NEW/CHANGE PROGRAM REQUEST UUPC Approval _________________ UFS Approval ___________________ Undergraduate Programs Banner Posted __________________ FLORIDA Department School of Communication and Multimedia Studies Catalog __________________________ ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY College Arts and Letters Program Name New Program Effective Date (TERM & YEAR) Multimedia Studies Journalism ✔ Change Program Fall 2021 Please explain the requested change(s) and offer rationale below or on an attachment See attached memo. Faculty Contact/Email/Phone Consult and list departments that may be affected by the change(s) and attach documentation Aaron Veenstra /
[email protected] / 7-3851 N/A Approved by Date Department Chair College Curriculum Chair 11.23.20 College Dean 11-30-2020 UUPC Chair Undergraduate Studies Dean UFS President Provost Email this form and attachments to
[email protected] one week before the UUPC meeting so that materials may be viewed on the UUPC website prior to the meeting. FAUprogramchangeUG, created December 2017 Memo for Multimedia Journalism Program Changes: 1. In an effort the streamline the curriculum, decrease time to degree, and maintain curricular rigor, the MMSJ program proposes several changes. We will reduce the required number of credits from 50 credits to a minimum of 38 (can be more depending on focus courses selected). 2. We are also dividing the MMSJ Curriculum into three parallel streams: Core (13 required credits), Production (13 required credits), Focus (12 required credits minimum). This entails renaming: a. the “Disciplinary Core” into “Core,” b. renaming the “Performance and Production” category to “Production” and, c. remove/collapse all remaining current sections, Focus, Theory/History/Criticism, and Performance and Production Emphasis”, to “Focus” resulting the categories as listed below: Core The following courses are required (13 credits): MMC 1540 Introduction to Multimedia Studies (3 credits) JOU 4004 U.S.