DMEXCO Platinum Sponsor & Guide 2018 Silver Sponsor VIP Lounge

September 12 & 13, 2018, Organizer Ideational and professional partner, With the special participation of owner of the DMEXCO brand the Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) Vorwort

Liebe Besucher, herzlich willkommen in Köln! 2018 feiern wir ein Jubiläum: Die DMEXCO öffnet zum zehnten Mal ihre Tore auf dem Ge- lände der Koelnmesse. Wir freuen uns, dass ihr wieder dabei seid: Entscheidungsträger aus der digitalen Wirtschaft, Branchenführer, - und Medienprofis, Technologie- und Innovationstreiber, Gründer. Ihr alle – Besucher und Aussteller – bildet mit uns zusammen das Ökosystem DMEXCO. Eine Community, die wir künftig das ganze Jahr über pflegen wollen. Die zwei Tage DMEXCO, dieser geballte persönliche Austausch mit euch, das ist auch für für unsere Region Köln und das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen eine große Bereicherung. Zum einen sind da die zahlreichen internationalen Gäste, die uns mit ihren Ideen und Innovationen inspirieren. Gleichzeitig ist Köln selbst zu einem Zentrum für Innovation ge- worden – ob durch große, bekannte Unternehmen oder die vielen Start-ups, die sich hier niederlassen. Die DMEXCO als Drehscheibe der Digitalwirtschaft spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Über 1.000 Aussteller aus dem digitalen Busi- ness, global wie national, zeigen in den inzwischen sechs Hallen ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen und bieten jede Menge Business-Chancen und -Kontakte. Die sechs wertvollsten Unternehmen der Welt – gemessen am Börsen- wert – sind aktuell Digital-Unternehmen. Und alle sind dieses Jahr auf der DMEXCO in Köln. Transformation ist eine zentrale Aufgabe für Unternehmen, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Das gilt auch für die DMEXCO. Deshalb haben wir uns eine neue Corporate Identity gegeben. Diese bietet Besuchern und Ausstellern bessere Orientierung auf dem Gelände. Mit einem neuen Content-Konzept werden wir künftig 365 Tage im Jahr für den Austausch mit unserer Community sorgen. Bei aller digitalen Kommunikation, das Highlight bleibt immer die persönliche Begegnung. Deshalb wünsche ich euch für die nächsten zwei Tage gute, inspirierende Gespräche, erfolgreiche Geschäfte und wertvolle Kontakte!

Euer Gerald Böse Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Koelnmesse GmbH

Liebe Besucher, bleibt neugierig! Handelt bewusst! Übernehmt Verantwortung! Schafft besondere Erlebnisse! Oder um es anders zu sagen: Take C.A.R.E. (Curiosity, Action, Responsibility, Experience). Das ist dieses Jahr nicht nur das Motto der DMEXCO, sondern auch unsere Haltung und unser Anspruch gegenüber euch, unseren Besuchern und Ausstellern. Willkommen in Köln zur zehnten Auflage der DMEXCO. Bestimmt habt Ihr es bemerkt: Die DMEXCO sieht dieses Jahr etwas anders aus. Wir haben unsere Corporate Identity und damit auch das Farbleitsystem verändert, um euch intuitiver durch das Angebot der DMEXCO und die insgesamt sechs Messehallen zu lotsen. Rot und rund sind dabei alle Veranstaltungen der Conference, blau und eckig alle Bereiche und Aktivitäten rund um die Messe. Was ge- blieben ist: Das eindrucksvolle Speaker-Line-Up mit über 550 interessanten und inspirierenden Referenten aus der ganzen Welt. Und natürlich unsere Exposition mit über 1.000 Ausstellern, die das gesamte Ökosystem der globalen Digitalwirtschaft repräsentieren. Auf dem Weg nach Köln hat euch der Weg zur DMEXCO auch über unsere neue Webseite geführt. Vielleicht habt Ihr es bemerkt, dort bekommt Ihr nicht nur – wie gewohnt – Tickets und Infos zur Conference und zur Expo. In unserem neuen “Stories”-Bereich versorgen wir euch seit Juni auch mit allen relevanten und aktuellen Themen rund um das Digitalgeschäft – unser DMEXCO Podcast ergänzt das Konzept seit Neuestem. Mit unserer neuen Content-Strategie wollen wir 365 Tage im Jahr mit Euch im Austausch bleiben. Genießt die zwei Tage DMEXCO, was auch immer ihr euch vorgenommen habt. Angebot und Auswahl sind reichlich vorhanden: Insgesamt 18 Stages mit über 550 Speakern und über 250 Stunden Programm. Jede Menge Networking auf den vielen Standparties oder auf unserer offiziellen DMEXCO-Party und anderen Side-Events. Außerdem finden 2018 gleich zwei Start-up-Wettbewerbe auf der DMEXCO statt: “The DMEXCO & Unilever Start-up Hatch” und der “SevenVentures Pitch Day”. Wir freuen uns auf euch und auf zwei Tage voller Innovation, Inspiration und persönliches Networking!

Euer DMEXCO Board Philipp Hilbig, Dominik Matyka und Christoph Werner

Liebe Besucher, seit Jahren schon befindet sich die Wirtschaft in einem dauernden Transformationsprozess, der zunehmend Geschwindigkeit aufnimmt. Der Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. und die Digitalbranche, die wir vertreten, stehen vor der großen Herausforderung, mit dieser Entwicklung nicht nur Schritt zu halten, sondern in Deutschland die Vorreiterrolle anzunehmen und auszufüllen. Gemeinsam mit der Koelnmesse hat der BVDW mit der DMEXCO eine Plattform geschaffen, die eben dafür eine wichtige Bühne und wie kein anderes Format prädestiniert ist. Die DMEXCO gibt Themen eine Heimat, die in einer sich digitalisierenden Gesellschaft heute nicht mehr alleine in der Digitalbranche zu verorten sind – die auf der Kongressmesse gesetzten Impulse haben längst eine große Rele- vanz für die gesamte Wirtschaft. Sehr anschaulich zeigen das die Beispiele (Industrial) Internet of Things (IoT) und Künstliche Intelligenz (KI). Das Internet of Things hat die Datengrundlage massiv erweitert. Diese wiederrum eröffnet speziell im digitalen Marketing eine revolutionäre Art der kontextuellen Zielgruppenansprache. Auf Basis der Erfahrungen, die hierzu im digitalen Marketing deutlich ausgeprägter als in anderen Branchen sind, werden sich ganze Industriezweige neu er- finden. Und das müssen sie auch, um in der zunehmend digitalen Welt zu überleben! Die Kompetenz im Umgang mit Daten wird zunehmend zum Wettbewerbsfaktor. Vor allem in Kombination mit KI, die gerade aktuell einen gewaltigen Entwicklungssprung macht, werden wir in naher Zukunft viele spannende Veränderungen erleben. Die DMEXCO ist genau der richtige Ort, um hiervon einen Eindruck und eine Idee zu erhalten. Als ideeller und fachlicher Träger sind wir stolz, diese Entwicklung zu begleiten und zu treiben.

Herzlich Euer Matthias Wahl Präsident – Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V.

3 DMEXCO Guide Vorwort Preface Index

Dear visitors, welcome to Cologne! In 2018 we are celebrating an anniversary: DMEXCO is opening its doors for the tenth time DMEXCO Theme Framework 6 at the Koelnmesse exhibition center. We are delighted that you take part again: decision-makers from the digital economy, industry leaders, marketing and media professionals, technology and innovation drivers, founders. All of Partners and Sponsors 10 you – visitors and exhibitors – together with us form the DMEXCO ecosystem. A community that we want to maintain throughout the year in the future. BVDW Statement 13 The two days of DMEXCO, this concentrated personal exchange with you, is also a great enrichment for our region and state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Firstly, there are the numerous international guests who inspire us with their ideas and innovations. At the same time, Cologne has become a real center for innovation itself – whether through DMEXCO Party 16 large, well-known companies or the many start-ups that have established themselves here. DMEXCO as the digital economy hub plays a central role. More than 1,000 exhibitors from the digital business, both globally and nationally, Hall Plans 17 will showcase their products and services and offer a wide range of business opportunities and contacts in the six halls. The six most valuable companies in the world at present – measured by stock market value – are digital com- CreARTive Challenge 26 panies. And all of them are at DMEXCO in Cologne this year. Transformation is a central task for companies that want to remain competitive. This also applies to DMEXCO. Expo: Exhibitor List by Alphabet 29 This is why we have given ourselves a new corporate identity. This will give better orientation to our visitors and exhibitors on site. And with a new content concept we will ensure an exchange with our community 365 days a year. Despite all the digital communication, personal encounters are always the highlight. Therefore I wish you good, inspiring discussions, successful business and valuable contacts for the next two days! Conference Guide 55

Best regards, Congress Stage 56 Gerald Böse President and Chief Executive Officer, Koelnmesse Debate Stage 62 Experience Stage 70 Dear visitors, stay curious! Act consciously! Take responsibility! Create special experiences! Or to put it another way: Take C.A.R.E. Motion Stage 74 (Curiosity, Action, Responsibility, Experience). This is not only the motto of this year’s DMEXCO, but also our attitude and our commitment towards you, our visitors and exhibitors. Seminars 78 Welcome to the tenth DMEXCO in Cologne. I’m sure you’ve noticed: DMEXCO looks a little different this year. We have changed our corporate identity and with it the color system to guide you more intuitively through what DMEXCO has to offer and the six exhibition halls. All Conference events are red and round, all Expo activities are blue and square. Work Labs 87 What’s stayed the same: the impressive speaker line-up with over 550 interesting and inspiring speakers from all over the world. And of course our Expo with over 1,000 exhibitors representing the entire ecosystem of the global Speakers’ Forum 89 digital economy. The path to DMEXCO in Cologne has also led you through our new website. Maybe you noticed, you can not only get TV Studio 92 – as usual – tickets and information about the Conference and the Expo here. Since June, our new “Stories” section has also provided you with all relevant and current topics relating to the digital business – our new DMEXCO podcast Start-up Village 94 now rounds off the concept. With our new content strategy we want to stay in contact with you 365 days a year. Enjoy the two days of DMEXCO, whatever you have in mind. There’s plenty on offer for you to choose from: a total World of Agencies 102 of 18 stages with over 550 speakers and a program of more than 250 hours. Lots of networking at the many stand parties or at our official DMEXCO Party and other side events. In addition, DMEXCO 2018 is also hosting two start-up competitions: “The DMEXCO & Unilever Start-up Hatch” and the “SevenVentures Pitch Day”. We look forward to seeing you and to two days full of innovation, inspiration and personal networking!

Best regards, The DMEXCO Board Philipp Hilbig, Dominik Matyka und Christoph Werner WLAN & WIFI

Jedem Besucher steht im Eingang Nord, Cong- Free WiFi is available to all visitors at the Entrance Dear visitors, ress-Centrum Nord, Boulevard, Eingang Ost, Eingang North, Congress Center North, Boulevard, Entrance for years now, the economy has been in a permanent process of transformation that is picking up more and more Halle 11.1 und in den Hallen 5.1 und 5.2 kostenfreies East, Entrance Hall 11.1 and in the Halls 5.1 and 5.2. speed. The Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. / German Association for the Digital Economy and the WLAN zur Verfügung. digital industry that we represent face great challenges to not only be able to keep up with this development but to assume and fulfill the position of an association that leads the way in . Together with Koelnmesse, the BVDW has created a platform with DMEXCO that is an important stage for just that and predestined unlike any other format. DMEXCO provides a home for topics that in a digitizing society are no longer only located in the digital sector – the Login impulses given during what is a mix of trade show and convention have long been of great relevance for the entire industry. This is clearly visualized by the examples (Industrial) Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Wähle das WLAN „Messe-Besucher“, bestätige die Select the Wi-Fi „Messe-Besucher“, confirm the The Internet of Things has massively expanded the data basis. Especially when it comes to digital marketing, this Nutzungsbedingungen des hotspot.koelnmesse und conditions of use of hotspot. koelnmesse and click opens up a revolutionary way of approaching a target in a contextual manner. On the basis of experienc- klicke auf „Weiter“. “Continue”. es that are more pronounced in digital marketing in this context than in other sectors, entire industry branches will reinvent themselves. And they will have to do so in order to survive in the increasingly digital world! Competence in handling data will become more and more a competitive factor. Especially in combination with AI currently making a Bitte beachte, dass die Verbindung nach 2 Stunden Please note that the connection will be cut off if there quantum leap in its development, we will experience many exciting changes in the near future. DMEXCO is exactly the ohne Aktivität getrennt wird. has been no activity for 2 hours. right place for a first impression and an idea of what is to come. As ideational and technical supporter, we are proud to accompany and drive this development. Eine Wiedereinwahl ist jederzeit möglich. It is however possible to log-in again any time.

Sincerely yours, Matthias Wahl President of Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. German Association for the Digital Economy

4 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 5 DMEXCO Guide Index & WIFI Digitales Marketing ist per se facettenreich, weitet sich mit Businessmodellen und der Umsetzung von man den Blick auf die zahlreichen sich ergebenden Ideen. Leadership und New Work, aber auch Philoso- DMEXCO Themenframework Digitalisierungsimpulse, braucht es Orientierung und phy & Ethics greifen Themen auf, die mit der Digitali- Struktur. Nur so lassen sich Antworten und Lösungen sierung von Unternehmensprozessen und -struktu- für die individuellen Herausforderungen und Problem- ren einhergehen. Zu den strategischen und internen Was ist deine stellungen finden. Ein wesentliches Differenzierungs- Rahmenbedinungen zählen Alliances, aber auch merkmal des neuen Leitsystems der DMEXCO ist Compliance & Ethics. Die externen Faktoren wie Poli- die farbliche Unterscheidung nach Expo (blau) und tics, Emerging Markets und Cybersecurity runden das Conference (rot). In Kombination mit den jeweiligen Thema Business im Expo-Bereich, wie z.B. im Start-up Herausforderung? Abkürzungen der Bühnen und Expo-Flächen führen sie Village, wie auch in der Conference ab. dich gezielt in den Bereich der DMEXCO, der für dich besonders relevant ist. Die DMEXCO ist seit ihrem Bestehen eine wichtige Instanz, wenn es darum geht, relevante Zukunfts- Hinzu kommt ein Framework an Themen, die letzt- trends zu identifizieren, zu diskutieren und vor allem lich die unterschiedlichen Motivationen zum DMEXCO einzuordnen. Allein die Auswahl der Subthemen des Besuch widerspiegeln. Die fünf Schwerpunkte der Schwerpunkts Future liefert daher einen Überblick DMEXCO lauten Media, Marketing, Technology, Busi- über die relevanten Trends der kommenden Jahre. ness und Future. Sie formen die Prozesskette, wenn es Auf der Agenda stehen Technologien, die zwar schon um digitales Marketing und Innovation geht: das „wo“ heute im Einsatz sind, aber noch lange nicht ihre (Media), „was“ (Marketing), „wie“ (Technology), „war- „Blütezeit“ erreicht haben wie die Blockchain, Smart um“ (Business) und „wann“ (Future). Products oder IoT. Aber auch gesellschaftliche Ent- wicklungen, die neue Technologien erfordern oder Das Thema Media umfasst Plattformen, Kanäle und aber erst möglich machen wie Mobility, Smart Cities Touchpoints, also Publishing, Search, Social, Voice, Vi- & Homes, Food & Health, New Work oder Sustainabi- deo, Mobile, Out-of-Home oder Retail Media, aber auch lity haben hier ihren Platz. Natürlich dürfen auch die vermeintlich neue Domänen wie eSports, Gaming, Themen Transformation und Robotics nicht fehlen. Sie Virtual, Augmented oder Mixed Reality (VR, AR, XR). dokumentieren nicht zuletzt, dass der aktuelle Status Sowohl Ausstellerverzeichnis oder -suche als auch Quo im jeweiligen Bereich nicht mehr als eine Moment- das Programm der Conference schlüsseln Anbieter aufnahme ist und die Entwicklung gerade einmal am und Inhalte entsprechend auf. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist Anfang steht. Oder anders formuliert: The future is yet die Motion Stage, die sich ausschließlich dem Thema to come! Video widmet. Das breite Spektrum an Themen zeigt, dass eine Das gilt natürlich auch für den inhaltlichen Schwer- Einordnung mehr als nötig ist, um dich als Besucher punkt Marketing. Hier geht es um die verschiedenen gezielt an den Punkt zu bringen, wo du die richtigen Arten des Contents sowie deren Produktion und Be- Gesprächspartner, Antworten und Lösungen findest. reitstellung. Das beinhaltet die Subthemen Influencer, Wir haben das Framework an deinen Herausforderun- Brands, Agencies, Corporate, Native, Consumers, B2B, gen ausgerichtet. Nutze es, um dir einen Überblick zu Direct und Personalization. Mit der Agency Lounge und verschaffen und deine zwei Tage in Köln so zu planen, der World of Agencies gibt es hierzu dezidierte Anlauf- dass du das Optimum für dich herausholst. punkte im Rahmen der Expo. Übrigens: Das gilt auch für die Zeit nach der DMEXCO. Technologie bildet die Grundlage für digitales Marke- Denn unser gesamtes Content Angebot unter ting und Innovation. Doch sind nicht alle Technologien ist nach dem gleichen Muster struktu- Seit 2009 versammelt die DMEXCO alle wichtigen Entscheidungsträ- für jeden DMEXCO Besucher gleichermaßen relevant. riert. Je intensiver du dich hier nach der DMEXCO 2018 ger der digitalen Wirtschaft. Hier wird die digitale Agenda debattiert Auch ist die Unterscheidung wichtig, ob es sich tat- mit den für dich relevanten Inhalten befasst, desto sächlich um die technologische Perspektive oder viel- besser und gezielter werden wir dir in Zukunft Ant- und definiert. Hier entsteht aus Ideen konkretes Business. Es ist vor leicht doch die Media-Perspektive handelt, wie der Be- worten und Lösungen für deine individuelle Heraus- allem die Faszination für digitale Technologien, welche die Menschen, griff „Mobile“ verdeutlicht. Die Zuordnung macht den forderung liefern können. Vor allem aber steht die alles entscheidenden Unterschied. Zu den Unterthemen entscheidende Frage: Was ist deine Herausforderung? die Jahr für Jahr nach Köln kommen, verbindet. Was die Erwartungen des Technolgiebereichs zählen Artificial Intelligence, der einzelnen Besucher angeht, gibt es hingegen sehr große Unter- Data & Analytics, Media Trading & Buying, Payment, Commerce, Location Based Services, Deep Learning, schiede. Die DMEXCO bietet sehr viel: Impulse und Inspiration, kon- Blockchain, Chatbots sowie Mobile. Egal, ob Aussteller krete Lösungen, Marktüberblick, exklusive Kontakte, Wissensvermitt- oder Conference-Inhalt – diese Kennzeichnung weist die Richtung, wenn es darum geht, WIE Technologien lung, Dialog, Austausch und auch für das Entertainment ist gesorgt. funktionieren und welche Einsatzszenarien es bereits Angesichts dieser Vielfalt und angesichts von mehr als 40.000 Be- heute gibt. suchern stellt sich daher die berechtigte Frage, wie sich in „nur“ zwei Die entscheidende Frage bleibt die Frage nach dem Tagen das Optimum aus dem Aufenthalt in Köln herausholen lässt. „Warum?“. Wer Business und Marketing digitalisiert, verfolgt ökonomische Ziele. Das Topic Business Mit dem neuen Leitsystem und unserem Themenframework versu- fächert die unterschiedlichen harten und weichen chen wir genau hier gezielt zu unterstützen. Aspekte auf. Entrepreneurship und Start-up befassen

6 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 7 DMEXCO Guide DMEXCO Themenframework Digital marketing is multifaceted per se, and if you also compliance & ethics. The external factors such as expand your view to the numerous digitization stimuli politics, emerging markets and cybersecurity round off DMEXCO Topic Framework that arise, you need orientation and structure. This is the topic of Business in the Expo area, for instance in the only way to find answers and solutions to individual the Start-up Village, as well as in the Conference area. challenges and problems. An essential differentiating feature of the new DMEXCO guidance system is the Since its launch, DMEXCO has been an important What are Your Challenges? authority when it comes to identifying, discussing and, color distinction between Expo (blue) and Conference (red). In combination with the abbreviations for the above all, classifying relevant future trends. The selec- stages and Expo areas, they will guide you straight to tion of sub-topics in the Future area therefore provides the DMEXCO area that is relevant to you. an overview of the relevant trends for the years ahead. On the agenda are technologies that are already in In addition, there is a framework of topics that ulti- use today, but are far from reaching their “heyday”, mately reflect the different motivations for a visit to such as blockchain, smart products or IoT. But social DMEXCO. The five DMEXCO focal points are Media, developments that require new technologies or even Marketing, Technology, Business and Future. The- make these possible in the first place, such as mobi- se form the process chain when it comes to digital lity, smart cities & homes, food & health, new work or marketing and innovation: the “where” (Media), “what” sustainability also have a place here. Of course, the list (Marketing), “how” (Technology), “why” (Business) and would not be complete without the topics of transfor- “when” (Future). mation and robotics. They document how the current status quo in each area is no more than a snapshot The topic Media covers platforms, channels and and that developments are only just beginning. Or to touchpoints, in other words publishing, search, social, put it another way: The future is yet to come! voice, video, mobile, out-of-home or retail media, but also supposedly new domains such as eSports, ga- The wide range of topics shows that a classification ming and virtual, augmented or mixed reality (VR, AR, is more than necessary to get you as a visitor to the XR). The exhibitor list and the exhibitor search as well point where you find the right dialog partners, answers as the Conference program break down the providers and solutions. We have adapted the framework to your and content accordingly. One example of this is the challenges. Use it to get an overview and plan your two Motion Stage, which is dedicated exclusively to the days in Cologne so that you get the most out of them. topic of video. By the way: the same goes for after DMEXCO, because This also, of course, applies to the Marketing focal our entire content under is structured point. This is about the different types of content as following the same pattern. The more intensively you well as their production and provision. This covers the engage with the content relevant to you after DMEXCO sub-topics influencers, brands, agencies, corporate, 2018, the better and more specifically we will be able to native, consumers, B2B, direct and personalization. provide you with answers and solutions to your indivi- The Agency Lounge and the World of Agencies are dual challenges in the future. Above all, however, there dedicated points of contact for these within the Expo. is the crucial question: What are your challenges?

Technology forms the basis for digital marketing and innovation. But not all technologies are equally rele- vant for every DMEXCO visitor. It is also important to differentiate between the technology perspective and perhaps the media perspective, as the term “mobile” demonstrates. The classification makes the key diffe- Since 2009, DMEXCO has been assembling all the important deci- rence. The sub-topics in the Technology area include artificial intelligence, data & analytics, media trading sion-makers from the digital economy. This is where the digital agen- & buying, payment, commerce, location-based ser- da is debated and defined. Ideas are turned into concrete business vices, deep learning, blockchain, chatbots and mobile. Whether exhibitor or Conference content – this marker here. It is above all the fascination for digital technologies that unites points the way when it comes to HOW technologies the people who come to Cologne year after year. As far as the ex- work and which application scenarios already exist today. pectations of individual visitors are concerned, however, there are substantial differences. DMEXCO offers a great deal: ideas and in- The key question is still the matter of “why?”. Anyo- ne who digitalizes business and marketing pursues spiration, concrete solutions, market overview, exclusive contacts, economic objectives. The topic Business takes the knowledge transfer, dialog, exchange and entertainment. Given this various hard and soft aspects and fans these out. Entrepreneurship and start-up deal with business diversity and the approximately more than 40,000 visitors, the legiti- models and the implementation of ideas. Leadership mate question is how to get the most out of a visit to Cologne in “just” and new work, but also philosophy & ethics address topics that go hand in hand with the digitalization of two days. With the new guidance system and our topic framework, we business processes and structures. The strategic and aim to offer support in precisely this area. internal framework conditions include alliances, but

8 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 9 DMEXCO Guide DMEXCO Topic Framework We thank our Partners and Sponsors

Organizer Ideational and profes- With the special partici- Platinum Sponsor & Sil- Gold Sponsor Expo Gold Sponsor sional partner, owner pation of the Circle of ver Sponsor VIP Lounge Conference of the DMEXCO brand Online Marketers (OVK)

Official Partners

National Media Partners The Home of Equality

International Media Partners

International TV Partner Join Us In The Girls’ Lounge @ DMEXCO Marketing Partners September 12 9:00 - 18:30 September 13 9:00 - 17:30 Technology Partner Hall 9

Video Partner Pre-Conference Partner Podcast Partner I @FemaleQuotient I #TheFemaleQuotient 10 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne

Treffen Sie uns auf dem Digitales Business erleben: Digital Marketing Quality d | Stand A001 Messeboulevar Auf der DMEXCO und im BVDW

Digital Commerce Der Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. und seine Messe DMEXCO sind Impuls- geber für die Digitale Wirtschaft. Mit den Guided Tours und den Seminars, die aktuelle Fragen der Branche behandeln, verschafft der BVDW den Besuchern der DMEXCO Orientierung in der Digital Vielfalt der Messe-Themen. Am Messestand im Boulevard A 001 lädt der BVDW dazu ein, sich gemeinsam über Digitalthemen auszutauschen. Arbeitswelt der Zukunft 18 Seminars, Online Ad Summit und ein Gemeinschaftsstand

Neben seinem eigenen Messestand und dem großen Gemeinschaftsstand BVDW Digital Lounge (Halle 8, B050) ist der BVDW mit verschiedenen weiteren Formaten und Programm- inhalten auf der Messe vertreten, um die neuesten Ergebnisse seiner Verbandsarbeit sowie die wichtigsten Entwicklungen der Digitalen Wirtschaft zu präsentieren. Schon am Vortag der Datenschutz DMEXCO zieht der Online Ad Summit des BVDW wichtige Branchengrößen nach Köln, die über Programmatic Herausforderungen und Chancen im digitalen Marketing beraten. Im Rahmen seiner 18 Semi- nars fördert der Verband den Wissensaustausch zu den wichtigsten Branchenthemen zwi- schen Fachpublikum und Digitalexperten aus BVDW-Mitgliedsunternehmen. Zum ersten Mal findet auf der Debate Stage dieses Jahr zudem das „Female Economic Empowerment”-Panel Wir sind das Netz des BVDW statt. Darüber hinaus präsentieren hochkarätige Referenten aus den BVDW-Gre- mien aktuelle Ergebnisse der Verbandsarbeit und diskutieren Trends der Digitalen Wirtschaft. Internet of Things BVDW Guided Tours: Orientierung in der Ausstellerlandschaft Seit ihrer Premiere wächst die DMEXCO kontinuierlich und garantiert auch in diesem Jahr mit Digitale Transformation ihren hohen Ansprüchen an Inhalte eine erstklassige Qualität. Um den Besuchern in dieser Ausstellervielfalt Orientierung zu geben, lädt der BVDW exklusiv zu den BVDW Guided Tours ein. 20 verschiedene Touren beleuchten die jeweils spannendsten Trends und Entwicklun- gen, u. a. aus den Bereichen Digitale Transformation, Customer Journey, Datenschutz & ePri- Sprachsteuerung vacy, Audio, Marketing Automation und zahlreiche weitere und führen die Teilnehmer vom BVDW-Messestand aus zu thematisch zugehörigen Stationen auf der DMEXCO.

Preisvergabe live auf der DMEXCO

Künstliche Intelligenz Das große Potenzial des Nachwuchses der Digitalbranche fördert der BVDW mit dem Chal- lenge Award. Junge Kreative aus Full-Service-, Werbe-, Media- oder Digitalagenturen konnten dafür ihre Ideen einreichen. Die Finalisten präsentieren ihre Arbeiten am ersten Messetag der DMEXCO um 15:15 Uhr auf der Debate Stage, das Gewinnerteam ermitteln die DMEXCO-Zu- schauer per Live-Voting.


Der BVDW ist fachlicher und ideeller Träger der DMEXCO sowie Markeninhaber. 13 DMEXCO Guide Digitales Business erleben: Auf der DMEXCO und im BVDW Experience Digital Business at DMEXCO and in the BVDW The Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. / German Association for the Digital Economy and its trade show DMEXCO are an impulse generator for the digital economy. With its guided tours and seminars addressing current issues of the sector, the BVDW provides orientation for the visitors of DMEXCO for the multitude of trade show topics. At the trade show booth located in Boulevard A 001, the BVDW invites visitors to a digital topics exchange.

18 Seminars, Online Ad Summit and a Joint Booth

Besides its own trade show booth and the large joint booth BVDW Digital Lounge (hall 8, B050), the BVDW is also represented with numerous additional formats and program con- tent at the trade show in order to present the latest results of the work of the association as well as the most important developments of the digital economy. Already on the day before the DMEXCO, the Online Ad Summit of the BVDW attracts important players of the industry to come to Cologne, advising on challenges and opportunities in digital marketing. In line with its 18 seminars, the association promotes the exchange of knowledge between the specialist audience and digital experts from BVDW member companies regarding the most important industry topics. For the first time, the ‘Female Economic Empowerment’ Panel of the BVDW will take place on the Debate Stage. In addition, high-caliber speakers from the BVDW com- mittees present current results of the work of the association and discuss trends of the digital economy.

BVDW Guided Tours: Orientation within the Exhibitors’ Area

Since its premiere, DMEXCO has been growing continuously, and with its high standards in view of content it will guarantee top quality again this year. In order to facilitate orientation for visitors for this large variety of exhibitors, the BVDW exclusively invites to participate in the BVDW guided tours. 20 different tours highlight the most exciting trends and developments respectively, including the areas of digital transformation, customer journey, data protection and e-privacy, audio, marketing automation and various other topics, and lead participants from the BVDW booth to other stations at DMEXCO that are related in terms of topics.

Live Award Ceremony at DMEXCO

The BVDW supports the high potential of the next generation of the digital industry with the Challenge Award. Young creatives from full-service, advertising, media or digital agencies were able to submit their ideas for this award. The finalists will present their work on the first day of DMEXCO at 3:15 PM on the Debate Stage, and the DMEXCO audience will determine the winner via live voting.

14 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne Hall Plan: Food and Drinks DMEXCO meets I LOVE ENGTANZ Wednesday September 12, 2018, 20:30 at Wolkenburg

Food & Drinks included Germany €119

Platinum Sponsor & Silver Sponsor VIP Lounge

Get Tickets Now! 17 DMEXCO Guide Hall Plan: Food and Drinks Entrance East Entrance Hall 11.1 Hall 9 Entrance North DMEXCO Café DMEXCO VIP Entrance Press) (Speakers, Congress Congress North Center Congress Stage Congress Trade Press Trade Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Lounge Area

Cash Desk

Trade Trade Press Trade Press

Mobile Power Mobile Power Station East Entrance Trade Press Trade A008 marco- nomy

C009 D009 Frank- furter Allge- meine Zeitung TDWI Show Heroes D008 A001 Entrance Hall 11.1 A019 The Girls’ Lounge The Girls’ B C D E A A011 C011 D011 B010 D018 E010 E011 C010

A010 BVDW The Perfor- mance Net- work Group, E2Ma Please use the escalator to to Please use the escalator 0 Level access Hall 5.2 from Sommer & Co. onvista media onvista Rakuten Rakuten Marketing Marketing Rakuten Viber Rakuten A012 Exactag Oath E019 optilyz Smart AdServer emarsys B019 C018

A017 003 B014 A016

Appsumer A D019 E018 Cloudinary B018 Video Elephant A018 Searchmetrics Trade Press Trade Motion Stage Motion Labs Work Press Center Center Press VIP Lounge Stage Experience Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 Level . DCMN Blogger Area Openx IAB Switzerland º Adference Adference Commanders Act crossvertise Technologies Fjord LEAP Digital Marketing m-pathy OBI4wan trbo

Webtrekk Freewheel / Comcast BVDW BSI Business Systems Integration Integration BSI Business Systems Deutsche Lufthansa FRANKA EMIKA marketing video content make/c Nortal Interactive Novum picalike ShowAd Snap Space Interactive 360 Spacemakers Virtual Reality Magenta Telekom europe TV1 - streaming Viond Labs VRTX TV Studio Experience of World C021 D020 A021 C028 Outdoor Area Outdoor Senuto Infinity Media A020 Ligatus RMS Radio Marketing D021 Service North Center E021 GfK DMEXCO DMEXCO Diner E028 D029 Amplience Hall Plan: Hall 8 A022 Hall Plan: Hall 7 Hall 11.1 mit G+J e|MS smartclip smartclip Ad Alliance Ad Nielsen - Visual IQ E029 IP Deutschland SPIEGEL MEDIA SPIEGEL Haufe- Lexware A024 DuMont Digital, kolb digital, Kontrast DuMont Digital, kolb Communication Services, kytence, SonoBeacon Lösch MSP, Censhare brand building FACELIFT Cloud Facelift Bynder A028 RTL Group RTL Hall 9 MAIRDU- MONT NETLETIX C029 SevenOne Media SevenOne Asia Point Sushi Point DMEXCO Pub Coffee Juice meets Piazza Boulevard North B031 A031 C031 B030 D030 C030 E030 E031 Speakers’ Forum D031 ORACLE ORACLE Deutschland Blue Kai, Clicktale, Clicktale, Blue Kai, Cloud CX, Eloqua, Engage- ment Factory Maxymiser, B.V., Connect, Planet Responsys, Reply Riverland

Brandwatch A030


optimise-it Unlimited Traffic Unlimited Adweek Netmind Core Netmind GiroSolution

B001 C002 Inxmail C001 Spyke Media Spyke E001 Mindlab giropay E008 A008 C009 E009 B008 C008 denk- werk United Internet Media Internet United e-Spirit ARITHNEA Canto Excellence Digital Value diva-e ETECTURE I-D Media Bielefeld Pixelpark B A C D E Snack Point PAYBACK B033 C038 iq digital B038 D011 A011 E010 B010 C010 A010 A011 A010 C039 D038 C011 E010 cadooz B011 A035 gesellschaft Ulm Neue Medien- C018

prudsys tung von tung von E011 Bazaarvoice Geoedge E032 E011 Avalara Total Total Media E034


Acxiom LiveRamp D013a Start-up Village Start-up D013b DMEXCO Café DMEXCO Feststellung Feststellung E012b E012a D039 A012 eviom nformationsgemeinsch. A039 CJ Affiliate CJ Affiliate Conversant by Tableau Data Virtuality Feld M taod Consulting Episerver Personalization Episerver CMS Episerver Conversant Interfon Adress Interfon INDIMA direct, Gruppe Melter Celtra E036 MNFST Tech- nologi Messenger People der Verbrei INFOnline I zur Werbeträgern Werbeträgern PubMatic Entrance North DYMATRIX CONSULTING brandung mediawave netz98 PHOENIX MEDIA TechDivision Inviqa UK Trustpilot Magento C011 econda A013 Optimizely Reply Portaltech Usabilla Igniti Liana- tech, Liana Techno- logies SEMKNOX Digital Element b.telligent E013 Talkwalker webeffects Mycom Hydrane BidMotion Tappcelerator Tappx A016 A B C D E

denkwerk Custobar E015 apollon B016 B019 C018 A041 B040 C041 D040 E040 C040 D017 D041 E016a E016b A018 centrics User- D017a A018 Kameleoon Kameleoon B041 Kuaiyou B041a 4C insights Leiki E017 InterRed Intowow Innovation ITB Siteimprove Schober A017 E017 Uniserv

B018 white BUL- LET B043

E018 E018a netnomics D019 Campaign -

SAP Media, Hootsuite ARITHNEA, B4B, CELUM, POET, Mirakl, Netconomy, Mediafly, itelligence, PricewaterhouseCoopers, GumGum .com Bechtle Bicycles Canyon Engine Loyalty DEFACTO realations defacto DOCUSIGN FRANCE dotSource DriveNow 24 factory nexum Consulting PARX SafeCharge Sybit B016 Adobe diconium eggs unimedia Hootsuite Namics Plan.Net Group Prime Force TRACK E019 Fairrank E019 Mobusi Mobile , SunMedia, Lab- Games Cave E041

SimilarWeb Materna CoreMedia C019 creativestyle creativestyle e-velopment blu · piazza Silpion IT-Solutions A019 ]init[ Systems Arvato Babiel bitgrip communicode Elastic Path Commerce Elastic Path Consulting Monday novomind Stiftung Logistik FIEGE Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) Solution Provider Group Otto Bertelsmann Sevenval AZ Direct, Bedi- AZ Direct, rect, direct services, direct Deutschland- Card Gorilla LiveReach Bilendi AS&S Radio Weischer.Media Golden Goose B045 A040 Omikron Data Quality Omikron FACT-Finder adRom ADITION AdClear Agent, Active managed The ADEX, myLoc IT Yieldlab PlusServer Services Web Amazon Technologies Akamai B049 C048 ad agents Webgains Videobeat Networks Digital Improve D043 D045 Seminar 4 Seminar 5 A B C D E Congress Congress North Center A049 B048

A044 C049 seo2b D048 B021 C021 E024 C020 B020 E020 Congress Stage Congress E045 contentbird B021 C020 C021 D020 B020 E020 A021a ReachHero A021 D047 Haensel E048 optile A020 B020a A020 Orbitvu, Alpha- Alphastudio, shot, Orbitvu Kits quintly

S.HE Business Shopgate Shopgate squarelovin

A048 A022 Datorama E047 B022 E022 E021 marcapo Systems Expert E021 linkfluence Deutsche Post DHL Deutsche Post need All you AllyouneedFresh Germany DHL Express Criteo Hermes Yandex Trade Press Trade gridscale

VIP Entrance Entrance VIP (Speaker, Press) (Speaker, W&V Orendt Studios Holding Orendt Adform Meyer & Meyer Meyer on Sunday Even Sebastian Reimers smirror, A023a B022a PVS Offerista Intershop Audience Serv A023 Happy Contests Happy Beschützerbox Targetbox telaria telaria Blizzard Activision esc mediagroup Spryker Systems Spryker A021 best it Claranet common solutions Contentserv Digital Value diva-e Excellence Inviqa Magnolia mediawave minubo NEXUS Netsoft E-COM POWERPAY Rackspace Senders Seven superReal Kreuzberg Turbine Schweiz CEC Valantic ERP Software Xentral XING Marketing Solutions UnitedData Shopin Teads A024 A028 Stage 1 Stage

