direction of Mike DeClcco, coach. one must watch the figures la called strike In the eighth inning. is an of the South Port- time for alterations. Sisler Scores: BEAVERS LOSE land eleven and plaved for two years SISLER SUPERIOR DEFEAT on George made tremendous gains over hi GUTS First game: 10 the Multnomah club squad. :i20 I Boston Harry Is manager. ready high total in position Cincinnati football and Pipp has gained almost as much BHOAl BHOA Burns.r... 4 10 O'Powell.m. 4 0 8 0 The Duniway park Juniors will have in proportion, m fact, in ail the Daubert.l 4 19 2 Kopf.2 3 O S 8 DROP IB CELLAR their first football scrimmage at 10 TO KELLY OR P1PP years I have been doping teams, no PITTSBURG, 8 TO 7 Duncan. 1. 4 15 OlCrulse.r... 8 12 0 o'clock tomorrow morning on the Duni- first baseman ever has shown such 3 12 3'Roser.l 2 0 10 way park grounds. The following 1021 a as now does Fonseca.2. 4 18 4!Chrlst'b'y.l 10 2 0 players are back: Schatz, Cashman, total value Sisler Hargr-ve.- 3 0 4 HBoeekel.S. 4 2 2 0 I.evlnBon. Freddo, Tarshis. Green, not even Chase. Pinelli.8.. 3 0 0 liHenry.l... 4 2 9 0 Caputo, Casey, Censie, Marco and This is due partly to the weak- Bnhne.s.. 3 0 1 5 Ford. 4 2 0 2 Gould. Casey manager. ness of the Giant pitching staff. Couch, p.. 2 0 0 30'Xeill.c. . 4 2 Otto was elected A.Harp'r, 0 M'Nam'a.p 2 0150 2 Sacs Even Up Series. by Junior elevens wishing games call Casey Brown Would Kill Giant While Kelly would be stronger New York Increases Lead to 110 at Main 4617. against St. Louis than he would be Totals. 81 6 24 181 Totals. 31 8 27 8 against the Yankees, yet Sisler in Batted for Couch In ninth. Winning, The game Camas-Kalam- a 3 to 1. first of the Pitchers, Says Fullerton. the same series would be almost Four and Half Games. Cincinnati .' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 series will be played at Kalama to- Boston 0 7 morrow, and the second game at Camas 120 points better. 2201101 on Errors, Fonseca, Hargrave. Pinelli, the Sunday following. The pavement Chongts Radical. Two-bas- e open Are Bonne 2. hits. Ford. Henry. A between LaCenter and Kalama is These changes in normal position Harper, Bonne. Three-bas- e hit. Ford. for travel, except for a couple of short values of the men are radical and Stolen base. Boeckel. Sacrifice hit GAME IS detours, and Kalama may easily be IN NINTH Roser. McNamara. Double play. Couch STUBBORN ONE reached by automobile in a little more SERIES DOPE IS FIGURED we must watch carefully. Do not GAME IS WON to Bohne to Daubert. Bases on balls, off than an hour's- - drive. event take the July 1 figures as a Couch 3. McNamara 1. Struck out. by basis. Get the dope right up to the couch 1, McNamara 1. tHt. minute or you'll be lost. For in- - Second game: I Jam atai-if- urn IvApa t r. f i :mrn thla Cincinnati Boston it B H O X! - B H O Half-Jum- p JILEX I or Portland Just Ahead CELLERS HIGH GUN Fans Figuring Outcome of Title 0v Galloway the Athletics, wnat Pirates Get Off to Good Start but Burns.r... 5 12 OlPowell.m. 4 11 Daubert.l 0 10 1 Kopf.2 4 0 S of Sacramento; Double-llead- er Games Advised to Get Busy Last spring he doped sixth among Plugging Champions Finally Duncan. 1.. 4 1 1 OC'ruise.r.. 2 0 2 the shortstops. Today he is so close Roush.m. 3 0 3 O Chrls nb'y.l 2 2 3 0 to Be Today. Study Catchers. Overcome Handicap. Fonseca,2 2 0 2 3'Boeckel.S. 4 0 0 HONORS TAKEN IX SHOOT and to being the bet shortstop in the Hargr've.c 4 0 4 1 Henry.!.. . 4 0 14 1 American league it would take a Plnelli.3.. 3 1 1 UGaH'gh'r.s 4 0 1 HELD jtT McMIXNVILiIE. better mathematician than I am to Bohne.s. . 4 1 2 4IO'Nelll.c. . 8 0 3 distinguish between him and the Klmmlck.a 0 0 O OlMat'hewi.c 2 0 0 Markle.p. 2 0 2 llNixon.... 0 stars. New IBraxton.p. 0100 0 Pacific Coast League Standings. First Base Values. way, however, the Amer- NEW YORK, Sept. 22. The W. L. Pel W. L. PC. R. G. Jjacey Gives Close Race to Offensive. Defensive. Total Either York Nationals again Increased San Fran 113 62 ,648!Oakland.. T7 100 .435 Sisler .963 389 13." ican league holds a big figure lead Total. 32 4 27 111 Totals. 30 8 27 17 Vernon.. 113 63 .((43! Seattle. . . 74 98.430 Portland Gnn Club Artist Pipp 8M8 371 1259 on the first base dope. In the next their lead to four and a half games, Batted for Matthews in eighth. L. Angel. 99 76.566IPortland. 69 105.397 Kelly vs. Yanks.'. 831 364 1195 article we will compare the second defeating Pittsburg in the last Cincinnati .'. 