oe | 1925-26 | Oo | SO aan | Ne “RESIGNATIONS = eer

M. Smith \ | Botany: | | Associate professor G.

oe Economics: | | Professor R. T. Ely “ | - / . , | Vee te | = | Assistant Professor S.L.Miller \f History: | Agsistant Professor J. V. Fuller | 7 | | a Professor W. T. -Root a oe a ‘Professor M, I, Rostovtzerf a

Oa Speech : | ce | Associate Professor Smiley Blanton | - | ” LEAVE OF ABSENCE a

| . Leave. on Summer Session Basis Oo

| | ; English: | | - Professor R,E.N.Dodge = end semester wos _ | Physics: | professor C. E. Mendenhall - ond semester - ) a _ Professor B. W. Snow * year : - - Political Science: Professor F. A, Ogg - 2nd semester _ 7 —— Sehool of Education- oe “ | | Dept. Teach.Courses: Associate Professor S,A.Leonard~year a . | (Teaching of English) — | oe a (+ pay)

7 | - Leave without Pay oe a a ss “Political Science: Assistant Professor J.P.Harris - year |

| ee - Romance Languages; Assistant Professor E. G. Atkin - year | , | | / | Professor W. F. Giese - year | : English: ~— Associate Professor F.A.Manchester-lst Lv | oe | | | ae | semester, “| a | Oo | - Leave with Pay - ee | :

Pharmacy: ‘Professor Edward Kremers - lst semester oe eke os | rE gERs AND SCIENCE, cont. eet -

| oo a oe 1925826 | EXHIBIT np" . - NEW Om MENTS | oe | | | :

: | es Honorary Professor | - oe,

| - | . Bconomics: - Richard Theodere Ely - Oo |

| | | - Acting Professors - | . | | Oo For the term of one year from July L, 1925 | | | ne English: “Charles J. Sisson ae $5000 \, -~-History: | | Robert Balmain Mowat | 5500 \ oe os a Alexander A. Vassilieff > 4500 heute ingesnad mens ss Associate Professor ee she nade

oes English: — | Finley M. K. Foster 3250 j |

- : | Acting Associate Professor |

a For the term of one year from July 1, 1925 . 7 .

| . School of Education - ar a | a \ Weer | | Taaching of English: Casper C, Certain _ 3750

ee Assistant Professors ,

| / : (a) For the term of threeyears from July 1, 1925 | | : mo

Classics: Kenneth Scott “ 3000 : ae English: oP, My, Fulcher % 2400 — | |

; (b) For the term of one year from July 1, 1925 | | | Colloid Chemistry: E. 0. Kraemer | a 3000 ,

LR he a eS pres AND SCIENCE, cont. EXHIBIT “DY 7 | | a 1926.36 | oo ~ fe - | PROMOTIONS = | = oe - ‘Brom Associate Professor to Professor os | /

- Eeonamics: | DD Lescohier

| | Education: . We. L. Unl | a | a English: R, B. N. Dodge. | ee German: | B. Q. Morgan ae

Ts 2 a 1 tabecect =

- Speech; A. T. Weaver - a

a | Erom Assistant Professor to Associate Professor | |

oe Botany; @, S. Bryan a oe Economics; Oo Harry Jerome (part time ) | - St Selig Perlman a

— Economics - rn ; ee oo oe Bus iness Administration Cc. L, Jamison | : : | | | Education: a ‘Curtis Merriman ae | - German: | as ¥, Bruns a | | | History: | a Paul Knaplund “ | - ae | | a | Carl Stephenson ee

| | Journalism: | E, M. Johnson :

a - Mathematics: | | | Warren Weaver ; / - School of Hducation~ | 7 oe | Teaching of English? 8, A. Leonard | | | Teaching of Mathematics: W, W. Hart — oe | — | Music: | | | HE. #. Swinney 7 a ) ss LETTERS AND SCIENCE, cont. © EXHIBIT "D" i : | | oo | : oe | | ; - | —— | PROMOTIONS, cont. © SOE _ _From Instructor to Assistant Professor aa :

| | For the term of three years from July 1, 1929 . ee

| | Chemistry: | | &. M. McElvain a | | Economics-— | , | a | | Business Administration: R. R. Aurner ~~ | | | ee ee D. R, Fellows ~~ | , Le a English: - : Helen C. White , mo

oo | ‘History: - oJ. iL. Sellers a a | | Ss ss Applied Arts: =—(is—=

| | z00logy: oe ' LL. E. Noland Yo a

ly : School of Education- on : ae o : | Teaching of Latin: © Calla A. Guyles ee ‘Eor_the term of one year from July 1.1925. 3 | 7 ce Mathematics: | R. W. Babcock © | | ae oe REAPPOINTIGNTS - | , Professor ee | |

oe | Music; | | | E. B. Gordon (out of Extension) |

- - | Assistant Professors

| . | For the term of three years from July i, 1925 ee ws Botany: | R. H, Denniston vo - Romance Languages: R, B, Wichell a ae an o6= | ee a “LETTERS AND SCIENCE, cont. EXHIBIT "DY Se REAPPOINTMENTS, cont,

ee ‘Fer the term of two years from July 1, 1925 - | Chemistry: 7 “ H. N. Caldenvood, Jr.

| OO ss QHANGE OF TITLE ee Oo E. H. Gardner $$ From ce Po | ae 7 - Professor of Business Administration | -and English | | | |

: Professor of Business Administration,

OP : 7 Lecturers OO | _ |

— 7 - For the term of one year from July 1,925 | | a

| Meonomics: $A. J. Altmeyer = without pay | | —— BE. E. Witte without pay | | Romance Languages: A. G. Solalinde $3, 500 na ss APPOINTMENTS : a i a Instructors | C | For the term of one year from July 1, 1925. | oo Botany Ruth M. Addoms «$1,800 @ele Merk wR 10s N. C. Fassett , 1,800 uF aw J | 7 Emma L, Fisk 2,200 | | | | iH. C. Hampton 2,200 | | | Chemistry: - : M. W.: Klein } 2,200 | | | | | J. R. Lewis © 2,200 | | J. W. Williams 2,000 | | oi. L. Withrow 2,000

| Economics: | Ewan Clague 1,900 | | oe | | Margaret Pryor 1,900 © | | : | Paul Rauschenbusch “1,900 mY oe | — - LETTERS AND SCIERCE EXHIBIT *D" | | _ | . a Instructors,cont. | |

