
Homes Sold Here ..- • '• " • •'• i •;:.-:.'>-fe;i> pi ^^^ w^&^§^f ;.•• Aa an example offon»ei»ftt* Holyt C^ininuQdoTi vdll be Cele- lowing fcomes In Crahford: A Boy Scout troops of the;.Cran^ :neefaltud'.plaoenwnt being done brated, with;' the (Rev. WiHiim H. one-family at 701 Spri«field ave- , avenue, was awar Contribute 'NtttHiriktkte Hirikte " the Door to a chiasiflcatilan analyst, 1he expert. • CMi State* ' ' ' Ing, Recogoudng the strengt CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. "APRIL 11, 1946 Men'. ings -with the local office in con-the church at 6 p. m. !Monday. Michael Tarblllo tor David Silva. •propertle, tt. chee« ;. • the FIVE CENTS fbr-wbl junction iwith the national -drive Wtarfy ID ih« gold mined in the e oparativelyhigh. Following the regular mid-week lted lte ffenn . p,vi and the Romans fed it to :, / • In cooperating in this campaign, J. Southard; employment inter- ibr Job order development cam- Lenten service at 8:15 p. m. next the New Jersey Tuberculosis ; U* Q . i arnuei,,iad the Greeks gav« Scholarship Contett 422 Local Name. To Head Rotary "Avtry Ceoive'wa^ elected presi- viewer in the applicant cervices paign sponsored by PresidentTru Weanesday, there will b* a meet- Colorado mid South D»- wi*«tler« to Increase their teodie is distributing booklet* de- man. . tbe Rocky mountains Include no dent fef the S«en'* league ofCran- division of «h£ Ideal office, found ing of the Church Council. active volcanoes. Certificate for Bear Recreation Off Voting Lbt scribing in word* and pictures, fbrd at the S7th annual dinner of ©rant H.S, Reid whet pubKc health nurses do .to the league fa the school auditorium Herbert. Bear, a senior in the Names of 422 residents of Crah- promote better bealth in the States working to conquer- sickness follows: Vice-president George At & SP '**" -• **. t_i_i tion Board for Pepsi-Cola schoiar- Named from the voting list because '"and -win better health tor every h^ Poncipal Hay A. Clement vote, it was announced today by the Education, at a special meeting Conover; eecretary. A, J. Davtet; Jules DuBarry has been desig- Sen. SmiUi To Speak Tuesday night in. Cleveland School, i man, woman and child in thetreasurer, James Andrews; assis- presented the award at an. assem- Union County Board of Elections; .country* bly in the high school l&st Friday. nated .as chairman of Cranford's Names the National—Scholar^ip- bth^bfre April ft5, or may_p:re:=- ark Bible School, was the speaker. andnMrs; Jacob Stanley. Cyril and seconded by W. J. Fredrick. bH Total salaries for Competitioh when he was elected sent-proof before a Judge of Cfifls^ f Perley has been designated: as. sec- to World r ^Permission is^to expire not later 1946-47 amount to $257,225. and by his classmates as among the top Court ot Common Pleas of-Union the nurse's" visit; others pay what retary. than September IS or on such nther V " fjqf supervisors and .Princfoals, Meurers Buy fiye per cent of his class"rnost County during the twaw^eks.prl will enlarge on the foreign, policy they can. To those iwbo carj, pa£ The dinner was served by A meeting prdbably Will be held 'nniiwiit oy me ^ $26,000. ' •"•••• ' "*. ' likely to "succeed." . '•' ' * to the Primary Election brf June 4 nothiaa free .service is given. L. Margaret Greene Guild „ of shortly to set up a program, and as it bears on maintenance of fu- board, and Is limited,to. light Sun- The-average teachers' satary for The Cranford High School sen- as to Why their names should not J The*booklets distributed by thechurch, with (Mrs, DavJes chair- o get the movement, underway, Mr. ture ; world peace. The address day games. ~. , *' . . /Tuberculosis League reveal that man of the committee.' _ I the school"year 1JB46-47 ^Ul ** iors wiw> took the test'were; Her- be removed. otanans 1 DuBarry said yesterday.., Use of will b© followed by a questiori-and- At the suggestion ofsCr.'R. P. bert Bear, George Kaiser, Jeanne ;jout of every-dollar received by $2,449.76. as compared .with aver- the Walnut avenue athletic field* ahswer "period. Ferguson,- "lihe board' -adopted a >f \ g a1Grobengieser, Patty, Lackey, An- I Voluntary, public Yett "afie salary*-and bonus of"$21283.48 for twilight softball games Mon- resolution to submit future use of 12 North avenue; west, is Mr. anddrew Kmetzo, John Thatcher, Tickets may be- obtained, irom (usually balled visiting To test, material for eotof fait* {or the current year, it was point- days through' Fridays was granted: the field -for. such purposes' to the Mrs.- A. E. Meorer. .-proprietors of Anita Burlingame, Alice Rudd, Sign of Times NamePostpn members of sponsoring organiza- associations), SO cents is nets/tastea a acMTp of. the test ed but.. • recently by the Board of Educa- voters at- the next school election individuals .atio* rte alongwith the colored trimming the A. & A. Hasdvaie, present Mary Good, Dorothy Richards and Wade H. . Postoh »was elected tions or at the door on thl'.rilght- of The. recommendations were made tion at the request, of Mayor Os- in February, 19*7.- . to be used, such as tie-ate or ccupants .of the first floor of theViolet Toutounjian. ,. president, of the Cranford Rotary the lecture. B.. F. .NcwsAtfariger, community chests; 34 cents \s paid by the teachers' committee follow- terheldt The Township Commit- In opposing thl> application,* Mr. by life insurance companies, indus- tape, to • piece of white cloth. Then uilding; was announced yesSo> In Fraternity's Club at the weekly luncheon meet- ficncrol chairm-an for the sponsor- carefully wash and iron the. ma- i mg an exhaustive study of local day by Mrs. iy""*'* tee appropriated $3,000 in the 1946 ing last Thursday in Trinity parish- ing croups, .announced this .week. Hall and- Air. Heston pointed out tries, and other groups; ei£ht -cents salary schedules as compared Wiih budget for recreational purposes that use of the field «tt Sundays C08«ftgf canned foods • for \ieedy retary, John F. Cron;' treasurer, 3 f# 6f *he major objectives of"*Know Committee Cancer Fund Norman F. Gfflvbs; directors, - Mr, will'be helpful to returning veter- ^" dyed with natural Indlfo. • vat If It'i a ion Arts* yrfu want, thWi nothing to hf! ihete belief! continuance.' • • ' The building, which tadodes Europeans. The Man Who Came to Dinner, ' Your Public Health Nurse Week" color, has been found in a tomb to • Carroll K. Sellers has been ap- Sellers, Joseph Caruso, reflected; ons. • . ' .*'''; ,. •;,ls to interest high school girls in •Appointment of members of thet*ro three-room apartments on thepointed chairman of the 1M6 Mer Members of the sponsoring. cVoup the famous comedy by Moss Hart Thebes, whei* It. had lain sine* from' the Southern/ ieaboord. Coma tee our PoUcie Chief William A. Fischer Two. residents present at the the possibilities of what' is de- teaching staff for tlhe-school yearsecond floor and a five-room apart- mbrial and Independence Day are' well aware of the importance and George S. Kaufman, will be •bout *.0M a C ment on the third floor, was first Drive Opens and Ernest Wolford. . meeting, Edward Burr, and J. R. scribed* as a "truly rewarding ca- I July 1,. 1946 Tb June 30, 19*1 Committees, it was announced this of such a, drive, Dr. Kenneth ij tomorrow and Saturday y Settlcmlre, both of Walnut ave- firU^>f4liMcaMn Election tomorrow! Sporii JJhodl Third Floor, ccupied by the Cranford Post Under chairmanship of John V. A committee, consisting of J. reer for the ambitious young was approved. week by^ Mayor George E. Oster- Campbell MacKay, the dean, point- Walter Coffee, Charles M. Raynignt, 9 in the high school audi- nue, spoke against trie application. :woman."- . • , SW* UWa»ee Irani darts* The board alstf approved, effec- Office for a few years, attend the New York door bf the Beatty home, smashing "CHEERFUL Busl icports of standing commit- the greatest scourge of modern $2 enchj I Nicholas Jaceyko, 2 tween the ages of S and IS. years Long shorts, 5.95 Br* (opi495 some pitching, Is needed, in the box cial stands or tfiBboaids ^SSWfr times, more disastrous hi toll of life Herald Tribune's first annual For- than all other diseases combined. the glass with his fist and then this season; so his ability to handle tee chairmen were read. Adams avenue;-Kenneth H. Baker, from the wad. tf than all the wars in. history- The 26-JMintcn avenue, Chatham; J. A-um lor High Schools in the meJtOr Introduced by Louis H. Zepfler, reaching through with a long pair' the first base assignment cannot way is fl# opejied. these wffll be Mrs. Kathryn Po*»p. school polHan area at the Waldorf-Astoria of pliers to turn the lock.. ' D. l.pc. slack set in~Bur.Mil Ttjfh. _addisss8A_jthe_jaeetjn£jMi r.esA.p.fJtoejyorUjyjllMbon<;>«", Ed Christie, Ray Coamaf, There Will also be an exhibit of '.. > titiMjjke* would be cooler with Jofaa H. Low, SOT Springfield ave- for traffic tight .violations. but resulted from nurtMtfeful throwlmt of racks at the bttlldlag With Kearny Champs Charles Harker, Norman. Koury, nue. He is a nephew of Mrs. Low.ceramics, costume jewelry, ash The charges- were- preferred by and window*. tnvMtlvatloa by iwliee arid aebool autharitleft hu J - MORE THAN 1? YKA&S OF KNOWING HOW!- wck Merwarth, Ken Reck, Marty trays and objects of art by Miss made clear.' .' . High scoring honQrs went to Ed Scanlon, Ray Scheller and We* Theodore A, Adams ot 5 Locust Lt Thomas Woods, Sgt Harry Lanza of Cranford,, a war veteran drive has. been advanced to the Elsie Winters, arts and craft in- Page, Jr., Sgt Lawrence Bonnell, A eaRfueafull ituduyy byy school authorities aatlileed by twtwoo taekHbefs structor for Plainfleld Girl Scouts. ef the pollee foree Indicated that the main maleftttan wen eUldren with a-record of three years' sery- fcnbai^, ...... building at Vtiaao SW* O«Ie»e, titiag ot sealman, first class, at the LI George L. Rosendnle and Pa-frant homes la the area. ..Other iehoob> have Ukewtoe re»«Hed ice in the European Theatre, as tne man i^JSks^ SPECIALISTS William" Scarbrough la ,'teuior Navy staging'center at Pearl Har- Slide Illustrations of real hands trolmen Louis Guertin, George damue. with the hUh lehool beitu next In line with the BMHvelt basketball" Championship of the manager, Jack Delia Sallft holds Sg bor, T. H. The center receives will accompany Miss Leslie's talk Word, Anton' Kovaes, Joseph Ko- School. ' !] • ..'.--• .- •, Western Electric Keamy Works "w post of junior manager, and tiaaed to Maul*., higb-f>olfit veterans and places qn the study of the. human hand vac^, Frank Caruso, Lester Powell, J PareBU are atked to' cooperate with '&* Mhoat aatluttUca was won by the Apparatus- team, °hn Lanza is sophomore td to staff them in gwups bound for separa- and what'it reveals. Mrs. E~PEdwar. d Lee and Henry Simon. In keeitlBg. their ehlldreia off Mhool property. OttttU*-*f school when it defeated the. Equipment tion eeater* in-the . fournler Is in charge of the pro- bourt, paHieularly over the Week-end, when pnetleaUy }'r. i-/. i' 1 cagers, 36 to 29, at W«*?Wflhlc.High jr. ©**** ** - Ea*. Caarfes A. Van Sickle, gram, William J. Karford, son pf Mr.have occurred. ' School eym last week. Other Cran- Mrs. O. E.-Crosby, chairman-of and Mrs.. Thomas Hflpfo^d,, _18 tbthe b aathaHUea ire pr««nm Robertttstsiart* SNB, soa of Mr. aad Mrs. T. E. to open up the ^Isytntukte iisHiic hl ford men on the winning teansu Members of the Cahiotd Van Sickle of 117 Benjamin street, re?reshmeifts. Will: CMS assisted by Broad street, has returned to "Har- and bier bfttM) were Hank Sp«ht. nlso a veteran ^ the following: Sir*. R. M. Dorian, vard Law Schooy Cambridge:, 'Itiuat WtttHrbHott, It fa( out was released Oi'ii'h'j'f!iVll ; mgm •iy.\;r?^-..::"S:.-v/:vV;ttE^^^ r^y:;- ':\:'-••': ^',~•••yv•v--.-:\^.'^^.^::w-y''-^ir'^'^-V^•:••••• k:-:^,^^w^:v;-.;Vv:;'.' •• : CHAHTOHD CTJ1ZKW AMD CHRONKXK. THURSDAY, AHUIi li, IKJi V" ' ent iimii you will find the attic an Of thistotal *49; wUgioa, 241;'social science, tures and^. other eefereace mateix Atlas.-,Afait» the Dictionary ofbook circulation is broken down in Ideal put-a-way and storage space Communism Growing for educational and religious films. «mJ«y {Easter Even), the itetor ; fame drculatlon TO per cent wag fiction 8W; jlangiiage, Wi usejful iarte, ials. ' ..,. * .. •..*;..• ••-,'. ,-. •American BiograpHy was purth- e report ink* »^60 action, and for. this clutter "proof dwells in the parish hou*e> A film sah-.wOl be to the ehureb for the pur- Change In Readers' Tasjtes Maj. Danf orth Warn. Palm Sunday able for use oa Palm Sunday win poj«__** -^ad^iinlstering Holy a*;: "Our present rise in circulation 1,196; fine tfrts, 986; literature, Over 2^82 catalog "Cards were S68:non, \hX f:: Senriilve to the needs of today, i the adult dep*rtfnent was io be a rnadeJor:theJKiutt_deia^^e»Und An added attraction in the jun- .-.ik^entite-electrical pattern has "Stalin wants to be lord and be used on Sunday m""«Hg at the Baptmn. '< ESTABLISH YOUR OWN BUSINESS expected,*' Mw, Harold ^Haagen- biography, 1,749; current periodic 834 for the junior department dur- books and money gifts from the' jp>yf7t&ttd>th y been effectively laid out to pro-master of the worldj'^iMaj. Dwight Services in Church Schoo l and agaiYn oa Sun-; ieji, librarian, relates in her re-cals, Ij6ftl; pawphleta, 361. . ing. the"^ear, bringing the total was a story hour which 'appealed vide-a maximum of convenient A. Danforthi of Elizabeth declared in the tastes list*d°as 6.513 and total ttmriberI n Board dt Trustees, the College port. 'iMore people 'We*ev;freed "Thft break-down -of tiie. non- t'9ii« ': ' ' '}:' Club and Mattew HalL - _ . ; to'children from kindergarten to JSSS outlets and'has been checked and in an address before Craaford s« ^ IN CRAHIFORD : i of readers jrince V-J Day i« one of the Junior, department at 1,536, 1 from long hours in industrial fletion count,' tMra. Haagensen , * fourth (grade, Mrs; Marie L. Seldel, the. various, seasor approyed by the National Ade- Chapter, 3, Am'erTic^n War Dads, at Trinity Church Inasmuch as Palm Sunday • Exclusive Praudiise several point* of general interest ma'ktng a grand total of fl.Mfl.' Under the headiri&of "'Person- "Books in memory of Andrew chiMren"* librarian,.relates in her mences the week known as plants — Aiore' women . became comments, "agaig n btM 1 Mrs.Seidelxeports. quate Wiring .Bureau. the Casino lajHj Friday night' The Palm Sunday will be observed MM. F. Weis was elected brought out in the annual report The total number of books in the 1 C Mrs. Haagensen reports the Warnock were purchased-from the .. .:'. •.•'•• A 'New /Service / ', "~Z~'. housewives once more . The vetevent- ts percolatinlti g through our report The etory bour was* held In ekplanaUon of Measuring 49V, feet on thspeakee r declared Communism is in Trinity Church with two cele- Week, there will be special of the Mothers' of the Cranford Vi*t, Public Li- adult deftareme&t is 17,7M, in* following; * money given by the board and Mr. eran came horn*. ' - - doors." The travel count, ehe on alternate Saturdays'from Jan- in dreulfltlon in Her street side and extending to aspreading throughout the United brations of the Holy Eucharist, the Week services in the Church, with the Girl Scout troop spon- brary as submitted to the Town- eluding ,806 volumes added, by Misi^radley, who had been iU HaJL . ' ....•: - ... ;uary until the dose of school i» in "tribute Holy'.Communion at 9:30 a. wL ;••,•:'..•• • Esoeepliftitiil After VrJDay a distinct line points out, is less than for previ- Mr* Seidel relates? depth of alipost 39 ^feet, "The States and the* world and decried first at 8 a. m. and the second..»"",•'—^r~~, -V.— y-.soreo by St MichaeVs Church, at IH ; «hh> ComiMittee recently by J. H.purchase" and 151 added by gift for one year with a broken hip, '•Fred Olsen give^us «nany ane June. An average iwesea- r Fellowship will meet at 7 p. nn Prd-Anapliora. at 9a. m. and thet w y^. Scouts and Birownies. Mrs. "Our veterans have started com- War books also are in less demand department of the library during Read." In ibis book were- re-. teachers cancelled their draft for another year after the IE -': and Junior,, departments. "Nowgiven in the report as 6,909. There continuing her library work. In «M»:raiA 'J; annual preaching of the Passionof x T Link, aaisiad by Mr*. Mi L. 1 ing Into the library, some of them and ''are being-put away in moth 19*frwas W^ao, made up of 1437- corded the author, title and re«ie- : library, There .wu^-as the Colored sketches of ••r. Trinity Church- will inaugurate wore interest is .being shown in were 494 pamphlets added in IMS, November-she was called forjury; . W o lArchitectjiMay 15 exDiratlon date. Christ, commonly known as rthe Black. wOl be in -charge of the r still with far. off unspeakable ex- balls along Tyith the uniform." book circulation and 2j095 picture marks on each fcook ithe dilid read* been H6- actual decrease • for April- '.-•'••.• . ..'. ..: ••' Wills' rendering, .together with' its new policy of-t teaching by In both.departments during the 1 Three-Hour Service" will be from i^jj^ eomjnitiee.' ••-•.' : books of travel biography, science periences looking-from their eyes, duty for two weeks. Mrs. It. Jones circulation. This marked a de- latlontt the .library .had I "The Dobbs ' is l«atuwH In an AnrSuncing that more than *00 means.of visual aid equipment on CULLIGAN ZEOLITE CO. year, repairs were made,to 4,100 'Another non-^fiction count Of the 70 children who tool; part, complete floor, plans, are available 12 noon to 3 p. m. The Rev. Frank, find more solid fietion, showing the greater number of them' are; did most of the substituting this crease'of 1£69 under the-total fig- $4 received diplomas. - •/'•'*.. • -do»d 2$ days because of I advertisement of the Uaibn Coun- to prospective home builders at ortd. War II. veterans have ap- Palrrf Sunday? This week a com- -- if MOADWAY. NEW YORK 7. N. Y. that thV library and its staff meet books.-' "-• ' ' • •. . . which is-challenging is thcLscience . led toth e War Dads committee rector taking advantage of the OI .Bill one,*''.the' librarian observes^ "It past; year." ' . "U- • ure for W'previous" year. - The During the school yeariseveral ojal" Iw Trust Company is tlfls iasue of tile Union; County Trust Company. mittee of the Vestry authorized the. 'rti (ringing conditions." ' Curtailment otf activities at the - Visits of members of the staff to for housiag, G. Nelson Kling. pnrrf-hftBP nf a rnmpl»t" R.CJV. ViS-^ . •• :-o: ' Worth t-uu • / . '. as regards education.. Some are has been .stepped up some''800 Ifte Citizen and ChlronJele. in Cjanford.^JBlUfiprinta Van Hise Carthy. cur- m • Another change in library. actl-N library resulted for the second year studying (tor a job or how to go other-libraries and attendance at pthechapter,presidentrof-the-chapter,, , revealed ual Aid equipment for use with ftiiin, uaslttg books. Could-tt foe that the Atomic I-.Its sweeping exterio* 1« opletf e specifications with alternates vities brought about by the end of library arid book conferences in that there had been a delay in l the. Church take the. service. On Sat- in a row because of lack of heat about getting one. Material on bomb is responsible for the\in- I painted wide siding with stained also await your'inspection. For the war is the service members of In studying- the figures rtSvealed^ this State and\in New York City etti the proposed 240-unit gar- Kv::V'" j^hotographv, plastics and person- creased interest in, peacetime .uses • —' .thingles ar4Jmaltdiinlg-shuti. those who iwv itiLhldJb tieHk^hjii^6SIven:irc^;,7' '«-• are reportedlinder "Public.Hela- An at' . , „, architecture, siknilar material way pendtog definite decision of turned service men and women in taken iintdr consideration that the The toft!g?cfretilaf Ion figure for Biography, always one of thethe publication by The Citizen and I from the maain section, (forms a available for many (former. House- providing them with information library\was closed 23,days"during the State Highway Department on :: is broken down into 11,654 most popular classes''C> :' •''' " I pleasant break in the line of theof-the-Monfh.- To assist the nov-the line of the proposed Route •, to continue educations Interrupted 1*45 because of coal'shortage, and non-fletlon and 45,350 fiction. Thewith Crawford readers, Jumped>up ices and activities of the Public I roof-and combines in a distinctive ice home builder to better visualize by the war, and in helping them to the adult department an extra day which would pass through the non-fiction total Is further broken this year too,. Mrs. Haagensen re- Library. • . • | wing effect.- , •• • '•'• . this-home, an exact scale model in northeast section of Cranford in get started studying- for a job or(24) as a result of painting work. down- in the report as follows: ports. ••...•.•.• The treasurer's report shows ex- colors and completely landscaped sec.using~ipointers • on how to go The report reveals there were Decorative shutters fra^nb-tte which it is planned to erect the General wqrto, 148; jjhilb&phy, An increase In reference work penditures of $8,093.45 for regular | charming dorway to the Jiront is now on display. This unique new homes.. about getting one. ' no changes in membership of the. ne^atj.the library^ajso was noted salaries' arid extra help. During display tips up torevea l the floor .• Mr. McCoy also emphasized the .Board tff Trustees during the year;' which has a guearcloset CHURCHES OP CHRIST. during the year., ^lils work was the year $1,357.65 was spent for (appropriately, located; Jtae\ inner plans' outlined on the base, . extent to Which local {high school The five-year t^rm. of Mrs. Frances facilitated for student and librar- new books and $l<15,4&for maga- students depend7 upon the Public Ingalls; secretary, has expired' and |wall of the living room is unusual- Mothers' Club Session ian alike bc^the construction of anzines. decorated with its fireplace, The-afcothers' Club of Boy Scout Library Ifor. books on their "Re- the Township Committee has been , DISEASE,. AND addition, off "We haMW:ay leading In referring to the increase in Red Cross Board quired Reading" lists. .