Foap Poland E023

, Sellics Market- place A051 B051 D051 E050 B050 C050

C029 D028 B027 A025 B024 C024 adny- mics parcel Lab 247- GRAD Cool Service C028 E026 D028 C029 E023 E026a Across Across Systems Welocalize Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Lounge Area A026 D027 Cake SmartyAds SmartyAds Advellence Advellence Sharedien Humai Tech- nologies E025 Triton Triton Digital HQLabs HQLabs Q. C026 Cash Desk A027 ameo App&Web A050 AGNITAS iAdvize E029 NEOSEEN Objectbox Liquid Labs odc. By Permutive PrimeUp printmate RYTER Research Symanto The Jodel Venture uNaice Welect yimify YUKTAMEDIA - Media Group Yoto A028 UDG BVDW Digital Lounge 2. odo- scope Justpremium Marketo Marketing Avaus Innovations, Buildscale, Cloudwords, Onemedia Consulting, vidyard Tealium GRIF Bürgel TeamBank Computop sogedes. digital A029 Ad Defend E028 D029 germany Aperto Aperto IBM iX B026 B029 C026a MoovIT text Omatic empaction Nano Inter- Active A029 B028 B025 C028 Ratecard Botfuel Dailymotion Displayce id5 Technology Advertising Gameloft Mediarithmics Proxistore Realytics SIRDATA Sojern SYNC TEEMO Tinyclues A054 AppNexus Adtelligent Adtelligent Consulting Deloitte Digital Deloitte Partnerize E029 Spotify Burda Direkt Services Direkt Burda interactive direct Burda Burdadirect DieRabattMacher PACVERTISE Marketing PaketPLUS PAKKS PAKKS Trade Trade Press Trade Press D059 D055 E055 Sendinblue ExMarketPlace JobValet, Self JobValet, Butler App, Vilo App, YOUniversal Media Amazon eBay C051 C031 Lounge Area B030 A031 D031

E030 E030 C030 D030 Level 0 Level B030a B059 C031 Mobile Power Mobile Power Station C058 C038 D030 D031 Netz- gefährten Seeding- Up


tarent tarent solutions Rocket10 A031 Oracle Corporation , Oracle Dyn B058 A030 Press Trade

APPSfactory A058 E059 , com- financeAds municationAds, retailerweb C059 DoubleVerify B032 AT Internet AT Lengow Lengow AB Tasty numberly emetriq BurdaForward Dept Dept Marketplaces FACTOR-A OnCrawl by OnCrawl Cogniteev EMX Digital Fyber A059 3. B032a TYPO3 Vibrant Media App Annie E031 Maloon SocialHub Cash Payment Paymorrow marco- nomy A008 Frank- furter Allge- meine Zeitung TDWI Show Heroes C009 D009 D008 eprofessional eprofessional Awin D033 D033b Klarna Scanblue Expedia Expedia, Media Solutions EVO Payments EVO Selligent Agiliway Technologies Attest Beaconinside bikuh Management Ventures Cavalry Cognigy Evergage FromScratch Happydemics LEVURO Livingdocs Madheads Marketing Mesaic Technology MOINsure Adriel Alpha.One Chatvisor COOKEYPATH CrowdArchitects E-HAWK - ELMAN SYSTEMS Fluid Ads AD FROGO Gpredictive Hivency hmstr i1box iamhero - InterPromo leadtributor LoyJoy Mailbutler Advertising Next prettysocialmedia quantilope Circle Target TenMax ADTech Lab. Co. Visarity Technologies Vorwärts OU WaardeX shopware Dotmailer, brickfox, hmmh, Ingenico, Neo- fonie, NEXUS Netsoft, Portaltech Pickware, RHIEM Profihost, Reply, synaigy, Intermedia, Webmatch, TeamBank, WEBneo A033 GOB Lucky Lucky Shareman Get Response Sizmek Smaato


Cappasity A001 A036 A B C D E Seminar 6 D036

E035 Critizr Seminar 3 Entrance Hall 11.1 talkauf- A019 The Girls’ Lounge The Girls’ A B C D E

C061 D061 A036 C033 Confession Drive, Digi eTribes Connect Etribes, Digital E060 D062a D062b E038 C039 B039 Media Impact BILD Springer SPRING Axel Media Digital News kaufDA kaufDA MeinProspekt PubNative D036 GothamAds E037 E038 Propeller- Ads Bonial International Bonial International E036a C036 Cxense AD-PLAYER-PRO AD-PLAYER-PRO Nethunt B036 B037 FINDO- LOGIC Creditreform , Boniversum Di- CrefoPay, gitalraum, Ver- microm, band der Ver- eine Credit- reform E037 admitad A011 Lotame D035 Smarketer C011 D011 B010 D018 E010 A037a PlusServer C010 E011 A037 Afilias Device- Atlas , parsionate price- intelligence Testbirds E069 A010 A038 A038 D062d D062c Stadt Köln D038


Twitch dfv Mediengruppe Horizont adcash D038 Meetrics blogfoster E039 Klickwunder Adloox Apteco

E038a B038 BVDW Experience Stage Intango E039 The Perfor- mance Net- work Group, E2Ma InMobi Please use the escalator to to Please use the escalator 0 Level access Hall 5.2 from B031 C030 B038 Accenture Accenture . Unruly A035 PayPal A039 D039 Oracle Deutschland Oracle Data Cloud Vogel Communi- cations GlobalWide Media A039a C039 , NET REVIEWS Bewer- Echte tungen Otto Group Otto Media Israel Export Institute Israel Export 2. International International Lounge º SIX Payment SIX Payment B039 tradebyte IT-Solutions MAC MS Direct BS PAYONE billwerk Online-Shop EHI Geprüfter Holding SCHUFA uberall Fastlane XQueue XQueue Maileon AddressCheck

Sommer & Co. onvista media onvista

Rakuten Rakuten Marketing Marketing Rakuten Viber Rakuten A012 Exactag Oath E064 E062 D064 B C D E A E019 A B C D E optilyz Smart AdServer emarsys Across YONKA- NA SRL BRICK SPACES C063 WIBBITZ construktiv trafficmax Leadbolt D065 C065 C067 MMDSmart Message- Whiz Sentient Tech- nologies , Sen- tient Ascend B019 C018 A043 C041 A017 B041 C042 Feed Dyna- mix B040 D040 E040 A016 B014 Appsumer

A040 A003 D019 E018 Cedato D041 Outdoor Area Outdoor Curate Mobile D066 Early Bird Lounge Early Bird E066 C040 B040 CRM Adyen Piwik PRO D041a E041 Clickable Design Clickable Dataxu Zalando, Collabary by design :kostal by Digitale Marken dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur media madvertise Liebe, eyeota, Echte Media, Performance Nayoki, Web2Grow Scalling.TV, PowerLinks, World of of World Agencies

A040 Goldbach Group Goldbach Austria Splicky Goldbach Germany, Cloudinary AdSpirit Protected Media C069 C068 Ippen Tapad The Tapad Graph Traffective Traffective D069 Seloy Live Seloy E041 Trade doubler A042 D042 E042 Opinary B042 B018 Outdoor Area Outdoor Video Elephant A018 IOX Mediennetzwerk.NRWc/o NRW Mediencluster metoda media accelerator next Data Resources Nordic POSpulse SITU8ED SoundReply Publishing Spectrm Stoerkens Storemoods Go Media Stream Triclap troy Technologies Ubermetrics labs ZOOM Scedule Corp Social Ads Spaceboot Spirable Media - Gründerszene Vertical weAct Rabbit White Business Suite Rabbit - Happy White - DALASON WIRECLOUD Concardis RatePAY Bloomreach commercetools, Satzmedia, Digital Value diva-e Excellence AdRoll SendCloud T-Systems B043 Optimove UK Admixer D043 D041 Ingenious Technologies belboon, Searchmetrics Trade Press Trade adjust TextMaster . DCMN Blogger Area Openx IAB Switzerland º Adference Adference Commanders Act crossvertise Technologies Fjord LEAP Digital Marketing m-pathy OBI4wan trbo Webtrekk Freewheel / Comcast B041 Omnicom annalect Hearts & Science Germany OMD Germany PHD Germany Services Web Trakken E040 MediaMath Desk The Trade E070 B071 C070 CNN

C071 D070 Ad- Police Super- text BVDW

artegic LINK Mobility DAPP Global Limi Platform DU Ad Media Mint E045 E043

BSI Business Systems Integration Integration BSI Business Systems Deutsche Lufthansa FRANKA EMIKA marketing video content make/c Nortal Interactive Novum picalike ShowAd Snap Space Interactive 360 Spacemakers Virtual Reality Magenta Telekom europe TV1 - streaming Viond Labs VRTX

Facebook A041 F008 TV Studio Experience of World C049 Instagram C048 Hall 8 D046 C048 E044 E046 A046 B046 33- Across C021 A048 D020 A021 DDV E045 C028 E047

CREHLER loopingo Leanplum Adikteev Seminar 7 D047

Outdoor Area Outdoor eology A047 BurdaForward Channable B048 B047 Crownpeak A048 idealo internet Senuto Infinity Media A020 Ligatus RMS Radio Marketing D021 Service North Center E048 Yext E021 GfK E049 Kimia Solutions Research Now E049 DMEXCO Diner C041 D049 MediaLink Rubicon Project xAd B049 IPONWEB TK-World Spectrum unlimited, Vodafone A049 D048 Bing LinkedIn A049 BidSwitch E048 GroundTruth Talihu Talihu UNIVERSUM Inkasso Eyeo Santander Consumer Bank heidelpay heidelpay Microsoft Channel Pilot Solutions Channel Pilot basecom, brandence, Digital Group, Grow MSO Digital, YieldKit netspirits, B049 Channel- Advisor D049 TUNE LogMeIn LogMeIn BidSwitch, Bold360, GoTo- Webinar E028 D029 Stage 2 Stage 23 degrees 5Analytics Lightning Ad adbonitas ADLIB DIGITAL AdTriba Advocado Bannerwise brytes CoolTool easyclipr Explainr Studios FanFilter guuru Hafervoll Gründerfonds High-Tech Management Insense Ads Digital Hub Cologne expertmatch findoo. Deutschland Flux FoxBase HitchOn Magikbee Media Technology Mercury NETSTAG OneFID Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- RTZ Köln und Gründerzentrum Amplience A022 mit

G+J e|MS smartclip smartclip Ad Alliance Ad Nielsen - Visual IQ E029 B053 IP Deutschland SPIEGEL MEDIA SPIEGEL C050 D050 E052 B051 B050 E050 B050 C050 Haufe- Lexware A024 Cleverclip A052 RS Internet Reklam- Store A051a Experian Feier- abend A051a Loqate A050

DuMont Digital, kolb digital, Kontrast DuMont Digital, kolb Communication Services, kytence, SonoBeacon Lösch MSP, Censhare brand building FACELIFT Cloud Facelift Slope- Lift PM E054 B052 E051 E054a Monotype Olapic A052 Bynder A028 Connexity Europe Wirecard Applift D051 C051 HubSpot HubSpot Germany STYLA GLO- BAXY Trusted Shops Trusted etracker morefire A053 ANEXIA netcup Carl Zeiss IGAWORKS adbrix RTL Group RTL WeQ Global WeQ Sub Tech Taboola plista Snack Point MAIRDU- MONT NETLETIX SevenOne Media SevenOne C029 ZEFR E051 E053 Silver- Bullet A054 "Die Socia- listen" Asia Point Sushi Point DMEXCO Pub Coffee Juice meets Outdoor Area Outdoor Visit OSRAM in Hall 6 / E060 dunnhumby C058 Piazza D056 C057

B056 E056 A056 B059 C058 Boulevard North E055 E056a cent Digital Media Collect- B031 Cloud- flare A031 C031 B030 D030 C030 E030 A055 Global- Wide Media Causal IQ Newsletter 2Go B057 Speakers’ Forum A058 E031 Wieners+ Wieners B054 A057 Smarter Ecommerc App Samurai Trebbau direct

D055 PubGalaxy D053 Traffic Partner RUNATIVE

InfluencerDB Titan Gate A058 Accen- gage D031 ORACLE ORACLE Deutschland Blue Kai, Clicktale, Clicktale, Blue Kai, Cloud CX, Eloqua, Engage- ment Factory Maxymiser, B.V., Connect, Planet Responsys, Reply Riverland E057 B058 Pixalate D058 Urban Airship E055 Matomy myDSP MOBFOX, E058 Please use the escalators Please use the escalators access Hall 5.1 and 5.2 to ARITHNEA pilot Publicis Media Plan.Net Mediaplus

Agency Agency Lounge

Brandwatch A030 Zeropark Zeropark Voluum adlicious Codewise


Integral Ad Ad Integral Science

Tripicchio A059 D057 Return UK Path real,- Digital Payment & Technology Services , WP Engine Epom, Epom Ad Server

D059 ADmantX optimise-it Unlimited Traffic Unlimited Adweek House RTB

Netmind Core Netmind GiroSolution eSales OXID Eikona Media Eikona Versicherung Direkt ERGO Esyon Laudert Pixelboxx Kochava pirobase pirobase imperia CMS CMS pirobase pirobase imperia PIM B059

Seminar 8

B001 C002 Inxmail C001 Spyke Media Spyke Mindlab Mindlab giropay E001 Seminar 2 E008 A008 C009 B008 E009 C008 denk- werk United Internet Media Internet United A B C D E e-Spirit ARITHNEA Canto Excellence Digital Value diva-e ETECTURE I-D Media Bielefeld Pixelpark B A C D E

Snack Point PAYBACK

B033 C038 iq digital B061 E060 C060 D060 B038

C061 B061 akti- D060

D011 A011 r C060 E010 B010 A062 C010 E060 E060a A010 A011 A010 C039 D038 C011 E010 cadooz A061 B011 SuperOffice Echobot Phocus Direct D061 A035 Reputa- Apps Flyer Neue Medien- gesellschaft Ulm BSI Busi- ness Sys- Inte- tems gration loadbee YOC Mobile YOC Advertising E061 D061 C018 EINSTONE EINSTONE OSRAM Beaconinside EINSTONE Smart Retail OSRAM New Relic New B060

E061 A061 prudsys Smart Shopping and Saving Sparwelt Clever- bridge tung von tung von E011 Oro Bazaarvoice Geoedge E032

Capgemini ocket-media, E011 Avalara Total Total Media E034

A060 Paysafe Holdings, Paysafe- cash


DIA die inte die DIA

r comwrap comwrap eZ Systems

A038 Level 0 Level

Acxiom LiveRamp D013a Outbrain Start-up Village Start-up D013b E062 Feststellung Feststellung E062a D063 Clicks Online A063 E012b E012a Social Match 24trans- late Mobvista A012 eviom nformationsgemeinsch. A039 D039 CJ Affiliate CJ Affiliate Conversant by Tableau Data Virtuality Feld M taod Consulting Episerver Personalization Episerver CMS Episerver Conversant Interfon Adress Interfon INDIMA direct, Gruppe Melter Celtra MNFST Tech- nologi Messenger People der Verbrei INFOnline I zur Werbeträgern Werbeträgern E036 PubMatic Akeneo CELUM Flagbit Deutschland InBetween Reply Portaltech Products-Up sunzinet Vignold Group net- grade D062 DYMATRIX CONSULTING brandung mediawave netz98 PHOENIX MEDIA TechDivision Inviqa UK Trustpilot Magento C011 econda A062 B062 Press Matrix AdSecure B064 A013 Optimizely Reply Portaltech Usabilla Igniti Liana- tech, Liana Techno- logies A066 meta people A065 Artefact E063 Roxot SEMKNOX B069 MGID Ironsource D063 Impact Forensiq E064 PrestaShop B063 CCBill, Internet Services, Marketing Mollie, patworx multi- media, Roccomedia, Wirecard First Cash Solution miropay- ment Digital Element b.telligent E013 Talkwalker Mycom webeffects Hydrane BidMotion Tappcelerator Tappx Mobile Power Station Mobile Power C061 Mediabrands Media, Initiative Cadreo, McCann Reprise, Universal

heineking- media,

A016 A B C D E

A066 denkwerk Custobar apollon E015 E067 MG Techno- logies TrafficJunky PornHub D068 B016 Emerse A068 E068 C018 B019 E066a

A041 D067 DOTC UNITED AVAZU B040 B068 Polway Polway Mobsuite C041 D040 E040 C040 C064 D017

E068 D041 E016a E016b A018 centrics User- D017a A018

Kameleoon Kameleoon

B067 B065 iPinYou Bitmovin Retresco

B041 Kuaiyou B041a

4C insights Leiki E017

InterRed A068 Intowow Innovation square 9 ITB Siteimprove

A017 Schober Uniserv E017

B018 Content- E068a Ve Global Ve E069 Databowl Ogury D069 S4M C068 C069 CM Groep mWS E067 C066 travel audience travel Shopify B06 Ad4Game A4G Squee- zely white BUL- LET B043 C068 Samba TV Index Exchange Index C069 D069 Kenshoo Sprinklr Stream Free E018 Sitecore Operations, Digital, Aprimo Marketing Actum Intentive, comspace, DIGIZUITE A/S, E-Commerce, Mercury Macaw, kuehlhaus, Rackspace, Namics (Deutschland), netzkern, webit! OSF Global Services, Unic, Valtech, Minimob Sublime Skinz

A069 E018a netnomics D019 Campaign -

SAP Media, Hootsuite ARITHNEA, B4B, CELUM, POET, Mirakl, Netconomy, Mediafly, itelligence, PricewaterhouseCoopers, GumGum Bechtle Bicycles Canyon Engine Loyalty DEFACTO realations defacto DOCUSIGN FRANCE dotSource DriveNow 24 factory nexum Consulting PARX SafeCharge B016 Sybit Adobe diconium eggs unimedia Hootsuite Namics Plan.Net Group Prime Force TRACK Google E019 Fairrank E019 Mobusi Mobile , SunMedia, Lab- Games Cave E041

SimilarWeb Materna CoreMedia C019 creativestyle creativestyle e-velopment blu · piazza Silpion IT-Solutions ]init[ Systems Arvato Babiel bitgrip communicode Elastic Path Commerce Elastic Path Consulting Monday novomind Stiftung Logistik FIEGE A019 Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) Solution Provider Group Otto Bertelsmann Sevenval AZ Direct, Bedi- AZ Direct, rect, direct services, direct Deutschland- Card Gorilla LiveReach

Bilendi AS&S Radio Weischer.Media Golden Goose B045

Snack Point research mo'web A B C D E A040 Omikron Data Quality Omikron FACT-Finder UBK C071 D071 E070 USU AG epoq C070 D070 adRom Pro- jecter ADITION AdClear Agent, Active managed The ADEX, myLoc IT Yieldlab PlusServer Services Web Amazon Technologies Akamai B049 C048 ad agents Webgains Digital Improve Videobeat Networks D043 D045 Seminar 4 Seminar 5 A B C D E Level 1 (access from Boulevard) 1 (access from Level E070 Hall 7 A049 B048

A044 C049 seo2b D048 B021 C021 E024 C020 B020 E020 E045 contentbird B021 Seminar 1 B020 C020 C021 D020 E020 ReachHero A021a A021 D047 Haensel E048 optile A020 B020a A020 Orbitvu, Alpha- Alphastudio, shot, Orbitvu Kits quintly

Shopgate Shopgate squarelovin S.HE Business

A048 A022 Datorama E047 B022 E022 Hall 5.1 E021 marcapo Systems Expert E021 linkfluence Deutsche Post DHL Deutsche Post need All you AllyouneedFresh Germany DHL Express Criteo Hermes Yandex gridscale W&V Orendt Studios Holding Orendt Adform Meyer & Meyer Meyer on Sunday Even Sebastian Reimers smirror, A023a B022a PVS Offerista Audience Serv Intershop A023 Happy Contests Happy Beschützerbox Targetbox telaria telaria Blizzard Activision esc mediagroup Spryker Systems Spryker A021 best it Claranet common solutions Contentserv Digital Value diva-e Excellence Inviqa Magnolia mediawave minubo NEXUS Netsoft E-COM POWERPAY Rackspace Senders Seven superReal Kreuzberg Turbine Schweiz CEC Valantic ERP Software Xentral XING Marketing Solutions UnitedData Shopin store, advanced adsquare, BankingCheck, Aumago, CrossEngage,, eKomi, FMP Filmmanufaktur, Fedoriv, IDH Media, GlobalDots, Red Pineapple, Projektron, Remerge,, Talon.One, store2be, Userlutions, Visual Meta, zenloop Teads A024 A028 Stage 1 Stage

Foap Poland E023

, Sellics Market- place D051 B051 A051 E050 B050 C050

C029 D028 B027 A025 B024 C024 adny- mics parcel Lab 247- GRAD Cool Service C028 E026 D028 C029 E026a E023 Across Across Systems Welocalize A026 D027 Cake SmartyAds SmartyAds Advellence Advellence Sharedien Humai Tech- nologies E025 Triton Triton Digital HQLabs HQLabs Q. C026 A027 ameo App&Web A050 AGNITAS iAdvize E029 NEOSEEN Objectbox Liquid Labs odc. By Permutive PrimeUp printmate RYTER Research Symanto The Jodel Venture uNaice Welect yimify YUKTAMEDIA - Media Group Yoto A028 UDG BVDW Digital Lounge 2. odo- scope Justpremium Marketo Marketing Avaus Innovations, Buildscale, Cloudwords, Onemedia Consulting, vidyard Tealium Computop GRIF Bürgel TeamBank sogedes. digital A029 Ad Defend E028 D029 germany Aperto Aperto IBM iX B026 empaction B029 C026a MoovIT text Omatic Nano Inter- Active A029 B028 B025 C028 Ratecard Botfuel Dailymotion Displayce id5 Technology Advertising Gameloft Mediarithmics Proxistore Realytics SIRDATA Sojern SYNC TEEMO Tinyclues A054 Adtelligent Adtelligent Consulting Deloitte Digital Deloitte AppNexus Partnerize E029 Spotify Burda Direkt Services Direkt Burda interactive direct Burda Burdadirect DieRabattMacher PACVERTISE Marketing PaketPLUS PAKKS Lounge Area Lounge D059 Debate Stage Debate Mobile Power Station Mobile Power D055 E055 Sendinblue ExMarketPlace JobValet, Self JobValet, Butler App, Vilo App, YOUniversal Media Amazon Food Court eBay C051

C031 Lounge Area Water Smart B030 A031 D031


E030 C030 D030

B030a B059 C031 C058 C038 D030 Cola Coca D031 Seeding- Up Netz- gefährten

D082 A030 Hall 5.2 Rocket10 tarent tarent solutions A031 Oracle Corporation , Oracle Dyn B058 A030

APPSfactory A058 E059 , com- financeAds municationAds, retailerweb C059 DoubleVerify B032 Hall 6 AT Internet AT Lengow Lengow AB Tasty numberly emetriq BurdaForward Dept Dept Marketplaces FACTOR-A OnCrawl by OnCrawl Cogniteev EMX Digital Fyber A059 3. B032a TYPO3 Vibrant Media App Annie E031 Maloon SocialHub Cash Payment Paymorrow eprofessional eprofessional Awin D033 D033b Scanblue Klarna Expedia Expedia, Media Solutions EVO Payments EVO Selligent Agiliway Technologies Attest Beaconinside bikuh Management Ventures Cavalry Cognigy Evergage FromScratch Happydemics LEVURO Livingdocs Madheads Marketing Mesaic Technology MOINsure Adriel Alpha.One Chatvisor COOKEYPATH CrowdArchitects E-HAWK - ELMAN SYSTEMS Fluid Ads AD FROGO Gpredictive Hivency hmstr i1box iamhero - InterPromo leadtributor LoyJoy Mailbutler Advertising Next prettysocialmedia quantilope Circle Target TenMax ADTech Lab. Co. Visarity Technologies Vorwärts OU WaardeX shopware Dotmailer, brickfox, hmmh, Ingenico, Neo- fonie, NEXUS Netsoft, Portaltech Pickware, RHIEM Profihost, Reply, synaigy, Intermedia, Webmatch, TeamBank, WEBneo A033 GOB Lucky Lucky Shareman Get Response Sizmek Smaato E033 Cappasity A036 B C D E A Seminar 6 D036

E035 Critizr Seminar 3 talkauf-

C061 D061 A036 C033 Confession Drive, Digi eTribes Connect Etribes, Digital E060 D062a D062b E038 C039 B039 Media Impact BILD Springer SPRING Axel Media Digital News kaufDA kaufDA MeinProspekt PubNative D036 GothamAds E037 E038 Bonial International Bonial International Propeller- Ads E036a C036 Cxense AD-PLAYER-PRO AD-PLAYER-PRO Nethunt B036 Snack Point B037 FINDO- LOGIC Creditreform , Boniversum Di- CrefoPay, gitalraum, Ver- microm, band der Ver- eine Credit- reform E037 admitad Lotame D035 Smarketer A037a PlusServer A037 Afilias Device- Atlas , parsionate price- intelligence Testbirds E069 A038 A038 D062d D062c Stadt Köln D038


Twitch dfv Mediengruppe Horizont adcash D038 Meetrics blogfoster E039 Klickwunder Adloox Apteco E038a B038 Intango E039 InMobi B031 C030 Accenture Accenture B038 . PayPal A035 Unruly A039 D039 Oracle Deutschland Oracle Data Cloud Vogel Communi- cations GlobalWide Media A039a C039 , NET REVIEWS Bewer- Echte tungen Otto Group Otto Media Israel Export Institute Israel Export 2. International International Lounge º SIX Payment SIX Payment B039 tradebyte IT-Solutions MAC MS Direct BS PAYONE billwerk Online-Shop EHI Geprüfter Holding SCHUFA uberall Fastlane XQueue XQueue Maileon AddressCheck

E064 E062 D064 B C D E A A B C D E Across YONKA- NA SRL BRICK SPACES C063 WIBBITZ construktiv trafficmax Leadbolt D065 C065 MMDSmart Message- Whiz Sentient Tech- nologies , Sen- tient Ascend C067 A043 C041 B041 C042 Feed Dyna- mix E040 B040 D040 A040 Cedato D041 Outdoor Area Outdoor Curate Mobile D066 Early Bird Lounge Early Bird E066 C040 B040 CRM Adyen Piwik PRO D041a E041 World of of World Agencies A040 Clickable Design Clickable Dataxu, Zalando, Collabary by design :kostal by Digitale Marken dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur media madvertise Liebe, eyeota, Echte Media, Performance NEXD, Nayoki, Web2Grow Scalling.TV, PowerLinks,

Goldbach Group Goldbach Austria Splicky Goldbach Germany, AdSpirit Protected Media C069 Ippen Tapad The Tapad Graph C068 Traffective Traffective D069 Seloy Live Seloy E041 Trade doubler A042 D042 E042 Opinary B042 Outdoor Area Outdoor IOX Mediennetzwerk.NRWc/o NRW Mediencluster metoda media accelerator next Data Resources Nordic POSpulse SITU8ED SoundReply Publishing Spectrm Stoerkens Storemoods Go Media Stream Triclap troy Technologies Ubermetrics labs ZOOM Scedule Corp Social Ads Spaceboot Spirable Media - Gründerszene Vertical weAct Rabbit White Business Suite Rabbit - Happy White - DALASON WIRECLOUD Concardis RatePAY Bloomreach commercetools, Satzmedia, Digital Value diva-e Excellence AdRoll SendCloud T-Systems B043 Optimove UK Admixer D043 D041 belboon, Ingenious Technologies adjust TextMaster B041 Omnicom annalect Hearts & Science Germany OMD Germany PHD Germany Services Web Trakken E040 MediaMath Desk The Trade E070 B071 C070 CNN C071 Ad- Police Super- text D070

artegic LINK Mobility DAPP Global Limi Platform DU Ad Media Mint E045 E043

Facebook A041 F008 C049 Instagram C048 D046 C048 Hall 8 E044 E046 A046 B046 33- Across A048 DDV E045 E047

CREHLER Leanplum loopingo Adikteev Seminar 7 D047

eology A047 BurdaForward Channable B048 B047 Crownpeak A048 idealo internet E048 Yext E049 Kimia Solutions Research Now E049 C041 D049 MediaLink Rubicon Project xAd B049 IPONWEB TK-World Spectrum unlimited, Vodafone D048 A049 Bing LinkedIn A049 BidSwitch E048 GroundTruth Talihu Talihu UNIVERSUM Inkasso Eyeo Santander Consumer Bank heidelpay heidelpay Microsoft Channel Pilot Solutions Channel Pilot basecom, brandence, Digital Group, Grow MSO Digital, YieldKit netspirits, B049 Channel- Advisor D049 TUNE LogMeIn LogMeIn BidSwitch, Bold360, GoTo- Webinar Stage 2 Stage 23 degrees 5Analytics Lightning Ad adbonitas ADLIB DIGITAL AdTriba Advocado Bannerwise brytes CoolTool easyclipr Explainr Studios FanFilter guuru Hafervoll Gründerfonds High-Tech Management Insense Ads Digital Hub Cologne expertmatch findoo. Deutschland Flux FoxBase HitchOn Magikbee Media Technology Mercury NETSTAG OneFID Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- RTZ Köln und Gründerzentrum

B051 E052 C050 D050 B051 B050 E050 B050 C050 Cleverclip A052 RS Internet Reklam- Store A051a Experian Feier- abend A051a Loqate A050

Slope- Lift PM Outdoor Outdoor Area E054 B052 E051 E054a Monotype Olapic A052 Connexity Europe Wirecard Applift D051 C051 HubSpot HubSpot Germany STYLA GLO- BAXY Trusted Shops Trusted etracker morefire A053 ANEXIA netcup Carl Zeiss IGAWORKS adbrix WeQ Global WeQ Sub Tech Taboola plista Snack Point ZEFR E051 E053 Silver- Bullet A054 "Die Socia- listen" dunnhumby C058 D056 C057

B056 E056 A056 B059 C058 E056a E055 cent Digital Media Collect- Cloud- flare A055 Global- Wide Media Causal IQ Newsletter 2Go B057 A058 Wieners+ Wieners B054 A057 Smarter Ecommerc App Samurai Trebbau direct

D055 PubGalaxy D053 Traffic Partner RUNATIVE

18 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne InfluencerDB Titan Gate 19 DMEXCO Guide Hall Plan: Hall 8 & 7 A058 Accen- gage E057 B058 Pixalate Urban Airship D058 E055 Matomy myDSP MOBFOX, E058 Please use the escalators Please use the escalators access Hall 5.1 and 5.2 to ARITHNEA pilot Publicis Media Plan.Net Mediaplus Agency Agency Lounge Zeropark Zeropark Voluum adlicious Codewise A059 Integral Ad Ad Integral Science D057 A059 Return UK Path real,- Digital Payment & Technology Services , WP Engine Epom, Epom Ad Server D059 ADmantX RTB House RTB Eikona Media Eikona Versicherung Direkt ERGO Esyon Laudert Pixelboxx OXID eSales OXID Kochava pirobase pirobase imperia CMS CMS pirobase pirobase imperia PIM B059 Seminar 8 Seminar 2 A B C D E

B061 E060 C060 D060

C061 B061 akti-

D060 r C060 A062 E060 E060a A061 SuperOffice Echobot Phocus Direct D061 Reputa- Apps Flyer BSI Busi- ness Sys- Inte- tems gration loadbee E061 YOC Mobile YOC Advertising D061 EINSTONE EINSTONE OSRAM Beaconinside EINSTONE Smart Retail OSRAM New Relic New B060

E061 A061 Smart Shopping and Saving Sparwelt Clever- bridge Oro

Capgemini ocket-media,

A060 Paysafe Holdings, Paysafe- cash


DIA die inte die DIA

r comwrap comwrap eZ Systems Level 0 Level Outbrain E062 E062a D063 Clicks Online A063 Social Match 24trans- late Mobvista Akeneo CELUM Flagbit Deutschland InBetween Reply Portaltech Products-Up sunzinet Vignold Group net- grade D062 A062 B062 Press Matrix AdSecure B064 A066 meta people A065 Artefact E063 Roxot B069 MGID D063 Ironsource E064 Impact Forensiq PrestaShop B063 CCBill, Internet Services, Marketing Mollie, patworx multi- media, Roccomedia, Wirecard First Cash Solution miropay- ment Mobile Power Station Mobile Power C061 Mediabrands Media, Initiative Cadreo, McCann Reprise, Universal

heineking- media,

A066 E067 MG Techno- logies TrafficJunky PornHub D068 Emerse A068 E068 E066a

D067 DOTC UNITED AVAZU B068 Polway Polway Mobsuite C064


B067 B065 iPinYou Bitmovin Retresco

A068 9 square Content- E068a Ve Global Ve E069 Databowl Ogury D069 S4M C068 C069 CM Groep mWS E067 C066 travel audience travel Shopify B06 Ad4Game A4G Squee- zely C068 Samba TV Index Exchange Index C069 D069 Kenshoo Sprinklr Stream Free Sitecore Operations, Digital, Aprimo Marketing Actum Intentive, comspace, DIGIZUITE A/S, E-Commerce, Mercury Macaw, kuehlhaus, Rackspace, Namics (Deutschland), netzkern, webit! OSF Global Services, Unic, Valtech, Minimob Sublime Skinz A069

Snack Point research mo'web C D E A B UBK C071 D071 E070 USU AG epoq C070 D070 Pro- jecter Level 1 (access from Boulevard) 1 (access from Level E070 Hall 7 Seminar 1 Hall 5.1 store, advanced adsquare, BankingCheck, Aumago, CrossEngage,, eKomi, FMP Filmmanufaktur, Fedoriv, IDH Media, GlobalDots, Red Pineapple, Projektron, Remerge,, Talon.One, store2be, Userlutions, Visual Meta, zenloop Lounge Area Lounge Debate Stage Debate Mobile Power Station Mobile Power

Food Court

Smart Water Smart Coca Cola Coca D082 Hall 5.2 Hall 6 Snack Point Entrance East Entrance Hall 11.1 Hall 9 DMEXCO Café DMEXCO Entrance North Congress Congress North Center Congress Stage Congress Trade Press Trade

VIP Entrance Entrance VIP (Speaker, Press) (Speaker, Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Lounge Area Cash Desk Trade Trade Press Trade Press

Level 0 Level Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Trade Press Trade marco- nomy A008

Frank- furter Allge- meine Zeitung TDWI Show Heroes C009 D009 D008 A001 Entrance Hall 11.1 A019 The Girls’ Lounge The Girls’ A B C D E A011 C011 D011 B010 D018 E010 C010 E011

A010 BVDW Experience Stage The Perfor- mance Net- work Group, E2Ma Please use the escalator to to Please use the escalator 0 Level access Hall 5.2 from Sommer & Co. onvista media onvista Rakuten Rakuten Marketing Marketing Rakuten Viber Rakuten A012 Exactag Oath E019 optilyz Smart AdServer emarsys B019 C018 A017 A016 B014

Appsumer A003 D019 E018 Hall Plan: Hall 6 Hall Plan: Hall 9 Cloudinary B018 Video Elephant A018 Searchmetrics Trade Press Trade . DCMN Blogger Area Openx IAB Switzerland º Adference Adference Commanders Act crossvertise Technologies Fjord LEAP Digital Marketing m-pathy OBI4wan trbo

Webtrekk Freewheel / Comcast BVDW BSI Business Systems Integration Integration BSI Business Systems Deutsche Lufthansa FRANKA EMIKA marketing video content make/c Nortal Interactive Novum picalike ShowAd Snap Space Interactive 360 Spacemakers Virtual Reality Magenta Telekom europe TV1 - streaming Viond Labs VRTX TV Studio Experience of World C021 D020 A021 C028 Outdoor Area Outdoor Senuto Infinity Media A020

Ligatus RMS Radio Marketing D021 Service North Center E021 GfK

DMEXCO Diner E028 D029 Amplience East Entrance A022 mit G+J e|MS smartclip smartclip Ad Alliance Ad Nielsen - Visual IQ E029 IP Deutschland SPIEGEL MEDIA SPIEGEL Haufe- Lexware A024 DuMont Digital, kolb digital, Kontrast DuMont Digital, kolb Communication Services, kytence, SonoBeacon Lösch MSP, Censhare brand building FACELIFT Cloud Facelift Bynder A028 RTL Group RTL MAIRDU- MONT NETLETIX SevenOne Media SevenOne C029 Sushi Point DMEXCO Pub Coffee Juice meets Asia Point Piazza Boulevard North B031 A031 C031 B030 D030 C030 E030 Speakers’ Forum E031 D031 ORACLE ORACLE Deutschland Blue Kai, Clicktale, Clicktale, Blue Kai, Cloud CX, Eloqua, Engage- ment Factory Maxymiser, B.V., Connect, Planet Responsys, Reply Riverland

Brandwatch A030

Tripicchio optimise-it Unlimited Traffic Unlimited Adweek Netmind Core Netmind GiroSolution

B001 C002 Inxmail C001 Spyke Media Spyke E001 Mindlab giropay E008 A008 C009 B008 E009 C008 denk- werk United Internet Media Internet United e-Spirit ARITHNEA Canto Excellence Digital Value diva-e ETECTURE I-D Media Bielefeld Pixelpark B E A C D Snack Point PAYBACK B033 C038 iq digital B038 D011 A011 E010 B010 C010 A010 A011 A010 C039 D038 C011 E010 cadooz B011 A035 Neue Medien- gesellschaft Ulm C018

prudsys tung von tung von E011 Bazaarvoice Geoedge E032 E011 Avalara Total Total Media E034


Acxiom LiveRamp D013a Start-up Village Start-up D013b Feststellung Feststellung E012b E012a A012 eviom nformationsgemeinsch. A039 D039 CJ Affiliate CJ Affiliate Conversant by Tableau Data Virtuality Feld M taod Consulting Episerver Personalization Episerver CMS Episerver Conversant Interfon Adress Interfon INDIMA direct, Gruppe Melter Celtra MNFST Tech- nologi Messenger People der Verbrei INFOnline I zur Werbeträgern Werbeträgern E036 PubMatic DYMATRIX CONSULTING brandung mediawave netz98 PHOENIX MEDIA TechDivision Inviqa UK Trustpilot Magento C011 econda A013 Optimizely Reply Portaltech Usabilla Igniti Liana- tech, Liana Techno- logies SEMKNOX Digital Element b.telligent E013 Talkwalker Mycom webeffects Hydrane BidMotion Tappcelerator Tappx A016 A B C D E

denkwerk Custobar apollon E015 B016 B019 C018 A041 B040 C041 D040 E040 C040 D017 D041 E016a E016b A018 centrics User- D017a A018 Kameleoon Kameleoon B041 Kuaiyou B041a 4C insights Leiki E017 InterRed Intowow Innovation ITB Siteimprove A017 Schober Uniserv E017

Hall 11.1 B018 white BUL- LET B043

E018 E018a netnomics D019 Campaign -

SAP Media, Hootsuite ARITHNEA, B4B, CELUM, POET, Mirakl, Netconomy, Mediafly, itelligence, PricewaterhouseCoopers, GumGum Bechtle Bicycles Canyon Engine Loyalty DEFACTO realations defacto DOCUSIGN FRANCE dotSource DriveNow 24 factory nexum Consulting PARX SafeCharge B016 Sybit Adobe diconium eggs unimedia Hootsuite Namics Plan.Net Group Prime Force TRACK Google E019 Fairrank E019 Mobusi Mobile , SunMedia, Lab- Games Cave E041

