Inherited Dlirwi. * UMU. T*o ftrl of aatura la nor# pragaanl U at Law. With awful nwilnf linn tba tact of the Counsellor llb«rl UOC* Of tllMftM Ifodarn actanra, wt.ieb taallumlnatM |4m Ruin* nately. Iiae batty fiber Iwred.'ary »»t i**« . diaeaara. tend a to Wear Itaalf out, tha •Wm*M beoomlag eitiaet A dialin- u tni •.l. coal for the round thirty• OXFORD HOUSE TALK. tba rbaito* of tola* tha of at Iaiw AMONG It to Save 8«»ed? trip— * aubjort »l Coun cilor THE FARMERS. Doo« Pi*y required har*ditarr diaeae* I'robablr ai»ra A Two-Foot-Oauif© Track. two milee—ia $00 The h*av. Attorney win it p«y for th* firmer to hi* pound* chronic diaenaee, which i*rii.eaeatly ImImf. * u nrar Cmi«mK«llMi Aw tkta >l«p*r»n***t ah«w«l«t (•veil, own aee«i» U tb# th# lta'ala«ki< ire? r««t to the milr) modify tha ttrucluro aad fuacttoaa of Cir—pim-tfwf on urlrniunl Inp l>lrra*««l to A. T Null, mmUi Nr. piwUrtl be ult tn ft. WOUDft. tha mora or toea I labio to Im lo- Ire to •llntol. A>Wtr*wa all (smiwnii|r«lhw< at* to an*w*r, and It wo«)d din; A !»•»%% %%t RAILWAY the Hiram terminut, tod U on * half- Unty.ara »• ▼**•»». bar.tad. Tboiuporiaataul far roachiag lato»Wil kw thlt lo AitllK't Mk one that It wonld be mora Imp wMblr another Mb mil* curve. There U practical de-lurtlaa from aurh facta muikiKnii>i)ir«iU(|iiatiiUflr4Ut> a ii.* no. There • jtmm ttaaawer'iy almple ye* Wt in a d«*l written and bear ara ebetoaa to aad «:.a at Laic Y»nkw notion U thi* nee curve of IB one of um of 12. great raOoctlag made, are son* of them •ncmlottlr A quwf d'grrea, 10, it CoummUor maay thing*, now -a brerd* baat Maaaa for or nrta| a deal **il about preventing jltifrurj to bnt which % railroad, and oo« of four of 10 and con«id- great d«ya thaaa a m»«'» u a •« Intra** in- Inin*. •julta f.mign tb* conceit, two-foot-gaufe 11, each, aubje«-t Mountain Viow Stock Fnrtn for but no oi» ha* m mad* terval to IMtlfM. really do bav« a moat Importaat hearing it ia not ft iukmi, but crahle number of leea degree. inn ei»«, j»t alt. Fortunately nature baa only prac'icftl rravidada ranadr. *«•••* We a tuit to thia ra- an instead of lb* Ha- it b i* can be with which e*i«rien«.o <><«•<• pOYAl receatly paid apm It, I aaawtrlng now there i* ft boom in and South Am* produced dccidedly The a'>rr»aid Central plain laa atieated aa and tba ram a ^ at were »o of ioai of them ju*t mfalllb.e, tabliahment J much to ral'a I will Ulk of fr»m of the * pleaaed ({VMtloi, i»mc *t any dfgree certainty any djr i* u<* rid faniaua Hwtft'a JsMtm** tb«* Im- tbia "bftbjr rftiiroftd." In fact, erictn Inspection learned aome, Mpe« •« the a that *»a*e been Klret. few, rrry few appreciate parti* familtee of the • pira vegetable aalure a improvement th*rr U n to in their miac*llaneou*.bred trotting compound ■ IIUUI, tad value of auperlor »eed Th«y tbu eery moment, probability tbrm, eupriaing facta forty an* «l< to for all bl>> <1 To tha J made ia the and »ur- portance Owner* of large *tallion* |~»iao«a ^ building* general •II w«at good eaed, bat It woald i«* very of two roada of tbU kind being built ftt minute*' rid* from Hiram to Hridgton. present day, afflicted It la a bleaaiag of ineatimaba r* we a ao til* at Lair. unding* thai will (ire abort de- to b farmer to |I0 |«er urge breeder* to um their bur*** they An Intaiaeting traatlaa en dm alt Indace pay ftn day in Central »nd South Amtr* learned that the littU 20.000 • Counsellor of to be the matter bow as- early They llrwvl t | Han lUtnira" wUl b# what baaba) for aeetl rorB, bo w will colta, but cIom obwnrtlitti acriptioo prumieee larg- ifft—'M, on# hundred an 1 fifteen mile* locomotive cou'l dr a well* get Urgt Bia..«d frae by addreaaiag eat >r It to He. Nocr | have Km UrtHtl. breeding eetabliahment in I'aria. he Mleved pound reveala the fact that larg- m*r'* l*»irr ; the one hundred ftnd ten train a le 200 feat to the breeding Tbb Hr«<-inc Ca, •ern b dllT-renca of nearly 10 baahela per long other, l«*drd up grr Mr. J. U. of to atallton* la no of I'rawer I, A (Utile, Ua. k. UIMNllk. Young. Milton, Ma«i., corn laat two a 20* larg« guarantee get- wr< la tb« ylald of eight acrea of mile*. Within the month*, rep. mil#; that it could ea«ily rcued bought tie farm of Albert Yatea ia the selected *«ed ting planted with a bnahvl of reaentfttive* t.f New OrUana, Centrftl ftnd curie; that the aeeming reckle*** large produce. Wbr la U the gayaet Utter la tba degree own aJ|b*« of the with the iatea- >*. r of the <>f the fl.-M «»r Tbia waa well illmtrate 1 in our at Laic, early part apring that remalo.Wr South American in«#re*t* have come to neaa uf to run a train on rail* >wt? I!<'raiiaa II la tlwaya In fan. Attorney corn of the attempting Uh» of making a of rataing any of It planted with caa« tbia W# br-d a mare of apeciality portion western Mftlne, to ftnd two fret a thoroughly apring. Rrlhrl • »me takrn from tb« crib. The personally inapect only apart proved A great man? h»?e need no olhar firat cla«« loraea and vary variety coarae 1 > handa bigb and people appropriately whol# fle'd waa and carad for observe the prat tical working of the »jra. aafe *> far m any d-nger of make-up, ( kind for aatlafac- planted performance, to yeara //>)• Jtftfrt glre r. MttN. named it "Mouataia View Stock Farm.** »e*»l naed. weighing o*er 1100 ml*. Cyril, allka ear. pt In the matter of the tern letter* of have alio been a tip over wa« concerned, on account of p» Uo». Mnce irtpiry a* a J purr baaing the farm be haa made acrea aelectad *e*d g**e large, and ah foale! anall, f"» The eight from written to the auperintendent of the road the nearnraa of the care to the ground equally at Law. ^AKIN*5 great impMtementa oa the building* and I* f»o«h*U m m an- lllark feet are not pretty, hat they ara Attorney tutted th^ae Southern *entlrm*n, from and of the centre of grained W»»y. Maim 10 c*nta by cuna»'• buiinru men in the West Indie* ftnd and the three eaaentiala of onljr MM' a* |i«» bnahal for hnaklng ant marketlag gravity; Inge daring hot weather. ^■o wb<4e fatm to a high atate of cultitatioa per bred to Itinaldo, about 16 band* and >>aaheU, Bad roB»l lerln* the mm worth Florid*, asking for detail* in regard to it. •afety, and comfirt vera abi n- C. MTia, con- ipeed POWDER At the time the 1 art of 1100 we hate a tall, built wu preaeat building* wa a rangy a no rnu per hnahel, bat* gala For mjwlf. I have no financial of person. dantly aecured. A atriking teat of the pounda, "For long Una I bad appetite. jj •»et of a two atable na* of the aalact ao the A com* al aad rnacb debllltat* at Law. Pure. large atory bouae, $.10 40 for the need, wa* with good bone. I.Vhand, rraCaaa night, very Attorney Absolutely a| interest in thw system, further than capability of the ayatem mad*. The filly omn, TH « » »'W« A and laruur conld bsatn I for It and of our* d After taking two Attica of at r».«*rt ml Mr * romrn<«Jioua outbuilding*, newly par #J0 per who built Morgan tnare produc- Ajar'* «> »in«wmn. na« of bla have *uch of my fellow-townsmen viattora were di**mb«r ;ed at the begin* ptctlj • m ■truitt V«n«w«mmI thea gain tO cent, for tb* H«r*ap«rltla, my atrengtb and »p,»*tlta rc« • m Wnlll» fiaiabed ia*ide and and ia tbor« par a ktt Ik* irlMrf IMi. m4 miiM ba *m4 • out. put in *iitc*n-mile ed la*t year, rangy, good-an. r»fto. money. own no atork the li'tle ning of tb* 16-degree curve, and. deapite by Cyril, tarr»1, and mv health wm cornp -telr ra- ■;■!)>«— «Mk iW '• *4 Urm t~4. •h*«i The whole ed ough repair. establishment, car* tn oanc* <»r toma o our amart Colt, M. * »w«Mit— w iti^ll^imfcu. Mmim A (tin. with roft»|, of which and enterpri*. their fear* ami m agiving* when Mana. •torvd."—D ruber, 0«wego, If. y. n«AW* «m. r.-!.«■ the roofa of all the oa f >r tn Dr. Geo. W. of bred Imti kunu CO. IM WftJI including buildiaga aa*«c to laat hi* Alnaont, 1 At a TaahlonaMa wed ling In Philadelphia 4 Counsellor! at law, preimae* painted giving (irWatr inland tsrminus, who have learned, in them the train abould round that year mare, Maggie '>} iw obbcb for *«tra c*»M tnlnrgaatat play- Attorneys Beat and attractive appearance, with run- P 7 •• handa atrong, to Kin*ld>>, and eh* V>r%»Ny. *1aiMf. U the five of ita etistence, it* great arc at a of twenty.five milee an high, d, la tb« craJla." Ila wm rvtlr* •obIc*? II certainly n«ilU practical* years «pe*d c»m- < ning wa'ertothe bouae and atablea. foaled tnia a ratber tmall and •Kmp'y •i»»« nui •»»» Mwur entire com* the • .* done before their apring «d on balf pay. r II lu»i H. N. ptMMM hour, thing Mr ..a* a ten uuraea oo oi« Bolster, Young ady will mitirf, on m ii»ri|r, * » built which We hate trsted the N won- er that the of pactly filly. HOLT, munitjr. eiperiment, very ey optica I SO. PARIS. the farm of different age* and ai«*a bead- fo ir-oaar* fr«H or iu to tb* Mention waa made two weeka ago of nt'.WAltF. OK NtNMM.KHH. #<|ttr\*ing young Tue road haa come to We aon-in-law the of Mr. at to «i.kI of tbat varMy. little atajr. York ard of president many awliullera who « the of and thoae of hie Uypay producing nam* of nxhllrln#, *11* romp-raivla What U aacb operate republic Kcuador) than uarra and three colta, all of them high of Jrtrt to ?"?<*) tbia 11 handa high, onl* lorrra»< human •ufNrln*. Totli who cu bartwt fr>»m an wr* J gauge ro d. We cwld build and oper- fellow traveller* dt'ated wi'b Mtonuh- year, by I'liny, { • • *lf. I1««f to nmrmltrr w« hare %».. ^oruHjr. thai bftd anfunt'|(aug* roftd, nr HmiUm XL in>l an* we noticed, the t) o*rr 10 haabeia of fralt which. ta rap h »o^«t r r*commanW«\ thing eep«cially breeding *>j«al a lie over one. r»a«ur»r Mum- atallioo. •. 1 ■N4l>>l'Ht, haabal of conatiuction i« onljr lit Krurn the remittor | tarn — K lltor San. to trll it tlaiM *i«r l«»wrr Ui*ti are aue tb* fl»at will ***Uy hrlBg |l p#r r r.aa a »wi n m prrjn*wl •Uxk all of large with guud one* A ne»r neirf.'iO je»r.« ||E 11 rr«u at th* I Ml of lb* araaon half, and it* running eipenaee only htm, of the Hridgton A Saco Hailroad, ««mau r»rr. uxl kn««i that it ia timte the Maliat a mare acu.t 15 MiTk mnbnlj and well > (iM the of wu Is tba h*rh»- proportioned, laying Intact #: Vt f.»r what 1 half that of the otber, and ao we built it. we learn that th* total c»>*t of running all*, product It vary ancftlitnt oid • ne, who who wm told that * ceruio had IwM worth lat*r, I ♦ ir figure speech maintaining "ooa la tS« t- uk "if th*ra k>« *• *. pn<>*. future. Mr. ia alao a lurtf of ao th* coald bar# pallet atarda Ihanda. foot irftvr," I Young lata, gard*a*r it haa to ua a goldvn argosy of tn»t, insurance, I aa>t* 5<> cent on proved y*ar, including repairs, wasn't rtMin f >r f*»»b f^t." ** 4. » good cattle aa wall a* hem*, for he ha* pvr obbcc as tb*B p»r Tfe « Daniel Itune, atanda on* flll lb* of rieh'at weal—the r*aluati«>n and ulirvi, damage and wast*, offie* ripen- th* Iftfaatmrat I coald pi|aa gl*d a« J a very bahdwme pair of Hereford Olen, I 15 h»nda, but hit tfet average lar^r Grass & Garden Seeds th* Kara) with anrh |||q«trat!ona all drawn glorioua fruition of a once seemingly to- *es and all the incident*1*. wa* only ly Koivi, ITCUT, HcaLT, NftIM ToRTCRR*. in ami with the white and *» moat bora- a. I* Surgeon. regulation facea. fr 'in but th»*«> two I think I tho«« of larg« hart arm*) an.I now ar* "on riprrUarr, pian drram • 15,2m .11. I'tMfntcrt carried, Tba almpla ftppllffttlon of "hWATWR'ft tap". • me fiae heifer* The a«-rd la U 15 banda, and of own lurking Jersey will abow that aap*rlor actaally *•* • » t&at a Ttf. Harbinger only Internal i *n«l for tl* nrtt will t*> I; only f*w d*ya •155; mileage, 17.1.H.15. Ourmmrr.- wtth'»at »py indicia*, thirty .Uy* farm coataina about 150 acre* land worth fa^ mor* tbaa It la to g-x pM«en^r but hia l^iDVAkl of pMalhl* in told mj fin# organiiation, otf*prinK will ej»* «ny cft*r o.'Trtur, Halt Ithaam, runuitiK* *n«l t«» all who markrt aava aucb ffftrj railroad m»n New K.ogland Freight carried, ton*, ; freight "frw i* f>»rltlnth* oj>*n To Ho w*a with fm. H »r»»a. k aad aery •eem to be large enough. it lllR(w< PlUa, Itcb. ''tmpl«a, iuav pruductiee. Hta car*. tlm». k« an 1 votir that, in hit deliberate 9And the r->ad could ••*»•«« i» l»n I T 1%M 1*4 call for tlntu ami no •r»d c »wl*dg«» correspondent mileage, ftll Halo K< kwi «|uc«Uon« It haa a and watered w 0«i< Kri^nt, Mraly. ItcDf iptloaa, g*«al by a arbo • the that >nderful trotting progenitor, «mk<< r»u*4. pasture n>oa*y. aod th# a«ed*tn- ahoa>4 grow within very few jr*r* do double thi* amount of businea* no m«"»i Kant 15 L*nda, Htoay •«rb atock two-foot r >ftj will b* adopted throughout at hardly any increase of ripen**. For It U p-»t'»»', tff ttl»f. an.I r iat« *>at a irtl«. *. ». A n«w of towa. talor woald And ao caatomora aa> a wtra not Uck* *opply IU r*al to tak* the of to whoae >r.a and daughtera who oft*n the country. Not plac* further inf >rm*ti.»n, letter* addreaaed I among or aa a rule. aald bar jr It w on tb# road leading laaa, p»rhap*. S tog, either in au« "Yooog croUrnrO," p*pa, «t»p* • ant m*ans, but in J. A. II A K. apeed, DBNTIMT, 4o aach m bar* br#a au*frat*d trunk line#, by »parse. Hentett, Supt. K, a Ejcs. Garden Shov- fr «n tb» ll»mm >nl ;-ar prlc* waa a horae, and waa pla« to tba front door and oddr* «ainc Rakes, I'arta Mtll thnxirfh of cannot ftf. uu«ir> Haro!4 15-har.d Mi -w. for atork B**d. hat tb*r* ar* thoaaanda settled regwns where they Me will be of f >ara*r»-na.1-ra, "I am Cj k fU St.. ly Hridgton. cheerfully but pftrty paaalon«ta< l.;4t r n«ift'hbortuh»l to .1>uib l'*ri« and i* th* r**d#ra called the little beneh*legged atud, Harare 1c. farmer* an 1 gard*a*ra among fort] • three-fiot or ft standard gauge, but ed. If foo.1 of mnalr, ho* ny pa»alon aom*- :•< «• »« «h». pM els, Forks, « if H atanda iti 4 $* ibiml balf »y b*t«r«a lb« vili«rf*« Sw York*r, who. tb«f bia the Maud a anil Kan wher* abl* to buiM and main- Our road wm built tire year* ago, and daughter, pwrleaa Mmrarrratftllii In lt)< form of a*h>t>gan, M «kk«> rialM, Ju»t rwniftl fr#a will tftin • smeller one, which u able to do in all ibi* time sot a ha* been heavy *ap«clftily \V« li»»r rr<**ITr<| t«*r1«tlca of c*rttla va'aa*>:« varl*tl*«. passenger mova aronn.l wba.*a Ami* h«» h« >»'♦"'»«< H »W (ID pnem. jiut ur* h«t«r*r> th# th:« S» *• mention inatancea with- jdat th- cornrr, yoa 49 «iUa£*a by plare >r aw.l. Hat nit tLe buainea* of it. ThU m- not an nor c*r overturn- might »• !• :fc«M "pvrnU bun«linl l>u»hela of IInw I'o arWt aarb aap*rl eogine will A« I a *a ant I it an I an wbo, tou w.ll II « 4Wk t^TBP • « ailgbt required injured, of e* UTII ill h>kU It a» of tbt dme* a«* out abowing the abaurdity thrv tloa't UH '■*•« *n«l iwcurr a»lf-r »wtt»r a**l to I in thU Arti- There )M t'luuiK* jrorr u* o*tr lb* #««rd crop fr"«>). tb*y And propoft* brirHy. to aiit ia to Mlect r* thereby bott, »&o»td aure get • fcf Ml wtf] kiaJijr pwmi** road* in th* Hi»er, the only way N ■■« i a uT ItN*. i&il n t thaa that *rown by tha ordinary farmer cle, to the few Main*; Sand? Am NroKTajrr Kirxrmt ifixil crop |«*s. • n«i |(M« u« »ucb information •• «*t da- five general public* point* marea, of no matter what an*, that hare Tbla may **» contrary to th« opinion of little Monaon, th* Franklin an I Mantle and Of th« aarr<-aa of II vhI b la tha fool l*lt 1 IT rhftnor* 1>T planting in regard to this reftlly wonderful colta, and then Saraapartlla llltd. aota*. hat I «;»»ak fr»m *ip«rt*Bc«. Dar- nam* cannot now uniformly large fact thftt rrcal?«a a f*lr a i* »o much in* another whose 1 recall, produced awry purcbM«*r Ml % A < t. %H*. ■mall. »«ork U^jm* it i« little tr«t- road, about wLich there or whoae (*% poor \V» irr to l*ira that Mr. in* lb* pa*t in vrara I bar* car*folly in breed them to atalliona little big, for bla m >n«-y. Tba 'am.' i* a writable cu- from fifteen to eighteen mil*e »H«iU»l«,nt | «*h» fo viki will fir»l Una "Sarins of »**da r*r*lr*d The road itaelf varying »• *|wr i&'.rovl* to mak* tbia plflMQt *d at l*a*t 1.000 aatnpl*# •j'Jiry. get are uniformly large hradllu* "100 0 *a Oft' l> »ll»r," atol*n by Ibntish. »l un l itt tl»' from farmer* an 1 card*Brra who claim*! and not do bu*ineee men, length. wltb anl of tlir spiifot ,<«in^ I««n*; bia lummrr r*« >ru*« and »* shall riceity, only It'it w* ieation the wisdom of nuking un'tat«»*a, la original tra«on!y |>la<* and It ha*c*rt*la- mat* A few in in if 'm >•»**) )iiiN«f, ^laiM. hoi* A# j hare a atock of that th#? w.-r*- aap-rlor. who hare an ulterior interest in the word*, conclusion, regard llood'a Sar»apari ia T >l» can r*M\f large m<> bim and hia to ottr aixethe chief consideration in our breed- •II wrlc family ira* th*#* fr»m south* a to t» «t >• u«4 » :m» *r T^lmolml iwi tbat I,ft*) aamplra weatern to th* two roads to be built in th* pro*an '>? any on* wbo doalr* tba T»J n*«rw4 ly ter, come a Ion* w^r to this part aim be *i and town. farmcra rrc« 1*^-1 aa ntra hava not ing Tne great aboild n«i|{bburb4 th« this old era of this continent, th* operation* matur. For rral economy, buy unljr llood'i CUM- tHbrr «• to of lb* "I.»nd of Sunrise," good part poaeibl*. u tell for the k p J IU. c. A. H K !Uu*ofti>. avtrat^l m good la <|iallty to breed auch boraee will Mold nil drujfiat*. over on which of th* of th* lit* Sara»|>arlllft. by or a» I of au*h. a* .State of Maine, to see it and ride adopt bj plan Canada Potates! i'aiia, Junt 11 tb. 1 HUfl. vlUllty parity <|aahtjr moat money, or th<»e that average the .