*: requested to resppoint her, . I Built-in wood storage space, and Troop ,75 will meet at the home DEATH REAL?" is the Lessoti- into the study hajl, with funds pro- book stock at the library,. Mrs. Irecessed cupboard. "The kitchen, are* doing everything pos- In addition to President McCoy Sermon subject forSunday , April The executive board of Cranford of Mrs. Eari Denman, 56 Spruce 1 vided by the Township Committee, Haagensen reports: . . . [set back-to-baek with the bath for street, at 8 p. in., tomorrow. (Mrs. ttT'Ctintrlbute to their educa- and Secretary Ingalls, other nvem- 14.' '• ' •• . • . ' Chapter, American Red Cross, is for .more convenient storing of" "A purchase which pleased an r economy, has its own K tion; arid tattft-fn-Hreadlng,^ he re- fbwa-of-th 'WhVa'rt meeting at 3 p. m. today atGlew2-•William'-Jjyoh. s arid.-Mrs. Alfred w;m . •pnmbhlets. 'mans, plc- was the New Britannica and the entry arid is ac^essiblejftflm ^^ Glark will assist, - -f treasurer; J.. iFred-..OlBeni^chai*v castdowri, O tnyjoul? and why $rt UME-LIMESTONEDRItoNURE ihe'diffing and living rodm. ?' With.regard to registration at man' of the administration com- thou disquieted within me?, hope Irhc dining room; with doubles ex- the Public Library, the annual re- mittee; Mrs.^lRobert Miller, chair* In Cfod tor I shall .yet praise BOVUNG +-. AGRICO Iposure, opens, onto an- attractive him, who . is the health of my Vort reveals *2S new adult borrow* rtiprrTof. the book committee, and |porch overlooking the rear garden. 'ers added during'1*45 and 387Dr. Howard R. Best, ex-offleio countenance, and . my God." (Ps.43:5) '.•-•" ' ; porch' may be used .for out* transferred 'from the junior 'de- nflember'. •••"•"*'. .'.' • I door meals in the summer months FRESH EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY ,"partinent to the adult department, Total circulation in ,the adult For Your Convenience . . SERMON. Passages from , the land also serves -as a covered entry JOHN A. CQLANEBI making a total of 812 new adult doparement of the library in 1945,King James version dt the Bible Large Variety of Ifrom the rearjjf the garage. Two . borrowers. Total number. 6t bor- the, annual reporT reveals, wasInclude; • We Will Be Open |cro.ss-vent.ii;f{ed' arid *: generousr ESTABLISHING EGG ROUTE IN CRANFOI ' rowers in the adult department is 57,004, an increase of ~*2,OT8 over "Bless-the Loro, O my. soul; and GARDEN AND FLOWER < Isi'zed bedroorns form the right por, all that is within roe, bless hist Every Night Till Ea.ter Ition of ''The Dobbs." Each Ms a •; •:,,-•;•• .,,„,;;,,•,;; ALSO- :—' holy name. "Who forgiveth all •large closet In addition- to a handy \ SURROUNDING TOWNS thine iniquities; who healeth aid Istora^e spate located between the thy diseases;. Who redeemeth thy I two rooms. JBullt-in linen shelves Phone CH. 8-2M5-J . r <] : life from, destruction; (Ps. 103:1, 6 lare' an attractive, feature of the Phone Cfe. &-07SS-W 3, 4) Correlative' pasages from Ibath, which fs convenient to all We Specialize * "Science and Health with Key to - See Our Complete Line of . . Irooms of the.house.', / » * the Scriptures" by Mary Baker WfflipY'S SEED AllowinR-for future farhily ex- Eddy include: . - SHADY SPOT GREEN on, two bedrooms and pos- In Cakes* Pie» and Pastries for "Sin, sickness, and death must MILLINERY BAGS sibly an extra bath may be con- be deemed as devoid of reality as N. J. No. 1 . EXCELSIOR •verted,, from the large unlflnished Weddings, Banquets, Parties* they are of good, God." (p.525) COSTUME JEWELRY ••.••• '•-,:'. •'.• GREE •attic with its stairway located di- |r«tly off the front entry. To in- the livabllity ot this area, We carry a Wide Selection of, FIRST CHBRCH OF CHRIST. SdENTIST Isuch- a conversion would inieieessl *-•'.'. ... ' .. . . Pastries and Whipped Cream Goods. Sprlntfleld Ave. at MUa. Cranford 2JRLY Itate the addition of one or wior* £,:'• Services Sunday, 11 a. m. Idormcrs. However,. if additional Wed. Eve, 8:18 o'clock GARDEN HOSE Irooms are not required at the pres- od Music Sunday School, 0:30 a. m. U. S. Rubber and Goodrich READING ROOM. $ALt>KN ST. 6 Eaitnimi Street CRanfotd 6-1026 a, ...... it sim Open daily 1-4, except Thuw. and Fri,, 10:30-4. Also Frt. I'SO-lTp. m. 25 Ft. 2.98 Add Indigestion I *•*—*•-«• -"—* •••rffj rri'ir'-iili • Wfcn «nv. •UiMurll.lrld c»u«'l Dllarul. tKUttl •tUtl". nuir ID BUI ' TtblKi v iiMiin.. H4l.uu hrluH eottifort " OTTO WINGER. lur,ioru Uillle tou, far daulilffuuiuy liM! Hertf* a iMirtudUst of all the fine things J7 Eastman Street CRanford 64)622 DAILY we have to help you make the most DI from of it when it comes • . . W fAVOLO tHAT BAND BOX C0GKTA1L TABLE — jfeb LOUNGE CHAIR—Mada •/ ra» wing, Trucking, 4 ALDEN STREET CRANFORD 6-1988 wrought iron teiik m mAit •jawmntt, tfttmgty • proof nhimtnum, having a ona-piaea CottitructJttn eoWi have imveued 30 JhUik. luu a gUt* Up teUK m g Chain at wad amd *dkt» aw Una and thnnntUd iaat and bacJFctuhkm af Strong and, Sturdy! j/ Storage wit —, aw _ a cotton Mlldeth. Choiea «/ gtaan and to 50% m the put ftmytut. Theref<*© tfi. . KENILWORttl MIUM gold or cord and gold — 14.M ^WN-ati&ra.:'::.'.r...;.l)25«iri'i.75 Phone CRanford C0240-H 'UMBRELLA STAND—rujnuy &• of the Kindest importance that you adjust your canvtrud bit* m uufaJ plant tUmJ. CO5BEN KOK4MaJDEB—M tmy LAMP TABLE—Mad* of wrought Made •/ wtoutht Jfcn with Uadk iron with, a white enamel finith, hav-: insuvance acconfin^y. 2W attrarlwa mad twmt$aHaMa fma iittr^ I\ apdtr. Fimiilud £• ueim tduta and ing a glatt top which meaiurei W/t upiare -———"•.•5, CRANFORD'S SUNDAY CHAISE LOUNGE—.411 FOR RENT / eoKHructlom tdik a *Mf I DRUG STORE SCHEDULE jinUh. Ha* an •ijuttehU h*tk CAKDEX CHAIB—Mt PORCH CHAIR—Firmly conttrutted HEDENBERG-MACBEAN AGENCT LAWN ROLLERS UMET SPREADERS a paddtel Mat and bode eu&bn cov •f mad hatic.of with white enamel flnlth having a • '-"I "Itttur^Bce .Ewliuioely"'. and in green $oUelelk ** ** Ofieaofultiu webbed teat end bock. Choice of yeU - ODAY . ,. MM* MMM «w«r b*~ SANDING MACHINE EXTENSION/LADDERS OPEN THIS SUNDAY d i «7S low, red, brown or blue __ltt.7B Telephone CRanford 6-3000 TfM«, BULOVA Is rMOflnlMd «• GARDEN UMBRELLA—Thua m —Hf wtch you hww y»U taw trytfl. vM±tpM*d tsfcli fal rih*. Bat am aUKBCOCE CULL—Of wr*u*ht > COSHEN COFFEE TABLE—ThU nftimiiMitw pals ttkieh am baadhuUd table hat a sturdy, well conttrutted p CADILXAC OTARY The llonie anil Family te /arituuk. CkeU* el tad and «Uto " " "re box that 10 A. M. to 1 r. n. IfXM frame. Top meaiurei 14" n 16%". MORE AMERICANS 1EU TIME BY er grean and v£Ut, ttltk frlnga. White and green enamel. _S.SS •UIOVA WAN BY ANY OTHER VACUUM CLEANERS CLOTHES DRYER FINE WATCH IN THE WORIDI 1P1N. UNION AVEL CRanford &0428 tlMm SHOtn-Wwwmgmtlren earn, LAWN CHAIR—Thit attractive chair SPECIAL ITEMS VITA VAR 4695 CLOSED GOSREN IROK-O^UDEB—^a at. i •»» • H«H«ii> pmlA and mat u a/ one piece, metal frame, enemeUd 10.95 tretti* garden or porch eettee having m &a tamlhmxmdtlhmxmdt XT Ugh -M.1+ - Paint Products THIS SUNDAY room for three, finUhed in men white in white and green, white and Una CeUo Wax •I or white and red i_7.M For Beautiful Floors . SPECIA I Vita Ltix Enamel Seager's, Beffs; I PORCH ROCKER—0/ natural fi- qt 95c — gJ. 2.98 SIGH-BACK PORCH ROGKEB— A Permanent White We Sharpen BROOMOO S Reg. .98—Now .86 /• a natural finish wood uaih lth having m fibre Mat amd llal bttch, Seller's , feriahla Oat mat and back ami>t*m\!m*. Cavmad in dm* comfortable and tervieeeble T.W DAYTON WATER SOFTENERS . Lawn Mowera, H it aeeetury to»te _ hg STEAMER^HAIR—/a^MtoMl /^ Varnished.Surfaces ' SPECIAL -pledge-Shears— ith, all wood leg red,attached, taUdk Gloss and SemUUou 100.00 / \ n ^ •••••• i imi •••IIHIIB l.| Reg. 9.95—Now ina in m ithita ananul fiaith. Baa qt*. «0c —- g*l. 1.60 ebtcni with its unaanttaty.ttac- OFFER! Grass Shears • flau, top ^maatarint 1W mpura m UaA finSA mammng m nlma^a it ilantad for comfort. AdhUbU nant pool for •oft water. With teiAhandla. JUo hu a heady glatt tap mVith ii rnrj- rilir/nf Taptmsat- portion, hardwood i Vita Cal Flat • this new DAYTON Water Soft- Sickle*, Saws hdlbl«»• T«oKte ener, you canAH Dayton Water F«r Celllara and Walls draw soft water . "Imperial" from tbetaiide fau- Softeners Ordered We Also Have A Supply of Magic FUt cet that is aofter U'ctbn than cittern water, NOW In White and the Following: dean, odoriew and Will be Installed See Our New Summer Furniture ••adaoita- Moore's Paint A Cozy, Cool* Brushes > Completefor *' BURPEE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE F*mt and Varauh Ma. Comfortable 1" SSeto SSe . KatytoinatatUalaw Screen Enamel SEEDS . Convenient Payments Arranged "Remova-*" •>. fttBtoLU »le ia- r M« toC M cUy depend $125 House Paint l5e-.qt.S5e 4" IM to US able aad moderate Kent-Tone *H0ME* GARDEN SUPPLIES la price. Let u* tell Ventu aa Law aa .yoaaboutit. Insulate with Barrett Seek Ne-MS Manthly. '- Inside Flat Wool Blown — • _ - PRESSURE COOKERS TAX and-Enamel turn • Home Iuulstlon AUTOMOBILE RADIOS «ttlel(]y. we Colorthru * Insulated K "Qtridcee", jar 3& F«r VWND-UP MECHANICAL TRAIN * Home Modernhlag' AUTOMOBILE SEAT COVERS * WeathentrlpBlnc * JEWELERS Efwe, Coal Car, Box Car, * Johns Mausvllle Roo6ntY anus OUTSIDE HOUSE .PAINTS AUTO POLISHES AND CLEANERS Cftanford 64)376 . 2 M ^ * Celluit Blocks USS-UI4 EAIT JE1I1T IflEBT TRIM ^aiid SHUTTER PAlNfS While they l».t 4.49 (Choice 4 beautiful COIOHO HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS FLOOR Tmd PORCH ENAMELS "Waleh and Jewels Bcpalrinf Estimates FREE Opea E**ry Frtdmy evening ¥U1 9 No Obligation TRIMZ WALL PAPER Phone EL. 2>8SSS A & A MM ' ' CR. fl.8 COVERED GARBAGE CANS SCREENWG BY Trffi FOOT 1I | ^^ s-iit -^K *• ' ^^B^H ^- ^fiatt^B^. j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^y^^^g^^B^y^B^B^Bg^B^B^BM^^^^^^^p^^p^p^^^^^^B^M^^^^^M^^^p^a^p^a^BVR^k^B^BflHBiaia^B^Bfl^Kfl^aBBB^B^B^MBBBBaa^^^a^^^Mi ^B^^^^"— ••^•r **r*m ' 1^^^^^ ' ^VL I**^^T »>iH msmem S*ol^wh^S!Sf^i;IV'A7v^-i>v • ,'•*•',', ' y jSi»J!^£^ •'•••••' H-M " m"~ ' Houston,'Kay v^*$'G<^^fM££&Maynard. Betty F-enderson, Lob MIDer, Carol- Ann Church Wedding Max^m-Diehl Music Supervisor ?^\0''i-''':'"''-j^:^'^ Diane Wallace, Wedding m Maryland ByetsTandTSandra Snyder. 2? -"^z « mu ^ MWGeor«e-resbrt«riafi Church In EwingviUe Methodist Church, near; •i.'12£s^-a'.fc'at-i^' w^ , t _' M.- **iiiiij_y, Cumberland, ,:'to.,.. Dr. Frank :T. Trenton. A reception followed at Wamen's Glee dub of Wheaton Sauer,.CaroVGrahau and 'Barbara and Mrs. John M. Lowof/BtT SlatPtidtiptf i k nting Springfield aveot^ durlivi: Jft . L, I. The Wedding took Majwon, in, son' of Of, .and Mr*. the faottie- of the .bride's".brother College, Wheaton, nt, wUl be pre- • • ISoio coinifldttockjoc the Cvhctt Tuna sented at the Gospd Tabernacle at Molded in soft, femi- contest were flora Ball, Barbara Drive. - Guests wffll be present trpta Easter vacation hi' the Cranford Prank T. Maxaon, 3S(t Orchard and «iater-in-lawf Mr. and Chuitsb wkiv the; Hev.street The Rev. WUllam A- Hsen- Harold Sutphln. In Trenton, 8 p. BL-Tuesday. The concert: win nine lines> Just Ac thing Stoat, COnnle Berg and PhyUii Stamford, CouL, South Orange M. H. • . ' *•'• '• "• •••X'Jt'Vi&i : Hookfcyv-There was an exhibit- of and Cranford. : d%£$& AlUnger, tkasfor, pertbrrning burger offtciatott. -'A' weddlnc ''. -Mr. and Mr*. Croaaley are on a be part of an 18-day tour being for Easier nMsnea •no Miss Helen,Stanley,'« : handiwork by giris^of various ceremony. •,"••-•lv~:.. •..•.•/;••-'•• breafcfart was held *6r the bridal wedding trio through the Southern made by the group through South- : '••The.hostess ha* announced that Mr. arid Mrt Jacob .. , ._ .ITOOB 16L96 tWI ' nMJ coiM «r in * party and immediate families em Canada and the Northeast • •...,•,,.!.' Sylvetter ttr«et, 1/c Miss.; Buian jblehl, was , junior dirtictor in Trinity Church. d' .Scout ijfotiije on :ifead»y the orchestral enttmble within the Mrs. Albert Gesaler was wel- tasted 'rM ooflee with year feat attend th* party Saturday. another brother .of «he bridesmajd. . Dr. IMaxspn h«d MsCroifeley-is a ndolng enguteer and : . Iitui. 7*95 Miss Miry Lot* Wide; Jack Grube and Richard father forhUb«*tman,*ndW.ML aJ"' ' f uned is anew member. sip of fine*; itt&tt A*& OtBt*. fMdM iMGlU Robert Gimour LeTourneau, in- The club presented a wedding Ana*, Butler, & Mohawk drive, Cranford residents aftteriding the gift to Mits.Carlisle Keller, whs Grazer place/ _ of the church; played Wilson of Millmra arid John W. wedding and reception were Mrs. vtniar, industrialist and prominent selection of your ravorite baead today! senior at the University o* Illinois, end' guests Wu Petty Musis* layman, told what Carls' hat resigned as presid*it She is has been atntolnted to the cans and Wejit of Washington as uihera. Thelma Wise, Hiss • Helen RWey, Blouses, A Mil- John Musser of , airt GtdrJMf tianlty to him, at the 11 to be married this Saturday. Mrs, IU. ti , time governor of Mary, eomed n< and guests. This vras the first nwettog be- at the annual spring conference Bible Class^will be held at the w me: frweeh the two outstanding teana i ton ttvenueV. •. • •>••'"' house of Riverside drlv^^wjh^wfll Vlarried Here land an art exhibit of the Fifth District Westfield TflMCA at t o'clock this It was announced In re- Wtrau U0 Schwelckert of 124 be married to.C. Richard " s Wuth . Barbara Noff .of Mr. Jfaylor was graduated from sponse to' a request CMnp in the league; for the GarwoodL of New Jersey State Federation of evening. The {lev. H. E-, Nelson cagew, undefeated in Legl eont'l •ibi Kim atree^iuii returned beth, Hlececrfmtrs.CirA. Snow' the Calvert School and the Boys' Women's Clubs, held in the audi- wiU be the speaker. ' Kilmer, several members on I butk rig months in 9flH Bftay plnco, Wi»riM«tTd, ha* Latin School in Baltimore, arid cliito will arrange flowers hi Qetitloh, forfeited to the undtv] CARROTS .:^ 9 POTATOES:: 10 torium of the Presbyterian Church Baptismal service will be con- /visiting her, daughter-in-law, Mrs. Claremont' place, this Batuiday, came the bride of GranvUle Pipes from Princeton University, where *ards.,•;•' » ', . . ' ". fated Argonne five on Jllarch 29, in in Westfleld yesterday. ducted at the Taberwacle by the order to go to Perth Amboy to'ki / Chester SchWelckert. . ' juras honored at a lunoheoiV» at pf Elizabeth, son of Mr. and Mrs.he *as a. member of .Cap' and The 13th annual exhibit of art Rev. Mr. Keeney on Palm Sunday. At a tea following the meeting, FaacylaMii tb. Mr. and Mrs. Heary A; Dreyer of Echo Lake Country Club' last Bat* James E. Pipes of Windfall,' iruL, Gown Club^ He recently received Mrs. L J. Stone, hospitality chair- Perth Almboy. Gold Medal and handicraft sponsored by. theThe Men's Bible Class will meet tournament,, thus enabling Ar-1 PINEAPPLES 29< 831 Springfield avenue entertained urday, by Miss Carol Morrison, l» a ceremony performed by Gran/ his honorable discharge after serv- man, was assisted by Mrs. C. C. local club will be held; hi the temporarily at the Masonic Temple gonne tbxclairfi first place In On Monday In honor of the third daughter 6f Mr. and MS^Avllle Wise of the Watch Tower ing as a* captain in the Marine Township Rooms April 21 to 24. on $outh avenue at 9:30 a. m.» with Goodfelldw, Mrs. Cj G. Hanson, birthday anniversary of their son, Morrison of Casino avenue, i Bible and Tract Society of Brook- Corps Reserve in the Padflc Mrs.j G. B. McBlawnid and Mrs.'A. league season stand- j Mrs.' Channlrig Rudd, who is in the Rev: Mr. Keeney teaching'! 'Jogs. -=r-r Buy Our Eggs With Confidence! Henry, Decorations were in yel-and Mrs. Henry Keep of Elizabeth lyn at the home of Mrs. Rutte Theatre and has resumed his" work Bible Classes will be held at the G. Jngalls. Mrs. R. S. Morton and, v charge of preparations for the Members of the championship' L lowj green and purple. Guests avenue were hosts at a' cocktaU' DeForeest, 103, Orange avenue, with the du Pont Nylon Company show, will be at thejoowis from Tabernacle at 9:45 a. m., at which Mrs. H. J. Chapin poured. Smarrtt houMwivM mt»ttt AAAWP ExtEgg* InieaHsa tluy'r* always uniformly food Garwood squad arKJoHnny Fitzi.| (a tattoMto,i flavor andd nour!*!im*unouiri*!im*ut ; . « always to •pptliaSag ,aaJ »«»Ufy«n»I ~~ werepKiSent from Fanwood, Lake party Sunday afternoon In honor Saturday ttfternoon. A reception in,Seaford', Del. 2 to 0 p. m. on April lffHo receive hour the Women's Bible Class also Nelson* Westtield and Cranford of the bride^clect and her flan%: followed. Will meet- in the main auditorium, JldJkei^^ exhibits. AU local artlsU are in- forwards;, Fj^inc Wanca.\c^iter, UR6E, FRESH GBMET-SUMIVBROOGBJUIE T-SUMIVBROOK BRJUIBRAND -M af% 'Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Aborn of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius fiullivg, the bride was given in marriage vited to present their work on that with Mrs. William Berry feachingr WSCS Circle Dates 403 .Casino avenue will leave Sun- of 125 Roosevelt aventiff'have an« bifim-. brother, Rotoer/Noll, who Cotillion _• Circle meetings of the Women's and George-Miller, Ha! White. day and to cair for their, exhibits Tony English, guards. day, for a visit in New Orleans. nounced the birth of a daughter, alsa served as best/man^ Miss Dancing Classes at the close of the Ehovtr on Wed- Society of Christian Service of Enrouto home, they will spend two Woman's Club Shower Cranford Methodist Church have . TJu/chianpionshlp Garwiood cag-.| WHITEE LEGHORLEGHORN EGGS 48 Jane Katherine, on April 7 -at SL Irene Fadeyko was maid of honor. Mrs. Aldyn H. Watson of Short nesday evening, April; 24.. weeks in Plnehurst, N. C. been announced for next week as eca. also winners of the PlainfieU] After a wedding trip to New Hills held a spring cotillon for her There willbe a tea.fo r artists and URGE, FRESI. GftAOE T-WILBMEBE BRAND Mcs. B. H. Skinner of Berwyn, Elizabeth Hospital, Ellzabetlu Mrs. If or Mrs. Lusardi follows; Circle 1, 1 p. m. Tuesday Sullivan is the former Ruth Ray, their friends at ..the' Township The Crawford Woman 8.:Club at the Kome of Mrs. M. Matthews, scheduled to meet Walter Kldde of j I1L, has been visiUng with her son- plan to reside in/Elizabeth. — Friday. Patronesses for the j daughter of Mrs. Samuel-Ray of 8 Jupior Rooms on the afternoon of Easter met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. 20 Indian Spring road; Circled, l Belleville, State AAU champion, Frsai Heathy in-law; and daughter, Mr and Mrs. A graduate/of' Acton, Mass., class were Mrs, C. C. BROWN s WHITE EGGS 46 H. M.-lBoaranuln of" 7 Raleigh ave- 208 Centennial av*nu& i i :> Sunday, opening day of the exhibit Sara Klein, Nortrthh avenueavenue,, p. m. Wednesday at the home of in a benefit- game at Cranford ! Fatttl! Itlga School/and Staley College, Mra. Samuel Rlchrnond and MrsHostesse. s will be Mrs. George nue for' the past few weeks. "' jBrookline, Mass., the bride Is «»" east A gifi t shojver wai i gjvej n tto Mrs. G. K, Warner,. 180^North Le- High School tomorrow night. - - John Laeaa -of 207 Elm -street* Leonard Rlchens. Patronesses for Stroebel. _ chairman; JMra, H. J.: Mrs. Herman Lusardi, whoistnov-. high avenue; 3; 1 p. m. Proposed Highway ^ iiloyeil in"nus productlon^ollnoe of the senior cte^were Mrsi. Walter Dickens, Mrs. M. F. Arnold, Mrs. She-senior members of the Na-] who underwent a major operation rConHmufS ft*m pega oM) th& Western Electrical Instrument ing to Clinton at the end of this Tuesday, at of Mrs. J. Egg Dyes 3^. 25' Coffee and MrsfH,C. Lennon. This W. J. Conley. "••••'."... Pernice,-5 street;Circle"fl,8*lonal Honor Society at Cranfotd several weeks ago in Doctors'Hos- by a question and answer period Company in'Newark. Mt. Pipes month. A discussion was'held in pital, New York, is convalescing was the closing* dance-of the sea Mra. Dills'and members of the p.m. High School were selected to take and by motion pictures on high- Is a graduate of Meigs.Higb School, connection with a series of card at. the home of Mrs. Oi tali Ii m Baby Btyartatitt utlatactortiy and is able to be out «on<^ '' ' '\ art committee will assist during parties to raise funds for a library 11/JemisonV 15 Greaves place; Cir- a scholarship aptitude test ascan- 1.69 i way safety. iJdgar B. Cieary and •, Tenn. SSmployed as a part in specialty dance the exhibit. The club will hold a of pictures to be. used with a pro- dldatts for a scholarship offered by at the Alexlan Brothers iumbers-. -were Martha* Forten- m. Friday at the home Roy C. -Apgar. were, weloomed ** philanthropic tea at the Township jected, reading device in Veteran A. Brown; the scholarship committee of the I FLEECY pltal In Elteabeth, he {s tajdng baugh, fiobert Welsh, J. Rommis, 106 Orange new members. Groyer H[. Orupe R on the closing day of the Hospitals.' Circle 8, 8 p. "to. next National organization of the so- Do you know that you are cono- f EUtabeth. candidate for As- course in theocratic ministry, Muriel Noelker,-"Pblly Dunham, . CHICK ...1 :.„....:•„.;....;.....„:;„ 1.69 show: *Jrs. James A. Knowles, Thursday at the home of Mrs. V. ciety.' The members who took the:' veniently located to one of the sembly, spoke briefly, and; a reso-^ upon contpletlon of which he andAlfred Frigola, Sue Clement and most up-to-date and best-e . '•-• Dorothy" Richards, Alice Rudi 12e| ped photo studios to New Jersey? Ind., Where be >wlll preach. Miss Dianite Osamann of 2 Pan-American Show Conference yesterday in JjhePres> For Eggs—Gifts :_ '.._: 2.98 ^n dub endorsing byterlan parish house in^Westfleld. Andrew Kmetzo, Violet Toutoiia- Just call HAhway 7rlS31 for ap- Berkeley-place entertained' 35 A Pan-American program, de- HOME CC£Atf//VG N£fDS> pointment. John T. Klase, Pho- county isolation hospital The next meeting Jwlll be at the Otceola Church jian and Bessie Denham. IDEAL OSWALD "d ferred to the board of guests at a desert party before the signed to enable members to be- QiakerOats . 