ae English: | Vivian Bresnehan $2,100 | | | oes J. R. Caldwell 1,800 | | | Cy E. Cason 1,800 | : | | Gage Clarke 14,900 | | P. R. Clugston , 1,800 | | | | | M. S. Coburne © 1,900 | | | | §. J. Garrison) 1,800 a | | | ~“Rdward Ingle — 2,800 | | | # Bernice BD. Kuney | “Poalpark. ime a | | | | R.L, Basley,.,. ‘635(part time) | | Bruce R, McElderry,Jr, 2,000 ; | | an a Emma Mo L. ¥.. Merrill Pepe = ss 2,200 635 (part. time) °° | | a W. H. Rogerg | 1,900 | a | . Margaret Scallon 2,200 | 7 oJ. J. Schlicher 2,200 . : | - Eleanor Scott — 1,800 | | - Leslie Spence 13.900 | he L. Strout 2,100 7 | | C. W. Thomas 1,900 a | _ .Bthel Thornbury 1,800 | | | Julia Wales = — 2,200 | | a 7 | Ruth Wallerstein 2,200 | a | So Elizabeth Willson 2,000 | Charlotte Wood © “2,000 Pec | | | ‘Bdith Wray 800 | ce - | L. C. Zucker 13900 | Geology & Geography: R. C. Emmons 2,200 | | ae | | | | J. W. Frey 2,100 _ M. BD. Harbaugh 2,200 | a | Genivera Loft | “2,200 | | | a G. He. Smith “-1,400(part time) | G, T, Trewartha 2,200 — vn German: _§tella M, Hing , 1,800 os | oO BAO. Lyte 1,800 | - | a E. T. Mohme 12.000 | C, He. Owen 2,000 | | | | | . Karl Reuning | 2,000 : ; History: ) ._ Curtis Nettels 2,200 — | | Ind.Ed.& App.Arts: A, Ne Colt - 2,150 | #Kuney also = time in Extension, | a | a | . LETTERS AND SCIENCE _ EXHIBIT "p" | a | ss Instructors, cont. | | _ gournalfam j§ 6, R, Bush «| 1,000 (part) — . | | 0. H. Miller 1,500(part time) a | Helen M. Patterson § 2,100

Mathematica: BPlorence HE, Allen 2,200 | | we L, H. Bunyan — 2,000 | | | H. P, Doole 2,100 | | | | , ¢ M. Jensen | .1,900 | | EY G. Keller 2,200 a | | E,. L. Mickelson 2,000 | - EB. Miller 2,200. | | | | G. A, Parkinson — 2,200 ae | | - | | H. S. Pollard 1,900 | | Oo ce A. H, Wait 2,100 |

Music; | Florence Bergendahl 1,800, © oe AZOE Borge RG 900 oo | Doris C. Buriff 4,800 . | | Irene B. Eastman 2,200 - | | | Frances Landon 1,600 | | | | Laurence Powell 2,200 | | Pharmacy: | 2B. V. Christensen (Zojpart time | | G. L, Jenkins. | 1,100(part time) Nellie A. Wakeman — 2,200 | a

| 7 | Philosophy: | Norman Cameron ~ ) 2,200 | | , - F. G Mueller 2,200 : | | W. G. Payne | 1,800 : 5 | @ B. Phillips . $2,200 | |

Physics: W. S. Barber | 2,200 | | ee | L. A. DuBridge 2,000 | | | | | Theodore Soller 1,800 © | 7 Political Science: A. V. Johnston 2,000 — | | oe A. F. Saunders © 2,200 ~ |

| Romance Languages: H. C, Berkowitz 2,200 - | | | | | E. Blanco | | 2,000 a | | Anne Bodensieck 1,800 | es | ; MarieBoisset 2,000 | : Irene Cornwell 2,200 - : Hlise Dexter 2,100 Fe | | R. T. Dunstan _ 1,700 | : | - Rebecca PP, Flint 1,900 — | | | Ruth Garwood 2,000 oe Esther Gould 1,900: . | C, H. Greenleaf 2,200 | | me jeanne H. Greenleaf 2,200 - | | | J. KH. Harris 2,200 | | . | | | | | J am — | LETTERS AND SCIENCE EXHIBIT "D*® ) oe Instructors, cont, ae | Se

Romance Languages; J. Homer Herriot” 2,000 | | (continued) B. R. Jordan 2,200 — - | a | Raphael Levy 2,100. | | “Margaret B. Mott 1,800 | | Lora Palmer | 1,900 — | - ) —— Murat H. Roberts. — 2,000 | | | | | Chloe Tilden | 2,000 | Marguerite Treille 2,100. | | | §. A. Wofsy - 1,900 © a | : $peech: Margaret McCarthy 2,200 © |

APPOINTMENTS | : Assistants | a ; For the term of one year from July 1, 1925 an

| Art, History and | | | | | ; Criticism of: Marion Calkins © 750 OC Botany: | _ Ruth. Baker | | 700 a | \(allta, Fuori, Banfield | 700 oe - Isabel Bumten | 700 | | | G. QO. Cooper | -FOO © | | | | : , Dorothy Day | 700 — | | A. M. Keefe | 7290 | | | | | Oe Myron Means 700 | | | | | | | Addie Pieh | — - FOO | | | | | Ruth Walker — | 700 — |

| Chemistry: G M. Buffett | —800 | | | | W. D. Burdick 800 | , | | | | H. KE. Carswell 1,100 © | - | A. 5. Carter | 900 © | . | : | J. O. Closs— 7 1,000 | | | | G 6.fCorley — 1,100 | oe | | | , H. R. Dittmar 600 - Ce | J. R. Fanselow ~ L,200 | : | H. BE. Fenimore | 600 | E. M, Fitchett 700 | | . J. W. Fleming 600 | | | | | R. J. Fosbinder | 600 | : | S. J. French . 1,200 — | . | | Leo Friedman 600 | Lm. | | | EXHIBIT "D" ee a | | LETTERS AND SCIENCE | _ Assistants, cont. | ee

re Chemistry: | A. GC. Fruehan 800 Loren Hurd 600 | | | (conte) - | | ne | | G. H. Joseph © 800 7O0 | | a | R. F. Korphage | 700 | | : Fr, KWLeird | | 600 | oe | a EY R. Linner | , AY D. Ludden 1,100 700 _ : | | D. W. MecCoraudale | | RR. J. Mctubbin _ 600 | | - 800: | | - | P. E, Millington - | P. T. Newsome a 800 oy a ee G. T. Parker 700 oe R. B. Reynolds 700 , en | | : | | | - Rex Robinson 600 | Chester Rosenbaum 600 a | ) oe | . | H. D. Royce 1,1LO00 8 a = C. H. Sorum S00 | | | #H. M. Stark 600 | | J. N. Street | 800, | oe | | Cc. EB. Swartz Le 800 | | dS, R. Thayer : 6007 a | | | . O. EH. Toenhart | 600 > | ce Do ee H. J. Tormey 600 | | . : RR, N. Traxler . | 1,200 | | | | Frank Urban — 600 | | | | | M. H. Veasey / 1,100 | L. S. Ward 700 an | co | | | | | P. E. Weston 60000 a | | | | E. O. Wiig 21,000 — |

| Economics = OB | 7 | | — . Commerce; | Shao Yun An © 375 | | EH, Louise Johnson 250(Stud.Asst) a - Helen Roth — 1,100 | | Hdith J. Knudsen —6250(Stid.Asst)