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 Halt Lake 86 90 .4S9iS'r'mento 6 10B .oU4 - Kelly vs. 963 870 1333 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 and Wins Second Place. Browns.. basement and eee how they compare game of the series today, 8 to 7. Yesterday's Results. for purposes of this series. Errors, Pinelli, Chrlstenbury. Boeekel, At Sacramento 3. Portland 1. BY HUGH FULLERTON, Manager McGraw used 20 players, Gallagher, O'Neill. Home run. Burns O. And, again let me warn you, these Stolen Sacrifice At Los Aneeies. Vernon 4. Oakland Cellers, a ARTICLE il. six of them pitchers. bases, Bohne. Markle. LJfie. At 4. Los Angeles a. (14 Alex member of the purposes figures do not express values of hit, Fonseca. Double plays. Gallagher innings. Gun club a resident of George Sisler, for players in their own leagues in The Giants won the game off to Kopf to Henry. Kopt to Henry to KNOX Portland but Gallagher to Kopf. At Salt Lake T. Seattle 4. McMinnville, Or., cleaned up in the world's series games against the regular season, but their values Adams in the ninth inning when, Bohne to Daubert. hi; en- - Bases on balls, off Markle 5. Matthew SACRAMENTO, Cal., Sept. 22, special shoot held there Thursday New York Giants, outclasses against the team they must with one out, Frisch was hit by a 4. fetruck out. by Markle 5. Braxton rivals in . the first comparison of counter, especially the pitchers., Innings pitched. Matthews 8. Braxton Sacramento defeated Portland, 3 to under auspices of the McMinnville pitched ball and Meusel walked. Hit by pitcher, Roush by Gun club. Cellers was high man of values of the men who may engage (Copyright. 1922. by the Chicago Tribune.) Matthews. 1. in a stubbornly fought yet rather in series. Even deducting for Both advanced on a wild pitch and listless game played, here this aft the day. He broke 148 out of 160 this Young's CUBS AXD targets, won the Elks' the recent injury to Sisler's shoul Frisch scored on infield hit. PHILLIES DIVIDE ernoon. Today's Solon"vlctory evens der, is to affect both Kelly followed with another single the series, two games all, and leaves shoot, shattering 49 out of 50, and which certain y EQUAL OF MOLLfl 100-bi- rd offensive defensive value, he to right, scoring MeuEel. mopped up in the open his and 7-- 5, the Beavers but half a game out of looms Pipp value and Pittsburg got off to a good lead Chicago Wins First, in 11 double-head- er event by powdering 99 out 100. far above in the cellar. A will be of George Kelly. when five runs hat is one of the most conservative played here tomorrow. Score: R.- G. Lacey of Wells. Or., who outranks the Pirates scored Innings and Loses Second. has shot over the Portland traps The dope figures on the first base on J. Barnes and Hill In the fourth THIS all the Knox soft felt styles for Portland; 1 Sacramento several times end figured promi men offer a queer problem this year. DARKXESS HALTS MATCH inning in fiv hits, a base on balls, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 22. Phil B H O A There is no, doubt in world that and two errors, but New York kept adelphia Chicago divided Autumn, and will prove first choice Wolfer.m. 8 14 0 Matteoni.s. 4 nently in the recent Pacific coast the WITH SETS EVEX. and Paton.s.. .. 4 0 3 3 Kopp.l. 3 zone handicap tournament here. Wally Pipp has increased tremen plugging away and knocked out double-head- er today, the Cubs tak among many careful dressers. It is chosen 4 'scoring Brazill,2. 4 Mollwltz.1. gave Cellers a race for honors in dously in position value this season. Morrison in the fifth, three ing 7 to 5 in 11 innings Hale,3 4 1131 Ryan.r 3 He hustling, runs. Score. the first wisely for it properly meets the exacting O10 jMcNeely.m. all events. He finished second has become aggressive, second, 9 to 6. Poole.l 3 10 0 3 the. is Play to Be Resumed Today; West and the Phillies the style demands of the season. It may be had High.r 4 110 Manirer.3. . 4 the high man contest with a and a far better man than he Pittsburg New York ScoFes: Gressett.l. 3 2 2 O Sheehan,2. 4 score of 147 out of 150, only one ever has shown himself to be B H O Ai B H O A game: in gray, green, brown and black. Kuhrman.c 3 0 2 0 Schang.c. ..3 previous years. Victorions Over East When Maran'le.s 4 2 0 SIBancroft.s. 5 3 4 First Varrison.p. 2 0 KUQZ.p 4 bird behind Cellers. Lacey broke Carey, m... 5 2 2 OiGroh.3 3 0 2 Chicago f Philadelphia 12 48 of 60 event The dope indicated that Wally had Kinsey Brothers Win. a tt o a out in the Elks' and Blgbee.l.. 5 4 2 l!Frisch,2. .. 8 1 2 BHOA2 5 0: 2 9 7 27 9 100-bi- rd to ballplayer, Statz.m. Wr'stone.s Totals... 30 6 24 Totals. ...32 tied with Cellers in the settled down be just a Russell, r. 5 1 3 0; Meusel, 1.. . 