Tiïursday, September 14, 1922. THE GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE Page 9. "Kiss-Me" chorus girls. The original New York company Two Aviators Reach Additional Sports ORIGINAL NEW YORK TROUPE HERE will be seen here, including Alice Hills, Marjorie Sweet, Robert Capron, Jo­ State in Nation Tour ; LAST TIMES Capacity Last Night IN "TAKE IT FROM ME" AT GRAND seph M. Wilton, Myra Treska, Beach Cooke, Frank Gardinar, Chic Burnham, Claim Record Flight: AND Charles Welsh Homer, Henry W. Pem- TODAY 10c berton, Jane Hazleton, Marjorie Field­ Livingston. Sept. 13.—(By the As­ ing, Robert Hart, Bud Lorraine, Dor­ sociated Press).—H. E. Cornell and othy Dana, Earl Welding and Charles George W. Haldeman of Winter Hel'fron. Haven. Fla., who are touring the country in an airplane, arrived her« The union production of bituminous Wednesday after a record flight from coal is about GO per cent, the non-union Walla Walla, Wash. They claim to See Gloria's latest about 40 per cent, and the union pro­ have flown here from WTalla Walla in duction of anthracite nearly 100 per four hours' time. cent. 1921 the coal bill of the cement In­ dazzling gowns! America's champion hen laid 324 dustry totaled approximately $40,000,- Association Votes Increase, eggs in one year. 000. Fixing $500 as Award for First Place. New York, Sept. 13.—Jf any doubts existed as to the attractiveness of ÉP Mon. & Tues. Sept. 18-19 the cominj onen championship of the Metropolitan Golf association to be held .V" over the Lido links at Long Beacb September 13 to 15. they were dispelled as the result of an executive commit­ Jos. M. Gaites Presents tee meeting of the association. The of­ ficials voted to materially increase the Original New York-Chicago Company prize list, which will now compare fa­ vorably with other leading titular events. m First money at Lido will consist of ITS : $500, a big increase over the former figure of $300. All the other moneys, SOME eight in all, will be raised, while the old practice of awarding $10 prizes for SHOW low IS and 36-hole rounds will be dis­ pensed with. IT Another departure was the decision to charge an admission of $1 at the open. This money will, in addition to * helping the association's treasury, also enable it to contribute a certain amount to the entertaining club, which will be 8^4 LYPICÇ Ar under considerable extra expense. Dur­ GLORIA WILL B. JOWNÇIONE J TJL/ ing the national open early in July at Skokie approximately $15,000 was MUSIC bi >.w VILL P ANDERSON % taken in for the week. There would, FT* ,of course, be nothing like that at Lido, . PPODUCCD UMDCP* %• though from present indications fhe class of the field will be up to national £\ JOS. M. GAITES. j: standard. The committee appointed Gardiner Joseph M. Gaites will present "Take ceeded in transferring to the musical W. White captain of the metropolitan It From Me," the three ring circus of comedy stage a number of real char­ TOUR Lesley cup team. This event will be musical comedy, direct from its over a acters which he discovered :ind elab­ BEWITCHING BE Her held October G and 7, over a course year run at the Forty-fourth street orated out of the droll incidents of JT yet to be selected. Both Lido and theater. New York, five months at the everyday life. Such delightful music, •• FJ20M BPOADVAY // Piping Rock have been mentioned as Studebaker theater, Chicago, at the such delicious comedy, such magnifi­ possibilities. the Grand theater next Monday and cent stage pictures, are seldom com­ Tuesday evenings. bined in one musical piece, and the PRICES $2.50—$2.00—$1.50—$1.00—Plus Tax (jilded Qaçfe Czar Worthy Takes It is the work of Will B. Johnstone, exceeding attractiveness of it all is en­ Seat Sale Saturday—Mail Orders Now a well-known New York newspaper hanced by the excellent company in $10,000 Empire Trot cartoonist, who has completely sue- the various roles and the beautiful A love-drama that reveals the sen­ r a \ Syracuse. X. Y., Sept. 13.