| | Education: | R. J. Burke . — 700 | | T. M. Risk | 700 — | | - Marguerite Wilker — 600 — :

| Lo English: © | HE. W. McDowell | 1,000 . | oe | Clara Paulson BQO | CGC. N. Ssaltus | 500 | | 7 Mabel Schwan — 1,000 — — | | Hdneh Shepard © 1,000 , 7 | Ruth Shryhock | 1,000 - —_ | | Oo. A. Siiverman 1,000 — | oe ce HH. W. Splitter. 500 | | | | | John Virtue 1,000 | | EXHIBIT "D*- | 8 - LETTERS AND SCIENCE | a | Assistants, cont. a - Durand,Jr. — B75. | Geography: Loyal — 500 . a | | | | Ralph Licking Paine. 500 | | L. &S. goo | | oe A, J, Tillman | ee Wlla Wood 75 E., Hawley ~§00— ne — Geology: | J. | H. B. Jones . 500 | a oe R. N. H. Stearn — . - §Q0(2nd sem) — cS | 5007, | | — C. of Stmeenes 2,000 | | | German ; Lo | Helen Emerson W. W. Groth — B00 _ | | , Gertrude Krafft — B00 a | | Martha Nicolai : 800° | | | | 800 | oy | a | Ruth Staley History: - Helen M, Allen - 250(Declined aa | - | J. A. Barnes » — 500 appt) | | . . | Ra. H. Baugh | 500 . - | | oe Juliana M, Cotton 500 | 750 — | | H. C. Deutsch © | 7 | — 500 | | | | Esther M, Dole | | _. Virginia R. Gearhart 500. — 7 500 | Ss B. A. Greer | | | | R. BE. McClendon 500. 1,250: 7 | | Maud H, Mendenhall - | ee Lethe Metcalf = 500. Yh Margarete Muennith a.u,,. 500 - | | 750 — | | Elsie P, Nettels a. | = ~ “™ 500 | E. S. Osgood - | R. M. Robbins — BO | G. 0. Staley. — 500 | L. Valentine) 500, : | | E. 500 | oe | | - FT. W. Wellborn OO Mathematics: M. L. Hartung © B50 | | | Pharmacy: 7 | A, H, Unl | 300

Physics: | J. F, Burns — B00 | | | : ; | | : | | | : A. B, Cardwell 800 | Myrl N. Davis 800 S | | - | - - | | | C.K. Eckels 800 - a : H. H. Germond 800 | G. N. Glascol# 7 | 800 | | | a , | | — . oJ, D. Hanawalt 800 | a | H. R. Lillie 800 | a | M. J. Martin 800 Ee

™ le~ | . "D# | . a, | LETTERS AND SCIENCE a EXHIBIT | 2 Agsistants, cont. . | :

| | Physics: oA, OH Rollefsoh > 800 (continued) F. J. Studer 800 | | | | Je H. Webb 1010 | | | | | | J. G Winans | ~—- B00 Political Science: oH. Be Calderwood 500 | | | , R. W.: Keahey 500 | On D. S. Otis 200

Speech; | | Gladys Borchers 1,200 |

| Romance Languages: Doris Bennett — 800 | | | a William Gaines | 1,200 | Le | a Emilio LeFort | 1,000 | eed, Bligabeth P,McGilvary 800 0.0... | a Germaine Mercier ~1,250 7 | oo, | §&. W, Rockwood 800 Oo | ee oe Madam T. Vacquier 800 — |

Zoology: | HH, O. Burdick 700 | | | Esther Carpenter 700 | | Tda T. Gentner | — 700 , : | | Irving Gray | 7OO . | PP. S. Henshaw . 700 : | | | | Frances L, Hole 700 | | a : Mary L. Sayle — 700 | ce | 7 Charles Weichert — 700 — BE. 0. Wimmer | 700 | | | | Opal M. Wolf - 700 i | | §tillman Wright | 700 tS | | | me Mabter ¥. Vy Rutter 200 | Economics: Robert J. Barr 750 | | Be Alfred G. Barry 500 | - J, Roy Blough 750 a | Alfred E. Briggs 750 | | / Hlizabeth Brandeis 1,250 | | Mrs. Robert Davis 1,000. Oo . Ralph Cc. Fletcher 750. | - | €. K. Ganong 7 21,5001 | | Se | H. M, Groves 1,250 | | | | Edward E. Hale 1,000 | SO | a | Elsie Jenison |. 1,000 - | | | a Maurice Leven — | — 500 | | | : L. M. Mears | BOO | os —_ Stewart Meikeljohn 1,500 : | — | | | Henry C. Mohler 1,000 oF ae | | Edgar Z. Palmer 500 | @l13- | | | - WISCONSIN HIGH SCHOOL? | | EXHIBIT "D" 1925-260 a a es - tate Teachers ca -

: | English: — - Marjorie Jéan Hoard $2,400 : ce Ps Rita K. Springhorn © 2,000 |

Co _ History: ss Ruth M. Johnson 2,300. |

a Languages, Modern; Prances K. Burr 2,400 a | Dorothy Jones — 1,600 |

ee Latin: Esther Weightman = — ‘2,000

| Mathematics; — | | Aurle H. Voss | 2,300 — |

| Music: — | D. W. Wartinbee / 1,000 | | |

a | 7 | ‘Seience and - oe Physical Education( boys): N,V.Whitesell 2,500

- Asst to Principal and | | So es | 1,400 oe 7 - . | Supply Teacher: Alice Pearsall(Resigned)

ine | ; a # Teachers who are also assistant professors or . structors in any of the colleges and who draw part of their | galaries as teachers in the Wisconsin High School are not Listed here, | - | |

| | | ~14« | | “ 7 | ~FELLOWS EXHIBIT "D" ao 1925426 OS eae

- Botany; “ Ralph M, Caldwell “ B.S.S0.Dak.State Col.

Classics:- a 7 | | | | Univ, Wisconsin | | oo Greek: Kathryn Bennett ~ B.A. Univ, Texas | : a Economics; A, J. Nash a MA. | English - . Te (Mary adam Fv Gees mate Ech: Gohuanta tal.” | 4 . ; | 7 — ae History ~ ee , | | LY - | L. Albjerg” M.A. Univ, Wisconsin | | ‘Americans Victor Univ, Wisconsin ae | ee purepesns Robert L. Reynolds M,A, : wate \ | pressAdams Modern History; in William &, smith #! JPM. Univ.Wisconsin re

Earlham College Political Science: Cortez Ew ing fo | B.A.