12e tographer, 1453 New Church St. Vocal MuiicAttembly dance. • come better acquainted, with' our home of (Mrs. WilUam A. Comrle, Dedication Sunday ANDY PANDA Hahway, N. J. 4-M President P. J. G; A^ocal music assembly program 217 Walnut ffilrs. Jean neighbors to the SoujOi was pre- The new building Of-Osceola wnn Msjgic Slut Hiww ..-•• 4.25 l O was presented in the Ctanford sented at a meeting of Cranford Voorhees will be co-hostess. Presbyterian Church •will be dedi- BEECHNUT High School auditorium. last Fri- Children's Show Unit, 212, American Legion Aux- cated,with services at 2 p. m. this GUNO DOUUBUNNL day afternoon under the .direction 425 A- spedal children's matinee al iliary, in the Casino last Thursday Cranford will have two repre- Sunday. The Rev. David. Baker, Strained and PETER BUNNL 24 in-high Con Flakes < = HELP WANTED-MALE ^ of Mrs. Lou JLawshe, supervisor the. Cranford Theatre, starting at night, under • direction of Mrs. sentatives.on the sponsor list when moderator, of Fanwood, will pre- Baker's W Cocoa ^ipe < of vocal music. The .program con- 1 p. in.' Saturday, will 'feature Ruth Christian. the Boston Symphony Orchestra side. The invocation will be by ASSORTED IDEAL ? sisted of assembly singing of well« "Henry Aldrlch, Boy Scout," with A report was submitted by a presents its second concert of the Dr. William K. McKinney, and the Baker's Coeaa ££, t'M9e MILLWRIGHT known popular songs and college Jimmy Lydon as Henry Aldrich. nominating committee headed by season this evening at the Mosque Rev. Robert G. Longafcer, pastor Baby 1.98 laaa Cacaa «»-i*«-9e •** "*«t Se WELDERS songs ihat were prepared on slides. Others in the cast are Charles Mrs. Florence Knowlson. The vote Theatre, Newark, under the aus-of the First Presbyterian Church IDEAL WOOL PUJSH 1 There was a piano solo by Anne Smith, John Lltel, Olive Blnkeney, on the slate will be at the April 18 pices of the Griffith Music Foun- In Cranford, will read the Apos- delHoitePmes Ammonia GENERAL tteiners. There were numbers by Darryl Hlclpnan arid Joan Mo- meeting. • dation. -They are Sidney Scher of tolic .Creed. WASHABLE CAT 4.49 l F the Boys' Blee Club and the Girls' 3 for 23c Laundry Bleach •Sfi STOCKROOM Umer. The program also will in- It was announced «*A><»«4«4»B4<»*»«4*^^ DRUG STORE Tomato Juice S »• -lie rBlu-Wbite Flakes . » •Costs But a Few Cents More feature at the theatre, will not be M tbe Rev. Kenneth Walters of COHPLEIE UNE Of DOIX, CARRIAGES 8 H ! iu u shown Saturday afternooru^The icfyj, Dr. Herbert K. {England of South and Walnut 'Zero «« "««j»j " ' *w S CHEMICAL CO, Inc. COASTER WAGONS AND SCOOTERS • • V-8Cecktall' «:M5e^31e Ti first showing of this picture on Dunellen, and John Lowe Selmeth, CRANFORD Gairwood, N. J. Paramount Cleaners Saturday will begin at 7:15 p.ni. Avenue Established IMS a student at the Seminary at Vegaraato 'r14e Princeton University. Spider's Chill Sauce IS 20e SplcaSpaii •sasft ?*2U 8 Walnut Ave. CRanford 8-08M Carrot Juice FRESH VEGETABLES Colman's Mustard "•'--*» 9e KMWM'I Cieanur 3 «*- 14e Uphobteftd Furniture JUST ARRIVED Whole»miComJiL2ri5c Hormel Chill W.'£ *;.' 22c Gold Dust ^^ ^ A BEAUTIFUL Fishing RooVRed Set _ 1-98 Campbell's .JJS, 3-24. Arc Extra Nourishing Claim's . . . Extra Delicious *R«J^Aiaiiir'SiIi$"D« e — Latctt^Method Clapp's - *Ji' Croamod with Chopped Spfi'irn'^ 17c Spam tmunn,,™ a«r.34c Fels Haatha SoKsL^Se ChikTav Waifoc^pL& Sptinkkr 14.49 ' Bwrfleld Spliach «i«-14e Parly Loaf "WiST »-««32* Bff Cleaaser NoFus* NoOdon Sand Box wih Canopy . ' :: . WHITE HOUSE MILK Parly leaf WiST 3ft RadHdaey(&»sav2^21e BroadcastRedl-Meat:-33c DW HaidCleaier - . Done rlitht la your home. Bleed Camtt A «v-«-13e Claridge Hanhnrgers Ztte Boraxi'-='*-«'"-2 It 25t Flowers For ALL SWEATERS - LINGERIE - BLOUSES Pup T«nto — Two Type. — &S0—7^0 MANHATTAN RedCihht|e,Ti —^ITe Sliced Beef «i-»"^»-i4e Gre-S8lvett^ri11e^27t GLOVES - SKIRTS - KERGHIEFS- Sk ^..u- Peach torn ««•«- «^59e WashtuSida «» S BEAUBRUMMEL Cit Beets —12e i ««• CNBIslatt Pi DARBY TOWNE «Ka^M *>-25e Oakho ... mm Sliced Beets**""2 tr- 2Se Beatdslriy's SKtS '*^31e TtekMiu»Wax £i23e&43t mm Jay-Mar Apparel Shop Baked Beats Kit ,"»^t5e FlakMi' tmiSt^m *13e f • • ' •• i-Ti•-•••ji^;---j'••••• -i' .'-" 1M to 3JS0 »4H.',:•;, •;...••; Open Every Ev«un« jail Baked Baaaa «^15e Flikt Pie Cnrt . -«13eJ1aar Wax ««-T«a «*,-.; ; -;C&iMtims^ u 1 : 106 it, UNION CRANFORD BaaaiJrl!irtltt2* «r'9«^rt2e Oz lea Creaai Mix »«^»*»-2Be JIIM« I"**•** #;• • ;..• • ,VP LACE Y O,II«. ^ . Beau "SfSS^sUf °^12e fi.WasWigtoi Coffee rB5c A-Peii Tu?: TELEGRAPH ORDERS NOW STETSON and LEE HATS tatsap fiinvum »""\ft Heseafe . . . -^29e OldOutch Cleaiser 2-*-15* Giant Size FINE QUALITY, SMARTLY STYLED "** ** -.—..- -* -»« BUM Jam^ai CHWOB •£•» *»- 9^# ;: LIGHTWEIGHT FELT HATS MffWI • CHU1C *•*•••*«» 1M THE NEW SPRING SHADES 2^:23- r 25. 9e NaaaaMetalPtlljh •'*:?•: :H- -<"-r'''.'".*'• '''•' :ii'.;i'' •' LUXaAKES SWAN SOAP RINSO

mrnmmmmmANFO«D PRICES EFFECTIVE IN SUPER MARKETS AND SELF SERVICE STORES ONLY ? SP^^^PPI^(PPJ?^5^^p^pil s!?^ ..-*.».»- ^,,^.,^ THOKDAT*. 4nrjE. U. IMS THE CRANFORD CTTTZEN AND CHRONICLK. THURSDAY, APRk, 11, 1»46 Page Sevm W3LL purchase house in. need of OWE room with twin beds;.men SEVEN man hood commissioner and father ot Citizen and Chronicle. 311; Mar- PtOPOSCO OKOINAHCC Will and Tratament of -er4Kt»4 -«lttlch U preaeiitly' oti.cr men-antlle bualneu U carried ea. , 2-car ginve; large lot. irTeL ELizabeth: S-4M2. preferred or couple that go to Cub Carl Sprin(ger+.jKas roaster of k-V OBDIVASCC <** roimll and Basclloa tr»«rd. their httn. marutoM t u»tlniat^ly the renter o_.f th. e ui IhI*h Mir <>f nd cUWottea. a retail, Marino. 10» Soatb Avenike, West business. TeL CRanford 6-fiftll. " ceremonies. The program was Brtrk BuUJUit taxxro ujui.}, Union Aw- mild thr*f Uury brlfk known id „ Avenu*', Centennial' k* «'ti a« tUM palrunapl , or thfth -r ar«* VETERAN want* to buy 3 or 4 bed- Pin League Summaries and standings' fol- ou«-. South, lo lbs IVMroahlp of Cnufonl, Jkveuuv. 8«>uUi. now l>ku*k t«.Mk(MleiJ by and the' luhway' tlll-n»l« * l*»-t»«* »a I T«L CBanford C-2M7-W. opened with a """Salute" toth e Flag" iumil« A Ll Toom house or bungalow. Box TWO furnished bedrooms, suit- ri W SS t >W J ,._"". In' in*. J l . .:** %" alroh'm^ ton 857,: care of Citizen' and' Chronicle. and the singing of~'!America." ,Rev. CRANFOR& BOWLING LEAGUE It* k>rva«nt loc«Uoa within tha bound* i>f Cranfonl. County uT Union and uivwiMre to I tnadi) tiy Urt«ln .attd| K.- OLDER type home in good condi- Mr.. Allinger gave the blessing and Wklnut A*tnue. of Jer«cy, tti IU |tr*e*nt the rtgtita of th« ten- u MIUAIM1«<1:* Iw furUirlfiinJivi- unanonl lo read as - room. Tel. ORahfoirl 6-0?04 be- Team Standhv \Vben*«. U. from (Mtltloa of f «l,. t ' ._-. i.tillu«J..lH«inn-i. 1-LB.S'JUli-BJtTAn. MB. . tion, ««ner occupied. Price or TUV'TKII'II'TKVS' I.II-CVKII ll.t r^* for a plenary HAVE VOU A HOUSE Rdbert Craw,' leader of Pen 1. led Records Fall Vb ll M. U«. *ad In 'the Tm-rnihl-p pf Cranford, TOWSHIIII : ' ' v »»» SALE EgAL ESTATE BALK tween 9 a. m. and 6p. m. ' ' W I* •• ''Rapes: $7^50. Good income community singing. . A motion, Martin KM, it.. Euruton «oJ Trustee* tVunty or I'nUm and mate of Now Jrr-»ry. TOXVNBMIH OV 0KAN'M>HD, null dl.ulUHU.o llituiM aKall be the ALL metal, Paris-enake flute, good NINE piece, solid walnut dining Republican Club ....51 S3 aitder tk* lut U'ljl and 'TeaiamMit of Mwtbl until kUiih tUn* u th« (iresrnt buUdlnti' be J. tVALTSK fO^KKK. irf IT'.0 00. aiHl the l*.lwil| Condition; $80. rddnT~suIte, excellent condition! Tell us about-it, we have clieots LARGE, front, next to batb. sult- picture" dealing with the activities Post Qfflce .. 46 38 DM, deceued, that Us*y are ih* OWMK of or rvoulrea a rteoamtructloa or re* , TuwuAlu Clerk. •lull hr «ntitii>>i. kubj«-t to rules and : meats, low taxes; also lots tar and.three rooms. ahall be Marrh W. l»i« S-l Utlftiia." la wll al/>«4iolliner .. .. 45 Ttovnablp of CtsnTord. County of Union and nude to-jronfortn to the bulldlnf line aa •umptlnn ulf tha> ll<^»id sTemlaeaj but only. tale, reasonable. 246 North 8th Lb» 106 x M4, tarcMcar garacje, TOo 1 Miaes, bungalows, Spins and busi- hot wa'tei , oil burner, garage avail- Trooper C. J. Rtggio, of the iMor- Cltken-Chrohicle' -• •** 40 J ot NeW Jersey, more particularly dc ahaU then-be «atab|lahed' . In nritfina] mntiln»r«; profiled however, LARGE leather Gladstone ba* Street and Sheridan Avenue, Ken- roof, oil heat. TeL CBanford Birthday Dinner Sweeps, New Marks d ai louo«a: - - • ' • Hertlon. J. Ifor,Uw purpoaea of UiU ordi- ntoroscD OMOINAMCC tint, no •ivh ul« i* •Iraholk b*V»'raa>* ahaU COMPLETE, aet of dishes, service ness properties. able, reasonable: 3f Hamilton Ave- ristown Barracks. Meth. Men's Club .... -M 40 Bcinc at a point la the Weaieriy lip* nance, Uie Isaaonry porch and ata-lr* on tlie \n any klon. room or UwortlC,N. J^ '" ••"•• tf 6-004I-H. ' ' - ' : • ' ' : AN' a'n Ordinance "Seadlinej for 12. Never been used. $30, TeL has.two sides for clothes. TeL THOMAS MacMBEKiN, Realtor nue, CranfonL . '•; ? '\ '••• Cubmaster Anderson made the Petersen's Ikairy ...... 44 40 of Walnut Atcnua diatanl. nlnety-alne ttmt euterly aide of aald building ahaU not b» t a a trhifh.any niiutr: m.rr»ntll» Mnlneaa la tar- Held by Pack 175 For Series and Game i t«ooty->ttUU oa* hddhusdredUU x t a ffoot nuuMered part of the buttdinf; and' Both- vntltl<«« atrUbt rot^atrued ia tkermH the malntataance of any t^ranford, Ih the County of Vaiia. Ne« mi— are an fcvild/ be_««tlrely d)aeel*d- BOY'S blue tweed topcoat, also ABC Ironer. used very little, $50; If you know of or" have any for two-tofty. 30* North Avenue, lo Uie Una'oT WaHut A»«nu», etchtjr- enrioartiraent beyond th« Hue of Ihe ruin Jeraey. • • '— ' 1 rram any -other »tore, room or plac* wther* . 5 Alden St. Cranford, N. J. CRanford 6-0997-M. ' Cub Pack 178,-Bpy Scouts ord and a new single game record Lions Club . 45 He It Ordained by the Twroehip Cora- any other mercantile Uuloeaa la carried ofli.\ fur trimmed cowboy «uit, both kitchen set, blaclc and white, sale kindly call this office. Scpsntte JwtttV' • four ynotus' CHSLDtS maple chest or ward- enf^eVicaVcelebratediUiiratrant as - went "to Alex Stestenko, who re- a» otte f»rt aad a«reBi««a^ on« hundi»dth» of •aateriy waM of aald busdlnc - btd«one. or twa rooms Rotary Club .... 4B forty on* hundredth* of » foot ilt.if) to ,. '. . ' .IteU** . ... '. •. ._ $85. Lot 50x175. tworcsr dinner and Donald Nordstrom, who re- * point In th* £ouili{aatarl]f Una of Union MaltM .,. .. CTanford. In th« County ot Vnlon. - Sew FOUR' male puppies, registered 1 DROP leaf, mahogany table, solid service rS'iirch last Saturday night Uiv- The Post .Office, Men's League llapaUteaji Club (t) .... 85 i U> Jeraey". adopted Jim. tt. 1H4. be and the The forrenlAT^v^liiaik* vet., bilroducwi tion. TeJ. GRoofoRl «-25ML, tf PINEAPPLE poster bed, double, FltiE room house, redecorated all jjnupiwffUffrt^ only Com plocfci] for adult couple. TeL CRanfdrd ceived the webelos, and Alfred Xv*nu>; thebtw (J> Xorth « datr«ea «t b» (omolnf ordinance «a« Introduced 1 lon Council Scout Executive John Club recorded ~ the V. Bo'n 15» 1S>1 in Luaardl 1T1 IM 1»1 mlnotoi Kaat along aald SotMhaaaUrljr Una uejv hereby U.amended %a read aa followa: and uakaed ixi nnt K*diS( at a resular .' Mattress and spring; ping pone cocker 'mother, eight 'weeks-old. throughout; $9500.00. from statko. Prke In or veneer, suitable for dining; Durham and Bernard Doyle. and Lions tym'kk 1S» Ills. 117 Uolt ' _1« 111 tl* and paued on Ant readlnc at a recularHectkw «. I-UWAHY UKTA1L (XiNmiMI-- mertlnt of. *nue. forty-tare* f**t »ot» nln«- nwetlnc at the Totnuhln Ootttoltle* of the Tel; "CRanford ~4*lilB-M after FIVE room house, 1% baths, hot quire Felix JX Fabio. » North! also ottoman; not necessari^ -in W^tfleld. TeL WEstfleld S&J;. Other awards included: Ber- sweeps, while the mailmen copped Ddltr JUS 1ST 15» lMin i«r ty-onr 6o« hundraotha of a foot (*J-»1'» to TlnN LKJON'HK: The tee for a plenary re- f»«nkl>lp i.f rranford.. V. 1.. held on table, wicker chair- suitable for Jaeoboa 157 118 1*7 Toamahtp vf Cranford, tt. 1.. held on UU ronaumptlon llcena* ahall be tl.»*«.4«. iplli !. 1»M. and will , be ebneidcrad nut, eleven pieced?excellent con- tb^^ VETERAN, wife and baby looking good condition. Phone CBanford ter, which was "accepted *— "— the other two records, with a- series, 4T« 1»» ITS a t»lnt: thtec* (4) North t» decree* Kael. AprU I. 1>4«, and *U1 be oooalderai porch. Tel. CRanford^ 6-24MMR. Union Avenue. CranfonL TeL! nard" Boyle, gold arrow to the lion Tool 1«1 Ks"l*l. 157 WT MlUfty-a*«Mi fert and ae«enty-thr** one taun- and tnV holder of «ucb lloenM ahalt be en- Mr final PUM*?. afl>r publUt heannc it dition. TeLCRanford 6-1857. -lor_threela oT a foot (57.73') la a point Jn the another recular Mrellnf of •»IJ. Tovtuhlp TRICYCLES in. stock now-, atNow! SOFT WATER -up* easy m*nt yeiy, very urgently, needed. game of 944. • We.Miy line of Walnut A«enu»: tnwfci (S) aell for oonaumtitlon' .on the tlcenaM j)m. -fwunltte* at Muulclptl.. Bullvllnt, Cranf. BOV3 tan and blue plaid sport RICHARDS- SWACKHAMEa y church. , badge; Albert Huettemarv, gold and 831 MS 778 8M M * Commlltee al Munlrl|»l Bulldlne^-Cranfurd, I»M, any alcoholic beverase* by the (laaa, S'K Jc.rary. on . • :. .. • Cranford Cycle, and Toy Com- economical way WITHQOT. lc ORANFORD—C«i • jikovin£» 'wish Please, call C. Upton, CRanford USED fly. rods. Sportsman Shop, tion Winning a sweep from, the Re- Aoutb 1 dajrera eaat. aJoag aald Wejurly K|f Jtw», on Jacket, |S» also boy's tan zelon 4 Alden Street, CRanford 6-4U2 A 10-year service pin, was pre- silver arrow to the bear, badge; line of Wabut.jt*enue, ihlnf-ulna .feet and at other open receptacles, and «l» to aell all TI.'CHDJIV. Xl'UU, I*. I»W, pany, 2 doors from the Crawford INVESTMENT IN A WATER to sell' "4 bedroom home with 6-157&J 4-25 *7 North Avenue, West, Cran- Complete publicans, the Post C«fnce went in- Laaao* O)~ cfik (•) fourteen ona hundredth* 6f av foot <'39.14't TlfEODAY. ArBlii K. I»4«. «)i-<4u>llc bevarac** In original container*, at H:3» o'rkktfk'P.. M. • jacket, $3; both size 14. TeL CRan- or CRanford .6-0476, sented to Cubmaster Charles An- Rodney Stokes and Ross Figgins, IM ISO 184 KS IM 9 to in* |ilac* of becinnln*. at 8:»» rt-dock I*. M. for («>n»umptlon off |h« llcenaed' pr«nUea. Theatre. til SOFTENER. A zeolite water soft- stairs to attic in Booscvelt Schoo ford. tloning service'. Work to second place, only "five games Butler -Itl Hlllon 1S1 11*' - ' ».. WALTUI comus. Much llfeiu* thai) not permit the aale of j. WALTEH ctttnnx. ford 6-08S7-W. • CRANFORI) school teacher is in derson, and other awards Were silver arrow to the wolf badge; 1« ' tS -being alay known a* $oV 1 Vnlon Avenue, ener is connected in your jboine and section; lovely living room with teed. Tuning ludl1 behind, the league-leading GJO.P^ IM Welch Kuuth. tn uld Townahlp, County and BUM, - • Townahlp Clerk. alcolutllc l-everairni In or upoa ejiy preniUea " Townahln Clerk. WE have immediate btryers tor FISHING rods repaired. I buy TrtwU-iOE * gradualion certi- Eugene (Musser and (Robert Craw, Baach -1B9 IM 1«4 1» 141 Dated: April i. l»l«. . ' lu which a grocery, dellcatoaaeii, drug "tore POOL table, full size, complete is serviced at regular intervals and • ' need ot four rooms furnished or 1 u)»*d which there, b erectax). j> of Cran TOWNSinP OF CRANFOttD Crantord. n7 mediately all properties for sale Call CRanford 6-1569. - tf MANO and Robert Hagerthyrwolf badge. r.ir.l. County or Union and State of Ne Ave., Garwood. Tel. WEstfleld no salt" to buy. Not one minute's between »S,000 and $30,000. ient to buses; ~" '" TWO or Uifree furnished or unfur- spring flowers, were arranged by :sweep fram the Methodists Men's NOTICE or. SALE or PROPERTY SOFA, bltw, very cood condition, 2-0348-Or, work on your part. Nothing.for 84» "' 7«S T5» 111 N'uia, tiiitftf^t. Be It Ordained by "ih* N'ottce la her*l>y given that Cranford Hall. GARWOOD—6 room home in very nished' rooms' by Veteran and the Mothers' Club. Also on the Club, were out to set a series rec- IViwtwhip OuniniUtetf of Uie Township of| lor., has Y>ff*4Ifcd io purchiue fnun the Ttnvrn- cuihioni recently rebuilt; $25. you to do but enjoy the SOFT PAIN1T*IG AND DECORATING Tunjng and repairing by LI»B Club (3) M. Mart C|ak ?•) thlp of t'ranf<>rd lot No. T (n Muck N>>. 85, on COMPLETE HOME MODERNIZATION 6-TUBET Console Siromberg Carl- HAiRHY H. MALLETT . good condition, living room wttr. mother. TeL WEstfleld 2-0238 j. tables were paper hats, candy cups Services, Passover ord, but faltered in the nightcap. PrwlM 1X« 1«W Cranf^n}: - 711 Springfield Avenue, Cranford, 1 J. C. POTTER, Interior decorating. Dfaed/ experth Cranford Vrm! 1X1 IHt 111) ' tlnn 1. That perrnlulon be and . the lav. ulap for tit* atihi pf $40,0oo.60, rakli. WATER. fiaA your hard water fireplace, sunparlor can Use and cdb pins Itt the cub coldrs of They opened with 849 and 012, but Ther'n 183 185 I6JS -IHIIN ....ITU lii lil and that Katd offer hiia.WtMt atn^rovod; and son Radio, $30; late model; also North Ave^ at Elmer St, Westfleld Preview at Beth El V. Hh'll IM ^IWt 1B2 1X1 l« h»r«lrr granted, with the tnodlllcaUott TeLCRanford 6-3180. troubles today.. Call Soft Water First classi work. Reasonable Co., Tuning and RebuildW ' blue and gold. The dinner was went to ip28 in the windup. All 'in forth In Bertton 2. to the aald (Jrrtru.lo tint at a mwCIng' of th» Tovmalilp Oommlt- Alterations - Extensions - Roofing °? Siding natural muskrat (fur coat, size. B, TeL WEstfleld 2-5050 year, nice dining; room, science dalists.. S North Ave., E Services wiib-«be conducted at Dla lltl IH'. 1KB Stxtr'n 1»T 16« 163 L>,' to l~' lu>l|'n>val and tlt« aale 1111 South Avenue, West; West- PINE COLONIAL HOME — EX- in one of Garwood's nice sections On or. before May 15th. Two s en's Society of Christian; Service 500 or better games. •'• • . a 3 s ivf luilil. i»rom;irly will' an be hladd . most new. Phone CRanford MOVIE projector, Keystone 16 fleld. adults. References. Sox 658, care PETER'SCHULTZi 3rd - morrow, with Rabbi M. Behja ' .With 15 games still-to go, tho >tirncl»nt. i-aua« amwuir* to Uu> contrary. 6-1855-M. CELLENT" Condition. Center near school; $8;400. PAINTING & DECORATING PIANO Tuning of the Methodist Church. 84B 01* 8i8 TliU pmiwrty coimUtt - i SIX rctom house oq South Unioi Walnut while three teams are tied for !«<»! IKS lfti" lr,0\ Mclla n 1H2 211 IM STROLLERS for baby will arrive session. $16,500. Cali a«iss Key- 1 dle-aged couple. No children or ingr painters and decorators. Bronze and Plastic Pearbnan as hostess, and Larry ford 6-2/iB6-W. Avenue. - Larfte living • room fourth', the Citizen and Chronicle, ji« ,.ia» in7 ltw _.1J3, 150 CRANFORD ' ' AFTER 8:30 P. M. ford 8-3455. . next month. Orders taken now ser» . Dietz & Smith, Realtors. pets. TeL ROselle 4-6301-W. Now working in Cranford; Re-f- 2-2325. of New Raff will' lead/a discussion on Hr UK GARWOOD LIVE POULTRY MARKET dining room, idtcben gn-first floor Methodist Men's Club and Peter- 6-2506-J .'• '-•'•'•*.'. ••'" CR. 6-2124 at Cranford -Cycle and Toy Com- WEstneld 2-1100; evenings, CRan- Tuners. SCREENING Juvenile Delinquency." "lr. . >27 DINING room' suite, solid carved FOR RENT d 6^134. - ' . ' . Three bedrodats and) feathroofD, sec-THREE or four ^ tr sen's Pairy^ i- -..- 20 • 32 12 ROASTERS — FRYERS. .^ FRI^ASEE oak, 10 piece's;-'also table "pads pany, 2 doors from the Cranford Tel,' A prevley of the Passover ritual TWO "room furnished, apartment ond! floor. Venetian blinds through apartment hy adults. Resident 7-0354-J. The Men's Leagues took a .sweeD 1U HIT 113 S5J-843 Theatre. v,__ tf 5-30 8ERVICING will be presented by children ot J and chair slipcovprs. Tel. CRan- New York, exchanged for; 3-4WEStFIBiLD.— Jnor Pa*k Sec- i^t ©wner octctipied- T?eL~C&3 in 4«esent house eleven years, Tel. from the (Rotary Club to drop the 4t h l FENCING the Hebrew School at 10 a. m. Sun- 1 Damoeratle Club (I) L. (tr*4her»**ll (2)' ford M six rooms, and ford ^: CRanford 6-0353. EDWARD TREMBLY, Qeoorator lluctfn »4S IM ». WATER SOFTENERS—Why rent room furn. or unfurn. apartment) tion.'bne flami! £?i £#*• Cranford day. Parents and members of thelatter teann from tenth place to the Malo'y il9 €EbAE ST^ GARWOOD (Ttirn at Post Office) Cranford or vicinity. Call RAh- garage, plot 75 x 100, taxes $114; ; Painting, paper-hanging. Homes, Radio Service. 2 Eastman Street cellar, position, llay&k lliwldna 1!M 124 NEW Jtawn. Fine black top soil, . oile Urheri .you can have. your, SIX rooms-, two and on^half sto: VETERAN arid wife urgently need eLCRanirdBnife congregation will witness the! Flnney II. Kle'r IM) IM , . TeL WEstneld 2-ms v Tree Delivery alter: 4 P. H. way 7-1200, Ext. Y83. 4-18 price $7500. ? stores, offices. 1592 Irving Street 'Those in the-.200.class last weeV Schmltt 133 149/1:4 J. Kle>r 155 15» 178 rich fed; $5 yard delivered. Call own at the smalf cost of approxi- frame hflUse.' all improvements, apartment anywhere "in 'Union Schlecter's itation. bankln 169 16* 144 FREE LECTU RE ON 7 : were: Holt, Post Office, 210; Koeh- Elizabeth 3-3847 between 7 andmately 35 cents a month for 3,000 suri'paria'rv ' biieaSdfasi; - room aw" County^Rewardfbr lead to~ rental E. FRED SULZER & CO. Bhler — 14o 8 p. elnreshlp of The Mother Church, is arriving daily. Edith Hill, 519 repairing1 andi returned .to you. We Tel. WEstfleld 2-4984 want to rent small 'house or large PhoneNQttarilord; 6-0851 27 SOUTH UNION AVENUE ployment Jn 1918 in the refinery Hdcp. .