SimilarWeb Materna CoreMedia C019 creativestyle creativestyle e-velopment blu · piazza Silpion IT-Solutions ]init[ Systems Arvato Babiel bitgrip communicode Elastic Path Commerce Elastic Path Consulting Monday novomind Stiftung Logistik FIEGE A019 Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) Solution Provider Group Otto Bertelsmann Sevenval AZ Direct, Bedi- AZ Direct, rect, direct services, direct Deutschland- Card Gorilla LiveReach Bilendi AS&S Radio Weischer.Media Golden Goose B045 A040 Omikron Data Quality Omikron FACT-Finder adRom ADITION AdClear Agent, Active managed The ADEX, myLoc IT Yieldlab PlusServer Services Web Amazon Technologies Akamai B049 C048 ad agents Webgains Videobeat Networks Digital Improve D043 D045 Seminar 5 Seminar 4 A B C D E A049 B048

A044 C049 seo2b Hall 9 D048 B021 C021 E024 C020 B020 E020 E045 contentbird B021 B020 C020 C021 D020 E020 ReachHero A021a A021 D047 Haensel E048 optile A020 B020a A020 Orbitvu, Alpha- Alphastudio, shot, Orbitvu Kits quintly

Shopgate Shopgate squarelovin S.HE Business

A048 A022 Datorama E047 B022 E022 E021 marcapo Systems Expert E021 linkfluence Deutsche Post DHL Deutsche Post need All you AllyouneedFresh Germany DHL Express Criteo Hermes Yandex gridscale W&V Orendt Studios Holding Orendt Adform Meyer & Meyer Meyer on Sunday Even Sebastian Reimers smirror, A023a B022a PVS Offerista Audience Serv Intershop A023 Happy Contests Happy Beschützerbox Targetbox telaria telaria Blizzard Activision esc mediagroup Spryker Systems Spryker A021 best it Claranet common solutions Contentserv Digital Value diva-e Excellence Inviqa Magnolia mediawave minubo NEXUS Netsoft E-COM POWERPAY Rackspace Senders Seven superReal Kreuzberg Turbine Schweiz CEC Valantic ERP Software Xentral XING Marketing Solutions UnitedData Shopin Teads A024 A028 Stage 1 Stage

Foap Poland E023

, Sellics Market- place A051 B051 D051 B050 C050 E050

C029 D028 B027 A025 B024 C024 adny- mics parcel Lab 247- GRAD Cool Service C028 E026 D028 C029 E026a E023 Across Across Systems Welocalize A026 Entrance North D027 Cake SmartyAds SmartyAds Advellence Advellence Sharedien Humai Tech- nologies E025 Triton Triton Digital HQLabs HQLabs Q. C026 A027 ameo App&Web A050 AGNITAS iAdvize E029 NEOSEEN Objectbox Liquid Labs odc. By Permutive PrimeUp printmate RYTER Research Symanto The Jodel Venture uNaice Welect yimify YUKTAMEDIA - Media Group Yoto A028 UDG BVDW Digital Lounge 2. odo- scope Justpremium Marketo Marketing Avaus Innovations, Buildscale, Cloudwords, Onemedia Consulting, vidyard GRIF Bürgel TeamBank Tealium Computop sogedes. digital A029 Ad Defend E028 D029 Aperto Aperto IBM iX germany B026 empaction B029 C026a MoovIT text Omatic Nano Inter- Active A029 B028 B025 C028 Ratecard Botfuel Dailymotion Displayce id5 Technology Advertising Gameloft Mediarithmics Proxistore Realytics SIRDATA Sojern SYNC TEEMO Tinyclues A054 Adtelligent Adtelligent Consulting Deloitte Digital Deloitte AppNexus Partnerize E029 Spotify Burda Direkt Services Direkt Burda interactive direct Burda Burdadirect DieRabattMacher PACVERTISE Marketing PaketPLUS PAKKS D059 D055 E055 Sendinblue DMEXCO Café DMEXCO ExMarketPlace JobValet, Self JobValet, Butler App, Vilo App, YOUniversal Media Amazon eBay C051 C031 Lounge Area B030 A031 D031

E030 E030 C030 D030 B030a B059 C031 C058 D030 C038 D031 Seeding- Up Netz- gefährten

A030 tarent tarent solutions Rocket10 A031 Oracle Corporation , Oracle Dyn B058 A030

APPSfactory A058 E059 , com- financeAds municationAds, retailerweb C059 DoubleVerify B032 AT Internet AT Lengow Lengow AB Tasty numberly emetriq BurdaForward Dept Dept Marketplaces FACTOR-A OnCrawl by OnCrawl Cogniteev EMX Digital Fyber A059 3. B032a TYPO3 Vibrant Media App Annie E031 Maloon SocialHub Cash Payment Paymorrow eprofessional eprofessional Awin D033 D033b Scanblue Klarna Expedia Expedia, Media Solutions EVO Payments EVO Selligent Agiliway Technologies Attest Beaconinside bikuh Management Ventures Cavalry Cognigy Evergage FromScratch Happydemics LEVURO Livingdocs Madheads Marketing Mesaic Technology MOINsure Adriel Alpha.One Chatvisor COOKEYPATH CrowdArchitects E-HAWK - ELMAN SYSTEMS Fluid Ads AD FROGO Gpredictive Hivency hmstr i1box iamhero - InterPromo leadtributor LoyJoy Mailbutler Advertising Next prettysocialmedia quantilope Circle Target TenMax ADTech Lab. Co. Visarity Technologies Vorwärts OU WaardeX shopware Dotmailer, brickfox, hmmh, Ingenico, Neo- fonie, NEXUS Netsoft, Portaltech Pickware, RHIEM Profihost, Reply, synaigy, Intermedia, Webmatch, TeamBank, WEBneo A033 GOB Lucky Lucky Shareman Get Response Sizmek Smaato E033 Cappasity A036 A B C D E Seminar 6 D036

E035 Critizr Seminar 3 talkauf-

C061 D061 A036 C033 Confession Drive, Digi eTribes Connect Etribes, Digital E060 D062a D062b E038 C039 B039 Media Impact BILD Springer SPRING Axel Media Digital News kaufDA kaufDA MeinProspekt PubNative D036 GothamAds E037 E038 Bonial International Bonial International Propeller- Ads E036a C036 Cxense AD-PLAYER-PRO AD-PLAYER-PRO Nethunt B036 B037 FINDO- LOGIC Creditreform , Boniversum Di- CrefoPay, gitalraum, Ver- microm, band der Ver- eine Credit- reform E037 admitad VIP Entrance Press) (Speakers, Lotame D035 Smarketer A037a PlusServer Congress Congress North Center A037 Afilias Device- Atlas , parsionate price- intelligence Testbirds E069 A038 A038 D062d D062c Stadt Köln D038


Twitch dfv Mediengruppe Horizont adcash D038 Meetrics blogfoster E039 Klickwunder Adloox Apteco E038a B038 Intango E039 InMobi Congress Stage Congress B031 C030 Accenture Accenture B038 . PayPal A035 Unruly A039 D039 Oracle Deutschland Oracle Data Cloud Vogel Communi- cations GlobalWide Media A039a C039 , NET REVIEWS Bewer- Echte tungen Otto Group Otto Media Israel Export Institute Israel Export 2. International International Lounge º SIX Payment SIX Payment B039 tradebyte IT-Solutions MAC MS Direct BS PAYONE billwerk Online-Shop EHI Geprüfter Holding SCHUFA uberall Fastlane XQueue XQueue Maileon AddressCheck

E064 E062 D064 B C D E A B C D E A Across YONKA- NA SRL BRICK SPACES C063 WIBBITZ construktiv trafficmax Leadbolt D065 C065 C067 MMDSmart Message- Whiz Sentient Tech- nologies , Sen- tient Ascend Trade Press Trade A043 C041 B041 C042 Feed Dyna- mix E040 B040 D040 A040 Cedato D041 Outdoor Area Outdoor Curate Mobile D066 Early Bird Lounge Early Bird E066 C040 B040 CRM Adyen Piwik PRO D041a E041 World of of World Agencies A040 Clickable Design Clickable Dataxu, Zalando, Collabary by design :kostal by Digitale Marken dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur media madvertise Liebe, eyeota, Echte Media, Performance NEXD, Nayoki, Web2Grow Scalling.TV, PowerLinks,

Goldbach Group Goldbach Austria Splicky Goldbach Germany, Protected Media AdSpirit C069 C068 Ippen Tapad The Tapad Graph D069 Traffective Traffective Seloy Live Seloy E041 Trade doubler A042 D042 E042 Opinary B042 Outdoor Area Outdoor IOX Mediennetzwerk.NRWc/o NRW Mediencluster metoda media accelerator next Data Resources Nordic POSpulse SITU8ED SoundReply Publishing Spectrm Stoerkens Storemoods Go Media Stream Triclap troy Technologies Ubermetrics labs ZOOM Scedule Corp Social Ads Spaceboot Spirable Media - Gründerszene Vertical weAct Rabbit White Business Suite Rabbit - Happy White - DALASON WIRECLOUD Concardis RatePAY Bloomreach commercetools, Satzmedia, Digital Value diva-e Excellence AdRoll SendCloud T-Systems B043 Optimove UK Admixer D043 D041 belboon, Ingenious Technologies adjust Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Lounge Area TextMaster Cash Desk B041 Omnicom annalect Hearts & Science Germany OMD Germany PHD Germany Services Web Trakken E040 MediaMath Desk The Trade E070 B071 C070 CNN C071 Ad- Police Super- text D070

artegic LINK Mobility DAPP Global Limi Platform DU Ad Media Mint E045 E043

Facebook A041 F008 C049 Instagram C048 D046 C048 Hall 8 E044 E046 A046 B046 33- Across Trade Trade Press Trade Press A048 DDV E045 E047

CREHLER Leanplum loopingo Adikteev Seminar 7 D047 eology A047 BurdaForward Channable B048 B047 Crownpeak A048 idealo internet E048 Yext E049 Kimia Solutions Research Now E049 Mobile Power Mobile Power Station C041 D049 MediaLink Rubicon Project xAd B049 IPONWEB TK-World Spectrum unlimited, Vodafone A049 D048 Bing LinkedIn A049 BidSwitch E048 GroundTruth Talihu Talihu UNIVERSUM Inkasso Eyeo Santander Consumer Bank heidelpay heidelpay Microsoft Channel Pilot Solutions Channel Pilot basecom, brandence, Digital Group, Grow MSO Digital, YieldKit netspirits, B049 D049 Channel- Advisor

TUNE LogMeIn LogMeIn BidSwitch, Bold360, GoTo- Webinar

Stage 2 Stage 23 degrees 5Analytics Lightning Ad adbonitas ADLIB DIGITAL AdTriba Advocado Bannerwise brytes CoolTool easyclipr Explainr Studios FanFilter guuru Hafervoll Gründerfonds High-Tech Management Insense Ads Digital Hub Cologne expertmatch findoo. Deutschland Flux FoxBase HitchOn Magikbee Media Technology Mercury NETSTAG OneFID Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- RTZ Köln und Gründerzentrum Trade Press Trade

A008 marco- nomy C009 D009 Frank- furter Allge- meine Zeitung TDWI Show Heroes D008 B051 C050 D050 E052 B051 B050 E050 B050

C050 A001 Cleverclip A052 RS Internet Reklam- Store A051a Experian Feier- abend A051a Loqate Entrance Hall 11.1 A050 A019 The Girls’ Lounge The Girls’

Slope- Lift PM A B C D E Outdoor Outdoor Area E054 B052 E051 E054a Monotype Olapic A052 Connexity Europe Wirecard Applift D051 C051 HubSpot HubSpot Germany GLO- BAXY STYLA Trusted Shops Trusted etracker morefire A053 Carl Zeiss ANEXIA netcup IGAWORKS adbrix A011 D011 C011 E010 B010 D018 WeQ Global WeQ Sub Tech Taboola plista C010 E011 Snack Point A010 ZEFR E051 E053 Silver- Bullet A054

"Die Socia- listen" BVDW The Perfor- mance Net- work Group, E2Ma Please use the escalator to to Please use the escalator 0 Level access Hall 5.2 from dunnhumby C058 D056 C057

B056 E056 A056 B059 C058 E055 E056a cent Digital Media Collect- Cloud- flare Sommer & Co. onvista media onvista Rakuten Rakuten Marketing Marketing Rakuten Viber Rakuten A055 A012 Global- Wide Media Causal IQ Newsletter 2Go B057 Exactag A058 Wieners+ Wieners B054 A057 Smarter Ecommerc App Samurai Trebbau direct

Oath D055 PubGalaxy D053 Traffic Partner RUNATIVE

InfluencerDB Titan Gate Titan Gate A058 E019 Accen- gage optilyz Smart AdServer emarsys E057 B019 B058 Pixalate Urban Airship D058 C018 E055 Matomy myDSP MOBFOX, E058 Please use the escalators Please use the escalators access Hall 5.1 and 5.2 to ARITHNEA pilot Publicis Media Plan.Net Mediaplus

A017 Agency Agency Lounge 003 A016 B014 Zeropark Zeropark Voluum adlicious Codewise A059 Appsumer

Integral Ad Ad Integral Science A D057 A059 Return UK Path real,- Digital Payment & Technology Services , WP Engine Epom, Epom Ad Server D059 ADmantX D019 E018 RTB House RTB Eikona Media Eikona Versicherung Direkt ERGO Esyon Laudert Pixelboxx OXID eSales OXID Kochava pirobase pirobase imperia CMS CMS pirobase pirobase imperia PIM B059 Seminar 8 Seminar 2 Cloudinary A B C D E B018 Video Elephant A018

Searchmetrics Trade Press Trade

Motion Stage Motion Labs Work Press Center Center Press VIP Lounge Stage Experience Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 Level . B061 E060 DCMN Blogger Area Openx IAB Switzerland º C060 D060 Adference Adference Commanders Act crossvertise Technologies Fjord LEAP Digital Marketing m-pathy OBI4wan trbo Webtrekk Freewheel / Comcast

C061 B061 akti-

D060 r C060 A062 E060

E060a BVDW A061 SuperOffice Echobot Phocus Direct D061 Reputa- Apps Flyer BSI Busi- ness Sys- Inte- tems gration loadbee E061 YOC Mobile YOC Advertising D061 EINSTONE EINSTONE OSRAM Beaconinside EINSTONE Smart Retail OSRAM New Relic New B060

E061 A061 Smart Shopping and Saving Sparwelt Clever- bridge BSI Business Systems Integration Integration BSI Business Systems Deutsche Lufthansa FRANKA EMIKA marketing video content make/c Nortal Interactive Novum picalike ShowAd Snap Space Interactive 360 Spacemakers Virtual Reality Magenta Telekom europe TV1 - streaming Viond Labs VRTX Oro TV Studio Experience of World

Capgemini ocket-media,

A060 Paysafe Holdings, Paysafe- cash


DIA die inte die DIA

r comwrap comwrap eZ Systems Level 0 Level Outbrain E062 C021 D020 E062a A021 D063 Clicks Online A063 Social Match C028 24trans- late Mobvista Akeneo CELUM Flagbit Deutschland InBetween Reply Portaltech Products-Up sunzinet Vignold Group net- grade D062 Outdoor Area Outdoor A062 B062 Press Matrix AdSecure B064 A066 meta people A065 Artefact E063 Roxot B069 MGID D063 Ironsource E064 Impact Forensiq PrestaShop B063 CCBill, Internet Services, Marketing Mollie, patworx multi- media, Roccomedia, Wirecard First Cash Solution miropay- ment Senuto Infinity Media A020 Mobile Power Station Mobile Power C061 Mediabrands Media, Initiative Cadreo, McCann Reprise, Universal

Ligatus RMS Radio Marketing D021 heineking- media, Center North Center Service

E021 GfK DMEXCO DMEXCO Diner A066 E067 MG Techno- logies TrafficJunky PornHub D068 E028 D029 Emerse A068 E068 E066a Amplience A022

D067 DOTC UNITED AVAZU B068 Polway Polway Mobsuite C064


B067 B065 iPinYou Bitmovin Retresco


mit 9 square Content- G+J e|MS E068a smartclip smartclip Ve Global Ve E069 Databowl Ad Alliance Ad Nielsen - Visual IQ E029 Ogury D069 S4M C068 C069 CM Groep mWS E067 C066 travel audience travel Shopify B06 Ad4Game A4G Squee- zely C068 Samba TV Index Exchange Index C069 D069 IP Deutschland SPIEGEL MEDIA SPIEGEL Kenshoo Sprinklr Stream Free Sitecore Operations, Digital, Aprimo Marketing Actum Intentive, comspace, DIGIZUITE A/S, E-Commerce, Mercury Macaw, kuehlhaus, Rackspace, Namics (Deutschland), netzkern, webit! OSF Global Services, Unic, Valtech, Minimob Sublime Skinz A069 Haufe- Lexware A024

DuMont Digital, kolb digital, Kontrast DuMont Digital, kolb Communication Services, kytence, SonoBeacon Lösch MSP, Censhare brand building FACELIFT Cloud Facelift

Snack Point research mo'web C D E A B UBK D071 E070 C071 USU AG epoq C070 D070 Pro- jecter Bynder A028 Level 1 (access from Boulevard) 1 (access from Level RTL Group RTL E070 Hall 7 MAIRDU- MONT NETLETIX SevenOne Media SevenOne C029 Seminar 1 Asia Point Sushi Point DMEXCO Pub Coffee Juice meets Piazza Boulevard North B031 A031 C031 B030 C030 D030 E030 E031 Hall 5.1 Speakers’ Forum D031 ORACLE ORACLE Deutschland Blue Kai, Clicktale, Clicktale, Blue Kai, Cloud CX, Eloqua, Engage- ment Factory Maxymiser, B.V., Connect, Planet Responsys, Reply Riverland store, advanced adsquare, BankingCheck, Aumago, CrossEngage,, eKomi, FMP Filmmanufaktur, Fedoriv, IDH Media, GlobalDots, Red Pineapple, Projektron, Remerge,, Talon.One, store2be, Userlutions, Visual Meta, zenloop

Brandwatch A030


optimise-it Unlimited Traffic Unlimited Adweek Netmind Core Netmind GiroSolution

B001 C002 Inxmail C001 Spyke Media Spyke E001 Mindlab giropay E008 C009 A008 E009 B008 C008 denk- werk United Internet Media Internet United e-Spirit ARITHNEA Canto Excellence Digital Value diva-e ETECTURE I-D Media Bielefeld Pixelpark B E A C D Snack Point PAYBACK B033 C038 iq digital B038 A011 D011 B010 E010 C010 A010 A011 A010 C039 D038 C011 E010 cadooz B011 A035 gesellschaft Ulm Neue Medien- C018

prudsys tung von tung von E011 Bazaarvoice Geoedge E032 E011 Avalara E034 Total Total Media


Acxiom LiveRamp D013a Start-up Village Start-up D013b Lounge Area Lounge Debate Stage Debate Mobile Power Station Mobile Power Feststellung Feststellung E012b E012a D039 A012 eviom nformationsgemeinsch. A039 CJ Affiliate CJ Affiliate Conversant by Tableau Data Virtuality Feld M taod Consulting Episerver Personalization Episerver CMS Episerver Conversant Interfon Adress Interfon INDIMA direct, Gruppe Melter Celtra E036 MNFST Tech- nologi Messenger People der Verbrei INFOnline I zur Werbeträgern Werbeträgern PubMatic Food Court DYMATRIX CONSULTING brandung mediawave netz98 PHOENIX MEDIA TechDivision Inviqa UK Trustpilot Magento C011 econda A013 Optimizely Reply Portaltech Usabilla Igniti Liana- tech, Liana Techno- logies SEMKNOX

Digital Element b.telligent E013 Talkwalker webeffects Mycom Smart Water Smart Hydrane BidMotion Tappcelerator Tappx Coca Cola Coca A016 A B C D E D082

Hall 5.2 denkwerk Custobar E015 apollon B016 B019 C018 A041 B040 C041 D040 E040 C040 D017 Hall 6 E016a D041 E016b A018 centrics User- D017a A018 Kameleoon Kameleoon B041 Kuaiyou B041a 4C insights Leiki E017 InterRed Intowow Innovation ITB Siteimprove Schober A017 E017 Uniserv

B018 white BUL- LET B043

E018 E018a netnomics D019 Campaign -

SAP Media, Hootsuite ARITHNEA, B4B, CELUM, POET, Mirakl, Netconomy, Mediafly, itelligence, PricewaterhouseCoopers, GumGum Bechtle Bicycles Canyon Engine Loyalty DEFACTO realations defacto DOCUSIGN FRANCE dotSource DriveNow 24 factory nexum Consulting PARX SafeCharge Sybit B016 Adobe diconium eggs unimedia Hootsuite Namics Plan.Net Group Prime Force TRACK Google E019 Fairrank E019 Mobusi Mobile , SunMedia, Lab- Games Cave E041

SimilarWeb Materna CoreMedia C019 creativestyle creativestyle e-velopment blu · piazza Silpion IT-Solutions A019 ]init[ Systems Arvato Babiel bitgrip communicode Elastic Path Commerce Elastic Path Consulting Monday novomind Stiftung Logistik FIEGE Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) Solution Provider Group Otto Bertelsmann Sevenval AZ Direct, Bedi- AZ Direct, rect, direct services, direct Deutschland- Card Gorilla LiveReach Bilendi AS&S Radio Weischer.Media Golden Goose B045 A040 Omikron Data Quality Omikron FACT-Finder Snack Point adRom ADITION AdClear Agent, Active managed The ADEX, myLoc IT Yieldlab PlusServer Services Web Amazon Technologies Akamai B049 C048 ad agents Webgains Digital Improve Videobeat Networks D043 D045 Seminar 4 Seminar 5 A B C D E A049 B048

A044 seo2b C049 D048 B021 C021 E024 C020 B020 E020 contentbird E045 B021 C020 C021 D020 B020 E020 A021a ReachHero A021 Haensel D047 E048 optile A020 B020a A020 Orbitvu, Alpha- Alphastudio, shot, Orbitvu Kits quintly

S.HE Business Shopgate Shopgate squarelovin

A048 A022 Datorama E047 B022 E022 E021 marcapo Systems Expert E021 linkfluence Deutsche Post DHL Deutsche Post need All you AllyouneedFresh Germany DHL Express Criteo Hermes Yandex gridscale W&V Orendt Studios Holding Orendt Adform Meyer & Meyer Meyer on Sunday Even Sebastian Reimers smirror, A023a B022a PVS Offerista Intershop Audience Serv A023 Happy Contests Happy Beschützerbox Targetbox telaria telaria Blizzard Activision esc mediagroup Spryker Systems Spryker A021 best it Claranet common solutions Contentserv Digital Value diva-e Excellence Inviqa Magnolia mediawave minubo NEXUS Netsoft E-COM POWERPAY Rackspace Senders Seven superReal Kreuzberg Turbine Schweiz CEC Valantic ERP Software Xentral XING Marketing Solutions UnitedData Shopin Teads A024 A028 Stage 1 Stage

Foap Poland E023

, Sellics Market- place A051 B051 D051 B050 C050 E050

C029 D028 B027 A025 B024 C024 adny- mics parcel Lab 247- GRAD Cool Service C028 E026 D028 C029 E023 E026a Across Across Systems Welocalize A026 D027 Cake SmartyAds SmartyAds Advellence Advellence Sharedien Humai Tech- nologies E025 Triton Triton Digital HQLabs HQLabs Q. C026 A027 ameo App&Web A050 AGNITAS iAdvize E029 NEOSEEN Objectbox Liquid Labs odc. By Permutive PrimeUp printmate RYTER Research Symanto The Jodel Venture uNaice Welect yimify YUKTAMEDIA - Media Group Yoto A028 UDG BVDW Digital Lounge 2. odo- scope Justpremium Marketo Marketing Avaus Innovations, Buildscale, Cloudwords, Onemedia Consulting, vidyard Tealium GRIF Bürgel TeamBank Computop sogedes. digital A029 Ad Defend E028 D029 germany Aperto Aperto IBM iX B026 B029 C026a MoovIT text Omatic empaction Nano Inter- Active A029 B028 B025 C028 Ratecard Botfuel Dailymotion Displayce id5 Technology Advertising Gameloft Mediarithmics Proxistore Realytics SIRDATA Sojern SYNC TEEMO Tinyclues A054 AppNexus Adtelligent Adtelligent Consulting Deloitte Digital Deloitte Partnerize E029 Spotify Burda Direkt Services Direkt Burda interactive direct Burda Burdadirect DieRabattMacher PACVERTISE Marketing PaketPLUS PAKKS D059 D055 E055 Sendinblue ExMarketPlace JobValet, Self JobValet, Butler App, Vilo App, YOUniversal Media Amazon C051 eBay C031 Lounge Area B030 A031 D031

E030 C030 D030 E030 B059 B030a C031 C058 C038 D030 D031 Netz- gefährten Seeding- Up

A030 tarent tarent solutions Rocket10 A031 Oracle Corporation , Oracle Dyn 20 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 B058 in Cologne 21 DMEXCO Guide Hall Plan: Hall 6 & 9 A030

APPSfactory A058 E059 , com- financeAds municationAds, retailerweb C059 DoubleVerify B032 AT Internet AT Lengow Lengow AB Tasty numberly emetriq BurdaForward Dept Dept Marketplaces FACTOR-A OnCrawl by OnCrawl Cogniteev EMX Digital Fyber A059 3. B032a TYPO3 Vibrant Media App Annie E031 Maloon SocialHub Cash Payment Paymorrow eprofessional eprofessional Awin D033 D033b Klarna Scanblue Expedia Expedia, Media Solutions EVO Payments EVO Selligent Agiliway Technologies Attest Beaconinside bikuh Management Ventures Cavalry Cognigy Evergage FromScratch Happydemics LEVURO Livingdocs Madheads Marketing Mesaic Technology MOINsure Adriel Alpha.One Chatvisor COOKEYPATH CrowdArchitects E-HAWK - ELMAN SYSTEMS Fluid Ads AD FROGO Gpredictive Hivency hmstr i1box iamhero - InterPromo leadtributor LoyJoy Mailbutler Advertising Next prettysocialmedia quantilope Circle Target TenMax ADTech Lab. Co. Visarity Technologies Vorwärts OU WaardeX shopware Dotmailer, brickfox, hmmh, Ingenico, Neo- fonie, NEXUS Netsoft, Portaltech Pickware, RHIEM Profihost, Reply, synaigy, Intermedia, Webmatch, TeamBank, WEBneo A033 GOB Lucky Lucky Shareman Get Response Sizmek Smaato E033 Cappasity A036 A B C D E Seminar 6 D036

E035 Critizr Seminar 3 talkauf-

C061 D061 A036 C033 Confession Drive, Digi eTribes Connect Etribes, Digital E060 D062a D062b E038 C039 B039 Media Impact BILD Springer SPRING Axel Media Digital News kaufDA kaufDA MeinProspekt PubNative D036 GothamAds E037 E038 Propeller- Ads Bonial International Bonial International E036a C036 Cxense AD-PLAYER-PRO AD-PLAYER-PRO Nethunt B036 B037 FINDO- LOGIC Creditreform , Boniversum Di- CrefoPay, gitalraum, Ver- microm, band der Ver- eine Credit- reform E037 admitad Lotame D035 Smarketer A037a PlusServer Afilias Device- Atlas , parsionate price- intelligence A037 Testbirds E069 A038 A038 D062d D062c Stadt Köln D038


Twitch dfv Mediengruppe Horizont adcash D038 Meetrics blogfoster E039 Klickwunder Adloox Apteco E038a B038 Intango E039 InMobi B031 C030 B038 Accenture Accenture . Unruly A035 PayPal A039 D039 Oracle Deutschland Oracle Data Cloud Vogel Communi- cations GlobalWide Media A039a C039 , NET REVIEWS Bewer- Echte tungen Otto Group Otto Media Israel Export Institute Israel Export 2. International International Lounge º SIX Payment SIX Payment B039 tradebyte IT-Solutions MAC MS Direct BS PAYONE billwerk Online-Shop EHI Geprüfter Holding SCHUFA uberall Fastlane XQueue XQueue Maileon AddressCheck

E064 E062 D064 A B C D E A B C D E Across YONKA- NA SRL C063 BRICK SPACES WIBBITZ construktiv trafficmax C065 D065 Leadbolt C067 MMDSmart Message- Whiz Sentient Tech- nologies , Sen- tient Ascend A043 C041 B041 C042 Feed Dyna- mix B040 D040 E040 A040 Cedato D041 Outdoor Area Outdoor Curate Mobile D066 E066 Early Bird Lounge Early Bird C040 B040 CRM Adyen Piwik PRO D041a E041 Clickable Design Clickable Dataxu Zalando, Collabary by design :kostal by Digitale Marken dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur media madvertise Liebe, eyeota, Echte Media, Performance Nayoki, Web2Grow Scalling.TV, PowerLinks, World of of World Agencies

A040 Goldbach Group Goldbach Austria Splicky Goldbach Germany, Protected Media AdSpirit C069 C068 D069 Ippen Tapad The Tapad Graph Traffective Traffective Seloy Live Seloy E041 Trade doubler A042 D042 E042 Opinary B042 Outdoor Area Outdoor IOX Mediennetzwerk.NRWc/o NRW Mediencluster metoda media accelerator next Data Resources Nordic POSpulse SITU8ED SoundReply Publishing Spectrm Stoerkens Storemoods Go Media Stream Triclap troy Technologies Ubermetrics labs ZOOM Scedule Corp Social Ads Spaceboot Spirable Media - Gründerszene Vertical weAct Rabbit White Business Suite Rabbit - Happy White - DALASON WIRECLOUD Concardis RatePAY Bloomreach commercetools, Satzmedia, Digital Value diva-e Excellence AdRoll SendCloud T-Systems B043 Optimove UK Admixer D041 D043 belboon, Ingenious Technologies adjust TextMaster B041 Omnicom annalect Hearts & Science Germany OMD Germany PHD Germany Services Web Trakken E040 MediaMath Desk The Trade E070 B071 C070 CNN C071 Ad- Police Super- text D070

artegic LINK Mobility DAPP Global Limi Platform DU Ad Media Mint E045 E043

Facebook A041 F008 C049 Instagram C048 Hall 8 D046 C048 E044 E046 A046 B046 33- Across A048 DDV E045 E047

CREHLER loopingo Leanplum Adikteev Seminar 7 D047

eology A047 BurdaForward Channable B048 B047 Crownpeak A048 idealo internet E048 Yext E049 Kimia Solutions Research Now E049 C041 D049 MediaLink Rubicon Project xAd B049 IPONWEB TK-World Spectrum unlimited, Vodafone A049 D048 Bing LinkedIn A049 BidSwitch E048 GroundTruth Talihu Talihu UNIVERSUM Inkasso Eyeo Santander Consumer Bank heidelpay heidelpay Microsoft Channel Pilot Solutions Channel Pilot basecom, brandence, Digital Group, Grow MSO Digital, YieldKit netspirits, B049 Channel- Advisor D049 TUNE LogMeIn LogMeIn BidSwitch, Bold360, GoTo- Webinar Stage 2 Stage 23 degrees 5Analytics Lightning Ad adbonitas ADLIB DIGITAL AdTriba Advocado Bannerwise brytes CoolTool easyclipr Explainr Studios FanFilter guuru Hafervoll Gründerfonds High-Tech Management Insense Ads Digital Hub Cologne expertmatch findoo. Deutschland Flux FoxBase HitchOn Magikbee Media Technology Mercury NETSTAG OneFID Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- RTZ Köln und Gründerzentrum

B053 C050 D050 E052 B051 B050 E050 B050 C050 Cleverclip A052 RS Internet Reklam- Store A051a Experian Feier- abend A051a Loqate A050

Slope- Lift PM E054 B052 E051 E054a Monotype Olapic A052 Connexity Europe Wirecard Applift D051 C051 HubSpot HubSpot Germany STYLA GLO- BAXY Trusted Shops Trusted etracker morefire A053 ANEXIA netcup Carl Zeiss IGAWORKS adbrix WeQ Global WeQ Sub Tech Taboola plista Snack Point ZEFR E051 E053 Silver- Bullet A054 "Die Socia- listen" Outdoor Area Outdoor Visit OSRAM in Hall 6 / E060 dunnhumby C058 D056 C057

B056 E056 A056 B059 C058 E055 E056a cent Digital Media Collect- Cloud- flare A055 Global- Wide Media Causal IQ Newsletter 2Go B057 A058 Wieners+ Wieners B054 A057 Smarter Ecommerc App Samurai Trebbau direct

D055 PubGalaxy D053 Traffic Partner RUNATIVE

InfluencerDB Titan Gate A058 Accen- gage E057 B058 Pixalate Urban Airship D058 E055 Matomy myDSP MOBFOX, E058 Please use the escalators Please use the escalators access Hall 5.1 and 5.2 to ARITHNEA pilot Publicis Media Plan.Net Mediaplus Agency Agency Lounge Zeropark Zeropark Voluum adlicious Codewise A059 Integral Ad Ad Integral Science A059 D057 Return UK Path real,- Digital Payment & Technology Services , WP Engine Epom, Epom Ad Server D059 ADmantX RTB House RTB OXID eSales OXID Eikona Media Eikona Versicherung Direkt ERGO Esyon Laudert Pixelboxx Kochava pirobase pirobase imperia CMS CMS pirobase pirobase imperia PIM B059 Seminar 8 Seminar 2 A B C D E

B061 E060 C060 D060

C061 B061 akti-

D060 r C060 A062 E060 E060a A061 SuperOffice Echobot Phocus Direct D061 Reputa- Apps Flyer BSI Busi- ness Sys- Inte- tems gration loadbee YOC Mobile YOC Advertising E061 D061 EINSTONE EINSTONE OSRAM Beaconinside EINSTONE Smart Retail OSRAM New Relic New B060

E061 A061 Smart Shopping and Saving Sparwelt Clever- bridge Oro

Capgemini ocket-media,

A060 Paysafe Holdings, Paysafe- cash


DIA die inte die DIA

r comwrap comwrap eZ Systems Level 0 Level Outbrain E062 E062a D063 Clicks Online A063 Social Match 24trans- late Mobvista Akeneo CELUM Flagbit Deutschland InBetween Reply Portaltech Products-Up sunzinet Vignold Group net- grade D062 A062 B062 Press Matrix AdSecure B064 A066 meta people A065 Artefact E063 Roxot B069 MGID Ironsource D063 Impact Forensiq E064 PrestaShop B063 CCBill, Internet Services, Marketing Mollie, patworx multi- media, Roccomedia, Wirecard First Cash Solution miropay- ment Mobile Power Station Mobile Power C061 Mediabrands Media, Initiative Cadreo, McCann Reprise, Universal

heineking- media,

A066 E067 MG Techno- logies TrafficJunky PornHub D068 Emerse A068 E068 E066a

D067 DOTC UNITED AVAZU B068 Polway Polway Mobsuite C064


B067 B065 iPinYou Bitmovin Retresco

A068 9 square Content- E068a Ve Global Ve E069 Databowl Ogury D069 S4M C068 C069 CM Groep mWS E067 C066 travel audience travel Shopify B06 Ad4Game A4G Squee- zely C068 Samba TV Index Exchange Index C069 D069 Kenshoo Sprinklr Stream Free Sitecore Operations, Digital, Aprimo Marketing Actum Intentive, comspace, DIGIZUITE A/S, E-Commerce, Mercury Macaw, kuehlhaus, Rackspace, Namics (Deutschland), netzkern, webit! OSF Global Services, Unic, Valtech, Minimob Sublime Skinz A069

Snack Point research mo'web A B C D E UBK C071 D071 E070 USU AG epoq C070 D070 Pro- jecter Level 1 (access from Boulevard) 1 (access from Level E070 Hall 7 Seminar 1 Hall 5.1 store, advanced adsquare, BankingCheck, Aumago, CrossEngage,, eKomi, FMP Filmmanufaktur, Fedoriv, IDH Media, GlobalDots, Red Pineapple, Projektron, Remerge,, Talon.One, store2be, Userlutions, Visual Meta, zenloop Lounge Area Lounge Debate Stage Debate Mobile Power Station Mobile Power

Food Court

Smart Water Smart Coca Cola Coca D082 Hall 5.2 Hall 6 Snack Point

Entrance East Entrance Entrance East Entrance Hall 11.1 Hall 9 Entrance North Hall 11.1 DMEXCO Café DMEXCO Hall 9 VIP Entrance Press) (Speakers, Entrance North Congress Congress North Center Congress Stage Congress DMEXCO Café DMEXCO Trade Press Trade Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Lounge Area Cash Desk Trade Trade Press Trade Press VIP Entrance Press) (Speakers, Congress Congress North Center

Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Congress Stage Congress Trade Press Trade A008 marco- nomy C009 D009 Frank- furter Allge- meine Zeitung TDWI Show Heroes D008

Trade Press Trade A001 Entrance Hall 11.1 A019 The Girls’ Lounge The Girls’ A B C D E A011 D011 C011 Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Lounge Area E010 B010 D018 C010 E011 A010

Cash Desk BVDW The Perfor- mance Net- work Group, E2Ma Please use the escalator to to Please use the escalator 0 Level access Hall 5.2 from Trade Trade Press Trade Press Sommer & Co. onvista media onvista Rakuten Rakuten Marketing Marketing Rakuten Viber Rakuten A012 Exactag Oath E019 optilyz Smart AdServer emarsys B019 C018 A017 A016 B014

Appsumer A003 Mobile Power Mobile Power Station D019 E018

Cloudinary Trade Press Trade B018 Video Elephant A018 Searchmetrics Trade Press Trade A008 marco- nomy C009 D009 Frank- furter Allge- meine Zeitung TDWI Show Heroes D008 Motion Stage Motion Labs Work Press Center Center Press VIP Lounge Stage Experience Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 Level . DCMN Blogger Area Openx IAB Switzerland º Adference Adference Commanders Act crossvertise Technologies Fjord LEAP Digital Marketing m-pathy OBI4wan trbo

Webtrekk Freewheel / Comcast

A001 BVDW Entrance Hall 11.1 A019 The Girls’ Lounge The Girls’ A B C D E BSI Business Systems Integration Integration BSI Business Systems Deutsche Lufthansa FRANKA EMIKA marketing video content make/c Nortal Interactive Novum picalike ShowAd Snap Space Interactive 360 Spacemakers Virtual Reality Magenta Telekom europe TV1 - streaming Viond Labs VRTX TV Studio Experience of World C021 D020 A021 C028 A011 D011 C011 Outdoor Area Outdoor E010 B010 D018 C010 E011 A010 Senuto Infinity Media A020 Ligatus RMS Radio Marketing D021 Service North Center

E021 GfK BVDW The Perfor- mance Net- work Group, E2Ma

Hall Plan: Hall DMEXCO Diner 5.1 Hall Plan: Hall 5.2 Please use the escalator to to Please use the escalator 0 Level access Hall 5.2 from E028 D029 Amplience A022 Sommer & Co. onvista media onvista Rakuten Rakuten Marketing Marketing Rakuten Viber Rakuten A012 Exactag Oath mit E019 G+J e|MS smartclip smartclip Ad Alliance Ad Nielsen - Visual IQ optilyz Smart AdServer emarsys E029 B019 IP Deutschland SPIEGEL MEDIA SPIEGEL C018 Haufe- Lexware A024 A017 A016 B014