«)!• HU" Till M*. r*C»lf»d ffotn a^latnrB M near and tie t wo-foot road away down Kut drew W. S. tb« a»niplr« it, but mmmer touruU, from of valuable A n«w atory la told rooomlog For UHU tim«, %ery rau«*h than aWirk wblcb th* South hither. greatest number qialitiee, 11' rvprtwatlig th#lr ordlaar^ not msntge to Uk* it th*a* emi**ane* fr»m OllWrt. Coning from « grwt recaption aome Throwing Rubbish Over Khdc»«. obc afar, infrequently and to thia we ahould breed from in* M*.n«- puUi<«« 1 all ar.d get tb#y had U> offer. Tbla la oaljr phaae American road is to b* do tb*otb«r night, h- ato>l la a ball waiting in on their to the White II. 1U, Th* Central anil them. Polaooa. of tba th«r« arr other mnaldrra journey tlividuala that eicel in valua'jle qualities for tb* a^rvant to Vlng >1 «wn bla co«t an I try aa^jKt. and New built tb* Honduras North ('oast Hail* II W i breach of to rtli* per- of which I wool 1 Ilk* to writ* did Mt. (Wert, or other of Mftinc by atraina of blood b« aU> »l tbrrc. • awall Wo are well pr«-|tan«>l t» m*«t tho If C'»urt««y tlona who** and that are bred from bftt Aa b^nvy *»>' 1* %tt lotrcu • tblak of tb«w» tblnca rtsnrta. way Company, ft • -rrftrt In Wftlt- tlcl.HI* I*J(1N apoa p«rr p*rtn:t. flot ootable Improvement mjet acrn>»rf lan t* of »«r whit can to Haral N«w the animala of great money having ei|*erience lb* y n«lghbora Tract, Detroit, Mich, It* Mr K, our road, and will connect wb<*l«r r »c of recent date. ioTentor, (leorge •pected m»ttrr or m re c<tt>er ■pmi*- CJUVrt onr clft«a In bU conUm- hamllinif a of Truiillo with Puerto Cortes, pl*r«s1 frtc« into Manifield, of llwton, few year* port at feel in tbruwiag rcv>lah over Um your only than m*re *ise, i* the matter of tempera* plfttlf* rlRb' *1*. an I, l.xihlng Man tly ju«ti:i<«l guaranteeing quality ft th* of 115 mile* long, or laio the firwt it* Honduras, ftrw • f <1< to all Ml|kbur'a i(ruai>la, j«u'».lc What Art* W»wl»? ago demonstrated feaaibiiity by republic m»nt. The clo*e *tudent of the brerd- lb« awfII, aal.t, "Tod Mr-wbMl«rf'* ant! anil a^atfe Uing for tb* of the trade in DEMISTS. price**, h'gbway. The *rltrr wa» rrceatly railed t or tcUntiflrilljr, hat road, ft little over one- development tropi* "What do yoa m> an? aftl.t tb« awrll. mar n« their H boUalrftlly, trn-inch-gauge inrf cannot fail to have noticed who favor with p%tr<»n u» viae the <»•« of a valaable J«r»« y m. tol I m« to call • ©• # « D>< • Bi*ck. Pari*. ad la • In w- ftlwtyt con»l<1«r a cat fruit* and nativ* woods, problem Nale thank cow ab 'W«1 MiBlaUkib.t *1 MM*? Whit that many of the ,:rr*te«t whmUr ftn l I ban* ilon<> a > I y • *!-•» u*m duly UK tnptom* WuM Wff<1 la IU hroftdett in which foar really t'!« m4 M*» ••! >wn whoa* sec'.i >ns and medicinal plants, mineral*, etc., «. r»iM »m »*m mm an 1 which tiled la W« ft!! fttrai|(ht were tbe of n know." »• r«»N .ki fal and remain to •enre. of poieoalag great c.>n«tltat#a B WMdf CVrtftlBly, rout* th* otf«pring parent* coalda't call yoa ban*om, you i««m, m»! Truly y>ui» a run this abounds. Th* of performer* f »- •• I < tr l<«J la a abort 11 ma. w**dt rt> u curve*, on little car, region -> a«ony know wh»t common ir«\ •harp open and of different * • ■ t»t «»• »la«' of ^ '« tu foead that the "that South American r>ad is 110 mile* long, oppoeite temperament* •* atl Ua It wr .J.i oar In er*.ll- which crank, ca- < A »«r !mI •«« II. X. BOLSTER, la«r«t*atloa thoagh ,1.1 »nl all daty •imply by gravitation, f»rm and action, one being tine grained, I ha»» a ftr»t aafPror fma <1ry «L»r» the cow • u u alxi ft rlM« of wr».|« and ettends from San I.»ren«i to p.alar* trpt, cilti| th'Ri. hut thrr«* li ft* he *t< then termed, safe, Hay tarrh f>r many j> »r«. *n 1 ! trial ra*n j J v. tu*» of Man*field," with nervoua, c i tuvt* South Paris. U>e tan* lea dm* to It tbroafb a piece he w* do not ftlwtyt properly about miles from the compact, quick-gathering bat fca-l boos Market Square, that m»y carried m« mber* of th* legislature, of Nbarra, forty city wil h n>». I waa a aamber of wll> W- ly and tie other oarae, *luggi*h, w«oda. vaed f>y l\rge u »urb. mty contltfatly th* th* action, which <1i! in* ••• ma *i toacflt M the and other men. of Quito in Kcuador, city being Klj'a <■ J»1M, ia«e famlllee aa a damp.Bjt place for rab- « Wf^1 thftt camber* the pre**, representative with a *tnde AbdalUn, the carad nut — r!ftn« *07 plftDt of th* with a big long C'r*ru HaIiq It compUtelr kin la. aacb a* old atove deetractio# of th* (iedford and Hillertca two-foot republic, population a ^ biab of all pipe, rr >aftn DUNTIHT. caat off located at an elevation of Kyadyk'* tla fralt eaaa, brokea crockery. that tr« want*! for u«'fa! porp>»»« mile* the charter for of "JO.OOO, and M u« Smith Machinist, r.n i w|f«u>l iktl pltntt road, eighteen Inng, »lab tided, lll|hltnrg tall, leggy, peaked-hipped t > l«* U< • >th'if. carpeta, paint Therefore, caltlaated plant* was after a nearly I •uffr*»1 front teal* InfWmmaUoa la %«Mih rwn%. Imiif. W•.!»».4«.« • « TV* MtU I l««M which obtained protracted nervt force, and the \I w»r (winra, «tc. It la aot aailk^ a of tb»m. If horae, of wonderful a at a I • «l MmI l*»l» IMHli b< paj»r, whm there U It is the Inten oom >b ! ha* 1—fir w-~k time ■m«% *«rt kwb •aperCulty th* entir* th* Andes Mountains. •»••» e M t I >w waa which proved ptac- was IWllfv>und« »l Haa(*t4 I tk* tbal the c polaoaed by lappiB* thrrn ire two or three iti'jr» caramber struggle, dam of Hambletonian bjr co«l« ilmt ti In Wm at of aome kind had of th* For business complete "H 4m m4 4>||W ><*» u4 la which pal Ib ft hill thftn rtn tacceeafally grow ticability theory, a built horae, «b«] la a fow I • I Ikrwt •< M who iiu»>l ao or the rftila time, tb* nam* of tb* road being ><. M bee a l'«reoaa itx-re, or tbie mac h more thia !• rea*ona in ft year two, and a ■UrfBl bow it n* —'4r« Q«or- *<>••. p-« parttiMf>l purely, with a truttmg gait, rather 'jalch b*lp*l 4 I. ftit-ia, ►rum. too careleaa about »r« i« Tbere is not pure r» are oftea leaving macb were to the 1'acitic A Quito ir C»nn. li i-« •M >■»■—HIT wroag Ur«. tarplat pitnt* J«*t ftnd stock aold Hallway. H Jataoo. lUrt.' J, °H* 'M AH W:rk Warranted! animala will rolling Handy The Hambleto> gt« toMWirw MlMMoaa ta'wtatcrt wb«r« «rr<|i t« turn Kr»u or Ctrtilft tbUtlee a in th* m«»t of th* •lugtfiah temperament U%lm Into •fh noatril. I'rlca Vt Hiver lUilrotd in Maine, railway country, a Apply m» l« k; atli >? kMrtmii l*o«a aer.u to like fraah la that » Company, man*, a* a have been aomething of trp>«iaMi be liable to paaa. The »lat I wl»b to make, th»n, on back* of mulee, rule, ccoU. p are uaed tratfi.' being don* the and will utka .ap it from newiy- too macb la aay p:»f !• ft w««d, *r i where they succeasfully to-day. and it U a matter of paiat plint an«l is to build this line u> aluggiah di*po*ition, Dr. J. F. Putnnxn, or frac«a, and a vary lit- •«« for It It thoal J be A* our r<>*u, me nrtug* it proposed palsied tilllf If n* hit* d«> other p* fact that the raoet valuable trotting and A Oontlo Voter- t trade of that with or t.r aomdlmea prove fatal. >*r 1 to.I with other wee*1« At «»hich the Port- the country Woolen Manufacturer! llryniiC* TaimI. vH r»fn pat ton Ac Haco Htver, tape help ever in the world Ar« • of I'arla roftdtter hor«e« produced "0 K>t moralnf. N|U.am1>ihi. murtu, WW* llaM Mum ford. of land and Ogdenaburg (standard-gauge) the of Iheae to tjU far achK>l cocnialtUo to- wb«r« have iimJ part « of It be have been r**ult breeding toln« i * v«i rtuMU •••' lag occar peraoca to t'. operation tblnnlBg may >|f.f ii.t i Hiram, auteen miles weet of Hridgton HtiJgton, la lin< Hun a an J tbrn left the rtma:nlrr too f»r In being don# too Hambletonian ital* yf tc«u M pacta** carried earlf, pure.gaited, ejugguh mil too. acceaa to It If north of Portland. U a "Via; an I I o awfally gla! I wb< recalls cociJ gan th « Mra. u»* them aB I In T*U m« kin I p»r« yoa aa« poleoaa carrfalljr, wither tff going to do, or by ttklng oat and one of lb* beet rrpr*. Novoltie* Juwelry. all of which If r»prwnt*tuf, Mambriito l'atchen familiea, WblU U I iliii't kaow wh«ihtr to roU H. N. Bolster, whea done ualBK pat like remnant, any, too bat m t rule, If I obeerve take it for «l miif plftnu, tentative*, of it* kind, I wi'l Mill hllTM, n barn to human fir are remarkable for their nerve force, for b#r or bdI" wbrra it can Jo ao being correctly. tbl* operation U not cirr)*l so ABTICLt* or AI»)IMMt\T r»t u- illustration. The general r^a«l*r, a» well UK "Ob, aha'a a il l w man ao dcTOt- or total. to tecare tb« bnt retalu. It !• t and high grained tempera* •pl^a Pwr»* lllll ne. SO. PARIS. enough t)|U AND UKXTLKXKH. plucky tiery, an 1 «*ir nh# kr >w* of what wa tartu the a« railroad men, will not* it* are •d, yo« kaow! th*y A large proportloa *»ry tnportftnt factor In latarlng Itrg- readily menta. Morgan mare* alao of thi* 0i » m if • »>>«t adacatloflal autUra t:j*.i all I*»< T .-wui tod can beat In by baralng from t groan.], c riout and feature*. rrvUy. rabblab dealroyed Ml rttarnt p ttlbic gl*en unique, interesting claaa aid are brood mare* Than* la the m scarf is a crab in proving great tbc mso oo the UiirJ putt >tfeib»r. (VI'« it *11 Xiw0L The olJ Jrwiab li*h*cna t) city w.tri the .rut nprotr A great *< oBomy was the summer of A idea A New Lino The r<>ad built in pretty pint uae to a • tall ion waa not It U no ju*t aha la bow ktn V< |»ri «tM li If.iftl Hi* ImmH • u' urba wh»r* tba lira ed will rneult from ft atrlct with daw* ao«J an edging patronixe of fertilliira and the winter of I892«83. That urrm enamel, • or«r tharalo kblaa i • m u n t*i hi CNitf.*' «*J an 1 not IHH'J to suit ui, for do Wbatf that wont! waa a cool aaaltary arrangement, ttuatlon to thla taitur, id I bat ft trntll becauae he look* juat k, i mi ri««.»' «a* a* one the moat of with tirvrt. f HTby. Mrs. coBaideralloa la modal a to ea- winter notable of gold. like but aee boBBet trimmed U •'» \ «n 4 I *' ub worthy of tm >aat of I* Becetaary horae breeda exactly himaelf, mi «, riperlence with wings I'm aatonlabol that you oaM think •» • be burned ba the for weeks A wild duck, widespread Oray, I« ■«-. 4*««« IM>K l*< land* Beed it la we w ft of enamel uo ia design voting jkr»>>u t>«rl*-d Where dralBlag tblanlag oat If ire it »rk upon at a time inm 5 to itlTcr, unique to If he >*•«•» rv • « • t & *•**•!; CARPETS registering d*gree* the mare we wiah breed. «.*•••. with to a ditch ftlwtyt t»aU" •» m«>iii • M»» I* J* a not a bad k«*p conatastly tbit It trtntplict-d, snow be* brouchee. r•# Lit. with lar^r (/Its pltnt ratlly !•'* below zero, and the one both indi* We arr,U3^r«l atoBe. wi> degrees I* not, find that i*, i.iua'ly ^Ui 4 u k Mr »• t Hr« U u ItaM.KMt la tato which all aarplaa i* til tb- c«n fla t room f>r tha centre of *am progrta*. atl plftnu the then A lloman ax of gold, in »! r li .■»«■ to canr » line of Ua ware, or other ing which, with high It old brick, worn out e> ttlng them oat la place# whrrr they deep; u an and breeding. by made the which it set an ancient Roman coio, by and f*n *bow al*»ut aimllar indr.trui ubl* malerlala may b« will molett nothing tit*. la that tilling of ma«eriaU, eipenee It not be beat to breed very *mall plea price seen. may I Tba Beat beet way la to dl« a and raram we tbtll trinafrr much more than it would coat to build odd brooch recently dep.»elled. ap the aookt mare* to very large atalliont, but mare* a here on owa land, where it the of matcb-box seen rep. KING'S IMPROVED HAY Dole any yoar thr»r tarp'a* plant* from cfttrgory the same road at the time. The A pretty recently all aacb rabblab preaent of tine nervou* org a nix atior, with rapid la toy digging, and cover weed* Vo tt»*» lut of atefal plant* la thin- resented a half-burnt in Tbe 'HOOD'S etact of the road ie 15 9*10 milee, cigar gold. tome* rracb of or It la culled oat will terra length we would breed toaullion* of 10 IMHVronl Shies below tfe<- plow apada. Ding »H»rt« the pltBta asbes were of oxidised sil»er. gait*, old of The coet of con- >ar«er to dlapoee of all wril at r » many ft farmer"* wife inde|«ndent aiding*. what colder and c CARRIER raay enough properly grrena. idea io ecarf ia a fishing* temperament wa oBCa act about It, and tit to thla In th« waa ; of A unique pina of ahadc* rabblah wh«B know*. and with eye airuction $1«>9,3'J5 equipment build, will trotting acti n, and n tlua inatutn over tba fence Into a with lint. On the good, pur* *pnn^ without tbrowiaf It flrtt place It la well to aow bwt tee,l ,juite total coat, $11*5,868. The rod of gold suspended — •26,473; vice veraa. and cv»lon. We hsvu or paatarc Naw Kog- howtrtr, that two of the line ia a •mall diamond. neigbbor'a cardea tblckiy, remembering •ame kind of ateel raila can now be •ad haa met r. Mr. (Jeo. (ole, of Norway, • aBd Karrn* or tare* be«t* come from oae teed, of crossed and j I » %. tba day preceding thlaga of *ame doee service PEERLESS Sujirrfi, i la New to Number of tiee uted bough the material, TWf ii* tba uiii! toauacBceaivBt iiercltM, Mil pocket —A. P. Hutu Koglaad the yard. per r l«. rwr ten M ami Wool* •a a cutf button. Idtma of BrtxHlinir and Train' w Cotton >t !• lair to ba aa uiculoa of macb lour- j Famar. mile, 3640. There are two erghee— My t. (kttM,i» «m « a 1 Tt»e « >*e bavlag tb« matter la Work*. In watches style recently Injr. 7 ■«.*.»« UlM VJ I«rt»— built at the liinkiey Locomotive pleasing '•»» well as a horse, ia » ► u wi M at charge bow &»»• tba arraagvmeBM A Secretary of Agriculture. 26,000 ; •een «u a silver cim abaped A* I havt had but little experience m a m«n. i»>i«rtrni nt of agrl* ahoe and with a large bit of the I *h»U but little. I believe r,u"* r-i«. m*. otb«r Ntateiffl- with wheela 30 inche* diameter ; topped breeding, »ajr to Gj» MarUe, and e driving rd caltHf, to be pr raided over by eecretary aame far at to breed I a r*n of tba 'heir their small material. the time bu gone bjr Th*> *f ln{ lh« M •*! tbe Nlata lloard Agrlcaitara, who shall be n member of and power, conaidering Import*!*-* ! elate, <>f >zrtca!tar« horn of io we for the r »il|i it Boston Prices tad and as A large huntsman's gold, alone, but should breed D- t l« «>irn ».iin .trM, f. |ur<* BUY THE pretaBt teoatort representatives, the I'reeldent'e Cabinet, which pu«il the site and weight, is simply surpr«t un*nira >u« vote of the the centre •bra th* market rail* fir, )<>u lfou«e by ia ahown by way tbey conquer aieep n»*«i* a rut tlirm to fit the obi of lb« Niata have bwn •IU-D.1- a i* we breed Al tiiit KtkD ix-trly rtffj And hate thrm UtloM • IJ. le • hid to txrcotns ft law. force tjeld in large hunting whip, and that i« wh«t *11 f»r, likely with load*, and thnr place by •ell, iuf to ttUhi<- ajmI ort< ti to down tf oil to tbe SccrtUrUb of tba Boards of tb« of gradra heavy final m-Utt purify, O. K. rooca and made reader Tbe Senate 1« to be lo favor the ** • neat in brooch deaigna. «e breed to breed »tock that put BO.] ib« offl- with idea and if keep, uxl lluutl • tum| U worthy tret the Micril X«w Kl|llk«l H tales, of thftt It In way plough through deepanr Ui« tiuul, 11m to call and bill, tad an th« baslneae bjdj husk of Kw. I am * lurer «a • Itefore a surround. • »' rut. ffntM an*) buying, 4 iwra raeelvad from b in the centre with large one that attract* attention tW bvlkll U|> ttM ) SpS Sissl Coulter Har:oi. pialitv pnree of K(«ptui bin thftt thU bill will aixm be reached di-m long drtainrd. Th" two pa«**ngrr pearl gooj bor*e; •UrttCtlM-b* petted a «tal« new war of brinj(intf of tboaa rrcctviotf tnvi b- a of email diamonds, ia one with an •| |«tit#, ui lx>«« It* tlitfritfrfi. investigate the large Bfl.n'xr and will be While agriculture l« at Car Work*. *d by circle when driven ; good *1)1*. »i«, n tti« M panned. cara (built the Lacoaia UIh u i Irul »rk*t far the in the licet thai BMorisg a wlil« Bad gta«ral IV one |tiriiUrilHtflM*>«. Money. I J* »et« and attire Uom, ft linlttr.1 to b« the foundation of the 6 each idea in eardrope. ard action. I have in hanJIi.g |nrre OCCBSIOU. etell) N II are each 45 1.2 fret ; «a»|ue good • I* *44 by a.1 Uwffi«t*. own BB«1 BO iBlcrwtlBg • m>tet ) by neiu iu. U«xm1 fUnajarilU AT war to our doom leDdaBCa netlon'e prosperity, It la fitting wo h<>rtrih(<» ut that dor* me to REDUCED PRICES, and ob •eata ;10 ,n to a 1 platinum, at tbia writing, g<*id g*t C. 1. I1«jU a l« Lw*«H, Mwt. rhea|wwt f »r tbe trip hBB Imb ucar«J to pert Ittparaa Ly a a Half-fare move. too long delayed, have It rrpre- paaaengers—one a rid We aleo hate in took lar^e aup of tba witb tbe ««• seats—is at the centre with gold in* hand* high and -OF— all tb« railroads Muu, eented In tLa deliberative body of seat, there U-ing two rowa of grther behind, ataoding IA} Dollar highest a of Dotos Ono of tb« l'ortliBd 4 Kjcbeatar, and o»er which lien j *key cap UNO and * f*»t 100 pljof captloa the government. With n Secret *r of finished in aolid mahogany and nicely whip, weighing pound*, very Brunswick road. ia a brooch «.f bIboob tb« Mew