„ S 6 8 electric range, has rooms, large shaded plot $13,40 tl storeroom and was later,transfer- names, have been drawn to report The Flrsi Church of Christ, S«fenU«i. In Boston. Muaachtuetta East Broad St..Tel. WE. 2-1410 also' pick-up your luggage- from One-family, six rooms .^~ 9,80 apartment, preferably in Cranford. Monday for the final period of 840 TSI T3S TM 84* 7M - cooker. Cook-Master, CRANFORD 6-1400 I red to the Small Mix section of the TOMMY PAGE • • ' • AT '•• ' " ' • •'•.• •• . Open Mondays until 9. Depot and deliver any .small or Onenfamily, six rooms — Must vacate present residence by PAINTING attd^DeooraUng. T. A jury duty in the current court :warmer,- broiler, five, cooking _SHAHEEN AGENCY Crane. TeL CRanford 6-0969-M; Compound Blending Department. IN CHANCERY Of NEW JERSEY . medium, sized article you may One-family, seven rooms — 9J50 July 1st Tel. CRanford 6-1616 term at. the Courthouse, Eliza- " . 154/ltd speeds, surface signal light, used NU-VIEW Venetian Blind Com- r offers, LANE Rug and Upholstery Clean- lie was assistant pumper at the PROMPT, DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROOSEVELT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL have purchased and want deliver- Two-tfamily J evenings. tf 32p South Union. Avenue, Cran- beth: Mrs. {Catherine Gross, 368, To HUGH C. DOUOLAKS: less than a year, Phone CRan- pany, manufacturers of wood ers. Rug cleaning, furniture time of his retirement, April I. . By virtue' of an <.rdi r nf the Oourt of CUrtLatrt^tmt tattle Parkway'" ed. Prices- to suit your pocket R for.estimates. :\ Centennial avenue; James B Charmry it the Htate of New louy hud* ford 6-0008. and steel blinds, wlU now take GARWOOD^-Two family bri(*; Business income property _ 40,OOC cleaning, storage, repairs, moth Call CRanford 6-0524. We do HELP WANTED — Female Brewster, 43 Richmond avenue, on the ISth day or March. 1948. tn a eauae CaH CRanford 6-1914 Immediately WE8TF1ELD, N. J. your orders for custom built blinds. price $9500. . A1SO. improved building lots. proofing. 10 Westfleld Ave., E., Ro- Principals Meet wh»re|n KATIIKBIN'E M. raHrcLAflt) la BOVS all wool tan tweed suit, satisfy. ' •-.. tf WOMAN for geenral Jioiisework, Pamting and paperhanglng, floors and Mrs.. Nelie McNerney, 122 petitioner and you are defendant, you are Re-cording," re-faping, ^repainting. RALPH DELLA SERRA jelle Park. TeL BOselle 4-1195. Principal' Ray A. Clement of hereby required to »ua»».r th» petition of MONDAY, APRIL 15th, at ^:30 P. M. sue 10,'toigbial cost $10, will Buy direct and save. Call Linden" family ^frame; light laundry, Monday, Wednes- scraped. SVee estimates. CaU lamin street. iwtltloner oil v bookkeeping and typing. Give building Specialists, 3 North Ave., 2-1078, • ing developed into an unusually Toasters, Vacuum Cleaners, These are termites'. We spe- 117 Benjamin Street, Cranford.' ' LOTS FOR SALE fine home; $10,500. references and experience. Write cialize excluswelyjn .protec- W^/^J 4-25 E. Tel; CRanford 8-2^720. tf CRANfORD"—Lot, corner Prospect Box 859, care of Cranford Citizen GARAGE FOR RENT Washing Machines. Satisfaction . tion of property against De- .. .' • -LOST.' ' .;•• guaranteed; Telephone CRanford cay, Termites and mother JERSEY RADIO SERVICE LAWN SEED SOAP, vegetable oil base, for silks, LADY'S red/walleC lost Tuesday Avenue and Maple (Place, 75 x Unusually-fine 13 room 2-family and Chronicle. 42 SPRINGFIELD Avenue. Tel. New Easter Clothes! WESTERN Electric Hearing'Aid, 150 feet, $45 per front foot. Finest CRanford 6-0M7-J. tf 6-2616-R..,] Otto'e Appliance Serv- wood-destroying' insects. Our CRsnford 6-MN new. Model 83, designed and en- woolens, etc. No limit on quan- rooming, initialed "N. H." V1 home, tiled kitchens and baUls. YOUNG lady as dental assistant. ice, 6 Algonquin Drive, Cranford. methods are different and"- For You! & ... tity. Coffey's, .1-3 Alden Street, Columbia Avenue, Cranford. location to be had. 'Inquire modem, oil heat, ai gineered by Bell Telephone Lab- No experience necessary. Op- GARAGE, Arlington Road. Tel.. . , ' I". •' '••-•.• -«•• thorough. Consult us con- REPAIRS TO ALL For Children—— oratories, $89.50. Call, phone or Cranford. DiFatoio, 6 North Union Avenue, conditioned, finest North Side lo-, cerning all termite problems. WIRE haired terrier, black and Crawford. Tel. ORanford 6-2151. portunity for advancement. Call CRanford 6-0706-R. • tf|; RADIOS write Raymond K. Mead, 18 Ar- cation with 178 ft. frontage. $22: CRanford 6-1669. CRANFORD Refrigeratlnfi Serv- Patent Leather Pump* and Oxford* POTTED lilies for Easter. Chenille white, tan face, bobtail, Dover tnonthly income, -r PIANO-INSTRUCTION ice—Household and commercial , Over>t» Years' Experience lington Road. Phone CRanford license 1945; answers' to name of Desirable buildjng lots, reasonably Tennite Control Bureau flowers for all occasions. Have a GIRL -for general clerical office , R. BENNETT, Teacher of Piano. repairs on Frigidaire, Kelvlnator, Corduroy and Seersucker Overalls 6-0142. . tt floral exhibit in your home. Spe- "Jippic." Reward. TeL CRan- priced. T.hey are getting scarce Roselle Park, N. Jf. Lovely new hair styles-—simple, sophisticated —4>uy how! • Asking SI 1.000. We would 3 work_ Will consider recent Latest methods. Beginners and Crosley, Mayflower, -Norge and Hats, Dreue*, Shoes SUBSCRIPTIONS—Now, renewal, cial gift for the -hostesar For in- ford 8-0468-M. business course graduate. East Elisabeth, N. J. HERBERT F. SORGE THOMAS MacMEEKlN. Realtqr ytfur offer on 'this 12 room 2 advanced courses. Special course >ther mikes. B. W. Flartey, 223 —| and all easy to comb—ready to frame your face gifts and prizes. Lower rates to formation call CRanfor2'th, good nome for right "per [Wittke. Phone WEstneld 2-4807-J. Berkeley Place. Phone CRanford pervision. Established^ 1928. Winalso repaired. Coffey's, 1-3 Alden For Men and Boys Call CRanford 6-0304 Today , ..silver, bric-a-brac, silk son. Tel. CRanford 6-1712-JR. |L, Schroeder, 10 Adams Avenue St. Tel. CRanford 6-2224. tf shawls, jewelry, desk. Chippendale : tf CLOCKS REPAIRED 6-1708. tf Want to wave quickly? If you d Authentic Shirts, White and in Colors, I • For An Appointment. " closet,' chairs, tables, deer heads. ANTIQUE weight driven and see this 7 year old 5 room brick Tel. CRanford 6-2799. TYPEWRITER and adding ma- JUMBLE STOKE siprlng clocks' a specialty. Roth- FOUR corner lots, 20x100, 80x100 and stone bungalow, science tiled .WORK WANTED — Male SCpTGH PLAIDS Neckwear, Hats, Hosiery, Boys' Caps, We buy antiques and bric-a-braci in full. Garfield Street and Moen chines repaired. Specialists work rock. Tel. WEstfleld 2-3532. Mem- kitchen, .tiled bath' with shower, VETERAN would like gardening SHADES. VENETIAN BLINDS on your home appliances, irons, . New Spring Line of Shoe* :DOG) II Eastman Street. Cranford. Tel. Our stock needs replenishing ber Watchmakers Assn. of N. J. Avenue, one .block from Centeti- stone fireplace, oil heat, attached work and odd jobs during schoo AWNINGS,' s h a d e e, Venetian ; • " iti ELITE BEAUTY SALON .CRanford 6-2423 and 'CRanford So please give us a ring; toasters, vacuum^ "cleaners, etc. L Affiliated with United Horological nial AvenueTCranford. T. A. But- garage, taxes only $130. best of vacation. Call CRartford 6-0670-fft blinds, slip covers, drapes. C. C e-iisp: tf We need those things you'll never Call CRanford 6-1345— Richard McCurrach Ties MRS. M. 8CARBROUGH. Prop. Assn. of .America. 5-2 ler, 60 Sherman Avenue, Newark all its vacant • Downe. Tel. WEstneld 2-0161. tf WRINGER Rolls. Rolls m stock miss • - J.N. J. " tf ALL types of wood floors sandec Menzel (veteran), 61 Elizabeth I CRanford 6-1661 104 South Ave., E. ± 7 WALNUT AVENUE CRANFORD for any type wringer. Bring in And you'U feel good for doing this. SHOP FOR and refinished. Workmanshi. -v ELECTRICIAN Avenue, Crantford. tf Machines Hunting SHAPIRO'S DEPARTMENT STORE Substantial 2-4atnily with S and 6 guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully your old one, we will duplicate it; SHOP for light manufacturing or WANT HOUSE OR APARTMENT [LICENSED ELECTRICIAN — HOOVER Vacuum Cleaners—Au-- . Clan Napier : For Collection Call room apartments, separate steam given. Richard MenzeL 61 Eliza 19 North Union, Ave. t Open Evenings whHe rubber. Coffey's, 1-3 Alden storage, two floors, 20 x 30 andSIX room house or aipartment furnaces. . double garage. * extra House wiring, fixtures, repairing thorized Factory Branch Sales ORanford 8-2047, double attached garage. Rear 443 beth. Avenue. Tel. CRanford In all branches. Fluorescent fix- dan Hamilton Street, Cranford.' Tel. CRanford urgently needed by working large lot 200 ft in..depth, income 5-1345. . I ' • and Service Station. All makes •-2224. ' tf West ,3rd Avenue, Garwood. By widow with' two school age chil- $82.50 monthly, only $8jS50. tures. serviced. L. Rosenblith, Rep. Clan Stewart CONTRACTOR—BlUILDE appointment only. Tel. CRanford dren and housekeeper. ' Must va- DANIEL J. HEYBURN ' COHDWOOD for fireplace, furnace HELP WANTED—0MaI« Hoover Company, 75 West Jersey Prince Charles Clan Duke of Kent SPECIALIZING in masonry, car- 6-016L cate present residence at once. Tel. WE^TFIELD-AREA: ResJ'5 Burnside Ave., CR. 6-0507 Street Tel. ELizabeth 2-7661. tf . TEL. CRanford 6-1117 < and kitchen stove. Out to any pentry, asphalt roonng, repair- CRanford 0-l?«5-M. WE JCAVE good steady work to ' • tf lenjth. Order now for''Fall and ing roofs, asphalt driveway. All tf j Farmhouse, part of which is 150. press mechanics and sheet meta CURTAINS years old, 12/rooms. suitable for INSTRUCTION Winter delivery. Boyd, tel. RAh- types of building reconstruction CURTAINS • — Laundered " and perators if you live in Westfleld CONTRACTING..-? MILITARY „ ; J ..^j^.MTEl. 1__ or. 2 iamujroccioMncy...... <3d ^tltm work. lWar-appruy burigatow or smaU]Tins bee» partly modemixed! with Beckley Perforating Company, 315 Bill Griffiths," formerly heard via STRIPES 150 N „..,.; .Q up and deliver. Phone BLizabeth NEXT DOOR TO CttANFOttD TBUST CO TULLJER Brushes. — For' tooth . house. Box' 846, care' of Cran- new stove, new sink and'modem "Worth Avenue, Garwood, N. J. 4-18 Alteration?, Roofing, Screens utto&J and N. B. C. studios. Be- Estimates given. Tel. WEstneld 2-3120. ford Citizen .and.Chronicle. ~~ brushe5,Tiou*ehoId brushes, pol- 2-3I54-M between 5:30 and 7 p. m cabinets. 1 modern'bath with tiled Kitchen Cabinets, Etc. ginners and advanced students. In- WOOL ishes, waxes. Call or write L. A. fixtures. 1 bath partly modernized, Liberal Terms Arranced John Monaco, 232 St.. Paur Street TREES REMOVED COMMUTER will rent or buy KOOrtNG — REPAIRING struction in studio or your own PLAIDS 1.50 , McKee. 12 Arlington Road. Cran- Westfleld. ' tf moderately priced five or six 2 wood burning .fireplaces, nearly CRANFORD CONSTRUCTION home. 59 Elizabeth Avenue Cran- TREES taken down and removed ^" WM. GRASSING ON OR ABOUT APRIL 15th, WE WILL Ijord, N. X "Telephone CRanford room house, or' apartment in good new steatn furnaces, bars, over COMPANY ford. Teli CRanford 6-0210-J. 4-11 SOUDKNlTS stumrxv pulled out. All work Carpenter and Builder -176O-W. tf neighborhood. Immediate occu- half acre of delightful grounds with Roofing—Siding—Insulation' 1.50 TUTORING guaranteed. . Completely covered brook. 'House is well.set back Genenal Contractor in Various Colors pancy. TeL CRanford 6-0086. tf TeL CRanfrrd 6-1U4-J. tf TRUMPET MOVE TO OUR NEW OFFICE BUILDING )R Waxes. Try~eur brand MATHEMATICS - TtiTOft tirad~ by insurance. Phone or write A from the street and is an unusual 61 Burnside Ave., Cranford TELEPHONE CRANFORD 6-6719 l you'U like it. Paste uaie-Teacher Individual instruc- V. Boyd, 2114 Horttf Oliver Street, listing for buyer who wishes to GUTTBR and leader work our TeL CRanford 6-1928 Limited enrollment only tion in Algebra, Geonietry, Trigo- CABIN FOR RENT ON MYRTLE STREET. np-rub at special prices. Rah Way. Tel. RAhway 7-1062. tf retain the charm of an older home, specialty. Also skylights, roofing •5-16 FRONTIER BELTS X-SO to 2.00 Palnt Shop, 107-5 North inometry and Calculus. Call or JULY or August. Log cabin on butter occupied. ind ventilation. All work guaran- HARRY DILIJINSON THURS., FRI. SAT. SPECIALS Avenue, Cranford. write for appointment. George E. lake front, private lake 45 miles teed. Estimates without obliga- CARPENTRY, builder and general ftRENTWOOD VIRGIN fi Q(- If you have any old raivs. white from Cranford' in Northern New formerly with foremost radio and' Parker, 14 Preston Ave. Phone YOUR PROPERTY Ion. Oscar Zucker, Sheet Metal contracting. Edward Cusano, washing fluid. The CRanford 6-0939. or colored, without button* or Jersey. Three bedrooms, aH mod- $30 North Unl&n Avenue, Cran- recording bands. WOOL SWEATERS ....O«5w> tf LISTED WITH US?" Works, 630 Springfield Avenue, Genuine SALTWATER ' ti Skylight formula, 2Se catches, we will pay five cents per ern conveniences, electricity, gas, "Tewark. WAverly 3-3541. 6-13 ford. Tel. CRanford- 6-2926-J AWPORU (PIANO COMPANY >. SPORT SHIRTS/ FISHING REELS (S cents refund for Jug). pound. Bring Utetu IB. Cranford inside plumbing. Use of rowboat FOR further information regard- after 5:30 p. m. tf 3 North Ave., B, TeL CH. 6-2720 SIMON1ZE V Sport Shop, opposite the and canoe." Excellent fishing, RE-ROOFING, date, tile, asphalt "\ , Short SJecv«»Sfeero, In Stock WANT TO IMPROVE Citlxen and Chronicle. ing, these properties call our Cran- WAX or CLEANER CENTENNIAL AVENUE . IT T«L CRanford. NORTH AVE^ W., •?. •

\*.i'jti&it Jmm CTAWFORD dTimW AMD CttitOHIClJC. THUHSDAY, APRIL 11; •' 1M6 ' ' ' . • " • .. . . • " CHAWTOHT* CITIZEN AND CHBONICLX, THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 1040 Sim us adequate protection. Of 4be 1« ships which went through Walter Hack, Columbia Hl«h 12 SpHngfleid avenue, by Jacques Boating On Upper Edw Lake Vets' Study Center Oiled prior to the eiomat ntfjttm- ICmg of Kings'at / Mfitar Straits last July, only School, • MSgewp^d^ aissigned to : Coll, first reader of the Fi±»t Legion Accepts ' ", Safety Talk, Movies Name«l to Sorority tit>n.' .. ' ' , "' "••••-•' .':"• sm OBITUARY Under sponsorship of the Lin- Miss Beverly Fender, daughter four of us were operatiiig 30 days GeU New Teachers •physics. , '•'•'' The current ecxelliaeai..,lav i* Methodist Church Church of Christ, Scientist... ; Seven New-Member* later, when pur job was completed A w«st 1^ Bmkewel. Borrvln Harrison. Mrs. DiCario Seven new members were ac- coln School Parent Education of Mr.and Mrs. William J. Fender . Two* Instructors'have' been added "The veterans*- Dean Kenneth twice the PUmter who'attended "The King of Kings." a motion of 606 Lincoln Park, east, has been and we weighed anchor for 'the Campbell AlacKay, Ph. D., re- veterani' claises proviiei bj Un- August L. Borqkessel, 6Vof 812'had lived in_danford (or eight cepted by Crantord Post, 212, Group, a lecture and motion pic- to the faculty of the Veterans' [picture depicting the life of Christ. ture on "Safety in the Home and made a member of Ionian Sigma,. . Six were blown' Up ported, prefer algebra, English, and ion- Junior College in toe' prior a •V fiirtihw ot the American Legion, at a meeting and sunk before rny own eyes; Study 'Center, Union Junior Col- palm Sunday at Christ. Scientist. Tuesday night in the .Casino, School" will be presented by N. O, Sorority at Trenton .State Teach- Opens Season physics. Several classes were quarter ers College; A graduate of Abra- three were hit badly by iap shore :lege. annoinvsed today, because of and had been active in the work of bringing post membership io 200, Schneider Of the Newark Safety and »; Suns, and the others "suffered' me- Council in the music room of the ham Clark, High, School, Roselle, This Is in The ^fleet" of theUnioa County the heavy registration for the ses- the show Will be used to purchase the Sherman P.-T. A- - ' of' which more'than half< are 'vet- chanical or hull injuries. Park JCommission, iwhkh at first Malay td> Receive .-.. preparing a summer borne for oc- erans of World War H. New! school at 8:15 tonight. The_public she' is a (freshman at Trenton, sion that opened this week. Class- a motion picture projector -for Surviving besides her husband comprised only a couple of dozen : The Sacrament at cupancy. Funeral services will be are a json, Robert Harling DiCario, members accepted 'Tuesday were Is invited to attend. There wiU be where she is majoring in elemen- •forces "BJy ship was shelled from the es, will continue' to June. WHOLESALE & RETAIL CRanfotd 6-1333 church use. no admission charge. ."?.: •• tary education.' ;. ,. , shore on three occasions,- som? of boats, .this. :year includes • more conducted at 2:15 p. m. today at 12, and three eisiers, Mrs. Clifford Harold A. Lawrence, Ralph Gesser, : .'-'• • .By onlar '-•.... «f bis tiian 100 rowboats wh/ch may jfe The new. faculty metnbers are Piesbyterian Church ( .. „_ • BOAJU> OF AWIIBTJJJCT the 50 shells splashing water into ~ ' ~ ineral Home, Westfield; S. Mbritz arid Mrs. J. Alex Carlson Douglas" Thieler, Rocco C. Rust TOWNSHIP OF CKANF0RD / ja ininesw* *" Andrew Scott, Linden High School, .Holy Week will begin at the confirmation at 9:40 a. in. and re- NOTICE OF HEARING the decks and exploding uuder- rented by. visitors at Lake Surprise the Rev. Robert G; Longaker, of WestflekL-and Mrs. George Joseph A. Hirach, Morris Wein- Notlot l» hereby jlna that Haarooad •> serving' —~ r— In the Watchung RescrAfatiqn, at who Will tea-ch mathematics;. and FirrfPresbyUHrian Church with the ception of new members. There berg and John J -Greco. Clyde J. BUlff has offend to purchaae rran tha Baar4 sf AalaitaMat,—Zsalsf Anthony C. D«nrb-h. [neath, and others whistling through of the First Presbyterian Heiland of Madison. , ' " . Kbtlcc la hereby, (too Utat UM Bdard of Pacific Thatoe <& Op- . Palm Sunday message.. "Tragedy will be reception of members and Towoahip of Craflford lota 651 and SSX, e the nigging; out our only casualty Echo Lake and at the lake in Interment will be in King is membership chairman. Mock its. no the tar map for tha mp> ot AiUustmant (Zoalns) of UM Township - of ia secent tetter to Dr. Warinanco Park in Elizabeth. . at the Gate," by the Rev. Ri*ert sermon at the 11 a m. "service, andFairview Cemetery. • '••'* tMO.OA, ciah. aid that aald offer ha* been was one man who lost' his grip Gertrude B. SUplea Progress Was reported by Rob-approved; and thU at a tneettot- of the Best supervising pririr ' r± JLoncaker, pastor, at the'11:*. m.'the Re^j Albert Allinger will Mr. Bornkessel's wife died in the ert J. Minton, chairman of the TWrnahlp ConunltWe to be bald on April 18, mentally and had to be taken off. In announcing the .opening of rvice this Sunday, at which tfane preach. There will be , special Mrs. Gertrude B. Staples, 65, a 19W aaM offer will be considered for final the boating season, which will con- . service ura s»*fuuo^« «•* ••***«- *—— • — , . .. same hospital under the same clr- Legion Gift Dance; committee'. ... That experience, plus having WILBUR COON SHOES cumstances about,s^year ago, former resident of Cranford. died appnnal and.the atle of «ald property, will UrBdtr living to sweep after V-4J Day and Seeing tinue during the warm 'months,, . tbe sacrament of baptism also will'music by the choir, led by Henry at Elizabeth General Hospital Tickets sold to date amount to to be made- unlesl lufflclcnt cau»e appear* A color artist employed by the than $450, and Mr. Minton to the.oontn»y. Deed to cootaln a reatrlc- . *ent IS tnrmths other -ships blown up by mines, is the 'Park.Commission, reports that, FOR WOMEN WITH FRESH FISH MART be administcTed. The Junior Choir M. Boardrrian. . Monday night, following a Uod to the effect that only one one-family Powers-Engraving Company^ New Ciedpnia. Samoa, EHice wtay.-I am glad to report that all last year 130,598; persons took ad- PROBLEM FEET " .•wiB. sing "Jerusalem;", by Parker, | At the Senior High Fellowship attack stnTered'shortirtefore at dwdUof of not Ion than 13.00* cubic feet KSS an* *he Ton«a Islands CSAXFOaD and the Senior Choir will sing meeting at 7 p. m. the topic will be York. Mr. Bomkessel attended the The .. ahatl. be erected on uld lot. -. ' any physical apptatenances are vantage oi the opporturjity to en- Sites 4 to 11 in AAA to EE her home, 345 First avenue, TOWNSHIP OOIUUTTKC Ot THE « hack to this country joy pleasant relaxation to the ac* OUR STORE CLOSED f~rJ; '"' —- —-nit "Unfok£.Ye Portals," by Gounod. ;"Raclal Teachings of Jesus," with First Baptist Church in Westfield be held next month. . S • TOWNBHU' Of CRANfOBD. present and accounted for." 1 Survivors ihclude ' three sons, Roselle. She was the widow of T the-Mival...Mine companiment of the gentle "swish" AT NOOK WEDNC8DAT8 Open Dally 8 A- M. te fcj* T. M. to Jack Gnibe leading the -discussion. William Staples. Funeral services Because of a hick of interest on ' ' J. WAi/rea conrtx Mr. Kendrick received the good Ruth Falrweather will be leader at Capt. George .A., with., the Mer- [the part of high school students " Township Clerk. have a wide selection of in of water lapping against the sides ; will' be conducted, at 3 p. m. today ii the United news ofT his relief of command v The Union. County Park Commission ."fleet" this year. ' the meeting of the Junipr High chaht Marine, and Louis and Don- the Saturday night dances spon- Dattd: April 3. IMa. . while at Honk Kong Cor repairs of. a boat Each of the rowboats OCEAN FRESH CHERRY STONE CLAMS at Gray Memorial, 12 Springfield TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD. v«nt out sewn in Jan- ANDREW CRISANTI ald Bomkessel, both of the Coast sored by- the Legion will Jbe .sus- last November, and he was on his'will safely accommodate five per- comprises more than 100 rowboats which may be "rented at ON THE HALF SHELL We Guard. avenue, by the Rev. Albert Allin- - S'otka Is b«reby rl»eo that ttalph Delia and spent another 18 sons. ' Gradoste of American Crosses ' • . *'•••'. •' ' ' • •" ship Boetjrer; ger, .pastor of Cranford'Methodist pended. William' Herzog, ST., 8«rrS has-^offetBd to porfchaa* from. , ttw way home via the- "magic carpet" School of Prmetlpedlcs SERVED HERE OR OPENED TO TAKE OCT chairman of the Student Dance TownihU) of Cranfard lots 15 and 16, block While the boats in the lake'at Echo Lake, Lake Surprise and Warinanco Park Lake. Last year of J. Dillard and Church, which. Mrs. Staples at- 75A on tha tax nap for the sum of 11.500.00, during that month and the.'next. S04 CeatennUl ; <<»«»t; JfUdtHti^i ' and that at a ncetlnc of- .Uw TMrnahlD Jr,, son of Stockton Beekman and GARWOOD—Mrs. Jutia Balogh, green Cemetery. Elizabeth. bis outstanding work on this proj- ber2©— people whb * go boating ifor the Afraid to Die?" at the evening ComnllM to be held on .April Hi, 1RU saM sheer pleasure of getting out oh Donna Colt: Judith 'Louise Craft, 66 years old, widow of Alexander Born in Brooklyn, lbs. Saples ect He reported that approxi- offer will be oonstdered for- final a£C>ro be "But I had a most happy New the water, the Park Commission dayl R. Craw will accompany the had' made her home In Cranford Usae unless sufficient cause appears, to the Tear's celebration with my wife, Roth Louise Craft; Christine Kirby 484 Fourth avenue, after a linger- for about 25 years before taking up the'dances during an eight-month conlAry.. Deed to contain a restriction that Watche* pjftsSfc Keadrick mat catninand- announcement reveals,' many of hymn singing on his Violin. " 1 the property ailall be Used for- residential andr any eight-month-old son, Faunce, daughter of John Draper period. r-——•.