Appsumer A003 D019 E018 DuMont Digital, kolb digital, Kontrast DuMont Digital, kolb Communication Services, kytence, SonoBeacon Lösch MSP, Censhare brand building FACELIFT Cloud Facelift Cloudinary B018 Bynder A028 Video Elephant A018 Searchmetrics Trade Press Trade RTL Group RTL Motion Stage Motion Labs Work Press Center Center Press VIP Lounge Stage Experience Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 Level . DCMN Blogger Area Openx MAIRDU- MONT NETLETIX SevenOne Media SevenOne C029 IAB Switzerland º Adference Adference Commanders Act crossvertise Technologies Fjord LEAP Digital Marketing m-pathy OBI4wan trbo Webtrekk Freewheel / Comcast

Asia Point Sushi Point DMEXCO Pub Coffee Juice meets BVDW Piazza BSI Business Systems Integration Integration BSI Business Systems Deutsche Lufthansa FRANKA EMIKA marketing video content make/c Nortal Interactive Novum picalike ShowAd Snap Space Interactive 360 Spacemakers Virtual Reality Magenta Telekom europe TV1 - streaming Viond Labs VRTX TV Studio Experience of World Boulevard North B031 A031 C031 B030 C030 D030 E030 C021 D020 A021 E031 C028 Speakers’ Forum Outdoor Area Outdoor Senuto Infinity Media A020 D031 ORACLE ORACLE Deutschland Blue Kai, Clicktale, Clicktale, Blue Kai, Cloud CX, Eloqua, Engage- ment Factory Maxymiser, B.V., Connect, Planet Responsys, Reply Riverland Ligatus RMS Radio Marketing D021 Service North Center

E021 GfK

Brandwatch A030


optimise-it Unlimited Traffic Unlimited Adweek Netmind Core Netmind DMEXCO DMEXCO Diner GiroSolution

B001 C002 Inxmail C001 Spyke Media Spyke Mindlab Mindlab giropay E028 E001 D029 E008 A008 C009 B008 E009 C008 denk- werk Amplience A022 United Internet Media Internet United e-Spirit ARITHNEA Canto Excellence Digital Value diva-e ETECTURE I-D Media Bielefeld Pixelpark mit B A C D E Snack Point PAYBACK B033 C038 G+J e|MS iq digital smartclip smartclip Ad Alliance Ad Nielsen - Visual IQ E029 B038 IP Deutschland SPIEGEL MEDIA SPIEGEL D011 A011 E010 B010 Haufe- Lexware C010 A024 A010 A011 A010 C039 D038 C011 E010 cadooz B011 A035 gesellschaft Ulm Neue Medien- C018 DuMont Digital, kolb digital, Kontrast DuMont Digital, kolb Communication Services, kytence, SonoBeacon Lösch MSP, Censhare brand building FACELIFT Cloud Facelift

prudsys tung von tung von E011 Bazaarvoice Geoedge E032 E011 Avalara E034 Total Total Media


Acxiom LiveRamp D013a Start-up Village Start-up D013b Feststellung Feststellung Bynder A028 E012b E012a D039 A012 eviom nformationsgemeinsch. A039 CJ Affiliate CJ Affiliate Conversant by Tableau Data Virtuality Feld M taod Consulting Episerver Personalization Episerver CMS Episerver Conversant Interfon Adress Interfon INDIMA direct, Gruppe Melter Celtra E036 MNFST Tech- nologi Messenger People der Verbrei INFOnline I zur Werbeträgern Werbeträgern PubMatic DYMATRIX CONSULTING brandung mediawave netz98 PHOENIX MEDIA TechDivision Inviqa UK Trustpilot Magento C011 econda A013 Optimizely Reply Portaltech Usabilla Igniti Liana- tech, Liana Techno- logies RTL Group RTL SEMKNOX MAIRDU- MONT NETLETIX SevenOne Media SevenOne C029 Digital Element b.telligent E013 Talkwalker webeffects Mycom Hydrane BidMotion Tappcelerator Tappx A016 A B C D E Asia Point Sushi Point DMEXCO Pub Coffee Juice meets

denkwerk Custobar E015 apollon Piazza B016 B019 C018 A041 Boulevard North B040 C041 D040 E040 C040 B031 A031 C031 D017 B030 C030 D030 E030 E016a D041 E016b A018 centrics User- D017a A018 Kameleoon Kameleoon B041 Kuaiyou B041a 4C insights Leiki E017 E031 InterRed Intowow Innovation Speakers’ Forum ITB Siteimprove Schober A017 E017 Uniserv

B018 D031 ORACLE ORACLE Deutschland Blue Kai, Clicktale, Clicktale, Blue Kai, Cloud CX, Eloqua, Engage- ment Factory Maxymiser, B.V., Connect, Planet Responsys, Reply Riverland white BUL- LET B043

E018 E018a netnomics D019

Campaign -

Brandwatch A030

Tripicchio optimise-it Unlimited Traffic Unlimited SAP Media, Hootsuite ARITHNEA, B4B, CELUM, POET, Mirakl, Netconomy, Mediafly, itelligence, PricewaterhouseCoopers, GumGum Bechtle Bicycles Canyon Engine Loyalty DEFACTO realations defacto DOCUSIGN FRANCE dotSource DriveNow 24 factory nexum Consulting PARX SafeCharge Adweek Sybit B016 Netmind Core Netmind GiroSolution Adobe diconium eggs unimedia Hootsuite Namics Plan.Net Group Prime Force TRACK Google E019 Fairrank


Mobusi Mobile , SunMedia, Lab- Games Cave E041

SimilarWeb Materna CoreMedia C019 creativestyle creativestyle e-velopment blu · piazza Silpion IT-Solutions A019 ]init[ Systems Arvato Babiel bitgrip communicode Elastic Path Commerce Elastic Path Consulting Monday novomind Stiftung Logistik FIEGE Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) Solution Provider Group Otto Bertelsmann Sevenval AZ Direct, Bedi- AZ Direct, rect, direct services, direct Deutschland- Card C002 B001 Gorilla LiveReach Inxmail C001 Spyke Media Spyke Bilendi Mindlab Mindlab giropay E001 AS&S Radio Weischer.Media Golden Goose B045 E008 A008 C009 B008 E009 C008 denk- werk United Internet Media Internet United A040 Omikron Data Quality Omikron FACT-Finder adRom ADITION AdClear Agent, Active managed The ADEX, myLoc IT Yieldlab PlusServer Services Web Amazon Technologies Akamai B049 C048 ad agents Webgains Videobeat Networks Digital Improve D043 e-Spirit ARITHNEA Canto Excellence Digital Value diva-e ETECTURE I-D Media Bielefeld Pixelpark D045 Seminar 4 Seminar 5 A B C D E B A C D E Snack Point PAYBACK B033 C038 iq digital A049 B048

A044 seo2b C049 D048 B021 C021 E024 B038 D011 A011 C020 B020 E020 E010 B010 contentbird E045 C010 B021 C020 B020 C021 D020 E020 A010 A011 A021a ReachHero A010 A021 C039 D038 C011 E010 cadooz Haensel D047 B011 A035 E048 gesellschaft Ulm Neue Medien- C018 optile A020 B020a A020 Orbitvu, Alpha- Alphastudio, shot, Orbitvu Kits quintly

Shopgate Shopgate squarelovin S.HE Business

prudsys tung von tung von E011 Bazaarvoice Geoedge E032 E011 Avalara E034 Total Total Media


A048 Acxiom LiveRamp D013a Start-up Village Start-up D013b Feststellung Feststellung A022 Datorama E047 B022 E022 E012b E012a E021 marcapo Systems Expert E021 D039 A012 eviom nformationsgemeinsch. A039 CJ Affiliate CJ Affiliate Conversant by linkfluence Tableau Data Virtuality Feld M taod Consulting Episerver Personalization Episerver CMS Episerver Conversant Interfon Adress Interfon INDIMA direct, Gruppe Melter Celtra E036 MNFST Tech- nologi Messenger People der Verbrei INFOnline I zur Werbeträgern Werbeträgern PubMatic Deutsche Post DHL Deutsche Post need All you AllyouneedFresh Germany DHL Express Criteo Hermes Yandex DYMATRIX CONSULTING brandung mediawave netz98 PHOENIX MEDIA TechDivision Inviqa UK Trustpilot Magento C011 econda A013 gridscale Optimizely Reply Portaltech Usabilla Igniti Liana- tech, Liana Techno- logies W&V Orendt Studios Holding Orendt Adform Meyer & Meyer Meyer on Sunday Even Sebastian Reimers smirror, SEMKNOX A023a B022a PVS Offerista Intershop Audience Serv A023 Happy Contests Happy Beschützerbox Targetbox telaria telaria Blizzard Activision esc mediagroup Spryker Systems Spryker A021 best it Claranet common solutions Contentserv Digital Value diva-e Excellence Inviqa Magnolia mediawave minubo NEXUS Netsoft E-COM POWERPAY Rackspace Senders Seven superReal Kreuzberg Turbine Schweiz CEC Valantic ERP Software Xentral XING Marketing Solutions UnitedData Shopin Digital Element b.telligent E013 Talkwalker webeffects Mycom Hydrane BidMotion Tappcelerator Tappx Teads A024 A028 A016 A B C D E Stage 1 Stage

Foap Poland E023

, denkwerk Sellics Market- place Custobar E015 apollon B016 A051 B051 D051 B019 C018 B050 C050 E050

C029 D028 B027 A025 A041 B024 C024 adny- mics B040 parcel Lab 247- GRAD Cool Service C041 D040 E040 C040 C028 E026 D017 D028 C029 E016a D041 E016b E023 E026a Across Across Systems Welocalize A018 centrics User- D017a A018 Kameleoon Kameleoon A026 B041 Kuaiyou B041a 4C insights Leiki E017 D027 Cake InterRed SmartyAds SmartyAds Advellence Advellence Sharedien Humai Tech- nologies Intowow Innovation E025 Triton Triton Digital ITB Siteimprove HQLabs HQLabs Q. Schober A017 E017 Uniserv C026

B018 A027 ameo App&Web white BUL- LET B043 A050 AGNITAS E018 iAdvize E029 NEOSEEN Objectbox Liquid Labs odc. By Permutive PrimeUp printmate RYTER Research Symanto The Jodel Venture uNaice Welect yimify YUKTAMEDIA - Media Group Yoto E018a A028 UDG BVDW Digital Lounge 2. netnomics D019 odo- scope Campaign -

Justpremium Marketo Marketing Avaus Innovations, Buildscale, Cloudwords, Onemedia Consulting, vidyard SAP Media, Hootsuite ARITHNEA, B4B, CELUM, POET, Mirakl, Netconomy, Mediafly, itelligence, PricewaterhouseCoopers, GumGum Bechtle Bicycles Canyon Engine Loyalty DEFACTO realations defacto DOCUSIGN FRANCE dotSource DriveNow 24 factory nexum Consulting PARX SafeCharge Sybit B016 Tealium GRIF Bürgel TeamBank Computop sogedes. digital Adobe diconium eggs unimedia Hootsuite Namics Plan.Net Group Prime Force TRACK A029 Ad Defend E028 D029 germany Aperto Aperto IBM iX B026 B029 C026a empaction MoovIT text Omatic Google E019 Fairrank E019 Nano Inter- Active Mobusi Mobile , SunMedia, Lab- Games Cave E041 A029 B028 B025 C028 Ratecard Botfuel Dailymotion Displayce id5 Technology Advertising Gameloft Mediarithmics Proxistore Realytics SIRDATA Sojern SYNC TEEMO Tinyclues A054 AppNexus

Adtelligent Adtelligent Consulting Deloitte Digital Deloitte Partnerize

SimilarWeb Materna CoreMedia C019 creativestyle creativestyle e-velopment blu · piazza Silpion IT-Solutions A019 ]init[ Systems Arvato Babiel bitgrip communicode Elastic Path Commerce Elastic Path Consulting Monday novomind Stiftung Logistik FIEGE Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) Solution Provider Group Otto E029 Bertelsmann Sevenval AZ Direct, Bedi- AZ Direct, rect, direct services, direct Deutschland- Card Spotify Gorilla LiveReach Bilendi AS&S Radio Weischer.Media Burda Direkt Services Direkt Burda interactive direct Burda Burdadirect DieRabattMacher PACVERTISE Marketing PaketPLUS PAKKS Golden Goose B045 A040 D059 Omikron Data Quality Omikron FACT-Finder D055 adRom E055 Sendinblue ADITION AdClear Agent, Active managed The ADEX, myLoc IT Yieldlab PlusServer Services Web Amazon Technologies Akamai B049 C048 ad agents Webgains Videobeat Networks Digital Improve D043 D045 Seminar 4 Seminar 5 ExMarketPlace JobValet, Self JobValet, Butler App, Vilo App, YOUniversal Media Amazon A B C D E C051 eBay C031 A049 B048 Lounge Area B030

A031 A044 seo2b C049 D031

D048 E030 C030 D030 E030 B021 C021 E024 B059 B030a C031 C058 C020 B020 C038 D030 E020 D031 Netz- gefährten Seeding- Up contentbird E045

B021 C020 C021 D020 B020 E020 A030 A021a ReachHero A021 Haensel D047 tarent tarent solutions Rocket10 A031 Oracle Corporation , Oracle Dyn E048 B058 optile A020 B020a A030 A020 Orbitvu, Alpha- Alphastudio, shot, Orbitvu Kits quintly

Shopgate Shopgate squarelovin S.HE Business

APPSfactory A058 E059 , com- financeAds municationAds, retailerweb

A048 C059 DoubleVerify B032 AT Internet AT Lengow Lengow AB Tasty numberly emetriq BurdaForward Dept Dept Marketplaces FACTOR-A OnCrawl by OnCrawl Cogniteev EMX Digital Fyber A059 3. B032a TYPO3 Vibrant Media App Annie A022 Datorama E047 E031 Maloon SocialHub B022 Cash Payment Paymorrow E022 eprofessional eprofessional Awin E021 marcapo Systems Expert E021 D033 D033b Klarna Scanblue linkfluence Expedia Expedia, Media Solutions EVO Payments EVO Selligent Agiliway Technologies Attest Beaconinside bikuh Management Ventures Cavalry Cognigy Evergage FromScratch Happydemics LEVURO Livingdocs Madheads Marketing Mesaic Technology MOINsure Adriel Alpha.One Chatvisor COOKEYPATH CrowdArchitects E-HAWK - ELMAN SYSTEMS Fluid Ads AD FROGO Gpredictive Hivency hmstr i1box iamhero - InterPromo leadtributor LoyJoy Mailbutler Advertising Next prettysocialmedia quantilope Circle Target TenMax ADTech Lab. Co. Visarity Technologies Vorwärts OU WaardeX shopware Dotmailer, brickfox, hmmh, Ingenico, Neo- fonie, NEXUS Netsoft, Portaltech Pickware, RHIEM Profihost, Reply, synaigy, Intermedia, Webmatch, TeamBank, WEBneo Deutsche Post DHL Deutsche Post need All you AllyouneedFresh Germany DHL Express Criteo A033 GOB Lucky Lucky Shareman Get Response Sizmek Hermes Smaato Yandex gridscale W&V Orendt Studios Holding Orendt Adform Meyer & Meyer Meyer on Sunday Even Sebastian Reimers smirror, E033 Cappasity A023a B022a PVS Offerista Intershop Audience Serv A023 Happy Contests Happy Beschützerbox Targetbox telaria telaria Blizzard Activision esc mediagroup Spryker Systems Spryker A021 best it Claranet common solutions Contentserv Digital Value diva-e Excellence Inviqa Magnolia mediawave minubo NEXUS Netsoft E-COM POWERPAY Rackspace Senders Seven superReal Kreuzberg Turbine Schweiz CEC Valantic ERP Software Xentral XING Marketing Solutions UnitedData Shopin A036 B C D E A Seminar 6 D036

E035 Critizr Teads Seminar 3 A024 talkauf- A028 Stage 1 Stage

Foap Poland C061 E023 D061

A036 C033 Confession Drive, Digi eTribes Connect Etribes, Digital E060 , Sellics Market- place D062a D062b E038 C039 B039 Media Impact BILD Springer SPRING Axel Media Digital News kaufDA kaufDA MeinProspekt PubNative D036 GothamAds E037 E038 Propeller- Ads Bonial International Bonial International A051 B051 D051 E036a C036 B050 C050 E050

C029 D028 B027 A025 B024 Cxense AD-PLAYER-PRO AD-PLAYER-PRO C024 adny- mics Nethunt parcel Lab 247- GRAD Cool Service B036 C028 E026 B037 D028 C029 FINDO- LOGIC Creditreform , Boniversum Di- CrefoPay, gitalraum, Ver- microm, band der Ver- eine Credit- reform E037 admitad E023 E026a Across Across Systems Welocalize Lotame D035 Smarketer A026 A037a PlusServer A037 Afilias Device- Atlas , parsionate price- intelligence Testbirds E069 A038 A038 D027 Cake SmartyAds SmartyAds Advellence Advellence Sharedien Humai Tech- nologies E025 Triton Triton Digital HQLabs HQLabs Q. D062d D062c C026 Stadt Köln D038


Twitch dfv Mediengruppe Horizont adcash D038 Meetrics blogfoster E039 Klickwunder Adloox A027 ameo Apteco App&Web E038a B038 A050 AGNITAS iAdvize E029 NEOSEEN Objectbox Liquid Labs odc. By Permutive PrimeUp printmate RYTER Research Symanto The Jodel Venture uNaice Welect yimify YUKTAMEDIA Intango E039 - Media Group Yoto A028 UDG BVDW Digital Lounge 2. odo- scope InMobi B031 C030 B038 Accenture Accenture . Unruly A035 PayPal A039 D039 Oracle Deutschland Oracle Data Cloud Vogel Communi- cations GlobalWide Media A039a C039 Justpremium , NET REVIEWS Bewer- Echte tungen Otto Group Otto Media Israel Export Institute Israel Export 2. International International Lounge º Marketo Marketing Avaus Innovations, Buildscale, Cloudwords, Onemedia Consulting, vidyard SIX Payment SIX Payment B039 tradebyte IT-Solutions MAC MS Direct BS PAYONE billwerk Online-Shop EHI Geprüfter Holding SCHUFA uberall Fastlane XQueue XQueue Maileon AddressCheck Tealium GRIF Bürgel TeamBank Computop sogedes. digital A029 Ad Defend E028 D029 germany Aperto Aperto IBM iX B026 B029 C026a empaction MoovIT text Omatic Nano Inter- Active A029 B028 B025 C028 Ratecard Botfuel Dailymotion Displayce id5 Technology Advertising Gameloft Mediarithmics Proxistore Realytics SIRDATA Sojern SYNC TEEMO Tinyclues A054 AppNexus Adtelligent Adtelligent Consulting Deloitte Digital Deloitte Partnerize E029 Spotify

Burda Direkt Services Direkt Burda interactive direct Burda Burdadirect DieRabattMacher PACVERTISE Marketing PaketPLUS PAKKS

D059 D055 E064 E062 D064 E055 Sendinblue B C D E A ExMarketPlace JobValet, Self JobValet, Butler App, Vilo App, YOUniversal Media Amazon A B C D E Across YONKA- NA SRL C063 BRICK SPACES WIBBITZ construktiv trafficmax D065 C065 Leadbolt C067 MMDSmart Message- Whiz Sentient Tech- nologies , Sen- tient Ascend C051 eBay C031 A043 C041 Lounge Area B030 A031 D031 B041 C042

Feed Dyna- mix B040 D040 E040 E030 C030 D030 E030 A040 B059 B030a C031 C058 D030 C038 Cedato D041 Outdoor Area Outdoor Curate Mobile D031 D066 Netz- gefährten Seeding- Up E066 Early Bird Lounge Early Bird

C040 B040 CRM Adyen Piwik PRO D041a E041 Clickable Design Clickable Dataxu Zalando, Collabary by design :kostal by Digitale Marken dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur media madvertise Liebe, eyeota, Echte Media, Performance Nayoki, Web2Grow Scalling.TV, PowerLinks, World of of World Agencies

A040 A030 Goldbach Group Goldbach Austria Splicky Goldbach Germany, tarent tarent solutions Rocket10 A031 Oracle Corporation , Oracle Dyn AdSpirit Protected Media C069 C068 D069 Ippen Tapad The Tapad Graph Traffective Traffective Seloy Live Seloy B058 A030 E041 Trade doubler

A042 D042 APPSfactory A058 E059 , com- financeAds municationAds, retailerweb E042 Opinary B042 C059 DoubleVerify B032 Outdoor Area Outdoor AT Internet AT Lengow Lengow AB Tasty numberly BurdaForward emetriq Dept Dept Marketplaces FACTOR-A OnCrawl by OnCrawl Cogniteev EMX Digital Fyber A059 3. B032a TYPO3 Vibrant Media App Annie IOX Mediennetzwerk.NRWc/o NRW Mediencluster metoda media accelerator next Data Resources Nordic POSpulse SITU8ED SoundReply Publishing Spectrm Stoerkens Storemoods Go Media Stream Triclap troy Technologies Ubermetrics labs ZOOM Scedule Corp Social Ads Spaceboot Spirable Media - Gründerszene Vertical weAct Rabbit White Business Suite Rabbit - Happy White - DALASON WIRECLOUD E031 Maloon SocialHub Concardis RatePAY Bloomreach commercetools, Satzmedia, Digital Value diva-e Excellence AdRoll SendCloud T-Systems B043 Optimove UK Admixer D043 D041 Cash Payment Paymorrow Ingenious Technologies belboon, adjust eprofessional eprofessional Awin TextMaster D033 D033b Klarna Scanblue Expedia Expedia, Media Solutions EVO Payments EVO Selligent Agiliway Technologies Attest Beaconinside bikuh Management Ventures Cavalry Cognigy Evergage FromScratch Happydemics LEVURO Livingdocs Madheads Marketing Mesaic Technology MOINsure Adriel Alpha.One Chatvisor COOKEYPATH CrowdArchitects E-HAWK - ELMAN SYSTEMS Fluid Ads AD FROGO Gpredictive Hivency hmstr i1box iamhero - InterPromo leadtributor LoyJoy Mailbutler Advertising Next prettysocialmedia quantilope Circle Target TenMax ADTech Lab. Co. Visarity Technologies Vorwärts OU WaardeX shopware Dotmailer, brickfox, hmmh, Ingenico, Neo- fonie, NEXUS Netsoft, Portaltech Pickware, RHIEM Profihost, Reply, synaigy, Intermedia, Webmatch, TeamBank, WEBneo A033 GOB Lucky Lucky Shareman Get Response Sizmek Smaato E033 Cappasity B041 Omnicom annalect Hearts & Science Germany OMD Germany PHD Germany Services Web Trakken E040 MediaMath Desk The Trade E070 A036 B C D E A B071 C070 CNN C071 Ad- Police Super- text D070 Seminar 6 D036 E035

Critizr Seminar 3 artegic LINK Mobility talkauf- DAPP Global Limi Platform DU Ad Media Mint E045 E043

C061 D061 Facebook A041 F008 C049 A036 C033 Confession Drive, Digi eTribes Connect Etribes, Digital Instagram C048 E060 Hall 8 D046 C048 E044 D062a D062b E046 E038 A046 C039 B039 Media Impact BILD Springer SPRING Axel Media Digital News kaufDA kaufDA MeinProspekt PubNative D036 GothamAds E037 B046 E038 Propeller- Ads Bonial International Bonial International E036a 33- Across C036 A048 Cxense AD-PLAYER-PRO AD-PLAYER-PRO Nethunt B036 DDV E045 B037 FINDO- LOGIC E047 Creditreform , Boniversum Di- CrefoPay, gitalraum, Ver- microm, band der Ver- eine Credit- reform CREHLER loopingo Leanplum

E037 admitad Adikteev Seminar 7 D047

Lotame D035 Smarketer eology A047 A037a BurdaForward Channable B048 PlusServer A037 Afilias Device- Atlas , parsionate price- intelligence Testbirds B047 Crownpeak E069 A038 A038 A048 idealo internet D062d D062c Stadt Köln D038

C038 E048

Twitch dfv Mediengruppe Horizont adcash D038 Meetrics blogfoster E039 Klickwunder Adloox Apteco Yext E038a B038 E049 Kimia Solutions Research Now E049 Intango E039 C041 D049 MediaLink Rubicon Project xAd B049 IPONWEB TK-World Spectrum unlimited, Vodafone A049 D048 InMobi Bing LinkedIn A049 BidSwitch E048 GroundTruth Talihu Talihu UNIVERSUM Inkasso Eyeo Santander Consumer Bank heidelpay heidelpay Microsoft B031 C030 B038 Accenture Accenture . Unruly A035 PayPal Channel Pilot Solutions Channel Pilot basecom, brandence, Digital Group, Grow MSO Digital, YieldKit netspirits, B049 Channel- Advisor D049 TUNE LogMeIn LogMeIn BidSwitch, Bold360, GoTo- Webinar A039 D039 Oracle Deutschland Oracle Data Cloud Vogel Communi- cations GlobalWide Media A039a C039 , NET REVIEWS Bewer- Echte tungen Otto Group Otto Media Israel Export Institute Israel Export 2. International International Lounge º SIX Payment SIX Payment B039 tradebyte IT-Solutions MAC MS Direct BS PAYONE billwerk Online-Shop EHI Geprüfter Holding SCHUFA uberall Fastlane XQueue XQueue Maileon AddressCheck Stage 2 Stage 23 degrees 5Analytics Lightning Ad adbonitas ADLIB DIGITAL AdTriba Advocado Bannerwise brytes CoolTool easyclipr Explainr Studios FanFilter guuru Hafervoll Gründerfonds High-Tech Management Insense Ads Digital Hub Cologne expertmatch findoo. Deutschland Flux FoxBase HitchOn Magikbee Media Technology Mercury NETSTAG OneFID Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- RTZ Köln und Gründerzentrum

E064 E062 D064

A B C D E A B C D E Across YONKA- NA SRL C063 BRICK SPACES WIBBITZ construktiv trafficmax C065 D065 Leadbolt C067 MMDSmart Message- Whiz Sentient Tech- nologies , Sen- tient Ascend B053 C050 D050 E052 B051 B050 E050 B050 C050 A043 C041 B041 C042 Feed Dyna- mix B040 D040 E040 A040 Cleverclip A052 RS Internet Reklam- Store Cedato D041 A051a Outdoor Area Outdoor Curate Mobile Experian D066 Feier- abend A051a Loqate E066 Early Bird Lounge Early Bird C040 B040 CRM Adyen Piwik PRO D041a A050 E041

Clickable Design Clickable Dataxu Zalando, Collabary by design :kostal by Digitale Marken dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur media madvertise Liebe, eyeota, Echte Media, Performance Nayoki, Web2Grow Scalling.TV, PowerLinks, World of of World Agencies

A040 Slope- Lift PM Goldbach Group Goldbach Austria Splicky Goldbach Germany, AdSpirit Protected Media C069 C068 D069 Ippen Tapad The Tapad Graph Traffective Traffective Seloy Live Seloy E041 Trade doubler E054 A042 D042 B052 E051 E054a Monotype Olapic E042 Opinary B042 A052 Outdoor Area Outdoor Connexity Europe Wirecard Applift D051 C051 HubSpot HubSpot Germany STYLA GLO- BAXY Trusted Shops Trusted etracker morefire A053 ANEXIA netcup Carl Zeiss IGAWORKS adbrix IOX Mediennetzwerk.NRWc/o NRW Mediencluster metoda media accelerator next Data Resources Nordic POSpulse SITU8ED SoundReply Publishing Spectrm Stoerkens Storemoods Go Media Stream Triclap troy Technologies Ubermetrics labs ZOOM Scedule Corp Social Ads Spaceboot Spirable Media - Gründerszene Vertical weAct Rabbit White Business Suite Rabbit - Happy White - DALASON WIRECLOUD Concardis RatePAY Bloomreach commercetools, Satzmedia, Digital Value diva-e Excellence AdRoll SendCloud T-Systems B043 Optimove UK Admixer D043 D041 Ingenious Technologies belboon, adjust WeQ Global WeQ Sub Tech Taboola plista TextMaster Snack Point ZEFR E051 B041 Omnicom annalect Hearts & Science Germany OMD Germany PHD Germany Services Web Trakken E053 E040 MediaMath Desk The Trade Silver- Bullet A054 E070 "Die Socia- listen" B071 C070 CNN C071 Ad- Police Super- text D070 artegic LINK Mobility Outdoor Area Outdoor DAPP Global Limi Platform DU Ad Media Mint E045 E043 Visit OSRAM in Hall 6 / E060 dunnhumby


D056 C057 Facebook A041 F008 C049 Instagram C048 Hall 8 D046 C048 E044

B056 E056 A056 B059 C058 E046 A046 E055 E056a cent Digital Media Collect- Cloud- flare B046 33- Across A048 A055 Causal IQ Global- Wide Media Newsletter 2Go B057 DDV E045 A058 Wieners+ Wieners E047

B054 A057 Smarter Ecommerc App Samurai Trebbau direct CREHLER loopingo Leanplum Adikteev

Seminar 7 D047

D055 PubGalaxy D053 Traffic Partner RUNATIVE

InfluencerDB Titan Gate eology A047 BurdaForward Channable B048 B047 Crownpeak A058 A048 idealo internet Accen- gage E057 B058 Pixalate Urban Airship D058 E055 Matomy myDSP MOBFOX, E048 E058 Please use the escalators Please use the escalators access Hall 5.1 and 5.2 to ARITHNEA pilot Publicis Media Plan.Net Mediaplus Yext Agency Agency Lounge E049 Kimia Solutions Zeropark Zeropark Voluum adlicious Codewise A059 Research Now E049 Integral Ad Ad Integral Science A059 D057 Return UK Path real,- Digital Payment & Technology Services , WP Engine Epom, Epom Ad Server D059 ADmantX RTB House RTB OXID eSales OXID Eikona Media Eikona Versicherung Direkt ERGO Esyon Laudert Pixelboxx Kochava pirobase pirobase imperia CMS CMS pirobase pirobase imperia PIM B059 C041 D049 MediaLink Rubicon Project xAd B049 IPONWEB TK-World Spectrum unlimited, Vodafone D048 A049 Bing LinkedIn A049 BidSwitch E048 GroundTruth Talihu Talihu UNIVERSUM Inkasso Eyeo Santander Consumer Bank heidelpay heidelpay Microsoft Channel Pilot Solutions Channel Pilot basecom, brandence, Digital Group, Grow MSO Digital, YieldKit netspirits, B049 Seminar 8 Channel- Advisor D049 TUNE LogMeIn LogMeIn BidSwitch, Bold360, GoTo- Webinar Seminar 2 Stage 2 Stage 23 degrees 5Analytics Lightning Ad adbonitas ADLIB DIGITAL AdTriba Advocado Bannerwise brytes CoolTool easyclipr Explainr Studios FanFilter guuru Hafervoll Gründerfonds High-Tech Management Insense Ads Digital Hub Cologne expertmatch findoo. Deutschland Flux FoxBase HitchOn Magikbee Media Technology Mercury NETSTAG OneFID Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- RTZ Köln und Gründerzentrum A B C D E

B061 E060 C060 D060 B053

C061 B061 akti- C050 D050 E052 B051 B050

D060 r E050 C060 B050 A062 C050 E060 E060a Cleverclip A052 RS Internet Reklam- Store A051a Experian A061 SuperOffice Echobot Phocus Direct Feier- abend A051a Loqate D061 Reputa- Apps Flyer BSI Busi- ness Sys- Inte- tems gration loadbee YOC Mobile YOC Advertising E061 D061 A050 EINSTONE EINSTONE OSRAM Beaconinside EINSTONE Smart Retail OSRAM New Relic New


Slope- Lift PM E061 A061 Smart Shopping and Saving Sparwelt Clever- bridge Oro

Capgemini ocket-media,

A060 Paysafe Holdings, Paysafe- cash


DIA die inte die DIA

r comwrap comwrap eZ Systems Level 0 Level E054 Outbrain B052 E051 E054a Monotype Olapic E062 E062a A052 D063 Clicks Online A063 Social Match 24trans- late Mobvista Connexity Europe Wirecard Applift D051 C051 HubSpot HubSpot Germany STYLA GLO- BAXY Trusted Shops Trusted etracker morefire A053 ANEXIA netcup Carl Zeiss IGAWORKS adbrix Akeneo CELUM Flagbit Deutschland InBetween Reply Portaltech Products-Up sunzinet Vignold Group net- grade D062 A062 B062 Press Matrix AdSecure B064 A066 WeQ Global WeQ Sub Tech Taboola plista meta people A065 Artefact E063 Roxot Snack Point B069 MGID Ironsource D063 Impact Forensiq E064 PrestaShop B063 CCBill, Internet Services, Marketing Mollie, patworx multi- media, Roccomedia, Wirecard First Cash Solution miropay- ment ZEFR E051 Mobile Power Station Mobile Power C061 Mediabrands Media, Initiative Cadreo, McCann Reprise, Universal E053

Silver- Bullet heineking- media, A054

"Die Socia- listen" Outdoor Area Outdoor A066 Visit OSRAM in Hall 6 / E060 dunnhumby E067 MG Techno- logies TrafficJunky PornHub C058 D068 D056 C057 Emerse A068 E068 E066a

B056 E056 A056 B059 C058

D067 DOTC UNITED AVAZU B068 E055 E056a Polway Polway Mobsuite cent Digital Media Collect- Cloud- flare C064


B067 B065 iPinYou Bitmovin Retresco

A055 Causal IQ Global- Wide Media Newsletter 2Go B057

A058 Wieners+ Wieners

B054 A057 Smarter Ecommerc App Samurai Trebbau direct

A068 D055 square

PubGalaxy 9 D053 Traffic Partner RUNATIVE

InfluencerDB Titan Gate

A058 Content- E068a Ve Global Ve E069 Databowl Accen- gage Ogury D069 S4M C068 C069 CM Groep mWS E067 C066 travel audience travel Shopify B06 Ad4Game A4G Squee- zely C068 Samba TV Index Exchange Index C069 E057 D069 B058 Pixalate Urban Airship D058 Kenshoo Sprinklr Stream Free Sitecore Operations, Digital, Aprimo Marketing Actum Intentive, comspace, DIGIZUITE A/S, E-Commerce, Mercury Macaw, kuehlhaus, Rackspace, Namics (Deutschland), netzkern, webit! OSF Global Services, Unic, Valtech, E055 Minimob Sublime Skinz A069 Matomy myDSP MOBFOX, E058 Please use the escalators Please use the escalators access Hall 5.1 and 5.2 to ARITHNEA pilot Publicis Media Plan.Net Mediaplus Agency Agency Lounge Zeropark Zeropark Voluum adlicious Codewise A059 Integral Ad Ad Integral Science A059 D057 Return UK Path real,- Digital Payment & Technology Services , WP Engine Epom, Epom Ad Server D059 ADmantX RTB House RTB OXID eSales OXID Eikona Media Eikona Versicherung Direkt ERGO Esyon Laudert Pixelboxx Kochava pirobase pirobase imperia CMS CMS pirobase pirobase imperia PIM B059 Seminar 8

Seminar 2

Snack Point research mo'web A B C D E UBK C071 D071 E070 USU AG epoq C070 D070 Pro- jecter A B C D E

Level 1 (access from Boulevard) 1 (access from Level

E070 Hall 7 B061 E060 C060 D060

C061 B061 akti-

D060 r C060 A062 E060 Seminar 1 E060a A061 SuperOffice Echobot Phocus Direct D061 Reputa- Apps Flyer BSI Busi- ness Sys- Inte- tems gration loadbee YOC Mobile YOC Advertising E061 D061 EINSTONE EINSTONE OSRAM Beaconinside EINSTONE Smart Retail OSRAM New Relic New B060

E061 A061 Smart Shopping and Saving Sparwelt Clever- bridge Oro

Capgemini ocket-media,

A060 Paysafe Holdings, Paysafe- cash


DIA die inte die DIA

r comwrap comwrap eZ Systems Level 0 Level Outbrain E062 E062a D063 Clicks Online Hall 5.1 A063 Social Match 24trans- late Mobvista Akeneo CELUM Flagbit Deutschland InBetween Reply Portaltech Products-Up sunzinet Vignold Group net- grade D062 A062 B062 Press Matrix AdSecure B064 A066 meta people A065 Artefact E063 Roxot B069 MGID Ironsource D063 Impact Forensiq E064 PrestaShop B063 CCBill, Internet Services, Marketing Mollie, patworx multi- media, Roccomedia, Wirecard First Cash Solution miropay- ment Mobile Power Station Mobile Power C061 Mediabrands Media, Initiative Cadreo, McCann Reprise, Universal store, advanced adsquare, BankingCheck, Aumago, CrossEngage,, eKomi, FMP Filmmanufaktur, Fedoriv, IDH Media, GlobalDots, Red Pineapple, Projektron, Remerge,, Talon.One, store2be, Userlutions, Visual Meta, zenloop heineking- media,

A066 E067 MG Techno- logies TrafficJunky PornHub D068 Emerse A068 E068 E066a

D067 DOTC UNITED AVAZU B068 Polway Polway Mobsuite C064


B067 B065 iPinYou Bitmovin Retresco

A068 9 square Content- E068a Ve Global Ve E069 Databowl Ogury D069 S4M C068 C069 CM Groep mWS E067 C066 travel audience travel Shopify B06 Ad4Game A4G Squee- zely C068 Samba TV Index Exchange Index C069 D069 Kenshoo Sprinklr Stream Free Sitecore Operations, Digital, Aprimo Marketing Actum Intentive, comspace, DIGIZUITE A/S, E-Commerce, Mercury Macaw, kuehlhaus, Rackspace, Namics (Deutschland), netzkern, webit! OSF Global Services, Unic, Valtech, Minimob Sublime Skinz A069

Snack Point research mo'web A B C D E Lounge Area Lounge Debate Stage Debate Mobile Power Station Mobile Power UBK C071 D071 E070 USU AG epoq C070 D070 Pro- jecter Food Court Level 1 (access from Boulevard) 1 (access from Level

E070 Hall 7

Smart Water Smart Coca Cola Coca Seminar 1 D082 Hall 5.2 Hall 6 Hall 5.1 store, advanced adsquare, BankingCheck, Aumago, CrossEngage,, eKomi, FMP Filmmanufaktur, Fedoriv, IDH Media, GlobalDots, Red Pineapple, Projektron, Remerge,, Talon.One, store2be, Userlutions, Visual Meta, zenloop Snack Point Lounge Area Lounge Debate Stage Debate Mobile Power Station Mobile Power

Food Court

Smart Water Smart Coca Cola Coca D082 Hall 5.2 Hall 6 Snack Point

22 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 23 DMEXCO Guide Hall Plan: Hall 5.1 & 5.2 Hall Plan: Toilettes

Platinum Sponsor & Silver Sponsor VIP Lounge

Organizer Ideational and professional partner, With the special participation of the owner of the DMEXCO brand Circle of Online Marketers (OVK)

24 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne If you think of the art market, you automatically think of museums, studios, canvas, brushes, oil or colors. It hardly gets more analogue than this. Still, digital technologies are making an DMEXCO Blockchain Originals appearance here, too – albeit later than in other artistic domains. Blockchain technology, for instance, helps prevent counterfeit works or art theft. documents just how this works. Incidentally, his paintings can be found hanging in the Empire State Building, or – our kreARTive Challenge with Guy Kawasaki, with his art project for DMEXCO.