4 2 0 ..5 0 2 SEVEN DOLLARS 0 1 5 0 2 .. 4 1 2 Hol'cher.s 0 l'Rapp,3 Portland OO0001O0 event with 99 out of 100. working hard and earnestly and do Tierney,2. 5iYoung,r. . . S"10 5 4 W il 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 6 5 2 2 OlKelly.l Terry, s. 0 ms.m.. Hits A. ing what he could. His sudden ag FOREST HILLS, N.,T., Sept. 22. Traynor.3. 5 2 11 G'tham,3. 5 2 1 llWalker.r.. 1 0 X Christensen of McMinnville and 4 2 12 1 Sacramento 0 1 3 Grimm.l.. OiStengel.m.. 4 3 Grimes, 1. . 4 2 11 1 2 -- & Fiilevl..) 200000 7 Mark Rickard of Corvallis each gressiveness, his improved hitting Miss Mary K. Browne of Los An 4 0Henline.c. Meier Frank's: Main Floor. (Mall Ordrs Hits 0 2 10 3 10 1 x any Sehmidt.c. 2 2 UlSnyder.c. 4 2 2 Fitzg'ld.r. 5 0 3 0'Lee.l 1 2 Errors, Paton, Yarrison 2. Runs re- broke 144 out of 150 targets during against kind of pitching, seemed geles, Morris'n.p 3 2 0 0Gaston,c. 0 0 1 .. 5 0 L,eslie,l. ... 1 21 women's 1 Miller.l. 11 sponsible for, Yarrison 1, Kunz 1. Struck the day. Dr. E. R. Seeley of Port- to indicate that he would show tre champion, brought the day's Adams.p. 0 0 liJ.Barnes.p. 10 0 Adams, 2.. 1 3 6;Park'son,2. 1 3 7 out, Yarrison 6. Kunz 4. Bases on balls, land, H. Cockerham and A. Chris- mendously strong in figures when first Hlll.p OOO OFar'lI.C. 0 Uing.p. 0 0 Yarrison 6, Kunz 3. Wild pitch, Yarrison. programme of the east-we- st tourna- Ryan.p 0 0 0 Cheeves.p. 0130 1 l.eb'v'u, .. 0 0 Balk, Yarrison. Stolen bases, McNeely, tensen of McMinnville tied for sec-- pitted against the National league IRobertson 0 G.Smith.p. 1 0 Three-bas- e ment to a conclusion today 10 Schang 2, Matteoni. hits, Bra- ond honors in the Elks' event, each pitchers. brilliant Jonnard.p. 0 0 0 Mokan.t . . 1 0 zil. Sheehan. Twct-ba- hits, Kunz, breaking 48 out of 50 targets. Yet I find that, in spite of his by giving Mrs. Molla Bjurstedt Mai Smltht 110 High. hit, Schang. Double Maguiret- - rt Sacrifice E. E. of McMinnville was improvement, he does not dope as lory of New York, the present queen .00O Totals 43 9x32 131 Totals. .42 10 33 22 Th Quality Stohb w-- piay, Sheehan to Matteoni to Mollwitz. Farmer V.Barnas.p 0 0 0 xSmith out, hit bv batted ball. Trf or oJ Left on bases, Portland 4, Sacramento third, with 47 out of 50. strong against the. admittedly .weak of the courts, the most severe test Shinnersll. 0 0 0 Batted for Ring in sixth. a Portland 11. Time, 1:45. Umpires, Carroll and Arnold Troeh of Vancouver, Giant pitching staff as he does she has had since losing to Mile. Cu'ning'mS 10 0 tBatted tor Smith in 11th. Toman. average M'QuiU'n.p 0 0 0 2- Wash., and Mark Rickard finished against the run of Amer at Wimbledon. Chicago 1400000000 100-targ- et ican league pitchers. Philadelphia... 2 0 SEALS WIX IX FOURTEENTH second in the .race, with The Giant Darkness ended the match after Totals. 41 17125 12 Totals. 36 1327 13 10000 2000 i 97 out of 100. R. R. Thompson and pitchers, weak as' they, are, seem to Ryan in Errors. Terry. Adams, Wrightstone. each had won a set, Miss Browne Batted for fifth. Two-bas- e hits. Statz. Grimes 2, Miller, A. Christensen of were have something on him. tBatted for Jonnard in sixth. Three-bas- e McMinnville And the taking the first, 5, while Mrs. Walker. hit, Grantham. Ios Angeles Defeated, 4 to' 3, in third with 98. slow and fast curve pitching of Jess ZRan for Smith in elxth. Home run. Wrightstone. Stolen bases, Mallory was victorious in the sec Ran for Snyder in eighth. Double plays, Ring Jess Troeh of Portland won the names and the hooks of Art Nehf ond by the same, score. The Cali- - f Batted for V. Barnes in eighth. Grantham. Williams. Game of Airtight Baseball. - - y 31 promise - ' to Wrightstone to Rapp, Terry to Adams miss and out breaking to trouble him in the com- fornian, however, led in scoring, On out when winning run scored. to Grimes, Adams to Terry to unmea rd ng SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 22. San straight from the line, series if he is fortunate enough with a total of 83 points to 80 for Pittsburg 0 1 0 5 1 000 0 7 Bases on balls, off Ring 1. orr cneevee Francisco defeated Los Angeles Jess also won the doubles event, , to get into it. Mrs. Mallory. ' New York 0 0113100 2 8 off G. Smith 1. Innings pitched; Ring 6, Two-bas- e 5. 