Agrtcnltare In the Cabinet the ataodlog, Itetween the if opala and diamond*, prrity walk r, belonging to I, I.. Otrdioer, F. C. MERRILL, Is B Huu iBstllullOB, BBd It upholstered. tlxmnga Tbls col.ega the bearlnga, and the lnler«wta of tha ftgri- det »een. which I think u hard to beat. An Even Trotter. understood tbBt tb« public bate each car, mineral wood thre« inchea p recently Sumner, South Maine. It aJwaya cnltare of Uie conntry will not be over- half of each old-f«*hlon«d la old dnri Parit. lo tb« BOBBBl com col J A aeriee of flexible link*, colt* Tb* cl«*r|jm*a Straw B sUBdlBg lUVlttllOB move renders them Are any I do not believe in early training Mattings looked or neglected This eecured, proof, prevent* K'ruacan OMd to b« wry fool jaof h-»r«r fl «b. Apm j|( (nm. (XtrclBBB. It la boped tblt noi*<. link being made of enameled do not train on, m BCCBrBt taken with the establishment ofthengrl air from and deadens the to trot faat; think to for dl»l bkmi of ihn. that b* ohm («ra moat an»x< OIL CLOTHS. *t«r«.ltre of tbe The Don Quixote lead pencil pleaa- hare them to we p«ct#d It tba peopVt college, clftftftea won Id have their InUreata ere elr»c»nt, coey, comfortable We day ; la n>i tb«mflte« wltb protect* plee*ar*t, conauia of a beniaoioic. asdjadga. (iVMlMflt HunUy Timd't to th«a* tboald famtllamv have to >n l in/ little affair. It long *t ahall b»*e W# invito attention people ed by tbe government they only —in short are every way eatiafactory had them fifty j»*ri ago; iaaa«r wladow la lb* rbartb A your aad Ita work. Tblt occa- at tb» of which ia a mm> Kvtry VtiMt H'Wai. tba laatltuUoB look after them and aee that It la do an. more tube, top of blond. air M^tnul to *«• m • — with their gulden tbem bene#, rerfardleee wu wide op*a Tba btrdly whenever ton call to ba B favorable time to do to | compere favorably pre- fifty yeara Ml A CW. ■ tloB will A bnalaena that coald call back the gold lature aileer of the of the of tb« ta tba Vt Tarsal T, tentious brethren. The car*, figure ki.ight to nova. Tb« bailing locp«U M4 TIT at Parmer. m at a time when freight would bare colt* well handled |-1I(| Mai from Knropeaa conntrlna in full armor. I my fl*ld cama la from ftfftr, «n.1 acc mptaylag are feet rueful couoteraoce the credit of the afttlon wu shaken, pnjr wme in number, 'J6 by m at two a of aom« Art- vrov* H. N. HOLSTER, twenty in cutter* ia harot year age by waa tb« accat of tba p'a*a frota tba beaa market rontlnurs to attract a bur- An elaborate deaign paper Tba the war debt, pile up uncalled for money 6 1.2 feet, end carry ordinerily man of and not nrftr tba aaerad adlflca Not f»r CLataat tad tba lm* handle of hacJ. ful eiperience, by boya, GILA RIVER Park. contlJert'iia atteatloa, Bllgbt In tbe treaaary, and tend proaperlty again a ca- one with a broad, heavy Tba bad South wr«kt It den of eight ton*, although having btcauae ft bom well handled ia half aold. waa a woodrn hrklga. pr«ach*r Market Square, noticed tomt ago nook and corner of tbe ailver and blade provement Into every land, are aleo » etcbtd oxuliiad tba trratmtai. of tba fif- IRRIGATION COMPANY. to wltbla a f» w daya tba of twelve tone. There aornely A colt can not be taught all in one nor Jaat complatad aalataiD«-d. Up ban a right to atand np and aak recogni- pacity of atudded at different teenth "haad of tba dlaoaraa," and waa .' hive been liberal, bq ) car, a combination motber-of-pearl, ia where :1 foreiga ifferlnga tion.—Maine Farmer. beggage-meil-npreee two weeka. Thia many food ta oa tbi «»f •!«• ^ TH' rHfcr Water M lone with amall ailrer kaoba. for to«Unt targn •« baft tbeir waata front care ptaalag •») tbat pronlaeat who a mow the trui»m ettravagaAt a o? a ■ Tb« •orrejror in too abort time ; n>M*ar*d footfall* trotting tly< IK) \«« Y<4k arrived bona says tbat blfbway pl»r<« plough. Adopting the too much they get qalck, BUCKFIELD. MAINE. wbo bat Juat of or waaaail ia a fiab of btonte, ngr*gatloa ; an.I Kmbalmer ordtrt woald leavt tbat piacm while any hint of eitrava* body peoaed, BATES BROTHERS, Undertaker tbat a few largt sot to U • ny, avoiding With oar way of handling looked at tba * go, placing dDuieroDD aeriea of enameled improved tba congregation paator **"«»•• t»tu» *«h of and Robw barn. Tba beat domestic small prefers made picture* reprraeating line Ckaketo couatry in the wt? to adrertlM bU In- ganoe, comfort, utility, durability are but few but what are kind the In a to»i ofcoafl lent to lO'iaancnt ranout toaata. The fiah ie held aloft colta, there Tb«a aald putor, on hand. baaot are Arm at from $3 $3.10 per a itnr mm. the by constantly pa* to (111 the om:• be «u elect*! or and qua All a tire aad wttb a toacb of* eertalaty of — farmer. capacity eafety who her- to drive I have colt iadgnuat, at Boatoa Malaa a of broaxe, now-a-daja. — Onlwi mail or bubal to. train* ate mixed. take mermaid aapporta la bit tone bj BppoUtod They ordinarily her old that waa never hitched to wheel* gaaeral agrvemeat ♦ aelf oa the back of a turtle by yeara even trot heael tbat! Bit* at rs wbo cbaaga tbelr cropa every one hour ) the sixteen miWe large "Mlihty tin* LAWYERS' CLAIM ENVELOPE telegraph Faroe accomplish ooe week which will make ft aad wltb tbt iMUtvtM, Oranges toil farmer's clubs tail of Tari-colored taaiael.—Jaw- until ago, my baarara,' and tb»aerm<>a waa f * tor«M to lima tba market la low, go of Ijt have been ran that dutaooe green tMatbly, 3*U m road, — any »t tb« art almost create liumt Is Dad ad rases knovledg* now. A. 11. T. continued Boaloa Traaacrljii. quAntity, crowd Into aomtiblBg aaw, amount of elcra' Weekly. good ftppeftuact to intbirty-»i* minutee. The prompt- to falL of how Biki fkralBf pt j. OXFORD DEMOCRAT OFFICE. ij surt CSTAMlftNfD ttl). EDWIN C. BURLKIOH ImWu fbUfcfol CkNf MacU- 80UTH PAKIB. traU: an |»1a»ailftl u l va>aabi« elllita. VM.I.AUB I>tUtRT. tb» Con *n I lh« K jmiilrm pftftf »n aa«rf»tle «ol SHOE Nominated by L*nr»at fht (Oxford Jfinortat. —ma. NORWAY m-n»Vr. LADIES! AT WDtioQ Evor Held id M* n«*. pttrlour STORE, ( R»» 11 WKKKLY. IO>Tklir>iv itm tMiitrs lu Flrti iWk, A. fin l>» MUM, 10 44 * a n Si«-rt.l»o la hu r>HwUf, !•«•». kmi •v lo (i .. mptlbka •».' *11. .. ■ k M VktiiflUt* it limirtUd I! ,:.g |~- 4, DO VOU KNOW THAT to Millett & rtaptl|« llia«-««. aar»1 to bia old lln« bnU*|, f Aft Yo« CM »lw»jr# vratio* iw ka >vn la tba uf Vilw M»» W. r. IUia». rMtaf. Oa kUk>ry brallh «B l »lgrtr ItMMMtUiTk, »*»• a.-a »a Mrtrllltl »nw, I* a A. ■ ifeo«(k iu iaeaTwr» •• ».» b»v* for service. poiitua, II—la II K'wlaC BofU i'>«■!. II «.| |»r«r*f wxti»t. • M 4. IL ; and MENS', & ATWOOD A FORBES. 1 la »ir1fW, It la a I» ll« • Plow Shoes Brogans BOYS', «***-> fool « rtalMitit f »r () »v«r«or fhtrarUr, »»»« M rNfti MHUC, •• r. ■ 1 M*lil pr*»»» aa itellratloa tbtt th# la fail? t Up.l. (Um Fn Uf. 14* t ■. Bals in Veal Calf. EMitora and Proprietor*. tloa, puty ftMHt» m i rrconl Mtitu bim t.i in* railm I'UM. biiIIm, YOUTHS' Tap Sole Heavy allto u* airk II h%» to ltd t^at It lUfiiMIW 4. (hi N»l>), |m«dMw wnM • M UMki M Arm in. A. t »»a»a*. Jo, r of fta 1 lk« M. >•(! Wt*» III* p ialrft|ri r ■ Ib-fcMni • C. »*bhalfc I -» MM PACKARD «r *n1 «• p|(d|t bin oar r. m ; fti-Uy iimih m**4ib«, T r. ■ DO V AN & • tual, an* oa la ta aabrvbta Ha to vie- Norway, Maine. CALF, KID, COR KA.\<;a. Tun -Twlf wfcwfl^loa. DM " aaiud an J coi Jia itpporl •V4TIB lltTllM. •irtrUy la bltMM Mkrrwlw, |l>« I* T* l*y. f 4 A M. — Tnnlty mtU< — fcntr rpata Tba Nlito OtiT*al) •.m«r*.- AII ta«ftl M^aMKl *t I' lniu l 11 %J I Imi Ta-«- I. o. o. f.~ m.-.m Ms-* i*(iiu h»mi»p, mm »-*»•" ("if mrmrm gl*mm Ut**«MHW«Ut*UrNraumUii toaprttoa***iMprti.-M W>• II »a ww Nun la Goodi to bo found in gWm «u IW :«rr«t, a« 1 lb a<«t Klwit C. Barlalgh IkmivmalMW *» Aim Kma» and Fancy MtWll>ln|tki4N«M. rrotetoMttaw M*Wjr oa tbt J7kt» of •ret, M •»• u.r.l M •«-!•? •**•!««« »l Mil ■—III ,fcl '■ i»»r fc*WI (,'aaeaa, Ari«wlor)k coiitf, a* «t»w tot w tMk, »»"P« lni«r»*un* eoavvaUoa Ml (.»rtal »i |k>lltlcal fl»a I* al U. -I'uu UlUfa, —I wHm ml Mi4 Oxford County. W «Ut* »» »>* N nrravr HU. ml la Vfctrtfort forty see r» .ati'»< b*l bttto, la Mala* Cartala It U, Uoai ako tiual- ^'alfc. our Window and our to ft W "II in |«tli of Ur lit Look r«l arlll a<>» *ooa f»r|»lth« ti><|iract *M< b (Mldtll fftiatlf TV» Urij» Mm* to >fN tmr u»l> W»lw»l«f Kr vHt) >k e ti l lb* lk« occaaloa tilM oat fro* m«« uf the feaowa la mitjf HuU, ttlinit; ifcwm, ImMhiInm.* Um m4 tkirJ U«n4m. tk« ua bla graa«tratbaf CjJ. M >a#a BarUlgh. h»» abtoat oratora of iw Suit, aor I. o. <4. T—h. Kit* N>l|f, N» III, bmU «»»ry haaa a la th« l)#aaral Patterns. in* for Butterick's p«»u of appUa** aa>l cbrara willed **tpi r*praaaaiatira MoaUar iiralu la Um MrOwiiN Vmif, BALS at ••• * GRAIN $1.98 Cv>art of Maaaacbaaetta whea Malaa KM|Ut af Uto«.>l«nalk IVw AiwMl?, N». Agent ao aut MEN'S UmI large ball Uoa«a tbal lay m* »oal 4,«a win »T»fj Nto|\l(i la Iaa■ fail lli; aaliafa. W^r coa t>r»?tac#, a tn'wr of the (\»aatua'.l to* |*fU.ia "f M»lae, a»»«ib»r of tba Lag- Try a vratloa to .»rt»r. at II .M, »»»ff «'%t «l. A R.-W. K Kiaiw: r-«, N«. 14«. m~«a .» a $2.50 nhoe. Ulatara at t Lan.l With tba ball a»« DIM, aa<1 m wt of tba ataa I* M regular MLK W1WIW* Wt 4* a*'*TT lb« Malaa I. ami (MBoa fatal .> !.(« lac Mom »m U>>a* t> I at* r la lb* Mr. Bar.algb'a •».,*!# af lA* Oir>«an t>«ai Mr Malar aala we have tin* < »f' occaptorf, TV» rotor* ul >« »'wl <^Ml* fain- •4 fillaat' liwi. Ha I'uw. LADIES tba a<>mlaetiu| c->aa«l tb« bU'-Hlat. haalrrOa na.»r» rrow-l.>1 K*q', park G. HI. k» n-vw* l n 7Clh fear. wu Slate L«a 1 A**«t f<>r a loag nroihara' U«*cb«r won ih* PACKARD, I*«. at 1fc~T '—i '-~11- l*~- 1 -f It I* au an nf»Uy, Tt>M»r Perfect t nmmM Fitting Shoes «»* it latoa tor Uto (WlMia« Urn of an I tba I.«ol aa tamta** n«m xr of tba raafe a«.l bakl Ula Tba pr«aaat •l«oa of lb* na..1 of rain Ht» »ai>i c-iotlna- Ihl* ro »oih iba 113 Main St. Maine. Mffto*to>l i a i1ro«|bl Umi|li Norway _ mp iMtfX t*w»at» !»••»« a Vp acbtK>la of bla oatlva town of Llaaeua an 1 bar wmM llcbl. LINE OF SI,I PI'EUS IN to* TW h*M* -« i«»taa»«iat»<» «IU to !»• Aftor r*%lia|tb# call for tb*foaT«alloe. rrop A NICE at tba acaleto? at ll taibx, Whlla a fork. Illaooa mm %• at IM >.atwra*t.«vai Mato C—»»a rbilraia Hta!«Trill*l ll>a. A I* W',. yet Ktim'o«J V Klog'o bay • ba f«»oo«l la m. .'I ;>r.« I r,.t, ft*? empioymrat trachlag of lb* iqiMW*a t/oaatf to* acbool an.l In laa I- la tbla lal ALL STYLES. I • aaraeylag MW hfctr. toltto* •rat <»a. aa aa»->a»»<»1 li«t of temporary r • » a DO YOU t KNOW H M BK4BCK. cmtmM- >«(rriui>« Mr. Wuat.!atil« a apMcft ba gala^l kmMllW Mr- II K l*t»t«a It IB <|Blia poor natUD THAT AT I*"* IS» nature a? 1 »alaa of iba lan.U of <»»«. .ur oil. at »n I \«»r«ti War If. o(mmm laafib, IMV alatf tba blatory of pabllc Mi.« Joala V King. i.f in mJ ►ImWIw »*• ** aacb *« aol maa la Mala* Shoes great TW »ar%am» to»M iba party a.t.1 atattag tba U»a« U ba Malaa, many b««i ii uttbiii la OU>fl«ld. Children's Variety UU*4 to UM Mto«la« »a«tor mi .toto«ai«a an l at a laUr of for* r t«> .l«v II* vm laUr- p-iaaaaaad. wblcb. period H«?rral rortnvr* of I'trta Ortaga tl PIERCES, • bla re.-o um»er mn an • Watf, tba aam« of ttlala# b# Ufa, t»B led lb* I'om >Bt itoi, of Malaa aa a proper p*raoe to fill tba ra wttrj It trbrmabt Orange. tl Whi * » fart*. tag •atbeal**Ucailj cbaaiaJ **>«1 rjKurwaro of all km«l* lit' lia* iliffi'irnt of HUta Lttul Agaat. t ro««I CAKE fancy thirty > Tba 8t»W C xamltU* wm mfct* coaalW apoaalMa p>«ltloa l'»ru. Not naly did u»«y htaa «»>>1 BASKETS, Mr -lid aot bla offlcUl •tvljed I IhnW, Ufa la tba L.aa-1 (»(H;a. la 1*64 ba bid aa- of Ihit tbalr a^ac# a.»m« ^tatlsa Ha*la«wa wi» IM kto.l !> >•{>.'.«. tf i.f Iba pMlMH SHOE STORE i imM. llatad la tba D.alrlct of Oolamilk Cat air*. Oa tb»lr «a« ll»r U ItJr K*rio. In CLOCKS, 112 MAIN STREET. « aiKM, of H«tb*l, a»l AWt*a Cbaaa, E« BFUSS. NICKEL and WOOD Cases, *oto. W»i •Praallaat la lard a place la tba nffl a of tba Ntata A 1 «».' Ihrm W A.TO KBdho h%» U* I Vatotoil, f.»r<1 f >aaty. Tba foUowtag Niata Com If JOB htf» lUOH laurrtt, gift WiakMott. Uant Tbla waa tb* | m.tu* ■ u t bU* Elgin, Wjltham, Illinois, waa • botk. baa bald. Tba n*it ofll :a tba Hta> •oa. J« N«ll(r. of As**™, will h >H or LliinH. Igr Ho hw ii full lin« of SPECTACLES tn I KYKdLlSSKS for wmk ey<*« S MatfaJU>*a7. Arrki«(ant -C t Allaa. WIWjmUI* l.anl Agency. wblcb, la tba daya wh»a the ihlt Ufa of I'ro'.tu "otrv. WE WANT! « Mi- F r«U *. IK>«, ml «n rt*t W4r« is tban eror. Tbcae I Mittoa. S'au *w(m| % large J >mala. waa aa ofll a Afur lh« i'oBWBII IB J idgi* failing •itflit. Hi* linn of jfWflrr I lawr 1 rrMkii* -J ii mimv of I'hlCtgo lUtoy. >f more importance tbaa at t*ia of I turret, aold < \sn 1 IImovi ii U ta4»l*«\ II M • V. »«1 of the H K-pr»a*atatl*ea la 1M0 JokH I. nt Mr .>Mala«0 a la tb« amount of shop ii « Miim i tm •* iw »h.m mt funhw»»»■ nMf, Hn|»r Barleigh clarhablp I>#t ll-Bry K »t*a It lhor»agblf r»p*lr Me. what mi immense h-ath. of J. 4 Odd Fellows' So. Paris, Ilk* |W».r«l. N *-->«. I rwr»l» |>U-J f n>rin». Hinmh cffl a of the S ale Treaaarar. a ptallloa la hit r»aid»«c« Pierce, Block, <* Ug ■•tka Mt M >«n«« ill ka ■ ••«»Ukur-* i*n, »l fcw-tnUUw. oj which ba familiarIsad btaiaelf with the Th*r« wu tn titrtn of flr« U*t M >altf for a little I W»M.wJllMitW( >.«rwi WllllM iMtoaoo. r»uliM. or wo can money. ml Riaacta nf lb* Stat* II* bald tbla rlark of H K l!n«c« j^ivo tn»wiw I —iMW, Ikw ««t •! * m ml r»M *%>.»«- WtiilM N •*■•«. LiWty. a»*aiag, Ib Vht balldlagt * oil klU*. ii'tww a lk> i«*r. 4 m*m| ■> Ikk « wklK(U>«-L II |kt«M •blp aattl l*«i wbea h# waa allele*! Traaa- Tb« fl.« d*ptrtm«al pmapilf rwspoadad. I M a l»% W •» TnrtM V Mum*, oftiNk •»! M fa* pm hail* yxyn* arer of the Slate tba la tn 1 no w»» doaa. •"» by Leglalatara. great davtga mI ku»l •»»*»•* i>Mf» —TW >»»■' of UM krU of lb* (ollrltlM BStMkt — Ol« !•«? Mr waa r*-ai*cle«l to tbla la hit aacatloa >MW< «a 4n* * I INMMI bM« t U««.l Barlalgh Or 0. K. I>«*la apaadlag lb la tlB* BV B.J t«r ID»alloB«) f Wtl VUwt, Ik* |-»1. M ittfffMtit IB M krf •>m:a, aa 1 la n iw Trea«ar*r of tba SUta b«r». »n oUl in 4 fn»ai Aruoatoot foaaly, Mr. la erect an 1 la at lb* Itk-a. When Uarleigb personally tall, J. A. K»#«m M»aua« TW IK M • !>«■■—I Mk »»4im« kk>l *»r»B itrl>kn «IU> nunaera ar« anl Norway •aMtor, llae-lo H>« lh« IW ■—towwi II.. to»* ■ 4 IW iliac g*oi»!. Thtfvr Rr nhara will ttuad tprlng »a arMtal of lb« trata IV '••for*' » KJa-wa. Mmi k.. i»iil kf IV V» Tdk I»« tfc* alffct bia b Mpiia'itv aab>aalal. T thea* per- la^llag of thr Aa dr»«c«g*la Jb«t *lalloB. til to call at 137 Main St. ■ ■ w»a»kn< lk» kU inilnl >• M>l lt>1 dl*i kl lk« b )Ul. Ts* fart Don't «alw< Ii «M •oatl <4 lalitle* la <1a* aaJov^Hit aacb of wllrk m*rU tl LewUtoa Jaa* I9ib, Mlb. forgot —liwn* mi K»« Jmiw Fti■ ■ aa • Mw»»>anau •raUaB^l IB tb* fOlt'tll >k. COBlrl*>B hU • a:r»«« %• a ofTt-er. Mr ltar> at 1 • Witt ui' IW«« — paMIc aad Sl«l Il«*r Ktiialti « Vk« M Ika ku>k ml lk« lW».aa. .1 Wtm lo tw Nn VM Itk'B. Br. ralBad U alao firtaaal* la a lar«e 4" tn 1 li race. TW Ml ml Vfa-a- ». M •-« »alt l «• »•■(" • OH Utgb ba«lag t ptrt la lha 1 i Ik* lM» arBt t » Ul of lb* Jr<.»lrJ IN STYLE. fkMHI kf • »«•» WUIb IW IkiW W fiallf furtaa*. aiacb of which la aalj toba profit Lvtata t>. It *ra«. of llroohlya. S WE LEAD (JIAUTV, I ■ tra l*mM* IW" ob ffHar *!!»■■■' »■*>***.I kf Ta« mbbiiu* (r«JaUkii r«p»ru>i a Ij laveair-1 la Malaa laaw lota Col- Iowa wta wait al lha tkat ika mm ikn latMOT « rtnk Ik*f Otr r«prMf«l*l AND PRICE. ..* iikt thki u»r» «r of the K«aa«*>«c J >aratl, rati Mr OtNM Ptria la I »rtl aa 1 Mr. that tka H«.. Tm>k ia» C ft U • tola. of fOBBl?, latilBf lb* Mlata paper, aa 1 aaoU*r la fat la col- Hiriatgh will g«t » Itrga rota which ha 1441 A.xarft Ul | > >■ U» I—« wl-a aW «»4 tka iaga. Jatllf drteftet. la am -—A • tttwta ti< Ih D Mara* *»»mi nfi Tb* Utnjiorary nrfae ab I J»tn-« i ui «• Mr Ml*. T Ilia. Nn Wlk Im> *k«a +4. ka* l>a»J an 1 aa **« mt l# mala p*tB«D«Bt. ktuapt h r ir* ii J »cAn 1raw» wi rk.*fc«ai V. to* ilk mainn A D jmtwr of UAluatni't M'«* HHH'I. S. Miowr will Uk* J W Vto kau>**^ •»n**r, in Kraac*. ov M* CinVi'i « f B * r» Dot IB fa» Of of b J publ.thed I'aru, aM* Mail Mr |af*a a*>a k* thU, •aljo of tb« H'S >»i 4 SWETT. kia» — jv aaaapt KENNEY *,-•* Ik* r» a 14a a* II l^.aam lf»»li* taina the fr<>m 4 Utter II fkliwl. following pmata a<-v»!»ra i')« bin a raat of i» M aa*a i* a ■«« *mm a r-mi I .»J Oar arly N«rtW*a •! V» tb* • C >». J Tb» coavratloB tbaa n'l»n bt I"r f W T. M'Witt. of POWDER Ait aa ka* *»»«•• a*4 prorooU ni'iiihi of BAKING Ur» Cost —Ikl^loaaaaaN >■» n at !l«l >W U'«r|* CltbiOtl, of NUUOrf, a** »f BCBBtltJkl# fof I'nivmitjf. B •■tBBlloB GotafBOf. Vila la tialtlrg b*ra. W|t>l|at>tT lH' %4 Ik* fulif—ra ml fan of S>uth IVu, and it bow 10 form-r!y of ?lU*i«\ tb* .allot of cudUiWi aa»l Kirop#: ft U «•*• •• ml laa* I»urio< prr«*a Oar rnillto* r« t<*»J rath Bivrrol of Flour. yaart por — «a th« itmc. 1!m iat*r**l wu lataBa*. tUH Jgil»r««. we are *»».