—_ «$C HOLARS © — _ ve! | | | ee - - | Graduate a oe YL _ | ; | | | | | a History | ee | oe Americans mo Helen D. Asher / B.A. | Ham] ane Univ. | Sehoe Univ,Wiscons in Qu Huropean: | Robert G. Brehmer “ Bede

a BoA, Washburn College | ly political Science: Camden Strain

no eee: Martha Gunhild Week Scholar a a | I oe —— a Underg radyate | | Chemistry: ; - Josephine May Winter ZL 329 oT |

ce a | Industrial Scholars a ) | i School of Education; (Special, | Undergraduate scholars ae | | | Elsie He Heise” Iris Moncar-Sellen” | | : Bo, greftorg Ls Me Thee / | | - | ‘Roger ee - “S$CHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS == ace ener | ms | EXHIBIT "D" = | | | | 1925-26 _ | | | oe a ee | Wisconsin High School Bardeen ss Sohn Newlin | Helen me Catherine Beatty Charles Otis Betsy Owen | | | Davis Brabant oa | | Peggy Pyre Ees_—_ | Helen Briggs a | . Edward Rice _ | a | Frank Burton | _ | Ruth Riley | Alice Carter | | - Florence Collbohm | Richard Rutter — SO | | | Oo Frank Crown .. | Hugh Sarles Sarles | Clara Evans — Philip Edward Sinaiko — | | | Kenneth Flock | | Russel Sinaiko ,, | | Douglas Fuller | Donna Geib - —- Bugenia Stebbins c Virginia Gordon : David Stephens Lyman Haswell — a Philip Stone Tehan a me Perry Hibma Mildred — pederick Hoebel . . . £William Pwenhofel Thompson. si i” a ed | | | Harold Huss — | Helen Van Abel | | coe | Robert Kenney > a Mabel Robert Kommers | Helen Vergeront Lounsbury | | Alliene White | , Alice | Donald McMurry Caryl Winter a a | a Norma Maloney | | Roland Winterbotham | Douglas Nelson © Jean Woolley, Zink | | ‘ye. eon Nelson - Donald | fy 4h ke baie m : | oT | os, (VWF oe - ae | a | et - REGENTS! SCHOLARSHIPS |

- | | | Wisconsin High School | | a | | | a , | Plant Culture — | Thomas O'Dea

- English 5 and 4 a Merle Owen Eyre © | | | | | English 3 and 2 | Jean Latin | | ‘Miriam Jackson | A

French | | Theressa Hibma — a“. Carter — | 7 | Home Economics | - Helen Biology ss” - HelenWalker

| | Geometry | | Kyle Whitefield | - Algebra — | é a _ Jean Heinze | a | So History | =i “en a John Lloyd Jones oe COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE — “EXHIBIT "D" oe | | | | | Promotions | | |

| Associate Professor to Professor ——

Chemistry / | W. He peterson” | ‘Agricultural | a | F. L. Musbach , | Soils G. B. Mortimer” Agronomy | | | P. E. McNall yw” Agricultural Economics J. H KolbVY Agricultural Economics

7 Assistant Professor to Associate Professor an | J. C. Walker (1/8) -~ Plant Pathology | a | | | - H. H,. Sommer — Dairy Husbandry ss ss Aggistants to Instructors © ao | em v J | Agricultural Chemistry a CC. Elvehj Economics 4 | a Marvin Schaars | Agricultural / | M. EH. Luther. Horticulture _ | | Edith Haynes —~ Agricultural Bacteriology

ne - S | | an | | | New Appointments | 7 Elia Woods, Assistant Professor, Admin, Foods(1 year) © : oo A. J. Riker, Assistant Professor (4)Plant Pathology | Olga Wellberg | Instructor, | Applied Arts na Mrs. Ruth Randolph Instructor, Applied Arts | Kenneth MacLeish, Instructor Agr. Engineering | HK. ©. Schaefer, Assistant 7 Agr. Chemistry — -P., E. Hoppe © Assistant +F Plant Pathology | | #H. T. Scott Assistant (¢ | Agr. Chemistry | |

| “Leave of Absence Without Pay a | |

R. A. Brink, Assistant Professor, Genetics, for academic year | | a | | 1925-26. : | ae : | |


| ent Basis co | oe : | | ee | | | On Ten paym | | Associate Professors — " oo Bacteriol ogy (2 years) / en A. L. Whiting” Assoc. prof., Agricultural | | | | no Assistant Professors | 3 in Horticulture & Plant Pathology(3 yrs) | wvdJ. W. Brann, Asst.Professor a : | /C. J. Chapman, Asst, Prof, in Soils ¢3 years). | Prof, in Animal Husbandry (3 years) /d. M. Fargo, Asst, (2 years) > | vwW,. J. Geib, Asst. Prof, State Soils (4) | | Animal Husbandry (3 years) sf B, Kleinheinz, Asst, Prof, | (/h. L, Stone, Asst, Prof, Agronomy (3 years) | a & Agr. Engineering (3 years) - - yO. R. Zeasman, Asst. Prof, Soils “yw! yl Bakken, Asst. Prof, Agr. Economics (3 years)

| ae | | Oo | | : | Instructors | a | - Soils. — | a | | | | A. R. Albert, Instructor, Lab, | | | R. P, Bartholomew (4) Instructor, State Soils — | | Howard Brant, Instructor, Animal Husbandry Animal Husbandry | , | A, 0. Collentine, Instructor, : Instructor, Dairy Tests | R. T, Harris, . | | Instructor, Agricultural Chemistry C. A. Hoppert, a | Instructor, Home Economics Extension Edna Huffman, & Foods Katherine Jones (+) Instructor Admin. | Horticulture | Conrad Kuehner, Instructor, | Poultry Husbandry | | Clifford Lampman, Instructor, | | Instructor, Home Economics Extension Sadie McNulty, = | V. G. Milum, Instructor, Economic Entomology Extension 7 Mary Purcell, Instructor, Home Economics Admin, & Foods | Mrs, May Reynolds, Instructor, | Animal Hus bandry - | , I. W. Rupel, Instructor, | M, Salter, Instructor (2/5) Agr. Extension oe Flizabeth a | C. Thomsen, Instructor, Dairy Husbandry LL. | : | | Bess Tyrrell, Instructor, Applied Arts Engineering - | a #F, G. Wilson, Instructor (1/5) Agth | | Lecturers - oe | Oo : - Miles Riley (1/5) Agricultural Economics | | | 7 Assistants 7 _ | —— | | | | Abegg, Asst. (4) Genetics | F. A. | | | oe, Dorothy Bradbury, Assistant, Horticulture | dB sag EXHIBIT "D" & ae COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE . —. aaer | - Reappointments, cont. | Basis | | ae | - | 7 On Ten Payment | | Assistants, cont, | | —— oe wee | c. R. Burnham, Asst. (a) GenZetics | Assistant, Genetics | K, Dietrich, ) | Ebling, Asst. to Dean, Agr. Administration . W. H, | | : -©O. N. Johnson, Assistant, Poultry Husbandry | | | S. W. Kletzien, Asst. A r, Chemistry , Horticulture | : | oo Laura Kremers, Asst. Ee ) os Harriet, Mansfield, Assistant, Aer. Bacteriology Pathology | | Florence Markin; Assistant +e Plant | Assistant +) Plant Pathology : - “Mrs &. J. Riker, | | Assistant, Agr. Chemistry | Blanche M. Riising, | | | Assistant, Agronomy — | | L. A. Rovertson, a Myrtle Shaw, Assistant, Aer. Bacteriology (3) Genetics © - ct cay unas ss teva ate yvonne ween BR, 6B 6Van Lone, Assistant | | | | cn - W. F. Dove, (part time) Genetics