4 breaking 21 out of 24 targets. Billy Browne-Mallor- y Error, Tierney. hits. Schmidt Smith here today, to 3, 14 innings Sisler Dangerous fiiants, to the con Three-bas- after Martin of McMinnville won to Prior 2. BIgbee, Kelly, Maranville. e Second game: of airtight baseball. After tying Jr.. the on test, which will be resumed tomer-ro- Stengel. Meu- I Philadelphia et Sisler, the other hand, dopes hit, Stolen bases, Frisch. Chicago the score in the sixth inning, the American Legion event higher in value three men's matches were sel, Bancroft. Sacrifice, Frisch. Dou- BHOA by 24 25. than he does in his BHOAl1 3 2 2 5 added pinch to his Seals held the Angels down, al- breaking out of own league, where he is the leader played, and the west left the courts ble plays, Maranville to Tierney to Adams.2.. 5 2 4Wri'tst'n.s another hit though they were unable to put Nearly all the shooters who com victorious in two of them. ' Three Grimm; Bigbee to Grimm. Bases on Statz.m.. 3 13 0Kapp,3... 5 2 13 HOPES DF BROWNS FADE long- record. Score: peted will be on and where he has hammered every balls. Morrison 1. Hill 1. Adams 2. Grant'm.3 4 0 0 OjWIll'ms.m 8 0 2 0 New York t 'levrlan1 across the winning run until the hand at the Port more are scheduled to- 1, 1, 1, 2 0 " Gun kind of pitching. It would be for- contests for Struck out, Morrison Ryan Adams Grimes.l. 3 19 OU.eb'rv'au.r 0 0 !i II o A H II 14th inning. land club tomorrow for the tunate league morrow, the final day of the tour- McQuillan 1. Innings pitched, J. Barnes Fitzg'ld.r 3 OiWlnters.p 10 0 3 Witt. 111.. 3 l 2 Jsmlesnn.l 4 I for the National hopes -- 11 O'Connell of San Francisco wae big shoot in honor of Henry H. ney, and should the east capture 3 1 3, Ryan 1 2-- Morrison 4 Jon- Call'han.l 4 12 OIParkson.2 4 10 4 Mi .MII'n.m 0 0 O o VVumb .. 4 I 2 of another world's championship if 1, 3, V. 2, Mc- 2 0 I . X 4 the ' star of the game, throwing (Hy) Everding. Three special wo of them, the decisive point of nard Adams 3 Barnes Kelleher.a 10 0 10 WIN'S, SO DO XF.W iiKan.3 Suiiims.r. 1 1 events are on programme, call- the Yankees instead of the Browns Quillan 1. Terry.s... 2 11 li Leslie, 1. . . 4 2 16 0 CLIB BIT Rulh.r. . . II iinr.ini r 3 4 2 Twombley out at the plate from the the series will hinge on the out 3 0 7 1 4 0 4 0 1.1 3 3 ing 100 should win the American league cup, Hartnett.c Peters.c. Plpp.l... left field, and driving in Kamm for for targets in all. There so come of the women's match. It was CARDS EVEX Heath'ct 10 0 10 0 2 YOHK YAXKKKS. Meusel, . . II M. Nulty.m at least far as first basemen UP SERIES V I Af I I the winning run. Score: will be a registered event, goes. announced that Miss Browne and Osborne, p 3 0 0 2Walker,rt 2 0 0 0 Srhs ng.o. M tnnl, 8 4 Angeles the Everding special, Sisler would simply murder Barterf.. 1 1 0 0 Ward. 2. . . 4' 1.. 2 4 Los San Francisco and Mrs. Mallory would have the option O'N-lil.- e. 1 o A O. the Giant pitching In the present Srott.s. . . 4 . 2 a t B H O A the Dr. W. Elliott' tomorrow of resuming at the 33 8 24 9 7 27 17 St. Louis Three and Half Uamcn p . . . 0 rMwrMnls.p 2 1 Spencer, m 4 3 0 Kelly.l.. 3 3 condition of the McGraw staff. third Three Brooklyn Pitchers Pounded Totals.. Totals.. 80 Buah. Carroll, I.. . 5 2 3 0; handicap. set or starting the match anew. Batted for Hartnett in ninth. Winn.p... 1 Valla.r 7 3 4 Hitting over .400 in his own league lI-to-- 5 1 6 7 Osborne in nintb. Behind Despite Vic- n n MeCabe.2.. 2 4 Kamm. 3.. . 4 Robert and were for Victory. tBatted for lh . I 01 11 and with the Giant pitchers, be- Spek-rt- Griggs. 1... 5 1 20 Hllison.l. . 6 2 11 World's Auto Record Set. west, tBatted for Singleton in fourth. being crippled worn, the victors for the the former 0 1 5 Kvati . . . II Twombly.r 6 2 10 O'Con'll.m 7 2 1 sides and outsteadylrag Watson M. BROOKLYN, Sept. 22. St. Louis Chicago 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 tory Over Philadelphia. Baldwin. c 6 2 5 3 Miller.s. .. 6 3 1 SPRINGFIELD, Mass., 22. to him, Washburn Philadelphia 0 0 9 Sept. made order for he would five-s- et 3, pounded Brooklyn 0053001 13 1.H 9 1 a duel, three pitchers for ' Two-bas- Totals. .3H IT 2T1T l.indl re,3 4 2 2;Walsh.2 3 of New York in ' 8, Grimes. e Toll..S4 A world's automobile record for a force the Giant infielders to wear 6, 3, 1, Errors. Adams In M Auley.s 4 0 2 4IYelle.c 6 11417 6, a victory today, evening up Tbree-baa- e Hailed for KiluaHi .vh. on while his brother hits. Grimes, Rapp. hits. LOUIS, Sept. 22. Aided by IHnlle.1 In th. Thomas, p 2 0 0' 3jShea.p. 2 0 0 mile a half mile dirt track was masks. chop-strok- ST. f.,r Mclnnia his way to triumph the series of four games, but win- Callaghan. Adams. Home run. Leslie. Wt hi. Wall Se'p 4 0 0 4 AgnewJ.. . established today at the eastern Pipp does not figure as strong Sacrifice hits, Lee, Statx. Winters. Stolen errors and poor pitching Kt. louis JKan tor Speaker In M'We'ny.p 31100 0 exposition or over of New York, ning the season's series by 14 games Wrightstone, New York state when Sig Haugdahl either in attack defense against bases. Fitzgerald, Walker. Philadelphia. 