*• X llaaa kajw Mr M '*aa • raaa« t* l tba cr»v«l II r ib« ,,r i«trtf 'ar '^totl lb* door* of lb* hall K kf» Ij Ntanry twgiaaiM ft 1 aa tk> aa^ -<1 II* •«"! Ikal Mr M- ffa* a bla raoat Ilia ••• at> I haa tw»a aa av tuaca bat* aa to i»» (MUry. Am>n< tbam w r« LaM aaak La4Mka4 kMk « ikl»» «kal k* a* a .lo»* oppirtaBity pr»*«ot mack t**M rr«t a< In mki, aaJ aa arfwata at Ika b«ar ao is of tba Mat la I(Mr *l«bty tbrw» qunltw t Utter* of (}r• a*!»a Ika • ».i «**«*«ioa pound Alaaaanirk-a. ak*J mtM ac 1 a aa*r Ta«*«» Utur* la ao4 HUU, rartif 4«m« (> bata private p u» aaaa W **«aM fnaaa U. Ik* *a»»* II* kal ralaHj Iaat'tate»itea I Willi»tn t* Ur*»n, K*«j tiv.rciaUtr ao 1 •aibu«.a*tic aa aalWac*. ba«« appireBtj a««»r 'mo at* I r»? iif bi Ikal. Ik aWae wkae Ik* I'aaa* m. hW| aaa |ig IK- KivTmIi m will raise twelve ROOM PAPERS '»aal-« atom of bb I cbwra •»«rap^*r or hl«t >rl«n Ta»T w-r« la !»•*>*, aaa ml <*a kn«|«iakal akiya ; UfUa l)« appitaN ln*t»ry It of l'*rU, Uflr logra'.alaUuaa aoi baking powder laaa < aM rf M «w> a*aa«oa a *fc»«l to f x »I u»«»ni to w:ki «m it wi'iuil pUy, f Selling aoiU C'>ap«| u* «p»kl«r a«*p#ad t'trtwr, wl»t»«-a. Warn* a rafarl talk* a aaakal «»»'" aalra tla>aa! »• fa">ia list*. w&l!* tb* *avla< o' lall«ra«*r* y ll'iriry li J l ialla»*aa M*« Cku. K It ;h»r la »a, al M «M a* ftak. bau an t atas larla a.).«.| la gltta^ tipr** er, latparior Tt*» O W pounds 'U. M on u ililllii htr ffttbar, wr t > » aaa • i« I Vv. M km lafM aa fwia I I a. Waal frai l*at AI > lb* rat^aalBaa. It waa a aceaa m -iijr of atlirM ctirvUr, o(\*u Tlui jttr it Ki|(bt Mimb lh« mantifvtururti m4 Ikal lk*a ai a* «• kwl aakt. |«L MW|. • bicb oaa na*t m» to appraclaW. n»rt oM»r« or r*c»ipte for book*. LH* an»l l»«<-k t> tbi» oltl I a aaa* 1 |t .* ikai m*» *j, Ik* \tr If waul lc«» to Mr. W»!l»r /TRl'ST" again Pajwr* pnrm riyr»r.| ra»*t ar»r« tlt« ui yoa tjv-ftk a H. of WaiwDll, of 0 <#lb"'# Utter* \t%*j raa *iy. «ar, kaa '■«■ aawM M k l|M lk kaa K rartrl1«*. pr*a*a'. ft» t ha will call a* I 1 4ftUy Kaiwt mi Mara •0 Got. Mar'il* a a*Di<, fa«Ur«lbC llw •J ki iKNiirr, u! oeijr ii(i*l by fa- of Hour will Borders From let !.»»»1i.>f 1 Httftw ftti.1 bla part? bar# A barrel require ROOM PAPERS From Sets. up. up a • to til* itiato OmUi* T..*r« ir«, orUn (« >t ti l if* UttMU t>i kli mi tiri la Ml ''f trt» p wt. •• | njinf with WINIMIIT Nil AI>KS fr >tu th»» rloth party, ptflti ki(t S. Iltrl it, of Duflakl, ■ u rho*(MMt plain h«*c J K--J $4.l** ia hIs h*o l Tim Utter* 16 at 25 cts. Sh*l.-« all r«-vIv t«> titt« I vn I hu r« ;»r»'«a: daciaftaf (!ula( h»r» Wr-1»r#,l4f W«< ar« a«»rry to b»»r cans, Al*» rani* hang >SUa««aM >• l » .la 11 lourmt i« (Iwtbt'i ibBl, la tba ptoltl ba urmplol jr. lln«Uilli( r*fclli< a alnai >a *9-1 *ta l>#* it a a Koa IV »l)cp b« bu U Bats, Ac Tilt ti |h n1 IT HI «• Ite WM. c«r- Hammocks, Balls, ofatoaff r»l tb* a >m ittiJiafQit. Mam.-. la 0 wtb«'« haaJwrltlaf, with eleven ounce of Tackle, m I «• « mni W ■h>»mi latn'M An Fishing Um, >■»»»«♦. p»fw»U « I* u at tb* rr< m»« u l "uirw, »o> th-*r«*< >14 M U raaa, «• • J »|- — tkf IlkM *»aatof »- Aujaataa Km*. of II »•*. >a, fca« c• t »• of «n>l K««j, >4 Ik* l«U TW rm'llm »ai Utt Mtfnl tank* of II •«. II B Ctrlfrs, an! ap>»k* at •aUlalajt flratiUbim tba K >t linn •peat ft »r»l with bla vUufh'.er, Mra J »ni M W « f»». tt i rbb« (' aJ* » f>»«r ptiauag* of I%bJm-»p«m llorsford's I {read Children's Doll V •»•>« » f v. I » i»»a»«»r» I II Martla. Preparation &c, M« a.k»l^( uim to CM lb' Mat* Trn*trl» Wagons ®;ftrk'r t*»* a**' la hU il» la Utt*ra r» m Ml « f *>>• TW ImtkMI ««r*tl*ruO O-ittrt'ir. wltb *m*.l optica. af ynKi W|V>»< am >uat of work oa h*«..l will of ^ »■—I m tkirawiH to MkMMHi mJ • M■» miuuoi of Mr, IVurt aaa* ib tb« of C.arlotte *»n H. biU-r. Hua'wMt. Car* raise pr< 0 l»4 4 H >a ara lb* twenty-live pounds M>||| «Wk It M K A. Ury plarlog &c. HH»«W a>«t nuwtij «JTlia« «oa W »1 u*3. BB'1 a coaatiterabU to tto af aa* nWli wMWrMV, uo tall «u B «U notnvr from OwUt'i hwllwr la- n* »l IW Mf. O—' B<>miB«ll MCOld*] Vtilpia*. in p«ato4 k"trl kt a*i> w«WK M way atraal Hour. Progs, fount Mi«lirinr« ami all artirli.* n«ualW PIR-fl imrw twimi al IW Lm 'to —twuM la J. 0 II of P*ra!B«W>B. aa 1 I'oaaty la*. Tb«r» la tb« orlftaal, or a by iyt. «IapUcate, U bftvla* lab* nuro a oar fa « fae • w it m tkai Njlvao HbartUff. K«|, STOKK I'KKSCIUITIOjf bviSM ikti ill ■)! w>'<*•, AtU>ra«y t'*r>V»B. of W;atbrop. protocai r*r frVw-r. • rittea af- put batmen* m • r» • IIJB Kfr-I l\»»»r*. of II -O.V.)B, pr«MBi* aborllf lining Proscription IW»« Air" 'af ara 'k tf hi A C. la to b««a oo« of U»a flaral nn*urpa««M'y»r fc—mI to m tour««4 to aat« a tare* Umm a tb* B«a«. of Mr. la b*balf of Hch' teatb. 4«rrtMa( IK* la*I «i Darl*tgb. gr>>cary »t«'fr« la I'arla. »•'» ^il.M »*.a ar» The LftdUa' HrcU of BB%BlMo«B brhlBJ tbat bw jail dirtl (■ bu arm«. Tb«a« Utter* require •wk«4 uiHIf aMl Itok lk>< Lav* a rwl • taa -a K«pB*>itCftB party "a annual m»#t a* Vttl M..«Hr*vb >a aa a a to TW Hi, iBd i«i] Mr. ! oa W»da«-aday, Jaa« IJth. v » I 4k al m at* M mmm "• aa» the () >«tb* arcblvr* 8 at «•"» cts. kn|ai»a ytaai parMBii Oirtib A«l af t»l«» m*rtlag poatpoaad ^ntalM Tb« B« >b ■ u a*r>»a>l*»l ►•¥ Jam • my Ut hah a/Ika liirn Ukalaa *«**k f offlcara w»ra alact- L. ¥Mr Tha »lluwlog S. to ton W MMk to a Tai 1 m tort *lnM k«a totx lUi Uorriaoa. of I K< Daaa. S m r-a'.ju* IVrntut tinr* the CROCKETT, PblMp* Km, •d ikm to a i«nMi.»« ito a«4 lafftM )( U«ltl»B. St l.>ut* conrvnti >n. m»J* the 4*4iement rmklMl, Mi« < a Ml- haMaoa. Vtea l*r»a Main Non»a». Mine. h '-mr- k ♦Wa»«%. «ui hak I to a« 143 St., TW^tki Tb* ballot «U lb«B tafcrB COBBllta, *ia L J llru»-a Mrituri tn l Tr»aMr*r, Registered Apothecary, *. • by M<*-iat r aM tow M ll««» th*r no I'r^ilrnt who W4t n >miu4t-d f >r • I on a barrel of Hour Kaytn • BCb C-Mibtf B»B»«DC<«J HIm I Kimball. • •» I to »* few IjrtoUof be|B« Mu^r^lirt Saving lyi pwt *!• ft Mr* J U *t»|tuian. Mr*. 1 from Ut« 1! tor, ibI U« aliul* a »econi term :.u *rer Wn defeated, and •*parat*ly a«ift,Mra. II K.mwir u a'.aUtt Tar k>ui malt «u the atatement «u An sew itivmrMMn | widely copied. A Vote of tbaaka waa ?iteodnl t«> Mra Horaford's Hread T«»kM lu b>uvr, which aba bad a»r*rrrec anl tho** praaMmt «u aaaaim hMaa -m nivJ to itowtv >•♦!. fcMtoM al Hrait II < k4»««, ITI lb* p«ftt jfMr, ftnJ ah* »«aly $2.00 ■v bf who o /*: buftl tbeir lb* r»-»ktion / belief in Preparation, N<««ai UliMllM ». MM 4», !■ aomlitftUd ft* prralJrat for aaotbcr y«-ar, IW !-« a n«vl to I aaM« lual -a Na»«a» of Cleveland are not ao cert4in at vol* waa Bur- upon it, "at tlrc.laaO re alactloa Tha follow lag >a»»a <4 aiM». Ta» of OafoH CoB&ty W aato4 laUlb IT. CUtfn J». Marbl* SX tbtj wer*. 'ttlMt from tb« tr«ft»qrpr'» rrptrt r» W* aaM to aaa*. Mr. BurUljb «u d*clar«l lb* aornlao* 0 f.Mlow-d with gr*at app.aat* Hwipu Um (Mr po4* m 4 K»publ»c4n paper. Four ie4rt Ki(wn>t*>i tar Nralter* •■»•! II >B Ooo 1». HllVr, la bvbalf of Oo»- tu4 lia Wilium Curtu ittended the r«|>«ira. ftn<1 luvtnl i*i>tlri A Typo WriUr Fr»« ! rru >r m j»<*1 to taa*- tbe n<>ml&a 4g)Ueorfe oa Bros. Martw*. MWfMMuta 'barburra, |lwO Uoa BBBBlmou*. to l II •*»«, a+coedrd eff4te, and then bolted the n >mination of a!*»-c* ribtcnb* lb* m>lloB. wblcb waa carrlad. nunWr of p*y»n< Hiain* becau** of the chtrtf»« which he Th" reunion «t will b« r»- r»*.» atloaa rra to Tb* ct** ob r«(> >ru>l th« to tb» Otfofii lto«ocr«t prvvioi* to belt*** Mr. HUine't mpinVr.»1 li lh« Jtfif Crniary by p«H- lb* f».lo« m. W&lrb Wef* *-] AO J prufr4ted atfaintt of m« Mill *i»» a mm World tc»ti m of a *V>rt trtlcl* tlvscripUr* July Nt. IMI, character. the manner New Dress Good* COBVMUt« *if*l in which lb* a'J Now, tb« r»a»l »o» Af l&r !)'«• 11J lt>« Gr»j IwauIao a liberal Tjp* VVnt»r, Tb« caa* of Mtio* la coavtalloa the attack* a nun It-pa1 Weekly Mr. I)rp*w, * filch hive t*««-o pltc* within lh« l»«t •ton on *ocb &•« tubarribvr. iM raaolatiou miBBlij a>1opt fotlowlag 4|{4inat wh »*e chapter no chav" art r«« >r»r» A p >ein »»T to rl COIlf-1rr«tr With to Match. Otf»r to m o d*claratl<»a of prlaclpl* r *Tn» Twto »l Trimmings op»a •wjrbodjr. because he it a can* Mthlcq IIten G«tly»- can a* a »« fia Cobvlra made, aimply puaaibl* Tb»j alao abow fin* line of AtWOUl' \ FoUD, PvBlliHIftA l—Fra* traJ», uujbl by will to prlbtrt) lo ihU cura'xr. Cla) aoto «4» nothing of other tbinrft by Orortr D*«iluJ ao 1 (!m l>«m > in th* that that Th« CAadulatt for Ck>*ern- port*>i Weekly—tbowt plainly I*tmocr*t»c cratlc la h mUI« to tb* (a lu»trtai ao 1 party paper i* Hem ra'*» ao I t}«ctlif lo- ter of and Mr. I w u a caoJuIaU fiy all tb* pure timple democracy. PARASOLSm •' ir< a^» ew waa »bown in tkia i» the «toit fiucac** wMcb tb* fri«a W of Amnteao County. K*try d»p%rtm«fit for 1'ffAwJeat. "A THING of BEAUTY is a FOREVER" labor cbb • urt, both la Coagr««a aul Wtien Prrtl1mialttrati<>a an tflort wa4 tn«<1* tote, It »a#a lot of men who repreeentatire J—It ib tb« «laty of Coagrr** to r*iac« cure for Mr Tbarmaa, of Onto, 4 place la STOP AT attended tbe State coo*en- Republican tb« aatloaal riftaaaa to tb* amoaat wblcb lb* Cabin*< Aitboagh lb«o and bu« finer *< aa an New at !ut week. A th« oae of aMeat org in The tioa Portlaad •bBll t>|4tl B«arly puaaibl* U« In the I) >crattc IOB Waltham, la an PRINTING loukiaf body it would be difficult to u- bbb] •sp*a«lltaraa of lb* gov*ram*at, party, l for year* <»o* of tb* l<1*al cao II tb*MB ani lib-ral aloa da'.** it that tb* ti t-ac?. bla eemble ante her*. clatliec ajaat prov party far IV» for oar vetcraa aoiJUra an 1 f utly |{aur*d tn.l Watch. u*e*B« of nati ioal tl*f«BC«, aa 1 Ibl* »0 »bM b« baa bat n > recognition from tb# Wbtt* Ladies' Gold Tii» of the State « Republican p*p*w Job* Id « way a >t t impair our It pub- II Mia• N iw. de«plt* bta a«« ar. I Indrinl- have alreaJ? atated that Mr. Putnam, lic a prtUtlr* ayatao. waicb ha* pr«»»r.l ll*a, b* It placed on lb* ticket with Ct*v«- GOLD INLAID WATCHES FOR the Democratic candidate for Governor, of laaatiaadW talat to Aatricu labor la»1, with tbe h >pj tbat bl* iaa« m%y DEPATMENT GENTLEMEN, aa<1 our bos* marfcrU. ar<>u4e aa • Smilev to n'£>u«U»m which I* not felt for Bins, •u a man of irreproachable personal • 3—Vor tta aarr*a l«r of Am rkaa rlgbu b!« at*«jclaw Ta* r«-0 'iaa Itona la Vo b* - character. ioim of the IWmocrattc *• 129 Main M« ; aal lat«rr*u la tbt rrccatly a*gotl«t*J lb* canpalfo |n. an.] tin>o1 4 * been for CASH and will be Mm* of the Republican candidate. It *mpbatic of ;> In tb* alTctloM tf i • These goods have purchased sold Amcricaa*. aa 1 tb« ie of cour«e too much to ejpect, but all patriotic U-pBbll- I>«m>>-r*cy, wtill* b* la tb« canll lal* of raa a*aatora ar* »BtlU*J to tb* tbaak* of tb* an<1 tb* Brltlab fr** at Please call and examine. under the circamataacee it would ba very MaUaul«f trad*r* and acceptable very eaey of arcomplieh* frttu* iff ata«at of th« prlaclpl«a or Tb« unp»r»'.>!»<1 «ftl« »t Mall of IU BUY A from diegurting personal; tiee. etvil Mnlct r*f jrm by U* !><■ xmic ad doi'D Brnwn • loaunt lUllaf lo Norway atautratioa, vgprifcgf with ita aiwr • lat. 5 r»tr« iu p>i<«:»ilty fallur* to krrp lb* pr«Bi»aa aad»r which wh«r* It U teat koowo, U »»ur#nB*r IS THE Tnk National Contention Republican it caaa lot) powfr—in » c<>q»plca >a« aau« of lu meet* a! to day Tueeday.) «t *apl« of laalaccrlty »o1 hypocrlay. to 1 With Mr Maine oat of the field, it ie ab- menu tha coad«BBatioa of til good till* MM. BORN. CALL AT THE •olutely to make any impoeaibl* predic* }«Otr S«n»tor» u l lUprfwiUtliM ti LARGEST AND BEST turn with regard to it* act km. A large Cr ib« o»«pic- % Olottiing It. VUaaa'* Jw<.uu< ml W. W. oa con- a>«* aad wub MlU*, the (round for eeeeral day*, aad ability. '»'Tgj UVlty L.aa»;t, * »n> dalUa at IN THE COUNTY. siderable work baa been done by tb« •bleb ib*y discharging lb«lr U »'aaa Mmhi, Jim I, |» tk «Ui<4 IL II. Wub:i«|tnr. a ail >o*l ad ml a Utr alios. la Jim I,i*U« vlfc of J..fca Kail, a ««. anything Wbera Yon will Find a Large Aaaortmant of d. ife rent foecea. «—T&a law a*»lnat th« Ur- ia IhMMk, Jaaa It, la Ik* wlfaaf tWm C. prohibitory Urum, via mm. rtbla avlia of tha l^ior tra:S •. afUr aaay WE WANT of baa txcoaa Um ll*»d Silk Handkerchiefs, Neok Wris- in A« Ki-Oo*. Kobie well »ayt, it ia yaara trial, policy Mufflers, Ties, the line of »f tha Stat*. to which tha K of MARRIED. much batter to bav* auch a coo rent ion pabllcaaa Collars and Cuffs, Malaa art flrafy pUdgtd. aaJ w« .laatrd ters, Gloves, Cardigans, ae thaa a tame oaa. No oae T ueeday'a ibat 1U aaall ba an- pruvlaloaa faithfally Ia Mar IT. hr IT».ip O. C*aa#li, *** convention caa N^aa. TO DO YOUR Underclothing and lots who attended doubt forced according to thalr i-rtoi aad aptrll Artkar Lm wtTtt. W S*»i—. a*4 Cara af Suspenders, that tha Republican party ia Maine ia T—'Tba K'pabllcaaa of M«1m a«ad graat- of other Usefcl Gifts. to tha K of aad r« CLOTHING a lag O.-agoa, and awake. Of courn, after each pabUciaa FURNISHING fully J iic« with ibma la tha aplaadid victory warm ooateat aa that between the candi- DIED. Bargains In Overooats. nay hava Jau woa o»ar thaaapportara of ■pig date# for nomination, it i* natural that Grovvr aad for tha ctaaa of Qiftiiad, la Jaaa I, lahal cktU ml liotaca auJ eooie abuuld be diaappotated, but the Aaarlcaa labor aad tha prlaclp'.aa of Mary K. Aalirai PRINTING! LARGE STOCK OF FUR CAPS AND LOW PRICES. la WeM mm at coateet wa< not earned oa. aa aoeae of aoaad aovaraawat Parte, J 1, Mr*. Laraua Urka, GOODS, • —Thla coavaattoa aeada acroaa tha Cuatom work mada to order in the lataat and at tha loweat our Democratic frtenda pn free to believe, fa 5a! Fana, Jmmm T, IMtt; TWreaai, a«aO *1 atjIm prioaa. a* a w»rda of |oo4 chaar to oar dia- with that bitteraew of which We will do It ! feeliaf UagaUhwl follow clUiaa, lioa J«a«a 0 la Wntinah. Jaaa, Jank Wkiia—, if»l M Quickly caueea a bolt. Tha candi- Blaiaa, aad >kaa that oa hta ritara ha Republican r») JaM It. Mr*. UUfcavl WaHw*U. tiaa will to a of 77^\lkM.r. date ia oaa whom we may ba pewd to coatlaa* g(f tha weight hU Mr* l.tarr ■ftat a«m« aa.l tha forca of hla coaaaa 1 fbUow. He will reaaiea tha aaitad • up- U MarakftaU, Orrgmm. JtM i, Tkaaaa J. lli.bura, We will do It ! F. a J. KENNEV of let Cheaply & ltAaaaca la aid ml ■ *r». &. lag lUpabUcaa ferm«n/ Tana, i|W j» Co., PLUMBER'S, of the of Maiaa, aad Huntington port Kepublicaae caaaa la tb- paadiag pollilcal coataaU a haadacm* will ba elected by majority • -la tha r«c«at daath jf J aapb R - - wall tha cltliaaa of Well I Is September Bod Malaa aaftrad thi All Kindt of tab Printing it this officer We will do It Norway Block, Norway, Me. SOUTH PARIS. (lemoctnt, THK BKAR BRIGADE. Hebron. Bethel. Denmark. ^foc& I). of J*ff->rana, Ji)< Dr. J 8 Startrv«Bt, of U *1. 11 th* death <»f !»►* A W. Valentin#, ol Cipl Berry, S U vUltlng la tbla town, Mr. II* r- Utdltf tf»» iloillftl CuDVrDtlJO At l*i>rV 1Mb*), tba community bu in»-t with • II.. • NEW -o • GOODS! HILL." m*n- wu born In till* town «<> ami Household MORE THE wu la of ry yeara ON land thl* w>«k III* family ar* ajvn.llrg gr*at Um« II- th* prima Every llv«l her# aoru« »go wb»o 8ht.uU hat* Perioral. lb- «lm. Lrrti «i ib« dortor'a father'a. Mad—47 year* old —• 1> «• »n in th* ? »d till f«»rty yr%r» Ajr*i'* Owrrjr MUHT>KT. be to Hi. J Vi.'iulr* It mcm iIhiiiuimU of llvt-4 Mi>« Ktti N irvuat itiIimI how* from I' >i|1ckirtlilil>*il«r In Mi Afrram I. moved »hn«'»ory, annually, Worsted with silk, velvet, Ar>«i.« .1.,, m l ll*e*l to U • lotti suiting * atoal ». »r* •«<> •ml tiIi.»rI« wffl.M In •' *"*•» oa of and an actlf* m« tutor of turaed Imy |» I'ruup, rr- »*- *»• K»rmlotftoa Ta«adav. Odd F«ilowa, • ha rvmofad to Jeff-faun, au l Niff Mr* Krack tha IMhal ll*» wu a m^orwr of tba tb« bolal till Whoo|ilng Cough, Throat. to match, mus- » « • w r. a ink» dlad darla* night Oranjf braid and !*" M trimming >, tba where he hu realded aboot tlx yearn. jet Taanday. Kaaaral today (ThuraJa) O.I I Fellowa lUlltf, al*C of the relief In Afw in iten*lre |>ra> tl«r of nearly of a Ill* Ural wife waa Adeline II >di «nl hU infln<-nc# llf.iWLlI Id, and hie pr»»«ul wife, my ami lins,cambrics, ginghams -i lW Wr«-k« fi.i_r » *rt»»r« la ikla ar« old boy. Kraok (ii »»Tr'« aaw hoaaa la balng pq«h- •u felt, rath* r than proclaims!. V H »«" ifiT Tka li an I Ilka a to lie ll»# i»ry l«««t i|M-i toraiil now etc. M raUUlag prlca »» Ilia tatrkatila health appear# *«•**■? •»»*•!*, > tJ f*.t K waa tha r**nlt of bUxxt good —• T c*>u p*r h<«*J pOMlbW. p.laonlag nfTrretl to the I>r. John (!. lft that of tha um< »• «r« t |»eop4a." 11' r r ! Uh Work U to oa ltd. Qlot- phyalclaaa d#cld*d ampntatlon ytMfl Lev la, WmI l'». •»- In tf**rllnK wllh Wr'A 1 npactod h*cta W. Moalton to Port- I>rn||lil, |tn« uffrr tin' Im| ^ v MtcnM lUyfurv) plaatari ol U at to a aerloaa throat troabla in the heart naard to tod Ufa %• to I'M frtu road thi« w«»k. putatl'to rue«llral (kill ti I fall*<1 glie um re- Lace ft»r lh« N irthTurwr fktorr. A V. la a aew roof on » »•< flouncing waa Ilradbary patting llrf. A f« W* «»n. e. »* a tlra S >rt Baccalauraata •••rmon bafora tha eitlncl inu a*ralu »o. fr 'in St.iagbtoa. |* flatting bla bara. II ftil*»rt a*) /. K Oil- atlag claaa of tha NonWy, J una M Irrlng French la alowly r*cor*r1ng little troubled tilth lh« iIIwim, 1 waa ||o« f*ar!r« h*r r*in»r. J >ha Tb la ll«rtforvl.