— •••'•••',..•• • •-• those in Echo Lake Park and at ing: illness. Born, in Hungary, she residence in Roselle two years ago. purposes, only, and only one 114 story -^ftTMS«niiie«»»WBp- and Katbeiine Kirby Faunce. There will be a meeting at thehad resided in "Garwood for. 20 whom I had not seen," fee relates. Lake Surprise are used for a dual church tonight for all those) wish- She *was a member of the Daugh- L. R. Pompllano reported on thedwelling house shall be erected thereon cod : Compacts - • Thomas • Carter • Finwall and years arid "hdd operated a genera recreation committee project and talnlng cot leas than J5.000 cubic feet" r Mr, Kendrick, who attained two purpose—ito provide pleasure for Oampaalon leaafe chain wllli extra to unite with". the church on ters of America.'.' -, , ; - TowNaar^-coMjinTKE or THK and one-half stripes just' before fort is thdr lnnrioa* pUlowJntka., CharW* Dean Fin wall, sons of Wil- store oh Fourth avenue at the also told of a meeting of 10.mem- TOWMBHD? Of CKAVTOEI); andotM otter ships the occupants as well as to trans- bur Ellsworth and Alma Vivian Surviving are a .son, Chester P. * Pen and Pencil Set* being released Ifrotn the Navy, Us* MM vfch autdblag fca»e frin««. Cranford-Garwood, line for many Staples, Sr., of Cranford; two.sis- bers of the Legion with the Towri- - . . j. VIJLVTKB corrEB, The' latfar gH port supplies to a favorite picnic Finwall; Nancy Hcjughton Foege, Easter Sunday. ' .and Senior years. She, wait a communicant of .."'•• Vownthlp Cltrk. plans to take up work in the field ters, Mr*. ship Committee last week. Dated: April 3, UM. result his seniority area along the shore. 'Fishermen, tf^ttgjhtrr- of Lawrence L. and EHChoir.- , rehearsals - will be held at St Anne's Church. She leaves a , W O. Stlmpsop n of public relations in New York Crawford and Mrs. Lila Pearce as a lkmtenan*. and sjtve 1 |too, make extensive use of the ttore Helens? Foege; Dale Raymond 6:$> arid 7:45 p. m. •' - brother and Bister In Hungary and w City. He hopes^io go on to give boating facilities on\ the park There will also be meetings of Garwood, and three, grandjhlldren. fcr , Jr., son of Dale Ray- a jjiece, Mrs. Mary Rosch of Ron- decisions con- wider scope to his background of lakes. ' konkoma, L. 1. Funeral services bBFORD study and experience jn academic Monday an^Tue^ay eve- TOWNSHIP eepihgmetlvxband of John will be at S:io a. m. Friday from NoticNticee Il s .herebeyy |IV«n Hal W.lttr C. NOTICE! 'fields, plus th^"knowledge of new. ' Laid strsi Drain Tile the Dooley Funeral Home^ 2 Sobdleoberf 4i«« offeredd to tmrrb«»b e from phseeame... £_ J Stsbjecte (eiectrlc'ity, magnetism, Ellen tlie. TownihlD of Cranford lot II aul tha I HAVE MOVED MY SHOP FROM wffi'^a io theertryday work. John Jfihriston laid the first drain siS*fc. • North avenue, west,.Cranford, fol- front S5 Itel of lota 17. 18, 19. SO. block radat,,sorucs^navigation, (gunnery, tile in the V.. S. on his Hew York, » 'and^-.Ruth" D. Gessler; P> m- H°lv Communion arid re- "owed by-a hlgK requiem mass at SO, on th« Ul Hup for til* iua ot SMS.06, &&inines "», °* members will be h&d.at Mnd Uiitt it a ue«Un« of the Tmnuhki Com- the'Navy. . •'••, .'" • ••, . ' •. . on Ids SO" acres are still in aucceis- c a. m. in St Anne's Church. In-, : and Ousta Johnsen. - * »• .«• ,» **. Thursday with a mlUee. IA.M hold 'od .April 1«, IBM uU •••'.•. •-'"-••••."~ ;.y... i» ' '" •' •• ^ the former hrgb ful operation. erment will be in St. Gertrude's offer .will b^fonaldered Tor fln«l approval c aeaclier went thiteugh one .special offering fdr starving and the' ul« of MW property will *> .be 535 Souih Avenue, Garwooti' »' -. «'": . pie in Europo. ' -..-,-. ^ Cemetery, Woodbridge. • made unleM lufflcltnt «ute,iDM»r» to tha ScJ "siealdanger,".he relates wntrnry. '•- j . i This was at Balik- 'CarolMargaret Myers, daughter of •.*• r~~. ~~~' •-., ' Towxftinr rojJuiTTEE or THE Mrs. M, Thomas - TowNsnip OP ciuNronn. 11 North Union Avenue Cranford, N. J. o ••my George KL and Margaret Myers; Cottfirmation service NLra, Evelyn Elizabeth DiCario * JT. WALTEB COFFEE. : . LOCK8M1TH — BICYCLES — LAWNMOWER8 John Clifford Seiberr^son-of,Ralph ' • Totmriilp Clerk, ts-be^a our. work there,. J6 14,, wife of M. Thomas DiCario, Baled: April 3, lSW WELDING OF ALL METALS lisas hflcae ihe Alt^ies landed," i Spurgeon and Anna Margaret Sel- r i lied at her Aome# *4. Denman place, Telephone WEttfieM 2-3446-M ~s iieiis.M3div * and were hinder-d MONEY .-he»fc-...>*aB*y- Lou Simraonds; There wiU be reception of new in Friday otter a long illness, (£ &«• ibe shallow water, which™ daughter of Alfred and Lucille !^ernbrts nt Calvary Lutheran funeral services were. conducted s3& is. ticpossJhle for the cruiser Hawthorne Simmonds; Robert cfiurch at the 11 a. m» service Sunday evening at Gray Memorial, xaS 6js4n;-yer -fine support units to' Stanford Smith, son of Robert Ed- Pa,m Sunday. At n MrvJce con. & ^j jij'elSse.eaouBh to the beadi'to Win and Pauhne Stanfor Smith; ducted by ^ Rev< •W1iuam jf. I'M ON THE GaU Heyden Templeton. daughter Niebancfe a{ 3 p ,m.( the following MUSIC Announcing . . . of Bonner and Gail Templeton:^ ^ confirmed: Marily Arndt, Theodore Ridhard^Tisch. sort ot ^ Eichinger, Ruth Frost< Joan HAND WROUGHT IRON Additional 1 C ther he OTHER END On Easy Monthly Repayment Plart S^TT ^ ^ ^ J "T »«»"n«ton, Carol Schott. Melva IN GLEAMING WHITE Specials at A. MANGER Tisch; Laura GatWoston, daugh-|j,niIM;< John Kianhofer, Diane Lar- GREGORY'S The Opening of terof JamesH. and Helen Weston. „«.„, uonald Hopkins, Donald Hub, OF YOUR LINE! tlie Rev- Mr. Longaker will be|Donald Grewe, Alfred Hemleb and glamorous Flue Mandolins - - U&M Accountant Your monthly payments take care of your the speaker at the Everyman's Richard Schneider for- porch Fine Guitars - - - I10.5* Bible Class. The Women's ,Bjble There, will be special Palm Sun- or patlpL- Student Drains - - $fJf mat ' . taxes, fire insurance and interest and Pay Off . Class will be the guests of the men.day music.at both services by the raln-Bun. Popular Music S for fLM • The Margaret Greene.Guild will treated All Orchestrations THE VALET SHOP Your Mortgage ~— As easy as paying ,reht. , choir, in charge of Miss Josephine •. Just phone me at Westfield 2-5161 for reaoy cash. M fabrics. Auditor hold its recular dinner meeting at Dlener, orgimlst and choir dlrec- 222 Centennial Avenue. and friendly service. . „ ' . ' 7 o'clock w Monday evening. The t^ At the morning servlc* Miss GREGORY'S Junior Fellowship will meet at 7|Elga Eichinger will sing a solo, and You'll find the Friendiy Finance Company all that the 5 Alden otroet \ Mosie Center . Cranford, N. J. name implies—a friendly source of ready cash for enter-' Interest charged on unpaid balance only pu nu, UstaC as their subject. "The there will be a quartet composed gency needs. •. '' &. 6^1037 Cross." Miss Carol Blarkman will of MIas Marianne Therman, Mrs. WEST FRONT ST. 19 be the leader. The Senior Fellow-Naomi Hammond, Ernest How- • rLAlNFMELD * . 1. ' No irujuiries made of friends or employers. Just • •• \- • snip will meet at 7 p. m. It will Crott and Charles Knauer. --.• TeL Plfd. «-«M9 enough information from you to establish. your identity be a campftre meeting, led by Miss and personal responsibility. Phone me—then come in for The Women's Guild will meet at Open Thurs. A 8aL Eves. •CLEANING and PRESSING the cash you need. . .. Peggy Smith. the church at 8 p. m. tomorrow, | GARDEN TOOLS The Holy Wedc program will in- and there will be a meetinl of the T HAT BLOCKING " • , '' JOHN E. PITCHER. CRAWFORD SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION dude the meeting, of the Session'Sunday School teachers at 8 p. m. '•..•'•.'••"• •Manager. FERTILIZERS with the young: people and adults Monday. the. Senior Luther 1 *t» be tecetved into the fellowship League will meet nt 7::30 p.m. INSURANCE * CURTAINS LAUNDERED and P. S.—The same Friendly service is available to residents * GRASS SEED K& , ^ of all'nearby communities. * Office 2 N. Union Ave., of the church, The Session will Wednesday, and there will be REPRESENTING FOR in Sealed Bag* *neet on Tuesday and Wednesdad y meeting of the'Women'' s Mlsslon- STRETCHED Cranford, N. X evenmg* at 8 o'clock. jury Society at 2 p. m. next Thurs- FIRE AND MARINE: Open Dally . .The'Holy Thursday candlelight day. • BLANKETS CLEANED and American Ea*le Fire Insur- Friendly Finance Go. JttV Communion service- will be held I During Holy Week there will be ance Company RENOVATED FOk STORAGE ne»t Thursday evening. New,services at the church at 8:15 p. m. whir* quality thepplng U 2S5 E. BROAD ST. (opposlt* Central Aw*.) WBTHHD Saturdays CHAIRS JN mcftibcrs will be reeeived, includ- on Thursday arid Friday. Com- AzrienUural Fire Insoranee • : •• itoatUr ate** MM Ml IU-.Pa-.4HH.vine 8;30 A. M. to 12 MS, ing the young people's communl-'munion will be celebrated jit the Gs Tint — We Have • All 8a«la« Aaaaaatt, cant class. The Communion medi- Thursday nlgrit service. ~~ RIGBY^S , John E. PlteheTt Manaa'er Jtet Alw«t ErcrrtUU TEL. . Glens Fslls Fire Insurance Temporary Phone After 6 P. M. Cbatawi C-1S79 •a Hlihtny U In'hlaCatle 3pHo«(WU .Company CRANFORD 6-9164 One well-styled «hair adds charm to a living room ... tation wiU be-The Sacrament of a IM Sa^ta Ave. E. Cranford Pilgrimage.*' North British and Meresntlle Fire Insurance Company • CRANFORD 6-0073-M Eight • Cranford residents will but a pair of them MORE than doubles the decorative effect. , Insurance Company of North participate with a chorus of 50 Broni! St • Elii ob<''.h Al voices- its the- singing of Stainer's, Open Dally 9:45 A. M. Arrange them beside a fireplace, breakfront, big window cantata. The Crucifixion," at ^he. STATIONERY Traveller's Fire Insurance Old First .Presbyterian Church,' F*L and HAT. 2 Bis; H16I Satin Smooth Company vRahway. at«4 p. m. Sunday. They Jeanette MacDonald We Call For and Deliver! Now Is The Time or any ceiiter-of-interest. You'll find they maintain are Mrs. Alice Settlemire, Mr. and Nelson Eddy Vellum Mrs. Leslie BurUngame, Henry "Naughty Niariett." 50 Sheet. CASUALTY SchubeL John Rath. Mr. and Mrs. Jesnne Crain - June Haver a pleasing setose of balance, afford greater comfort and do much Joseph Simpson and Robert Dow.' Walter Areanan SO Envclo|>e« American Surety Company To Order Your Easter "Home u, Indiana" Gtfcns Falls Indemnity Co. i 811IM0 60fl»»»«0»» Maryland Casualty Company to stimulate, the Bo^called art of conversation. SUN. tt» TUES. 't Snuuh H1U Traveller's Indemnity Co. Kobert Monttomery Make the C-BROOKS John Wayne Budget Terms They Were Expendable' Dlitlnrtlve crianDel-bi(k chain wltl) ICE SERVICE TAKE YQUR CHOICE FROM THE Fill carved uauogany frame*, choice of no- Gale Storm Phil ategaa SCtffiR'S Carol-Lee Kiddie Shop << FAMOUS BRANDS LISTED BELOW Tatting clialrt wllb curved channel backs. tuual tapestry covers. SwingIVmdeof 1946" DRUG STORE CHARLES M. YEAKEL Rote cMirmlt with matching biMi fringe. •98 aa. TRUCKING •• WED^ THVB8. S Keqoest Hits South and Walnut AvetL. Insu your headquarters tor •84.50 ea. Bette Davis Miriam Hopkins vancd ROMA ai. .90 "Old Acquaintance" CRANFOBD SNOStIIAVt^,W. CR.C-12M PETKI sd.,89 ' Caruen Miranda Port, Sherry, EMPTY Easter Toys Port, Sherry I 32 NoHh Am*. EM! DOM Ameche Wn, Bendbc Vi g«L ZOO "Greenwich Village" Dry Sherry, * Muscatd, MtucateL SOFT PLUSH ~ - Totay BUNNIES SCOTTS LAWN SEED Twf-a-kind Modem Chair* built law anJ LARGE WASHABLE •rmlesa, uphohlerfd in Ugh tolor* . . . wate* BUNNIES uelon pink or yellow-green. Today. Fit, Sai. Apr, 11, 12,13 & TURF BUILDER CRESTA BLANCA •74 e«. • i Edward Ct. >Mff For your lnwn triumph try the fam- GAY GINGHAM Joan Bennett Port, Sherry, TODAY—F»X—SAT. ous Scott Beauty preparation for "SCARLET STREET1 Muscatel Hatching fireiids chain with blgh backs and each 1.000 sn. ft.; 10 lbs. Turf ; wings, Upholittred In wltta danlaik. Sth .,,; ;... •98 tm. Builder to bring about brilliant color PINK AND BLUE * -.143- •—3 to 5 .lbs, Scotts seed fo carpet CARRIAGE TOYS Paired lounge ckair* with tUgeaey MroQ tiit. 7:M. IliM bare spots with luxuriant grass. A CUMMINO WASHABLE frsraes, fringe bai«. Uphohtcrcd la novel wino Hat 1:45. S.-M. •:!• prtzewlnnlng Scott lawn costs no KITTENS ... An empty socket is of no use to you: Go aroqnd your house and fill frlese. • . / " " THREE STRANGERS' PARADISE •1590(0 ««. SAT. MATINEE ONLY more than the ordinary kind. way sodket with the right size lamp bulb. Keep extra bulbs on hand, Henry Aldridi Boy Seoul SOFT GINGHAM BurgunrJy, Claret *M TEDDIES BwHberooe, Onanti VIRGINIA DARE fluorescent tubes, too, iff you use that kind of lighting. Lighting equip- Twin ekalr* ttphelsterdl in dark nJ S—CA»TOONS—3 SCOTriB LAWN SEED-^Provldes perrrtnncnt turf in areas of Redand VVhiteWin« wttb Jnttge blda floral Motif. Seariei 8tr«ei wUI not be full sun or light shade. 1 lb. * .85; S lbs. $4.23; 10 lbs. $8.25. W* .till have a _ t should be cleaned regularly.. Even a thin film of dust on shades An Ftuny** •hwn^8at._Ma ftWCif c Shon.' 29''Ihsi — $2L2J», SO lbs, —$3.75 100 lbs. — |W0 AND MANY MORE VARIETIES RBDDY KILOWATT, your tltciuc sitt/Mt. ON OUR SHELVES! life HARVEY GIRLS' *Shm Went io the Race*1 CAROL-LEE KIDDIE SHOP TAYLOR'S HARDWARE ST. GEORGES AVE. Highway 27. WaiTAirtl'tr 2 N. Union - Oranfoni N. J. Open 10 As M, to 10 P. M, RAHWAY, NEW JjERSBY WESTFIELD 2-1500-1501 (Stai* +M toMl P. M. MM. thra Thara: Mofiiay thru Saturday of St Mary* 9 ELM ST. -, > WESTFIELD, N. JL MlkliMI. M. Fii aai Sat) V 9 WALNUT AVE. m»m ' L <--•-. ...I'.: --,-

^ •:*.-'>-0i I'llMMI THUI8DAX. APBtL 11, 1M»

M0T1CE TO VOTERS IN NOtmi CICMTH STREET ' •.- • M4-ISI , ... • • ures in.fiction' field* ie- (Bl • SleCary. Mary Juht: (Bl • Me GARWOOD At Read, Thomaa; (Bt IS IN CNAHCCaTV f MW itMCT ;/•• -.0' 'TOE. qtANTORD ; ,.;;• V 0RD, €ARWO0I) AND KENILWORTH Mr* Gary, Robert O. 0: TtWfv Bebaar. akt Wba. drrawaa a*4 rRKr NF (5V Fir** DUtrict NORTH NINTH STREET neraoaal, larmamaitw; Mra. fMhf ' distinct JB the taste «f Senator Hawk Tells Value charge of. Leon *<* *' .- HEBJCBT OnrW Oat. Mhaautt to tin »ro*biou of Ti&« (E> S Lowell. Harriet P.: ri»-DUle>. Mra. Shirley; (El to CENTO YTREtrr (B) Adama. Thelaaa: (*l Anthony. HchMr. hU' wtfe. Jena MuHar. kla the building was opened for publfc •MiMd Btatataaj at KfW Jtt—T. atod .by »lrtuin««e of Ihtk.anik.ri,. .i - - Baa Kirtley. Mra. BiUle: (El U Holaaan. (Dt 104 Dualer. John: (Bl III Erikaea. Wm. C. ... ', - belrt. d«,laeea and peraqoal l^n— (ttttton ani (Elfnmirir Tenders wnci; v» _ occ-wyc ^h ma by l»w. Ui« follovlng mi tt Ha.eaaJ~J*aB F. MraC Doria: (Bl 111 Schoenaey Anna V.:B«rt P." , '' • ' '. ' . TENTH-STSUrXT • tailiea, Mra. John Muter, hla wSh: ran .'.•"• • • Wtn Team Ace- •• ;. . '• W d l found torilytbU. to voU bS (Bl 1»7 Maraa. Emma P. £: (B) 1*7 MYRTLRLE AVENUE (At. Gtraart, Wm. E.: (At Gerhart. By >lrtu« ofoan «ro«r oftbe Coart «f brings •et of. problems for business on May d. "Clinton B SfAKATOM HOVE (Bl litt EEraott . RRse e MM.; (Dt »»» '. The United States will enter the most solemn (At RalL KUxaWta W.:«U» Mmer. Kattms. Suaaa M.: (Bl HI Keltlnc. Wm. H. IimMwy c4 New Jeraey, aud* on tha'Ato Jlttl Strouddburg, Pa, third assistant William Jr. KuvK h S Pruk Jr.J fEI 417 Cree. Mra. NORTH TENTH STREET tnot. In a rauae wherein Idmund T. MaT- Caution Cman, Established nwn tereated in came proven from tbe record, and they Easter in 25 years next Sunday," The Citizen and tk« Cod* WU» "A"—"B"— .HICKORY ^.^^ iea Ei 1*4 Cahfflk. Maatlla. Elate. era!, in accepting the structure for taU • MANOR AVENUE Dt Hlte, Alfred: (El 1< Bhlelda. an. In, la complalnam. and you aadjMban w (Combined In ..Ml)' •dvcrUsink dispute the ialse propafarida that Chronicle commented editorially. • "Afore than Government, congratulated Postmaster U. ,oU .nd tl D) 14 Mou«*a. John C. A. ktOSUtlNGSIDE OSUVE (Dl S14 Geabct Chriatian: (Al. S17 NEW STREET reading book* of an etcapjifta iturfe. Now i marks adwertisins; is nothing but a waste ever the lesson of the Resurrection should bring ... ,• ^ HIGH STREET > (Bl 7'MuUk. Harry; (Bl 1 Match. Kmmett, WUliaas J.; (Bl UI Greewiek. (El. S Mra. June.' ***' ELEVENTrt STREET IUI of mm'pUlnt oo or betora May tl. IMS. hfc campaign to raise the " (A) 107 Hartahorn . CU«; (A) SOSvCkvU ' aald blM'wUI be Uken li nil fin ill inore interest is being'showi in books home a'message of hope in? the darkest days'of t.£-_5o»oZUrfl No A*d«M Uft Coonty (lM).il). Uer. Gtrtrude. " K.: ou. '• , ' . - . American history as' the nation hover* on the .•C"_DDo .not pouwa 4jtoHISci>tlww jawtou rcqoincd byth. COMUIU- k E (A) li The uld bttl ta Bled to foratloaf'Is* 1MB of travel, biography; .acienck, and in many of ad- I could show in hundreds of Citizen and Chronicle " UnottkitllU of K«w Jersey (1»U1) KAHLCREST HOMES Duckworth. Lueretla. Anna: (Al 41( Cuaeona. Joaeph: (Al 415 Dt McGevna. Jamea.. brink of the new world conflict" . local pastors Uon E» Cunnane, AnnetU; (E> Raviland. Mlnih. HIQ 8.: (D> Z«« MAPLE PLACE Cuecooa, Tony: (Bl^ 507 Wl.ne.ky. •a? a rerUla tax a&le rertiSeata-.aatad N»- , have de-cases, and particularly in the auto- In this move. The Citizen and Mra. C: (B) to* Ludwicun. EUaabeih. Cari C. ' . • , ... ,• . THUTEENTH STREET vemtwr :«. 1*41. auk by Albert B. CaldwaU. fiction of' a° more ^thought-provoking were preparing Barter sermons bearing slgniflcant- (Et 104 Stnmpf. Edith H.; (Bt 104 SPRUCE AVENUE Et Vltala. Rqae. . rollertor.af^Taiaa o< UM Toaaabtp'of Cram- EDWARD C. McMAHON,.P clared that adwertlsteH is aa eeo- mobile Held, .where advertising lished a speil ^ tk* apadflanuoa la InHlratcJ br th« uld Code LAWN TERRACE . OStCHAJU> STKEET Stompf, Jerome T.; (Bt SOS Budd. Mra. ly on the chain of world events and their relation p effll B) (S Wallaee. DoucUa: (AI «S \Tai- ' 401 Kaakra. Edilla M.: (Dt 5I< De Graalo. Krminia. FIFTEENTH STREET ford, to TtewmhJp or Craaford, and —'f*~* .nature. • • , .---•'..•• ', ti — „ _ -~V »«»*. prttadaa nth uam« and may ba definlMy Fay; .(Bl SOI Rodd. Julloa F. Dl Vuealce. Joaeph. tu c^Bptalnial. wbkrh eertU>ut> eoiera landa CHARLES M. RAY. Enxm | w w ' •apjMe^aaanawahointtl- w^aapjajtc wastf waar^aawe ata^BjaawjaBBjaaBBwabuta rTwta«*«Bw» 9W aaawaaaw r gwrkes arid resultant increased production' to the faster observance. "When human beings, -in connection with the dedication. by rrfaTriB* to tka. eorwapondlna- Uttar in the abo»e elaMlfleation. ie. Florence. . Rankeo, Howard B.: (D> 41* NORMANDIE PLACE . WILLOW AVENUE John J.: (Bt 4S4 AUtreeat. LUlian; (Bt (Al 107 Clb'ney. Mra. Asnea: (Dl 110 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET In- the Ttanuhlp of Cranford, llnba County. Tht* •nth die re- toUConcresaih«tthe«aatofincr- > the opn- even those caught in the web of a war-mad world, . Members of Craaford ".Unit, - - to ptamt proot contrary to- aaeb rcaaon will b, «lven all UNCOLN AVENUE (Dl J Wamock. Andrew R.: (Bl II S'ew Jeraey.vuul la' recorded In the Union >4g 414 Alkreehl. Frank R. 8»Ja»Vk. Mariorle K.: (Bt «1 8eda»lck. F«-hn. Hn, Lottie: (At 11* MerlaT Ed* (At Stokea. Alice. CDITORIAL- iKere #>f »*.»rirfi.^ has sSaadUjr .bata • ie> suminc public tor less than one- witness the rebirth of Ea«lef and the eternal effort Legion Auxiliary, enjoyed \^ An •> SuUUan. HaroM J; •*; and you, rblilpp of Spring to raise its head,- they can gain courage' Casino In observance of the fourth a Sniv.n, Hmry A.. jE> ,t4 ^jjf/ert Mw_ (El 11 W«lch. Mn. Marion M. '. OAK'LANE Hinse, Frederick: *BI !2* ' Baaaford. AlJUca. Mn. Clara. • IAT1ON tnore sad. quarter tit their original production y 0 Joan R.; (El SZ4 Garabrant, Wilma C: k-h«<« and lohn Mutter are bade dnfandaata global war, the rninds and strength from the lesson," this newspaper's UM Board •hall ba«c.th« rUht to make appllcat ion'to at '•an! (Dl I5« Hefley. Morrie J • (B> STRING CARDEN _ (A| I Dexter, laabella F.; (B) « Slcf- EIGHTEENTH AND MONROE AVENUE the founding of the unit The dinnerwa^, UI Hopklna, Ida B,; (B) 17S Leea. (Dl J*8 Van NatU. Mra. Ida: (E) 41S >er4ua< >.