11 to O003BIl O0023l I 1- - who was for R. Norris to 8. today defeated Cleveland 2 0 0 0 3 made the distance in 58 -5 does- Sisler, substituted Score: Grimes. Double play, Parkinson. Wright- Total 46 10x40 23 Totals B1 17 42 17 seconds, the Giants as but he 4, 3. 6, 3. Warnlisgan."" 2. MeNulty Williams of Boston, St. I Brooklyn- - stone and Leslie. Bases on balls, off but advanced no closer to the Krrora. Two xOne out when winning run scored. bettering his own record of 68 5 figures stronger against the Giants Louis 3, 7, 1. has Mis. Huth 2. Meusel. fltleh. JAgnew batted for Shea in William T. Tilden of Philadelphia B H O At Singleton Osborne Winters pennant, as New lork defeated Thr.r. sixth seconds at Lincoln, Neb., last month. than Kelly against the Yankees' - BHOA1 Struck out, by Singleton 2, Osborne 7, hMe hila. J. S.w.'l, Milium. ttiln L. and his national doubles champion- Blades. I. . 1 0 OIOlsen.2... 5 0 6 An result, "mathe- S:Tlfl-eS- . Agles 0 3 Kelly be much . . Innings pitched, by tilngleton Cleveland. a the Itaae. Mhu1. "rhHrv. 0030000000000 defense. would hip partner,. of Smlth.m. 1 3 OUohnston.s 4 0 3 6 Winters Wat-- Hits. 0 10 1 1 1 4. Winters 5. matical possibility" of the locals MrMltlan. louh'e plays in .0 220100220010 stronger against the Browns' pitch- Yonkers, N. Y., Hornsby,2 T.Grifth.r 4 0 10 to I'llip: J. Sewell to Mi Inula lo Wantti- - S. Fris. 1 4 Baseball Summary. j saved the east from Bot'm'ly.l 2 13 01 Wheat. I.. 4 2 2 0 taking the bunting virtually ceased 1000020000000 ing staff and general defensive - I " Hits ..2 2 17 a rout by taking a thrilling five- Stock, 3. . . 1 2 3IMyers,m.. 4 3 8 0 even to be a possibility " as tile aiifs ""Hi"" , i"iat 111021101221 structure than against the Yankees. 5 I, K,w,r,, W,.in nlln,. ,.,t. l.e.u Errors. McCatfe 2. Baldwin. Kellv Shea set .match from William M. John- Schultz.r. 0 OlSchm't.l.. 3 0 2. Ity ro- 4 1 18 Browns remain three and a half Kdwanla 7. Winn Hit r t' hT. Runs responsible for. Thomas 1. Walla l National League Standings. This is largely due to the fact ston Willis E. Davis Toporcer.s 4High,3 3 0 0 1, 2, - and of San 4 2 OlDeberry.c. 1 KAY WINS TITLE games behind the Yankees. ws rds IWardl. StiUrk nut, Buali r.a Struck 3, swinging, right- 3, 6, 3, Clemons.c 2 1 out. Shea Thomas 2, McWeeney W. L. Pel , W. L PC. that he is a hard Francisco, 6, 11-- 9. 12 . nurilrf 4. Win n ii. vvatiace 3. Bases on balls. Shea 2. New York 87 ,r7 .604Chicago. .. 77 70.324 handed batter. He would not hit programme Pfeffer.c. 1 0 4lHungling,c 2 0 2 0 George Sisler. who. was selected Thomas 3, McWeeney 3. 1. Pittsburg. S4 63 .571 Brooklyn.. 71 75 .4Stl Tomorrow's will wit IVance.p 0 league's most val- - Wallace hard against Mays or Hoyt, not 01100 0 yesterday as the .Stolen bases. Twoihbly, McCabe, Carroll. St. Louis. 81 65 .555Philadel... 54 91.372 ness both the premier men and iMamaux.p 0 able player, was back In the lineup. COBB HITi AM) TH.F.itK WIN Two-bas- e Cincinnati 81 68 .514Boston 50 06.342 nearsy as hard as he would hit racquet (Decatur.p. 0 0 hits, Ellison. Kelly. Sacrifices, women wielders in action, 10 0 0 enforced vacation because Kamm, Walsh, McAuley 2. American League Standings. against Browns' pitchers. Browno-Mallor- y iMItchell.. 10 SIRS. MEYER DEFEATED IX after his Ellison Hni the up for, in addition to the iB.Grifth.t 0 of an injurd right shoulder, but batted in, Ellison. McCabe. Baldwin 2 New York 92 56 .621iCleveland . 75 75.500 Shocker alone figures to check encounter, Tilden will op -- 110 PORTIiAXD CLUB l'lllelle Wins AiioiImt liHmr O'Connell. Double plays, Walsh to Elli- St. Louis. 89 60 .507Whlngton. 65 80 .44S Kelly 15 27 121 9 EVEXT. got only one hit In five tries. .. the hitting of if the Browns pose Johnston in one of the singles Totals. 38 Totals. 35 27 son. McCabe to Griggs. Time. 2 hours 45 ueiroiL... to t .ooir-miaaei.- wstt.4ll happen to break through and get Batted for Vance in 4th. The locals found nasty ana Boston Itrrenlfil. . tn.l. minutes. Umpires. Casey and Byron. Chicago. . 76 73 .510Boston 58 91 .389 matches. Richards plays Davis in for Decatur in 9th. Schilling for 15 safeties, and th into this series. the other, while the doubles will tBatted hit- Western League. St. Louis 0041 1001 0 7 First Flight Honors of Women's losers hit Kolp hard at times. DETROIT. Sept. 22 Timely 8. 