®y the new U «t from aa attack of leter. Tb« Meal C.tmp«ny play play |«tomptljr Ouk>i. W»M 1'iru TbinJi; Um>» irt ;'«th. U o'clock 4 H by H»v. J. A. typhoid vrt. trf Ktrly la »«»*! c ill*d Unci# Tom'e ln at Odd Kelloaa I'arabUv lUmarlacotta Oratlaallac #«• A On* ahowrr over IMhal Friday & AM*B lUrrrll |y white of Itaclfl* ,1, ore#. tka 'w«l lrafltBf (Mill evening. Relieved ecru, II !l*rr<>««. oa ilu to tba Hall, Nttanlay By J. la a trcliw Ta«wday aru>rn<> »n at I o'clock, avenlag rafrnahlng parched black, jl,i llwtftinl IU li ^ "ip'.m ctarife dn. tkoroagkbrvd J»t—y It C. Harmon haa gone to Haverhill. the hid* r»H'«Nlr I gladly offer thla o tb« cam pa* Concert la tba church at a •mead ft Tim Mlvctrara of ll*rtf.»r>l bat* lal«! oal Mm. and of testimony for lit* Itrnrrti «.f all o'clock r Orlmnwr'a orchntra an.l Tb« are looking finely, and the Kagene Polhy family, •Imllarty • road %r Ik* bHI Alkart by cropa •ftllrtnl.1'— r If lUlltor m- wu ItKbralcr, N. V, ara at Cnmmlng« IIamUi, .Iryai, of IV.rt- a®.I vocal <|aart«tut. Tlckata U cnti, to ba timely rain r*fr**hlng. Table K'« It, SVI.r. narrow K« i *»0 *lta. Saaip^ua'a SUl'man ftaraay'a. 8 with Hiirtkf. of J. t*u» obtain**! of II. L llabro®. Tba road machine. in chare* Colby'a. " cream, fur l.iacoin, for imi it iw lla*>t>4r\i l|o**« rlill«lr>'ii aftllttf.l with roltla, )if* IWrtlatt an I I Q. Kimball, with fonr haaay • 'j»i Wilson's Mill*. 0. roagha, at* • n.i t' mat I tin out la tha roada In repair , W lyt bom*. patting good NORWAY. kn<>w of any teme.lT wliUh will Oar dally nail la a<»« arraa*wt, aad raaa of git* l M *. at on* half tha aip«n*« of th* old way inor* relief ifian Mr*. * .*• T*ay»r. u lkrva|h to P«rtoa<-h»rar* W« f«*| tka Drowufleld »|w*tlt Ayer'a Cherry pr aaJ fe Pertnial I li*«r to Clt MM. (MBit l». al»o. Itiralu- match. vtn A repairing * l^rtlaoJ. at O. ■arch of th* (Tit la lb* Karmrra ar« nrarlv through i|», planting at* able In ra»«« of — yet T»a?*f. Jadga Virgin la In town on a flthlnt <>*rrk, Usr. Ctro|ttnj( rough." »»r? harkvnMa of Mala* C ao 1 wlf* ara frl»ada UtltWHim edges Colby flatting In f A l: r«M. Hnlra «*• ItoUf, xlr Ann l4r«*-j>>y, It Waahlngtoa aiitfi, Tur«r*oV*r la N rnmlon. rurrf->»l derrick. K"i IVvkiai ► iab#rat«a ka >«a a* "Htlura" ar« m»i It. lUM^Ih I P. ■. lu*u>n. Mm**, & Fatiin. of l*urti«»a»r vtik tb«ir o«« Uk« Mr*. II M Smith, of Portland. and Mra. Ju.lge Htm>iI I'aMTrfiUiiMl I k«r*-r'« l'l«r»* Perioral haa |»ro*e«l oft SiaJay. i*« C1M| of J. at J L MM<«. I>r»w imW, N»Uf, It Nt •«. M caUto. aal earn* to aalt do*i <\»P»y, of l)«nmark, ara vlaltlag rental it *ffiitl\*« In nmiii alwl la p>p««l '•*lh II ii t ■ Hurttl Mm0»« on a vacation from Dixfleld U»»U<, ■•ttui, 1 3* p. I'. >1 Hryaut, t l Kalla, M«m. t'roS«u aaJ Ii»t;. rtaght kaa»1fa*l flfty-foar »(M» la < *»il an I itjr (trm«r« ny iHMh ■ fit'Uf. 1 to 20 ;•*!* la a>v>at kalf a ap tb* Abbott Drttok, Maacb««t*r. wb«r« ha baa b««a worklag .Iry TaWay, J*lf« W:.»oa iUf U>il»>J'ti (Vir-k, J. A. !'»»»«, Pufc-f IWk yards. C irtl*r* na ! a hot#l rill) Woql.l br ICC'ptlbU. Mtcy HaiartUy. CrriK*, II Hi. MktU«rM,lt<* I.| *•* l>* <*blca4fo. Tb* Ch«-r« f«rt ir? roonlof *Ubc l«| too numerous to mention, tonvf * M»a»<>rt*i •rrtir»« w*r* b#M at tk* ml«1- l*hll itovntoa la r»l«*C to North Conway la *»UI K*rlil(, I 'M P. n«ala«*>Uf Other bargains il*tl? with iwelv* haadrvd >unU (Itu Ayer's Pectoral, I'llfff lirilWf, I'rfclap, Cherry .!!• to work In a hoaav. ?*ry «j p IMP a» "•*<>! a»" TaaoJar. ackoo. hoa««, Jaaa 101k. by KlJ*r L'tag. j boarding rairaiiau ht »»» *atto mill icl m >r«» In. IMP I TVf» fur tka tat* wu i facia T>o»'a Cabin" will ba ay rd at of lUllf, etmiat vWi»<»U« uun l« ir«- la Urn txwt of tbi rr»r«u atm*-**. Or. i. C. & Loatll, Man. to M tk« m. lowly .lay oa which lk*y ra-l to pay tha hall Jaa« lSih. riptcUkl Ay«r Co.. »• r>"»< lot* S. MUOl 4 Z, tl B. rtla II;%k# la alrk with mr*«l#« S. PRINCE, iMt Irtbata of r**pKl to tk* fa»m>»rv of in* <|«lt« I* A A M. -t'ai«a R. A. I*. No M. miibWm l*l4l;iil|>fi||M« riUatl, tliUUKIt- 4 Warrm bu luat a nlca colt—a Homi of oar firm*ri hit# cot th»lr MtKliM Mil r.'l *4 W» r c womd*mn. of i>» »**;*« |wd a«a «br«»ha® lm work >nf *[wo ling Norway. «fc iM *i»lt!«* «kkk writua, "Ik*«l No II MMMtr ||tl>, ry it Wf 11 Tbcr r- p >rl blUa K, oa Hit rrtiri to (V) l;a«*. tka of kla h*art Th* C I. S C. ra«*t* at Mr. Uy• fMi M MM*. II. 11 MHlkHM. » Vr^iM, »UfWJ p:*aaaat tuoilafu Hprlag'a !(•••»(, « fill x Jaaa Ift.h. p.*Btf. | ii v — lUcalM —Hia« la IM4 Pr 0«t aal tk* aprtjhta*** of k'a lift, a»<1 »* ,%nr ro\-«T*>r Mate Ml*ctm*B h»*« Botka of II- •»-•> I •*•.!»» |:«r«K|. A.I. F.IHt, IV*. «•» ! « >aU that kla mm Th« gtv«B VVB Hrinoi aaay nt£kt prvdt by N" anit mi (Mil him* l AI-t II tiMMfl at..] « Ibrlr IbWbiI >n in Uv oat * b*w roi.| Wit-irf t»i«yi»i, tla AafWWE,'VQW.TIIU 7*«0 jntT ('■••m N* Ilk., i*o«.| Mkl iNrtk f ruUl tirMU< »l f k yj'' liair II Ml llti> al IIMI 1888 •>• Pry©bur*. •r ian t io n*»r •••» 1888 *' • ik«lo- «h» Catlir Mill. f v ^Summer < !>*aria« Mttti, an mK | | W.i»., rtb* <>«»l»*' %* i'mw*- T&t »*»P*i II VIII tar |«t la •>!«* ua <»•. Albany. th* on Haa- tkir-l II la A. H. KwM, Com* idJ m« bow Jo it it I'ut.* for*I. ocrapt-1 Con#'I pulpit lmprotrm*Bt to 1 cib b« iIib« it • mtt-i.nn, «.m; J*a**rp. !•« MKliiMI* |l|«lr lm« mm a J«m«* B*iuU hM 1*1 hi* fun to Hiram I'lMkirkl. ■M fc, |- « li>| Haltl'll Ur. la nchanga with K«v. Mr. Ltvlaf *rf? 1IU1* N il.ta'it II will ^ Jokwita. ■»f BMh«l np#m« K.or r.-Uriv wniiii i* iini<«««r pi«i, I «>r Hat. llolou March hi»i la in n«|. A. J. it, Ir" "III *»*fl w H M 'r.14 >m»ry r*tirw to IV W IV 4 pal rr»ry WKtnui M»a*. J*fJ U- |ff»«'h, of Norway, «i« it tn«a M'«« J a | ill»a»ltt»| Hr». Am« |t:u« bi« rwrh*>l boa* if- l»ot xvli f.»ait«lo, it in *ip«ai« of I'Mut li I.' U*~tte. K •.( Ii t»lK i. ¥ •> Ta«aJaf aoniii ImI Sttarftr i» *«lar #»• tffjJl ,1 * H >»>♦»«■ tfr *ar I. It. T.-U'iiwi* l|».i.»*«fj Up ff«w- It M kff f»U«r*. Iwr alnur'i rlill at tha W**t. flfo baa 1r*1 ilolliri .« low lht" • aaroS-r att*o.1->1 tha t'alon C on. of Ilk* .irT'llrSw nmM* liil»m»ll»» Wakefield's H'lD Knt M». ■»>!» & •amnrr. rorrMpoa- ii HmI H, Webb a. tk« VJalta WOI MOM III A. K -ll*fTl I'm!. 1-' »tl»»fllw»«. I %ll 0 li U pi-» tarta* •m •«T' 1 iim (trtlK Itft •"k h? I». IJ 4r .,||tn '*r»«<•* at ItrlJcto* <>o Ta**Jajr aa l Wh1> 1»nU p;*t*» Inform a« whit hi* h*aoaii of fn U> Iihum i* n>l Mik, it Ur«ir Ik. 1l« lira la » S*r>*o Ifawrr wt>T» lWM»b(. a f »rm-r r«* .>*»r1ag in A. Kf«*r4*, J <»*« II : Motif, th* aiarh Ulk*>1 «»f »xt~nilon of th* U »»»■ TV**** m >b»? flra I'. II Ii. I Mmi lk< liM »»l Ui.mI frvUr ^ M kept hi* pap»r» »n.1 TS* in 1 w*ra at th* v C. S.Gosse,' • '1*1 »t Or»« ti, f>ra*on Hb**!1 f »r 1 flllt k Borkflfl.1 lilt lo DlilWM I MO a.IWmn, N.l'. l.acUII <^%lIV •w a»»a thtaka he kVuflwkMMk vitlD«q!*h«1 Mr. C M. • • i'*« Ural Poavaatlo* la Portlaal, at which »n,l Kamforvl Pill*. llMHIIfl, II. It- w-' mlR *a • m» f or or f)v« and a ijirl With tb« itock of it la itollara Mb*t '-*.1 a II. ml V.-l|«fU>iiirMi» ll*Jl lr*l **-l Mo* lirffvtt f — rK»i»«J It u KdJtit Dr. pap*r I •mii V ill finu|< 4*vk »«lk J. *|* 'np«p*r». ».ilo!jrnUi!j» ThlaahouM a of Co ll*»»j'»«. At B*»tla( tha lloma Railroad Hiram. uf lit* f *IthMrr, • 4f U r**P t* * ««ri i»» *m<>k*ra act all who aa* lUfiln ■'Mujp X««i; n( Mm«n Vrr+n>an Hatch, John I. x-k*. Win Ik* *»1 IIUaI ft'tjwlu •iMKftrtN'k Bwni of tr«t \* •>>»• nr»tW«t II Mri Ltfirrtl* (*.rni>Bi. WANTED ItMr 'V»lBf <1 Hprlac. A V Klrhard* »a, inl T. Tk* II »*u»o J.mrail, of M>>o«liy i|miIi | READY-MADE CLOTHING Mr* 0 'Vtt ilM HjNhiih Color4.I0, ie?omp«al»1 br h»r too, N W •« »t tola la J ibMni *'H rittMi .lirxtora Tha ronJ •• ibi I A ftH la imM la f»a» r«J Wnw »»tk but •art • «vr«C* pataU of Kit L B»al. uf S'jraif, ua* of wiiiinl e*tr HO Stock, Bulbing i •»»ala* Kaa«ral W- H»t ¥ M (*Um >o*. ir« tUUlat h*r m »th*r. Mr« * f ut ahown io tbia County. W® haV0 Old iM fWvirf Rxiin uttit 1ay. U n i* p«rla( »i tfi« I'ortliad IU> iM>t«nr«'i i>i>. wr wa« a it A WiJi- vurllDf pollUctioi »m from piniM la «W»:1 Jttfl lat»»1 Mr* WaHw*ll tra< k 1 la 1m llirt>tt Cl*m >ai, L'lwillja c. 11. lurt.rv, r«#u. if it «n af e««t Tha at th* fair groan halnt coav«oil>>o uf lit* llib. Ta« of hi* "B»«V of th* charcb, uJ will b* worth'! • M* "»• »lf»lW«t foa«'l pr'»•.! !a tbadlftln* an ladltn ltnpla- U t I IN U* >b hu ib illl> ll'H'fll COD|ritllllll«l NEW GOODS, from ®o«-h ■!**•*! au IUaS#n N M nit «r»cU»l Roller of riirrrlotiirf. • 1 Sr n** i m mac* patroaafa iB'it of alow fmn 1 M K tlriusntfcar, at Mr». w bira M'« lI'ilmM, at tint* Will mak' F.i|t»* U1r>«t. V» v«il lo (\>aa~rt la to bla tlna of ?« fe*t to hl« «... W llt..«a. ..f r»m. ta which w« ar» to abow you any you JO* Mr. K IwarJ Oiu* still eonflnad D.nUim, 1* lie k |>U«*nl ffcw Icat ta lb* »1 haa •• Kmnv 11 ll«Viiri1 li In virjr IS* I'mMt nI 11« r>l ti l at Uvw, an ap*ta« Vf*i1 oat thar*. h »i«» with M t*ichlac | U'liritr**. •*r?«lprla« t'oW itiilxil hli *ii tia«r I, • 4«a-l ml •" A Jaa* with ibcc*«i llartri HttJif IlkftiarlMMK IliofMtt, ( |l l»M, li» of II a ':af MirifJ, Milw lo C«u. la th* Trip:* Dtalrtet tv>1 'If %C pr*.'*rri«| Mr A*a Oafood, oaa of oar a*ad m»n. f.»r th» drit Hate tbii m »u "fl'.ti I»-I n 11 I II-f t5» of IS ** Khilm M «• Kitla V Wirl«*ltl* t*vbla* In la II. lia V!«4 la *«or h*a!»h. M aate, tb« elcikt ynr old ilogbter of I ml i|»» l«. «»l ||t, p*c III, na««f«<| la tfc* prla»«r? arfcool lb* ww •4>ti!*m*at with h*r a«a»l iMIlt? • mum ml M a* rval II|>I« >Im M »wn * iar'7 M n. Chart** TltVlU l« i»n low. III N II I^MUf f'm* lloael AV»>U, tr|| I'llfUm l«lll, It Ifca imw ta l ail iha t«a I SUITS 1 8011th M •• Kiti of U I mM M Ml**! l»i*4 STOM I IU"»: T!»a?#r, T<»a» 1'ih*. (Vtralih, UirMt( CU n'i utau, Rozbury- of th» It Mm VfliMt Wtfiia. iliaiMor w >•• Mb« l* • «a»»rt >uof 11. • In aw b« Ik* •*. ! I iw II Iaff)wf M»|. v ii N rwilta iii(*!ir y I|| MMM n*r Wiai. h. I«iii llirem tII'ic* with to.*| •' »-k bmi la KmMI year-old at- VT W M N-al, dl-d at h*r boa* It* kit a trrtaiv Jm>I Im il»»J itfcna-a fineat fabric at a cloa* (igurv and «• guarranta* to It jou. \|»«k* Ilia of AM- li<1?. •-ni*i.>a body It'i I'irtli NUImi, of IMurt It, N II imi at • '.a lltrl Ktn«u. wulB t>>*t I Ual laok* raattial laiaf ik< » v Aa«i* Aa trvwa, Mut Mr* J Mpfe Klrhara. of thla pltft. h*r* for »»«rtal Ua* N«lioflt) Ml ^»afht Ii vUlilig h • notb*r la tbli tlUifa. IW ka«nl*»l ftnatfiltt Ixt Hm««I Ittaiia a, »il- % *n *rrr low w lh Jiai ■».h ob i vlilt to bli m»tb*r, Mr* JUo.. Jt o»aa«rnptl.»*. S«-na*l l.xka haa g »na to Jackaoa for Mr* 1. A. II %n1 iliu«hl#r. M i* la tt-l ml l*»f"t, W« t»- >ira th» |'«f FURNISHING GOODS »«t / W Hirk*r Hai I* M rviri of it* '+* >l»t '*>1 GENTS' Himi n KtM« Ttrbtr, Ti* farr>-r» of thla tlclatty »r* aim th* unQT lp«h ■nil (1.1 itHt m ml l>t»l lUnia Nidi lloagbtoa. in ti*iuag il W«*tl'irU l«tii thr >a«h plaatlai in t Mia t. bat h*r ia> n» try of .liji of lont tal m lb* rw.lit. ai ml 14. I «miw kttt HATH, CAIM, is elegant lin* of NKCKWKVK AVI) Mi« Anon I'irkir, «•«« of N »f«ij Nf»k«i | r|»a 1 brat • -t«r» of U« mm w of **»ry description. ruiRM'tnl with th# l <*• aa Ii in 1 hir r*cltil of *v*bu k»rtSf TV f il{ TV o» «*«p Sa*» pat ta apt*»ar- •Co nrclUat, —«• »i.>\k H Wukk. (lrwnWoo-f-la< in Ik* M»tai* la I raa• a: a hchnol raw aa nuru:o aai» an 1 it* ItUra a^l to h» aotlr*«1 I »V» lat»r*«tlsc Hh* l« • ( lUl HOfUUtY, K' of tb« (Jriru uir Hchool la tbl* til* kM m>I (in iKit Mti* p«f|on. wanfa at the o'.J rrliabU Houa* of • t M r» on th* alrh Mat ; teirbir man, woman ami child Clothing Mtii A »VBi llall Priliy *i*l 14 thtak w* w! 1 f »JI.»w th* alvic* of aa old p-raoaa Diri Wi1*w >rth wh*c«mi W> Uinta from I'.ra, Jim », I whicb e*ery on acciqat of h -%itf» !*&« I "VI.I »\ *»<• tha Mra. W ar I Am*a la an I lo 1M» ltf« p»r I*.I.I \» II Ma*.! «* n .• l»«»ino« <»rtUa>aa a*1 "aaat«» Va falling rapidly Dai'nrf, M Urimmir # hna 1'irtir'i cbirga aa Mra A 1> Hrvaat haa hit a»»tril at- Ontr« jf»ir« uo.ter Mm lax V 1 *» I |».a«h 4 fair fla» Utai Kumford f was tb« b«il of reiaiu. TURKEY RFOOYE tarka of b*art .lia^aa* and la la a to m >r* Taoroajb f« » Mkl i»if» tu ; « thaa1«r ikoarr rrr#ally. T*j will (m bnrla«l bar# Tl«'* ltt< »4 I •»* <1 l'»«< laitructloa bi«* < Wakefield id<1 eir«ll«bl ilwiyi W I I 4 >' \|> & Tic »»f? o»f a* at- of h-a!th. plla* #••#**< ••■***. «!||V<. "■« irfnA, Webb • % «• .«•. lb* »' »0< l p r<>« Mr J»rn-m K-olt* m. <»oa of th« old. Bryant'a I'oml. iK*a tb* m%rke4 cb»rict*rl«tki of b«r tHK»i irri.K a tumi. a**m*. 14 » m«BT iaif T&a M»a \V«>j P »l# la wora* again. balng -at m-n la t.i«rn, an 1 M'• 8 mall, of llui* 1 ^r< K |V*»* m .1 h at ih* I'al- M ll •!••*, Dm. ME. K«v L pr#* M a of lb* ttma. •ebooli. NORWAY, » • *r^1 tt>I fl ! UA-a innDimI to tba part over. St»« hi* a#?«r*l cbltJrao barl*J an pr», y **r*«Iiat ckarrh aa>1 forvmin la tb* Haa>tav. Jua* 24ih. wa ar* bow Hat Saoo'I U Ki fk« ■ v< *w I'-aaaat data baaing. Im. To IW miiI> r Ml nI III o! IS» a»* ipprwlaUn, a •» aach Na'«'>ath durtaf th* at tbi ibo* hu followlaf t nl*bt* Tbla m irnloc th* t*rnp*ra- on hu Wn rattliit Urputaicat firtory I »*» *i 1*gr*-* a'«o»# fr**alag. aim m| to »n n m i,»* jB»»au# I»f H A o'I>l«n aai I>r pi«t«l cotapWtl Ta»| at Ik# iah*MU*>* <>f lit* W»wn »'I|||H k*M Nwaaaf, Graaa la whlla all tha othaf friok K«vac«. looking w*ll, p*ot to comm -oca >01 the coroirg II* inn 4*r of Jaao 4 t> !►*«i a. of S »ath l'art*. w. r« la towa op«ratl Lala 1ra. of J J lliydco, rr>pa ar* hir.ll? Mg *noagh to look at jrat w*»k. IUt daiii'tter «a*f *IMi*n* «l *tl I lm, » Mill r#*|'»#lf *:lr a > :»i » b«r ao> > K l>rikr. »>■* M ■••■ MM Ml M4M Ifa bliatnoal w*11, m»1« * ipttM rf|>rM*tl IH»I M Appl* U»l*raMf I»r K K S.n%!l, of PortUof. «( 1%n« »n -T»» Bftrtui ckirtk Th* O T It qaarry wu op*a*>l lot 11 thi* *r»i. Nb« will vlait b«r »l f 4o Mfiilt IM ■ tMlrtdli* Ik* Om< aa I ao til I lb- h*«ch**i aa I a'r-aly tha tuil b»rf W# *V)alil that lt«v»rly II >*atc «tll b* r*- •Sort ]«)(• If «|V l*r|l*-l kf foil II• Teweet Bl M>« Pfela. *«k A cr*w oftwelv* mta ar* it tbit for i«v«ral « llttl* a* w Sara ar- w*M foru»*d Tha oaka r r:»n I with m he le l > >klo< (nntiajtbir plac« • m* I V*v« *.#•••#• • frxat >• |k# MMtr f*»l »« .-•.«• at : t'clotk hla». MMV «l tWf*. WK-ka. m l<» CiM **«r lk« ar- aln th k j a-t with tla? aroma rait«l o*4ia« tm Cia'o* fillaf* I k I* *■>%.:. II It. will tb» aa rillMtl-»a with * H I ir 01 »u« il*##. nnli*L M l iMCMlif fc#« pr«*rb II O ll!«k* ca»« Haa afWnoon. two old la- **rjr p >(•(!.«r p*»i I*miH I.a*t laj boya, CblMreo'e I)»? o»it HauUr. Jooe llth. ll irona •»' I *1 im> to CialM foMl, k*9 I Vf« t» ll »*M 1* tl h«'f pul r*»* t b^a lo Ibta r>il l«* >« m%thla* Tbara-lay church ftllaga, ■ ra-Ktib to fca a«a, war* ana Mar chltJren la t»wo CmgrrgalioatlUl »».f ik* «#♦.►■ I i. «*• n I » «<» ik il M.I H fn«a| W» ira«l that til tb« MI on ktrl J Muuu (*>rfc Mr (' i. C 01 kaa um uf tk< lawl 7 H«v llti • N, wm m«rrla>l Mir t' »«f» ir»ii *« "ibadlg— •* b »o| h»aaa la a atata of b*aat- »kloltjr will com*, ale > th* parrot*. *iV**«llta*'iMf«'M A ?»ar <».i| r i lo Mlu It *• In til I Iowa kr kuw of t •*>••• if l>" COMPLETE prowl*** >o. w*w ao drank. la • craw Wr( I* STATE lotat faat oa* na th* track t* * a*aa*<*n VUplaa of that ba»» ».rt i|.t« NEWS- o« tha S-al4a tha Cbvl'xHirne, rlljr. Thry • ik# *1 fact, that tba? la? groan1 io«q ru!llo* Id bl* plo*. M*tMl *«#»••• IM« tlicl |'*« '»♦* K or Iim. Ma** wtU rooutt at Mra Turorr • on lunforth l« a* L p.aa*. on,*. r>»atlik-tw> 1»al jarkaaa** W* with- takan lr<»#if{« l«tli Andover. al tba ||Miri> U N mi I l Mawr. B CjIIi*. Jaa* 24th. a ha Thura.l«y avralBt by the aoclety ftMir •orl*i7 pi'? for th*lr folk T&*t oafht V* •••I *■«-# aal iMnlIm Ik* imi t*4 i* i* c a*** w^rfc. 1,-wta U»r» le hi* *t*Me of tb« charcb, wbaB th» baat Jar >4 (Walt with la aarh a o«ai«r that thay •nU'flaf »«"«lry Cuagl tall h>«»l •••o' l •»*» »»*r. Norwar Lake. The Coa«'l la>li«a* circle m«t with Mr. «»l«h-a of Iba aituf frieo.1* «r«r« **lrB«la»J Ci*n».Ji«i*ik, i*«*. Tv .i •ftWIatr olMUDi w.»«.d (m * a l to lat tha Infernal ataff aloaa Halth. of Ari«Hl»iik. 1* vtaltlag at •n-l Mri. I* A Proctor \\V 1u»e lajr •fro- t>i th*m At»RI.IIK«T OKI. % SO. k t M'« h*'-an-r tf U* vr .if Ov Trspitnttvtlh* 8 liU'M' Mr «ii Cwal iM (i»r ti«t#rV Mr* >*c. j'l to lav I» liner Klwar>U, aoa of C«pt Clirk k, >uu im cf • raud it pnri.»s«l a.»t wk TbapMato >»a< haa ronrta1*.ta Haith l« ataiyla« with aa on* y*ar m ir* at l*aat, harlac al* IWltey pot Rlfflldi, iMbal, M l 111 <>tk*r*. TVk • ! a »t tb#lr ram foaalala. Mr. Kl«tr1uctarf tba r« >p#q Mr ll»lt r-a-1y c »mro»nr-l lijli| h*r *(C* for tha •lay »M.rr t! hu Wa Ib M 0 II aal. on An<1oter hor, hat for Chart lalo tb* acboola. M r ATK or U IIHK REVOLUTION ?M> iVlwlflllhllil C II s»it!i »r1, fry- fa'.ar* aaiaaac*. TVachara I.torfoac* •I N Lact c Ji» v>a Li« II ib of »• *arc aa«l otb«r tn»M tafctaf »Uwa aaey jreor* o reel l*ot of Ao lr»acocgta It la a d •« m irk and r«coo>B>rB.u llaalf to cocwtt <>r niniin •* i» %m *r comtj I I«M. k*lir Mr*. H A Hw«»aa h%a *»*• k«vplBf Coaotf, la tuitic< frl-o !• her* iba practical arB«« of oar school aaibort- >i««!Ul*Mf*, M.f *#•*!•■, b> Canton. at I >*rtl1lMll l«*r 11IH, |»«* koiw f *. walla ah* uJ M >n» *tre*t b«va beeo put op Ura W of B a tamp* I'M Ik* |N*|*4(| pMUI'Ni^*ll(|*f |.