« >re tbe recanl man of aald- editorial concluded: "Hope, like Easter, springs and served by the following membew of S (Dt 1IT Dcacoa. John R. ' - . ken. E. William: (E) IS Doerhoefer. Bramer. Mra. ThVr«a>; (Al 510 Balko. Et Perlowaki. Mn. J. Undi;.and Jwl. their reapectlta halra,•*»-.' ing into new avenues and the 'are doing H^%^ *~~^ fr^ »»^t« v* Herhtrt; (A) 404 Sayre. Frank G. SPRUCE STREET Mlaa X'..- (Bt 118 Ahearn. Eliaaheth: (Bt EmU J.i(B) «ZS Hall. Marc«lla: (El 474 . NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET vlaeea ud banonal repreeentuixa aucjraeoad ' These .brands and trade- eternal, anil the world knows that even this plague gion: Conxnartder Walter Cooper. Harold at MANSION TERRACE JIO Laln«. Edward L.; (Bt IX* DobnaUy. the sort of reading that bro dens their tbe ptAWs b«t aato«uanl of B (E) |5 Dnnainc.' Munnt; (A) 40 Nuclfora. Ann*' V.; (At 4(1 Blmone. (Al 11 Cauahan, Warren G.: (Al 44 to their tiapartlre intenaUla laid Uada If Member: Qu«Uty Weeklies of N. J. anarks >aDe responsible^ tor shall.pass.". . • ... ••-.'• Harlon Drew, Theodore Rauch, Clyde XK > « Urjon. GoaUv A.; (B) 41 Lar-Kobertaon. Thoasaa. Arthur P.: (Bt It* Donnelly. Florence. Mary. . . , .;.. . Cooklin. Mae E.; (A) 44 Meredith. they are dud;.abd you ot^jMte dealcsalad building food employment Jobs John Mayer.. A brief fcusines. S^ m. Holm M.; (A». 4S Thome. FT-d. Jr. WEST HOLLY STREET RIVERSIDE DRIVE Katherlne. u wlv«a buy have an interMn .• Entered at thrAfct Office at CrvafordL. N. Js, ..._, sympathy^a£td iiiwiftrf^^Ty^^g if their fd* Accomplishments In local defense work in NORTH LEH1CH AVENUE (E) 48* Kord. Mra. CeceUu -JH S*cond Diairicl .y Way n» itMtr ; and i«J)V«F\yoU I (B> 9 _*. Bxr W. (Bt • NINETEENTH STREET r •• , >» Second Clasa Matter...... ' m *''"*" '**•"' ' # ' i'"» ' "ir ' '** • V ' *** >MFT1 »TTW> Will WV4UK HW1~ at high wsjaes tor jnillions of Westfleld were outlined toy Col Leigh M. Pearsall, ducted by^Mrs.,.Glovier,president V '}• '"Wtall. Violet; (A) 157 Benolt. defeodaata bnauae >l M.U*;. Gertrude; 1»7 HelW. (El 41 Minder. Hdea T.; (At 41 Martx. ALGONQUIN DRIVE TWENTIETH STREET pUloant'* ui.aaU eertlikala. The Cranford Ckiten and Chronicle, Inc. Offldal , • essence of our American sue- - in addressing more than 50 Cranford men and that the two week period' ahpve, referred, to comment** ba 'ohn C: (A) 199 Suaskp, Joaeph. . Sailvaal, Jokn. . ing a, Public Library staff all re to these ferior product The •Senator's n-> ing in Coleman'-s Restaurant. Voted to Ven J. - ••• . (Dt 1» Pape. Edna D. HAZEL AVENUE At Rodoqulnd, Fanny. Data!: UirrW- li. 1»4«. -'paper for Crantprd.. Garwood-and KertUworttj. -,,,<*« in ifaaklng a living .. women at a meeting in the township rooms, called the task of coordinating eocial service •SEVER1N COURT - BRYANT AVENUE -•' NORTH TWENTIETH STREET , . - tURL H. WAfcHTMBKl momentou. changes^and rea, f to ^^S^SJlS^-SStSi to further defense work In Cranford. The speaker UNION COtTMTT tiOA&D O* kLECTIONS, * BkJU« JtrtUon, Burton L.; (B) U« Eighth Diatrict (El ISO Bradford. Florence. ~ HoJ'r. of VomoUlnant ' Subscription Rat** fZOO a Year in Advance mupity- as one of its projects. Pre Stratlon. E, Naomi. (Bt 1«4 Roaiek, 'Walter: (At 1C1S HICKORY AVENUE (Et 41 CrlHar-^lra. l'ltrinaf (El 4! It is fair Uve order of 'caARliIBB A. of business which is commonly •„„,_, \$tartfA M Wants, hoping . Fifteen Year* PROSPECT STREET PINE AVENUE NORTH TWENTVVJHIRD STREEt OTTO, Jit, Kurrtcaie of Un Cbtinty of First Oulrlct . T AVENUE RohinaoB. Adele. (Dl S Young. Walter > JS Keller. (Al- 114 Golumbua, Mia* E.i (Al S18 (A) 820 Pemaa, Pranela. «r- 'n Inn,, nuult.on AKc flfteeciii .diy. ot^Mar. -Student Training -Xhe-Board-of-IEducatkin-passed*- RIVERSIDE DRIVE Helen ATT 7MJirFlo«*r'«DrS4»"Harri(TMre7 lean C. . !>., l»4«. ujUi trie awUUtlod of the 'A~Live4zibrary- ing out .tiff plans for emergency .housing. Other t IM «J .rill L^^ ' '^ ^^_ ^ • . ^L 1 (Et 11 Kqnopack. Hlldur M Whitehead, Horace A.; 4ft) 114 Morley. (Bt 19 BaBeock. Julia. Matr SPRINGFIELD ROAD ' iidrrilinej^aa Kxwutar of lh« eaUte of speakers were Harold M. Buck, captain of the to transfer Miss Sarah Edmond, supervisine J^ (Bl I Jaeobaoo. Loulaa F.; (B> 8 EDWARD PLACE ' SPRUCE AVENUE MaeLaao. Eleanor;. (Bt 8 MacLean. Lacii- . CRANFORD AVENUE IKI Recenye. Mra. 'Lily;' (Al Sh.ll- u)d d«:«J«r rr 17% (El 1« Britton. Edyth ».; (El 14 (At « Phillip-. Mra.-M«rc.' (B) 441 Helmer. Ceor«e A.: (Bl 443. first company in tbe local guard unit, ancUJ. J. to a newly created position'as "Director laai r they aXll M forever teacneKS* 'committee, the resolution was Thonm.. Sr.: (B) 105 Tallaferro. Lucy B.; (D) 42SMild.; (Bt OS FiUpatriek, Wm. G.; (Bl (Dl 24 DITullIo. Carmine.. (BV 4S4 St.fanko. Michael; (At SZB Second Dialrict lurred from |>ro>«rui4|i( or r«to*trlne; the meet changing conditions is revealed m trmrunghJas_^cn_)fitarted for a'group or name system as it is used in dis- tion of contributing to the elgth annualXommun- ^fter- bitter opposition by John K. Clou Pranela. Albert H.; (B> «8 W.bber. ll« Baaley. Mn. Anna; (Bl lie Baaley. boam. Mara-aWt: (Et «1 Eiehinaer. MT1- Mueller, Fred Jr. f Verlle A. ' dred: (B| «1 Miller. Frank M. > . • -^ 1ROQUO1S ROAD . BOULEVARD ' •ame~i|itlii>l Uie aubarrlber. the ahnual-report-recendy^ubmitted-to—JL9 girK Crarj/or^fugk School seniors tribution of goods and services to ity-Art Exhibit to be held in the .township rooms Haiyy R. Sisson, the only members of the STWEET (Bt 121 Trycar. Mareia: (Bt (B.I 10 Royaton. Elliabeth; (Et 10 Gar- NORTH AVENUE ftT COMPA »tiSh, thrift" and the under sponsorship of the Cranford Art League and Fourth DUfrUt 21 .Trymr, Michael; (D). 122 Sehed. . FOREST AVENUE . tiu.ii, EtheL 410 Tarisa. M.ia. Irene: (A) 114 Dl 400 Clbadn. Edward. who cast, negative votes. . .neck, Fred; (A) 201 Ellla. Bart A.: (At(At 1« Slwlalr. Hekn A.: (Alv*0 Wat- '- COOLIDCE DRIVE OF CSANtOBD, N J.. the Township .Committee by J. H. Me- majoring in the secretarial office division the art committee of the Wednesday Morning Club. ALDEN STREET KAPLAN STREET Eu.tlce. Mn. Ann: (Al 114 Grodia. (Bl Monk. Charle* S.: (K» SSS Stern. genius with which God 201 fellla. Mr.. R. F.; (Bl 201 HarrU. ion. Fanni*: ~- ^_ JEI Run««. Frederick John; (Al IZ1 Campbell, Jamea A.; (Ill WIUJAM II. OIU1,' 1-iwuir, brana name system, as ; Ifpoh motion of A. Leonard Roberts, the BaaM e W.. FAIRFIELD AVENUE : keystone of distribution. for Kenilworth. All three communities showed BALMIERE PARKWAY (Dl - Z? Qttian. -William T.; (El 14 (At- Bernard. Alhert W.: (Dl 17 Craw- possibility of constructing a new high school WiUetU, Blanche. (Bl 12 Smith, Hrctnia; (El 111 Bonhatt, Jeanette: (At (Bi 115 Hutehlaon. Mr.. R. 8.; Dog« can rn&v« their Jiws only McCoy-is, right when he says members of habits, .knowledge and attitudes which ance of -Memorial and Independence Days were BERKELEYvPLACE Kirkwood. Sol; (ft'141 Victor, Clarence Pauline: (UI 1Z« McCoy. Buren L.; (Ill THIRD) AVENUE ' 1 . At a Jpittt dinner-Wieeting at Hayashi's W (Bl 19 Wad.worth. Richard; (A) .24Jr.; (Bt -141 Victor, Clarence' A.; (Bl(Bl ZZ Cnrtia. Edward P.: (Bl 26 126'McCoy. Winifred II.; (111 12H Hltiau. '.' " FAiTOUTE AVENUE the library staff are to be congratulated! an employer expects' to find or be. able 'appointed by Fire Cotnonissioner'Dudley J. Croft, Davlaon, Jur P.: (Bl ZC Daviaon. Sam- Helen L.; (Ill 128 Rittaui William -C: (D) 444 Van De Band*, Mafte. ' (E) Parthwalte, Ellaabeth. 8' "*. No one familiar with' the co'ndi- taurant the Uons and Rotary Club^pald tribuf* Scott, Ma^ia H. - '.'. 141 Victor. MlldrVI M. • uel G. ' : n 1 chairman of the 1&41. celebration committee. In •' 'Fourth Diatrict ••rt '• •' i - •*§ •• " -t -"- •• ••• --• ••-* ••••• m •-• ? '-Tr^-«~-T-^T~^ ~. •—" • f^r^r^ .. tionain. all *(»e countries/through- r "• CENTRAL AVENUE - LEXINGTON AVJENUE _., ,.,., .,:,.,. MADISON AVENUt ..,-, . , ' MUNSEE DRIVE,.. LARCH STREET * on the interest they have shown in their to deVelop in new employes, addition tii^ C«mftfcsioner Croft, officers ofltft'jgefi-" to Cranford, High-School'* undefeated bafei^*^ (At 10 MacMeekln. Gordon B.; (B) SO A) 407 Cumberledse. Mabel; (At 51S(B) IS Towler. Eucene- D.; (Bt 18 (llV 5 Smith. EHUkSih; "(111 0 ** 'FOURTH AVENUE* Ilie girls Will Work in Various- oft- for his Use—is, m four words, our the world wffi dilute the-fact Groai^ John. " . . Beuucrriliultllhav " work and on the^manner iri which" they out team.. Several other residents joined in the Baphar, Helen J. - • Towl.fr. Lueile H.: (Dl 24 Born. Walter Florence: (Ut 9 Peach, l'hllllp; (111 14 (Dl 101 -ElaenbVII..Frank Jr. LINCOLN. DRIVE— , have responded to new demands made froin I to 3 p. m. each school day s*andard_of living ... . ;. that under our system the individ- i DOERINd MfMf ' ' " MatARTHU* AVENUE E. Sr. ' •* « • ' I * •Smith. G. II.; (El. 10 Caddie. Mrt. Kdlth; SECOND" AVENUE" (III 2K4 Ui>n»Mi.r, Kl.-anu*; (At' Aay 1 111 11 !»> 14 Reuieh. Bertha". (B> 14 ft«u«eh. ' NORTH AVENUE. EAST (Al S« Dauerrt. John; (II) 47 Moran ,y .pg its schedule without one d*. (Dl 7 MeCulloueh. Letltla; (D) 12 Gild, Harrltt R.; (rtl 47 Moran,. Wm. J. tA) Id Carrea. Domcnlco; (A-) 227 llea- Kv.llnt'r, Harold J. upon them as a jfesult of Jtlve .changing; Until May \7 Emnlovers will fee re- "• fc " *.* *' ^*** and en- ualhas the sireatest opportunity Christian and JohnK. Cooney, and secretary, Clair- WALNUfA •keye. G. M. Walter G.; (El .19 Krlsi, Mra. Barbara. (Bl 181 Adolnh. Kv+lyn*: (Bt 181 cock. Horary. . ' • - MICHICiAN AVENUE . ! feat, the. Cranford. nve established a State record Adolph. John H.; (Dl tSi Low. Samurl MYRTLE STREET ; I '• , • ;. -.* » ••• •. ••.••• « dures must have kept CaJith with to move (forward, improve his livr , ence-A.-Victort- -r—r' ••'*.' '-.-' • .. •• •' •. •• '. I'D) 104.Kelly. Wm. J. EASTMAN STREET - NEW STREEt C.:-IBt SOtt Vuilow. MuAarvt C: (III • THIRD AVENUE (A) MacLi'im. AlUunder: (Al MacLean, conditions,''''. , ' ,' "V • , / •• -.".".' '•'•*' being the only Class B team to win all its ga™ WASHINGTON 114 (Al 28 De Groat. Chaa. B. Clara K.i (A) 49 Lami>hrre. N.-llle; (At quested to submit their reactions regardt the^public^ both in iiuaUty and ing standard «nd reach succesa in * . ; Ten Tears Af« . . ••.' • " • . SOU Vaxilow. Marian J.: l«lf. ,,Mr.. A.; (1>> UU Donnelly B0 O«ir««.. Eric G.; (A) 323 Karllk Especially worthy of comment is .- ' Cranford's new $71,000 ipostofftoe building at RMtrin' (Ai S Fiemlne. Dorothy. NORTH CAROLINA STREET SCO .Stellhorn. Mra. Avi.; (UI 1C0 Strll- (Bl 0 Sranlan. Robert H.; (Bl 8 Scan. Edward A.,; (Al 00 Mayna(d. Mm. Bally Juhn.lt.: (A) 323 Karllk, Michael. gold basketball watch-charm, and Coach Weeklt* (A) SO D'Honau. Wtn. Ian. £lUabcth. ' ••. , (El 210^cMahon._Mr*. Ann M.; (A.) NEWARK AVENUE habita and skillsi'oi the students, and the Character .t& sbmething^to do istry, or government— . Eastman .and MUn streets, was dedicated and offi- WOODLAWO N AVENUE HAMPTON STREET AI I Torr. lln. Helen. hurn. WKF. . . the service the library is rendering re-' received a Wrist watch In recognition of hisflM 13 V»ui(h»n. Catharine? 16 RARITAN ROAD ' 217 l'etrotilello. M.: (El aiu 1'onntlllo, (III, SI Green, Mk-lin.'L A.; (A) 70 llrady 1 cially accepted by the Federal Government at ex-" (A), O» 104 Dodtre. KlU P.: (B) 104 Mile.. ••' • PRESTON AVENUE.. • OSBORNE PLACE Mn. I'hy.lla; (El 22« llivoiia. Jlctty^ r Anna II.; (A) M2 ToiaKay.'Anna. turned service rnen and womeiT"in pro- girls will receive grades on the quality of J^j!^Sl2lSi ^ih^Jt!'\ J ^<><»;«a«tem the laborer of work. Thoma* (BlacMeekln, president of the Ho-' James Sr. ChrUtlria; 116 ' RETFORD AVENUE j.. SYLVESTER STREET SAMOSET ROAD their, practice-Work. - • : teiligent owner to keep faith be- tomorrow. > BLAkE AVKNUE Truitun. Marsery C. (El 5 Harm. Marjorie. ^ KENILWORTH RICHFIELD AVENUE members of the Township Committee, the .Board trip. In the absence of-William' J. Willsey; presi- Bl 114 Hanneman. Mra. Olive; (B) (m 1 Homer. Mn. Ida: (El S Anderean. (Al 17 Fnley. M«ry K. them in continuing their interrupted edu- This plan bas been tried successful- cause the owner of the brand or Remember every faker or dem- of Education^ and representatives of various other dent of the Lions Club, Fred W. Lange spoke for I (Bl IS' Koch, Mra. Anna." NORTH AVENUE, WEST 11T.Bereama. Clarence J.;JBt 117 Frank, Mn. Ruth: (El 11 Henocr. Marjorie U. WALL STREET Firat Diatrict CHESTNUT STREET . (D) 10 Meier. William; (A) 20 Sayre. Clara E.; (Bl 117 Frank,- GUdya H. (1)1 « H.fner. Marie; (At 18 Evera ROOSEVELT LANE 0ILPAWT1N6S cations or in getting started on new^ jobs. trad H(bMk organizations. The ceremonies opened whh" sev- - that club. An address of congratulation to the (Bl 117 Frank, Jacob G.i- (Al 203 Michael: (El 18 HerrlotK. Jeaaie; (Al KENILWORTH BOULEVARD (Dl 324 8chliat*r, Leonard. ry in other schools ahd colleges, and it is vestmen« t *» ** *»*«««Nt to- agog gives Up service to free coin- 1 P rk tt Mn. Mary; (Bl 28 Narcroai, fheo. F. Ninth Diatrict. of time and monesr in p«titive enterprise when he talks eral selections by the High School Band, under (Al J " "'E^| STI|EET Koehler. GUeU; (E) Z%4 Meeka.' Ruth; M S5 Traina. Helen: (A) 16 Tralna. J«m« (A) MaTtlnkovlch. Ruth. . • tROM A team and its coach was presented by G. K. Ear- ORANGE AVENUE . ^ ' - ARBOR STREET1 SOUTH TWENTY-FIRST STREET "They went off to war as lads and expected to prove beneficial in Cranford tb£1ftand. • '• '.; . '•'• • •! in public. . " ,,;•.•. direction of J. Stanley Dittmer, supervisor of. ner, a past president of the OLlpns Club. John C. (Bl 8 WaUae«. Gharle* A.i (B) 12 Gil-(D) 7 Okell. Selina H. ROGER AVENUE ,- W1NANS AVENUE NORTH SEVENTH STREET (A* Sll Welt«.X;l«ra F. . (At S Len>. Frank L.; (At o Len< SnyJ»r. Doratfay'E.: (B)I9fi (^1 91 Vaaaallo. Daniel. (A) Morrlcal. Klltabrth. ' returned as men. and are deserving of J K he breaks fahb. with the Behind the scenes he does the. music. Invocation was offered by the Rev. Wil- Peterson, local Jeweler, presented the team with bert, Louise U. .PARK DRIVE Snyder. Richard II.: (Ill 216 Meine. SOUTH TWENTY-THIRD STREET MID-WESTERN MUSEUM also, affording invaluable practical tat t Thmi W.; (Bt 20 >Weller. Chaa. E. WOODS1DE AVENUE EIGHTH STREET (El IB Itaraneaa. Helen R.; (Al 4S Ll«b, FrsM OttMi* liam B; Donnelly, pastor of Si Michael's Church. a bronze figure o* a basketball player. The trophy I I . HIGH STREET . (Bl 112 Keene. John M. Jr.;.(B) 112 Dl 20 Wflltr. Ruth L. Gnce C: (III 2l« Melne. Herbert 3. brand or ' the- trade^mark, things that destroy it . (Al 112 Wot. Keubin; (D) .814 Holme'. Keene. Mareia C. . • (At irTWTulllo, Ro»e. (Al Moore. Mra. Mary; (A) Nolan, Julia. Catherine. ' AUCTION everything we can do to helR, them get perience^ for Ae students and giving em- Postmaster William n\Arcy, wjaster of ceremonies, was accepted for the team by Capt. Joseph Klein. . ROOSEVELT AVENUE CENTRAL AVENUE VERNON AVENUE . therri>y with th^puUut^.he is The faker knows the thinking HI S. • . • .'.••-. (E) 208 WillU. Winifred: (Bl 218 Lind- Friday Evening. April presented Mayor George "E. OsterhekJt, who gave Other players who received the gold bakcetballj, PAWNEE ROAD Bl VAndenon. Annette M.; (B) lie (Dl droaaVurt, Walter; (Dl 22 Rlcken Started in civilian pursuits," Mr. McCoy plovers a new insight into the prerequi- ' {t^juriria' *iim«M»if many' times people want to keep free com- . UNCOLN AVENUE, EAST ^ (A) 11 Swltaeable. H. E.; (Bl 112 Fer- Do-Bender. Jamea I'.; (UI 119 De Bonder. bloom. Charlea: (Bl 218 Lindbloom. Lily. Alfred Jr. .18 P.M. the address of welcome. Joseph A. Plummer, presented by John K. Cloud, chairman of (b (A) 106 Q'Kourke. Bernard F. -«. . renee, Andrew. Reclna; (B) 129 Halsht, H. G. Jr. ; (Bl 402 Miller. Elizabeth E.; (E> remarks, and the members of the library sites for good etanploye material, more than he injures any parr petitive enterprise because it's the president of the Board of Education, brought greet- NORTH AVENUE, EAST 1 404 U«ta. Mn. Fernanda; (Bl 501 Board of Educations athletic committee, wen: • ROMORE PLACE UNION AVENUE, SOUTH Moorheald. William. staff' have been implementing that As -a change, from regular school tictdar individual. essence of freedom. ings from that body. Benediction was pronounced Anthony Colaneri, Arthur Frederickson, Charles (A) IS Polldoro. Peter. (B) 10 Butler, Beatrice D. At SO* Swain.. Robert E.; (Bl S04 Harms f*i»uil«ea -. It's the free man's way of mak- by the (Rev. Frank M. Sherlock,, rector of Trinity • " . ' PINE STREET SPRINGFIELD AVENUE Stemenbers, Walter; (A) »2l HuUe. COLUMBIA AVENUE FRENCH FURNITURE If he destroys the faith and' Griffiths, John tMcGrath, iArthur Donnelly, Vin- (B) 200 MeCrimmon. John II.: (Al Z12 Light glvea potatoes green spots thought with helpful activity ever since work, the experience should prove an Church. William D'Arcy, Jr., son of^the post- (Bl 15 Gor«. Mildred V,- (B) 24'Hughea, Evelyn V.; (Bl 24 Ira Arthur K.; (Bt 147 Zimmerman. Loretta: Manee. Lauue: (A) Z2C Lakin. Helen. confidence in the "public mind ing a'decent living'and the best in cent Grimes, Joseph Haddad, George Rosich, Job | aande. Albion E.; (Bt 24 Imaande. Mel- (Bt 147 Zimmerman. Norman F.: (Bl thst ore harmful to cat master, unveiled the cornerstone. Exercises at RETFORD AVENUE CRAIG PLACE Porcelains • IKS those lads turned into men started re- interesting one, and as such should result regarding brands or trade-, the world. Rush, and Chris Sorensen, manager. enrt (Bt 24 Kerah, Edith «.; (B) K1SS54 Du Brow. Edna; (B) S54 Du Brow, I (Dl IS Aberaathy, Andrew Sr.; StJamea, Haul M.; (Bt 611 Beynolda. Leonard. (B) St MacDoaald. Cornelia. RRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH rrsss UM MOtkjT appearing in the community. in good marks for all the secretarial stu- .marks, then, all of his timft' I Cameron. Archibald. Edith B.: (Bt 51S Reynold!, Thornaa; ... WALNUT AVENUE EDGAR AVENUE SOUTH AVENUE, EAST (fit- (22 Borch.rt. Alberta; (Bt S22(Dl Behnert, August Sir. (Bl 109 Smith. Roae EUa. ARTISTS' SUPPLIES Realizing, in the Words of Mrs. Har- dents hi this phase of- their training. and all of his investment have (A) 104 BrlnkerhoS. Vinewt. Borchert. Erncat G.; (B) Bit Jamea, WU- CRANFORD, N. J. '"" OSCAR I IHZ been destroyed. lUm C; (Dt (OS Clark. Geraldiae 1 nUNICLIN AVENUE 43U Mid Water Colon J -' WALNUT AVENUE (Bt 707 Heel. Dorothy H.; (At 710 SwVwBth DUlriet (Al 1» Clynn. Chaa. J.; (A| It Glyntt. Whfc UUMm old Haagensen, librarian, that "the sol- |'(D) 105' Anderaon. Axel F.:' til Van Wa«-(El B«0 Dreyer. MUdred B. HERNING AVENUE Pastela. Penclla AUCTION ' dier's needs were over but the veteran that because- millions of dollars ««. Ed«. W.:, . Mi Timm. Edward Dl 1 Croaby, Lawrence J.; JBI ZB(E) « Aurand. Mra. Vera; (Bl 2» Fit A S««^ Apdl 12-1S ML; (Bl 302 Timm. Mra. Kttth: 111 UNION AVENUE. NORTH Jonea.' Muriel R.: (B) 4« Cartlan. Ella WeHhaia. Enno: (Bl Z» WoUhnia. Jeaaie: Papeta. Caa«as was home wfth a very great heed of his have been spent in advertising a' I Kit Marry F.. (At 10S Seatrer. John W. Jr. ~ (Bl 111 Couaan. EUen S. (B) Ilk. Cortia. Hi*akeU, A.: (Bl IIS Bnuhea. Mcdlnsoa •I S P. M. Freeze Bonuses CurtU. Robert P. own." the library distributed 1,000 fold- given brand or trade-mark the Third DUlWet ' '. W1LUOW STREET BROOkSIDE PLACE JtOHM8TON fAINT SHOP baL (B) «14 Keealer. Vema M. (Al 4?« Bohmann, LOUIM M.; (At 4S0 LASALLE AVENUE ers at strategic points throughout the The Board .of Education Tuesday ****** *•» «* *** «* . ir r. CASINO AVENUE Dav|a, Jean B. at 2 Saylor, Marcmret H.: (Bl T IM-5N. Union Ave. Crmofor«J (Bl 43V Walton. Vlvtan M. ''•' • ~ Fiftb DUtrlet community, announcing {material avail- night took action "freezing" all current <££$£ T" ***>«**': **«» CLAREMONT MACE ' • BROAD STREET Good Friday - April 19,1946 .\ . (Al 7 Rul.fr. John H.: S Cook«. Pria- LADIES We Have What You Need eilU S.; (II) S Cooke. Rabert A.: (B) 6 INSURANCE •-•« Another group who have found the -many nearby communities. In the heginninfj the volume of ICneory. Marie W.; (B) S Mohr. Alfred EDW. MACK1E & SONS Sacred Cantata "OLIVET TO CALVARY WITHOUT 1* OF INVESTMENT IN A WATER SOFTENER/ Make Spring Housecleaning ! library ready to satisfy their new reading The hew policy is, also in keeping ^"^^ **• C; (HI 5 Mohr. Dorothy R.; for Over 50 Years. Full Line of Moth Preventativ oo! desires and needs are the many people with the general trend throughout me UA Landtll, Harper; (D) ISA Bmtth. Open EvenitiaTS) by Appointment Prwton H,; (E) 18A Wlndfeldt..Ruthl.: who at the close of, the war were freed Nation and should enable our school its value to the public, cost the (Bl u I'otocnlk. MN. Mary: (BY 14 iPolacnili, Kudolph; (B) 14 Sleba. Mra UPHOLSTERING WHITE ENAMEL HYDRATOR, /%-AQ from long hours in industrial plants. The system to keep its good talent and to oh- cornpany millions of dollars, I Edith.. . _ . of Health Insurance. En- rise in circulation revealed in the annual tain Jkopnotch instructors when replace- "'""" " " '**~~ LINDEN AVENUE SUP COVERS trust your doctor's pre»crip- (A) 723 Roote Georce H. SLATTKESSES AND report is accounted for in part by the ments are necesary. This has not been MANOR AVENUE tions to us, secure in the All Wood, Finished LAWN |(BI 40 Easter Sunday -April 21,1946 Wooleoek, felltabeth. SPRINGS RENOVATED turning of these people to the library for possible recently under the salary-bonus This twoeess led to a reduction . ORANGE. AVENUE • The care, skill tbu «tDe- knowledge that you will be CHAIRS, Folds Compactly 5.95 GET THE FACTS ABOUT (Bl in Van Bant; Dorothy; (B) IK 3*0 SOMERSET STREET entertainment and educational services in system. We commend the hoard. for its iHirtis. Lillian U; (B) 11« Hartlff. Wll- rieoce of our conscieotioui, given the ablest profession- at 8:00 P. M. ., .. <••• . • i*. .111 ii. —i -i • sell consumer lUam H ; (K| 2io Shapiro, Helen; (A) PLAlnHeld 6-3214 I JOS U.I. AblMll; (D> 712 Van De. Ver. registered pharmacists rep- si service available at prides their new hours of leisure. ' action and it should enable our children tor appwwdmateiy $5. |Chu.; IAI 1004 Auatin, Helene V. ^. PUUNFIELJD, N. J. Sacml Cantata "THEDAUGHTER OF JAIRUS" can be that are uniformly fair. PLAN TO PAINT/THIS SPRING ? Tike breakdown of circulation fig- to obtain a better public school education. These are J^icts that resents a very practical form ^ By Stainer RViSOFT Then Uf/The BES^T

