Commencement Program
OFFICIAL DEGREE LIST Approved by the University Fllculfy lind the Stllte Bollrd of Higher Educlltion Commencement Program UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EIGHTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT ~ HAYWARD FIELD SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 1964 Order of Exercises Processional-March from the Opera "Scipio" .. George F. Handel THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BAND ROBBRT STUART VAGNBR, M.A.• M.Mus., Director The Color Guard Oregon Pledge Song Invocation Fair Oregon, we pledge to thee THE REVEREND GEORGE GORDON GOLDTHWAITE, A.B., B.D. University Pastor of the United Presbyterian Church Our honor and fidelity, Both now and in the years to be, Greetings from the Oregon State Board of Higher Education RAyT. YASUI A never failing loyalty. Member of the Board Fair Oregon, thy name shall be Written high in liberty. Presentation of the Ersted Award for Distinquished Teaching Now, uncovered, swears thy every son Charge to the Class Our pledge to Oregon. ARTHUR SHERWOOD FLEMMING, LL.D. President of the University The Conferring of Degrees PRESIDENT FLEMMING Oregon Pledge Song John Stark Evans Benediction THE REVEREND ROBERT GEORGE KINGSBURY, A.B., S.T.B. University Pastor of the Methodist Church Recessional-March in E-flat . William Boyce THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BAND PAUL RUDOLPH WASHKE, Ph.D. CARL CURTIS 'WEBB, M.A. University Marshals The Audience will remain seated during the Processional and the Recessional and will refrain from applause during the confe-rring of degrees. ' [ 1 ] Baccalaureate Degrees BACCALAUREATE DEGREES (HONORS COLLEGE) BONNIE MICHIKO ARAI, B.A. MARK MARTIN MCCULLOCH, B.A. Nyssa; Sociology Eugene; History LINDA LEE BANCKE, B.A. ALLEN ELWOOD McDANIELS, JR., B.A.
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