|*Mt I Ha %b 1 othrri from this atora ob Mr Co* *.Dt <>a i to Pare. II Otla IltrfuM th» »lil**». K A M >ri« haa tol l the Un»( k»#a r»«» i»f l thai Ik# t»l I '# > iut •«!!• pltuir* trip ;?>» Ml 1» a rit (MltlriMi oi tbrlr a» i* Ik# w*nu of in» r M «n t K itnftir V t>»»a h«»» *i»*i to "K-mr I* »•l# I ikal |airj lalo « tie-*. • Borders, I* Wall i * ••.>«}'• r J»*»i Tbar* lay i**ap*4l#al. ll >r-|#r«4 Ik*I Ik* W N Partri la bavla* t« BilJItl— aanatl rt«'i tmr Tbaf r»pirt * good fr«>«n tht IiIm lax 1 lo Jobs \f K*.lui»a, of Carta. *»»ll«aliM a >n »r»r» ]<• I •**!» I <«alHLxitia >'«l ll Hi* II 4*1 «*iw» Papers, To 14. ■ l iBf » Urn* aa 1 tola of tr>rl Mni IJiarWI? meetlaf Wa uulrraUn.l tbat la* wim'* IkurtUi Im i«#at> lkir4 4ay »f I «t atlll th* ortlaf and Krl- will • • a. « Tit »•• ji ■ rt. «tf ititi ii in Port- itul<« Fruit &•! Kruk Orwi llu* laltlif Cutoi U the Mrtb<»1let cborch TboraUf aoa of A 8 KimSall, of Iblt place, \rf*.l a#ai, a< l#a of tk# I® •AND »%a a faW » --##4 14 im IM r*>iw aa! tr, wx t il »•* *tt » r will oftba .Hf (»»• raugbt -l |>#tlii»o. ii*a»«-l>«i*'f aO#» U alar# that Wvltbad fo«r Kl'er A 1vn« of law to *y»»' 1 f »r iftipa'y J«m til. It North Fryeburtf. aur lb* alBiJy •kak r •• a k*«iia( of lb* |.*•!•#* aa4 ik*loB lt*acb, wbo cam* «l I •|||b* k*4al turn* Miiai'ii | lar#la Ik# a* la lb* tb« *►! of th«ir lo» laa**«». trrlttU la acubVirh Havva* Nut factory m A? >ari a im ai Ik* >MalMir • ah»rt tlait <»r mor» Th*? ar» liDp*»*»lBg «1 >wlf. wr«uro h ira^e, which will orrlfa In I alo#* Ceiliiur J «>ba Walt*r U *»rt *ari >••!? UL r*p>rt* b# Mr. U«ach «1H i»I fori->*» *f Ik# MmImIm*!*' anxlat .. M*« pat 14 ts .tag ; t. r»1 >IBct k# *►** aa t la Mr* K t M*".hv f M-lr M%»a la tbia *illag«. toe. CUveJaa t, Ohio, Wbere b« will j **|.|. (i«»a la all n#f nir|»r*ii4«i M Tv ciuMof th# Art k» ••kaovr. • li filial If *Malat- ail#*t#4 Mp4»* *| **M Kartn»r« b»»# »at g .t throogh p'antlng. K»rtnrr« or* |a«t cloa'^r op th* * Mr tha laat of Jun*. wb*B thry II MiiUof M'» 0 P. Illlrf eprloe n«M aa4 •>< Ik * «>r4*r lt.##« -a to M *»r*#l *r»>* Ik* TV .'ict n • m r**>aut. .arf*r t&aa b»- w«rka tat* Aa W» U*ra that a North Kry»''«rf which ro»k-« tb»ra two rioiptlin patiliwr to In II* wheat. The will r«tarn lo Ibrlr bona la Callforala. U*fl "f Ik* ki*a of *■!<•■ aa4 al*o p->«w»l ap fen. crot»a look to araa ra- a* I I Ctltb l« ••arlf fr«»at la tb* fall arlll maka *« r> a*r of all kloJe of cr»pe l« fally np K Law.a' lltlia eon wbo la I |il*»-#* la *a>4 lc«« i*Mi*k*4 mlJrat, Mr ti>^ nxl, Ju|>roai Gtorge I >»mo LATEST. • la |h* Oal*f> •kk It U tn >**l tbat aa ear!? froat ba the ir»ri<« throws fr »ai K K.nery A Co 'a •»li »a#»***lt»|f Shies,If ly UL cially •i*i. a **«*mi«* ifiaMl ai 1'an* la n« attai »• I Jam.-a >ar.l. N*«iii'« f»«t lie r»- ia n* ii|kt by laJtflalUly pMtp (rocary team, la recovering **i4( u*al? *fOaM,lk* tralal Mi l paklmlio** * ''aa»y % «ri-rtM alio a»1 >ti*b->« East Dethol. Cel»»tl ao a«rl<>a* lajarlaa. 4M*I * •>' Ik* >U»r i'41'M n k* akk. *#f«*4 LOWEST. Kaat Brownflold. > t«l.r» **li IIm# ol "i"11 5-*c froa tb» llo«« Oi* of Miaa h II 1'riBCa la la It talon IbU Wa«k **«l i«b*i#*l *i Im*i iklftf 4*i* Prices, of eicellaat eocoor- aa I What !<»*»!* la»» Dickvnlu. The proepect crop* ■Mta|, to Ik# raJ ikal all |*r*oa* aur^ if M< lotf. cookta. ik»» th» »>b»ib< ralloa* mar aal lh»r» *t|#«r aal 1 clrrU ta»t «l»h Mra If. TV»batu v Tarkrr h%»« two taralag m%- ifM farm-T tba in -**• arr«aud. Tba C»a* School concert at a*» «k»T kaf*. ak| lk* •( aalJ Ilr »wa. from la Tba NanJay faa*#. If fftfif LARGEST. tba I3;h running at J AVwtt'a mill. Mi« K®ui» llackdeM, wu k# Q«t< h*U >a rhla«i K M tbotilal church laat Nun lay evening i# tltioMi* akoal Mii» >4-*1 * t%«>rtal. >a b« 1-1 tba u» -k al»an C>M»a aa I of Angara. r»- P trllng abort vacation father'e, AU#«t Al llttur S 11 «TIVU#f» S«»»ra! &*•!,!• •1.«-*%t»a O-org* wlf», a aaccaaa. Tba charcb waa crowded. «'« a-*t l»r. M llrowo'e W *al4 Crtiwa a*4 u 4*' of C mrt i(ii f .rtiaJ :Mt«*»ll nt iia-f rat«*« an 1 vlaltwl PortlaaJ oa caU? mala a vtalt to t^alr frkaJa la tbla C. lakt-a. A ua* Mpf A l»#' Tha vert »ue wtra wall •a r- fei PrwtWat It vm J»- Elmer CjU eel wlf« have m >ve«l to Ml 1- parta thr 17th p'ara. The foll »*la* It-f>a)lUaa delcgalra at Arr*«r: ALIKRTI Al^TM. Cim. Minu aalb >r.iallv« la *l» A. dk loUrvale. l*c%i Mr. A'**an l«,r TyUr. of N#»tm. Mr* AV*»tt, roitbrr of A. Abbott, tha coBfrBtloa at Portland Ta*a- • ha« ^o at at t*nde«l > v» tb« autaa of ib« •»!teal Mr* K who >pplnf < ■ •• f-(v1 Ittrc bl« • »Ur. Mr« Br**Ua y 1) haa Wa of baa Wn grant- K Kae**U'a, baa iiru. «#• • I, 11. a., .» r • ilblnaalf f'.-i I'U'vlllili Wllkin4»( Altr.1 B- an. of B Mtna. ap«aa «tth tla fr»*a«la of an I k*»t» bona* for her Aulrvw* aaJ IrviM > foal •l«B'*r ooath, eipacta lb»t aal part at BOB at- r»*|wrirallT pahl*1 Hrawllr, r» a back Mra. r C H *o 1* flaltlnj frleola Toe vacaccl'a uuir l by the mill at.' \h« P »rt *b«1 tt.1 h»r«. Ilia oaticf la mik:ai julr* Portland or Whitman and J >!io A II •« » I ••.ft i.n t i'. (» *L*nj «a blow* >p*« >»o» la hla loot* Wool la a»lllag at J0r»ata par pooal. Undince Ju tga • MM llll -Mil lif f»lf ll -an attended tba 8laU Cootrn- «rn tbe drletfitea af Irt J-»haao«, ui otter*. Ila.1 at M*. ••»! haJ r»«ltUJ la bM not fw*a anjr rain bera for a A M K K«<4 filled by l*illw>a STORE Tbr If'tt Mra Aania of WaahtagUia. Tb«r» m pur DRUG Lyach. t#r«* l"»s •*•*« hf r*t»>n NOYES' • U< »ar» a?»a a ah >war. Uon at Portltn l, Jon* litb. W II Wbltcomb and Herman L- Horn* V I' rt at 1 aa 1 otlf |M fkpKlrtl 1 »ag Uat. aot ll»| al roar |n« una ItHuNbfi «•«•■*•« k towq (owtlof. Jon* I'.'.h have bad their h>u»« a Tbe ap- mi IM fKtk >4« of '■*»«» Tv« i'p af pii*il«r «i* w h«*ty 8(wlal painted. I*t •' M *l« IfM ataallaff J M aol/ W will ilrUa aa imI l**.ltac If* HortiihWiiM Maine. '-MIU* r ■«. »> T->•• Itftiatt la much Improved. IWOxMr ^lo«Q Clraf lb* NVwry. Norway pearance kin aovlk North-WVat tr*m from L >ck*'a Mill* t» Ad lor* that Jaatlo F.verett will lor-l aal4 In* I*iii i|M*l»l, u4 Norway, ■ Ml M t»*» mi of »»fi bW- to la thla npr«-«a Ii I* reported ■ !«*»•* |!ui Th» taarap* ro*t|aa» prevail >n%« Newcomh U tick. woiif ttrM 4»«T**a mi thirty N Mm Tb qalt* rr via Kut Oatbal an I lltoorar. •b re bit meat market Ilia leg ta n.|» of th» ab*t- '1 a« Mr a* lo kll« Sir Af t UM «I t W«:ur |'iw»ra an 1 II >»»M up-n ••<1 •*<•« r«ii fr«« Ik* »»fi| Jaro'i II »!t a health It 10 macb Im- la Mr a<> in-tiled that be la able to drive mrat <| ha Ul * r»aa II I'. tro>k. kmiIM. AM. ar» b»tb vvr? til with lb»m. Carl (ar l|« * WhotlNlkl Tfciir«t.iB he b**B abl* to a nlc« IImw ruiniii »ni|h (UMt proved that bu plant a'iMUt town. lk« towa M Xw«if, *m t£at.!*r !• •:•<» tick. Oxford. n mut'iii rol* (l>»i«:a qatu i*a. on ikn» w, IWmw m«« DEAN At from Hoath Car rart at arar IM laa I of I »r«y BABY l a n !.%•. f Mate cotartUot b«l»l tHla B»h»r ku rtliriA] wrnt to D Mtoa i ibnrt Tba of Oaford County Mtf Holt, wbi phyalelana lake tbla autnm«r. MKIk »1a«t r*la- Norway. «'th. an 1 f .rtn-1 aaaoclft. th«na* aortb but I »*bW «i. J, •*.!,« J mm, |M1, «r«k, T 4 Momwrdt time alac*. l* la W<»rc«v>r vUUIbk u fast. Il» m4 Iflrfi rut, Ul roll. *UUWmi witb IIB4.1 »■ f»<, fir tr» M wlnw I •• Aaron Tborlow improving llm«* b»r N |(..„ t |?M. •»> \ Mr | u«i A K a«l« vlaltlac bl« ilaujhwr. il id, to be etllNt tba o«'.»r; Cxinty Mall- Mirllf UtW !•/»»»• tail, |«««|? tt.i r»U lb* W*.| mJ ,«iw l bf U»# ■»!»»• /*»■!. n. |l.M, pfMtJtat tl»e« baa been cotdaed to the boua. f ir aaveral «*4»U U1 Ui» !• b.«b w l ••ll>w:n« offl Hwiw ilur I»»m, lh« luiwr Mir*. t.» I'obt'i It..• .f-if»; |lr*»tr«ia«, tary Ktf. Mr pMtor !•«.• i*li mrr lb# Iu4 if I»M WfW I kia <|«M» • to 1' irtUn 1 V wreka. •iiuIm Mil, lw**lf WiCW I* m«»| »n | Mil WU» IrM vmtloa. h%« (<>•• A. Vlto I'w A TVu ■ i»| vtfr ••• '*U«I! >pi»] rt* at M' th xll»t rharrh. ravle call* tbroacb tbla I'r* I. Il»r«»r, Oitor»1, i al. Ui i'« *»<■«■ Our** on* r.»l. bar* riiMr«»v V. 4111 [i<»i 1 I.. I'll*, )uuck- p ia la- bi* % ir» k «»ri »•! ;■ «u tiki, tol» It I* tvtUa* dry. dry of l)«i laat TimiUt Took dla* ibmr* »i iflh *i«'y ♦ «ht !'*»**♦ an>1 thirty •< «b*« 4ft»r • mimi h lb* I *•»» ItUi* (iffnaril the fbml Huia'-lan Ka • b«i b«r Umr* tiU Ifct UU l<*f, » part V>r«»r; ICt <<••«, (HMirfo I, t'ryeiMirg. young aoclety of la trek **•»•» I. « a, i *. tW.Nl at. ! rata. pcople'a bia* raai r«U. Ihrae<> Birth forty tl«M all »»*r » kaJf «0* tr» h. «,« \|*> t'*<. i«|. l*V*a ft. irMKi It a~di«* nor at W tb* achool la • alfM *•»» him fc»«f irul* rutJ*. p*talut«. W Garyvlalt*d M IIuom, luw*«r, anl llurtllo H'omlbury, at the raailet church Ihea* aorta aitty < i' ii mn.l ll»i«i<<4rt f mm* oa Ut«- thla year deavor L'alv. ■rra* aat *i(M 'htirll K».r la t W, 1*J »»l»l * -.rtlttlt Itw*. Il<>»irc will *»rjf > «• < which b- went to tba to »«ki«wr,| MI4, 1 lb. II.' I N |, aft*r Cull. llearce w»« chosen at tbe ia l ihirtv aliu'M «*•! altrtwa r<»t« 4mh mm tlw IW 4mb af M»Wn l» »vj trial, J'.|, m oaeal IIjo. II. M. 4»frw ■ ilhaii •mhUWMU IIU r- ,i » >)« • eh'tald ha aa forward l A m " "f ia II *w I .1 •> .1 it I lb# If haylag h 'tiwul Vr atl M'« II IV Brown lb* of LtHor are to incm- Um nlil ra*4 of#t Ike liii) •» Oiiir faM. II.* •./», !•*,. ., !!. <•«, bm I I I, l«p»ftt Th« KaifhU preparing tb« Oiford county aa>l IU». b M U^b li ,« r m i* H" » .. m r • two » 1 b# somewhat «-»!. r al a la aa^4 a I uC.«r Urt «»rt. 11 thv of th* late Ara Brown) to a a atora below >a>*ara«mf poiat • I N»l.t» M J I... '.i, t i*l, puth i »>*rea»*.1 parraUi up two-story tmlMlnc. fx r Hiata committee. ira*r of Jtil'n I I. • 21, |>|, * 11 pa*, of the lupabllcaa wbma tba aoath Hit c II an et l a in! ciiiolf them U now on Uuiki m b4l comfort to 1 » ball ab >te Tba lumbar n Ot-o. L Ural attenda tba boa bear* anwlh rUbT 4rfrr** an i fur pn4Mta| »?'• 8umo«r. ii lUpubll- a#, lb* w*mi »f |lu ai m/ «uU«, II.*» Mr. „| r 0 retrain Brother*. of Norway, bar# 4n lul Ira roJ*. ib#rr» aorUi I >r lUbf t *rau «0I m|i K Utilulay, Tb* K tbe lot. coo contention at aa cae of tbe aiiaalra aril, • • Au>ara, fialtad at CbUago : J M ul A. ** IHaWI Low*, of Kaat f*Bc* aroon 1 tb* ir «awkrr rviaraad m biIm To Warrant. tsa;iUt anl »l.l u fXMM a it>a rm iiuoa. I.%n*'e bate moved to t« a< brra ate talk- Hii.ltitii^MiwU w !•»»•«• «.■«•» A IM. H »>««■ WfHt Bothol. Cyrue family Ray- A company of Norway I Aal w» alao pray V^iAm nit>U« i< fMf, If mm* pnrn ImI. Ktt'Ml bM orcaaUtd laa-l or Mr*. All** ka»*la« "Ui b» fcntafc~l < 1« A mond. M' L la low, brar *•* *• "*k Uba*. K»u»ia4 paJifraa -11< u«|m>; (KtartaJ la i po«uI ir (' 0 Boa- *rrr welcome abower la la profreaa vrry of a to lb« WhIU Muun- tbti lb« or ri a-1 4lN*all*«al al tmr m br *< r*a«u«atta oa«r in S( lUrxf t A ing taking trip paru rv a; Dial Tbe are M »oa ba a«ala l«*at*4aa•lea'rii*4 Haartr HataWtj a.gfct Jtta ».k ■ adeat Krtlav *t*b1b«. aocompanl*-! with mump* prevailing talr.i aoon. bin aaul pat • of Kaat Sutao«r. la ih aapenaU tkla aa Miowa : waa*i*< at -*t ii > m uf \5« tarr« r '.rrk* aey. on M •• Mnllle J^rdon baa been obllg«*.l to tbe brick ille Mi ywr aui raarrt 4if. ua* ar. aa«l thon1*r. Crop* dry S A. Ntevrna la laying lb«a< * ruaa l'». IK-ruat llghtalac -« tba abota M*nUoa*l rla Ira* ag aw cloaa bar acbool. on account of alcku ator*. tba Dean. ; ^tar. f iaJ HIm>IIii lo daaU w*r* n**»lla* rain very touch. walk la front of Hmllej Brotbera" *a*t*rly br tba hoaaa af l ruaawai i| >.| a fetif*. r* tb* boa tnivlaf. la Ilryftnt INngree Brick aide walka are being lalJ In froal Una mail* af lb* Brat iMaliM, ttlpM- Tb* farm k**p bacia*. ♦at» 00 bt Iha wbara tba laal I»«Ux>k» ia« March «Moe plac*a commeaclaf aaj al tb« foot al lb* ll>IUr lllll, l»r«lln| nackflold, Me., 84,1888. *"*• "M over hla aarceaa la A voU of thanka w%» tsteaded tba 0 pat a*Wr rrwi A* H M l/tcka la happy by A IIuck. at*r h» II »li*f llill 1ilhf t*r«ia*ti»aof u,« ltst«at flalahlnc tb*lr planting. th*aa* I • 1 **• u« oaa of the largeat A K Poal to tbe doaora of the beautiful of the Ad vert la* i I-n alioa Aakl I vtlloa txlBf l*«r I n ■ a b|TA nrdtct of lb* fowa«f'i Jirj captar<«« a ba«a naar. S*ad gm> rally la crnaiaatlac wtIL F W Sanborn, editor laal aaa»»l "" I oa a ach trfj *1 lb* »'■ > » • Valh fr -ra aad lamha can fl tg and Uibla contributed for tb«lr to vlatt bla ru>ta »i«l» an lyiaf *«i'iaily UM l«> a i». Mr. L loat al«ht ahavp fool, if wa bara recently baa g >ne to New Uampablre tkal llay crop prorata** Ib^i*iIm-MM liK' **4 y Mr |4llllai(r« |irir PLANTS ■■ ■■ a a thla fel- aac. FREEI IS f »tab It tba br»aat ma.W imna, ud ha thlnka that Mf *ea.« a>H>«* 4**rn ml war. Steamers. bf laat m >r* mabla abowrra. father. llaaor* will *i»« lb* Portland & Boston your It «u hft« baan removed of I) F. a»4 aitl lb* lac.ti Jfl M EICHAEDSOI.rimM.rASTOS M *44r? MtranjrBt .a U»a httvltof A 0 IW low di I a larga part of tha klllloc. nark worrna ar* on tba war path la Tba telegraph L I'. lUrtlett, Jr of tbe Arm aa I liMMliaa* lb* MM ri*»M LAM ** Tbc >*•<■? tw ottrf Hrllot "M •kill aa<1 car* that Mr aa* of from tbla place an 1 la bow at tba Otford of waa In abut* prtial fur o«i? by tha treauat tbla alclaity. A llb*ral phoaphat* Nplon»yACo, Lynn. Mass., miatl«N havoc that A >na will b« eatabllabed rrtAl K ll'K.T '»r tnaaa.Mt£bWr !■ U« Mua:cl- wa» at>la to a* Norwty. «uin] raaiatB»tiv>«, aaJ tha 'war ma>la with lac tb* crop vary marb. Tuere la macb game JOUM MTVIIAM, baf« rr^.klt* Wfc«rf. r. ** *a.J»r waa far any Bean'a la It may ba attended to Macbaalc doctora and ti Um »ua of fiaally bright «p. bayoad Krad K tv man was lBjar*d la A. 8. tbjdfbt ball between tbe lawyataof « «•»* *4 • »■ I*""** ■ »■ ii# >tb«r bu»Ja It ta« aver aaw la all hta trapping. to ba on IT alia. «•. Cole i.jrd Chart-1 ITATB or M AISK. It J u'ct k, cWrt, BtlB». a macb raapaciad moat rkcltlag aud aklllfal played gami t*ll llim, • •rly A. W. l«nMit liMlitl, |»«. H.>r<«i*r, »prt»fA*M. •A3 ■ *4 Ift# i.irt • It Salam. Maaa la vlalt- foraaooa Farmers have completed their •owing Oroaad not ejected. ulUltMMf Ml TWk»to l> ft*'- t il commtttcttif Charle* Locke, of t'a of B*tb*l, died Thoraday tbe aamincr. yet Vjw« IM (>«tltloa. Yutk, ri*. Tk"«(k to to t tbla vnI, tha« verifying the Maaa U bf*l rv#»lv*4 Ihtl Ik* |>*IIU«MT« It. MAIM* Ut •atUr .it Witt #tt lAt bia aacla, H M Locka. a tb* of a la«. planting Nate W I> nlaon, of Boatm, 4»»ir l«j U y" l.f lo< whll* jd-Trf >toc BBipatatloa luili|[ Mrtu of f jfnt m» le that wotld not r«maln l*4«lrr ikla IM j tptwif :**** oat eta tot b* Meruit Mra K«*d baa goaa to LawUtoa V»d alck with f*»*r for two waaka prediction planting In the village, lie will iwrwy>nltli.>»jllnl brliml ik*i " 'at it bob b« bafore t&« ml.Ml® of Jaoe two weeka. (,*••* Mtna to ha rttautiblf ctrttit aad Aa*>ara to vlalt frlawda. wbea OB* foot b*cam« >lla«aa*>l from complete bere rw Coaatf >r*l M |M rematne to beeown. TRIPS >-r«"rr'r''- •*WUr ■ «u Jart cu«1 «IU» t fct'fa doctora coaald- H tnjf Hungarian tru* Tb« Han I Concert at Norway Opera ot LioMii riiai U .Horway ou IM l*r>tr-ai* 4k SUNDAY clrcalatioa of blooil. Tba «kxk f corn hare b««g nead to a waa attead af msI • ! Ua «l Mm f mi' og twin* ft etr. a caa*. aad ualer llorM plantera Iloaae laat Friday evening well 4*1 A«(kM lb* p-wtal North Pana •rad It alffl'tat hopeleaa j u4 IkMM U ik* Ik* j**' at eitent It la a great labor A. M >fuw-l BOSTON t au Ut oalroaa of a loat uolb«r at tba *ara*at ra considerable ed. Tba ban I did Itaelf credit. la l»M law VISITORS TO qatrr*! Aalrvw* 4 H.»b b«»* took tb* anpautloa oaly | r»MiU —iMW |»4lll'>*. > «* A of ol l*« wUl t*4 » lm Um »i air, ti* airdtr**] mat. «aa itioat an- »a« h«lf*r iiJom of Mr. Valeatla*. eavtng piece machinery. 4i»Ulv «n«r «klfk »tr», • k«iil«( cow. mik dc two cow*. qa**t Ham- na» tuam- ' T<>a Andrew* haa aold hla bora* to of Mr 1*4 lUlr •ill b* k>4 «l a«r uj fetlot ta tbott >atb«. New Vurk Trl iune »*y» artnrti flty- coll. wttam a f«w a> Dean'a broo Tba Mat la IM *lciallr. aa4 tack otl»»r 6 AliltflD net II Irleb and boaght Hob. weak. Intel plM' KIMBALL'S, Street, to oht«la b« la la ih«< uwialiawaviKball A hu b»#a clrral*to«J Clavelaad | "Morally Ukra tbr iifiilMH mmi, p«p*r South Bathel. co. Tom ba la a bit coatrary. Ikal avlk« II1U. Wr rw| •'•0 SltlM N »»%J A "»'1«tnT ' % cow to ra- aaya he la weak. la • xecattve blan MrtM*r, A»4 It l* Nrtktl «r4*r«b»t to Mr Laaa bay writ to Saccate Meadows lactaallf Uitoa—k ImM mMi. T»rm« hr nna Md mftt>s.i>r v«i m w*ll *»•••■ »t .i d* BoV 'iM aolectlua of t>».i uea fur cm :e. taj>Wy»•: Krl.Ujr elaa. KUia Kecorl, b« b« I* air W la «Iim> h» kltrf 1*1 >iuiita l*f7 tcbo it Wr«t area wbee he k or w ib«m to bad, liUrtiM by caailaf aiu*l*4 wykid Hunn food cow bar* finished planting It condltloo with the aaae dlaaaaa, puritiua* Kiur. vil I m *tit»>« IU ra- People Drftflf vlangerous >o« of mUImi aa4 at I bla or4rr IktfMl la M tpw. jftwMMiVil atrflu 111* y to «tt Waabbarm baa that Jown tot bat the weak Jo hla hypocritical profe«jl ••14 jw Haary beea Uu an J backward, crop* out IM t i»rk al ihr ton of of >t baa la of danger. coaree m PfMl- mkiI •(•»« (White itUftU U u*r oa reform, which hla wool* to Ihraa ^ • paJra kia #Mia*. are looklag w«M bow. Artbar Lowell uaea Charlea E Kaoi'a Mar««f u4 •!