December 2008 13 English There is no EU-wide debate on EU-Turkey rela- Series tions, but rather a set of overlapping yet distinct European debates reflecting the different actors, interests and ideas across the European mosaic. Talking Turkey II unpacks this complex reality by TALKING TURKEY analysing the positions of national stakeholders IN EUROPE: across the EU, the reactions of Turkish stakehol- ders to these EU debates, as well as the influen- TOWARDS A DIFFERENTIATED ce of the US in shaping European debates on Turkey. The underlying aim of this research is to COMMUNICATION STRATEGY develop an EU Communication Strategy for Tur- key. Based upon the findings of this project, a edited by Nathalie Tocci Communication Strategy ought to be differen- tiated and dynamic. It must also engage in a ge- nuine two-way communication with its interlo- cutors. It is only by Talking Turkey and making such talk a two-way street that Turkey’s Europe- Talking Turkey II an course may be strengthened in the long-term. IAI-TEPAV Project Quaderni IAI ISTITUTO AFFARI INTERNAZIONALI Istituto Affari Internazionali 00186 Roma - Via Angelo Brunetti, 9 Tel. 39-6-3224360 Fax 39-6-3224363 - e-mail:
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[email protected] December 2008 13 English Series IAI TALKING TURKEY IN EUROPE: TOWARDS A DIFFERENTIATED COMMUNICATION STRATEGY edited by Nathalie Tocci Talking Turkey II IAI-TEPAV Project Quaderni IAI ISTITUTO AFFARI INTERNAZIONALI This project and publication has been made possible with the generous support of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, (TOBB), the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation - Turkey (OSIAF- Turkey), the Compagnia di San Paolo and The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF-US).