FT URTER SERUKE We're Moving on May 1 Seager's Drug Store ANDREW R. WATSON. Orcanlst and, Choirmaster PITTSBfiRG SUNPROOF It's as simple a? A-B-C A Servisoft water softener To 11 North Avenue. East JT. WALTEft SEAGEK, Re*. Pharm. HOUSE PAINT (with correct capacity to supply your requirements) (Opposite the C. H. K. SUtlou) . "is installed in "your basement.... we service it rcgu- We wish to thank y«n for your' n*trona«« In the pa«t 104 N. UNION AVE. CRanftml 64)700 All Color. Vnd White in Stock ami we hope to serve yon with a more complete line of pet . lady .. ; we assume all responsibility for repairs. accessories In the future. Oar bett wfahe* for a Happy Easter. Ask About OurySpedal Discount on House 1-here is not one minute's work on your part... noth- —AVAILABLE NOW— ing for you to do but enjoy sparkling 100% soft water. Gold Fish and A«nariom Supplies •••••••••••-••••••SIMBJMSISISJBSIMHSISIBIM. ot Quantities End all hard Vater trouble and expense this modern Easter Chkka i, Bunnle* BUILDERS'GENERAL Canaries - i Pupplea Authorized Dealer for ' better way ... order Servisoft installed today. FOODS , ( *EMEMM?ft: VOU ARE SAVING MONEY IN SOAP U Ye«, We Still Have Aluminum Ware! Sale Wednesday and Friday AND CLOTHES EVERY DAY WITH SERVISOFT W- A-N-T-E-DI YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS 5W6 CRANFORD PET SHOP -. ... "IO" CAHOL. IFVJE MAD JOB? , 61RL5; YOUNG >WOMEJ4l 15 NORTH AVIL. W. CRANFORD 6-1M8 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Vvt COULD 6O MORE I _ CALL VDUa LOCAL CHItf • Think ofitj Clean soft water at die turn of a faucet Yoor Old TYPEWRITtRS mi ovxztf ———^*e For a-**ty moderate monthly service charge ... just iacfclMt til FUTURE DELIVERY ! OPEftAIOaiDIWY fOBL .. Y akvays ready to make bathing and shaving mote ~a lew pennies a day ... SerTbofr*gbeS you velvety 1MTf3WIEW I plejasaniv laUindering. and housework easier. Setvitoft Soft Water all of the time without Investment, atttfl- = GRASS SEED = Watet also saves you money. It cuts soap oasts tlon, salt; repair*, or de|icedatioa! Phone or come in PERMANENT BEAUTY... iOMEONE in half and gives washable dothes 4utd llnenj longer today and get the fmcttl YonMI be aoosedf a* S* Now Available! GUARANTEED TO GROW! E«m AsYoMle.ro! life by making hard scrubbing uhnecessaty. soft's low-cost... •,,; ••••.."'-.••• FOR WOMEN ON A BUDGET COMPANY Wcue now train- Wonderlawn Insures Quick Growth Fine Even \i TRAINING CREME • METAL MEDICINE CABINETS - Tftxture —> Jftich, Green Color— Drought-Resist- ing new oper«> m fiTR ing Quality. For SHADY or SUNNY Lawns. 'tots* No cspeti* YOU OWE IT TO YOUR FAMILY TO INVESTIGATE WESTFUJ PERMANENT m • KNOTTY PINE WALL PANELLING THIS MODERN, PATENTED SOFT WATER SERVICEI • BUILDING MATERIALS Wages highest in Now 4-95 • INSULATION LIME - FERTILIZER THE SOPSWKpa TELLS Y HOW

• Pick up TOW : II; ' !.••• •,• -•., .••'••' • ':."'• ' :• - ;••• ••"••'•.•'••. '•• - - Wednesdays — Open Fridays Tdl 9 phone now andd call Chief < Servi4|g Westfield, Mountaimide, Cranford and The RoaeHes " PL 6-0644 BUILDERS ALBAN-LEWIS ur. 6heil be glad to tdl y«m it|dn Dandee Beauty Salon Thompson Typewriter Exchaije GENERAL SUPPLY CO. HARDWARE and GIFTS . . '• ••.• ' (Foraoriy A|(ifi) ' .' '. • . • ';.•'' » Ka it Bw Stops si Door 18/ NORTH AVENUI - - - Of>p. Kotlrootl ANDWOWJNG Centennial Ave, CRanford 6-0505 109 N. UNION AVE, CRan/ord^4D666 NEW JEISEY I|U 202 Centennial Ave. CRinfowl MOBTV rXAINnELD. SCOTCH PLAINS AMD FANWOOD CALL COMPANY miraow :^'i ••••!<,•> r':~"C:'~'

••;.•.//•,..•.•• •.;. I I


New Developments^ To Be Exhibited At Men's Club Dinner Speaking on "How Chemistry is Meeting Our Needs Today," at a "Ladies' Jfight"; dinner meeting of the Men's Club of Trinity Parish in the Casino at 7vlS tonight. Miss Arwstta.tytfch Watts, of the iPuto- lic Relations Deparement of the DuJPtont Company, will exhihjt a number of chemical products which played a decisive.part in the "war and -vyhich are now flowing in- to-the channels of peace. - The story ol nylon's return to the stocking counters alter 'fou^ ABKETTA LYNCH WATTS yean of military service in the form a at parachutes, glider tow developed In America, is another 1 totiJSllUfll t>f- the ™^mportant~products-to-'be vests, mosquito netting and num-discussed. It was used in the in- erous-other -articles, be "part flated bridge pantoons" Whlbh car-- oT, Watts' presentation. She rled ou^-troops. across the Rhine. This Is A Question We Are Asked Hundreds of Times Each will also,demonstrate some"of,the Miss' Watts. Is a graduate of 'newerJclvllian uses vrtilch ape'be- Columbia University and the Uni- ing planned for this flbe: versity of Missouri, and has done She will show hop plastics, post-graduate work in the Univer- Day And One; We Wish As Much As You Do hich were sidetracked tram' nTany sity of California. Before joining l^ applications 'iby the_de- the ©uPorit Company in 1930, she s • of toe^ miljjary. pn>gtidfn, was an instructor in journalism in We Could Answer " are ^ oiv setvlngQi___ n nencwr^wayw -wayss, as Stephens Collejje, and in several a insult of continued research. schools in California. ':iAs a fea- Among the newer•• jj>lastics_fo be ture writer and radio commenta- j H,- -. - d^R^tr«ittl wiU fee polythene, tor, she has traveled_.c5rtenslvejy V *• which floats, in,water, and plastic throughout the ..United' States, Can- forms of nylons. Neoprene, the ada. JMfexico, the Itewailan Jslahds- first allH>Urpo»e 'synthetic rujgbcrhind) Europe. The Following Ma^ts And Mgui^s May ^ Whiqh fs Of~Such Vital Interest To So Many: 24-HOUR SERVICE On Shoe Repairing It is conservatively estimated that over 12 MILLION PEgr Conservative estimates indicate that over 2,000.000 cars " SONS are very anxious to buy new cars. ' now in use will be scrapped this year, which, when deducted ...s, We are now in a position to give you the fastest shoe repair service in from the optimist's hope of 4.000,000 cars thiryear, leaves town. Bring your shoes in one day-r- > Earlier last year it was expected, that 500,000 NEW CARS only half that number towards overcoming the shortage. thejrll be ready for you the next clay. '•" would be produced in 1945, whereas only 75,000 of that In an emergency, we are prepared number have actually been manufactured, which is an aver- If you stop to dunk, it becomes obvious that 8 MILLION to repair your shoes the same day age of only two new cars to every dealer in'the country. would-be-new-car4nryers will have to. wait MORE^THAN

: they are brought in. ;Q " •"'. •• \ ' ••'• /,'• . * I..;.. .:• ••• A YEAR, and millions will nave to WAIT UNTIL 1948. • We Now Have FULL SOLES! j. Optimists hope that in 1946 about 4.000,000 cars will be " produced if the labor situation clears up. Even that woulfl \m Therefore: It will be to your best interest to have your mean only ONE CAR FOR EVERY THREE BUYERS dealer maintain your car at peak performance and appear- AL'S SHOE REPAIRING clamoring for a new automobile. ance. SHOE SHINE PARLOR 106 N. Unitin Ave.. OpeaxTQI *7- P. M. 1 (Next to Sewer *) Cloaed »t "^"^ Do Not Become A Victim To The Idea That Upon Disposing Of Your Used Car In The Black Market You Can Simply Take The Cash And Readily Use It To Obtain A New Can: THESE FACTS BEFORE CONSULT YOUR NEW CAR DEALER A Do not rush to dispose of your car until you check with a NEW CAR DEALER NEW ROOF MOW ... (who operates his business conforming with OPA regulations) as to when • CAN I DIVIDE MY PAYMENTS > you may expect delivery of a new automobHe. And if you do trade in your used Under the HARRIS payment plan, you make your own car to one of the undersigned dealers you may rest assured that the same will not tenna. There are NO long applications to fill out. NO . endorsers. NO red tape. NO mortgages. NO notes to be shipped out of the country, but will be available to some returning veteran or a algn. NO Interest or finance charges. . •.-;. local resident who urgently needs a car. • WILL I GET THE BEST MATERIALS > Michael J. "Harris uses the material* of such nationally patients, 3. To make possible the first really compre- known firms as Barrett, Johns-rMattVlUe, UJ3.C, whose "OBE than twice as many Americans were But There I* Also Vital Hop«! products are "being constantly improved by research in the'laboratory and on the home. killed at home by cancer, from Pearl Harbor From 30 to 50% of those wTho now die of cancer die hensive scientific research program to conquer cancer. • IS THE PRICE RIGHT > NO ANTICIPATED DROP IN USED* CAR PRICES BEFORE JULY 1st to V-J Day, as were kiUed in aU our mili- needlessly. Had they known the early "danger signals1* Our large volume of business enables us to give you low prices. We ore one of New 'Jersey's Largest Roofing or- Do not be deceived by such loose and misleading representations as, for iiistahce. that used car prices tary operations. • of cancer and obtained proper treatment, in time, the ganizations. drop in the first six months of this year. According to OPA used car prices have been set up to M chances are they could have been saved. • HOW ABOUT WORKMANSHIP ) it is probable no changes will occur before that date. " Cancer will kill 17,000,000 more Americans now No roof is better than its workmanship. All Harris roofs ate installed by skilled union journeymen, who are paid There is feyerjy reason to believe that a compre- by the day, and not on a piece work basis, thus assuring living, unless we do something about it. MR. H. S. [jCOMPTON, Cranford Canter :orkmittec, you-of a good job. Supervisors and men have been with hensive research program,as thorough as that which Cranford Trust Co., Cranford, N. J. ( us as long as 20 years. We do not engage Bub-contractors. lancer respects neither age nor sex. This year • WILL I BE DOING BUSINESS WITH A No one can lbgat$ pay more for your used car than a nm> car dealer gave us the atomic bomb, may Bring comparable re- Sirs: RELIABLE ROOFER? alone more than 175,000 American men, women and sults in science's guest for the cause and cure of cancer. • I endow) "$ ~. .*» my ph to fight euaete. _ - H PICMC aend mee withfwtwithfwtW«t,, <«frwT*"rifti«««thTg e "Jaagar fcgnA**g -;-iMichael -JLHarris,hu been-serying,Union County.home- ., owners since 1915. We are proud of our reputation for Your gift will be used to fight cancer these three of cancer, to protect myself andd my funilfil y agtiasi t eaaear. ••'• 7 honest dealing, Honest and dependable workmanship. Q Please, eend we the urns and atUreM of the neatest canow of us every day in the year, 20 every hour, one every /OTHER HARRIS SERVICES YOUR ways: information center. """ Oawer Umtm and Gotten. Skylight*, Sheet Metal Work. DEALERS WtaiUws Caulked. Woven Wire ttonctt, Ko«( ftepalrs


;'•'...• *"""• • 4 ••" ••••• tlchet ana] H55" °" •"• aal law samsai.aat She easjtar aT»a . . akag tbe raoMr Una af BaHtaa *Md ta tb> •arallal to Centennial Aveaue aa4 IW feat •tad tcootrat *a atuulsk OeaeTal ' taa««ae II I tn>e af tbe i mr ltaa of tbepoint or place of brgbinlas:. •atat aJaV* aatwt to ttw aoaOwrtv aeui «aat af tbe eaaurlyi aloaUaa to a polat *M Real Estate lo h, held on Tu»aBalr7NSaaSr5 Uafaca'LBMck Tajary Battraaal: Hxmos asrth •bsasT WU1 mr«t 'to Shxrauan ttcbool, Uneetn Una of Ua> UUiw datUM aad ta IM fert south of BeveNa Court; thence aaat Urfce* Ponafaom ^Si listed, and taTSZ to 'tke caastnr Una «f-saa-av .Street to s aotat Atssu*.. _ _f - • •. __ sovth •aaauiaa' at rlghi aadaa traai aad nonb along a lint parallel to Hevarta d ene-fonaW ««ZhL ' DlS faUCT^"xo. •kntkf osw Uae ef BUtki Btreat nro- : '; TJtnrrWCT KO." I south aUdln* of Cranford «tannp annas . Court »u4 l**^f« frum n* south and aaat Transfers - -- - - asstar Uae ef aunuiuhis at a:potafin the easier Une of thence soutbwsatsrly along a UM parallel sldcilM* lo Ui* south Une of llnoolo Ate- _. _» mr*«*«*»«^e«ai' aarni BJSBWS< sBBsavwaBBsssj To Cancer Drive Awdta Una of Kortb ll/;,U>w«-alonB asid boundary { The following £ra«*tb KoncE'br of toe Democr^irttai; 2v>rt tfaV^ii^lln1 . ef N'orth Avenue where a Una drawn las fast wltb Craalord Araaua enanakm sad- jee »»«. >**>: these* ixirtb lo a potntoa the GABWOOD ommHlee. and for the isratlnn is* two' " * Cnua Ansue: i'-TIC TTii »•—- Bast: tance sjiwis; the center llni •riy io tb* eenter Has of Jatrtasa JaaMf ' GARWdOO—In a proclama- •Tat :: c nl< wtetwly. and parallel to the westerly sideline (set auasurtd at right anjlaa tbsnfrota W 4>onb sideline of LUtailn Avaoue bat. smld tk«u« VMterly sloog UM eeartn lass aa4 deeds have been recorded at the and one warn**, -rfl » * «•"!• law ** X«*th traaiiii. Bast la aa easterly direr a point In the cenur Ha* of Haaktaa Av.- l»fni uting r»m>cd by the InUrsectlon of tion issued this week. Mayor I*; tt tb» BaMaak af Oai mat. -Turn -~ . Prittuury . —^ — »•"• vaaaw sH of av.^»i— StMat, would Intersec* wben pro- Um various courses of larlsan aasnal e*..Jaw ' office of County Register Bauesvin (apt taaa ttaa taHMkMk.iaf.aa tha he local County OnmaiKtaa of tha of bt-aeetJoTwirri, eSaar S. *' ' w t*« Ixsvaaaeiwai. of tbe esatar Una of duced: theof*. westerly alons said center wi*: theoce njarah along tba canter. Mn* ofthe north tldelliw uf Unroln Avenue tnd U>« iDtersmloa of esM center Une svttb 'Sbt Thomas Daub called upon.all theraor aBteaatlnly taWiiliilMt a* BeoefilUJC an Party from aacfaoltltt dii __m ___ _^ Mknul XMW: thenr« south alet«~tbe 'Ur^1*4iirib' Avenue to the boundary Una Raakua Atanus so a point whkh la la* f*>' rear dltldtng lln> pro|»rtir> fronting oo thet-euur line of L«rinrt«a) AVWAU* tbe *§•»•* arwe^o e w s the Courthouse, Elizabeth: , •••",Registry ^^^"^berb . lu .U for aa i^TS^T^ r Use of CUnasonc ttaee » M3T-.—* nilie: lhatu* nortk '•r plar* o/ brdnnlng. .' . - • residents of the borough to do- Lillian E. Wldto and Edgar, her S of tfalaerdtaaacaj ••'•''• • •'. AMD . and two Bambars. ooe man and one •ocun. •ertloq of Qu>1" eeaiernuar.uaKMa>« erf Ciawlerd/A>»naafaailijis - "-i"->«"' uU" *"« wtb> «.e«iraa.m«uroaCeeAal.B«Uroado ooaf .New •hip of. CrauAird Ivthrac* alone; said bound- arly paraiUI with Orannjrd A>eau* and laa along til. «r dMdllif lln«« of Uu prop- Wilt m,,l lu Llnouln *-hooC.< tf Ihe local County Commit!** of the D*am- . thrtc•e innheasxilj alnei tbc -llne In s taoithsrly dlrectton to the In-(eat «kauur*d at right anglae UiereTrom to •'rrtl.» fronting ou lh«>««U>rty ti\, of Burrh- nate (freely to the American oonvetge Hue of CranrunJ to Robert & Droeacher, Jratred bjr UM Boreugh * f l t l Afucd Avamw' £5 f««t ae a toetsax: ""W* UAT oa* the ft'efitrsl BaMrosdod fX 'tffif'"" of Dhfjslon Avenue sod Slh Ave-point K feel aaai'rtr fraaa the eiuusioo of •Uld Avtilu, 1- th». iwutb tld«ltM of «o««l, i. WALTS* corru. Cancer drive during the week General Electior the X S '!! L W thence sou! to-a th* rentar line of Haisiaaail flai ' thenr* Av.our: ti.ii^V borth tX rl«iU tuUi from lots Ml to 2*7, block 90. mapJersry. and tor .tba aald th at rlsht angUsi te> Tiaafaaa ****** u> » »oJM *i» test aaore or less tikw; Uiwce Westerly along aald boundary Towaablai Quota Exceeded " Durorih W) of April»to May 5. He poinH ponnM autad la. «M a*ctte J, «Mn la . wiU swtnt belac . eja—lie and atto ad angle In tald boundary: thence south- nonherly to Uie eenler lias of Cranford i"oUU. Avniur on a IUi« «hMi would Intrr- i».<«i ot section l*o. 1. vreperty of New • . . MOTICC ' r aldeTine ot fjsas a^Votst iorasad by tbaTIJ IU an angl< point (n said boundary: Aveou*: thence westerly along the ceotcr !«. I»U. ed out that funds* raised here and Cmlqr avpnwrtMat (to asm «T tljm. t»- rtrht aagUs PraiseFor In Red Crow Drive Cancer York Suburban Xand Company dodlaa: t*M . j don vmjmmt tar laid its third annual; concert for s bereby given j>hat.quaUda*r»otsrs. of the sUiiine a point' throughout the Nation will be a IU,. baralWl wittk Cnutwl _. Uaaa ef properties fronting on tbci • I of Weetfleid and- the Townahlp of In tbe center line of Clsremont Hae* pro- situate at Garwood-Westfield. Mm i by tooaad . BOW amUaMa of Union Junior. Col- .«ns^^fCrsn«ori-not ^ratdy regt^.^ mnford boundary Center Itt* of.AUao IMM«t and th» plar* fund drive, had reached $2,707,93 Monday night . "The tyend to- ptopeKjr In the northerly line of aald appraprUUes mt met by i down Craatar*. aL J. . llur *.r a pulnt where Uie center Ime ofor p>4nl of beMnakig. this week, and additional receipt! Locust avenue, 150 feet from West payaent, naaotUUc.bonds of the t any time, betwi^n Wsdnesday. June S f*et south of UM Uwmt4 ay ttie aouili sloVUne of Utteoln WI1IW Wr.el Would Interaect If WUI meet InATownehlp OaV*«, U North ward State. ifiT> iiinspired d by Pr««byterian Ch to be knosra al -aVjotpaMM Boad." are INS. and Thursday, Peptember tt, UM, on - tald Une hi a It's stnet, hereby authorised U bt bstued la the prtocl- i^U w^^a* sa> « . *-—^— —- — - ^~Wr 1 Mayor Daub Voice* are- expected to take"'Garwood "•y-rejiater with , 'hkh Utter dale the *rV*ailnn .books will ta tb* boundtrv-UiM >I«I.I.H thr Tinslils ' 'V •Oaf •••WAaTlfl OtMtlt Z t&M>C4 TWlth Mt\4 V.ue of Willow Htrert and rootlnulng Campaign April 29 >el amount of V.*H pursuant to tbe local »»ld Borough of „ in Cranford through ihe of Crmnforl a&dthe Boroogb of KxnUwwtbr «w« aUoe l*»fil-M of tbe Berlaed Btatuts of New Jer- r Thomas V.^Jbertaof tbe to *"***** Wi«yjwi.s * point.,toe .feet,wut of»hj the reutrr lln* of West Ind Place: GARWOOD >The Kingry sey. In anticlpaMon ef tba- Issuance of aaid a I of trustees ot Union. Junior "t Orsna-e A»»nu*: thmce B»ct&w«suTty at tfc» "»•*- sjoellk of' Ceotninial Afeouc; Uieac* alatts th* seat bans of tb, Rahway past its goal ot $2,500, according to Walsch, property at the of " ~ " at anytime during - : MOtiCC 1 1 thrikv »esierly> slona.Uie center Uite of KMvcr and Us vaiiout course* U) a point In tlw •Union Countv.Tnist:' Chrisi" will be 1he Palm Sondajr Se The proceeds will b»ap- i hereby given Out tba District right angles to th* aorta lli'tllnc of Ocauaca* U^sw »--J^* osi^.tlAe tieiiaUe] wttb Centest> UVit E.«oo* asd « SrJ and •on the Thatcher Furnace Company expressed thanks to the workers ciety fund, to be conducted here the GOP congressional Wectlnn X (a) Th* Utproseuient bereby '. M. (Kaatern Btaodaxd Time), for the bur- aU>ng tbe center lln* ot ftttenM* ^Dtf»_ w •*---••'-'-'--at* ' ~*' '-* ~* *U W/MSJ • • — ~L* I a a a, «aa aniPiWB ATOOUIJ Cl»l or plare of beginning. Avaou* and 1«* feet nwaaur«l at right LOANS ifie~Rev. Walter C. Pugfa, ° pastor nue, 319 feet (from Maple street wltb loadltic Boards la and for the/Borout?" Siege lounge apA to aid in equip- "to vote upon candidates for the following BISTKICT XO. < 'I - .-. -5r WUI A.«-t In Uit\i Mchool. Weat- Kitd angles therefrom la a point hi the" center Council meeting Tuesday night for tainment of the local goal came as a mieeting at the home of Mrstha. t the Congress of nited parlaaaaeas. .. . wlU sit at the place* hereinafter Beelnnlng. at a point h« ih» of St Paul's Evangelical and Re- ln£ a chemical laboratory and the 11***. Al lib* of Rlverald* tM«*.: thrnc* uorthwns!- the work done by the local fire and a result of a "will to win" on theHermanSteffeh. 908 Center street. Stages onnot s^enaedy. A Mr. and MrSt JoaepifF, Mongo- (b) The estimated (BtvzunuH amount of A UnKed States Senator. of th«; center ,lln« of Xorth *rly along the center Une of klT*ratd« years hoods orDotea to be liaued for aasd purpose "^ TUntlAY. JUNE 4. It A Uetnber of the Uouas ot: _,___. and Klveraldr DHt*: thence aonNnbr • DlttTUICT SO. » . police departments and the Res- il connected with the cam- co-chairman. Friday night It was ago Congress, under the necessity formed ChurchC,, will ppreach on v|s to Ella J. iMeCormack and A. . ._~~_.v ^-^; t«tbiit«ij 4AsTa: Towoahlp aiid Cranford Town- Beitlnulng at s polhi In Uie Intersection of. Drlv* to In* 'aaat hank of th* aahway Blv*r between the boon of 7 »o JL SI ***' Harwood Sirmnons *will,*e torn Um With Congressional WkSa. Utdd RenteRnter line off UlU.ersidds DrhDr*i w rJh.>'aaaiai'*t*> tbt- «*nrt Un« DjTMbiHtan Road: Ilie' renter line of .N'orttf Union AvsniW andor the point or place of beginning. delegated "The Easter Story," illustratintti g John H., her husband, property in (r) The twUmatad mazlmuni amount of P. M.; (DayUfht 8svln« A Ooreroor. : . easterly tuba, of th* aahway ktnr: Ctaare taoM'urS aldeg "ih« touSSsry .line be- of a. -war r J Strict; th'.uc* southerly to » point WUI: nwet In Robsnelt School;- Orange to-be ralsed-CaMaULpurpoM-i Burnoae,otiCoeulucUn«,-a.rT- '' Jtwnd_iirid_is3eit ^.JMajrJI.^Uuu Ar** ' - -T-W.ri arni ,** at Union County Ttutk thanks to other communities for illustrated I*s4ure on •on tha County of Union. > -fcfc A- ;J-- ~ i^^Wj ^.iririr -i i ^^. • mm^^ ^^w^w • aji. i^a—saary waaa;-wwawann itjUO. tbe excesaof such amount pected to br . . _ - _ on tha County of Union. DahwayBlKr td the Township of s*xfa«fi>U - , i ttf «fest9eld—Bonrugh of Uar- of North Avenu* and Alden Mraef; DWTWCT NO. 1* the aid they offered this boroug Dr. WUliam O. Wnester, bead of tive -Branch of nue, 272 feet from Maple sheet over Uie amount of-obHgaaons- aoihbrlted r = A CountCty ClerClkk for fo tha h County of Union. .an, d th* Townahlp o—f Crannm »-..——..l boondsryj ^—.lsw:t.