King of Battle
tI'1{1l1JOC 'Branch !J{istory Series KING OF BATTLE A BRANCH HISTORY OF THE U.S. ARMY'S FIELD ARTILLERY By Boyd L. Dastrup Office of the Command 9iistorian runited States !Jl.rmy rrraining and tIJoctrine Command ASS!STANT COMMANDANT US/\F/\S 11 MAR. 1992 ATTIN' II,., ..." (' '. 1\iIO.tIS ,")\,'/2tt Tech!lical librar fort SII), OK ~3503'031~ ..~ TRADOC Branch History Series KING OF BATTLE A BRANCH HISTORY OF THE U.S. ARMY'S FIELD ARTILLERY I t+ j f I by f f Boyd L. Dastrup Morris Swett T. n1 Property of' '1 seCh cal Library, USAFAS U.l• .1:ruy Office of the Command Historian United States Army Training and Doctrine Command Fort Monroe, Virginia 1992 u.s. ARMY TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND General Frederick M. Franks, Jr.. Commander M~or General Donald M. Lionetti Chief of Staff Dr. Henry O. Malone, Jr. Chief Historian Mr. John L. Romjue Chief, Historical Studies and Publication TRADOC BRANCH HISTORY SERIES Henry O. Malone and John L. Romjue, General Editors TRADOC Branch Histories are historical studies that treat the Army branches for which TRADOC has Armywide proponent responsibility. They are intended to promote professional development of Army leaders and serve a wider audience as a reference source for information on the various branches. The series presents documented, con- cise narratives on the evolution of doctrine, organization, materiel, and training in the individual Army branches to support the Command's mission of preparing the army for war and charting its future. iii Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dastrup, Boyd L.
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