<• |>Ml((l ap ptiklk *m»' a« fjf Ja tb» r» U a IMi >!#• a bask wall hu be U weak." Bat ilirta y Mr Wwh'uri la balldlag with hla famous I'atch- deal coatradlcud, plaaaa la mI4 lo«a aali*kil J. •union, Macbeth, Gab caedl1»U fur la IM OafuH !»*• EVERY GOOD FARMER !*7®M*«Mt. vntu« by Li««uaaai IMP tktw S him then he la the Cofrlea ■nil wmnlwly "'»• *a mara. al rarU, la aai4 •ki Ui ■*•<) iu K •» > N wuri K«rr •«« A Co. k*wp tha a«w la lluoo. the rreeldcacy, aad BritUh mtaafectarere •rat. a a*«t|»|>«r prlai»4 J ¥ Lr.tiabaJa Soma that Tim Lant la a raahar with rwaatf al Hiiurl, IM Irtl af ♦•14 |xMI»all»ai >B« wblch in done aay fir r la Utta will aap> J*»"hi (•»*»r*l fwil-p1®®*) p«rui Jaof alllleataa, o«r p*opi« motiljr planting. aad ix«bU coaalry aa4 *Mk al IM utk*< a«llr*«, la M aia4a. wnt4 ba tad sowed cornea the road machlaa. war. Mlarr it!4 llai« ol by K f I Lto«" .« % :n«r« ''at :• aaid to ap tba alaewa of (•4 Mal*4 at kiti thirty 4ayt «**•• >: e.T k Everything planted haa a fonr old mart, af- ply Tootb Harrow, k-. » « Ad Ilobarta year la ik« «»l ikal ail aa4 corpora SpriJi ,( »» la ••.*•<& for b;« ■MUai, |«r*oai Perry t to tba f rowtac plaat eery qalck tklaeprlag. and «M« c*«m MK«T. •THOWMBVT i»l ft* atlaalaat stream* and ter Dean, that ahowa a floa gait, Ul*r«K*4 1Mb* at; 1Mb «a4 lMr« •n-»-r aa4 MnNUIIi* »>1 v&trt li i 4«tor «( ftre plenty la oar Baby 4w Mtirrien w.rt u ».i ••mu. Troat It la a trot- la Ik »»t Mf«,«kf IM prayer al a*i4p«(lltok*r« i»CMA«LB. v« r»U bet Ad «aba*ltAtlngly clalma that A'lcfttiiitf • ptUM Bf4UlM ptralUr UaailM; It tk« Hrtti Dn'I «t:d Uw« bite drat NnnJaya, fc.r o,e» t,. aot M Ii itori Uw NIWT lltirv* prtmU they eajr th*y m » k h tl* nl k.lit «y, •MaU irtaM. Upton. tar. |>fi-rv»..r Clark. l« • I tbe reet of the week. aae Wrlfcl hiUiui A Ural; ALIIKKT fl. Al'STI*, fell try dry. TbotifaoftbooM'a] to tha wtfa ol rather laiy a*l ior*, tt i*4r«*J II* £•'>•«•«»• JaaaCib. la of » crop Irw at ukt frliUoa «kj onfcr ol Loufl >"l B>m. Uptoa, of Polaad, ta In towa Tbera promlaa large tppli •li ••• U five Umm who fell to* M »«w|>t4 A Copy T*r»itr iKTOM.'ltbli a Joeepb Dargta, SALE BV y** Mr F VT Br**/, Uaghwr. O. lie la thla locality. W4U* ft+». ih»i u»r »>r ley U Wfcn |.«r. FOR «u«ly «r«UM if b« ta aow. hi* nephew, A. LoveJojr. AtU«l A I. MKT A. AL'STIN Clrrk btpfWM tba lakaa U poor vteltlag to tha farm- Urn* Wrtlte* e»e Hh- »»•! II. We eertaiel/w«*Tl 1 » < Fiahiac at qalta ae a taaa of A rain woald baacceptable TIm f • >f •»*. •■. 11* bM bat vlgorooe th». Ail.oboa '-ha n.-w la Wfeare old, hlllMtUUL ll h; Mil fM ft«a HMWflhM. HARROW i un'rr«tt#.| w«-nt n«himr Ba ara at thla time. SPRING TOOTH "•"■•tUcan #. ofcv«r*#, tb.t at tb« 'irt* ■■ MMAtfi been N. DAYTON BOLSTER, aiMowr) taaftaa Wr flrat trip to-day. flab la Thoaa chronic who have ut otW. MM b« MMi an to«- ke aeeer bat foar bla grambUra tafer* t urrhMiaf by ,!f K(«pt kwk« mora Ilka th« •aya caagbt tha corn Tewa. * Tba wMilMr to day Mother fallara of ahop H««va IbMl KN7EL0PES SO. PARIS. W*» «'j1 » • bocana* predicting LAWYERS' CUIH yr«r p«y a a# Tba wlad U II*. * tbaa J thla ara c«a«lng their croahlng. Tha It it tW r«rr»«t r»p"»Tt abeel Kf»p'l *o bita la omm of o«r f*« laHWunakar bad a ateer get baag la the rear W. ara abowara qalu C. V Browa of Ita old ter ihr«ei a»i leaf* U ■aklat.eeiee ft W. FARRAR, *' ^ kird aad tbara between two corn la under tha charge at tlio te eta itt o«S Mawlaf bla leg ahop r«r»« »ke trveMfl will for Sale in any t iltp ito«i by alipplag la e.tfi quantity, MAINE. paatare >ar and • ft!;lent manager, Henry Nolty. It mi SOUTH PARIS AND PARIS HIU, Mi 1 •»» .l.-rrj 01 »«! to I •IWa bad tela there f daya. lie mm tknmi. Mthau. hr—eUtU 1 Bill wa dj lb< rocha. lie M|ta, Letter, Vote, HeadingsM um •* >o, "Wbat aball Kx Hrmonda and Col. wUI a trial bettie tr*t Prist*) M «UKk, at l#-» prtem. •'» * 1 Tb» <a. Maeoa. Holmes at Home. OUR PUZZLH CORNER. HOME MAKERS' COLUMN.

lilt WlRItllor ECLAIR! ( orra-apnaadaara on pfMllmi toplM, raal»| THEY DID ,1. IIO I.I UK 4BT AMD ter thia Itopartmant abmM property uft l«r lk« h«*>l of UUa nilama, U a«» Will M*«e the Season of Hair t» «M»t Um wiiiuir, w. u. fear***. Eaat mm llr Itaal. A-Mraaa all ro*aNtunk>*m»aatnta«Oa«l Hhal? liirwl among otlitn Um 1888, Dress the II >ok Ma.) « to » li'.x of 1Tb* Ruf«r | !t» rlnali- mt, artiu««l llofRHMllll f lluvitic. TbrT wril*: M lk« at ita n>nn>». m Vid Aj^r'i ililr Vl(w». V» NII UaN<« M«r. la I la, H- within (wo montbt Dr. •< iiul M» iVoirai 4 »•. < ltvinnaiio, | Although Mo. kvaHMtl rffr. »• oa Ilia alp, Rumforcl rolul, i -»«*'» rtcrcaa wwi. January mk ( will enter bit eightieth r.iHNfH.1 It kr IbK r>- h »»• llolmet upon lMtlR| |mi fulM AlhVaK Pill* nml MW lit*# in J20.00 to Warrtnt. IW ktlr aoft Amv'aalat>r Kllan la • ipUlataf to her Tablo Mat*. p«> l an.1 aa4 'Ipi'i'i* I n<« «( each flaJt him at bit de*k T#rmt, ««ml MM a«a. Il k*r|« Ik- I uKt«t livikl akin ImUhI aith year, d*y a«w book. 1* itoruM, It (Im la her putar* Mala • rhilu of 1i alllcbea. «l Mil t> hM IkMl lnl *»». of bit Beacon Hill By IM Km iHa fcf X«rfv« mJ Mlkaft, h»»»it»» |«*«tau pkUrt* the lumriout library PWI(r»« »D««rr« b* fix»■! ill h W Mi mmmgt* C Mir Mi twmaaa may lH>a ilr crochet all around to Iba fe-gla- it fm talMaf, aa«l, M Ifaf Hi' M, >»• Rrna ii, • bom#. Hit lift tyatematically Mm** H M r««M i|M« '••k Wil •• rttfc* nan«ofth< artlci* a >oat which aba la Ull aa>l turn tba work. Tlura U our daily in a a«* |ru«ik alag l.U'iuj Mk. ha i to bit 4mm — m» —»»*>. •nk Uli, proflMMn The it given '»« Amy •Utch lb« book ; Iba book bark tlUlk'fa Wla ■ Mi Wokth divided. morning Mif i«. apoa pal L llall Tht amiabili- "T« or(|li»l A'*t- WUt la that lltlJa animal In tha ibroagh lb* laal loop \t>r<>u^ti which Iba iM"1* attentive German C. W KIIBAIL. Ik h»l I irntil correspondence. h».r. wUn |>r»m»iur*lj oomr of tli* t «u I'll la ir* amall »ih| and ibit r wlUl plctar« colloa drawa, |al iba colloa o?ar tbi Alk-kchn-na l!olm«t it I uw uae.1 to rated la a trap •.bra Iba roltoa ofar Iba book tad reputation TRUTHS THE SICK. pal ■ §E^'KfiFoHhu to •••I in- r ll«rr nunfilaUl*. ilri|»(«it, f>r. J. II HCItBNCK publlthod who have no claim whatever It k« rating Iraw lb* two bo ik IkM J-« • ,N)r-W!iat through Io»|n apoatha tirailar Aril) ELADOUATE perron* »• ! ! Efficacy l|i,'rali-«n, r»Hta(ip«llii«i, l.», A KKW to him through iU f*»'» > Tobacco Tobacco y \,%—Hornet wben I hav* If >n I! m*M> hint whUh. —<1 C Iba row of oa lb« oaca lUla uf bit attention impoae upon 1 I of Ik)* pffjHft'1 "—Mrs. r. loop* »tr Tli»» 'II likr a»ar that llinl on m mi aaler. mU> • my ia..alh acb«. K the mil lo iba and however, he hu bad lut, AWaanlna. Ia ff* li»/ eliiNf Mta lifr ami ilfanflh, MOO K tbe mail. Of lata, im*«, II w,.ttur | »«'.rut a roe It at all. LrtiM " r»tn «lih y r prttnan.W for Ntlig Crocbit l«lt« In rwb of Iba tbrea »la« wnl Cui« of and l*t- | «m aHI.. '"I mm thrw a^J tnrMta 0# IW lr*l)llM nilio.| J4r- on lh« Tr*tltn«nl an amanutntit for an a**i*t«nt, out iat la that be*l I "* 1 diwtw Mf Uair «m fallln* tig MM rrd -d tbr luf», M. •*!•»> Mai- Wn ■' •ralp »rrt to ttranger* in bit own handwriting G. H. PORTER r*nulK* In mi »~alp d*» I South Paris, Me. la t (rw w**k* iMt •trapping (mt rat la«t wlaur. drat roar armad lb* rati lolnapp»ar«-l What la that oJ«i locking trr» ? iba roitoa la froal of lb* book In the — ( H K, Mima, Ilrttg Waiter's vote* to receiving hit friendt. t »fk fMlM I'. H t'kurva, the it lighted, \ t 40 Different • arm tllroal*. wh*ra th« man lltea *h»m a at th- eod of tbU row wbrra waning lamp liopi; Oris, «t Kinds, ** I wfl'twl iM *allia ihroagh loop near- s A lr« »»%/« v<* rort to on tha atrram | look* over the latett book*. !•• Wot «Lf n( letter I'acl* Opal .lay tl coma)* nr-d, umI draw the colloa Ihroagh Holmra I I'M* of nil hair fr«»«a IM »ll>rU Metal DYSPEPSIA t tool »1WM», •< What la that nn lb* b *ob J •lalug all of which fk if • *• From &lc. $1.00 I M|«»l tMt Shingles*")^"! will tM to *11 ly ctvlMin h" 1. r, which FREE I *aiini ia raia. iTw f row. come to him mail, .« «!•• '■ r»t*atr iM ll I h»|ai llfthto lo inr of th**« iIimin), j K' l(» ViiK, from U« drawa throagb, pui li* colloa or»r lha opiniont. Tho Best Assortment of wa all I rual 11 OMMM ti ul« lt«%t. »i»*«aai ► I TVM1 NfuAiirl, work* in l k «ll- Will u«t • I m» r th«-a> LICK, Ik* p«t • IW'I '>•« •»»••«. #ii* •• P*'/*'*' pr«»m, where are atored foreign In Oxford County. W»'l »r ■«!••» 4>aiaa«». «*miK Ttf 11} y<* I aa aatmal the one W<*% at ilaa tei|««urat>l* iit in KlU*—That la Ilka «t»wa th" al ia |o tba idh-r end to the attic with w I'rorrrd rttHNtv* fw» i»»««««i«f »• tr*«« language*, up til kHlifM it. ha<1 wh«n lltwl on Wnt. • Hair Vigor, papa ha Kay —crochet twioa In tba Oral of each of tha OF HFF U M— cmb« mr A«r«.o.ii: *•••• numerable and amaller boot* Ayer'srairaao it What la th« aalmal la thla two atlleVa la —• *** nn»+i+- liN. pamphleta .4**— plctare? Ibrra l.aopa thai M pal // a library w««M oa toaa with /J, W D» ranged on abelvve, iadittributed wJ wt at M « i Or. J. C. Ayar A Co.. Lo««H. Mm Klltn—Yoa hop yoar lh»ai. tb*a co oa to lb* tMglialii of lha ffi' wiif, h»—<»»» (If Sulphur Bitters. Ml »-•' «Uk f«a, i»i I If it w«r« all tboaaand volume*. Inv p«lrt. V w4 IVfaaw*. Wogbt flv*a yoa. row, aad tara o»*r Ibc mat a* bafor* /rncjttna{ of nearly M4 J iTujfWia ftla -iat in that to which It la attach- iba mat Bufl}cl«i.l KNOW Potatoes for Seed. or hundred medical .I»»y—W Coatlaaa uolll la of THYSELF.. r~"~- • the*e, ait eight «, M m#h • •«, IM pi*. Tit* iib>nt»> Im* lib* rtrwtlM ad? •la < were to the Boetcn elys mm i<« «.i i »m > iv4w fJL, I; m, flUli'i alwli ha w4*t% la Mil la d*WK| work* recently given mm It la Ktoa umij catarrh Ktoa a<*<'«/>, Hat oaa I and maka to * RAISINS! RAISINS! Kor Iba bordar ptaa top H 1. <«•('•(.*r MM|0* fr»» k| Medical while another package la ratty la Freach, I faar. In the I flva tc atltchea. I'aaa oaa • M» mi. N»M «»•. TWIM4 %H library, ihI N dti mrM in t> tn'lv* tt |W N^H%. between three and four hundred bookt CiClM EiLI II I HO IM Ktii 11 It and faatea dowa d c la lha a> *1 BURBANK SEEDLING, EARLY OHIO, of l|*t*. loop by *1 M«l r*. U> «* |'(l K'l 1W\.IW» h waa to the Koaton Public k -A MAK an I no oa aroand Iba nil k», Mm |w H I' %KK kN. p«lww «/ ll*r- EARLY SUNRISE, SNOW Fl AKE, aent library. Cn*n«M»<» the X .Wtkto'O w*m «« ». w (MX* MU t (• II.—word Tb» of tbn t haln In lb« 'Mai* of •Wf>, ft »•«'• i»wl>» Ifcafam, of Holm**'a bonki Pie Meat 3 to 7 centt -"*•» • I'.O W W .« *1 rollx.i 4 I lllln, N EARLY ROSE. BEAUTY OF coarn*.■»■■ fW ¥wv are in hit ttudy, tht room Ut* ISiti >' 1 I I r• ff « u>l In pod miki » chain uf all. toil Ikh Ml. WtM •*« II Mill. STATE OF r. Imi)|>i»| kf • Ort*»n !»*»••* il dog HEBRON, ao with ita HAyftvti £. In fl wr often deacribed, tpaciout ?! »m ifi 'ti. J{. name fnaUn t >c«tb«r Cruchrt t*l<# »*«ry | I A g« graphical & one he* a One th» al« >lni* f->r wi MAINE VICTORY. window, from which tlio S IU- y A henotiral gartlra fl jwar. 'm p !**lng Vou CONSUMRTIVE bay. C the cen- > Cafe Tfi" coitus •almoin U |)'iur'« N>». view of the (?harl*t Kiver. In at- r> « t!.<' i.«. I P. C. Briui Tea & Store. 4. A J »lnt pw>t»»«, ««»->«, Imit«m 11 Pr>cc, 33ctt. p*r P«h ; p*f Bethel, $1.25. f.»or tb*r»!• A book •rotil vnuagh tu tOHIO • .«*-f M d <*k at J. O II N. fOINCIR tre of tht room it the pwt't of l'**Ui ai 11 ai«kr ll nboald b* ••#»! Tbo South Paris. Maine. fry cumptct f # 14 »lfM> M c4 I • IWwl IWflk IM work it >rm*d. >l M » I fllMMaft 1 >« which hit literary perf Stnnll. •UUtiri tu Im c roc b* 1*1 nil lb* llis* u* Im» lf»W I t"'■ •Vl Ml t»l »!■•••» So. Paris. »i». mwi 4. k. «W>| WmHi—». H. F. Morton, H it not the "den" that up>>ti tb« h»« k uf lb* mat l»U*r**n.» la mu| <•*< iwif lk>w ImD) If typical literary ••••.. U* tiMf »«• •* IwtM'ililwM t«o. MMS*0 cru the viaitor find*, but a large mom, (! r) # ».■ fc. n »« i. «* |i m !•*»« • I* • i«m« *> '• X MVtft*\i «> : •• Mr 51. I* • »"» o»»fn! m»til rb* t, tb« book '**■>•«( In io» utitalJ* t»*t* mm w —4 >»■»««. Im. M i»«ii4> with evidence* of 1W CIIHE i IAY-FEVER plnc*«l New ri mii in itt furm«hinga, A H'l"* »• •»■••••* »> »•< * «*t mi ■ Ik* V*Ml akrtn mwi»w> l|« >1 r.». 10 14. » u «»rk »l « ?i. thai»w» half uf »wk loop, i»l th* Ivnnl Something care *n >>■< «W*w « A»»rv • w4 t«w>i U' t«'p»f la ft i> m.l uf rici r>«til Tb* licr»Mlag* WANTFD U •rrupulout ##M«. KLT Hi: rTto *„ i* one of the moet m t m <■» «■* APCIITC hand. Dr. Holme* ■i. s»w ton li »m»i •• k*«% »ifc w» « lit My : « 13 Mm boat. tl«, nf cu«r«*. if tarn lk« torvN, n> l tb« A NCW ft AUCll I O BOOK, men. Tbe l*|M. It M M IM Ik* bl> .l||" »*■'*. Ik* ku My 12. M. 7. 5 la aly iriraatr roun>l* ar« no • c twfora turn Patent methodical and careful of coop^UU by Foratiill IK!« CliAlna, The Adjustable im» t, ar Ik* lmr»>i o. «i h* k.. li Km j««* My II. IS 9 :» idrfto happy. r>nck Lingley i'« «*»n'i AHL ruu NcHyuuS7 PACIFIC R'l tag III •il'h.t llu.aaii, IW >»rr ik IM fold pen wi«h 'jnll ball*, bmmm »*»i**4 ti mi ml •»♦»! «, CHICAGO. HOCK ISLUIDA If. IT. I. I» U a.»®ettm*a a~a oa tla I*. >* !• • IWt.fc f I A I » •! #'»» kw»«|Wf UMi to My f..r,«ry ,'MnL • the "Auto I» Mtoto m4 Ww I—hi** CHICAGO. • Curtain ith which "Male Venner," »•*• «»Ur ftft-l loncliOM It la mt ui IA« dla imm •<■41 ml • ryMM •! Ill I V» inMIIT 1*4 IB ■*1 tlm n«f»' Uk** V* k«| i4bn, wt MM rnuUA. Mount, hvi uuAnn davxm Ditrntnl Not Curtain*- Hanger. A ri«| Irta W IW and the moat famout of I * n wnwiwl r- * : I'M BLl'rr*. «v» a«r UbW ItMifft M|Nt. Tin* BK3T for rrat" iMifittun- li NOIXU COOMCXL can Ifitl II u» THING KNOWS, papert, 1 Very prvtty ciruina fir cbtiatora ||m mad, m»win Ikftlah were • •* *1 CAT!UK. lAHtAl CTTY rr JtwH UAV- Tb» *bol« la to old bat It la aot »■>» • the other work* written. hmJ imimn. S- hkH m r>»* kt aty lag; • • on*«l |«i■»! —4 Itririlf wMt< CurUin*. TU»» future author't n w> ATX * C*1>A» kArt:«. (m ma*t# darning tot, nocb In han*?int* your writ lit* by 11m, I mimm Mil* uMinl. Smt* m4rwl re«t «* W<« •« *M »•*»». lh» «n«« tra«. ■ on a ■ft I m* U*«...... at ran !*» or takm It** b • !■« »« ^»k fa* •ml Curtain put carefully wiped, • f|wn in l«-»« than on*' minni*. Th« braid* a ink*tan m< kiM It* Nillt O —4. Alt *»»— I cryatal W «0t "■ K linn *+•mm k|i i—in k ikai *f Ik* IV -UTVUti MCartTftTMMUk old or rr»«r « will n Ail tri— MLh u>l»> A IK. lUtll <4, imm. tbe Intf pait «■ sf gol.t nlagU »»pt»r, on aide along wall*, IM to l*UM r«M «i— Fto* Pu " U «f the «-*n the whole ranged every j1 |M v*«r i*l iiAf W »-bn»n. A I lr»*» to* f*r un Ml tow*. m ly an rdgra ran to b> raae* within tMVMt DM( "•-pbyr NiMttn^i r~n »«n »4 MTrwH n » to while three movable atand wttb <»r tto t.» in. nail* I MM t ft OMtl, nM irtanr.t lac« ndglng. tiling, put k J Ilr gar* nay ban kmty Mmm fti one of the** atand the rd|M «aJ »l»ry »>nll »n no m tl»«» w •»I w »rk eaay reach. In 1 tb*T cnn fo» nuiknl In araltopa with «lriv«\ ai mki iIm *•*< II.* bfttJa w»r« rtM|b fta any injuring A •wl bul«» aitub lUra n atrip* nt*»«l d»* ur about tin- window *t nil CAM. AND bnoka moet conaulted. A. J. JOHNSON & CO., S. frequently alt lacbm la wl lib la or aaiM, or the the A Nrbfttka R polnU, Km glance at thrm ditcloaea Bible, Chicago, Kanui y ——— IXD8KB iHEM Uaoa ilet A NEW MAN. lie hft* ft tro«bl* With til* irnvm, tb*n !»*»• n a little w» 1*r on **Cmsi lor« l«i«nd *o«i«." apar* Tone* rdance t.» the Bible, a of the II Watch raa«r« him ao much U> Pulque. of Win low Shales at low copy A<> »«•< *«••• * Great Jones St., Ne» York. lamed. an 1 tiara another an 1 cu»« nxkM^I ISO Ka) very price* *»to»to V««t mJ knttvwl IM Km—■ Ott ntr1p», (T" * ■»««■- at Keviaed New Teatament, Hhaketpeare, • MM. Ukl kl Mf», »•* u ft* «• hobtuh tloo. a until the cartnlon are to b« found ;«ni au*)i S. tbrn# sti||m 1 1 • tWni*' Wkii, A, wi, a of MiU ,m4 It* \m I viQa n niA. iiuuxorua. wichita. a n uf n Familiar (J totati -n*. gloMary — flniehed l»trn m< >ra« T pucr qiirur y%r»( iWa! tiki) »»4 KnrKIXM M. I anl not !>n at It ud tu and «uau —. •Imp. acallop It, pit ton, Jiat of American &ANIAI ADO tOUTMCaU SIOHAIRA llrcaua« It tar J Il ii t iNn' /Wxf, ik-I to Not * IWM etcycl< pa j a lw«k tb* I t«|M fur n lus'imjili Iwui M«l«r u». literature, and indeiee to tbe Mi WtmA kill* (MMM* si Iks 4. H. N. Knglith The BEST NERVE TONiCS < ur I 1 Bolster's, nrtaln* with rlVwna, hand* of .Urn* » < L —totoMtoi ^fcktoM BMtoto— AB — <1 • u, ft' nt«f| and other II* ha J to n11 It ho A'Unite Monthly ptrtodicaU t*l llMlt M-Ull wry n*t cnrtaln* cnn lln*d with r^ur > ■ K. Tbe CUil ( V u i* 1 • 4 > i> (■ ■•' •W. M Paris. 0. irket So. on ««il Mt • «u of boaaa a —. Car I la and Scott rtat ^ Trvc r«moui Albert Loa Routo It lltlaf *d cam'tric, or aritb allk flnWbed ai ngfellow and Thackeray Mi M. PLOWS AW mm Umm CWr Mi II issM|w-to » rtr darnrd c t*b* Klu EY r SWIVEL ao aatraaca to tba ■ the» Burma .*ere, ap! TROUBLES, • re 1<>M* All th« g^at IW Ito Wito>«s\|ttm> »«»■>■« 1A» iimI Tbay fftlartl t I i|i< fcia it f< hy eocyclopi. • r atd lldle* cao t>*dar»rd >>n not •)»' *' daehern. ar» in wia 10 ik« 6«td 9**ry timo. to MIA T AMD OA RT HIT" By blow lag up tba o«ur dia* publithtd bar* and abroad in tb« iao' way tu natch tb* carialoa, and .