Oe Month Basis | a On Twelve : | | : Instructors | oO Tests | | A. J. Cramer, Instructor, Dairy | | | co #H. OD. Holden, Instructor, Agronomy = Journalism | : Grace Langdon, Instructor, Agricultural | Marathon County — MM, V. Russell, Home Demonstration Agent,

| on —_ SO oe assistants - and a , -A, J, Haas, Executive Secretary, Administration, - Economics - | Assistant, Agticultural | - Bacteriol ogy | George Helz, Assistant, Agricultural | Admin, & Foods © Ruth Myrland, Assistant +o Director,

| | | County Agents ; oe - | County -: Yame | Agent Adams a E. V. Ryall County Aericultural | 7: a, , Ashland M. H. Wright Barron Mucks © | On - Arlie | Bayfield | VV, E, Brubaker | | " " | Brown J. N, Kavanaugh | a ON Buffalo | S. P, Murat Burnett H, Thompson © . " Hz. | | Clark a H, M. Knipfel | "49 ‘EXHIBIT "D" | a ; «COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE | | - / Reappointements, cont. | | | | | : | | On Twelve Payment Basis : | Oo County Agents, cont. County | Name eS | = | |

| County Agricultural Agent | Dane M. H. Button | iE. G Bailey | M | Door) Walz : oe | | Douglas J. M. Claire W. C. Stauss | oot a Hau Florence | Peterson _ | fu en Frank | Forest | ae Lee Stewart | | HO oe Ho ‘Grant oe John B. Keenan ca Lacey - | am : Green Lake ss James tron | | Waino J, Helli ae a 7 Jefferson ee J. M. Coyner | 7M | | it a : | Juneau Stanley Sand - Kenosha | J. S. Williams — oe | | , LaCrosse | | W. E. Spreiter Ht — | , " Manitowoc RR. R, Smith Marathon W. J. Rogan | - " | co Marinette — | Charles Drewry Milwaukee . #. C. Thompson - a | | Oo Monroe | L. Liddle | " | EL. Oconto / | J. I, Etheridge | i | Oneida | A. J. Brann | Ml Outagamie | Robert Amundson 4 | | | | Ozaukee ~ | | | G. S. Hales | 1 : H. G. Seyforth | " Pierce | " . Portage | | H. R. Noble | HH, J. Rahmlow | " ae | Price oe " | Rock R. T. Glassco | | W. A. Duffy a | " Rusk Sawyer — a BE. F. Pruett mn | | §hawano- | | A. C. Murphy | a , oo §. S. Mathison : | " | Sheboygan rs | Taylor ? Dan Shaffer | : J. S. Klinka | | ae | | Trempealeau Vernon — | | E. W. Schelling a « | cd ff Walworth , 7 L. J. Merriam ) R. H. Rasmussen " | | Washburn | | H. W. Geilfuss | 7 " | Washington Waukesha. - | J, F, Thomas > " _ | | W oO : | Winnebago | G A. Sell a Wood | | | R. A. Peterson : " |


| | | | , | Promotions OO

be promoted to Assistant Professor | | Instructor K. G. Shiels to | | 7 | sof Drawing and Descriptive Geometry. Professor cae Instructor R. E. Puerner to be promoted to Assistant 7 | a | | | oe of Machine Design.

, | | - | oe Reappointments Oo Professor Alvin Meyers to be reappointed Assistant | Asgistant period = =~ | , Professor of Electrical Engineering for a | a of “three years. a | — - SE - Reappointment of Instructors a Chemical Engineering © , | . | | | on A. J. Krambholz a | 7 | ee R. E. Ramsay Oe | | Drawing & Descriptive Geometry | | - ae 7 | J. D. Livermore © oe | | , | | | | N. F. Daubner | ~ : | oe | L. H. Baldwin | a | | H. B. Doke . | W. A; Werrell | | E. B. Keck XC | oe — 7 ee | | | R. R. Worsencroft / | | | | Electrical Engineering ~ | | | eo J. E. Wise | Glen Koehler | | 7 7 | | 7 G. D. Clark - | John Strong | | | ; | | | L. V. Larson | | H, J, Kubiak = a | | : Hydraulic: Engineering | | | | oo "LL, H. Kessler | a ) a Machine Design , oS, W. MeNaul | | | a | | A, 0. Dahlberg |


of Instructors, cont. | | ae : | | Reappointment | Shop —T/ | | _ | Machine a | | | | R. N. Schumann _ | a George Hitchcock | | oe oe N. F, Hollander | C, F. Peters | | | a oe | | Bert Bridge Trefz | | W. A. a — a 7 | | ss Mechanics 7 : | | kh C, A, Wiepking | | Schumann | Sa cine sy | Be re ‘Garl Everett Neumeister a | | a | | R. S. Phillips a | | Steam and Gas Engineering 7 Edward Anderson . | a | | | / | R. A. Rose | | 7 | ) : D. W. Neison | | | oe | | | - W. I. Senger — 7 | | | Topographic Engineering eee Gordon Beebe | | | ~~

| . New Appointments | . Instructor in Hydraulic \ | | | H, T, Hartwell to be appointed ) ob Oo Engineering at a salary of $1600. yy be appointed Instructor in Hydraulic 4 | | | C. P, Lindner to | | Engineering at a salary of $1500, Instructor in Foundry o | George F. Young to be appointed a salary of $1700... \ : | | : Practice at

22 OB MEDICAL SCHOOL a EXHIBIT "D" . | | | | | Anatomy a | | a

Professors: : oo | | | _ on - Miller, W. S, M.D., Emeritus Professor LO mo» #2000( Nat. ae ff Ge a Bardeen, C. R., Professor , 12 mo, 4000 Anatomy — | | a | : | | _ 3500 Admin. Sullivan, W.E., M.A., Ph.D. ,Professor 10 mo, 4500 | | | Bast, T. H., Ph.D., Associate Professor | : - Oo | SF (Promote) 10 me. 3700 : Geist, F.D., M.D., Assistant Prof.(Promote)10 mo, 2900

‘Instructors ro os | | | | OO Mossman, H. W. me | 10 mo, 2000 | To ot, Shaw, Gerald: | 10 mo, 1200 - | . Osgood, C.W., (part-time instructor) — 10 mo, 500 7

