Federal Judiciary Tracker
Federal Judiciary Tracker An up-to-date look at the federal judiciary and the status of President Trump’s judicial nominations December 5, 2019 Trump has had 168 federal judges confirmed while 39 seats remain vacant without a nominee Status of key positions President Trump inherited 108 !" requiring Senate federal judge vacancies confirmation As of November 21, 2019: No nominee Awaiting confirmation #$ 151 judiciary positions have opened up Confirmed during Trump’s presidency and either remain vacant or have been filled Source: National Journal as of December 5, 2019 %&$ Total: 259 potential Trump nominations Trump has had more circuit judges confirmed than the average of recent presidents at this point Number of Federal Judges Nominated and Confirmed *+,-. %%$ ($ ) >739+7?9=?:,+9=@,ABC==== 57+?,79=?:,+9=@,ABC==== D,.+C-C=5:,+9=@,ABC /01-1 "' )( ) Source: Federal Judicial Center 2,34 %!$ )" 56789:8 %!# )' ) ;<=2,34 "# !% ) In two and a half years, Trump has confirmed a higher number of circuit judges as prior presidents in four years Number of Federal Judges Nominated and Confirmed *+,-. !!" #" ) >739+7?9=?:,+9=@,ABC==== 57+?,79=?:,+9=@,ABC==== D,.+C-C=5:,+9=@,ABC /01-1 !#! &' ) Source: Federal Judicial Center 2,34 !$" &( 56789:8 !$% &' ) ;<=2,34 !#" #) ) An overview of the Article III courts US District Courts US Court of Appeals Supreme Court Organization: Organization: Organization: ! The nation is split into 94 ! Federal judicial districts ! The Supreme Court is the federal judicial districts are organized into 12 highest court in the US ! The District of Columbia circuits, which each have a ! There are nine justices on and four US territories court of appeals.
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