For years, people have been coming to Cologne from all over the world to interact, network or develop ideas together. “This is where all kinds of backgrounds, desires, ideas, products and dreams converge and influence one another. That’s the main theme of my art, too,” Albrecht Behmel himself says of the common features of DMEXCO and his artistic creations. His four- part painting expresses linkages among people who might not have a great deal in common at first glance. The artwork consists of squares that combine to form the word “CARE”. “You can arrange the squares in series or as a block,” Albrecht Behmel points out. But every pic- ture can stand on its own, too. For Curiosity, Action, Responsibility and Experience.

And this is where blockchain enters in. Because all four works are accompanied by block- chain certificates. In this way, it will be possible to trace all future owners and locations of the paintings at all times. This blockchain certificate is based on an HD photograph of the origi- nal. At the same time, this HD photo forms the basis for reproduction as a mega-print. At the end of DMEXCO 2018, Albrecht Behmel will cut all four reproductions into pieces 1 x 1 meter in size, sign them and send them to select individuals as an invitation to DMEXCO 2019. But 25 of these hand-signed pieces documented in the blockchain of artworks are reserved for the winners of the second part of the Challenge.

With this in mind, the giant prints will serve as projection screens in the full sense of the term on September 12 & 13. Participants in DMEXCO 2018 – whether visitors or exhibitors – are called upon to present themselves individually or in teams with the works and in a way that fits the content. Entries to the competition will be identified with the aid of hashtags. All public postings on or Instagram should be marked with #DMEXCO18, #BlockchainOriginals and #CuttingTheBlockchain. The 25 posts with the most interactions will receive a piece of the mega-print that will in turn become a fresh original – thanks to the artist’s signature.

Albrecht Behmel, born in 1971, studied in and Berlin. He has lived in the Black Forest since 2012, but mainly works in major Have you seen it yet? “Take C.A.R.E.”, the conference motto for DMEX- European and American cities such as New York, , Los Angeles, Miami, London and Berlin. His fascination for the digital world dates CO 2018, is now available as a work of art, too! Albrecht Behmel, whose back to the nineties, when he founded one of the first German digital publishers and experimented with Germany’s first e-books. paintings are exhibited in the centers of contemporary art throughout Albrecht is known, among other things, for his spontaneous guerrilla preview events in underground garages, parks and other unusual the world, has translated the motto into four artworks. Both the ori- spaces, where he plays with art and creative input. His award-win- ginals and four outsized reproductions can be found on the DMEX- ning paintings are very easy to recognize. His style – The Magic of the Swarms – is based on overlapping silhouettes of figures, people, CO grounds. As part of an Instagram Challenge, one of the originals, symbols, animals and abstract forms in vivid colors. Each color field has its own meaning through an “algorithm in the head”, according valued at around Euro 15,000, found a new owner among the visitors to which the coloration gets its own logic. This creates an expressive mosaic of abstract forms, which together form figurative content. and exhibitors before the event even got under way. The second part The artist thus tells stories, portrays faces, paints landscapes and shapes inner and outer realities. His paintings are created slowly, of the Challenge now concerns the mega-prints, 5 x 5 meters in size. by hand – from conception to completion, each canvas takes two To begin with: All you need is a smartphone, a good idea and the right to three weeks to complete. They can be found all over the world, particularly in the centers for contemporary art: Basel, Zurich, Miami, snapshot. If you want to join in or know what all this has to do with cut- New York and London, as well as Berlin, Manila and Los Angeles. Fol- lowing the kreARTive Challenge at DMEXCO, he will be represented ting-edge technology, read on. with an exhibition at Art Basel Miami.

26 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 27 DMEXCO Guide DMEXCO Blockchain Originals Expo Exhibitor List Company Website Hall Stand

“Die Socialisten” Social Software Development GmbH Hall 7 A054 ]init[ AG für digitale Kommunikation Hall 7 C018 1plusX AG Hall 8 B018 23 degrees GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village 247GRAD Labs GmbH Hall 7 B027 24translate Deutschland GmbH & Co. Hall 7 A063 33Across, Inc. Hall 7 A046 3m5. Media GmbH Hall 8 B059 4C insights Inc. Hall 6 E017 5Analytics GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village

A4G Hall 7 D069 AB Tasty GmbH Hall 6 A031 Accengage Hall 7 A058 Accenture GmbH Hall 6 A035 Across Srl Hall 8 D065 Across Systems GmbH Hall 7 E023 Active Agent AG Hall 8 C041 EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS AN INSPIRING RANGE OF TOPICS Activision Blizzard Media Limited www.activision Hall 6 C020 DMEXCO is the central location for From media and marketing to Actum Digital GmbH Hall 6 C060 C069 networking, dialog, training and technology, business and the fu- Acxiom Ltd. Hall 8 A038 inspiration. Here you will experi- ture, DMEXCO provides a wide ad agents GmbH Hall 8 D045 AD lightning Hall 5.2 Start-up Village ence digital trends, tap into future range of topics and offers an in- Ad4Game Ireland Limited Hall 7 D069 business potentials, and meet all finite number of opportunities to adbility media GmbH Hall 8 B050 adbonitas GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village the important service providers discover trends, gain inspiration adbrix Hall 7 B052 and partners. and try out innovations. Adcash OÜ Hall 7 A038 AdClear GmbH Hall 8 C041 AddApptr GmbH Hall 8 B050 TEST AND EXPERIENCE PRODUCTS MORE THAN JUST AN EXPO AdDefend GmbH Hall 7 C026a + 1,000 exhibitors from the market- As a combined expo and confer- AddressCheck Hall 7 D038 Adference GmbH Hall 8 C011 D018 ing, technology, creative and me- ence, DMEXCO provides access Adform A/S Hall 8 D047 E048 dia industries present their prod- to one of the largest business Adikteev GmbH Hall 7 D047 ADITION technologies AG Hall 8 C041 ucts and services to you. networks in the industry and in- Adjesty Software Ltd Hall 6 E038 spires its visitors with a top-class adjust GmbH Hall 7 B042 MEET INDUSTRY LEADERS ADLIB DIGITAL LIMITED Hall 5.2 Start-up Village conference program. adlicious GmbH Hall 6 B059 With more than 40,000 deci- Adloox SA Hall 8 D062c sion-makers, seize this oppor- ADmantx Spa Hall 7 E058 Gold Sponsor Expo Admeira AG Hall 8 B018 tunity to network with managers admitad GmbH Hall 7 E037 from all over the world. Admixer EU GmbH Hall 7 E042 adnymics GmbH Hall 7 B024

28 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 29 DMEXCO Guide Exhibitor List Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand

Adobe Systems Software Ireland Ltd. Hall 6 A011 B016 Audience Serv GmbH Hall 7 B022 AdOptim Ltd. Hall 6 E038 audienzz AG Hall 8 B018 ADPLAYERPRO LLP Hall 8 D062b Aumago GmbH Hall 6 E070 AdPolice GmbH Hall 8 C070 Avalara Europe Ltd. Hall 7 A011 Adriel Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Avaus Marketing Innovations Ltd. Hall 8 D051 AdRoll Advertising Limited Hall 7 C041 AVAZU Hall 7 D067 adRom Media Marketing GmbH Hall 8 A041 B040 AWIN AG Hall 6 C031 D030 AdSecure Limited Hall 7 B064 AZ Direct AG Hall 8 B018 AdSpirit GmbH Hall 8 C068 AZ Direct GmbH Hall 7 B018 adsquare GmbH Hall 6 E070 Adtelligent Inc. Hall 6 A029 AdTriba GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village advanced store Hall 6 E070 Advellence Solutions AG Hall 7 E026 Advocado, Inc. Hall 5.2 Start-up Village b.telligent GmbH & Co. KG Hall 6 E013 AdWeek LLC Hall 7 E001 b:dreizehn GmbH Hall 8 B059 Adyen N.V. Hall 7 B040 B4B Solutions GmbH Hall 6 E010 Afilias Technologies Ltd. Hall 7 A037 Babiel GmbH Hall 7 C018 Agiliway LLC Hall 5.2 Start-up Village BankingCheck GmbH Hall 6 E070 AGNITAS AG Hall 8 A050 Bannerwise B.V. Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Akamai Technologies GmbH Hall 8 D040 basecom Hall 7 C048 Akeneo GmbH Hall 7 C061 Bazaarvoice GmbH Hall 7 A010 All you need Hall 8 C048 Beaconinside GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village AllyouneedFresh Hall 8 C048 Beaconinside GmbH Hall 6 E060 Alpha.One Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Bechtle GmbH & Co KG Hall 6 C011 Alphashot Hall 7 B020a Bedirect GmbH & Co. KG Hall 7 B018 Alphastudio Hall 7 B020a Beijing kuaiyou century technology co. Ltd Hall 8 B041 Amazon Advertising Hall 8 B051 C050 belboon GmbH Hall 7 A043 Amazon Web Services, Inc. Hall 8 D040 Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA Digital Marketing Services www.bertelsmann-print- Hall 7 B018 ameo GmbH Hall 7 C026 Amplience Ltd Hall 8 A022 ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH Hall 7 D050 annalect Hall 6 B041 C040 VIDEO-WORKFLOWS Hall 7 E068a Aperto GmbH An IBM Company Hall 7 D028 MADE BY MoovIT apollon GmbH & Co. KG Hall 7 E015 App Annie Europe Limited Hall 6 A030 App Samurai, Inc. Hall 7 B054 App&Web Multikanal Marketing GmbH Hall 7 A027 AppLift GmbH Hall 7 E054a Appness Hall 6 D038 AppNexus Inc. Hall 6 B025 C028 APPSfactory GmbH Hall 8 A058 AppsFlyer Ltd. Hall 6 E061 Appsumer Ltd Hall 8 A016 Aprimo Marketing Operations UK Ltd Hall 6 C060 C069 Apteco GmbH Hall 6 E039 MoovIT ist technischer Systempartner für Brands, Agenturen und Portale rund um automatisierte ARITHNEA GmbH Hall 6 Agency Lounge Video- und Foto-Workflows für Produktinformationen und im E-Commerce. ARITHNEA GmbH Hall 6 E010 ARITHNEA GmbH Hall 8 A031 B030 Sie finden uns auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand für Junge Innovative Unternehmen, Halle 7, B026. Wir zeigen: Artefact SA Hall 6 A065 artegic AG Hall 6 A040 MoovITs „Video-Walk“ und „Fotoflow“ MoovITs „Title-Tool“ Arvato Systems GmbH Hall 7 C018 Lösungen für die automatisierte für die webbasierte und automatisierte AS&S Radio GmbH Hall 8 C040 Produktion von Produktvideos und Fotos Lokalisierung, Regionalisierung und AT Internet Hall 6 A031 für den Online-Handel Personalisierung von Videocontent. Attest Technologies Limited Hall 5.2 Start-up Village

Gold Sponsor Expo Besuchen Sie auch das MoovIT-WorkLab am WorkLab-Thema: Donnerstag 13.9.2018 von 10.00 bis 11.15 Uhr, Produktvisualisierung im E-Commerce – Congress Center Nord, WorkLab 2 automatisierte Workflows für Fotos, Videos und Animationen

30 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 31 DMEXCO Guide Section X Section X

Weitere Informationen unter Wir freuen uns über Ihren Besuch und die Kontaktaufnahme gerne auch nach der Messe!

RZ_Anz-MoovIT-dmexco-Guide.indd 1 13.08.18 12:54 Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand

Beschützerbox GmbH Hall 7 A023a Celtra, Inc. Hall 8 B033 best it GmbH & Co. KG Hall 7 C021 E024 CELUM GmbH Hall 6 E010 BidMotion Hall 7 E012b CELUM GmbH Hall 7 C061 BidSwitch Hall 6 B049 C048 Censhare AG Hall 8 C021 bikuh GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Channable BV. Hall 7 A047 BILD GmbH Hall 6 B039 C038 Channel Pilot Solutions GmbH Hall 7 C048 Bilendi GmbH Hall 7 E018a ChannelAdvisor UK Limited Hall 7 E048 billwerk GmbH Hall 7 C039 Chatvisor GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Bing www.advertise.bingads.micro- Hall 6 A049 B048 Cincopa Ltd Hall 6 E038 CJ Affiliate by Conversant / Conversant Deutschland GmbH Hall 8 B038 bitgrip GmbH Hall 7 C018 Claranet GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 Bitmovin GmbH Hall 7 B067 Cleverbridge AG Hall 7 E061 blogfoster GmbH Hall 8 C061 Cleverclip GmbH Hall 7 E052 BloomReach B.V. Hall 7 C042 Clickable Design Hall 8 World of Agencies Blue Kai Hall 8 D031 Clicks Online Business Hall 7 D063 Bold360 Hall 7 B049 Clicktale Ltd. Hall 8 D031 Bonial International GmbH Hall 6 B039 C038 Cloud CX GmbH Hall 8 D031 Botfuel SAS Hall 6 E020 Cloudflare, Inc Hall 7 A056 brandence Hall 7 C048 Cloudinary Inc. Hall 8 B014 brandung GmbH & Co. KG Hall 7 C010 Cloudwords Inc Hall 8 D051 Brandwatch GmbH Hall 8 A030 CM Groep B.V. Hall 7 C068 BRICK SPACES GmbH Hall 8 C065 CNN Hall 8 B071 brickfox Multichannel E-Commerce GmbH Hall 7 C030 Codewise Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. Hall 6 C058 brytes GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Cognigy GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village BS PAYONE GmbH Hall 7 C039 Collabary by Zalando Hall 8 World of Agencies BSI Business Systems Integration AG Hall 9 World of Experience Collectcent Digital Media Pvt. Ltd. Hall 7 E055 BSI Business Systems Integration AG Hall 7 D061 Commanders Act Hall 8 C011 D018 Buildscale Inc. Hall 8 D051 commercetools GmbH Hall 7 C042 Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. Boulevard A003 common solutions GmbH & Co. KG storelogix Hall 7 C021 E024 Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V. - Digital Lounge Hall 8 B050 communicationAds GmbH & Co KG Hall 8 E059 Burda direct interactive GmbH Hall 8 E050 Burda Direkt Services GmbH Hall 8 E050 Burdadirect Hall 8 E050 6% BurdaForward Advertising GmbH Hall 8 E050 fearful BurdaForward Advertising GmbH Outdoor A001 Area Hall 8 Bynder B.V. Hall 8 A028 2% angry

cadooz GmbH Hall 7 D011 Cadreon GmbH & Co.Kg Hall 6 C061 83% happy Cake Hall 7 E026a the Emotion Campaign - direct services Gütersloh GmbH Hall 7 B018 Canto GmbH Hall 8 A031 B030 9% Canyon Bicycles GmbH Hall 6 C011 lock Which ad could Mona Lisa be watching? disgusted Capgemini Deutschland GmbH Hall 6 A062 Cappasity Inc. Hall 6 E033 Carl Zeiss AG Hall 7 E054 Swing by our stand to find out! Cash Payment Solutions GmbH Hall 7 A030 Hall 6, B31, C030 Causal IQ Hall 6 A055 Cavalry Ventures Hall 5.2 Start-up Village CCBill Hall 7 C060 Cedato Technologies LTD Hall 7 D040

Gold Sponsor Expo

Test and target with our unique 32 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 33emotionalDMEXCO data set Guide Section X Section X

source: Company Website Hall Stand communicode AG Hall 7 C018 Computop GmbH Hall 7 C028 comspace GmbH & Co. KG Hall 6 C060 C069 comwrap GmbH www.comwrap.cpm Hall 7 D060 Concardis GmbH Hall 7 B043 Connexity Europe GmbH Hall 7 B053 construktiv GmbH Hall 8 E064 contentbird GmbH Hall 8 E045 Contentserv GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 Contentsquare SAS Hall 7 B069 Conversant Deutschland GmbH Hall 8 B038 This goes ConversionRocket GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village well with it. Cookeypath S.L. Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Cool Service UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Hall 7 C024 CoolTool Hall 5.2 Start-up Village CoreMedia AG Hall 7 C018 COUPONS4U Gmbh Hall 8 B050 creativestyle GmbH Hall 7 C019 Creditreform Boniversum GmbH Hall 7 C036 CrefoPay Hall 7 C036 Crehler Sp. z o. o. Hall 7 E047 CRIF Bürgel GmbH Hall 7 C028 Criteo Hall 8 A049 B048 Critizr Hall 7 E035 Hall 7 E040 CRM Partners AG You might CrossEngage GmbH Hall 6 E070 50% CrowdArchitects GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village also like this. Crownpeak Technology Inc. Hall 7 B047 Curate Mobile Ltd Hall 7 A040 Custobar Ltd. Hall 7 A016 Cxense ASA Hall 8 D062a

Dailymotion Public Limited Company Hall 6 E020 DAPP Global Limited Hall 6 E043 Data Virtuality GmbH Hall 8 C039 Databowl LTD Hall 7 E069 Dataxu Ltd. Hall 8 World of Agencies Datorama GmbH Hall 8 E047 DAX - Digital Audio Exchange Hall 8 B050 DCMN GmbH Hall 8 A017 DDV Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e.V. Hall 6 E045 DEFACTO Loyalty Engine Hall 6 C011 Defacto realations GmbH Hall 6 C011 Hall 6 E070 Deloitte Consulting GmbH Hall 6 B028 Intelligent customer loyalty denkwerk GmbH Hall 6 A010 Dept Marketplaces GmbH Hall 8 C058 EINSTONE Smart Retail increases your turnover Deutsche Lufthansa AG Hall 9 World of Experience Deutsche Post DHL Hall 8 C048 Integrated into your lighting system, OSRAM EINSTONE Smart Retail recognizes customers even before they enter the DeviceAtlas Hall 7 A037 store. Thanks to intelligent customer analysis, retailers can push individual offers to the customer’s smartphone – this dfv Mediengruppe Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH Hall 8 E060 increases customer loyalty and sales. Discover more on or at DMEXCO, hall 6, stand E060.

Gold Sponsor Expo

Light is OSRAM

34 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 35 DMEXCO Guide Section X Section X

RZ_Osram_AZ OsramEinstone_DMEXCO_210x297_english.indd 1 20.08.18 12:49 Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand

DHL Express Germany Hall 8 C048 Emerse Sverige AB Hall 7 A066 DIA.die interaktiven GmbH & Co. Kg Hall 7 D060 emetriq GmbH Hall 8 D059 diconicum GmbH Hall 6 A011 B016 empaction GmbH Hall 7 E028 DieRabattMacher Hall 8 E050 EMX Digital, LLC Hall 8 D055 Digital Confession Drive Hall 6 C033D036 Engagement Factory B.V. Hall 8 D031 Digital Element Hall 7 D013a Engageya LTD Hall 6 E038 Digital Hub Cologne GmbH Hall 6 C033D036 eology GmbH Hall 7 B046 Digital Hub Cologne GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Episerver CMS Hall 8 E031 Hall 6 C033D036 Episerver GmbH Hall 8 E031 Digitalraum GmbH Hall 7 C036 Episerver Personalization Hall 8 E031 DIGIZUITE A/S Hall 6 C060 C069 Epom Ad Server Hall 7 D057 Hall 7 B027 Epom Ltd. Hall 7 D057 Displayce Hall 6 E020 epoq internet services GmbH Hall 7 D070 diva-e Digital Value Excellence GmbH Hall 7 C042 eprofessional GmbH Hall 6 C039 D038 diva-e Digital Value Excellence GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 eprofessional GmbH Hall 6 C031 D030 diva-e Digital Value Excellence GmbH Hall 8 A031 B030 ERGO Direkt Versicherung AG Hall 7 C058 dkd Internet Service GmbH Hall 8 B059 esc mediagroup GmbH Hall 6 B020 Docusign France Hall 6 C011 e-Spirit AG Hall 8 A031 B030 Hall 6 A066 ESYON GmbH Hall 7 C058 DOTC UNITED GROUP INC. Hall 7 D067 ETECTURE GmbH Hall 8 A031 B030 Dotmailer Hall 7 C030 etracker GmbH Hall 7 C051 dotSource GmbH Hall 6 C011 Etribes Hall 6 C033D036 DoubleVerify Inc. Hall 8 C059 eTribes Connect GmbH Hall 6 C033D036 dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur Hall 8 World of Agencies e-velopment GmbH Hall 7 C019 DriveNow GmbH & Co. KG Hall 6 C011 Even on Sunday GmbH Hall 8 C049 D048 DU Ad Platform Hall 6 E043 Evergage GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village DuMont Digital GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 C021 eviom GmbH Hall 8 D039 dunnhumby Germany GmbH Hall 6 A052 EVO Payments International GmbH Hall 7 D033 DYMATRIX CONSULTING GROUP GmbH Hall 7 C011 Exactag GmbH Hall 8 A012 ExMarketPlace FZ LLC Hall 8 A054 Expedia Media Solutions Hall 7 D033b Expedia, Inc. Hall 7 D033b Experian Limited Hall 7 B050 Expert Systems AG Hall 6 E021 E2Ma GmbH Hall 8 A010 expertmatch GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village easyclipr Hall 5.2 Start-up Village eyeo GmbH Hall 7 D048 eBay GmbH Hall 8 C051 Eyeota Hall 8 World of Agencies Echobot Media Technologies GmbH Hall 7 A061 eZ Systems GmbH Hall 7 D060 Echte Bewertungen Hall 7 A039a, Inc. Hall 7 E068a Echte Liebe Agentur für digitale Kommunikation Hall 8 World of Agencies econda GmbH Hall 7 C011 germany GmbH Hall 7 D028 e-dialog GmbH Hall 8 B018 eggs unimedia GmbH Hall 6 A011 B016 E-HAWK LLC Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Facebook, Inc. Hall 6 A041 B040 EHI Geprüfter Online-Shop Hall 7 C039 FACELIFT brand building technologies GmbH Hall 8 D020 Ehlion Ltd. Hall 8 B050 Facelift Cloud Hall 8 D020 Eikona Media GmbH Hall 7 C058 FACT-Finder Hall 8 A040 EINSTONE Smart Retail Hall 6 E060 FACTOR-A Hall 8 C058 eKomi Ltd. Hall 6 E070 Factory 24 GmbH Hall 6 C011 Elastic Path Hall 7 C018 FAIRRANK GmbH Hall 7 E019 Elastic Path Commerce Hall 7 C018 ApS Hall 7 A048 ELMAN SYSTEMS Limited Hall 5.2 Start-up Village FanFilter Studios UG Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Eloqua Hall 8 D031 Fastlane Marketing GmbH Hall 7 E038a Emarsys eMarketing systems AG Hall 8 E010 Fedoriv GmbH iG Hall 6 E070 Emaze Inc. Hall 6 E038 Feed Dynamix GmbH Hall 7 B041 Feierabend Online Dienste für Senioren AG Hall 7 A051 Gold Sponsor Expo Feld M Hall 8 C039 FIEGE Logistik Stiftung & Co. KG Hall 7 C019 financeAds GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 E059 FINDOLOGIC GmbH Hall 7 B037

36 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 37 DMEXCO Guide Exhibitor List Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand findoo. Deutschland GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village First Cash Solution GmbH Hall 7 B063 Fjord Technologies SAS German Branch Hall 8 C011 D018 Flagbit GmbH & Co. KG Hall 7 C061 Fluid Ads Ltd. Hall 5.2 Start-up Village H.H.H. Technologies, Advertising an Marketing Ltd Hall 6 E038 Flux Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Haensel AMS GmbH - Advanced Mathematical Solutions Hall 7 A021a FMP Filmmanufaktur Potsdam GmbH Hall 6 E070 Hafervoll GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Foap Poland Sp. z o.o. Hall 6 E023 Happy Business Suite Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Forensiq Hall 6 D063 Happy Contests UG Hall 7 A023 FoxBase GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Happydemics S.A.S Hall 5.2 Start-up Village FRANKA EMIKA GmbH Hall 9 World of Experience Haufe-Lexware Services GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 A024 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH Hall 8 C009 Hearts & Science Germany GmbH Hall 6 B041 C040 Free Stream Media Corp Hall 6 E068 heidelpay GmbH Hall 7 C049 Freewheel/Comcast Hall 8 D019 E018 heinekingmedia GmbH Hall 6 A066 FROGO AD Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Hall 7 A026 FromScratch S.A. Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Hermes Germany GmbH Hall 8 B049 Fyber N.V. Hall 8 B058 High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village HitchOn GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Hivency SAS Hall 5.2 Start-up Village hmmh multimediahaus AG Hall 7 C030 hmstr GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Hootsuite Media Germany GmbH Hall 6 E010 G+J e|MS Hall 8 A021 C028 Hootsuite Media Germany GmbH Hall 6 A011 B016 Gameloft Advertising Solutions Hall 6 E020 Horizont Hall 8 E060 ing-solutions/en/ HQLabs GmbH Hall 7 A026 Geoedge Ltd Hall 6 E011 HubSpot Germany GmbH Hall 7 C050 GetResponse Sp. z o.o. Hall 7 B032 Humai Technologies GmbH Hall 7 E026 GfK SE Hall 8 E021 Hydrane SAS Hall 7 E012b giropay GmbH Hall 6 E009 GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village GiroSolution GmbH Hall 6 E009 Global Media & Entertainment Hall 8 B050 GlobalDots Services and Support GmbH Hall 6 E070 GlobalWide Media Inc Hall 6 A055 GlobalWide Media Inc Hall 7 B038 GlobalWide Media Inc - Causal IQ Hall 6 A055 i1Box GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village GLOBAXY LTD Hall 7 A052 IAB Europe Hall 8 B018 GM&E GmbH Hall 8 B050 IAB Switzerland Association Hall 8 B018 GOB Software & Systeme GmbH & Co. KG Hall 7 B032a iAdvize GmbH Hall 7 E029 Goldbach Austria Hall 8 E069 iamhero inc. Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Goldbach Germany Hall 8 E069 IBM iX Hall 7 D028 Goldbach Group AG Hall 8 E069 I-D Media AG Hall 8 A031 B030 Golden Goose LLC Hall 8 B045 id5 Technology Ltd Hall 6 E020 Google Germany GmbH Hall 6 B011 C018 idealo internet GmbH Hall 7 D046 Gorilla GmbH Hall 7 E018 IDH Media S.A. Hall 6 E070 GothamAds LLC Hall 7 A036 IGAWORKS INC. Hall 7 B052 goTom AG Hall 8 B018 Igniti GmbH Hall 7 E011 GoToWebinar Hall 7 B049 Impact Ltd. Hall 6 D063 Gpredictive GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village imperia CMS Hall 7 B059 gridscale GmbH Hall 7 A022 Improve Digital International B.V. Hall 8 E040 Groundtruth Hall 6 E048 InBetween Deutschland GmbH Hall 7 C061 Grow Digital Group Hall 7 C048 Index Exchange LLC Hall 6 C069 GumGum UK Ltd Hall 6 A018 INDIMA direct GmbH Hall 7 D023 Hall 6 A061 InfluencerDB Tech GmbH & Co.KG Hall 7 D053 guuru ltd. Hall 5.2 Start-up Village INFOnline GmbH Hall 8 D038 Ingenico e-Commerce Solutions GmbH Hall 7 C030 Ingenious Technologies AG Hall 7 A041 Initiative Media GmbH Hall 6 C061 Gold Sponsor Expo InMobi Ltd Hall 6 A038 Insense Ads Inc Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Instagram Hall 6 A041 B040 Intango Ltd. Hall 7 E039

38 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 39 DMEXCO Guide Exhibitor List Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand

Integral Ad Science, Inc. Hall 6 A059 Intentive GmbH Hall 6 C060 C069 interfon adress GmbH Hall 8 E034 International Lounge Hall 6 D038 Internet Marketing Services GmbH Hall 7 C060 LabCave Games Hall 8 E041 InterPromo UG Hall 5.2 Start-up Village LadenZeile Hall 6 E070 InterRed GmbH Hall 7 E016a Laudert GmbH + Co. KG Hall 7 C058 Intershop Communications AG Hall 7 B021 Leadbolt Pty Ltd Hall 8 E062 Intowow Innovation Limited Hall 7 E016b leadtributor GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Inviqa GmbH Hall 7 C010 Leanplum, Inc. Hall 7 E046 Inviqa GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 LEAP Digital Marketing GmbH Hall 8 C011 D018 Inxmail GmbH Hall 6 C009 Leiki Ltd. Hall 8 B041a IOX GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Lengow SAS Hall 6 A031 IP Deutschland GmbH Hall 8 A021 C028 LEVURO AG Hall 5.2 Start-up Village iPinYou Inc. Hall 7 B065 Liana Technologies Hall 7 A013 IPONWEB GmbH Hall 6 B049 C048 Lianatech GmbH Hall 7 A013 Ippen Digital Media GmbH Hall 8 C069 Ligatus GmbH Hall 8 A021 C028 iq digital media marketing gmbh Hall 8 C031 D030 LINK Mobility GmbH Hall 6 A040 Ironsource Ltd. Hall 6 E064 LinkedIn Hall 6 A049 B048 Israel Export Institute Hall 6 E038 Linkfluence Germany GmbH Hall 7 E021 ITB-GmbH Hall 7 D017 LiveRamp Hall 8 A038 itelligence AG Hall 6 E010 LiveReach Hall 7 E018 IVW - Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung Hall 8 D038 der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e.V. Livingdocs AG Hall 5.2 Start-up Village loadbee GmbH Hall 7 E060 LogMeIn Germany GmbH Hall 7 B049 loopingo GmbH Hall 7 E044 Loqate - GB Group Plc Hall 7 A051a Lösch GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 C021 Lotame Solutions International Limited Hall 7 D036 JobValet Hall 8 A054 LoyJoy GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Justpremium B.V. Hall 6 A028 Lucky Shareman GmbH Hall 7 A033 Luigi’s Box, s.r.o. Hall 6 D038 Luna-park GmbH Hall 8 B050

Kameleoon GmbH Hall 7 B016 KANTAR Shared Services GmbH & Co. K Hall 8 B050 kaufDA Hall 6 B039 C038 MAC IT-Solutions GmbH Hall 7 C038 (UK) Limited Hall 8 A048 Macaw GmbH Hall 6 C060 C069 Kenshoo Ltd. Hall 6 B069 madvertise media GmbH Hall 8 World of Agencies Kimia Solutions, S.L. Hall 7 E049 Magento Commerce Inc. Hall 7 C010 King Advertising (now Activision Blizzard) www.activisionblizzardmedia.comHall 6 C020 Magikbee Lda Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Klarna GmbH Hall 7 C031 Magnolia International Ltd. Hall 7 C021 E024 Klickwunder UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Hall 8 D062d Mailbutler GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Kochava Inc. Hall 7 D058 Maileon Hall 7 D038 kolb digital gmbh Hall 8 C021 MAIRDUMONT NETLETIX GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 C029 Kontrast Communication Services Gmb Hall 8 C021 make/c video content marketing GmbH Hall 9 World of Experience Kueez Entertainment LTD Hall 6 E038 Maloon GmbH Hall 7 E031 kuehlhaus AG Hall 6 C060 C069 marcapo GmbH Hall 6 E021 kytence Hall 8 C021 marconomy - Vogel Communication Group GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 A008 Marketing Factory Consulting GmbH Hall 8 B059 Marketing Madheads Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Marketo EMEA Ltd. Hall 8 D051 Materna GmbH Hall 7 B019 Matomy Media Group Hall 6 E055

Gold Sponsor Expo Maxymiser Hall 8 D031 Measure Match Ltd Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG Hall 6 B039 C038 media:net berlinbrandenburg e.V. Hall 6 E070

40 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 41 DMEXCO Guide Exhibitor List Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand

Mediabrands GmbH Hall 6 C061 Mediafly Hall 6 E010 MediaLink LLC Hall 6 C041 MediaMath UK Ltd. Hall 6 D041 MediaMint Inc. Hall 7 E045 Namics (Deutschland) GmbH Hall 6 A011 B016 Mediaplus Gruppe für innovative Media GmbH & Co. KG Hall 6 Agency Lounge Namics (Deutschland) GmbH Hall 6 C060 C069 Mediarithmics Hall 6 E020 Nano Interactive GmbH Hall 7 A029 mediawave internet solutions GmbH Hall 7 C010 Nanosemantics LLC Hall 6 D038 mediawave internet solutions GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 Nayoki GmbH Hall 8 World of Agencies Mediennetzwerk.NRW c/o Mediencluster NRW GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Neofonie GmbH Hall 7 C030 Meetrics GmbH Hall 8 C061 NEOSEEN GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village GmbH Hall 6 B039 C038 NeoSOFT Technologies Hall 6 D038 MeinProspekt Hall 6 B039 C038 NET REVIEWS SAS Hall 7 A039a Melter Gruppe Hall 7 D023 NETCONOMY Software & Consulting GmbH Hall 6 E010 Mercury E-Commerce Hall 6 C060 C069 netcup GmbH Hall 7 D050 Mercury Media Technology GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village netgrade GmbH Hall 7 D062 Mesaic Technology GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Netgrowth GmbH Hall 8 B018 MessageWhiz Hall 8 C067 Nethunt Limited Hall 8 D062b MessengerPeople GmbH Hall 8 A039 Netmind Core Hall 6 C008 metapeople GmbH Hall 6 A065 netnomics GmbH Hall 7 A018 metoda GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village netspirits Hall 7 C048 Meyer & Meyer Holding SE & Co. KG Hall 8 C049 D048 NETSTAG GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village MG Technologies Ltd. Hall 7 E067 netz98 GmbH Hall 7 C010 MGID, Inc. Hall 7 A062 netzgefährten GmbH Hall 7 D031 microm GmbH Hall 7 C036 netzkern AG Hall 6 C060 C069 micropayment GmbH Hall 7 B063 Neue Mediengesellschaft Ulm mbH Hall 8 A035 Microsoft Deutschland GmbH Hall 6 A049 B048 New Relic GmbH Hall 7 B060 Mindlab Solutions GmbH Hall 6 C008 Newsletter2Go GmbH Hall 7 B057 Minimob Pte. Ltd Hall 6 A069 NEXD Hall 8 World of Agencies minubo GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 next media accelerator GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Mirakl SAS Hall 6 E010 Nexta Hall 5.2 Start-up Village MMDSmart Ltd Hall 8 C067 Nexum AG Hall 6 C011 MNFST Technologies Ltd. Hall 8 E036 NEXUS Netsoft Group GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 MOBFOX Hall 6 E055 NEXUS Netsoft Group GmbH Hall 7 C030 GmbH Hall 8 C051 Nordic Data Resources AS Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Mobsuite Hall 7 E066a Nortal AS Hall 9 World of Experience Mobusi Mobile Advertising Hall 8 E041 novomind AG Hall 7 C019 Mobvista International Technology Limited Hall 7 E062a Novum Interactive GmbH Hall 9 World of Experience MOINsure GmbH (hepster) Hall 5.2 Start-up Village numberly Hall 6 A031 Mollie B.V. Hall 7 C060 Monday Consulting GmbH Hall 7 C018 Monotype GmbH Hall 7 E051 Moore Stephens LLP Hall 6 D038 MoovIT GmbH Hall 7 B026 morefire GmbH Hall 7 C051 move elevator GmbH Hall 8 B059 mo’web research GmbH Hall 7 C070 m-pathy GmbH Hall 8 C011 D018 MS Direct AG Hall 7 C038 MSO Digital Hall 7 C048 MSP AG Hall 8 C021 mWS my World Solutions AG Hall 6 E067 Mycom GmbH Hall 6 E013 myDSP Hall 6 E055 This is an experience. myLoc managed IT AG Hall 8 C041 People buy experiences. Not products. To deliver amazing moments with data and design, Gold Sponsor Expo see us at booth A11, hall 6.

Make experience your business.