3, Study Catchers, Says Hugh. bring together Washburn and Hunter Brooklyn 0 4 by today BEES WIX THIRD STRAIGHT Wichita Tulsa Kinsey 01020100 In the second inning Hauser and ting Cobb and FothcrKlll Kansas City 8, Louisville 7. The fact that Kelly's safe blows against the brothers. Errors, none.. Two base hits, Toporcer, Championship Golf Tourney clouted successive home runs, win Huston, Indianapolis-Milwauke- e be played next Myers (2). Schmandt, B. Grif- Miller enabled Detroit to from to- Pfeffer. rlght- - I Sunday as part of are. as a general rule, directed fith. Home run, Bottomly. Sacrifices. Hauser's dropping Into the 5 to 3. The Ivtrnlt innn.iKcr had Hits Bunched on Gardner and doubleheader. ward right field inclines to cut WOMEX IX FIXALS TODAY Won hy Mrs. Yates. into the How the Series Stand. Blades. Pfeffer, Schmandt. Double plays. ield stands and Millers perfect d.iy at bat, but was down his figure value in the attack. Olson, Johnston, Schmandt- - Bases on eft-fie- ld seats. No one was on chars'l Seattle Defeated, 7 to 4. At Sacramento 2 games, Portland 2 gains points because if balls, Vance 2. Struck out, Vance 2. De- with two rror. Siinf: games; at Los Angeles, 4 games, He a few Xor-thu- p 2, 4. ase. Vernon Stella Fording Plays Mrs. catur Pfeffer Innings pitched, Mrs. Ercel Kay, state I SALT LAKE CITT. Sent. 9.9. Sal Oakland no games; at San Francisco, 3 either Browns or Yankees are pitted 4, Mamaux 1, Decatur 4. Hit by Hasty was removed after the Boston Detroit games, Los Angeles no game; liable, some Vance golf champion, won th.e Portland up n ii o a II O A Lake made it three straight over at Salt against him he is to do pitcher, by Pfeffer (High). when the Browns ran five . . . O Lake 3 games, Seattle no games. it on Irvington Courts. championship ixth. Mennaky.l 3 J II Itlue.I 8 112 Beanie today, winning, .7 to 4. The base running. In fact, I think Golt club woman's allies after the Athletics had tied R.l.-hle.- 4 2 '2 II .fottr-s.- 2 0 O 3 Play t Bees bunched hits on Gardner, while Where the Teams Next Week. will be valuable to you who are Only two matches were played in BRAVES, REDS SPLIT TWO when she defeated Mrs. A. H. It up in their half. Burns. I.... 4 I .1 ll ' ... 4 4 2 ' Portland at Oakland; versus title . 4 t 3 "" KlHE. II i Myers was steady throughout. Wil-ho- it Seattle doping this series, along with me to the IrWngton club tennis tourna- 3 up on l'ratt.2... l.l.m Vernon at Los Angeles; San Francisco at Meyer In the finals yesterday, With Sisler back the initial O'Roti'e.S 4 1 t 4 V. a. h i . . 3 I 2 knocked a homer get busy studying the catchers and ment yesterday. Percy Lewis and appeared at I 4 with one on Sacramento; Los Angeles at Salt Lake. and 2. Mrs. Kay was in champion- ushion, Frank Ellcrbe 'oil tns.r.. . 4 0 II Koth Klll.r. and Tobin one with vacant bases. Averages. the style of play. I think the fig- Mrs. W. I." Northup defeated Mr. and Final Series of Season Closed by hl old post at third. Tho crowd Mltthell.s 4 - 2 I i'ulliaw.2 4 12"14 3 Beaver Batting 3, 6, opponent all 1 1 I y. a . 3 II a s There will be a double-head- er to ures will indicate that there will be Mrs. Rogers MacVeagh, ship form and led her around the 7000 mark. Rtiel.r 4 It. mi. B. H. Pel B. H. Pc. Dividing Double Bill. continued Kerg's'n.p 8 O 0 4 Uo.ilall.r. 3 2 11 morrow. Score: 158 more base running if the Yan- Dorothy Ettinger and Ed Mur- way. p. A Hale 439 .862 Wolfer.. 531 135.254 a lot and the Score: Katt.p 1 0 0 2 1'llii ll-.- 4 I 2 Seattle i Salt Lak. Connolly 3 1 .3331M'dleton. 98 23 .234 kees and Giants meet than we have phy won from Mrs. H. Wentworth BOSTON, Sept. .22. Boston and First flight honors went to Mrs. Philadelphia St. Louls B O A 470 149 88 6, 3. 1 H B H O Gressett .316iLeverenz 20 .227 seen in the season. and A. Munger, 5. Yates, defeated Mrs. R. G. Totals 3.1 IH24 T T.41 3 II 27 17 4 567 177 57 Jack who BHOA BHOAO Lam.m... 10 lVitt,3 4 2 0 High... .312Paton... 12.210 Cincinnati closed their final series McGo'n.m 5 0 4 llTobln.r... 8 2 l 0 1 o 1 o I o S.Adems,3 4 0 1 392 122.311 65 12 The dope on the first baseman is Stella Fording plays Mrs. Northup Smith in the finals in a match that - ttrston 4!Sand,s.... 4 1 3 Brazlll. r. .184 dividing double-heade- r, Perklns.o 3 1 o oi tilieroe.,1 . . J u - 1 I 0 O J I J 4 8 O OlWilhoit.r. . 1 1 Cox 540 164.298 153 27 .176 a surprise to me. In fact, in of the women's singles today by a was on 18th green. Mrs. o Detroit IH i Hood.l.... 5 Fuhrm'n rather the finals decided the ruggy.o oistsler.l. .. i t u Colin 2. Two-bas- hila. IMIIM!". Barney.r.. 4 Olstrand.m.. 3 2 4 Poole... 