, Student Assistants” : | en a | | | Boudry, Marshall poe 10 mo. 550 | | ss Davee, Chalmer — 20 mow 5500 | | Hellebrandt, Frances i i) mo, 275 a | Henke, Sam | 10 mow 550 ee | | Mortenson, Otto _ | 10 mo, 550 _ | Eschweiler, Paul ne | 10 mo. 550 — | Vander Kamp, H. Research Assistant ~ no salary :

| Technical Assistants: - : | ; | | | Hemphill, Paul H., X-Ray Technician © 1oy,mo, 275

| | PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY | | - Professors a a | | | a Bunting, C. H., B.A.,M.D., Professor — 12 mo. 7000 | Clark, Paul F;, M.A;,Ph.D:, Professor = 10 mo. 5000 | | Medlar, E. M.; M.A., M.D., Assoc.Professor 10 mo, 5000 ~ | Cromvell ,H.W..,Sc.D. ,Asst.Professor(Promote)10 mo, 3000 :

| Instructors: | a ae oe | Burke, Mead, Instructor 10 mo. 1400 | | Hades, Charles C., Instructor _ 7 mo. 700 | a _ Holford, Frances, M.A., Instructor — 10 mo, 1000 | a

Assistants: — oe as | , | | | oe Wilson, Otis M. aus 10 mo, 600 —— Zeimet, A.L., Assistant in Bacteriology 10 mo. 275 (resigned) |

| Professors : : | | a gs | Mowry, Wm. A., M.D., Physician-in-chief 12 mo, 5500 | | | | Morris, Sagfah, M.D. Assistant, Professor 12 mo. 3750 , | | MEDICAL SCHOOL «EXHIBIT "D" os a - Student Health(cont) TE | ge ae | moog | Oo _ &nstructors | Backe, Irma Ins$ructor in clinical medicine 12 mo. $2,000 12 mo. 2,000 Ellis, Ivan, — Ho. on . " 12 mo. 2,000 : | Sprague, L: V., wo " We a mo, 2,000 | a Montgomery, R. C. " wo nH 12 K. L. * | " w 12 mo. 2,900. | Puestow, 2,000 2 os | Montgomery, R. B. " MO " 12 mo,

oo PHARMACOLOGY — Oo sss Professors | we oe : a oe A.S., B.A.,Md., Professor | 10 mo. 6,000 a Loevenhart, ie - Leake, C.D., M.S.,Ph.D., Associate Professor | oe - (promote) . 10 mo, 3,150 | | dl | ss Muehlberger, C.W., PH.D., Assistant Professor 1% | , a | ; . : State Toxicologist | an a os ve : - ae OO os oe bs | Instructor mo, 1,100 | | Jones, Ralph, Instruetor, | 10

| | Professors ~ po a | — . ology Meek, W.J., Ph.D., Professor, Asst.Dean = tle mo. 6,000 physi- coe | | | | a Ce 250 Adm. Eyster, J.A.E., BeA.,M.D., Professor, 12 mo. 5,000 ~ | a (Physielegy) | a es a (Medicine) M., B.A.,; M.D., Associate Prof. : | : Dawson, Percy | | - | | , - (Promote) ~ 10 mo. 3,500 Instructors : . | | | | m McCrea, F.D., Instructor 10 mo, 2,200 © Pommerenke, Wesley T., Instructor | 10 mo, 1,800 © , Staley, Kate, Instructor _ | (10 mo, 1,800 © - Wilson, J. A., Instructor ~ a 10 mo. 2,500 | Student Assistants re | | oa | | : - Benn, Herbert P. | : | 10 mo, 550 7 - Crandall, Lathan A. | 10 mo, 80550


| | PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY een Drefessors — oe | | | | oO oe 7 Bradley, H.C. ‘Professor ~—«10 mo. 5,000 H., Assoc.Professor _ SS | | : Sevringhaus, | | a oe | (Promote) — 10 mo, 3,750

Instructors - . a - _— | | | Baernstein, H.D,, Instructor 1O mo, 1,300

Student assistants | oan | | Marks , Joseph — | - "10 mo. 590 |

ae a pe | 7 | a “Technical Assistants Co - | Whipple, Dorothy ~ 10 mo. 650 | | Brindley, Mrs, o®#orr#*t— ye 12 mo, OF | | - $250 on Medicine; total $800, oe a SE ean


mt | Pr fes ors | an _ | - oS a — Ve2-m0os 77000 Evens ,foser NS As )\ WD. )\ Prefeshor OO Foerster, Otto H.\, Professor 0 bert - | | - ~ KO \ tology \ 12-mo.—1,000:. | | a Professors — a SO = mo. $7,000 Evans, Joseph S., B.A., M.D., Professor ~ 12 of Dermatology 12 mo. 1,000 | Foerster, Otto H,,Professor 6,000 Van Valzah, Robert,B.A.,M.D.,Prof,Clin. Medicine 12 mo | 12 mo. 4,500 = Middleton, W.S., M.D. ,Assoc.Prof.Medicine - M.D. ,Assoc.Prof,Clin, Med. (Promote)12 mo. 4,000) | Blankinship, R.C., | Associate Physician 12 mo, 2,000 Eyster, J.A.E., 5,000) — | : 3 | (Physiology W.B., Clinical Pathologist | 12 mo, 600 - Stovall, 5,400) | | : : | | oe (St,Lab.Hyg. . 12 mo, 3,100 | Gance, J.H., Associate in Pediatrics : Associate in Pediatrics 12 mo. 2,750 | Tenney, H.K., M.D., | , - McIntosh, R.L., M.D., Associate in Dermatology 12 mo, 500

| | ; : ; | Instructors , McGary, L.W., M.D., Instructor Clin,Pathology 12 mo, 23,750 1,200 | Bach, Mark, M.D,, Instructor in Medicine | l2 mo, Res, Fd, 600) | | ps | —_ (Hosp, © 140 | Fauerbach, Louis, M.D.,iInstructor Clin Path,(March to June) 150 | - Nelson, Oliver, M.D., Instructor Clin, Path, (March to June "D" | MEDICAL SCHOOL | EXHIBIT | | | MEDICINE, cont. | :

Without Pay; | | | | | | ms Professors — | | - Greeley, H. P., Clinical Professor of Medicine | | | | - , Robbins, George, Assistant Clin. Professor Medicine | Kay, Harry, M.D., Clinical Associate in Medicine | | | | Carter, Homer, Clinical Associate in Pediatrics — Brown, Damon, M.D., Clinical Associate in Medicine | , |

| | | | | SURGERY — : | | Professors oS oe : | | Ce | | Hedblom, Carl A,, B.A,,M.D., Prof. of Surgery 12 mo, 8,000 | Gaenslen, F.J., Prof, of Orthopedic Surgery — jd2 mo, © 2,500 Davis, F.A., Professor of Ophthalmology & Otolaryn- | | ne oe : SO | | gology l2 mo, 1,000 ©... Brown, G.V.I., M.D., Prof. of Plastic Surgery © 12 mo, 1,500 | EHlsom, J.C., Assoc,.Prof. of Physiotherapy . - 12 mo, 2,100 - 2 , vere oe (Phy.Ed. 2,100) | | Hager, B.H., M.D., Assoc,Prof, of Surgery 12 mo, 5,000 Crawford, A.S., B.S., M.D., Assoc.Prof. of Surgery 12 mo, 5, 000 | Barlow, R.A., M.D., Associate in Rhinology 500 Bower, R., M.D., Associate in Otolfaryngology 500 Harper, C. S., M.D., Associate in Obstetrics 1,000 | Neff, Eugene, M.D., Associate in Ophthalmology 500 | Nesbit, W., M.D., Associate in Laryngology | 500 | Schneiders, E. F., M.D., Associate in Obstetrics 1,000 | Sisk, Ira, M.D., Associate in Urology | | 500 \ ;