42 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 43 DMEXCO Guide Section X Section X

Adobe, the Adobe logo, and the Adobe Experience Cloud logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. © 2018 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand

parcelLab GmbH Hall 7 A025 parsionate GmbH Hall 7 B036 Partnerize Hall 6 E029 PARX Consulting AG Hall 6 C011 Oath Hall 8 C010 patworx multimedia GmbH Hall 7 C060 OBI4wan GmbH Hall 8 C011 D018 PAYBACK GmbH Hall 8 E030 ObjectBox GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Paymorrow GmbH Hall 7 A030 odc. by Liquid Labs GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village PayPal Pte. Ltd. Hall 6 B038 odoscope GmbH Hall 7 A028 Paysafe Holdings UK Limited Hall 7 A060 oe24 GmbH Hall 8 B018 Paysafecash Hall 7 A060 OfferGrid Networks Pvt Ltd Hall 6 D038 Performance Horizon GmbH Hall 6 E029 Offerista Group GmbH Hall 7 C020 Performance Media Deutschland GmbH Hall 8 World of Agencies Ogury Ltd Hall 6 A068 Permutive Inc Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Olapic Hall 7 E051 Pesto Harel Shemesh Ltd. Hall 6 E038 OMD Germany GmbH Hall 6 B041 C040 PHD Germany GmbH Hall 6 B041 C040 Omikron Data Quality GmbH Hall 8 A040 Phocus Direct Communication GmbH Hall 7 A061 Omnicom Media Group Germany GmbH Hall 6 B041 C040 PHOENIX MEDIA GmbH Hall 7 C010 OnCrawl by Cogniteev Hall 6 A031 piazza blu² GmbH Hall 7 C019 OneFID GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village picalike GmbH Hall 9 World of Experience Onemedia Consulting GmbH Hall 8 D051 Pickware GmbH Hall 7 C030 onvista media GmbH Hall 8 B010 pilot Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG Hall 6 Agency Lounge Opal Labs Inc. Hall 6 D038 pirobase CMS Hall 7 B059 OpenX GmbH Hall 8 C018 pirobase imperia GmbH Hall 7 B059 Opinary GmbH Hall 7 A042 pirobase imperia PIM Hall 7 B059 optile GmbH Hall 7 B020 Piwik PRO GmbH Hall 7 D041a optilyz GmbH Hall 8 E010 Pixalate, Inc Hall 6 A058 optimise-it GmbH Hall 7 B001 Pixelboxx GmbH Hall 7 C058 Optimizely GmbH Hall 7 B010 Pixelpark Bielefeld GmbH Hall 8 A031 B030 Optimove UK Limited Hall 7 D043 Pixelstein GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 B050 Oracle Corporation UK Ltd Hall 7 B030 GmbH Hall 8 C071 D070 Oracle Data Cloud Hall 6 C039 Hall 5.2 Start-up Village customer-experience/data-cloud Plan.Net Gruppe für digitale Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG Hall 6 Agency Lounge ORACLE Deutschland BV & Co. KG Hall 8 D031 Plan.Net Gruppe für digitale Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG Hall 6 A011 B016 ORACLE Deutschland BV & Co. KG Hall 6 C039 Planet Connect GmbH & Co.KG Hall 8 D031 customer-experience/data-cloud plista GmbH Hall 6 C050 Oracle Dyn Hall 7 B030 PlusServer GmbH Hall 7 E036a Orbitvu GmbH Hall 7 B020a PlusServer GmbH Hall 8 D040 Orbitvu Kits Hall 7 B020a POET GmbH Hall 6 E010 Orendt Studios Holding GmbH Hall 8 C049 D048 Polway Ltd Hall 7 E066a Oro Inc. Hall 7 B061 PornHub Hall 7 E067 OSF Global Services GmbH Hall 6 C060 C069 Portaltech Reply GmbH Hall 7 C030 OSRAM EINSTONE Hall 6 E060 Portaltech Reply GmbH Hall 7 C061 OSRAM GmbH Hall 6 E060 Portaltech Reply Süd GmbH Hall 7 B010 Otto Group Media GmbH Hall 6 D039 POSpulse GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) Hall 7 C019 Post Ch AG Hall 8 B018 Outbrain UK Ltd. Hall 6 B061 PowerLinks Hall 8 World of Agencies OXID eSales AG Hall 7 C058 POWERPAY E-COM Limited Hall 7 C021 E024 PressMatrix GmbH Hall 7 B062 PrestaShop SA Hall 7 C060 prettysocialmedia GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village priceintelligence Hall 7 B036 PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Hall 6 E010 Prime Force Group Int. AG Hall 6 A011 B016 PACVERTISE Hall 8 E050 Primetag S.A. Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Pair Finance GmbH Hall 8 B050 PrimeUp GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village PaketPLUS Marketing GmbH Hall 8 E050 Primis Ltd Hall 6 E038 PAKKS Hall 8 E050 printmate GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Gold Sponsor Expo Products-Up GmbH Hall 7 C061 Profihost AG Hall 7 C030 Projecter GmbH Hall 7 D071 Projektron GmbH Hall 6 E070

44 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 45 DMEXCO Guide Exhibitor List Company Website Hall Stand GmbH Hall 6 B020 PropellerAds Ltd. Hall 6 E037 Protected Media LTD Hall 8 D066 Hall 6 E021 Proxistore S.A. Hall 6 E020 prudsys AG Hall 7 E010 PubGalaxy Hall 7 E056 Publicis Media GmbH Hall 6 Agency Lounge PubMatic GmbH Hall 8 C038 PubNative GmbH Hall 6 A036 PVS Fulfillment-Service GmbH / PVS Gruppe Hall 7 B022a

Q. Hall 7 A026 quantilope GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village quintly GmbH Hall 7 A020

Rackspace Germany GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 Rackspace US Inc. Hall 6 C060 C069 Rakuten Deutschland GmbH Hall 8 A011 Rakuten Marketing Hall 8 A011 Rakuten Viber Hall 8 A011 Ratecard Hall 6 E020 RatePAY GmbH Hall 7 B043 ReachHero GmbH Hall 7 A021 Real,- Digital Payment & Technology Services GmbH Hall 7 B058 Hall 7 B058 Realytics Hall 6 E020 Red Pineapple Media GmbH Hall 6 E070 ReklamStore Hall 7 E050 Remerge GmbH Hall 6 E070 Reprise Hall 6 C061 GmbH Hall 7 E060a Research Now, Limited Company Hall 6 E049 Responsys Hall 8 D031 retailerweb GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 E059 Retresco GmbH Hall 7 C064 Return Path UK Ltd Hall 7 A059 RHIEM Intermedia GmbH Hall 7 C030 Riverland Reply Hall 8 D031 RMS Radio Marketing Service GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 D021 Roccomedia Hall 7 C060 Rocket10 LTD Hall 7 B030a rocket-media GmbH & Co. KG Hall 7 D060 GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Roxot LLC Hall 7 E063 RS Internet Pazarlama A.S. Hall 7 E050 RTB House GmbH Hall 7 C057 RTL Group S.A. Hall 8 A021 C028

Gold Sponsor Expo

46 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 47 DMEXCO Guide Section X Section X Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand

RTZ Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Köln GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village SIX Payment Services (Germany) GmbH Hall 7 B039 Rubicon Project Hall 6 D049 SixDee Netad Solutions Pvt Ltd Hall 6 D038 RUNATIVE LTD Hall 7 E056a Sizmek Technologies GmbH Hall 6 E030 Russmedia Digital GmbH Hall 8 B018 SlopeLift PM Media GmbH Hall 7 A050 RYTER GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Smaato Inc. Hall 6 D031 Smarketer GmbH Hall 6 D035 Smart AdServer SAS Hall 8 D011 Smart Shopping and Saving GmbH Hall 6 A061 smartclip GmbH Hall 8 A021 C028 Smarter Ecommerce GmbH Hall 7 A057 S.HE Business GmbH Hall 7 E020 Solutions GmbH Hall 6 E070 S4M Hall 7 A068 SmartyAds Inc Hall 7 D027 SafeCharge Hall 6 C011 smirror, Sebastian Reimers Hall 8 C049 D048 Germany GmbH Hall 6 C011 Snap Inc. Hall 9 World of Experience Samba TV Hall 6 E068 Social Ads Corp Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Santander Consumer Bank AG Hall 7 C049 Social Match GmbH & Co. KG Hall 7 E062 SAP SE Hall 6 E010 SocialHub Hall 7 E031 Satzmedia GmbH Hall 7 C042 AG Hall 7 D029 Scalling.TV GmbH Hall 8 World of Agencies Sojern Ltd. Hall 6 E020 Scanblue Engineering AG Hall 7 E030 solvendi GmbH Hall 8 B050 Schober Information Group Deutschland GmbH Hall 7 A017 Sommer & Co. GmbH Hall 8 E011 SCHUFA Holding AG Hall 7 C039 SonoBeacon GmbH Hall 8 C021 Scout24 Schweiz AG Hall 8 B018 SoundReply GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Searchmetrics GmbH Hall 8 E019 Space Interactive Kalinka & Pfahl GbR Hall 9 World of Experience SeedingUp GmbH Hall 7 D031 Spaceboost SL Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Self Butler App Hall 8 A054 spacemakers360 GmbH Hall 9 World of Experience Sellics Marketplace Analytics GmbH Hall 7 A024 SPARWELT GmbH Hall 6 A061 Selligent GmbH Hall 7 D030 Hall 6 A061 Seloy Live Ltd Hall 8 D069 Spectrm Publishing UG Hall 5.2 Start-up Village SEMKNOX GmbH Hall 7 A012 Spectrum unlimited Hall 7 A049 SendCloud GmbH Hall 7 D042 SPIEGEL MEDIA - Der Premium Vermarkter Hall 8 A021 C028 Sendinblue SAS Hall 8 E055 Spirable Ltd Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Sentient Ascend Hall 8 D064 Splicky Hall 8 E069 Sentient Technologies LLC Hall 8 D064 Spotify GmbH Hall 6 C029 D028 Senuto Sp. Z o.o. Hall 8 A020 Spring Axel Springer Digital News Media GmbH & Co. KG Hall 6 B039 C038 seo2b GmbH Hall 8 A044 Sprinklr Inc. Hall 6 D069 Seven Senders GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 Spryker Systems GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 SevenOne Media GmbH Hall 8 D029 E028 Spyke Media GmbH Hall 6 B008 Sevenval Technologies GmbH Hall 7 D019 squarelovin Hall 7 E020 Sharedien Hall 7 E026 Squeezely B.V. Hall 7 C066 Shopgate GmbH Hall 7 E020 Stadt Köln Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Shopify Inc. Hall 7 D068 Stoerkens GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Shopin Hall 7 E022 store2be GmbH Hall 6 E070 shopware AG Hall 7 C030 Storemoods GbR Hall 5.2 Start-up Village ShowAd GmbH Hall 9 World of Experience Stream Go Media LLC Hall 5.2 Start-up Village ShowHeroes GmbH Hall 8 D008 UG Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Silpion IT-Solutions GmbH Hall 7 C019 Styla GmbH Hall 7 A053 SilverBullet Data Services Ltd Hall 7 E053 Sublime Skinz Hall 6 B068 SimilarWeb Ltd. Hall 7 A019 SunMedia Hall 8 E041 Simplaex GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village sunzinet AG Hall 7 C061 Hall 5.2 Start-up Village SuperOffice GmbH Hall 7 A061 SIRDATA Hall 6 E020 superReal GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 Sitecore Deutschland GmbH Hall 6 C060 C069 Supertext Deutschland GmbH Hall 8 E070 Hall 7 A054 sitegeist media solutions GmbH Hall 8 B059 /legal-notice Siteimprove GmbH Hall 7 D017a SITU8ED SA Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Swinx Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Sybit GmbH Hall 6 E019 Gold Sponsor Expo Symanto Research GmbH & Co. KG Hall 5.2 Start-up Village synaigy GmbH Hall 7 C030 SYNC Hall 6 E020 SYTE - VISUAL CONCEPTION LTD Hall 6 E038

48 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 49 DMEXCO Guide Exhibitor List Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand

Triton Digital Inc. Hall 6 E025 troy GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Trusted Shops GmbH Hall 7 C051 Trustpilot UK Hall 7 C010 Tableau Germany GmbH Hall 8 C039 T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH Hall 7 D041 Taboola Europe Ltd. Hall 6 B051 TUNE, Inc. Hall 7 D049 Talihu GmbH Hall 7 C049 Turbine Kreuzberg GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 Talkwalker Sarl Hall 7 D013b TV1 GmbH - streaming europe Hall 9 World of Experience Talon.One GmbH Hall 6 E070 Twitch UK Limited Hall 8t D061 Tamedia AG Hall 8 B018 taod Consulting GmbH Hall 8 C039 Tapad, Inc. Hall 8 E066 Tappcelerator Media S.L Hall 7 E012a Tappx Hall 7 E012a tarent solutions GmbH Hall 7 A031 uberall GmbH Hall 7 E038 Target Circle AS Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Ubermetrics Technologies GmbH www.ubermetrics Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Targetbox Hall 7 A023a Teads Deutschland GmbH Hall 6 C021 D020 UBK s.r.o. Hall 7 E070 Tealium Inc Hall 7 C029 UDG United Digital Group GmbH Hall 8 A051 TeamBank AG Hall 7 C028 uNaice UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Hall 5.2 Start-up Village TeamBank AG Hall 7 C030 Unic GmbH Hall 6 C060 C069 TechDivision GmbH Hall 7 C010 Uniserv GmbH Hall 7 E017 TEEMO Hall 6 E020 United Internet Media GmbH Hall 8 B031 C030 Telaria Inc. Hall 6 B021 UnitedData LLC, d.b.a Shopin Hall 7 E022 Telekom Magenta Virtual Reality Hall 9 World of Experience Universal McCann GmbH Hall 6 C061 virtual-reality UNIVERSUM Inkasso GmbH Hall 7 C049 TenMax ADTech Lab. Co., LTD. Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Unlimited Traffic Limited Hall 7 C001 Testbirds GmbH Hall 7 A037a Unruly Media GmbH Hall 6 B031 C030 TextMaster SA Hall 7 E041 Upsales Nordic AB Hall 6 D038 textOmatic AG Hall 7 B029 Urban Airship Inc. Hall 7 E057 The ADEX GmbH Hall 8 C041 Usabilla Hall 7 B010 The Girls’ Lounge Hall 9 A019 Usercentrics GmbH Hall 8 D041 The Global Marketplace Group GmbH Hall 8 C058 Userlutions GmbH Hall 6 E070 The Jodel Venture GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village USU GmbH Hall 7 C071 unternehmen/usu-ag The Performance Network Group GmbH Hall 8 A010 The Tapad Graph Hall 8 E066 The Trade Desk Inc. Hall 6 E040 Tinyclues Hall 6 E020 Tipalti Inc. Hall 6 D038 Titan Gate AD Hall 7 E056 TK-World AG Hall 7 A049 valantic CEC Schweiz AG Hall 7 C021 E024 tools4ads GmbH Hall 8 B050 Valtech GmbH Hall 6 C060 C069 Total Media Ltd. Hall 8 E032 Ve Global UK Limited Hall 7 E068 TRACK GmbH Hall 6 A011 B016 Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V. Hall 7 C036 Tradebyte Software GmbH Hall 7 C038 Verlag Werben & Verkaufen GmbH Hall 8 D048 Tradedoubler GmbH Hall 6 E041 Vertical Media GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Traffective GmbH Hall 8 C069 Vibrant Media GmbH Hall 8 A059 TrafficJunky Hall 7 E067 Video Elephant LTD Hall 8 A018 trafficmax Hall 8 E064 Videobeat Networks GmbH Hall 8 D043 TrafficPartner B.V. Hall 7 D055 Vidyard Hall 8 D051 Trakken Web Services GmbH Hall 6 B041 C040 Vignold Group GmbH Hall 7 C061 travel audience GmbH Hall 7 C069 Vilo App Hall 8 A054 trbo GmbH Hall 8 C011 D018 Viond GmbH Hall 9 World of Experience Trebbau direct media GmbH Hall 7 D056 Visarity Technologie GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Triclap GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Visual IQ, Inc. - A Nielsen Company Hall 8 E029 Tripicchio AG Hall 7 C002 Visual Meta GmbH Hall 6 E070 Vodafone GmbH Hall 7 A049 Gold Sponsor Expo Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co.KG Hall 7 A039 Voluum Hall 6 C058 Vorwärts GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village VRTX Labs GmbH Hall 9 World of Experience

50 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 51 DMEXCO Guide Exhibitor List Company Website Hall Stand Company Website Hall Stand

YOUniversal Media Hall 8 A054 YUKTAMEDIA LLP Hall 5.2 Start-up Village

WaardeX OU Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Hall 7 A054 /legal-notice weAct UG Hall 5.2 Start-up Village ZEFR INC. Hall 6 E051 Web2Grow Hall 8 World of Agencies zenloop GmbH Hall 6 E070 webeffects GmbH Hall 6 E013 Zeropark Hall 6 C058 Webgains Ltd Hall 8 D045 Zoom labs UG Hall 5.2 Start-up Village webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH Hall 6 C060 C069 Webmatch GmbH Hall 7 C030 WEBneo GmbH Internetagentur für Online Marketing Hall 7 C030 webtexttool Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Webtrekk GmbH Hall 8 C011 D018 Weischer.Media GmbH & Co. KG Hall 8 C040 Welect GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Welocalize, Inc. Hall 7 E023 Wemark Hall 6 E038 WeQ Global Tech Sub GmbH Hall 6 B050 WhatsBroadcast GmbH Hall 8 A039 White Rabbit Srl Hall 5.2 Start-up Village White Raven Hall 6 E038 whiteBULLET Solutions LTD Hall 8 B043 WIBBITZ Hall 8 C063 Wieners+Wieners GmbH Hall 7 B056 Wirecard AG Hall 7 C060 Wirecard Technologies GmbH Hall 7 D051 WIRECLOUD-DALASON GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village Wlompos Investments Ltd Hall 6 D038 Wochit Inc. Hall 6 E038 WP Engine, Inc. Hall 7 D059

xAd UK Limited ta Ground Truth Hall 6 E048 Xentral ERP Software GmbH Hall 7 C021 E024 XING Marketing Solutions GmbH Hall 6 A021 XQueue GmbH Hall 7 D038

Yandex Europe AG Hall 6 A020 Yext GmbH Hall 6 A048 YieldKit GmbH Hall 7 C048 Yieldlab AG Hall 8 C041 Yimify GmbH Hall 5.2 Start-up Village YOC Mobile Advertising GmbH Hall 6 D061 YONKANA SRL Hall 8 D065 Yoto Media Group LTD Hall 5.2 Start-up Village

Gold Sponsor Expo

52 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 53 DMEXCO Guide Exhibitor List Conference Guide

Experience-Driven Commerce

GAIN INSPIRATION DISCOVER TRENDS Leaders Grow Sales Innovative experts and thinkers Use the various stages and ses- provide new impetus and broaden sions to discover new trends 3x Faster on Magento your perspective on the industry. affecting you and your market.

Visit us at Hall 7 / Stand C010 EXPERIENCE INNOVATION UNDERSTAND TECHNOLOGY Find out about industry innova- Dare to make changes and gain tions live on stage. an in-depth understanding of future technologies. CONTINUE EDUCATION Choose from more than 100 Sem- inars and design your own indi- vidual development.

Gold Sponsor Conference

54 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 55 DMEXCO Guide DMEXCO Conference Congress Stage Top Speakers

Timotheus Höttges Alex Cheng Rus Yusupov CEO Deutsche Telekom VP Baidu & CTO Baidu Search CEO & Co-Founder HQ Trivia, Founder VINE

The Congress Stage is the heart of the DMEXCO Conference. Alicia Hatch Philipp Schindler Nico Rosberg The leading minds of the international digital industry discuss future CMO Deloitte Digital SVP & Chief Business Officer Google World Champion Formula 1 trends and present their own milestones, innovations and visions. & New Mobility Investor The Congress Stage is located in Hall 9 and offers seating for an audience of 1,600 people.

Your Congress Stage Host: Louise Houghton

Arthur Sadoun Christine Removille Debora Koyama Gold Sponsor Conference CEO Publicis Global President Carat CMO Europe Mondelez International

56 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 57 DMEXCO Guide Congress Stage Overview Congress Stage Congress Stage

13:40 - 14:05 English MEDIA 16:00 - 16:45 English MARKETING Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Revolution or Evolution: How glo- Redefining Bravery: The Global bal media houses create the future Perspective 09:45-10:10 English FUTURE 11:55-12:20 English MEDIA Dominique Delport (VICE Media), Kelly Day (Viacom), Dörte Spengler-Ahrens (Jung von Matt/SAGA), DMEXCO Welcome How HQ Trivia reinvented television: James Cooper (Adweek) Eco Moliterno (Accenture Interactive), Jason Romeyko (Serviceplan), Dr. Dominik Matyka (DMEXCO), Gerald Böse (Koelnmesse), Javier Campopiano (FCB Mexico), Jeff Kling (Fallon) Matthias Wahl (BVDW) A fireside chat with Cofounder and CEO Rus Yusupov Rus Yusupov (HQ Trivia), Natan Edelsburg (Muck Rack/Shorty Awards)

14:10 - 14:40 English MARKETING Enjoy Shopping: Reinventing the 10:15-10:45 English FUTURE Opening Keynote – The Age of Retail Business 12:25-12:45 English MARKETING Pieter Haas (MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group & CECONOMY), Digital Optimism Ron Johnson (ENJOY), Louise Houghton Timotheus Höttges (Deutsche Telekom) Living in a Vertical World Jim Squires (Instagram) 16:50 - 17:20 English MEDIA How Consumer Choice has Changed the Video Landscape Neal Mohan (YouTube)

14:45 - 15:10 English BUSINESS 10:50-11:15 English BUSINESS 12:45-13:05 What does it take to stay compe- China Intelligence, titive – Fireside Chat with Philipp Enlightening Future Break Alex Cheng (Baidu) Schindler Philipp Schindler (Google), Tanit Koch 13:05 - 13:35 English BUSINESS 17:25 - 17:55 English MARKETING DMEXCO Summit The next Mission in Marketing – Global Power Europe Philipp Markmann (L’Oréal Deutschland), Roel Annega (Nestle Deutschland), Eva Wimmers (Huawei), Tugce Tim Alexander (Deutsche Bank), Kirsten Brückner (, Bulut (Streetbees), Christoph Gerber ( & Lieferando), Florian Haller (Serviceplan Group) Philipp Justus (Google), Peter Würtenberger (Upday)

11:20-11:50 English BUSINESS 15:15 - 15:35 English FUTURE Take C.A.R.E. Driving Change Blockchain in Action - Hype No through Curiosity, Action, More Responsiblity and Experiences Adam Helfgott (Madhive), Gabe Greenberg (GABBCON) Adrian Farina (VISA), Sheila Colclasure (Acxiom), Martin Ott (Facebook), Nigel Morris (Dentsu), James Cooper (Adweek) 18:00 - 18:30 English BUSINESS Diversity does not stop with gender Jennifer Whelan (Criteo), Alicia Hatch (Deloitte Digital), Saskia Steinacker (Bayer), Shelley Zalis (The Female Quotient)

15:40-15:55 English FUTURE Adobe Keynote Suresh Vittal (Adobe)

Gold Sponsor Conference

58 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 59 DMEXCO Guide Congress Stage Program Congress Stage Congress Stage

14:25-14:55 English TECHNOLOGY Thursday, September 13, 2018 Why Diversity in AI Nikki Mendonça (Accenture Interactive Operations), Christine Removille (Carat), Felicity Carson (IBM Watson Customer 09:45-10:05 English MARKETING 12:15 - 12:40 English MARKETING Engagement), Lynne Kjolso (Microsoft) From Formula1 Champion to a Brave the seismic shift – Digital Platform The future of creative digital Nico Rosberg (Formula 1), Louise Houghton consultancy Alicia Hatch (Deloitte Digital), Blake Cahill (Royal Phillips)

15:00-15:25 English FUTURE The Power of Messaging as a

10:10 - 10:30 English MARKETING Marketing Channel Stan Chudnovsky (Facebook), Florian Heinemann (Project A) Snap Inc. is a camera company 12:45 - 13:15 English MARKETING Peter Sellis (Snap) Future Skills in Brand Building: How to Transform into a Modern Marketing Department Rahmyn Kress (Henkel), Stephan Garandet (L´Oreal), Debora Koya- ma (Mondelez International), Geoff Ramsey (eMarketer) 15:30 - 16:00 English FUTURE

10:35-11:00 English The Internet, AI and keeping BUSINESS Marketing Human Reinventing the Industry with AI David Weinberger (Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, and Creativity at the Core Harvard University) Michael E. Kassan (MediaLink), Arthur Sadoun (Publicis) 13:20 - 13:50 English BUSINESS Powered by the Silicon Dragon: New Take on Digital Transformation Wanli Min (Alibaba Cloud), Yuri van Geest (Singularity University), Rosie Hawkins (Kantar), Olaf Rotax (dgroup part of Accenture)

11:05-11:35 English MEDIA Transformation in an age of disruption Max Conze (ProSiebenSat.1 Media)

13:55 - 14:20 English MEDIA Musical Age of Personalization Hans-Holger Albrecht (Deezer), Louise Houghton

11:40-12:10 Deutsch MEDIA Hear the Hype: Podcasting in the Digital Age Michael Krause (Spotify), Jan Böhmermann

Gold Sponsor Conference

60 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 61 DMEXCO Guide Congress Stage Program Debate Stage Top Speakers

Janina Kugel Jim Egan Florian Adamski Chief Human Resources Officer & CEO BBC Global News CEO OMD Worldwide Member of the Managing Board Siemens

The Debate Stage is characterized above all by passionate discus- sions about the challenges of the digital economy. With dedicated Jason Forbes Dorothee Bär Vera Schneevoigt experts on stage and an interactive voting tool for the audience, live- CDO Coty Staatsministerin im Managing Director Fujitsu Bundeskanzleramt Technology Solutions ly debates are guaranteed. The Debate Stage is located in Hall 6 and offers seating for an audience of about 850 people.

Your Debate Stage Host: Martin Meyer-Gossner

Gold Sponsor Conference Dr. Stephanie Caspar Dr. Mark Grether Ben Sutherland President Technology and Data CEO Sizmek CDO Diageo & Member of the Executive Board Axel Springer

62 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 63 DMEXCO Guide Debate Stage Overview Debate Stage Debate Stage

14:20-14:40 English BUSINESS 16:30-17:00 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Designing relationships in a The State of Programmatic: Who has superhuman future got the power in the magic triangle? 10:00-10:10 English TECHNOLOGY 12:15-12:45 English MEDIA Martin Wezowski (SAP Chief Innovation Office), Martin Meyer-Gossner Rasmus Giese (United Internet Media), Maike Abel (Nestlé Deutschland), Oliver Vesper (Smartclip & SpotX), Bernd Fauser (Google), Lothar Prison Customer Experience Revolution Where are all the dollars gone? (Publicis Media), Melanie Hughes (Vogelbacher) (Q Division) Kevin Cochrane (SAP Customer Experience) Reinventing Publishing David Fischer (Highsnobiety), Stephanie Caspar (Axel Springer), Mike Owen (Flipboard), Chris Taylor (Telegraph), Steve Webb (Facebook), Tolgay Azman (Stern)

14:45-15:10 English FUTURE Battling the Behemoths: 10:10-10:30 English TECHNOLOGY Can AI Level the Playing Field? Age of the Costumer Nikki Mendonça (Accenture Interactive Operations), Jonathan Ep- Phuong Nguyen (eBay), Kevin Cochrane (SAP Customer Experience), stein (Sentient), Axel Steinman (Microsoft Advertising), Philipp Missler (Amazon), Martin Meyer-Gossner Martin Meyer-Gossner

17:05-17:35 Deutsch MEDIA How to Stop Budget Squandering? Markus Frank (Oath), Uwe Storch (Ferrero), Carsten Schwecke (Media Impact), Katja Brandt (Mindshare), Martin Meyer-Gossner 12:50-13:20 English MEDIA How marketers can be enlightened, 10:35-11:05 Deutsch BUSINESS empowered and enabled in a 15:15-15:55 Deutsch BUSINESS Future Work – Female Economic mobile world Challenge Award 2018 Empowerment Ben Sutherland (Diageo), Chris Babayode (MMA EMEA) Aljoscha Höhn (BVDW) Vera Schneevoigt (Fujitsu Technology Solutions), Janina Kugel (Siemens), Franziska von Lewinski (fischerAppelt), Stephan Noller (BVDW)

16:00-16:25 English 13:25 - 13:40 English TECHNOLOGY MEDIA 17:40-18:10 English MARKETING Driving Growth Through Keeping Pace: Breaking the Traditional Agency 11:10-12:10 Deutsch FUTURE Experience Driven Commerce Media in Times of Change Andrea Ward (Magento) Jim Egan (BBC Global News), Stefan Winners (Hubert Burda Media Silos: Changing the Work in the SEVEN VENTURE PITCH Holding), Mark Hoffmann ( Steven Gätjen Digital Economy Tim Ringel (Reprise Digital), Jocelyn Lee (Deloitte), Ben Wood (Facebook), Angela Solk (Spotify)

13:45-14:15 English MEDIA Power Package: Media meets Commerce 18:15-18:35 Deutsch BUSINESS Sarah Mansfield (Unilever), Phuong Nguyen (eBay), Ali Nehme Wie digital denkt Deutschland? (Publicis Media), Vanessa Hartley (Google), Scott Hannan (Pinterest) Dorothee Bär (Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Digitalisierung), Chris Boos (Boosc)

Gold Sponsor Conference

64 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 65 DMEXCO Guide Debate Stage Programme Debate Stage Debate Stage

13:30-13:45 English TECHNOLOGY 15:00-15:30 English TECHNOLOGY Thursday, September 13, 2018 Shoptimism: The Rules Have Changed – Demy- The New Retail Therapy stifying Auction Dynamics 09:45-10:15 English TECHNOLOGY 11:20-11:45 English MEDIA Eileen O’Mara (Salesforce) Nola Solomon (Dailymotion), Anna Forbes (Trade Desk), Amar Goel (PubMatic), Jay Glogovsky (New York Times), Taking stock – the impact of The Streaming Battle: How to Jessica Davies (Digiday) Europe’s new data protection directly connect with the viewer Soumya Sriraman (BritBox), Wolfgang Elsäßer (Telekom Deutsch- rules four months on land), Bernarda Duarte (Roku), Ben Reininger (DAZN), Natan Edels- Jan Oetjen (1&1 Mail & Media Applications), Armand Heslot (CNIL burg (Muck Rack/Shorty Awards) (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés)), Julia Shullman (AppNexus), Bethan Crockett (GroupM), Townsend Feehan (IAB Europe)

13:50-14:20 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Customer Centricity Everywhere? The impact of First Party Data on Advertising Torsten Ahlers (Otto Group Media), Christian Scholz (Initiative), Anja Stolz (Commerzbank), Paul Mudter (IP Deutschland), Christian Sauer (Webtrekk) 15:35-16:05 Deutsch XXX Viewability and better Ads: How to regain trust in advertising 11:50-12:50 English BUSINESS Martin Lütgenau (BurdaForward Advertising), Christian Herp (iq digital media marketing), Kristian Meinken (pilot Agenturgruppe), 10:20-10:50 English BUSINESS The DMEXCO & Unilever Foundry Marianne Stroehmann (Google), Philipp von Hilgers (Meetrics), Data, Trust & Growth: Bringing Start-up Hatch Martin Meyer-Gossner Marketing to the next Levels Alicia Hatch (Deloitte Digital), Karen Schmidt (Oath), Wenda Harris Millard (Medialink)

14:25-14:50 English FUTURE 12:55-13:25 English BUSINESS Digital Transformation: Coty’s Five The Age of Alliances: How Europe- Year Plan an Media build powerful Collabo- Jason Forbes (COTY), Vittorio Bonori (Zenith) 10:55-11:15 English MEDIA rations to stay competitive Driving Global Business: Stephane Coruble (RTL AdConnect), Sabine Eckhardt (ProSieben- 16:10-16:40 English Act global – understand local Sat.1 Media), Peter Kerckhoff (Telekom Deutschland), Jonathan Lewis TECHNOLOGY Florian Adamski (OMD Worldwide), Mark Grether (Sizmek), Martin (Channel 4), Vincent Flood (Video AdNews) How to become a Platform in Meyer-Gossner E-Commerce Philipp Peitsch (idealo internet), Dominik Dommick (PAYBACK), Claudia Schlüter (, Alexander Graf (Spryker Systems)

Gold Sponsor Conference

66 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 67 DMEXCO Guide Debate Stage Programme Experience Stage Top Speakers

Alex Tapscott Friedrich Liechtenstein Dr. Sabine Seymour Author The Blockchain Revolution Artist Founder & CEO SUPA

The Experience Stage stands above all for inspiration. Visionaries and pioneers from around the world meet here and provide insights into Melanie Cook Kate Robertson Daniel Krauss the innovations and future milestones for business in the connected Tedx Speaker and Managing Director Co-Founder One Young World Co-Founder & CIO Flixbus world. The Stage is located in the Congress Center North and offers seating for an audience of about 700 people.

Your Experience Stage Host: Cherno Jobatev

Gold Sponsor Conference Winston Binch Robbie Douek Nuria Tarre CDO Deutsch President & CCO RFRSH Entertain- CMO City Football Group ment

68 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 69 DMEXCO Guide Experience Stage Overview Experience Stage Experience Stage

14:20-14:50 English BUSINESS 16:50-17:25 English FUTURE Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Enabling Hacker Culture for True Experiencing the Future of Innovation Mobility: Great Expectations for 09:45-10:10 English FUTURE 12:00-12:30 English MARKETING Nils Stamm (Deutsche Telekom), Daniel Krauss (FlixMobility), Olcay Buyan (RED BEE MEDIA (part of Ericsson)), Giles Rhys Jones (What- Innovation and Commerce The Blockchain Revolution Brand Disruptors 3Words), Christian Strobl (Hackerbay) Raphaël Gindrat (Bestmile), Gabriele Semino (WARR Hyperloop), Alex Tapscott (The Blockchain Revolution) Mirko Caspar (Mister Spex), Davies Roberts (Flare Audio), Verena Stephan Giesler (Continental), Marcus Casey (BMW), Sarah Lee Hubertz (Kitchen Stories), Adam Singolda (Taboola) (Deutsche Bahn Digital Ventures)

10:15-11:00 English FUTURE Esthetic Ways of AI 12:50-13:15 English MEDIA Florian Dohmann (Birds on Mars), Jason Romeyko (Serviceplan), Innovation in Video: Sean Kegelmann (Spotify), Dr. Steven Althaus (Credit Suisse), Dr. Susan Wegner (Deutsche Telekom), Klaus Schwab ( Gruppe) Live Interactivity is the Key Steve Ford (Twitch), Brandon Teitel (HQ Trivia), Christina Keller (Facebook), Jeroen Doucet (ComingNextTV) 14:55-15:25 Deutsch MEDIA The Value of Mobile Data: Brand 17:30-18:00 English MARKETING Marketing in the Smartphone Age Trust, Credibility and Authenticity Michael Hartwig (Yext), Dr. Jannika Bock (Google), Felix Jahn (PUMA), Mark Wächter (MMA Germany) in an Anti-Ad World Brett Zucker (Monotype), Jose de Cabo (Olapic), Bernhard Schmidt (Thomas Sabo), Julia Peglow (diary of the digital age)

13:20-13:40 English FUTURE Hacking the Consumer’s Brain Moran Cerf (Neuroscience & Business, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University) 11:05-11:30 English FUTURE 15:30-16:05 English FUTURE

Using AI to unlock the future today Hidden champions ? What role 18:05-18:30 Deutsch MARKETING Karl Bunch (AWS Amazon Web Services) are German Tech Companies Join me on the Rollercoster playing in the Global Market of Friedrich Liechtenstein Digital Advertisement. Tim Koschella (Applift), Oliver Hülse (IAS), Pan Kasukis (Remerge), 13:45-14:15 English MARKETING Christian Henschel (Adjust) Greater Good: How purpose- based marketing platforms are 11:35-11:55 English BUSINESS Claudia Edelman in Conversation growing brands while making a bigger impact with Kweku Mandela Adrian Cutler (Microsoft), Kate Robertson (One Young World), Claudia Edelman (United Nations), Kweku Mandela (Mandela’s Chil- Christopher Wright (UBS Chief Investment Office), Mathieu Ajan dren and Dreamland) (Teardusk & One Young World Ambassador), Josh Golden (AdAge), 16:10-16:45 English MEDIA Pete Cashmore (Mashable) Voice First – How Voice Affects your Future Brand Winston Binch (Deutsch), Tua Sloor (Google), Marco Bertozzi (Spotify), Adam Skalak (Nestlé)

Gold Sponsor Conference

70 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 71 DMEXCO Guide Experience Stage Programme Experience Stage Experience Stage

13:20-13:50 English FUTURE 15:30-16:00 English MARKETING Thursday, September 13, 2018 The New Touchpoint: What your Branded Content: How to drive Smart Product can tell you engagement and sales with 09:45-10:00 English TECHNOLOGY 11:50-12:20 English MEDIA Niall Murphy (EVRYTHNG), Rahmyn Kress (Henkel), Lisa Lang (ThePowerHouse) Branded Video Tokenizing your Body eSports: How new forms of audi- Luke Barnes (VICE Media), Arno Heinisch (Rocket Beans Dr. Sabine Seymour (SUPA) Entertainment), Giuseppe Caltabiano (Contently), Alberto Campora ence engagement are disrupting (Expedia), Nina Zimmermann (Burda Studios Publishing) the sports industry Robbie Douek (RFRSH Entertainment), Paul Keuter (Hertha BSC), Jens Taubert (BONJWA), Christine Schröder-Schönberg (DPDHL Group), Sumi Chumpuree-Reyntjes (Twitch)

13:55-14:25 English MARKETING 10:05-10:35 English TECHNOLOGY Brand Experiences: How to turn Empowering Vizualisation: customers into fans with music AI in Design and Creativity and sports events Ben Plomion (GumGum), Billy Seabrook (IBM iX), Kuastav Björn Hamacher (ASICS Europe B.V.), Lars Bendix Düysen (Sony Bhattacharya (R/GA), James Cooper (Adweek) Music Entertainment), Nuria Tarre Alvira (City Football Group), Mark Löscher (Eventim Brand Connect), Cherno Jobatey 16:05-16:35 English FUTURE Creating the new species? When machines are taking over control 12:25-12:50 English MEDIA – how can we stay human? Voice Search and Digital Assis- Moon Ribas, Ingo Rübe (BOTlabs), Melanie Cook (Hyper Island), Jeremy 10:40-11:10 English MEDIA tants: Optimizing Customer Expe- Tai Abbett VR/AR/MR/XR: rience in the Age of Conversation Where is the money? Purna Virji (Microsoft) Dana Porter Rubinshtein (Inception - VR, AR, XR), Dr. Rolf Illenberger (Viond), Julie Shumaker (Unity Technologies), Stephan Heininger (Telekom Deutschland), Kristian Costa-Zahn (EndemolShine Beyond) 14:30-14:50 Deutsch MARKETING

Band of Brothers: Influencer-Talk 16:40-17:10 English MARKETING with Julien Bam & Shawn Bu Julien Bam (Raw Mind Pictures), How to crack the code of 12:55-13:15 English FUTURE Shawn Bu (Raw Mind Pictures), Aminata Belli Generation Z Melanie Mohr (YEAY), Amber Atherton (Zyper), Itay Pincas (SaleUp), Augmented Intelligence: Where Kristy McCready (Walgreens Boots Alliance), Rita Orschiedt Man and Machine Make Magic (Süddeutsche Zeitung) Melanie Cook (Hyper Island)

11:15-11:45 Deutsch FUTURE 14:55-15:25 English FUTURE A new Take on Transparency: The 3 Prophets Moon Ribas, Nikos Acuna (Sizmek), Simon Haddadin How the Blockchain is providing (FRANKA EMIKA GmbH), Cherno Jobatey Value in the Media Business Hendrik Hey (Welt der Wunder TV), Karin Libowitzky (Vizeum), Christof Baron (Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland), Tina Beuchler (Nestlé), Thomas Müller (FJORD)

Gold Sponsor Conference

72 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 73 DMEXCO Guide Experience Stage Programme Motion Stage Sessions & Shows

Bunte presents How to become Germany’s Leading Content Destination for Women

CNN presents What makes a Great Big Story?