662 197.297 65 11.169 dope season is more filled with 10 today, and Ford- winning, first game, 7 flight 111 5 a 8 li Krrora. 101 this at o'clock Stella Boston the F. K. Grlgsby won the second Walker.l. 4 LWllllama.l Cl bb. Stolen baa. Knit"). Sail f Ire., Orr.s 4 3 llSigIin.2... 4 1 3 McCann 534 147 .275 Yarrison 18 3.166 2137 4 3 0 - 1 surprises than ever before. Values ing and Olin Lewis play Dorothy to 2, and Cincinnati the second. prize when she defeated Mrs. ts. Hauaer.l. 4 l.lacobs"n.m Jones 2. V.arh. Kltfney 2. nutl- Stumpf.l. 4 10 OIRiley.l 4 2 11 S'th'rl'd 90 24.2661 Biemiller. 89 6.153 . 2 3 1 1 Haa-- lla, t 111 of men who have been for Ettinger and Ed Murphy 2 o'clock 6 to 0. Bohne was ejected from the 4 up 3. Miller. r. 8 2 OiMcManus.2 Karr to Pratt to Mums. s on Crane.2 4 ItSehiet 1 1 Sargent. 424 .261 Coleman 24 2 .083 fixtures at TInander, and --o 1 . 5 1 0 .. 4 2139 King 198 61 11 years game vigorous protest Oalloway.s 4 SlCollins.c. Kergiiaon 3. I'lllette 1. Inninss iltili''t.lll. Tobin.o. 2IJenkin's.c.'. 4 1 4 .239Sulllvan.. 0.000 are changing suddenly and in the mixed doubles. second for of Mrs. C. C. "Wintermute took third 2 6 . 4 3 n 7 t liaraner.p 4 o Dykes.3-- 3 0 2:;erber.s. 16 F' rr'l-o- K;rr l 5iMyers.o... 3 2 0 2 flight honors. Mrs. Wntermute won Scheer.2.. 1 0 0 2lKolp,p 4 2 0 u 0 (1 141 Mrs. Agnes Mumford in the McCue.3. 2 0 Totals. 3613 24 Totals.. 35 IS 27 1 SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE JOY OUT OF LIFE. from Hasty. p.. 2 1 3 2. of Seattle 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 4 finals, up and In the finals Schilllng.p 0 01100 1) "t 2 1 0 1 1 3 1 1 3 13 the fourth flight Mrs. H. M. Hender-sh- ot Welch... 110 0 Salt Lake . 001 1 2003 7 won from Mrs. F. J. McCarthy, Johnstont 1 0 0 0 13 1 up.. Errors, none.- Home"182005run tv.hi ul'u weru-- - I've Gcrr Vou"vt To 5?wD "H Totals.. 34 9 24 101 Totals. 3o li 27 11 hoit. Three-bas- e hits. Sand. Strand. ' Got batted for Hasty In 7th. REAL Two-bas- e hits. Orr, Stumpf. Crane. Riley. ( (Sailimg FOR The 3TEAMER uA5MiPJtTTou FoR PASSPORTS Exterminator Is Withdrawn. tbatted for Schilling in 9th. "Vitt (2). Jenkins. Sacrifice, Vitt Stolen pl-- - FOR YV?uR anio ' Philadelphia 0 1 S bases. Hood, Myers. Struck out, Myers 4, TICKETS Picture, Proof of TORONTO. Ont., Sept. 22. Ex- 0 020001010 3 2 5 0 1 x 11 8. 1 St. Louis Gardner Runs responsible for. iv,r, 4 GOT" ABOUT rue. S Your Be om it- - Sharpe Kilmer's Dykes 2. Kolp. Gardner 7. Base on balls, - wir;t birth must terminator, Willis Errors. Oalloway. Gardner 3. Dou- - Two-bas- e Walker. Kolp, BARGAINS PAS-- S I LU TH6m HAS to MEET campaigner, been with- hits. Ellerbe. oie piays. vitt to siglln to Riley; Siglin Ports SS veteran has. Han-e- r. runs, to Sand to Rilev: Sand to RHev - the McManus, Welch, rtome nnni... I 1 ami- .special lavu That drawn from Uunaer. Miller. Stolen bases. WllllHins. MeGrew and Reardon. Time. 1 hour 35 Teno To TnT Pas a - Jockey club handicap, minutes. MA HA US. Permits You icf Ontario .lacobson 2. Sacrifices, Jacobson, Miller. T? I6HT AWAYy leave the favorite) of tomorrow's racing Double plays. Gerber to McManus to card.' Sisler, McManus to Gerber lo sisler. OAKS BLAXKED, 3 IX ROW Bases on balls. Hasty I. Schilling 3. new II. C. S. Kolp 2. Struck out, Kolp . Innings Four brand pitched. Hasty 8. Schilling 2. motor cars must be 4-- Gossip. that Vernon Wins, 0, May Turnine Football WHITE SOX BF.VT SOLOXS sold in three days. Any- In 32d Win of Season. .. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal.. Sept. LOS Templeton. who was a star one intending to pu- ANGELES. Cal.. SeDt. 22 "Dink" Hits Bunched Ofr Zaeliary, hi- -' Jakie May held Oakland to two hits football kicker tor Stanford university automobile today several years s?o, has returned to the rchase an and Vernon handed the Oaks campus to take charge of the varsity cajro Winning, 6to I. prop- their third successive shutout, win squad. Terppleton is coach of could not turn this 4 punting CHICAGO, Sept. 22. Chicago ing, to 0. Incidentally Mav the Stanford track team. Andy Kerr, cars pitched his 32d win of the season. the new Cardinal coach, is providing bunched hits off Zachary today and osition down. Those Vernon has won games work for every one on the squad so that Washington. 6 4. the four of get In personal touch' with each defeated to Score: will carry the standard me he can I series. man. Stanford prospects were dimmed Washington Chicago Arlett and May battled pros- H H O A! warranty. Factory Agt. it out from a bit today when .Ilm Iwson. 