Instructors @ | a a | | | Hyslop, V. R.; M.D., Instuctor in Ophthalmology & Otolaryngol-— : ce | a ogy 900 | Burns, Robert,M.D., Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery 1,200 | Head, Jerome, M.D., Instructor in Surgery | 1,000

Without Pay | os - oo a Brofessors oo | ‘Tormey, T. W., ClinProfessor of Surgery | os | ces Dean, Joseph, Clinical Professor of Surgery dackson, R. He; Clinical Professar of Surgery | | | Dean, James P., M,D,, Clinical Associate in Surgery | Jackson, J.A., M.D., Clinical Associate in Surgery | | 7 Sullivan, Arthur, M.D,, Clinical Associate in Surgery _ | | vs | | = 260 | | | ss MEDICAL SCHOOL - EXHIBIT "D"_

Instructors - | a | | Sullivan, Eugene, M.D., Clinical Instructor in Surgery - | Tormey, A. Rw, M.D., | ae | | | Sisk, J. H., A.B, M.D,., Clinical Instructor in Roentgenology :


W. F. Lorenz, Professor / 500 8,000 Director Institute = | W. J. Bleckwenn, Asst. Prof. 500 5,000 Asst,Director Institute | _ | | Hans Reese, Asst. Professor 500 4,300 Psychiatric Institute 4H, V. Gibson, Associate in Chemistry 4,000 OM Jn oe |

PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH FUND ce oe W. Stratman-Thomas, — Research Chemist 2,000 12 mo, basis a George Wakerlin; Research Associate 600 (3 months) | | Technician 1,440 12 mo. basis — | D. J. Pritchard, : Nick Quartucio, — - Technician 1,020 12 mo. basis © | Irene Blake, §tenographer 320 l2mo, basis ~ a | William Young — ~ Technician | 120 12 mo. basis ~ | } | an 35, 500 | | Irene Blake also Pharmacology - $1,060 | a | | | | §tate Toxic, — 120 | | | | Total salary $1,500 | : , |

William Young also Pharmacol, 1,440. oe | | Total salary 1,560 a |


| A. S. Loevenhart - | | 7 | 675 (post summer session)

be a 1 : Se we | | - MEDICAL SCHOOL EXHIBIT "D! | - PROMOTIONS | pare T. H. Bast, from Assistant to Associate Professor of Anatomy Professor of | : W. E. Sullivan, from Associate Professor to - | penne a | 7 Anatomy. | | | H. W. Cromvell, from Instructor to Assistant Professor of ; a | . Bacteriology. | | | | PP. M. Dawson, from Assistant to Associate Professor of : | , ee Physiology. _ | | | Cc. D. Leake, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor | . | i ' of Pharmacclogy. | : | a ) EH. Sevringhaus, from Assistant to Associate Professor of Phy- | | a sSliological Chemistry. — | a ee | W. A. Mowry, from Assistant Professor to Physician-in-Chief of © | | | . Student Health Service, with rank of Professor. F. D. Geist, from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Anatomy. ; | | W. D. Stovall, from Associate Professor to Professor of Hygiene _ H. K. Tenney, from Instructor in Clinical Medicine to Associ- | | ate in Pediatrics. | - |

| | | | in Pediatrics. oe oe | | R. C. Blankinship, from Assistant to Associate Professor of Oo Clinical Medicine and Associate Physician, Wis- _ | GONG Iin General Hospital, | , | | | Wz. S. Middleton, from Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine | | | | | _ to Associate Professor of Medicine. | | |

- Appointments to Faculty of Medical School or to Staff of Wis- consin General Hospital without salary, without increase a of salary, or with a nominal salary. — | | |

: Rank of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and | | | . | Associate. —

| Present Title Additional Title | |

W.J,Bleckvenn, Associate Neurologist Asst.Prof,of Neuro-Psychia- ‘M.D. Se | try | G.V.I.Brown,M.D, Plastic Surgeon — Prof, of Plastic Surgery | | F.A.Davis,M.D. Opthalmologist & Otol- Prof, of Ophthalmology and : aryngologist Otolaryngology | Joseph Dean,M.D. Lecturer | Clinical Prof.of Surgery | O,i1,Foerster,M.D,Dermatologist Prof, of Dermatology — oe #,J,Gaenslen,M.D.Orthopedic Surgeon Prof,of Orthopedic Surgery | #EL.P.Greeley,M.D. Associate Physician Clin,Prof, of Medicine | C.A.Harper, M.D. , Lecturer in Hygiene R.H.Jackson,M.D. Lecturer) | Clin.Prof. of Surgery/ C.W.Muehlberger,M.D. Toxicologist Asst.Prof, of Pharmacology | Hans Reese,M,D. Associate Neurologist Asst,Prof,of Neuro-Psychia- | | oo D2 | try. | | - MEDICAL SCHOOL EXHIBIT "D" a

7 | o Oo Present Title © Additional Title Soo,

. G.H. Robbins ,M,D,Lecturer Asst.Clin,Prof.of Medicine T.W.Tormey,M.D, Lecturer | Criu.Prof, of Surgery | | J.C.Hlsom,M.D, Assoc, Prof.,of Phy.Hduc.,and of Physio»Therapy

| 7 we Rank of Instructor | oe | | —— ey R.Bower,M.D. Assoc,Oral Surgery Assocciate in Otolargyngolo- RoA,Barlow,M.D., Assoc,Rhinologist Associate in Rhinology | D.Brown,M.D.- Lecturer | Clin.Associate in Medicine | Homer Carter,M.D,Lecturer © Clin,Assoc,in Pediatrics / J.P.Dean,M.D. Lecturer | Clin,Assoc,in Surgery | C.S.Harper ;M.D. Assoc. Obstetrician Assoc, in Obstetrics — | JeA,.Jackson,M.D, Lecturer Clin.Assoc,in Surgery | : | H.M.Kay,M.D. | Leecturer Clin,Assoc,in Medicine | | ¥ R.L.McIintosh,M.D.Associate Dermatologist Assoc,in Dermatology Ss W.Nesbit,M.D. Assoc,Laryngologist Assoc. in Laryngology | — H.Neff,M.D. | Assoc.Ophthalmologist Assoc.in Opthalmology E.F.Schneiders,M.D. Assoc,Obstetrician Assoc,in Obstetrics | | I.Sisk,M.D. Associate Urologist Associate in Urology Oo ~ J.N.Sisk,M.D. | Clin. Instructor in Roent-= : | | . a | genology oe oe A. Suliivan,M.D. | Clin.Assoc.in Surgery © H.Sullivan,M,D. | | Clin,Instructor in Surgery ; Auge Tormey ,MeD. Lecturer Clin,Assoc,in Surgery | |

