Minutes of the annual meeting of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin: June 22 and June 25, 1925. 1925 Madison, Wisconsin: Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, 1925 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/5FUCBGVJ27QQ38C Copyright 2008 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu fe _ oo CTR p- q@- ce oe 7 . ater. : ; a! i cebigh ay ee oot . : . - - . i | ek ye | | rT aaeaeareeare PALE ops ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS — wd pS ih : “ | | ( os . / a“ oo pa We ee oe oe e oe : Ke 4 _ “¢ oe 7 . : | : | / - : / MA Oe Madison, Wisconsin: 2 (©. 0% jh Fy smmmsnanennnamnnenn eee ee oe _ | ol AT PAE Re ee OEE — _ | Po op eA SB TN ee BB - AMonday, June 22, 1925, 10 A. M, tent CC ad weet akan pens ost SN, ree oe mi eR ee os Ee ae ELE ogi PRESENT; President Birge, Regents Cashman, Casperson, Faast, 9 yes oe Gale ,rGrady, Gunderson, Hirschman, Kronshage, Mae 0 Big ed honey, Olbrich, Richardson, Schmidtmann, Waters. 9 ee ge a gE See » APTI ee Mat eahan Naren Dr EI SASS eo ABSENT; Regents Bachman, Callahan, Nace, 00 0. 6 a a ee |. 691925. vere approved, ratified and confirmed, © 00 4k ee eee ee ee oom 6 Upen motion of Regent Waters, seconded by Regent Faast, the 9 June 19, 1925, and the minutes of the — i/'. A \) 23, May 8, May 25, May 29 and Development and . |. fos £\-h <oint joint session session of of the the Committee Committee on on Constructional Constructional Developmeny ened SERIE Oe fe ag eg eo he. ea ae ee ym ey phe am ean ce Qe eee oaee's"thé Committee on Trust Funds, held May 29, 1925, were approved, = 0s Be an ea ng a ee OE oo GRE Be ae pend met yee agme ee ss a President Kronshage read a cammunication.from HE. As Birge, = - .. oo 6 S@ndering his resignation, to become effective September 1, 1925, 9 | seconded by Regent Mahoney, =, "Upon motion of Regent Gundersen, was by a i *. 9 ‘the rosignation was accepted, and the following resolution oo. Led vote adopted, all regents present yoting and voting Mayet ooo. WHEREAS, Dr. BE. A. Birge, after fifty years of effece = «| oo ge = tive service as teacher and administrator, has tenderéd Hee ee fy his resignation as president of the University of Wisconsin © 5 oi} ' M .%o take effect September 1, 1925, 00 08 fe pe / 9@\,) THEREFORE, BE IT-RESOLVED, That the Board of Regents, we ek OY recognition of his’ long and faithful service, hereby (0 or 4 IN tenders him the position of President Hmeritus at his prese 900) \) Pe a EI EEO we ree A a ces GN ORE as Ute ait ae EG SII IVE SEE eg Ge ME WR el Dot Nee Bibi ge OR Se a Gye ES oh ac 9 SNE GIRS go ee ee ee CR ee Oe a TE her a Upon motion of Regent Schmidtmann, seconded by Regent A Waters, it was | | eS a | : | | > a VOTED, That upon recommendation ofnthe committee conduct= — | | ing negotiations with Dr. Glenn Frank, who was unanimousy | og elected President of the University at'a special meeting of — g ee ' the Board of Regents held on May 29, 1925, his sa lary be fixed — Fe oo | i at $18,000 per amnun, payable in twelve payments, appointment “De of | effeetive September 1, 1925; that the Business Manager be exe oe : authorized to pay Dr. Frank $200 per month in lieu of expenses - a 4 chargeable to special grants, f- COdrntncad Oe frle bese poly) : ‘ \ | Called vote was taken, all regents present/ voting and vote o | ‘ { ing tt Aye. iF) | | “ . - . ; - . | . “ . “sed ges i ? ey LE PRA.» pie fe af a. a p ae [ Chek che of fe: baa | | - Upon motion of Regent Faast, secondéd by Regent Richardson, // - it was | cos | - OO a a | VOTED, That a sufficient sum of money be appropraated to | provide for a tablet, in accordance with one of the provisions a in John M. Olin?s will; that the place of erection of the tablet | be sélected by President Birge and the trustees, and that the | design be approved by them, | | | ) | . A communication was received from Loyal Durand, chairman of ry: the Board of Visitors, together with a report of the Board of a ‘oh pt s<¥isitors to the Regents for the year 19b4=25. (orley am earn. The Secretary Ide} was instructed to send a copy of this commun- | / ication and report to each regent, | | A communication from Professor ¢C. K. Leith, dated June 9, | YH 1925, accompanied by some graphic chdéfts showing the crowded ns yw © a conditions in the Geology Department, was presented oo” . and referred | to the Finance Committee, - oa (om _ a 