1 the until, end, to hos- Judge.l... 4 0 11 1 Hooper. r. . mound the fifth. In that pective first string went the 4 z 0 1 3 er knee, which may Harrls.2.. oi.ionnson.s. frame singles by Hannah and Zei-d- pital with an injured 4 l 0 lnCollins.2. 2 4 :; present. of game this season. Uice.m... 1 1 and a wild throw to first by keep him out the Goslin.l... 3 1 "iSheelv.l . .. 2 12 O . 3 2 it Chavez in attempting a plav 22. Brower.r.. 2 0 0 Mostll.m. double ANGELES, Cal.. Sept. In 1 o 21'alk.l 2 3 0 resulted in a Tiger foot-hu- ll Itpan.c. ..2 score. Doubles order to reduce fumbling among his Peck.s 4 1 4 4 Mulligan, 3 II 1 2 by Hannah and May, a pass to Zei-d- er nlavers at the University of Cali I.amorte.3. 2 0 0 O 2 1 MAVE J Mai-k.p- . 1 II and Chadbourne's single ac- Thm Yoo To MfET Tup fornia, southern branch. Coach Harry Milan .... 1 1 0 0 . .. o H. M. Christensen T ve any 1 1 0 counted for three more scores in PERmi-- TOO HAVjET To MEET MEMBERSHIP COMMfTTpC Q fYuu Got i Thought Trotter has ruled that player who Shanks,3. . 0 2IT.Bl'h:p,p 0 0 the all fumbles must pass through a paddling Zachary.p. 3 0 0 21 seventh. Score: The CowioLi The f"OTe RELATiow5 CUB u?uire a bit t was formed of all the players out Multnomah Hotel Oakland of all The needed machine 171 11 11 Vernon YoU To To inYour-scc- To ATTEND To for practice. Totals . 30 7 24 Totals. .80 27 B H O A! B H O A COUNTR'E J EJtPECT Prove accepTabls on In 4 - ) a Ticket , Batted for Lamotte seventh. 0 3 OlChadb'n.m 4 2 2 0 VI .SIT AK1D EaCh OME .To Tmch vtju ct YET MY 80Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 4 0 1 Take euRoPe (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) Washington Brubak'r.3 l High.l 3 1 2 AND Tfe'Ll THe HAVE TO V OF The boat N. J., Sept. 22. Two Chicago 04fl 3 1 1 OUT To LUNCH 3ST LETTER V PRINCETON. 301OUO11 Wi'.ie.r... OISmith.3... 3 Two-bas- e 111 for the varsity eleven was Errors, none. hits. Mostll, Cather.l.. 2 0 OIBodle.r. . . 4 2 0 WHY You 5HOULD To Go 'INTRODOCTIOM To THE" CTAPTaU touchdowns Hoop- 3 1 7 O . . WW the result of the first Yegular scrim- Peckinpauffh. Harris. Home runs.'ette.l. Hvatt.1 . 4 0 12 - C?iJiKS PROOP The. ..ship mage football squad er, Mostll. Sacrifices. Johnson. Kalk, Knifrht.2. 3 0 2 4tHannah.c. 4 ABROAD of for the Princeton Mulligan Koehler.c. 3 0 2 3 this afternoon. For more than an hour Goslln. Double plays. to Collins IIFrench.s.. 0 0 of Sheely. Hooper to Shecly. Harris to Chav.s.. 3 0 5 2IZeider,2. . . 3 1 2 Coach Bill Roper sent members the to Sheely. on A BIG DAY! Anett.p.. 3 0 2 3iMay,p 3 1 varsity combination against the scrubs. Judge, Jolitiion to Hes 2 halls, off Zachary 3. off Mack 3. off T. wi:ir:si v. m;it. Blankenship 1. Struck .out. by Mack 1. Totals. 28 2 24 111 Totals. 31 10 27 12 (Bv Chicago Tribune Leased Wlre. by Zachary 1. by T. Blankenship I. In. 2H-- 30 OIITII IIIIO III" Al. Oakland ..; 0 0 NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Sept. 22. Yale nings pitched. Mack 0 T. Blanken- Hits 00000000'1 and Bates will open the season for both 1917 Oakland Touring 000000 VI 2 play- ship 2 Vernon 00 0 0 1 Oil 0 4 elevens here tomorrow. The Bates LOOK IT OtKK, 1 afternoon, Hits 0 1 1 2 1 3 1 10 ers reached here this under WIX EASILY, 9 TO 3 Error. Chavez. Runs responsible for the dlrectssn of Head Coach Oliver YANKEKS KTARTIMi AT 2M.T. 3. out, 5.' Cutts. the tackle, around Arlett Struck Arlett 2. May 20 years ago a storm of protest III.IJI (III Bases on balls. May 3, Arlett 2. Two-bas- e whom May. rose over an eligibility technicality. Book hits. Hannah, Sacrifices, Indians Easy Meat Even if I Smith, Lafayette, French. Double play. $5.00 an Hour Arlett to Chavez to Lafayette. Time IBy Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) Fitchers Bo Fan Kutli. 1:20. Umpires, Eason and Finney. CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Sept. 22. Har vard's football session lasted three hours CLEVELAND, Sept. 22. The Yan- today, including the half hour kicking In- From A. M. Till I'. " drill for the backs, who had the stadium kees had no trouble beating two tH Bush League Notes. to themselves before the beginning dian rookie pitchers today, 9 to 3, AR the regular drill. Later the varsity squad despite the fact that each of them was pat through all the work which has however, COVEY MOTOR-C- CO. will fanned Ruth once. Ruth, The Woodstock Juniors have their been done to date in addition to a lot of in Iwo SAI.I-'.- . first football practice Sunday morning work on individual play. The workout made two doubles and drove on the Woodstock school grounds under included a long defensive drill. runs. Speaker, batting in the ninth, S8-- 30 m. Broadnn . Mdwr. 44.