| Oo Rank of Assistant | a - Mark Bach,M.D. Resident — | Instructor in Medicine | Robert Burns ,M.D. ae Inst,in Orthopedic Surgery | Jerome Head,M.D. . Instructor in Surgery | - VJ R.Hyslop,M.D. " a Instructor in Opthalmology & | | | | : | Otolaryngology. | | | | Reappointments . | So | | C. W. Osgood Instructor in Anatomy (partetime 192526) | H. W. Mossman Instructor in Anatomy | oe a | Frances Holford Instructor in Bacteriology © | | B®. D. McCrea JInstructor in Physiology | Kate Staley Instructor in Physiology | X oe I, G. Ellis Instructor in Clinical Medicine | K. L. Peustow Instructor in Clinical Medicine an J. A. Wilson. Instructor in Physiology a ee QO. H. Wilson | Assistant in Bacteriology | Dorothy Whipple Technical Assistant | — Mrs. Brindley Technical Assistant | , OO 7 =29— | | MEDICAL SCHOOL EXHIBIT "DY

New Appointments with Salaries Attached se eae,

Louis Fauerbach,M,D. Inst, in Clin.Path, ch. to June | L560 one QO, O. Nelson, MLD. Inst. in BO eee eee to Tune 1500 ss Gerald Shaw — Inst, in Anatomy | , 10 mo, 1200 — a ss M,Boudry = ©. ~— §tud.Asst, in Anatomy § §|§§ 10mo. 550 © - C, Davee ss Stud, Asst, in Anatomy | 10 mo. 550 — #B, Hellebrandt §tudsAsst., in Anatomy ~~ &§ + mo, 275 Bo «AY. Henke = = =—C(CSttud, Asst, in Anatomy #§ | 10mo. 550 — —.-- -Q,Mortensen = Stud.Asst, in Anatomy §|§ 10mo. 550 © P.Eschweiler = Stud.Asst, in Anatomy 10 mo. 550 _ -P.H.Hemphill = | X=Ray Tech, in Anatomy = §§.€10 mo, 275 Oo ss Mead Burke = = Instructor in Pathology = 10 mo. 1400 a GC, Hades ——,:- Instructor in Pathology .- $= 7 mo. 700 Irma Backe, M.D, Instructor in Clin. Medicine 12 mo. 2000 Oo R,BeMontgomery,M.D. Instructor in Clin.Medicine 12 mo, 2000 ~~" L.V.Sprague,M.D, | Instructor in Clin.Medicine ,12 mo. 2000 © ss Ralph Jones = — Instructor in Pharmacology =§10mo. 1100 —— | W.T,Pommerenke Instructor in Physiology - 10 mo, 1800 © | HH. BP. Benn — 8d. Asst, in Physiology 10 mo, 550 © H,D.Baernstein = = Instructor in P.Chemistry | 10 mo, 1300 OS L.A.Crandall = | §tud.Asst.in Physiology #10 mo, 550 So sd J. Marks © - « S§tud.Asst. in P.Chemistry © 10 mo. 550 — ss A,L.Zeimet(resigned) Asst. in Bacteriology = $10 mo. 275 So

an a : | oe : -30- Be eee es rs—“(i‘“‘“‘“‘“‘“‘“‘“‘<‘<“(‘<‘“(‘i‘“‘“‘“‘“CS)3M eee, H.R. ye Se oo Se en, Gees 7. ae oe <—s) eo ,lrrts«s«S«S«SssSsSssee ———s—sCWines, W. HE. = (For three years) Mechanical Engineer e 8 — ———— kee ——“‘“iOsOssO

Anderson, N. A. District Representative |= Bau Uleire __ ee eee rs—i“CséwsCisCi‘iC*;

. Soe = - | . : . — Duncan, BR. OB, . — &B ereau : of Le ctures” . : 2 — - _ . oO rr—”—COC=ERN ws :rr—“‘“‘“‘“C ‘“(‘“‘(‘<‘(‘(‘(<‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘i‘( SC _ - Geeted, Gerrow, Baw. ida M, M. Field Library Organizer(& Methods Instructor) ——i(iw”wO—~”~O”—OCOC~C~CO~CO~OC~—C Oshkosh = —™ ss Grate, Marshall c, District Representative = = ee sc —esrs—“‘“COCOOCOCOCt*C*Citi*CON Se EE ee eee e—“(irws*s*s*sSO—i—<“‘OiOCOCOCOCSC r—sSCSsSC ee e oe a oe . Kuney . Hrs. B co. : English a oS . — . - . — a8 - — : — Langwill, Mrs.Irene Registrar(rank of Inst) Milwaukee = McCutcheon teens Dept.of Getet te oe Meyer, Benno W. Field Organizer(& Inst) LaCrosse —Ss_ 7 Oppel, Catherine Librarian,Municipal Inf. 2 |

| - | : - : - a oe #pone , Mi mn ie - : : Devt. of Debat. & Pub.Disc, : : — - S oo — - oo. — COehemek ©. OBiee ——“‘“(‘“‘“‘COCOCOCO*O*™COC*C*C# ee ees r—“—OtwOOOCOC—s—sCsCOCOCSCSCSCtiésCi*# eric 8k. eetice ll —s

- — - . - . ##Wesle, A. W. - - C ivil Eng ine ering : - , — , - : Milwa ukee) - ‘ : . . . | : - = . . . : : | = - York; Mira | : Bureau of Visual ‘Instruction : = - cS a So : - — : : ee ee rs

ss ss Being recommended for promotion to rank of assistant = oo BR eceo. tc rt ( .rrr—“‘“‘O™éOCOsCsCs*s*ssS*stiCSsSsS”S a | UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION F | a 2 os es Appointments, cont. |

| | Harriman, Celia Debating & Public Dis a | | #Hoyt, Avis 7 Assistant Recorder | , | : fi | #Meyers, Mrs. A, Debating & Public Di Oo 4 oe Peters, Mrs, Helen Assistant,Administrav. a | Oe pondence-Study a - Rowland, Ruth Debating & Public Discuss: , a s,s Wileox, Jack H. Field Organizer (& Asst) od 7 #Winslow, Mary I, Romance Languages oO |

a - ‘New Appointment oe wy

| oo | fMendenhall, Mrs,Maud History |= $1250 (% time- 10 mos)

: | oo # Part time, | | oe 7 8

a es | Promotions oe a 7 | a From Instructor to Assistant Professor _ 7 a - §perling, A. A. (For one year on 10 mos, | a | | - basis) Mathematics, Milwaukee oe

| | | Wesle, H. W. (For one year) Civil Engr. Milwaukeed

| From Assistant to Instructor ; | a | Colbert, R. J. Political Ec onomy |

-32- 0 oh a