—Czar g>ammounl Worthy Wednesday won in straight • *y . ' sational secrets of a Paris dancer. heats the classic Empire state $10.000 (> Lavishly produced by the man who trot, feature attraction of the week of K Qictiuv i Grand Circuit racing here. Peter the made "Beyond the Rocks". David Brewer, victor over the fleet trotter last week1 at. Hartford, won second Powell, Walter Hiers and Harri­ money. I The govenor's stake was won by j son Ford. I Great Briton, in strait heats. Peter, j Earl, in winning the trotting division i j of the western horseman stake for j Comedy I foals of 1910. equalled the track record! I for the event in the first heat with a , mark of 2:05 /i- The stake carried a "Torchy's Frame-Up'' money value of $5.242.51. In the j pacing division of this stake. Peter Last night the beautiful gowns worn by Gloria Swanson just j Etawah scored in straight heats. Asserting that on account of the heat they desire to work at night in­ took the breath away from the ladies. stead of in daytime, longshoremen at Antwerp engaged in unloading pitch Coming Tomorrow—Rodolph Valentino in "Blood and Sand" have struck without notice. t J Queen Mary is not spending more LINCOLN J.CARTER'S j i than $1,500 on clothes per year. troversy was interrupted in the fourth! Tilden Only Yank inning by a rainstorm. r A great deal of interest has been ; piäOUS STABE PLAY to Defeat Player shown in the Oily league dispute, and | all the fans of the rival companies are From Foreign Land said to be risking their last quart—of oil—on the game. Philadelphia, Sept. 13.—William T. ALCAZAR Jbrow^ih to iHe screen Tilden. II, of this city. 1921 cham­ STOCKE RETURNED HERE pion, was the only player to turn back Donald Stocke, former federal pro­ a foreign entrant in the fourth round hibition agent, arrested in Helena Tues­ THURSDAY—FRIDAY—SATURDAY of the National Lawn Tennis singles day night by Deputy Sheriff Curt Den­ championship here Wednesday. He de­ nis on a warrant sworn out here charg­ feated Pat O'Hara Wood, of Australia, ing him with deserting his wife and in straight sets, 8-2. 6-3, 6-2. To baby, was brought back to Great Falls offset this victory, Gerald Patterson Wednesday afternoon in the custody of and J. O. Anderson, the two other Deputy Sheriff Dennis and placed in members of the Antipodean Davis cup the county jail. He was held in lieu of team, defeated Francis Hunter and Robert Kinsey, respectively, by scores payment of $500 bonds. , of 8-6, 6-1, 7and 6-3. 6-3, 2-6. 6-1. Zenzo Shimizu. caused the sensation of the day by defeating Wallace Johnson, 8-6. 4-6. 6-4. 4-6, <T-4. Manuel Alonso. the Spanish entrant, completed the route by winning from Watson M. Washburn, of New York. 6-3, 3-6. 7-0. 8-6. 6-4. In the other matches of the day. William M. Johnston eliminated How­ $!• ard Kinsey. 4-6, 6-2, 6-2, when the Tonight! .i. •. latter defaulted after a blistering palm ~ *apepd his play: R. Norris Wil­ liams II. won from Elliott Binzen, of New York. 6-0, 6-2, 6-1. and Vincent Attend the Richards, defeated H. L. Bowman. New York. 6-2. 6-3, 6-3. m Helped His Back MIDWEEK Backache, rheumatic pains, dizzi­ ness and blurred vision are symptoms of kidney trouble. "My husband had a bad back," writes Mrs. M. McCul- lough, Easton, Pa. "When he sat down he could hardly get up and then DANCE he would be drawn over to one side. Ile tried Foley Kidney Pills and th«\v cured him." Foley Kidney Pills quickly relieve kidney and bladder pounders $7.70®8.40; packing sows 20 trouble. Sold everywhere.—Adv. T wo Oil Companies Try in Third Game to Determine Title I 55c Per Couple The Mutual and Continental Oil. company baseball teams will play the j last of a series of games to determine, Extra Ladies, 25c the ''Oily league" championship at j Earling park Saturday afternoon. This j Irresistible Music is the third game that has been sched­ uled as the deciding issue between the Odeon Nights, Thürs., Sat. teams. s The last game between the oil teams was called on account, of darkness with the score 9 to 9 in the seventh inning. A previous attempt to settle the con- William Duncan —IN— SPEED! ACTION! DANGER! THRILLS! I DANCE 1 "The Silent Vow" First Time in Northern Montana—a 50c Picture for 25c William Duncan in a dual role. A story of the Here You Will Find an Honest Motion Picture. There Has Never Been Anything Like It Before. 1 Fairfield, Sat., Sept. 16| Royal Northwest Mounted Police with the beautiful —Also— EE To be held in connection with Fairfield Project EE scenery of the northwest as a background. Duncan I have screened this EE Fair. Best and largest floor in state. Seven-piece EE in his latest and best picture. Special Fox Production AL ST. JOHN EE orchestra. It's a bear. Everybody invited. EE Also a Mermaid Comedy and liked it better than "HAM" HAMILTON in "MOONSHINE" any picture we have Extra—ROY STEWART in his latest picture shown In months. —in— "RADIO KING" —Waldo Breeman.
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