ALCAZAR Jbrow^Ih to Ihe Screen Tilden
Tiïursday, September 14, 1922. THE GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE Page 9. "Kiss-Me" chorus girls. The original New York company Two Aviators Reach Additional Sports ORIGINAL NEW YORK TROUPE HERE will be seen here, including Alice Hills, Marjorie Sweet, Robert Capron, Jo State in Nation Tour ; LAST TIMES Capacity Last Night IN "TAKE IT FROM ME" AT GRAND seph M. Wilton, Myra Treska, Beach Cooke, Frank Gardinar, Chic Burnham, Claim Record Flight: AND Charles Welsh Homer, Henry W. Pem- TODAY 10c berton, Jane Hazleton, Marjorie Field Livingston. Sept. 13.—(By the As ing, Robert Hart, Bud Lorraine, Dor sociated Press).—H. E. Cornell and othy Dana, Earl Welding and Charles George W. Haldeman of Winter Hel'fron. Haven. Fla., who are touring the country in an airplane, arrived her« The union production of bituminous Wednesday after a record flight from coal is about GO per cent, the non-union Walla Walla, Wash. They claim to See Gloria's latest about 40 per cent, and the union pro have flown here from WTalla Walla in duction of anthracite nearly 100 per four hours' time. cent. 1921 the coal bill of the cement In dazzling gowns! America's champion hen laid 324 dustry totaled approximately $40,000,- Association Votes Increase, eggs in one year. 000. Fixing $500 as Award for First Place. New York, Sept. 13.—Jf any doubts existed as to the attractiveness of ÉP Mon. & Tues. Sept. 18-19 the cominj onen championship of the Metropolitan Golf association to be held .V" over the Lido links at Long Beacb September 13 to 15.
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