SKW Schwarz presents Labelling in Influencer Marketing: Best Practice in Germany and the UK for Campaigns on the right Side of the Law

Snap presents Camera Marketing Works

Spotify presents Listen, Look, Love: Streaming and the Multimedia Opportunity

Taptica presents Science meets Art – The Convergence of Data and Creative in Video

Telekom Deutschland presents TV goes Magenta

TRO presents Sonic DNA: How Technology Fuels Creativity On the impressive Motion Stage, leading international media brands Twitch presents present their latest content productions, multiscreen developments LiveStreaming: The Explosive Growth through ESports & Gaming and innovative marketing solutions in the video segment. The Motion

Stage is located in the Congress Center North and offers seating for UFA X presents about 600 people. From Storytelling to Audience-Centric Storymaking

Viacom presents Your Motion Stage Host: Small Screens, Big Changes Susan Bäthge

VICE presents VICE Visions – DMEXCO 2018 Edition

YouTube presents YouTube OnStage Gold Sponsor Conference

74 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 75 DMEXCO Guide Motion Stage Overview Motion Stage Motion Stage Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Thursday, September 13, 2018

10:00-10:45 English MEDIA 14:00-14:45 Deutsch MEDIA 10:15-10:45 English MARKETING 13:00-13:45 Deutsch MEDIA Science meets Art – TV goes Magenta Labelling in Influencer Marketing: How to become Germany’s Leading The Convergence of Data and Wolfgang Elsäßer (Telekom Deutschland) Best Practice in Germany and the Content Destination for Women Creative in Video UK for Campaigns on the right Nina Zimmermann (Burda Studios Publishing), Julia Bauer (Burda Melissa Dickman (Taptica), Gabriela Maestre (Tremor Video), Studios Publishing), Alexander Evangelinos (Burda Studios Alex Hewson (M&C Saatchi Mobile) Side of the Law Publishing), Anne Gerleit (Burda Studios Publishing), Christine Margret Knitter (SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte), Fehenberger (b.famous content studios), Ferdinand Jopp (Burda Jo Farmer (Lewis Silkin LLP) Studios Publishing), Robert Detering (Burda Studios Publishing)

15:00-15:45 English MEDIA What makes a Great Big Story? Petra Malenicka (CNN), Chris Berend (GBS), Pippa Scaife (GBS)

11:00-11:45 Deutsch MEDIA Sonic DNA: How Technology 11:00-11:45 Deutsch MEDIA Fuels Creativity YouTube OnStage Ric Scheuss (TRO) Andreas Briese (Google Central Europe), Patricia Mosca (YouTube), Eunique (YouTube), Susanne Liedtke (Google), Gera Geissel (Henkel)

16:00-16:45 English MEDIA 14:00-14:45 English MEDIA VICE Visions – LiveStreaming: The Explosive DMEXCO 2018 Edition Growth through ESports & Gaming Benjamin Ruth (VICE Media), Luke Barnes (VICE Media), Tamara Burkhard Leimbrock (Twitch), Sumi Chumpuree-Reyntjes (Twitch), Howe (VICE Media) Jens Taubert (BONJWA) 12:00-12:45 English MEDIA Small Screens, Big Changes Joanna Wells (Viacom International Media Networks)

12:00-12:45 English MEDIA From Storytelling to Audience- 15:00-15:45 English MEDIA Centric Storymaking Camera Marketing Works Tobias Schiwek (UFA X) Will Scougal (Snap) 13:00-13:45 English MEDIA Listen, Look, Love: Streaming and the Multimedia Opportunity Brian Benedik (Spotify)

Gold Sponsor Conference

76 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 77 DMEXCO Guide Motion Stage Program 16:00-16:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY 14:00-14:45 Deutsch MARKETING 12:00-12:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Seminar 1 Digitale Wirtschaft zwischen Mobile meets Conversational De- Digital Quality comes to reality: Datenschutz und ePrivacy sign! Wie KI-basierte, dialogische Wie die digitalen Marktstandards Frederik Richter (Stiftung Datenschutz), Sven Bornemann Wednesday, September 12 (Bornemann), Susanne Stollhoff (Axel Springer SE), Susan Wegner Nutzererlebnisse via Smartphones im täglichen Business richtig und (Deutsche Telekom), Christoph Bauer (eprivacy GmbH) und Voice Devices den Kundenwert effektiv genutzt werden Marion Beckers (AGOF e.V.) 10:00-10:45 Deutsch MEDIA von morgen definieren 17:00-17:45 Deutsch FUTURE Nico Wohlgemuth (DAYONE GmbH), Livia Czemohorsky (T-Systems Digitale Werbung in Deutschland Multimedia Solutions GmbH), Sabine Häring (Miele & Cie. KG), 13:00-13:45 Deutsch MARKETING Ethische Regeln für Künstliche Nadine Neubauer (Facebook Germany GmbH), Tua Sloor (Google Inc) – ein Überblick Next Level KPIs – measure what Thomas Duhr (IP Deutschland GmbH), Daniel Knapp (IHS Markit) Intelligenz – Brauchen wir matters // Inspirationen für ein Algorithmen-Monitoring? 14:00-14:45 Deutsch MARKETING 11:00-11:45 Deutsch MEDIA Wolfgang Faisst (SAP SE), Andrea Timmesfeld (Generali Deutschland eine qualifizierte Erfolgsmessung AG), Lorena Jaume-Palasí (AlgorithmWatch), Jens Redmer Sind Daten der Tod von Kreativität? Nicht im Ohr, nicht im Sinn Weshalb (Google Inc), Ingo Notthoff (T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH) von Kampagnen Eine Diskussion zur immer stärker Jenny Görlich (OWM - Organisation Werbungtreibende im Marken- der Mega-Trend Sprachsteuerung werdenden Relevanz von Techno- verband), Lisa-Charlotte Wolter (Hamburg Media School), Marti- Marken ohne Audio-Branding zu logie und Daten im Hoheitsgebiet na Vollbehr (pilot Hamburg), Thorsten Müller (Reckitt Benckiser Thursday, September 13 Deutschland GmbH) Verlierern macht – und wie schnell kreativer Kommunikation Anke Herbener (Digital Changers GmbH), Thomas Heinz (Kolle Rebbe Sie das ändern können 14:00-14:45 English MEDIA Malte Kosub (The Future of Voice), Lars Peters (Dr. Lars Peters 10:00-10:45 Deutsch MARKETING GmbH), Alina Hückelkamp (of Unicorns&Lions GmbH), Sebastian Media Consulting), Frank Bachér (Radio Marketing Services GmbH), Küpers (Publicis Emil GmbH), Constance Stein (Otto Group), Marco MMA Germany – How to win the Qualität – die (neue) Benchmark Zingler (Denkwerk GmbH) Rainer Henze ( für Vertrauen mobile video creativity challenge Björn Kaspring (Ströer Digital Media GmbH), Philipp von Hilgers (Meet- Daniel Rieber (MMA Germany), Benedikt Schaumann (Nestlé Wagner 16:00-16:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY GmbH), Matthias Maurer (LA RED), Andreas Rau (Facebook 12:00-12:45 Deutsch MARKETING rics GmbH), Uwe Storch (Organisation Werbungtreibende im Marken- verband (OWM)), Franziska John (The Adex), Karin Libowitzky (Vizeum) Germany GmbH), Marianne Bullwinkel (Snap Inc.), Dirk Barmscheidt Große Trends im Online Media – Vier Dinge, die du jetzt über (Brantalist), Jannik Krone (Lovoo) Blockchain wissen musst FOMA Trendmonitor 11:00-11:45 Deutsch MARKETING Kerstin “Kee” Eichmann (innogy Innovation GmbH), Markus Manfred Klaus (Plan.Net Media), Sascha Jansen (Omnicom Media Häuser (CMS Hasche Sigle), Ghazaleeh Koohestanian 15:00-15:45 Deutsch MARKETING Group Germany GmbH), Ulrich Kramer (Pilot Hamburg), René Lams- Content Marketing – Fokussiert (re2you GmbH), Catriona McLaughlin (Accenture Interactive) Marke im digitalen Zeitalter – fuß (Publicis Media GmbH), Timucin Güzey (Mindshare GmbH) zum Erfolg Matthias Wesselmann (FischerAppelt AG), Sabine Wegele (Nayoki Basis oder Ballast GmbH), Ingo Kahnt (Perfomics GmbH), Sepita Ansari Pir Seraei Phillip Böndel (BUTTER. GmbH), Arne Brekenfeld (Meta Design), Maik 13:00-13:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY (Catbird Seat GmbH) Seminar 2 Hofmann (hauser lacour Kommunikationsgestaltung GmbH) Sales Activation: Wer langweilig 16:00-16:45 English FUTURE ist hat ausgedient! 12:00-12:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Peter Dräger (GREY Shopper), Jens Krüger (Kantar Deutschland Wednesday, September 12 The Technology of Storytelling: GmbH), Kathrin Kauk (Telefónica Germany NEXT GmbH), Kai Thielen Programmatic Advertising: (LG Electronics GmbH), Mario Klütsch (Barilla Deutschland GmbH) Ad Tech’s Resurgence Im Spannungsfeld zwischen 10:00-10:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY tbd Media und Data tbd (tbd) 14:00-14:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Siamac Alexander Rahnavard (ECHTE LIEBE – Agentur für digitale Vom ersten Klick zum Kunden – Vom gefühlten und geführten Willen Kommunikation UG), Sabrina Büchel (BurdaForward Advertising GmbH), Gezielte Ansprache und Ulrich Hegge (AppNexus), Thomas Koch (TKD Media UG), Tim Lucas Rie- Unterstützung des Shop-Besu- 17:00-17:45 English MARKETING – Marketing in der Data Economy bensahm (Tchibo GmbH), Julian Simons (mediascale GmbH & Co. KG) The Power of Interactivity for Blundstone Osterberger (C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH), chers von Anfang an Katharina Friederike Titz (Adobe), Thomas Scheffler (digitalSTROM Matthias Förg (Uniserv GmbH), Sabine Ahlemeier (microm Online Campaigns AG), Andreas W. Ditze (tripuls media innovations GmbH), 13:00-13:45 Deutsch MARKETING Micromarketing-Systeme und Consult GmbH) Jonathan Lewis (Teads Studio), Caroline Hugonenc (Teads) Christopher Reher (Plattform 161) Influencer Marketing macht Marken kaputt!? Über den Sinn und 11:00-11:45 English MARKETING 15:00-15:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Thursday, September 13 Conversational Commerce Unsinn einer sich etablierenden The Technology of Storytelling: Alexander Zerdick (Google Germany), Clemens Kirschke (Otto GmbH Disziplin im digitalen Marketing The Evolving Consumer Journey & Co KG), Sascha Pallenberg (Daimler AG), Achim Himmelreich Anke Herbener (Digital Changers GmbH), Robin Blase (Richtig Cool tbd tbd (tbd) 10:00-10:45 English TECHNOLOGY (Capgemini), Oliver Bohl (KfW), Daniela Zimmer (Internetworld), Silvia GmbH), Jo Marie Farwick (Überground GmbH), Caroline Schmitt Genetic versus Binary – which Zaharia (Hochschule Niederrhein) (Parfümerie Douglas GmbH), Peer Wörpel (Facebook Germany GmbH) code is superior? Are digital col- leagues the universal solution to the creative challenges? David Spaeth (novomind AG) Gold Sponsor Conference

78 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 79 DMEXCO Guide Seminars Programme 11:00-11:45 English TECHNOLOGY 17:00-17:45 Deutsch MARKETING MMA Germany – GDPR: Learnings Seminar 3 Influencer Marketing im B2B – wie Seminar 4 and best practices for mobile B2B Unternehmen Influencer er- marketing Wednesday, September 12 folgreich in der Customer Com- Wednesday, September 12 Daniel Rieber (MMA Germany), Arndt Groth (Smaato), Marius Neumann ( munication einsetzen können Julia Oppelt (marconomy - Vogel Communications Group GmbH & CO 10:00-10:45 English DATA 10:00-10:45 English MEDIA KG), Uwe Seebacher (ANDRITZ AG), Fabian Benkert (Vogel Communi- 12:00-12:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Shopping in the Age of Assistance cations Group GmbH & CO KG), Stefan Schulz (Brady GmbH) A/B testing goes experimentation Geesche Halper (Google Germany), Nina-Christin Littig (Google Programmatic Advertising: Germany) – Are you ready to push the bound- Im Spannungsfeld zwischen aries of digital experiences? Thursday, September 13 Sandra Schroeter (Optimizely) Media und Data 11:00-11:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Siamac Alexander Rahnavard (ECHTE LIEBE – Agentur für digitale Paper Is The New Digital – Opti- 10:00-10:45 English TECHNOLOGY Kommunikation UG), Sabrina Büchel (BurdaForward Advertising GmbH), 11:00-11:45 English MARKETING Ulrich Hegge (AppNexus), Thomas Koch (TKD Media UG), Tim Lucas Rie- mierung d. Customer Journey mit Display Advertising driven by bensahm (Tchibo GmbH), Julian Simons (mediascale GmbH & Co. KG) B2B Content Marketing – Usability, integrierten Direct Mailings und Machine Learning Annika Weckner (Google Germany), Dorina Leititis (Google Germany) Engagement und Impact xx (xx) 13:00-13:45 Deutsch MARKETING Offline-Daten Lars Schlimbach (Deutsche Post Dialog Solutions), Brechtje Hendriks (Deutsche Post AG) MATCH. CREATE. MEASURE. = 11:00-11:45 English MEDIA 12:00-12:45 Deutsch MARKETING Die Erfolgsformel des Axel Spring- Envisioning The New Era For Di- 12:00-12:45 English Der perfekte elektronische er Brand Studios TECHNOLOGY gital Publishers: Applying Data To Verkäufer – Eigenschaften für eine Juliane Sydow (SPRING Axel Springer Digital News Media GmbH & Co. SMS Marketing: Washed Up Tech KG), Yvonne Beister (SPRING Axel Springer Digital News Media GmbH Boost Ad Revenue erhebliche Umsatzsteigerung & Co. KG ), Dirk Nolde (SPRING Axel Springer Digital News Media GmbH or Wave of the Future? Aleksandr Kharitoshin (Roxot), Michael Bjork (Roxot), Philipp Sorg (econda GmbH) & Co. KG ), Karsten Günther (SPRING Axel Springer Digital News Media Ira Cohen (MMDSmart) Veronika Karaeva (Roxot) GmbH & Co. KG ), Jörn Mecher (INTERMATE Media GmbH) 13:00-13:45 English TECHNOLOGY 13:00-13:45 English MEDIA 12:00-12:45 English MEDIA Factors for Successful Video 14:00-14:45 Deutsch MEDIA eSports – where gameplay fills It’s A Great Day to Video: Driving Inhouse & Agentur – Wie man screens and stadiums Impact with Facebook Video Ads Advertising in times of Google & erfolgreich zusammen arbeitet Daniel Pölkemann (Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG) Torsten Mueller-Klockmann (Facebook), Jin Choi (Facebook) Facebook: The Return of Owned & Jens Fauldrath (get:traction GmbH), Johan von Hülsen (Wingmen Operated Inventory Online Marketing GmbH), Andreas Bobowk (Deutsches Komitee für Ilhan Zengin (ShowHeroes GmbH), Sophia v. Ingersleben (Viessmann 14:00-14:45 English TECHNOLOGY 13:00-13:45 English TECHNOLOGY UNICEF e.V.), Andreas Hörcher (Finwaa GmbH) Group VC/O GmbH) Timing is Everything: 5 Critical Leveraging 1st Party Data for 15:00-15:45 Deutsch FUTURE Success Factors for Driving Growth Measurement & Attribution 14:00-14:45 Deutsch BUSINESS Elevate your Skills – Wie können with Today’s Mobile Consumer Decisions across Google Media DSGVO – mehr Vorteile als Susanne Thompson (Google Germany), Reemda Tieben (Google Germany), Miriam Strasmann (Google Germany) wir Bildung in Zeiten der Digitalis- Julius Schröder (Google Germany) Nachteile. Vertrauen und Pri- ierung neu definieren? 14:00-14:45 English Harald Fortmann (D-Level GmbH), Annemieke Frank (EduHeroes Club MEDIA vatsphäre als Kernelemente mod- 15:00-15:45 English FUTURE GmbH), Dominik Große Holtforth (Fresenius Hochschule), Game Changer: YouTube for Action erner Markenkommunikation Jochen Ott (SPD-Landtagsfraktion), Birte Welsch (Tandemploy GmbH) MMS – Motors Shefali Bhatnagar (Google Germany), Kathrin Friedrich (T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH), Marketing Suite: The easiest way Michalina Seekamp (Google Germany) Thomas Richter (T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH) 16:00-16:45 English TECHNOLOGY to combine performance, ad 15:00-15:45 English 15:00-15:45 Deutsch (Em)Powering the Modern Pro- creation and geo-targeting MEDIA TECHNOLOGY grammatic Buyer- Plus exclusive Jan Luley ( GmbH), Quality: The Choice Every Brand, Wie OTTO Programmatic Market- Sofia Hansen (Autohaus Brass Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG) Agency and Publisher Needs to ing zur Erfolgsgeschichte macht research and cases studies Ilka Voss (OTTO GmbH & Co KG), Shane Shevlin (IPONWEB) Make Jörg Klekamp (ADITION technologies AG) 16:00-16:45 English MEDIA Gavin Stirrat (OpenX), Mike Zaneis (Trustworthy Accountability Group) Smarter Search Advertising 16:00-16:45 Deutsch powered by Machine Learning 16:00-16:45 English MARKETING MARKETING Denis Dautaj (Google Germany), What is a Customer Data Platform Von Native über digitale AdSpecials Michaela Woloszczak (Google Germany) and why it matters for Personal- zu Influencern und Data – was wirkt besser? ization Frank Vogel (G+J e|MS), Kay Schneemann (G+J e|MS) Gold Sponsor Conference Gregor Wolf (Evergage GmbH)

80 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 81 DMEXCO Guide Seminars Programme 17:00-17:45 English TECHNOLOGY 16:00-16:45 English TECHNOLOGY 17:00-17:45 English TECHNOLOGY The State of E-Commerce in 2018 Leverage AI and real-time market- How to Create Pure Actionable Seminar 6 – An Essential Industry Update for ing power to drive growth. Brand Data and Avoid a Data Franken- Retailers and Brands Perspective: PepsiCo, Disney and stein Monster Wednesday, September 12 Felix Kuehl (ChannelAdvisor), Link Walls (ChannelAdvisor) other companies Dave Yovanno (Impact) Phil Dance (Datorama), Gosha Khuchua (Ticketmaster), Inaki Amu- chastegui (Trivago), Nathan James (PepsiCo), Sharon Braude (Disney) 10:00-10:45 English TECHNOLOGY Thursday, September 13 Thursday, September 13 The Ultimate Conference about Push Notifications with the excep- 10:00-10:45 Deutsch FUTURE Seminar 5 10:00-10:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY tional testimonial of bonprix! Was kann ein Digital Workplace Digital Analytics im Recruit- Christiane Balu (Accengage), Markus Neuert (bonprix) leisten? Ein Leitfaden zur Ein- Wednesday, September 12 ing-Prozess – So verbessern Sie 11:00-11:45 Deutsch führung eines digitalen Workplace. Ihr Personalmarketing FUTURE Alexandra Lang (sunzinet AG) Matthias Scharpe (Mindlab Solutions GmbH) Best Practices der digitalen 10:00-10:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Transformation – Daten und das How to use deep learning and 11:00-11:45 English MEDIA 11:00-11:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY richtige Mindset als Erfolgsfaktoren Ad block advertising - methods, image data to increase sales with Christian Endres (b.telligent GmbH & Co. KG) personalized recommendations Chatbots & Voice Commerce – reach and evaluation of the Sebastian Moll (DYMATRIX CONSULTING GROUP GmbH), Traumpaar oder zum Scheitern 12:00-12:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY target group Alexander Kull (DYMATRIX CONSULTING GROUP GmbH) verurteilt? Wie ein Unternehmen Ben Williams (eyeo GmbH), Till Faida (eyeo GmbH) Effiziente E-Mail Marketing fit für die digitale Kunden- Optimierung: KI-basiertes Testing 11:00-11:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY 12:00-12:45 English TECHNOLOGY kommunikation wird. oder 360° Sicht? Mehr Kundennutzen durch eine Wolfgang Reinhardt (optimise-it GmbH) Stefan von Lieven (artegic AG) Marketing Effectiveness: How The konsequent digitale Customer Economist Proved the Power of 12:00-12:45 English Experience. MARKETING 13:00-13:45 Deutsch MARKETING Marketing Achim Himmelreich (Capgemini Deutschland GmbH) Deep-dive into L’Oréal CRM How to Brand & Sell with Content Manu Mathew (Nielsen Visual IQ) strategy 12:00-12:45 English TECHNOLOGY Thibaut Munier (numberly), Mehdi FEHRI (L’Oréal) Marketing – 10 Strong Facts for 13:00-13:45 Deutsch MARKETING Successful Publishing Security on Your Fingertips: Bio- Sonja Knab (BurdaForward Advertising GmbH), Kolja Kleist (Burda- Einzigartiger One Stop Shop in der metrics in Payments and Beyond 13:00-13:45 English MARKETING Forward Advertising GmbH) Finanzwelt: Case Vorstellung der Ralf Gladis (Computop) The principles of personalisation Liechtensteinischen Landesbank in digital advertising 14:00-14:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Gerrit Taaks (Unic GmbH), Tobias Schlömer (Liechtensteinische 13:00-13:45 English MARKETING Elliott Clayton (Conversant) Landesbank) Data Deep Dive: Wie Daten im ‘Generation Z’ – Address the Programmatic Advertising nutz- right target group despite digital 14:00-14:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY 14:00-14:45 English MARKETING bringend eingesetzt werden. Creating Mobile-Ready Video for oversupply Wie digitale Kampagnen von künst- Stephan Jäckel (emetriq GmbH) Katja Albrecht ( - an IBM Company) licher Intelligenz profitieren und Facebook and Instagram 15:00-15:45 English MARKETING Noha Bashir (Facebook) welchen Einfluss diese auf das ge- 14:00-14:45 English MARKETING Accountable and transparent: Transparency in Ad Tech: Removing samte Programmatic Advertising hat 15:00-15:45 English TECHNOLOGY Stuart Flint (Oath) how is breaking “I wish Siri would just f*cking tell Unknowns, Driving Efficiency, and the mould Giving Marketers Control 15:00-15:45 English MARKETING Kevin Edwards (Awin AG) me what to wear!” – About the Toccara Baker (Adobe) fuckups, learnings and success The Art and Science of Storytell- ing: How Technology Emboldens 16:00-16:45 English TECHNOLOGY of an innovative Start-Up like 15:00-15:45 English MARKETING Creative Advertising From wow to now and how – How DailyDress Bring Your Business Story David Hillier (Adform) Jennifer Schäfer (DailyDress) marketer can take advantage of AI. to Life with Instagram Stories Best Practices and Examples Josef Springl (Facebook) 16:00-16:45 Deutsch MARKETING Joe Zawadzki (MediaMath) DECODING DIGITAL MARKETING – 16:00-16:45 Deutsch MARKETING Gold Sponsor Conference Navigation im Zeitalter der 17:00-17:45 English TECHNOLOGY Marketing & CRM Trends 2018 – Marketing-Hypes How to conduct good online Building Customer Relationships Stephan Sigrist (Think Tank W.I.R.E.) surveys Through the Right Moments Moritz Kisselbach (mo’web research) Manuel Hinz (CrossEngage), Markus Wübben (CrossEngage)

82 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 83 DMEXCO Guide Seminars Programme 17:00-17:45 English MARKETING Thursday, September 13 Seminar 7 Measuring Marketing Impact: How Seminar 8 to win over your CFO and influ- 10:00-10:45 Deutsch MARKETING Wednesday, September 12 ence your Board Wednesday, September 12 The Power of Podcast – Wirkungs- Scott Gifis (AdRoll) studie zur Konzeption erfolgreich- 11:00-11:45 Deutsch er Podcast-Werbung! 10:00-10:45 English TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY Bernard Domenichini (ARD-Werbung SALES & SERVICES GmbH), Are Shopping-Apps Worth Retail- Thursday, September 13 Discover Spotify: Wie Marken mit Christoph Arras (AS&S Radio GmbH) ers’ Trouble? A peak into the world Streaming-Daten kreativ werden Sven Bieber (Spotify) of shopping apps and opportuni- 10:00-10:45 English MARKETING 11:00-11:45 Deutsch MARKETING ties for advertising Influencer Marketing Success 12:00-12:45 English MEDIA CRM-Onboarding – Bestandskun- Alexander Gösswein (Criteo GmbH) Stories for Every Stage in the Mar- den effektiv über digitale Plattfor- Connected TV: Mapping 11:00-11:45 English keting Funnel Tomorrow’s World Today – men (re)aktivieren TECHNOLOGY Robert Levenhagen (InfluencerDB), Jan Erik Kruse (ASICS), Annika Oliver Reinke (AZ Direct GmbH), Marco Kersch (AZ Direct GmbH) Becoming Blockchain-Ready – Förster (LVMH Parfums & Kosmetik Deutschland GmbH), Anna Ivani- Empowering smart decisions for How members of the digital uk (Global Savings Group) tomorrow´s TV business 12:00-12:45 Deutsch MEDIA advertising industry can be a part Mark Zagorski (Telaria) Social Ads Funnels – Wie sich auch 11:00-11:45 English FUTURE of the revolution 13:00-13:45 Deutsch CONTENT die schwierigsten Produkte über Charles Manning (Kochava) Conquer the hearts of your Facebook & Co. verkaufen lassen customers – 7 tricks to ensure a Conversion-Rate international Malte Galus (construktiv GmbH) 12:00-12:45 Deutsch MARKETING successful change management steigern mit der richtigen Über- Vom Produkt-Promoter zum Pro- to the digital transformation. setzungsstrategie 13:00-13:45 English BUSINESS Ralf Haberich (CRM Partners AG) Judith Jegodowski (TextMaster) Online Piracy and the Destruction duktentwickler: Nachhaltiges Influencer-Marketing durch den 14:00-14:45 English TECHNOLOGY of Brand Reputation 12:00-12:45 English TECHNOLOGY Peter Szyszko (whiteBULLET Solutions Limited) Einsatz von Meinungsmachern Programmatic Advertising in Björn Wenzel (Lucky Shareman GmbH) Automatic personalization and AI in Action @ Swisscom. Europe: latest trends, attitudes 14:00-14:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY and growth drivers 13:00-13:45 English MARKETING Ideas & Results Personalization and Artificial Intel- Nicolas Meriel (Swisscom AG), Klaus Völk (webalyse) Daniel Knapp (IHS Markit), Pierre Gauthier (NewBase & Adbase How the World’s Biggest Brands France / IAB France), Kay Schneider (Smartclip (RTL Group)), David ligence – The use of algorythms to Goddard (BBC Advertising), Matt Simpson (Omnicom Media Group turn visitors into customers are Leading the Digital Revolution 13:00-13:45 English TECHNOLOGY EMEA), Simon Halstead (IAB Europe / Oath) Michael Witzenleiter (Kameleoon GmbH) and Taking Customer Confidence Make In-App Video Buys Scalable to a new Level. John Murn (Intowow) 15:00-15:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY 15:00-15:45 English MEDIA Stewart Maurer (Crownpeak) Bye, bye Cookie, welcome ID Social & Content Strategy: 14:00-14:45 English TECHNOLOGY – Roadmap to ID-based Quality Employee Advocacy in Action 14:00-14:45 English MARKETING How Changing Advertiser Advertising & Publishing Lea Manthey (Searchmetrics), Adrian Cockle (Hootsuite) Reviews, Voice and local search… Needs Are impacting the Wenzel Drechsler (United Internet Media GmbH), Benedikt and further fundamental changes Schmitt-Homann (United Internet Media GmbH) 16:00-16:45 Deutsch MEDIA Programmatic Landscape in Consumer Behaviour Wayne Gattinella (DoubleVerify) Wie Werbetreibende mit intelli- Benjamin Prause (Yext), Jeffrey K. Rohrs (Yext) 16:00-16:45 Deutsch MEDIA gentem Video-Advertising wieder 15:00-15:45 English TECHNOLOGY Einblicke in die datengetriebene echte Aufmerksamkeit erzielen 15:00-15:45 English MARKETING Are you a Digital Experience Audio-Zukunft. Welche Chancen Daniel Holm (Outbrain) Content The 3 C’s of Profes- Leader or Laggard? A close look eröffnet die Audio-Evolution Brands sional Messenger Communication: at the results of a study for your zur Zielgruppenansprache? Content, Chats & Chatbots competitive advantage Matthias Schenk (RMS GmbH & Co. KG) Falk Zimmermann (MessengerPeople) Jörn Bodemann (e-Spirit AG)

16:00-16:45 Deutsch MEDIA High Intent Micro Moments – Gold Sponsor Conference Neue Wege für Digitales Publishing, um Millennials zu erreichen Jens Gützkow (PressMatrix GmbH)

84 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 85 DMEXCO Guide Seminars Programme 17:00-17:45 English TECHNOLOGY Data is the New Brand Jonathan Cherki (ContentSquare) Work Labs 1 Thursday, September 13 Wednesday, September 12 Thursday, September 13 10:00-10:45 Deutsch DATA Gesteigerte User Experience unter 10:00-11:15 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY 10:00-11:15 English BUSINESS Berücksichtigung von Markener- Genauer, Sicherer, Effektiver – GDPR – How to be in control in the Das häufig ungenutzte Potential digital jungle lebnis und Produktdesign im digi- Charlotte Olsen (Siteimprove GmbH) talen Kontext von First-Party-Daten Rolf Küppers (microm GmbH), Jan Hecht (Sinus Institut) Markus Nagel (Webtrekk GmbH) 11:30-12:45 English MARKETING 11:30-12:45 English 11:00-11:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY MARKETING The Effectiveness of Email Customer Journey richtig gestalt- The Essentials of Account-Based Campaigns leveraging the Marketing Customer Lifecycle en – Methoden und Cases im Peo- Melanie Gipp (Marketo) Guy Hanson (Return Path), Sebastian Kluth (Return Path) ple-Based Marketing Carsten Diepenbrock (Acxiom Deutschland GmbH), Sachiko Scheu- ing (Acxiom), Christian Färber (Acxiom Deutschland GmbH) 13:00-14:15 English MEDIA 13:00-14:15 English MARKETING Switching on connected TV: what Blueprints for Building Up An 12:00-12:45 English TECHNOLOGY value can ad-supported content of- Influencer Marketing Practice Is your brand safe? – Protecting fer media owners and advertisers? Robert Levenhagen (InfluencerDB) your digital investment in the age Sacha Berlik (The Trade Desk), Max Bublitz (Cadreon), Kay Schneider of unsafe content (SmartX Platform, Smartclip), Mufadal Jiwaji (Foodora) 14:30-15:45 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Oliver Hülse (Integral Ad Science) Make it Mobile! Native Formate 14:30-15:45 Deutsch FUTURE und kreative Werbegeschichten 13:00-13:45 Deutsch MARKETING INNOVATION WORKSHOP: auf der mobilen Überholspur Klare Positionierung statt Think new. Transform now Janine Kühnrich (Media Impact GmbH & Co. KG) Werbefloskeln – Erfolgsfaktoren Christian Wehner (SAP) für Marken in der digitalen Welt. 16:00-17:15 Deutsch MARKETING Thomas Speicher (denkwerk GmbH) Marketing Automation –

15:00-15:45 English MEDIA So konvertieren Sie Website- Monetization Strategies for CTV Besucher zu Kunden! and OTT Publishers Reto Graf (SendinBlue) Michelle Smith (AppNexus)

Gold Sponsor Conference

86 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 87 DMEXCO Guide Work Labs Programme Work Labs 2 Speakers’ Forum Wednesday, September 12 Thursday, September 13 Wednesday, September 12, 2018

10:00-11:15 English MARKETING 10:00-11:15 Deutsch MARKETING 10:00-10:20 English MEDIA 13:30-13:50 English BUSINESS Commerce in action: Define ser- Produktvisualisierung im E-Com- Creative – Rich media for rich Growth of Programmatic, Adtech vices or solutions costumer love merce – automatisierte Workflows performance and digital advertising models in Anne Feldt (Accenture Interactive), Stephan Bruhs Elah Krief (Adikteev GmbH) (Accenture Interactive) für Fotos, Videos und Animationen Africa and emerging markets Wolfgang Felix (MoovIT GmbH) Chibuike Goodnews (Dochase Adx) 10:30-11:50 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY 11:30-12:45 Deutsch MEDIA 11:30-12:45 Deutsch MEDIA Vom Deep Learning der Daten 14:00-14:20 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Facebook & Instagram From Insights to Action – Social zum Deep Understanding der Omnichannel war gestern. Ist Advertising – How to bid & Data – Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Kunden: Nutzen Sie konkrete Unified Commerce das nächste optimize (advanced) Stefanie Kegel (Eprofessional GmbH) Unternehmensstrategie AI-Methoden, um den Kunden große Ding? Ryan Harrison (Brandwatch GmbH), Fabienne Schattner Jens-Michael Blümel (TWT Digital Group GmbH) (L’Oréal Deutschland), Stephan Naumann (L’Oréal Deutschland) besser zu verstehen! Herbert Schuster (Innoplexia GmbH) 13:00-14:15 English TECHNOLOGY 14:30-14:50 English TECHNOLOGY 13:00-14:15 English TECHNOLOGY How to find your customers’ rhythm 11:00-11:20 English TECHNOLOGY Journey to the Cloud – simple models for customer DAM Smart Content: The role of emotion in shaping Astrid Mehrtens-Haupt (Cogeco Peer 1) communication at the right time How AI changes the way content digital experiences Moshe Demri (Optimove), Eitan Shochat (Optimove) is created, managed, published Dr. Liraz Margalit (Clicktale) 15:00-15:20 English MARKETING and consumed Influencers – The Force Awakens 14:30-15:45 English TECHNOLOGY Laricea Roman-Halliday ( The Specialist Works) Sebastian Picklum (Canto) 11:30-11:50 Deutsch Let’s discuss closed-loop digital MARKETING Erfolgreiches E-Mail Marketing im 16:00-16:20 English marketing with programmatic 14:00-15:45 Deutsch MEDIA Customer Lifecycle TECHNOLOGY mindset targeting & measurement How to win in Local Search Sebastian Kluth (Return Path Deutschland GmbH) Will government policies get in the Holger Laube (Kantar Deutschland GmbH), way of data heralding the onset Andy Gallagher (Kantar Germany) and Voice. Ein Blick unter die Motorhaube. 12:00-12:20 Deutsch MARKETING of the fourth industrial revolution? Jörg Jasper (Yext), Jan Philip Stoffers (Yext) Lindsay McEwan (Tealium) 16:00-17:15 English TECHNOLOGY Die größte Liebesgeschichte des Age of Customer: warum Service Driving customer experience 16:30-17:00 English 16:00-17:15 English TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY where it matters – at the local level Design Thinking so gut zur digitalen Emotion detection – how Volker Kratz (Critizr) The Gold of the new age – Data! Transformation passt. How ontologies can be a Verena Menzel (ARITHNEA GmbH) emotions can drive your business’ success game changer for your webshop Kaan Karaca (denkwerk GmbH) Sebastian Sprenger (SEMKNOX GmbH) 12:30-12:50 English TECHNOLOGY How Internet of things will change commerce and how merchants of 17:00-17:20 Deutsch MARKETING all sizes can profit Der Millennial-Code: Wie Werbung Urs Gubser (SIX Payment Services AG) in sozialen Netzwerken funktioniert Benedikt Böckenförde (Visual Statements GmbH)

13:00-13:20 English MEDIA 17:30-17:50 Deutsch MARKETING From Corporate Film to Corporate Amazon meets Webshop – Wie Porn. Why content marketing is gehen Retail Media und Individu- a buzzword and why a respected alität zusammen? Gold Sponsor Conference and award winning film produc- Jana Fiaccola (Quisma GmbH) tion company made the first Corporate Porn Movie worldwide David Meadows-Hertig (al Dente Entertainment GmbH)

88 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 89 DMEXCO Guide Speakers’ Forum Programme Speakers’ Forum Thursday, September 13, 2018

10:00-10:20 English TECHNOLOGY 13:30-13:50 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY The “insane” business case: Chatbots – Wie der digitale Kun- Why brand CFOs love uniting denservice über alle Kanäle erfol- brand and commerce sites greich gesteuert werden kann Sören Stamer (CoreMedia AG) Harald Huber (USU AG) SET YOUR BUSINESS 10:30-10:50 Deutsch MEDIA 14:00-14:20 Deutsch MARKETING Sprach Assistenten – Skills als Effektives Affiliate Management – ON A WHOLE NEW PATH Produkte für die Customer Jour- Mit Strategie zum Erfolg ney der Zukunft. Eher ein Gimmick Markus Kellermann (xpose360 GmbH) oder doch die Perspektive? TO CUSTOMER SUCCESS. Alexander Käppler (diconium digital solutions GmbH) 14:30-14:50 English MARKETING How the return of storytelling in 11:00-11:20 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY digital advertising is engaging Push Advertising war gestern. users to branded content Conversation is​ the new Marketing Andrew Buckman (Sublime Skinz)

– Wie unabhängige Experten den 15:00-15:20 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Online-Umsatz ankurbeln können Caroline Langer (iAdvize GmbH) Zwischen Schutz der Privatsphäre und echtem Mehrwert: Kunden-

11:30-11:50 Deutsch MEDIA ansprache am Scheideweg? Be a King on XING & LinkedIn Andres Dickehut (Consultix GmbH) Michael Kohlfürst MBA CMC (PromoMasters Online Marketing Ges.m.b.H.) 15:30-15:50 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Online Category Management – 12:00-12:20 Deutsch MARKETING Was der E-Commerce vom Erweitern Sie das Markenerlebnis stationären Handel lernen kann mit Augmented Reality: Burkhard Elberg (GS1 Germany GmbH) Was Marken jetzt wissen müssen Tobias Meyerhoff (Monotype) 16:00-16:20 English BUSINESS How to meet the challenge of 12:30-12:50 English TECHNOLOGY digital disruption – key success Top 5 Conversion Killers and How to factors for the digital enterprise Beat Them Sarah Bernuit ( - an IBM Company) Lina Santa Maria (Digital River GmbH)

16:30-16:50 English MARKETING 13:00-13:20 Deutsch TECHNOLOGY Who blocks ads and how is this Kalkulierter Datenverlust beim group best reached? Einsatz eines Tagmanagers Till Faida (eyeo GmbH) Christian Stanke (Eprofessional GmbH)

Gold Sponsor Conference

Learn how the world’s #1 CRM helps you connect with customers in a whole new way. VISIT THE SALESFORCE STAND in hall 6 c011 90 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne TV Studio TV Studio Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Thursday, September 13, 2018

10:00-10:15 17:15-17:30 10:00-10:15 16:45-17:00 Dominique Delport Wally Brill Sheila Colclasure Vittorio Bonori President International VICE Head Of Conversation Design Advocacy & Education Google Global Chief Data Ethics Officer & Public Policy Executive Axicom Global President Brand Zenith

10:30-10:45 17:45-18:00 10:30-10:45 17:15-17:30 Maro Bertozzi Eco Moliterno Nico Rosberg Stan Chudnovsky Vice President Spotify Europe Art Director Accenture World Champion Formula 1 & New Mobility Investor VP Product Marketing Facebook

11:00-11:15 11:00-11:15 Stephanie Caspar Purna Virji Vorstand Daten & IT Axel Springer Senior Manager of Global Engagement Microsoft

11:30-11:45 12:00-12:15 David Fischer Florian Adamski CEO & Founder Highsnobiety Global CEO OMD Worldwide

12:30-12:45 12:30-12:45 Ron Johnson Nikki Medonça CEO & Founder Enjoy President Accenture Interactive Operations

14:15-14:30 13:45-14:00 David Weinberger Debora Koyama Bestselling-Author & Researcher Harvard University CMO Europe Mondelez International

14:45-15:00 14:45-15:00 Jim Egan Rahmyn Kress CEO BBC Global News Global CDO Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

15:15-15:30 15:15-15:30 Matthias Wahl Lynne Kjolso President BVDW VP Global Corporates Microsoft Advertising

15:45-16:00 15:45-16:00 Albrecht Behmel Amber Atherton Künstler CEO and Founder

16:15-16:30 16:15-16:30 Florian Haller Mike Owen CEO | Serviceplan Gruppe Chief Strategy Officer Flipboard