(I *w» >sirtS«»»storm Immm Mi «. ahalvea near of th* 1 a can own PATENTS, by library propee ■m* (tolnl Mrts to Wl|hh yoang lady fnrolO b*r apart- WARRANTED BR10NTS DISEASE. U'MU H» IMC. 1.4 T'* >• Mwt • art MM st>«r to«M Mi MUM Wbra from *»ll turn njnit » uf her Tb» Amrncin and *11 Ftois Mi »rry ItaUfnHy. y tb* laNur ill .• (to Whm V" u earner* are ■rat, *« «r .k.i. N h*re and there in nook* and ii — ir» J ■ s I'^w n—<|H m«|.I f«TkMto H •)« Niw* ss »» MhWm h «. A- M4XMS Tba wu l«n te«l la tb* ——. How To Jockey Cap • I aid 'mill 'Hi. u I rfilN M M • Ituto Ml r M Mi tims IkMt Oto«.« boy » » hidden rar* and old edition*. "1 ha*» LEVEL LAND PLOW. 'Zrlnil P|W», .Vlr, | Qiurl ran »>.. ft Aa*! io*<>, f»arfal Twine and SeiMora Holder |i« h.«|. f. ST. JOHN. I. A. MOLOQOOK, diapiayiag »»>« mini utri iM >» Dr. "but I do k MEXICAN PULQUE CO., iM few," Hol»e*, I h»v* uUrd OmI Am 1 TM. a Nm Cul nut of stiff all «• ei|»Uin« ItkMM t. «nl|t ty, N. J, nUHUR muii r»r».\r i« »»:n for them." WlCAXU UO. (|f,& • not my fancy • •, tTiMr to foar l*(bM ICIlM* I !• | •***••'i*r Holme* t* C^.Paine'j tft* '»••• of roil Mil lit — ■ ■ il for Um (ruti lb« with SMALLER SIZE Wa caagbt a »*ry cartoaa rip. • •• an t • J. R D. C. tb« baaement Ba.iKia. arsaU p»rf iratrd pin- fur tha lop, LITTELL, Wuhington, in lover Her*, oppoaita tjmbound»• * •• tla »f (\»a»r for t lwrht t#*m tkU apnng CkU ItUtr ptrt* ittttMj for It* •helvea of book*, ia fitted up a amall TVn m m • Boston Steamers. Una Will os <>or «i \e, a Ural a BY MAIL. H»^m> -4^i nkw H tad w* th*m befur* Portland & piKra plaak SAMPLES to which the often b«yinf. abop, pnat #rrw <11111111 A««wui* to i'l-fim <>r L*bt Wiit thraa |u •' ''■* •< •< Carpenter •# flUf l'UM >■ tba otb*r. irru^lni pli| I'lbUnWa, Y llll ,#f r**1 are their whil* )N«td iM Um U>««l •< OLD RELIABLE LINE OnioN <«imi anil light Mar, a 'irtghl r*>t n t l« m f I Wfcw—., all in proper placea, F.C. MERRILL, II I UU HmtUMMlMt, ll N»t!| 1 ant errant r »lor brm beforv the window ttanda a font la the NfulHtn Sou'h 1*1*. Wa*» Wv.rf. M in U parpa One Price Business. (to n# mJl #<« • • ) tV«n a mall ... I m im • l«t »»WUlg »«■•! IrtiK ofrrttan.l, lra«;ng K* k«M» Ml mJhwII •«, M *il Ml (w4* |k( ■ "It ia e*erci«» to tread thia, hi lw*« >• p|ea*ant ii; u'^ak, wrt.»| at tha Cofar tb* tr« »•■«* >i »> Ci«h * "*• « »• Tim f apertara tip parforaUd Rrtdy *ee a ao Tl ||- -1 |4 (Mlwl UlIM I I ar.d it do if work and •• •• InioK rut»l». r«>«rf lha la >r »tlh VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES. neatly," taya Holme*, merry k*U U» •« • • 1 Tfcr- if\ TV I-***- I' x u 1 1) two plw. a of plaah lippail il tha c> nlr« to Itlf w1 «U»' ptf'x k |»1 • •( ^ IrtHM —I f»*»H IMHM a k m4 irf a routi I of with 1*1 pi'C* I ft u S alda, pl*ca paab board ti.i IMI ml Mm («« >ul, i*<{ aral KMflti k; M'mM »«IW4 wofk a* it twirl* through it. And here, I* ItMIMK !«•{ ^ I# H«w Ibla bottom »nlf at tba *m< ■ tMlMMMili U.«n. iIim m4 »»iii in*., In f >* |1 uu, O r t 1 C p!a«b. piara ff#r k|< 1 u* f •» p* ia at a almoat found the genial X i' k 1 K M a, asd faal u It at tba frost with I «p Hoy fifitii >*(1. r»nrsltos l'«t a >»aJl of twlaa Hal l* tba tba >»r<. J .nrf a nr -J 1 3 — l».CoriU iKrCt, O, fat*) We Guarantee All Our Goods car|>enter'* »£IIS MCmtDl v i :■. to* «b*r* tba bola la a cap. perforata p.sab » •• • little >b a* dieereion. VI 3 f H l» I » rffl«MKll V)irJ, paaa tha and of the M Ilk* •>««* • lil (» l L A D L I |XI t*ioa through It, pal a loop of rlbbos so- r>»* iitf «< • trt»i i»l to« y*» WALL & la PAPERS i«4i '■ iIm •»». i«»hl ADMIT 4* Iff Wi«| •1ar tba vlaor to bang up tba rap. ittiHM A Lake Erie Liar. H L I 1* T •ui. ii ymmt wn on th« dock* tba otb«r P K TT T Of QOOdt «Uy tbey Pr«tty work for Isdlea tad elder cblMreo m>i fi i>i*«t. |r 1)4 w*r» about * acboofwr wbicb 4 — Ubltofrr m it mutt —I I I I. I* is *.l f»»n v Im m>l«r« i/i talking la to rut ost allbosctta ptctar** Is black SnowblackV A 4 O I MAlIc eROWN'S M N i«H' to Mil k««« mmmrl had b#«n itruck by ligh'aing on Lakt BORDERS •oil wblto with loag-basdlad, ahtrp point- • ih |>tl irrHiaf i/i«tifii>i( w« tMapl**. • when tha out ft* in £T«*t vmnetj. at A maaafarmriBrf titt-vorktr ID bb »-1 >1 idu »ra |n or W to do U»l». tba Sac* K'i*. reporter *ing'ed pair of ar.»< • old head ftDtl T*rtu« iikijI In tr* it»«» pa »llc V) com* to I WMIf Implaisrnta—a EASTMAN BROS, & BANCROFT, • bald *aid— 'iIk k traaafrr and Mf bU W.r« (fklrt. pip«r, tracing paper, ••Captain H—, it twrni to me !'*• lra«iag point prsktlfa. drawing •tJliS'if'thi'SfockiiX N. Bolster's, pescll, # rea 1 or heard of (truck Dayton Impart*** of tb* bl *>J ofua cm** *r*at itoard ar t draw n* plna Any .lealgn (as f your brig being ► aba an«»ered SOUTH PARIS. UU ifiir* at tbta num; II O'b S*r*«p« n» copied WbrD est \hrj arr*a to orna- "Y«, wu," tb« old rtiU parti)'* ta* id 1 cam all inch ••st scre*«a an 1 to adon feg r MEANS DYSPEPSIA Ci'°ckin- fabricator, after taking time to outlioa A »Kll l»r KILLERS*hi hi All grille*, frutn lf«UuU. alhstna. H -at.t«-a balog natfsl for orna- I )RKr t>f tbe If ba wa* to telL in Lm *|» lira >• Ml umimimi mental purpura, they cas tM paatrd on to I W> H'n \c »*«M# l« i«»t- h• rj >m u> toil I'M ra j«1 < atyl- glaaa and tuakr apdaJ magic laoUrn pit- »«J II Nti T» fl'HI. ik-( III l«h>lrr*«f Ort la to 1 cruwd lid ■ rfc tb* »l• ir *1 "Otf I'oiat Aui ab>»ut fif.een CHEAPEST TO BEST isras, soma uf wan b sra highly smaaisg. IM lot til >»M fH I b#fl mil »>' H««q'iea rOR AND of ikf l a utl INTERNAL* oo« aa tb* mjjtn tar a op tb«lr bomb bi They cas alao ba on to terra-cotis b * U mil mi to iif p«M year# ago. a'range ca>« that pasted «•« r» «• !►» o( prv«. br H xiurri.K * Very CXTCRNAC U*t V a'.ra, .l< V ITark at. 1 W PRICES VERY LOW ! ~you~ ; rtpa • Ml I it, II u in r rta «i M llMt**, M •••. I'robably the only oa« of tba kind t»ft sre inor. slapla an.1 do slcely for chlldr-Va hrarl of" nr»»r tbr*« D •tflcSnpwilaekStoc^9 will r«*r*t DJin* lent amp: >yinent Thay look wtll os nuraery _K " to T»» IHOWIUC* .t l*i k».l t'Mk Hi'f Mm* U "Un* u* the OO TO SO lUmpt PM iuiUnr, to A. P. OfJwi? A acr.aoa. asd tna»r am good abadowa on particular* M%«. C.. H .»t >b. fur b copy ul Dr. K»uf tb« will or imualsg flgsrea for ahadow t%« TW; in«f| '»»t »«1 •-'*{*( C«t#r, wt "Well, wa wm along down rent LK*> than hut mtaa* A HNE PIECE or jogging prr grtst M«tl»c*l Wort; 1U0 pmrs. r b« bail for a theatre* I.*rg« flgurea mty 1*4 I'-J M dyri II »«• t» K« wb»*n thunderstorm o«erto>k u*, and col^rrd llla«tr*Uoua; of gr«ai vaia* to that purpM* Many of tbeae allbosatta the * Sooth l'tfu. Maa-Ij 10. Tm 3D0WBUCK » • SNAWKNir, >kk« * *• *ery tir*» rt»*h of lightning truck •ry tiaiij. flgurea ara aery grotea<|#a and glva capital c tbe d«ck and bored a hole aa WILD amaarmant to both luji asd glrla. k«t Itltaf *4 mm! Vut« i' H*t< Hom. amiJtbipa WbBt l* tb* i1.ff.r»BC« tMrtWOTO BB fl- big aa my leg right down through the traucv to B bBra BB l B loafer In B prlBtlBg For Sale by ho'tom of tb« teaael." INDIAN ufll.i t OtM U b bun door bb 1 tb* otb*r Recipes. a ••And *ha la b Jarn bor#. I'kicii Maju*ora -I'll <|itrt of milk, \+imui N. DAYTON BOLSTER, foundered, of ciur*- V* rr». rvlbg ha.f a l«a< apfal, lb * eaucepen, WACCO ••No, air. The water began ruabhg A bot of \)*r • Pill* bu »»»«! n>»ny i «D'i when u Ndl* e>11 th* rtvfTrd tnl!k. It SOUTH PARIS. IS INDEED A in, and ab« would bar* f>uadrr*d, but ill ufilciarM ff># i rrtmdy iIom iu( which two of corn aierch LUXURY ••4 lb lf»k (twril;. thera came a aecond tl»«h and a bolt >app«Q lu ba wmin ratcb, p«opl« ar« ll* *rr il»a.»lved, atirnug constantly. Who Ml VW UrocKINUCU, The Great Cure for i ll tO Irflrtl alight IllOflU Bbl, Of It thicken* run »vr from the flra. *.11 oc« MASS. •truck my'gallanta?«- «n l Fihzer's LOWELL, all Throat and tbey ta'daapoonful of buttar let ih- mlitarv cut off near tba cap, turned bottom end Lung i<» r ih« r.iu*< i«acr« "A ali«cb Id «»t In the W folk* (| up, and m it cam* down it entered tht New York Difficulties. Uoi »»*• • blb<*.M until th« »• plugged up What la l*»r d f >r*ncr %r*. «r*U a hoo«-y drum. When w« got down to Bsnaets, Feath- fitti »»—— Mm m*my |miiLM« fry •ftfti u.iiom of a buiUred earthenware H. N. dry>dock Rittoas, *u Bolster, mikiot lawrl 1 tba man wt»o litn on < IM Tt Us bekiagpan with three hjffl of r|>- we dimply *awed tf either end and left YOUR MONEY REFUNDED If r- »V5 bafrieoM Om U a ud ers, Flrrers 1 Laces. bauuaiag ba«, p»*W, aton<>l an J <|jert«red, COMES AS SO. PARIS. th« in tbe tba ulj«i i b«. plug plank*." RH PA N 'All ElTective and Safe, bamming two of eugar otff INSTANT REUEr return* 1 from lt>>aton I aprlnkilng laMeapooafula NEAR BEING ••Did you a*er awear to Hann*; f»« m iViur the caalaril over the tbat, cap* «- PxilNII »^l«. I'l LK» I neatly BENEFIT YOU WHEN USED ST- TLY take in to Ihe PtrMM fc» l*M. I'lLS*! Itciiixo 1'ILW. Still eontinnnn to "I'athlln hi* own tain f ploaaurv announcing «»il. «» and bake In a own for A It «ii||i »t*« Mvt (Mirif lliitx fruit, quick iwrnty T-«E * «• r»« SmrroKi-M ioi*u*c TO ON Uiu* of I'ana &u l Tunmtv that I am Uk« •<**« mi Lit4 T'mw. /lata.a; Itching muute* When done, cover the lop with C*noe" nt tho OM l"*co and will hoM *•1 did, but it wm lefora a notary who CORDING DIRECTIONS i»u.mi it night; woraa «Uilf a atock of tU>«iral>le MlWllll by t.V whiwe of tha egg* ixiUo to a atllf fINC piCCC the liolui hitiiM>lf. Wo havo afterward* went and have re»er IT opening SO If allowed itm«ly crasy, 1 SIDE WRAPPER. TRY Cnh. •critcbing toconttnae turn >ra a little over the OF millin«-rr in NVw fr»»ih, sprinkling auger » u»o been York foiui. wunb o.'tea bi«K«l ml l.iru« lino of for **ti»ti*d I* there a atylea. aic«nu. txr m'. Ilrown In tha oven and ^ixhU general quit* notary 100 Dote* for 50 Cents. ddicately re KibU na m new MA Hwarsa'a an*l for be am >ng u* V all the ahimwenoK I (M v kiNM CiMi »U.i tril U t». »•*•»>■ ••■lag vrry OUIM—I •rr w« cold wilh creaui. PLUG capcrklljr ta* la hu*« at excee< •top* lUhlug 1 Oletdlag, b«fe* Ul* There wa* none, and wbile tbe lingly low price* No. Ultra CilL-h thla cake frail may be r>porf. Tt Cariti >U, II I ll U) »«t • • rriO iVr* lb* •r wa* out V Matin Kil>(»>Q IVu r*i. X. I Gilbert t CO. LJKtan Fa'!: or v'rted aoak over TOBACCO look ng f.»r an official of tbtt ~ apt»ie«, twicupa; |x»r tan >ra At rinnM4 or by mill, for io bight In a iltlle Wtur, chop flue, all* of aott, the old liar* took a drink and teat- (IIU. 1)(. A !V)I, fhllkldpttll. | Clarion p-«*, bull In a cap of mola*ee«, and atlr fre- tered for tbt d*y.—lljtruit Free |'re«* Bonnets & Ha Is THE until B»**t | Royal or- I A K»n*ia cow qa nlly through. Trade The twml nui^* ptprr'a obituary aiya. prr**rved |> ip'iUr tare* work one of batter and two "Thar* la »ot * firm wagoa la tba country egg*, cnp Spring Tnmm^l or nntnmmwL ChiMrma on« mo A Watch Trick That Didn't thit «h bu n >* ituUi aometblag out of; ca;>* of augar t»>g«th*r, half cap of wo have tin extra lino of School in lot I > ara una each of aulm*g, Work. iUu, 'JVu mtricb Tip* UTK gala ll i- Uilt aba ku a t opaatd ; la**ra, UupouBfiil IB 1 tl>« aloora ttiat ciovra an I dnn«mon, flve of fl.tnr, «e«U«M Tarietr. Uvm veiling &n«l blfa tirrn thrown it cupa A drummer: "I life.* to m« a mart bar would mike dv« mhaa of (dredge your frnlt with It), oaa cap of lowvi Tooth Harrow ! tarapUa." Aleck who goea about to m»'t« Spring • milk and ooa heaping uaapoonful of ROOM PAPERS trying A a**ortm«*nt of Kan* in bet* on a *ure ehown hi* la/ye Tbe and m<«t Durable AN EXPLANATION. nod a. r AS IT thing place now pncea from ftlcta. to 91.50. GraJu Tooth Harrow in the (*Ri4t( — Ooa of mnnlera filial an ! ■atanfar- b*fure a ad If yoa will raauabvr a f*w yaira 140 Ui from 7eta. to '2.VU. the train and »aiJ: promptly you buy IF YOU CHEW- priroa ranging " word Malaria wu un- threa-f.>artha cap of ft »or, cook tboroagb* TO moo* comparatmlj •Be* you a dollar can't name tonlj. get your aad thee atlr la two w-i: tteatea YOU WANT roll—bat little tnoro tlun half tho yon known.—to d»T It la u c taooa la any ly cool, IT jxr the to to and bake ta a MAKC figure* in the order occur on the word la tba hogllab liagaag*, yet tbia «ggs. Drop patty p«d« THE BEST. of last year. they ovea aa price dial of watch/ Mrs. J. R. Bennett, word covtra tba of aaotbar no *1 bot as»at three qoartera of your only mailing **' F. C. word aaed kf our forrfitbm lo time* boor. Wb«a allgbtly c<>ol open a amall Ret you a dollar I can.' South Me. MERHILL, Agent, In tb- aid* aad fill with Paris, Nj la brrfoua a* place coa'.ard. Tbia put It witb dlatiara, "Tbe money was and wnt* tmfera aad If baked put up, I SOUTH PARIS. MAINE. tb»y aad Muarli ara lauadrd to right pair«, properly ZER S All Trimmed Free down the Human tb» t will ba m«r* sheila Paper number■ from I. to CHAMBER GIRL eovar wmt oar grandfather* called Bil* XII., inclusive. WANTED! ► •,s* u < •• —4 iad ill ar* <*rtam Pufi —Oae cap of ni i iiTo rvwf lioaaa***. caaaed by l/oaoka pypiji M a iMrlMt rf Mt M tW 4>lr»>l that aria*- from 1 dUeaaad aweet milk, oae egg, ua« tcaapuoofal of A number of different Linda of 'You've loet,' said ImU hiu. Ailmt iw >»«■ coadltloo of tba the Ifcm—. l*Tif r, cdcc an mre-thing w PLANTS Ltvar wbicb la Ita core atarcb, I aagar to taate. Flavor man. uHuaw. ■(•taf AMhm fcw wlhw. miM I lllili performing function*, > « *nU IVm.II*. ll wrh letnoo or vaallla. Put to the The jfrMt of th< K 0 X KI .lUlMOI.rUntuCAXTOX.H;. fladlag cannot dUpoaa of the bilw paff« "*Btt another dollar wMla warm ••0LD-|-|o[>IESTy you I haven't,' it i* the through taa ordinary cbaaacl la compelled WHICH I* TMC prove the fiut and two more dollar* went into the to p*»* It off tbroagb tba ayat*m. caualag Haoo and Facrr l>s««*m —I'at a capful Mixed Paint! aerTwua trouble*, Milirta, Blllooa of aoaked aago la a of boillog Bilk % •takebolder'* hand*. Ve*er, qaart *' Most Successful and Most Pop- ate. Yoa who ara an 1 la 'Show FOR INTERNAL aaffrring caa wall ap atlr while cooking, aottl It very BEST «i® CHEAPEST your watch,' aaid the sure* a cure. Wa recommend (Iraan'a thick a«t off tb« o to cool, la a for Use. AND prvclai* i d*ep pad* Ready thing man and I did *o. ular in the Market. Flower. I la curaa ara mar Range Auguat vdoaa dlug dlab a layer of halved or mm IWM good chiming tobacco "The * * pat qaartar- *ure>thing man had indeed lo*t. i« a.'kii ad or either atewed, earned CAN HOT «C OOOO fOm tMOKIHO. Wo rnrotntuend So it* Nti|N)ri<>ritr p*achaa peara, eaperialljr He had counted on t!i their no VI , eit>ert« an tha of the sago, aaothar of tha fralt, aad f- epace watcbe* i* oc- mdiIm who har* thm rang* Cvn Di>>i>wii. Cm* ImmMim *•«»»g>• finnii*. »*»«« It SOLO B* TOUR OCAlCft. and floor*. Wo liaro found it ' So* tar aatll tha dlab ta fall. 8et oa lea. or yery cupied the aecond hand T I ng! I■ T. ctiiin !<■>»■■. •••• peat by dial. On 5(*4ln of lm»t maten*'4 JOHNSON'Sc«m> i>» a boautiful on my the very I aa, air. bat ( do J aacb to ad m Ira It aotna very cold ami It will aoiU'fy enperior, leaving ^losa watch, •• Uk placa, however, there to be a merltam™. W w irr*nt thl« c aa woo Id tho surface when happen* thorough graod Noritura uiuj. together. Herva cold, yoa blase* LOOK FOR THIS anplied. Kxamine VI. aeen H JS 1 had that little trick BOYAL toeomi To« bare nunc of thtt MCtlOBSl frrlleg minre, with awaet cream aad aogar. A it A largo atock of played CLAUION before, and waa thu* enabled to other that praaalia la ao many para of the aaooy aimple, appetizing daaaert. .TAG ON EACH PlUG give our than any ipi n improvement* • 2u Jj ftiend l*eeon from Sosur Pociar Boots — which I be We fartiith them nth I'l.US Put* f hope Noaa abiUfir A* a Southern maa I Om qiart of warm water or milk, Bacs, Lmviuc, Lead, Oil, Painters' pro6ted.<—Jeweler*' Iji»W "ul ta th« Sup- Weekly. CAIIINKT D.l8K.'T(>l*«r r»Jotc« proaparlty of joar 0a4a.ll Two egga, >!IKI.VW mm ■ ■ ■ w o*it North Yoar CLOSETS. ELEVATED r»a»H«* iMki tun lawraata aad oar* arc Three &c. u 1 teaapooaa aagar, plies, Colors, said a All w*» k«r •» >»*i» «iwi IhM m m4 mhim m. (Ian rmln« nwH»>t» itai *• tkd t< too Ural. Wa w»lroma aorthara WANTED. "My dear," fond to hi* EN!) TANK. WICKET I**)R ■—»y capital Koar tablaapooaa malted batter, pep* ,%rr? HINliI bMlliiM UiM ltMlM M■ ana Imn Mut aa a baamaaa maa, air, 1 caa aaaara Live, Energetic PRICES. Call and "1 will, Ken^' 70a Klt»ar to make apoaga. papa," replied the young or want*! Krtrj THf that aaccaaa la da a to North Treea, Small Fruita. Itoto Bnabea see na lady variety $tj!e ■? altogathaf Hat tha apoaga aad lat rlaa; whaa rlaaa, and examine for "a* eoon a* I com* acroa* aJI * joaraehw n warranted. Kur eaJr by »ra capital, and mach of It coaica from thia work It ovar aat to Whaa ami Shrubs. gentleman flr*t<^a aad It rlaa agala. and who doean't nor f» r great titaU of llMaola oblige drink, *moke, nor dealers. Manu/arturtil ax>>l MOST WONDERFUL light pat la a pleca of soda tbe sixa of a SAURY AND EXPENSES PAID. blllarda, and wbo play May I aak w&at llaa of baalacaa 70a ara bean, roll oat, spread tha aarfaca with bat goee to church regular* 1st State if* ao