7 . A communication was presented from John J, Hannan, Secretary | of the State Board of Control, calling attention to Bill No. | Boe 552 S$, which provides for transferring the control and operation | | of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute to The Regents of the ge 1 ove University of Wisconsin, , | | | Be ip | The matter was referred to the Business Manager and the 2. =e estat of the Medical School, to meet with a representative of the — *" Qo State Board of Control, to work out the details of the cooperation _ oor = contemplated in the bill. © : ae 4 ‘Upon motion of Regent Faast, seconded by Regent Richardson, = VOTED, That the following appreciation be oo minutes recorded in the = and a copy transmitted to Mrs. Robert M, LaFollette by = | the Secretary: a ee ERGs | i/ . The death of Senator Robert Marion La Follette has removed | %, ‘rom this earthly scene the leading citizén of Wisconsin and the fe most renowned of the graduates of its University. His public | OF career is recorded not only in the pioneer legislation for human: | | - welfare of this State,and: in the liberal temper of its citizens, | | but also in the growth of a truer spirit of democracy throughout ~ | the Nation. His services to the cause of education, particular- | - iy in this State and in this University, are remembered with _ heartfelt gratitude today and will’ be regarded by posterity as | | placing them enduringly in his debt, As student, graduate, con-= | gressman, governor and senator, he ever showed the keenest, Most profound, and most constructive interest in the development | of his Alma Mater into a beneficent agency of enlightenment, — | This living and growing ‘University will always be one of the | oe most enduring memorials to Robert Marion La Follette, great son ae | of Wisconsin and its University. a . Upon motion of Regent Mahoney, seconded by Regent Richardson, ~ | it was © | | | a | - VOTED, That Regent Faast prepare a telegram to be forwarded to Coach Vail and the crew, at Poughkeepsie. oe | Regent Faast presented the following recommendations of the | a TRUST FUNDS COMMITTEE - 1, That the interest rate on the E. A. Gilmore loan, $7000, | University Trust Funds, be reduced from 63% to 6%, effective June 21, 1925, | | | a . Adopted. ._ | | | ae 2, That the loan of $12,000 from University Trust Funds to Phi of Theta Xi House Building Association on their property at 168 Prospect Avenue, Madison, for five years, with interest | | at 6% semi-annually, be approved. | | | : - Adopted, | Oo oe | . | 3. That the loan of $5,000 to B.A. Birge, on the property at 2011 Van Hise Avenue, valued at more than three times the ae. _ amount of the loan, for five years, at 5% semi-annually, be Eee. | approved, : | | | pe oe | Adopted, — | | | | | | ee ae | | | Be | | 4, That the Secretary be authorized to send the Girard Trust | Company, Philadelphia, a sealed tender offering $15,000 of the bonds of the Western States Gas and Electric Company now held | in the Tripp Estate, at par, accrued interest and 57 premium, : a Adopted, | | a a : : a | a / §, That the 162 shares of the preferred capital stock of Deere & Company, received from the Estate of Mary J. Hichelberger, | be sold at 95 or better: gy that $15,245.36 of the proceeds be cred- | itéd to the principal of the Mary J. Bichelberger Fund, making the total $20,000, as provided in the will: that any balance excess in | of the $15,245.36 be credited to the income of the Hichelberger Mary J. Fund, Se _ | | . Adopted, | | | | | | 6, That the regents accept a warranty deed to | the NWz of the | | SE} and the N 4 of the S 4 of the SE} of the NEY, all in Section — | 16, Township 9 N, of Range 6 E, Sauk County, Wisconsin, from Alois peace of Sauk City, in full satisfaction | he Tripp of his indebtedness to” Estate: viz., mortgage $600 and interest since February 28, 1912, and a promissory note for $20, | oe | Adopted, | , . ee a Upon motion of Regent Faast, seconded -- recommendations 1 by Regent Richardson, to 6 of the Trust Fund. Committee were adopted, | | | - Upon motion of Regent Faast, seconded by Regent Hirschman, it was ~ a en | a | | | VOTED, That ; that section of the By-Laws relating to a one year term for president be waived and that the Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot | | | in favor of | | : we .
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