16:45-17:00 Martin Wezowski Chief Designer & Futurist SAP Gold Sponsor Conference

92 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 93 DMEXCO Guide TV Studio Programme 11:10-11:15 English 12:50-13:00 English 14:25-14:35 English Start-up Village / Stage 1 Pitch 2 Combining outdoor media, Consultation and decision on winner Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch influencers and the generation Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch | Jury Wednesday, September 12 of social media posts 11:15-11:20 English Patrick Kolb (bikuh GmbH) 14:35-14:40 English Pitch 3 Declaration of winner – Photo 10:00-10:20 English Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch | Vidar Andersen So wird der Vertriebspartner Teil des Leadmanagements! 11:25-11:35 English Break Philipp von der Brüggen (leadtributor GmbH) Pitch 4 Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch 13:00-13:10 English 14:50-15:00 English Amazon PPC & AMS: 5 Strate- 11:35-11:45 English The New Way to Get Reliable Con- 10:10-10:20 English sumer Insights Quickly and Easily gien, mit denen PPC-Profis jeden How we re-define publishing Pitch 5 Dmitry Gaiduk (CoolTool) Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch Wettbewerber abhängen for the future or the meaning of Jens Jokschat (PrimeUp GmbH) a living document 11:45-11:55 English Gabriel Hase (Livingdocs) Consultation and decision on winner Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch | Jury 15:00-15:10 English 13:10-13:20 English Signature Marketing – Convert 10:20-10:30 English 11:55-12:05 English High conversion content can your daily business emails Kundenreaktivierung ist Declaration of winner – Photo Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch | Vidar Andersen be easily predicted to a powerful marketing tool (beinahe) tot Marcel Leeman (webtexttool) Tobias Knobl (Mailbutler GmbH) Dr. Björn Goerke (GPredictive GmbH) Break

Break 15:10-15:20 English 12:20-12:30 English 10:30-10:40 English Key Takeaways from the 2018 Winning the battle of the Ready for cross-media content 13:30-13:35 English Media Consumption Report Micro-Moment! marketing? Just be mobile friendly! Mark Walker (Attest) Welcome Brian Handrigan (Advocado) Samuel Gaehwiler (Levuro) Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch

13:35-13:45 English 15:20-15:30 English 12:30-12:40 English Pitch 11 10:40-10:50 English Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch 3 Mind-Blowing Ways AI is The captivating tool which makes Wie ich das größte Soziale Disrupting Digital Marketing Netz-werk Europas aufbaute 13:45-13:55 English Sophie Eom (Adriel) your company fun and smart Alessio Avellan Borgmeyer (The Jodel Venture GmbH) Colienne du Bois ( FromScratch) Pitch 12 Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch

15:30-15:40 English 13:55-14:05 English 12:40-12:50 English Datengetriebene Amazon Opti- Life Journey of an Entrepreneur Pitch 13 George Rezitis (Stream Go Media) Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch mierung: Potenzial erkennen & Mediabudget effizient einsetzen André Åslund (Vorwärts GmbH) Break 14:00-14:15 English Pitch 14 11:00-11:05 English Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch Welcome Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch 15:40-15:50 English 14:15-14:25 English hmstr - finden, was zählt -Moni- 11:05-11:10 English Gold Sponsor Conference Pitch 15 Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch toring, Reporting, Analyse, Tools & Pitch 1 Teams – Alles im Blick behalten Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch Dr. Oliver Schottek (hmstr)

94 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 95 DMEXCO Guide Start-up Village Programme 15:50-16:00 English 10:50-11:00 English 13:35-13:45 English Break Scale unlocks new data-driven Die 1:1 Plattform von How to redefine Customer revenue Evergage – Mehr Umsatz durch Engagement? 12:15-12:20 English Joe Root (Permutive) Personalisierung Horst Fuchs (Chatvisor GmbH) Welcome Gregor Wolf (Evergage GmbH) Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch Start-up Village / Stage 2 12:20-12:30 English 13:45-13:55 English 11:00-11:10 English Pitch 16 Audience Yield Management Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch Wednesday, September 12 Adtriba – AI-Powered Marketing Benjamin Hansz (Simplaex)

Decisions 12:30-12:40 English 10:00-10:10 English János Moldvay (AdTriba GmbH) Pitch 17 Wir machen, dass Menschen Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch gerne Werbung sehen. Nutzer- 14:05-14:15 English zentrierte Video-Ads mit Welect. Insurance makes you sexy – 12:40-12:50 English Philipp Dommers (Welect GmbH) Break digitale Versicherungslösungen Pitch 18 Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch 12:15-12:20 English als exklusive Mehrwerte Welcome im E-Commerce 10:10-10:20 English Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch Christoph Hennig (MOINsure GmbH – hepster) 12:50-13:00 English How and why Publishers Pitch 19 Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch and Classifieds shall become 12:20-12:30 English the agency? Pitch 6 Martin Jensen (Nexta) Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch 13:00-13:10 English Pitch 20 Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch 12:30-12:40 English

Pitch 7 14:15-14:25 English 10:20-10:30 English Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch 13:10-13:20 English Make or Buy – Wie Sie Online- Advanced attribution modeling: Consultation and decision on winner Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch | Jury Kundenservice nach 12:40-12:50 English decipher your customer journey to boost your roas Büroschluss anbieten Pitch 8 Eric Peyrelongue (COOKEYPATH) Christoph Häusler (guuru AG) Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch 13:20-13:25 English Declaration of winner – Photo Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch | Vidar Andersen 12:50-13:00 English Pitch 9 Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch 16:10-16:20 English Paper catalogues are not dead Dr. Hugo Ribeiro (Magik Book) 13:00-13:10 English 14:25-14:35 English 10:30-10:40 English Pitch 10 Storytelling im Content Marketing How to grow traffic and revenue Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch Andreas Stoll (Stoerkens GmbH) for publishers in SEA? Jeremy Lin (TenMax ADTech Lab) 13:10-13:20 English Consultation and decision on winner 16:20-16:30 English Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch | Jury 14:35-14:45 English Leveraging Enterprise Ad & Reve- 10:40-10:50 English The rise of Amazon as the most nue Operations Platform for AI and the tip of the iceberg 13:20-13:25 English Managing Digital Media Business Dr. Katrin Botzen (5Analytics GmbH) relevant Performance Aditya Bhelande (YuktaMedia LLP) Declaration of winner – Photo Marketing channel for Brands Unilever Foundry Start-up Hatch | Vidar Andersen Stefan Bures (metoda GmbH)

Gold Sponsor Conference Break

96 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 97 DMEXCO Guide Start-up Village Programme 11:10-11:20 English 12:20-12:30 English 13:20-13:30 English Start-up Village / Stage 1 Real-life games in a digital world RichMedia Ads 4.0 Revive The revolution of online shopping Josua Waghubinger (Triclap GmbH) Your Assets and Unleash Your Laura Slade (OneFID GmbH) Thursday, September 13 Creativity in 3D Bastian Zühlke (Visarity Technologies GmbH)

10:00-10:10 English 11:20-11:30 English The impact of artificial intelligence 50 % mehr Kunden für Ihre on search advertising 13:30-13:40 English NACHO RODES (Spaceboost SL) Webseite / Onlineshop 12:30-12:40 English Simon Piontek (ConversionRocket GmbH) KölnDuell - Deine Stadt Deine App Neoseen – Removing stress Robin Kracht (weAct UG) in an omni-channel world Chris Vulpi (Neoseen GmbH) 10:10-10:20 English Influencer marketing meets 11:30-11:40 English modern media advertising Ungenutzt und unterschätzt. Timo Beck (Social Ads) So verwandeln Sie Ihre 12:40-12:50 English E-Mail-Signaturen in ein mächti- The Future of B2B Sales: how Break ges Marketing-Tool to increase efficiency by 40% ads Tao Bauer (Mailtastic / NETSTAG GmbH) Benjamin Dammertz (FoxBase GmbH) 13:50-14:00 English Ab-Lib – Creativity in real time 10:20-10:30 English Oli Marlow-Thomas (ADLIB DIGITAL LIMITED) Combin - Manage and Grow Your 12:50-13:00 English Instagram Safely and Organically Make or Buy - Wie Sie Online- Oksana Khomutova (InterPromo UG) Kundenservice nach 11:40-11:50 English Büroschluss anbieten 14:00-14:10 English Eye tracking with Neural Nets: Christoph Häusler (guuru AG) Create and leverage a liquid tech & 10X better data-skilled workforce to advance Coen Olde Olthof (Alpha.One) your marketing, commerce & CX 10:30-10:40 English James Sandova (MeasureMatch Ltd) AI-powered Risk-as-a-Service Marcus Wille (adbonitas GmbH)

13:00-13:10 English

Fulfillment as growth-boost 14:10-14:20 English 11:50-12:00 English 10:40-10:50 English for your eCommerce! Mobile Marktforschung - Wie Christian Athen (odc by Liquid Labs GmbH) Marketing Performance Messung Provide the deepest under- Crowdsourcing die Transparenz mit integrierbaren standing of customers through des E-Commerce in den Kommunikationsplattformen psychology driven AI David Son (WIRECLOUD – DALASON GmbH) Khaleeq Aziz (Symanto Research GmbH Co KG) stationären Handel bringt Sabine Koch (POSpulse GmbH) 13:10-13:20 English

CRM meets Debt Collection – 14:20-14:30 English building troy, Europe’s friendliest 23° – without data you’re just Break Break collection agency another person with an opinion Philip Rürup (troy gmbh) Johannes Jäschke (23 degrees GmbH) 11:00-11:10 English 12:10-12:20 English Self Driven E-Commerce: Location-based marketing How Machine Learning develop at scale with GDPR Business on Line (cases) Rodric Bark (SITU8ED) Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Barbarossa (White Rabbit Srl) Gold Sponsor Conference

98 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 99 DMEXCO Guide Start-up Village Programme 14:30-14:40 English 10:20-10:30 English 13:00-13:10 English Break The other AI: Automation Wie IT-Freelancer den Fach- Wie Textroboter die Spielregeln for Decision Makers kräftemangel in Unternehmen der Content-Produktion verändern 14:10-14:20 English Michael Grupp (RYTER GmbH) beheben können Christian Meyer (uNaice GmbH) Dirk Franzke (expertmatch GmbH) TBA 14:40-14:50 English TBA TBA TBA (Koncept Hotel Management GmbH)

TBA 10:30-10:40 English CrowdArchitects GmbH Monetarisierung von Livestreams via Pay-per-view – Strategien 14:30-14:40 English 13:10-13:20 English und Beispiele aus TV und Internet Flux Carpooling – How to market TBA Lukas Best ( TBA 14:50-15:00 English a sharing platform TBA (Happydemics S. A. S.) TBA Wolfram Uerlich (Flux) TBA Mesaic Technology GmbH 10:40-10:50 English 14:50-15:00 English Full-Reach Consumer TBA Einfach mitfahren Classification Data for Global TBA 15:00-15:10 English Online marketers TBA ( GmbH) Gunnar Kihl (Nordic Data Resources AS) TBA 13:20-13:30 English TBA Startup-PR: Was Journalisten NETSTAG GmbH – Mailtastic wissen wollen und was nicht Marco Weimer (Vertical Media GmbH / Gründerszene) 15:00-15:10 English Break TBA TBA TBA (Spectrm Publishing UG) 11:00-12:30 English Medien.NRW-Pitch by Medien- 13:30-13:40 English 15:10-15:20 English netzwerk.NRW c/o Mediencluster Building a business on open source TBA NRW GmbH Dr. Vivien Dollinger (ObjectBox) Start-ups: brytes GmbH, FanFilter Studios UG – SWINX, TBA SoundReply GmbH, Storemoods GbR, Triclap GmbH, ZOOM labs UG CheModis

Break 13:4013:50 English Start-up Village / Stage 2 How Bots can rule digital customer 12:40-12:50 English care – Smart Virtual Assistants for Turning Viewers Into Customers Thursday, September 13 Marco Yshai Maddaloni (Coolix Ltd) greater success in E-Commerce and customer service Martina Yazgan (Cognigy) 10:00-10:10 English AI in der HR Mihail Berlant (iamhero inc.) 12:50-13:00 English Ist das eigentlich #Werbung? 13:50-14:00 English Influencer-Marketing im The New Landscape of Direct Kennzeichnungsdschungel and Programmatic Revenue Man- Sarah Kübler (HitchOn GmbH) agement Edwin Fu ( 10:10-10:20 English Verpackung im Onlinehandel – Bist du ein Amazon oder Zalando? Gold Sponsor Conference Julian Jost (printmate GmbH)

100 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 101 DMEXCO Guide Start-up Village Programme World of Agencies World of Agencies Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Thursday, September 13, 2018

10:30-10:40 15:05-15:20 English 11:00-11:05 15:05-15:35 English Welcome 5 to ePrivacy - why being Start 5 smart ways to improve your prepared now is essential ROAS Timo v. Focht (Commanders Act) Timo v. Focht (Commanders Act) 10:40-11:10 Deutsch 11:05-11:40 Deutsch Follow me! #queer #weiblich Native Advertising - zukünftiger 15:25-15:55 Deutsch Media Channel No.1? For the most up-to-date pro- #word Juliane Sydow (Axel Springer) & Daniel Horzetzky (BRANDKIZZ) PANEL - Felicia Muttera (STRAIGHT) & others Revolutioniert Amazon jetzt auch & others gram see the online Conference den Werbemarkt? Was bedeutet Guide on 11:15-11:40 Deutsch der Aufstieg von Amazon als 11:40-11:55 Deutsch Webinare – digitaler Dialog in Werbeplayer für mich als Brand? CMS Web2Grow: Mehr Content, einer digitalen Welt PANEL - Nils Zündorf (Dept Marketplaces) & others weniger Management Daniel Holzinger (LogMeIn Germany GmbH & Colited) Sebastian Kostal (Digitale Marken by :kostal design GmbH & Co. KG) 16:00-16:25 Deutsch 11:45-12:15 English Daten gewinnen Agency Pitches? 12:00-12:35 English How Voice and Image transform Warum ein Monitoring-Tool VR Trends - Immersive Marketing customer experience and solve in jede Pitch-Vorbereitung gehört für emotionale Markenerlebnisse business challenges through Daniel Köthe (Talkwalker Sarl) PANEL - Dr. Rolf Illenberger (Viond) & Miki Devic (doyodu) & others data & AI Vincent Luciani & Ashish Sidhra (Artefact & Metapeople) 16:30-16:45 English 12:40-12:55 Deutsch The role of the media buyer in 2019 Warum Amazon zur Top-3 Ad 12:20-13:00 Deutsch Mike Shaw (Dataxu) Platform wird - und wie Ihre Brand The Agencies War of Talents schon heute profitieren kann! PANEL - Dr. Kai Anderson (Promerit AG) & others Jens Jokschat (PrimeUp GmbH)

13:05-13:35 English 13:00-13:15 Holistic Data Driven Marketing Mario Widmann (Echte Liebe - Programmatic Marketing Agency) TBA

13:20-13:50 Deutsch 13:35-13:50 Deutsch CMS Web2Grow: Mehr Cotent, Content Marketing Ausblick in das Jahr 2020 weniger Management PANEL - Michael Höflich (Content Marketing Forum) & others Sebastian Kostal (Digitale Marken by :kostal design GmbH & Co. KG)

13:55-14:25 Deutsch 13:50-14:25 Deutsch Millenials erreicht man nur in Wie Amazon den Werbemarkt social media! NOT! aufrollt: Präzises Marketing mit PANEL: Anna-Beeke Gretemeier (STERN/NEON) & Lucas von Amazons Datenschatz Granach (Onefootball) & others Nils Zündorf (Dept Marketplaces)

14:30-15:00 English 14:30-15:00 How to successfully apply data The Power of Achieving Harmony & AI in the marketing value chain Between Bots & Humans Suzanne Jansen (Artefact) & Lasse Hoffmann (metapeople) Courtney Jucht (Bold360 by LogMeIn)

102 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 103 DMEXCO Guide World of Agencies Programme Entrance East Entrance Hall 11.1 Hall 9 DMEXCO Café DMEXCO Entrance North Congress Congress North Center Congress Stage Congress Trade Press Trade

VIP Entrance Entrance VIP (Speaker, Press) (Speaker, Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Lounge Area Cash Desk Trade Trade Press Trade Press

Level 0 Level Mobile Power Mobile Power Station Trade Press Trade A008 marco- nomy

C009 D009 Frank- furter Allge- meine Zeitung TDWI Show Heroes D008 A001 Entrance Hall 11.1 A019 The Girls’ Lounge The Girls’ A B C D E A011 C011 D011 B010 D018 E010 C010 E011

A010 BVDW Experience Stage The Perfor- mance Net- work Group, E2Ma Please use the escalator to to Please use the escalator 0 Level access Hall 5.2 from Sommer & Co. onvista media onvista Rakuten Rakuten Marketing Marketing Rakuten Viber Rakuten A012 Exactag Oath E019 optilyz Smart AdServer emarsys B019 C018 A017 A016 B014

Appsumer A003 D019 E018 Cloudinary B018 Video Elephant A018 Searchmetrics Trade Press Trade . DCMN Blogger Area Openx IAB Switzerland º Adference Adference Commanders Act crossvertise Technologies Fjord LEAP Digital Marketing m-pathy OBI4wan trbo

Webtrekk Freewheel / Comcast BVDW BSI Business Systems Integration Integration BSI Business Systems Deutsche Lufthansa FRANKA EMIKA marketing video content make/c Nortal Interactive Novum picalike ShowAd Snap Space Interactive 360 Spacemakers Virtual Reality Magenta Telekom europe TV1 - streaming Viond Labs VRTX World of Experience of World TV Studio C021 D020 A021 C028 Outdoor Area Outdoor Senuto Infinity Media A020 Ligatus RMS Radio Marketing D021 Service North Center E021 GfK DMEXCO Diner E028 D029 A022 Amplience mit G+J e|MS smartclip smartclip Ad Alliance Ad Nielsen - Visual IQ E029 IP Deutschland SPIEGEL MEDIA SPIEGEL Haufe- Lexware A024 DuMont Digital, kolb digital, Kontrast DuMont Digital, kolb Communication Services, kytence, SonoBeacon Lösch MSP, Censhare FACELIFT brand building FACELIFT Cloud Facelift Bynder A028 RTL Group RTL MAIRDU- MONT NETLETIX C029 SevenOne Media SevenOne Asia Point Sushi Point DMEXCO Pub Coffee Juice meets Piazza Boulevard North B031 A031 C031 B030 D030 C030 E030 Speakers’ Forum E031 D031 ORACLE ORACLE Deutschland Want to join the Clicktale, Blue Kai, Cloud CX, Eloqua, Engage- ment Factory Maxymiser, B.V., Connect, Planet Responsys, Reply Riverland

Brandwatch A030


optimise-it Unlimited Traffic Unlimited Adweek Netmind Core Netmind GiroSolution

B001 C002 Inxmail C001 Spyke Media Spyke E001 Mindlab giropay E008 A008 C009 B008 E009 C008 denk- werk United Internet Media Internet United e-Spirit ARITHNEA Canto Excellence Digital Value diva-e ETECTURE I-D Media Bielefeld Pixelpark B A C D E Snack Point PAYBACK B033 C038 iq digital B038 D011 A011 E010 B010 DMEXCO 2019 C010 A010 A011 A010 C039 D038 C011 E010 cadooz B011 A035 gesellschaft Ulm Neue Medien- C018

prudsys tung von tung von E011 Bazaarvoice Geoedge E032 E011 Avalara Total Total Media E034


Acxiom LiveRamp D013a Start-up Village Start-up D013b Feststellung Feststellung E012b E012a A012 eviom nformationsgemeinsch. A039 CJ Affiliate CJ Affiliate Conversant by D039 Tableau Data Virtuality Feld M taod Consulting Episerver Personalization Episerver CMS Episerver Conversant Interfon Adress Interfon INDIMA direct, Gruppe Melter Celtra MNFST Tech- nologi Messenger People der Verbrei INFOnline I zur Werbeträgern Werbeträgern E036 PubMatic DYMATRIX CONSULTING brandung mediawave netz98 PHOENIX MEDIA TechDivision Inviqa UK Trustpilot Magento C011 econda A013 Optimizely Reply Portaltech Usabilla Igniti Liana- tech, Liana Techno- logies SEMKNOX Digital Element b.telligent E013 Talkwalker webeffects Mycom Hydrane BidMotion Tappcelerator Tappx A016 C D E A B

denkwerk Custobar E015 as an exhibitor? apollon B016 B019 C018 A041 B040 C041 D040 E040 C040 D017 D041 E016a E016b A018 centrics User- D017a A018 Kameleoon Kameleoon B041 Kuaiyou B041a 4C insights Leiki E017 InterRed Intowow Innovation ITB Siteimprove Schober A017 E017 Uniserv

B018 white BUL- LET B043

E018 E018a netnomics D019 Campaign -

SAP Media, Hootsuite ARITHNEA, B4B, CELUM, POET, Mirakl, Netconomy, Mediafly, itelligence, PricewaterhouseCoopers, GumGum Bechtle Bicycles Canyon Engine Loyalty DEFACTO realations defacto DOCUSIGN FRANCE dotSource DriveNow 24 factory nexum Consulting PARX SafeCharge Sybit B016 Adobe diconium eggs unimedia Hootsuite Namics Plan.Net Group Prime Force TRACK Google E019 Fairrank E019 Mobusi Mobile , SunMedia, Lab- Games Cave E041

SimilarWeb Materna CoreMedia C019 creativestyle creativestyle e-velopment blu · piazza Silpion IT-Solutions ]init[ Systems Arvato Babiel bitgrip communicode Elastic Path Commerce Elastic Path Consulting Monday novomind Stiftung Logistik FIEGE A019 Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) Solution Provider Group Otto Bertelsmann Sevenval AZ Direct, Bedi- AZ Direct, rect, direct services, direct Deutschland- Card Gorilla LiveReach Bilendi AS&S Radio Weischer.Media Golden Goose B045 A040 Omikron Data Quality Omikron FACT-Finder adRom ADITION AdClear Agent, Active managed The ADEX, myLoc IT Yieldlab PlusServer Services Web Amazon Technologies Akamai B049 C048 ad agents Webgains Videobeat Networks Digital Improve D043 D045 Seminar 4 Seminar 5 A B C D E A049 B048

A044 seo2b C049 D048 B021 C021 E024 C020 B020 E020 contentbird E045 B021 C020 C021 D020 B020 E020 A021a ReachHero A021 Haensel D047 E048 optile A020 B020a A020 Orbitvu, Alpha- Alphastudio, shot, Orbitvu Kits quintly

Shopgate Shopgate squarelovin S.HE Business

A048 A022 Datorama E047 B022 E022 E021 marcapo Systems Expert E021 linkfluence Deutsche Post DHL Deutsche Post need All you AllyouneedFresh Germany DHL Express Criteo Hermes Yandex gridscale W&V Orendt Studios Holding Orendt Adform Meyer & Meyer Meyer on Sunday Even Sebastian Reimers smirror, A023a B022a PVS Offerista Intershop Audience Serv A023 Happy Contests Happy Beschützerbox Targetbox telaria telaria Blizzard Activision esc mediagroup Spryker Systems Spryker A021 best it Claranet common solutions Contentserv Digital Value diva-e Excellence Inviqa Magnolia mediawave minubo NEXUS Netsoft E-COM POWERPAY Rackspace Senders Seven superReal Kreuzberg Turbine Schweiz CEC Valantic ERP Software Xentral XING Marketing Solutions UnitedData Shopin Teads A024 A028 Stage 1 Stage

Foap Poland E023

, Sellics Market- place D051 A051 B051 E050 B050 C050

C029 D028 B027 A025 B024 C024 adny- mics parcel Lab 247- GRAD Cool Service C028 E026 D028 C029 E026a E023 Across Across Systems Welocalize A026 D027 Cake SmartyAds SmartyAds Advellence Advellence Sharedien Humai Tech- nologies Triton Triton Digital E025 HQLabs HQLabs Q. C026 A027 ameo App&Web A050 AGNITAS iAdvize E029 NEOSEEN Objectbox Liquid Labs odc. By Permutive PrimeUp printmate RYTER Research Symanto The Jodel Venture uNaice Welect yimify YUKTAMEDIA - Media Group Yoto A028 UDG BVDW Digital Lounge 2. odo- scope Justpremium Marketo Marketing Avaus Innovations, Buildscale, Cloudwords, Onemedia Consulting, vidyard Tealium GRIF Bürgel TeamBank Computop sogedes. digital A029 Ad Defend E028 D029 germany Aperto Aperto IBM iX B026 B029 C026a empaction MoovIT text Omatic Nano Inter- Active A029 B028 B025 C028 Ratecard Botfuel Dailymotion Displayce id5 Technology Advertising Gameloft Mediarithmics Proxistore Realytics SIRDATA Sojern SYNC TEEMO Tinyclues A054 AppNexus Partnerize Adtelligent Adtelligent Consulting Deloitte Digital Deloitte E029 Spotify Burda Direkt Services Direkt Burda interactive direct Burda Burdadirect DieRabattMacher PACVERTISE Marketing PaketPLUS PAKKS D059 D055 E055 Sendinblue ExMarketPlace JobValet, Self JobValet, Butler App, Vilo App, YOUniversal Media Amazon eBay C051 C031 Lounge Area B030 A031 D031

E030 E030 C030 D030 B030a B059 C031 C058 C038 D030 D031 Seeding- Up Netz- gefährten

A030 Rocket10 tarent tarent solutions A031 Oracle Corporation , Oracle Dyn B058 A030

APPSfactory A058 E059 , com- financeAds municationAds, retailerweb C059 DoubleVerify B032 AT Internet AT Lengow Lengow AB Tasty numberly BurdaForward emetriq Dept Dept Marketplaces FACTOR-A OnCrawl by OnCrawl Cogniteev EMX Digital Fyber A059 3. B032a TYPO3 Vibrant Media App Annie E031 Maloon SocialHub Cash Payment Paymorrow eprofessional eprofessional Awin D033 D033b Klarna Scanblue Expedia Expedia, Media Solutions EVO Payments EVO Selligent Agiliway Technologies Attest Beaconinside bikuh Management Ventures Cavalry Cognigy Evergage FromScratch Happydemics LEVURO Livingdocs Madheads Marketing Mesaic Technology MOINsure Adriel Alpha.One Chatvisor COOKEYPATH CrowdArchitects E-HAWK - ELMAN SYSTEMS Fluid Ads AD FROGO Gpredictive Hivency hmstr i1box iamhero - InterPromo leadtributor LoyJoy Mailbutler Advertising Next prettysocialmedia quantilope Circle Target TenMax ADTech Lab. Co. Visarity Technologies Vorwärts OU WaardeX shopware Dotmailer, brickfox, hmmh, Ingenico, Neo- fonie, NEXUS Netsoft, Portaltech Pickware, RHIEM Profihost, Reply, synaigy, Intermedia, Webmatch, TeamBank, WEBneo A033 GOB Lucky Lucky Shareman Get Response Sizmek Smaato E033 Cappasity A036 A B C D E Seminar 6 D036

E035 Critizr Seminar 3 talkauf-

C061 D061 A036 C033 Confession Drive, Digi eTribes Connect Etribes, Digital E060 D062a D062b E038 C039 B039 Media Impact BILD Springer SPRING Axel Media Digital News kaufDA kaufDA MeinProspekt PubNative D036 GothamAds E037 Propeller- Ads E038 Bonial International Bonial International E036a C036 Cxense AD-PLAYER-PRO AD-PLAYER-PRO Nethunt B036 B037 FINDO- LOGIC Creditreform , Boniversum Di- CrefoPay, gitalraum, Ver- microm, band der Ver- eine Credit- reform E037 admitad Lotame D035 Smarketer A037a PlusServer A037 Afilias Device- Atlas , parsionate price- intelligence Testbirds E069 A038 A038 D062d D062c Stadt Köln

Visit our Early Bird D038


Twitch dfv Mediengruppe Horizont adcash D038 Meetrics blogfoster E039 Klickwunder Adloox Apteco E038a B038 Intango E039 InMobi B038 B031 C030 Accenture Accenture . Unruly A035 PayPal A039 D039 Oracle Deutschland Oracle Data Cloud Vogel Communi- cations GlobalWide Media A039a C039 , NET REVIEWS Bewer- Echte tungen Otto Group Otto Media Israel Export Institute Israel Export 2. International International Lounge º SIX Payment SIX Payment B039 tradebyte IT-Solutions MAC MS Direct BS PAYONE billwerk Online-Shop EHI Geprüfter Holding SCHUFA uberall Fastlane XQueue XQueue Maileon AddressCheck

E064 E062 D064 A B C D E A B C D E Across YONKA- NA SRL BRICK SPACES C063 WIBBITZ construktiv trafficmax Leadbolt C065 D065 MMDSmart Message- Whiz Sentient Tech- nologies , Sen- tient Ascend C067 A043 C041 B041 C042 Feed Dyna- mix D040 E040 B040 A040 Cedato Lounge in Hall 8! D041 Outdoor Area Outdoor Curate Mobile D066 Early Bird Lounge Early Bird E066 C040 B040 CRM Adyen Piwik PRO D041a E041 Clickable Design Clickable Dataxu, Zalando, Collabary by design :kostal by Digitale Marken dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur media madvertise Liebe, eyeota, Echte Media, Performance NEXD, Nayoki, Web2Grow Scalling.TV, PowerLinks, World of of World Agencies

A040 Goldbach Group Goldbach Austria Splicky Goldbach Germany, AdSpirit Protected Media C069 C068 Ippen Tapad The Tapad Graph Traffective Traffective D069 Seloy Live Seloy Trade doubler E041 A042 D042 E042 Opinary B042 Outdoor Area Outdoor IOX Mediennetzwerk.NRWc/o NRW Mediencluster metoda media accelerator next Data Resources Nordic POSpulse SITU8ED SoundReply Publishing Spectrm Stoerkens Storemoods Go Media Stream Triclap troy Technologies Ubermetrics labs ZOOM Scedule Corp Social Ads Spaceboot Spirable Media - Gründerszene Vertical weAct Rabbit White Business Suite Rabbit - Happy White - DALASON WIRECLOUD Concardis RatePAY Bloomreach commercetools, Satzmedia, Digital Value diva-e Excellence AdRoll SendCloud T-Systems B043 Optimove UK Admixer D041 D043 belboon, Ingenious Technologies adjust TextMaster B041 Omnicom annalect Hearts & Science Germany OMD Germany PHD Germany Services Web Trakken E040 MediaMath Desk The Trade E070 B071 C070 CNN C071 Ad- Police Super- text D070

artegic LINK Mobility DAPP Global Limi Platform DU Ad Media Mint E045 E043

Facebook A041 F008 C049 Instagram C048 D046 Hall 8 C048 E044 E046 A046 B046 33- Across A048 DDV E045 E047

CREHLER loopingo Leanplum Adikteev Seminar 7 D047

eology A047 BurdaForward Channable B048 B047 Crownpeak A048 idealo internet E048 Yext E049 Kimia Solutions Research Now E049 C041 D049 MediaLink Rubicon Project xAd B049 IPONWEB TK-World Spectrum unlimited, Vodafone A049 D048 Bing LinkedIn A049 BidSwitch E048 GroundTruth Talihu Talihu UNIVERSUM Inkasso Eyeo Santander Consumer Bank heidelpay heidelpay Microsoft Channel Pilot Solutions Channel Pilot basecom, brandence, Digital Group, Grow MSO Digital, YieldKit netspirits, B049 Channel- Advisor D049 TUNE LogMeIn LogMeIn BidSwitch, Bold360, GoTo- Webinar Stage 2 Stage 23 degrees 5Analytics Lightning Ad adbonitas ADLIB DIGITAL AdTriba Advocado Bannerwise brytes CoolTool easyclipr Explainr Studios FanFilter guuru Hafervoll Gründerfonds High-Tech Management Insense Ads Digital Hub Cologne expertmatch findoo. Deutschland Flux FoxBase HitchOn Magikbee Media Technology Mercury NETSTAG OneFID Rechtsrheinisches Technologie- RTZ Köln und Gründerzentrum

B051 C050 D050 E052 B051 B050 E050 B050 C050 Cleverclip A052 RS Internet Reklam- Store A051a Experian Feier- abend A051a Loqate A050

Slope- Lift PM Outdoor Outdoor Area E054 B052 E051 E054a Monotype Olapic A052 Connexity Europe Wirecard Applift D051 C051 HubSpot HubSpot Germany STYLA Trusted Shops Trusted etracker morefire GLO- BAXY A053 ANEXIA netcup Carl Zeiss IGAWORKS adbrix Taboola plista WeQ Global WeQ Sub Tech Snack Point ZEFR E051 E053 Silver- Bullet A054

104 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne 105 DMEXCO Guide Visit our Early Bird Lounge in Hall 8! "Die Socia- listen" dunnhumby C058 D056 C057

B056 E056 A056 B059 C058 E055 E056a cent Digital Media Collect- Cloud- flare A055 Global- Wide Media Causal IQ Newsletter 2Go B057 A058 Wieners+ Wieners B054 Smarter Ecommerc App Samurai A057 Trebbau direct

D055 PubGalaxy D053 Traffic Partner RUNATIVE

InfluencerDB Titan Gate A058 Accen- gage E057 B058 Pixalate Urban Airship D058 E055 Matomy myDSP MOBFOX, E058 Please use the escalators Please use the escalators access Hall 5.1 and 5.2 to ARITHNEA pilot Publicis Media Plan.Net Mediaplus Agency Agency Lounge adlicious Codewise Zeropark Zeropark Voluum A059 Integral Ad Ad Integral Science Return UK Path A059 D057 real,- Digital Payment & Technology Services , WP Engine Epom, Epom Ad Server D059 ADmantX RTB House RTB OXID eSales OXID Eikona Media Eikona Versicherung Direkt ERGO Esyon Laudert Pixelboxx Kochava pirobase pirobase imperia CMS CMS pirobase pirobase imperia PIM B059 Seminar 8 Seminar 2 A B C D E

B061 E060 C060 D060

C061 B061 akti-

D060 r C060 A062 E060 E060a A061 SuperOffice Echobot Phocus Direct D061 Reputa- Apps Flyer BSI Busi- ness Sys- Inte- tems gration loadbee YOC Mobile YOC Advertising E061 D061 OSRAM Beaconinside EINSTONE Smart Retail OSRAM EINSTONE EINSTONE New Relic New B060

E061 A061 Smart Shopping and Saving Sparwelt Clever- bridge Oro

Capgemini ocket-media,

A060 Paysafe Holdings, Paysafe- cash


DIA die inte die DIA

r comwrap comwrap eZ Systems Level 0 Level Outbrain E062 E062a D063 Clicks Online A063 Social Match 24trans- late Mobvista Akeneo CELUM Flagbit Deutschland InBetween Reply Portaltech Products-Up sunzinet Vignold Group net- grade D062 A062 B062 Press Matrix AdSecure B064 A066 meta people A065 Artefact E063 Roxot B069 MGID Ironsource D063 Impact Forensiq E064 PrestaShop B063 CCBill, Internet Services, Marketing Mollie, patworx multi- media, Roccomedia, Wirecard First Cash Solution miropay- ment Mobile Power Station Mobile Power C061 Mediabrands Media, Initiative Cadreo, McCann Reprise, Universal

heineking- media,

A066 E067 MG Techno- logies TrafficJunky PornHub D068 Emerse A068 E068 E066a

D067 DOTC UNITED AVAZU B068 Polway Polway Mobsuite C064


B067 B065 iPinYou Bitmovin Retresco

A068 9 square Content- E068a Ve Global Ve E069 Databowl Ogury D069 S4M C069 C068 CM Groep mWS E067 C066 travel audience travel Shopify B06 Ad4Game A4G Squee- zely C068 Samba TV Index Exchange Index C069 D069 Kenshoo Sprinklr Stream Free Sitecore Operations, Digital, Aprimo Marketing Actum Intentive, comspace, DIGIZUITE A/S, E-Commerce, Mercury Macaw, kuehlhaus, Rackspace, Namics (Deutschland), netzkern, webit! OSF Global Services, Unic, Valtech, Minimob Sublime Skinz A069

Snack Point research mo'web A B C D E UBK C071 D071 E070 USU AG epoq C070 D070 Pro- jecter Level 1 (access from Boulevard) 1 (access from Level E070 Hall 7 Seminar 1 Hall 5.1 store, advanced adsquare, BankingCheck, Aumago, CrossEngage,, eKomi, FMP Filmmanufaktur, Fedoriv, IDH Media, GlobalDots, Red Pineapple, Projektron, Remerge,, Talon.One, store2be, Userlutions, Visual Meta, zenloop Lounge Area Lounge Mobile Power Station Mobile Power Debate Stage Debate

Food Court

Smart Water Smart Coca Cola Coca D082 Hall 5.2 Hall 6 Snack Point Impressum / Imprint

Herausgeber des Katalogs / Editor of catalogue Redaktionsschluss: 31. August 2018

Koelnmesse GmbH Aus diesem Katalog sind Veröffentlichungen, auch DMEXCO auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des Heraus- Messeplatz 1 gebers und des Verlegers statthaft. 50679 Köln (Deutschland) Für versehentlich nicht erfolgte Eintragungen, fehler- Telefon / Phone +49 221 821 31 98 hafte Ausführungen, Druckfehler und Angabe unrichti- Fax +49 221 821 991 333 ger Standnummern wird keine Haftung übernommen. Der Auftraggeber einer Anzeige hat bei ganz oder [email protected] teilweise unleserlichem, unrichtigem oder unvollstän- digem Abdruck sowie bei irrtümlichem Nichterscheinen keinen Anspruch auf Verleger des Katalogs / Publisher of catalogue Schadenersatz, der über den Rechnungsbetrag für die Anzeige hinausgeht. Für den Inhalt von Anzeigen und Koelnmesse GmbH Eintragungen und eventuell daraus entstehende Schä- den ist der Inserent verantwortlich. Erfüllungsort und [email protected] Gerichtsstand ist Köln.

Druck / Print Editorial Deadline: August 31, 2018

DFS Druck Brecher GmbH Publications taken from this catalogue, including 10 Jahre SPARWELT! Rheinische Allee 5 extracts thereof, are only permissible with the prior 50858 Köln (Deutschland) consent of the editor and the publisher. No liability is assumed for entries that have been inad- Besucht uns in vertency omitted, for erroneous executions, printing Visit Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing & Instagram errors or for the printing of incorrect stand numbers. Halle 6.1, Stand A-061 and our DMEXCO Stories The contractor of an advertisement has no entitlement to compensation above the amount of the invoice for the advertisement in the event of completely or partly illegible, incorrect or incomplete prints or for erro- SW_Anzeige_dmexco_A5_RZ.indd 1 15.08.18 15:38 neous non-publication. The advertiser is responsible for the contents of the advertisement and entries and for any possible ensuing damages. Cologne is the pla- ce of fulfillment and jurisdiction.

106 DMEXCO Guide September 12 & 13, 2018 in Cologne