> I to aauik t>*iid In \h* boundary'line ivwe easterly- along Uie Muter line of ,B«*>nlng'at a point farmed by Uie In- •Prompt, friandly, hwlpful bcrhk-loon rv!cw hi Bectloo 2 of this onSaasce bataK-tbe ationfbr the concert Tickets are A Coroner lur tha County of Union Uietu-e uorthveeteriy slara»*aU bounjtor. IW Ut>«ai tbe Boroagii of Cerwood and ihe '• ' * on sale-at Unton Junior College: •"•ebulder* for tbe County of Union. Uienwds«aa4 • Easy monHtly repaymonlt - ning of April 29. , . . mat belong to Congress- Honor, at We«tfield aisled: -. * «hl 0ns"Member oMbacIUnuhlp duced;.theace. afcng aald nnduetloa of »V K-* *t t+oprtti** frodtlot on tt rat* by Fire Chief Thomas Brlttain arid Plans' for a "house-to-house will be conducted at the Presby- GARWOOD — The Shetland daa J of Ihto ordinance la not •« current d f A new schedule of hours at the Puch Juatlces of. the Peace as may bealong th. center Un* of Wilfarw aor.ee u> tW Mgatakriy «firertl«) U * i-rfut 200 feet nortli T\>Wi4lilp of Cranford snd Uie Borough of tion dominated by the Chief Exec- l wdtd. sideline of Centennial Avenue, ssld pulnt eipenae and la an -•'"-• Library is ^mi«nec4la- —u ~ o—-—f Ui*--e* *-w**«vCente»r IPIlfciW* owafs ~*T*ii-wwa^aaswasi" vaa"- t*>«v*w* aavmwrwa&Aaaatlnilliifr ^as4a*i Burnsldga m lisa MITeT asthenca3 -is,ie ' " l*ark: tliencti. tuttth along asldi Assistant"Chief Scaliadonna and vass wlll.be made.at the next terian Church iat 4 pj. m. sheepdog owned by Samuel Arm- or property 1 4 .being th*-" *nuthfsel*rly division lln* of • No inv«sllr|allon !••*, service charge*, or utive, a situation almost analogous which the Bonxuh may lawfully nuka Vbllowlng la a! complete description of the^treri and the center Un* of . W« KKI Mnbeutniy o. » line parallel with Bum y lln« of the Boroucll of nVMellei District Mir. S: thehce north aleug a llu* the member* of the fire/ depart- meeting of the committee, of which strong of 303 East street took best .en election districts of th* said Townahlp In Assembly acquire., and no nirt of tbe coat thereof ahall. ahd tor the Ptac*; thmce Westerly along th* MM lot* ata> Anxn* ud Mie f **t jxntb of tbe north- "extraa" of any kind ment, some of whom were on the Mayor L. Thomas Daub is honor- to s IHIilHarian form of govern^ of breed honors in the Union be apeclallv - aaaeased. on property apeelally 'Ud-the location of the polling place for each of West End Mace to th*.b««»m!da at* tb* ~*t dUkUue.^f fcummiA. Avenue to a point fTpffw-trnm era, bqe mann an andd „... . /1 lBKq v f the aald district*: job 14 hours in connec/llon with pre- ary chairman. John W. WoU is beneaued therafay-- tbe Local County Oxanuttee of Uio Renter ltn» of Weat End ttac* and X«»».' »klrb WUdd tttlmect Uw center line of • Ffo* lifw-lnsuranc* furnlshwd on your loon County Kennel Club's All Breed (b) We.period of uaefunaaa of-aald Pur- a. th. to 12 noorn 0, to. 5:30 p. mi. D18TBICT NO. I *HJUN>: thence along a*U reni*r Uae^wf, Vtrth £ti»rc If tra4iu«d: UtMice south along the battle against the blaze that sented to winners in the. recent treasurer. Mrs, Steffen is captain "For ten years, undervthe guise Match- Show Sunday afternoon at ae, wHtrln .the UmtUtlona of aecUona Be(huUnc tt a point In the cfnter line of Norman Place to tK» center UM uf TUttOcU, -mil Use aad alona the center line of Marsh a Scouts and Fathers 8 nembaaa In all .for a torn of oaT and 7:30 to 9 P< m. et; Uwnce alons; th* enter Ua 11 destroyed' sfeTOO-fobt section of th foul shooting contest conducted by of the local Women's Field Army, OaV < *fBB^*^K» Wafy'> *a*<^i|ayr VtGaftL CsUl"" 'the Westneld Armory. His puppy, tf.l-U ta •»:I-3« of aa!d lmw and a«eord and two member., one man and nbMly 14 apoint.whlep b would be'Ute t e 29. to nine months' puppy plass. quired ty aald Law hu been duly Uadeand totalhv 8 numbers In all for. a termrf \orth AV«o««, West, to a pohit ot Intcnee- thmice aoulhtrfy along «^a ttn» t» tii« «nt«/bi »ld«Un« of ChrUtoptur. Street If Union County Trust; It's our job to lend money and..-..- • - last week.' John Bahyasz of.the were guests of the Lions Club at 1 one year, and" ""•• .-.••• J DON'T BE LEFT HOLDING THE BAG Appreciation of^ the work of the American CanOeir Society. Mrs. nation of the Chief Executive and ajtr. Armgtrong'sjdaughter. Laura tiled In the plBca of the Borriuch Oerk a,nri O lon of Kastman Btreet; thence along the line of NortN h Av*nu*.Anu*;; uWu» ^rtlWMJrlyll **i—*4: thts** along JhU line and along American Legion presented troph- his ever-jrjereasing host of White a meeting at St Paul's ECangeUcal a complete executed1 original thereof has NOTICE OF •enter line of Ksstwan Street to the center alonalonl g ththe centet r llnll * ofX Xonb A.rtia* aad ccWW aoniwiy aidrlbM oTchriatophep r Street make it as nleasant and convenient for the borrower .- > fire chaplains, paub and Mrs. Mitton ~Buch- Jane, took tophpnor s In' the Chil- Monec Ksarman Mrectt to'tbttb** aortb hoanjmrj lisa* ttii * aiMihmnUtir dUertloii to a pointIn and Reformed Church last Wed- heen Olnjln the offlce of the Director oi la hereby rlren that iiualtfled vntera.of th» Inn of' Walnut Avenue;.thence Houth,along Ksaran Mt t'tb rtb h l hi dUertloiUlii to ait' point'IIn WHEN USED GAR PRICES CRASH as jMissible. That"* why pcVjple like to mike their loans .•Puih^iid the ... . bindef will assist tiQik. Stajtfen in House "satalites. Constitutional Local CoreramVnt of the BUte of N'ew Jer he center line of Walnut Avenue to tne «°- of UUie CentraCetl l BallroaBlldd off XrX w Untr,U aadd raJrJ ~-iJrf line uf borcfaeaiefai rA Avenue:l tliene* nesday I evening." Also; present dren's Handling Class for Girls. Borouth of Garwood>nnt -already r(«Uai*ii Primary Uie tenter Une of Xorth Union A»aa* p™-'~ ***famch statement ahowa that' the In tald Borouth under- the lawa of ill er line of Chestnut Btreetf thencetwistfrly here." 'lip: rTcxt time you need cash for any worth-.-—^.i The show attracted 144 dogs and cr««» debt of th* Borough/ as defined In ilong Uie center line of Chestnut Street to itu.*d: theiM-e along the .mw Us* of, Xertnii •%*&** JLvwae to the ocntrr Une of Uvlng- tirades, and -Robert Coles- ifor first j been replaced by, a govenunebt of were Neighborhood Commissioner Jersey. BOverMng permanent reeWrailki, i,,' rnlon AvenuAenue tnvdueetnvdue d ^U -u.n—l-g slUt»x; t\n X-***r: thmew south along UM center extended to Westf leld and Kenll- tenants in the Field Army. was witnessed by more than 500 aeetlon.*4«:l-7« of uldXaw I* increased by Registiy the center line, of Cherry Street; thence g x; g while purpose—whether it's to rntet;ijn1fi-nergency or '' . Harry Grander, District Commis- thla ordinance by $7,6M and OUt the. obll- ryirtster w|th tht> Borough Clerk of the uU Uie center lute of JtrthrJ l AjlAICBO*--tejl'tw' ttt lSllS«lsc»tot n AUAfenUe-^^n UUie centet rl lini e placfe in-the ^tfth and sixth gfarlee. men created by New Deal experi- D ilong the center line of Cherry "Street to a worth fire departments "tor send- Boroufb of parwood at hU office , . • *" ••• .,. . Mrs. Fred Dushamek is in charge persons. • . CTtlooa authorized' hy ihl« brulnihce nrlll mint ISO feet north trou the north sideline Uie point or place of HHt . M BU«v«B i Bo*d: Ui*n.r* along UiUiee center. ••-talce'advantage of an oppprtunity^-see us first. '. Mr. Banyflsa was Introduced by menters* sioner Ray Hyecs,,?ield Sooiit Ex- ' Bsreusb Hall ... - WlU suet ing equipment to help fight the WlU suet bi^-CleveUad Jfcnoit. SCarOi (HaHa* asas* thrabu Bdad - southwest to UiUie v •r of' organizing seventh? and eighth IM> within -all debt Umlutloni prescribed by. CarweeaV N. J. if Ketford Avenue, aald Une being Ihe r«ar GET TODAY'S TOP PRICES • ' • ' » . ' '" '•• • ecutive David Tyler and Scout- uM Law.- • • • . • • ' .', General Election Uvtdlng Ime of lota fronting on Bettord Ave- Unionion AvenueAvenuue. . — V|£*|£« « f t^rit^Uat^itU AvenileAil: IhcnrIhr, souUsuUi jt fire,, and to the .'Cranford • depart- Supervising Principal Louis L. D.grade school girls for a "mite box' diyisioa ,of people into ,at' any time totwwn WwlnHdiy. Ju,,.jr Is Dunuuce o> the brorlaioaa of an Act uo; thence along this said rear dividing : DDISTBICTT XOXO. SS !.ti«ti F tt*ta*rtt*ta*r UsUsee o of t>dnctot>dnctoaa AveauAveauee tto ththr ment for activities in preventing Nicolello. classes, the creation of hatred tie-master Al Miller. Wanca—Podelefsky :l-N5 of said Law. Ine southwesterly ifi a point which If en- Beglnnb* att a polnrformalr l by tn* later-'nsawJiaJi w l^n. TW»~19. Rnlstd Statutes. of..N'«w Jecaay. coded would be the most northeasterly side- Betrdtfial Announced coat of said purpose ,t» ho financed by theUral Hectlon' 'on Tuesday.- Norcmlwr 5 ^ the susndiunbt and supplsaaaMs line of Christopher Street; thence along the 1941 1939 tion tSt the .wind in carrying-burn- to Donald Martel of 8C, winner oi of •organized minorities, the dread- refreshments served ^ alter the 19W, add ' • . ' 1940 -^takw -U months to f*pay In .._^ District captains, Ifor "the drive GAJEWOOD—- Mr. and Mrsla>uano. » of aald cblltitlons: " Mrthesstcrly sideline of Christopher Street BUICK ing embers to other buildings. secondjplace In seventh and eighth are the following: JT>«t. Mrs. Wal- ed spectre of religious bigotry were meeting. . i- .. (1) Nat exceedlnr 13*0 on nwount of NOTICE ***" NOTICC f ' . II a northwesterly direction to the rear di- $1,500 $130 $900 Stanley Podelefsky of Kingston, the • of bautitce of uld obllgatlona.. I* hereby.; elven , that the I>|«trlrt Elminit U h«tb) ghen that quallfled • rotan of viding line between properties on HUlenat L convenUnt monthly Inttalbnonts Appreciation dls*> were going to remake man announced the club will pre- temt on uld obligations during the period westerly along sal* rear dividing lino between ,'**:••• . ' "' • •'•• their daughter, Miss Matilda -Eo- perm|U*i] by aald section. on ^. Benjamin Street and QUlcrest Avenue to DODGE . l»200 900 700 the first, aid Squads of. Kenll worth sixth grades. Third place winner; Mrs. Michael •jGaleszewski. America," Major Danforth de- sent an entertainment at Bonnie TUE80AV, NOVEMBER 5, IMS Ihe center line of Harsh Street:° thence north BILL and LEO delefsky, to Frank Wanca, Jr., son Section S. The full faith and credit of hotween the- houm of 7:00 A. M. anil B-«»: belitrajdyrcfUered'ui aald Township under 620 and Mountainside, and for the help were Robert Blood, 7O,"and Thorn- dared. Bum Sanatorium later this ntohljti. the Soroush are hereby pledged to the tat Un of Stw Jkrsey ao'eralag permanent along; the center line of Iftrsb Street to a 1,010 790 Jt was pointed out at the meet- P. M. (Kastern Rtanaard Time), for Uie pur-' Mint extended ZM feet from the north side- torn of a number of firemen from Win- as 'Robinson, rJT. Af teV- the a wards of Mr. anil Mrs. Wanca of.7 Fifth punctual payment of the principal of andttose of conducting- a - Mlstntkui isty regiater wjth the Township ing that 60 per cent of the funds Interest on uld obllgatlona. Bald - obllga- dark of the tald Townahlp (f Oraafbrd at line of Burnslde Avenue; thence southwest AT KLEIN'S BiARKET 1400 \ 800 725 UNION GOUNTY# field. . There was praise too, for thehad been presented, Sgt Hafrj avenue. Mr. Wanca recently, te- Uoa»"«haU be dlrwt unlimited obligations 1M f«et from Burnable Avenue and psrmlM PLYMtOUTH collected during the drive will be New Church Members Softball League hereto to a. point In the rear .dividing Une* 1,150 900 700 activities of the Red Cross Canteen Page, Jr., of the Cranford Police used fbr cancer -work within the ceived his honorable discharge of the Boroush and the Borough shall lliilal»iB 10 N. Union Ave. CR. 6-1420—1421 PONTIAC .v after three years'service with .p be obligated to levy ad valorem taxea upon General Election GrUfaWL M. J. if properties fronting on New Street; thence from Cranford in providing wel- Department took pictures oi the At St. PanlV Sunday plan, Completed ill the Uxable property within the Borough to vote upon candidates for the foUMloe northwest along Ihe aald rear dividing lints 1,250 1,050 765 State and 25 per cent will go to an ..at aav due durloa regular offlce hours and to a point In tbe boundary line of Crsnford SHOT BtOKnAT AND TUESDAY OLDSMOB1LE come coffee for the fire fighters. winners. all-out cancer research project. Navy in the Pacific. The wedding ror thh e payment of the oUlsaUoaa and InterIt - orBces: • ^ ilw on A|>fi) it, 13. si and 15 In the a««- WE BUY ALL MAKES AND MODELS TRUST COMPANY CARWOOT*—There will be re- QARWOOD-JPlans ior • a. soft- will be Sunday, June 2. : est thereon, without limitation of rate or A United Slates Senator. sbtgt UU 9. Ihe flnal date fbr Primary tV»wn»blji ahd the Borough of Garwood; Following-the mayors remarks, Ah assembly program dealing Nine per cent will be devoted to amount . y thence along this aald boundary line Its AS WE ABC CLOSED ALL DAT WEDNESDAY ception of new members at theball league were" formulated at a A Member of the Bouse of IteprekenUUiw •arMratlon U . • >'arlous courses to the center Un* of North Councilman Burton E, Dlckerman with the UNO waspresented las nation-wide programs of public in- 11 ,a. m. service on Palm Sunday Bectlon «. This ordinance shall, take from the Birth OoctTtsslonal District THUMOAV, «MIL «, IM« Avenue, West, to, the point or place ofbe- meeting of the Recreation Com- effect twenty days after the drat pubUeaUen A Ooremor. '' en «hlch date the ragUtrsUon books will be Honing. • '^ ' 142 BROAD STREET, ELIZABETH called attention to the fact tha Wednesday by the 8F class. A formation and service, and-the re- at St Paul's Evangelical and Re- Churches Unite for thereof,after final pastase, ta Provided by Vour Membera of tba General Aaunblr' (loMd until afUr the. rorthcoalnc Prtmsry Mayor, Daub' himself, a captain in large chart showing the organiza maining six per cent will be used mittee Monday night Frank from the County or Union. tUetloa to be held on Tuesday, June 4, Will meet In BbermaH School. Uneoln SMILING JACK 100 SOUTH AVENUE E., CRANFORD formed Church. "A Plan Com- Tuerff was nanied president and Holy Week Services Adapted: -iprU ». 1648. A County Clerk for the County of Union. UM. and- ' Avenue. the fire department, returned, from tion' of the UNO was made, bjfor administrative expenses. pleted" win be the sermon topic Approved: A&rll », 1M«. A Coroner for the County of Union. DI8TBICT NO. t John Mipio secretary and treasurer GAKWOOD-JTndon Holy Week - L.THOMAS DAUB. Three Members of tbe Board of Cbwa Nonet Beglmilng tt » point formed by the Inter- 527 RAHWAY AVE.. ELIZABETH an out-of-town visit on 'learning Jane Dushanek, Rosa Guldetta of the Rev. Walter C Push, pastor. U hereby |l«en that tbe' District; auectlon Koenig. Steve Zaffuto and Rooert of .the-league. • . services will be held at St Mark's Mayor. VreebDlderi for the County of Union. tectlon of tbe center line of Lexington Ave- Mtmitr -of the.fire and took an active part Joan Mallozzi and Lois Fontenell At the union serviceat the Gar- Attest: One Mayor. S year tern. koerib In and for the Township Of Cranford nue and the center Une of the LeUgh Valley EL. 5-9742 Wilsqn. The. following -eight teams win WALT •ill alt at the tUaew hereinafter designated Itallroidi thwute northWeeUrly alone tba ta the fight against it that nightSmaller charts illustrating each wood Presbyterian Church "at 8 Episcopal Church on Wednesday* H. VcMANITS, Two numbers of Borough Council, tnw New monitors for the 4R class take part in the season,-scheduled at St Paul's Evangelical and Re- Borough Clerk. year terms.' ' TUESDAY. JUKI 4, IMt »rt)t»r line of L»»lngtoo Avenue to the cen- and the next day. talk were made by Joyce Poszgay, p. m. Pain) Sunday., the Rev. Mr. - Such Juatkxs of the Peace is may t» bth.»*a tbe hours of T :M A.. at and «:W ter Une or Dtnman Boad; thence along tha Passed on final have' been chosen for the month of to start early In May: Garwood formed Church next Thursday and needesl ' ' P. 1L, (Diyllght. Battag Time), lor In*-enter Une of Denman Boad easterly- toth e reading aftei Dolores Koenlg. (Peggy Millard, Pugb will present the Easter story center line of Livingston 8tr*«t; thence' alone April. They include: Morning ex- Rest Garwood House, Veterans of at Garwood Presbyterian Church The. municipal boon" ordinance published Vullowlngg Is • list of. tbtb* IVilllarlollln*. HU! M tu of conductlns; av " ' public hearing was an ordinance Jane Ouahanek and Rosa Guldetta in colored alides, and 'words for herewith bat been anally passed and theIn the various election districts ef the B«- the. center line e* LlvUgston Street north- Introduced by Councilman Sicker- ercises^-Bllly Hhatigan; attend- Foreign Wars, American Legion. on Good Friday. The services will twenty-day period of limitation within which ougb of Garwood: westerly to the center line of Dorchester Talks on the various parts of the to be sung also will be Primary Election Avenue; thence easterly along the. center ance, (Mary Warica; hall 'patrol. Dif Corporation, Sonoco Products, be at 8 p. m. in each case, and will a auk. action or proceeding queeUontnc the 1st District—Borough Hall, South *t«u» man, chairman of the road com- UNO were given by Joan Mallozzi. flashed on the screen. validity of. auch ordinance can be ceo* and Center Btteet • tot the' T"u*in,ttfrn of .cattdlaatafl on thaIne of Dorchcater Avenue to th* north side- mittee, authorizing purchase of o Mary Wilson, Joseph Esposito and Alcoa, and Diamond Expansion be conducted by the pastor of thetnenced aa provided In the Local Bond lur, : 2nd District — Washington (khas\, Eut line of Christopher Street; thence-northwest In connection with this talk slides Choir practice will be feeM at St along the north sideline of Christopher new street cleaning and snow re- Frank Aloia; delivering milk, Ed- Bolt host church. h«s begun to run .from the date of the first Street and Locust Avenue. '•'j showing the M nations belongin Paul's' at 7 o'clock tonight The publication of thU ttataaeni 3rd District — Franklin School. Wtlnut street to a point ISO. reet north, of the TO THE moval, truck with loading equip- ward Ferrari and Jcrone Keller. Btrett. northerly sideline of Betford Avenue, said to the UNO were shown. -WALTBB B. UciUKVS, Itolnt being also the point of lnl»rn»ctln»' of choir also met Tuesday evening for .|j Borough Clerk. 4th District—Bhie • Blbbon Dyen (.Btort, ment Bids are to be received on Other talks wert. the chil- Miss Doris Dion was guest of seldom go. farther than 300 yard* BOROUGH OF GARWOOD KLaXmOiT DIBTMCTS line belnir aluo the rear dividing Una. bar met Tuesday evening, at which Followlnc t» a d«seri|Ulon or tin »arl»u»' iwewi properties on Betford Avenue and purpose, providing for a down poy-r General Assembly"; Billy Sever dren have dressed the eggs in East- honor recently at a surprise mis- from their horn* PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES — |S4« Election Districts of Uie Horouch of Gir- .- -I ment of $600 and authorizing lssu- er fin?ry, with lace dolly hats, veils time-there was also instruction for - ROAD MATERIALS worid: -' • outli Union Avenue In. a northerly direc- age, "International Court of Jus cellaneous shower in the home of : nutrlct 1. All Uiat.tvirtlon nf the Bw- tion to tlw renter HIM uf ' Cherry Street: 7 and all the trimmings. adults wishing to-joi n the church. PROPOSALS IBwl«'l « W>» BBorougg ho off CtrwooTI aat Ktreet to Uie CMter- line of Chestnut' Street: Bid of the Westf ield Motor Sales Recent vocabulary contest win- will be married May 4 to Alfred 00 M 1M1Ma a the Central Itallraad and north of Sprute ship Council"Council;; Rudy Nadasky, ing at the church at 2 p. m. today. The Mayor and OxineU'wf the Boroucb ouch Hall. Carwgod *d, "N..I. . " BBor Avenue; thence along th* center line of Chestnut Company to provide a 1940 eight- "The &*wetariat'& f; pici k Boehmler, hews in the 3T class* were: Thbmas DeFreitas at New Bedford, Mass., of (tarwood, will ncelvs aealed t*ot>oMl» Bids uiHt her aubulued on the recular District 1 All that portion of lh« Bur- 'cil to the center line'of Walnut Avenue; cylinder,., two-door sedan fbr. the Casaie, Gloria Mosca,..Mathew..Ro-. At the Lenten service at 8 at lu DMMIUC fl«<» In the Borourt Hall. proBjiirforarinVwiled envelope andsfiBi" nosh1 offGi- GirWood d llyini g anuiltli off .tl« thence along the center line of Walnut "Comparison, of League of Na- o'clock tonight the Rev. Mr. Pugh's Mrs. Virginia A. Scalzadonna of tiatwhod. New Jeney; at 8 SO P. M.. April be elearly burked en the outalile with the the Central Ballrotd and south Avenue' north to tha .Intersection of the police department for $978.99 was tions and the UNO,"' and Richard •vendro, Phyllis Rochpw and Gil- 902 Center street 'is among-those 23, 19<8, for the furnUhlne (1) oT a n»wpawe^of the bidder and "Boad Materials Avenue. enlw line of Walnut Avenue and North accepted and purchase authorized. berUHildebrandC sermon topic will be **Fhe .Fifth UU msdei twel«« Ml) Sable «ud eapaelty Dlrtrlct 3. All that portion of Hie fl«r- 'nl.iu Avenue; thence s)oeg.th*'center line Watt, "Problems Ahead tor the Word From the'Cross—Sufferer." whose names hav been drawn for "Oar Wood Load-Packer" »rid irtUchin*nU Bidders jduU Quote prlc«s on .—,.„„ ... ouch of Garwood lying north of Uir llnt-u of North Union Avrtiu* to the center lln* of' Also approved' was the bid of ihe UNO." -The program was con These children were neither ab- the final period of jury duty in the to b« Mounted «tf ehaals furnished by Sor- hj deUverM en aueb streets In the Borough the Central Ballroad and weat of Odir Alden Street; thence south along the center same company to purchase a bor- sent nor tardy during March: Rob- oush of Ctrwood. K«a*t requirement* and 1 Street. line of Alden Street to a point where the cluded with two films on "Build current -court term at *he Court- •p«clflritlana are on Ule In the oB1c« of theSi S^!!5J3 H^A." * O»*»tlUes an nay Dbtrlat 4. All that poHlon nf th' Dor- center line of Alden Street would Intersect ough-owned 1942- two-door coupe ing the Peace." ert Glowacky, Richard Krieger. Health Board Votes house, Elizabeth; starting Monday. Boroush Clerki A2i and the furnUhlot «r •uch of Garwoed lyuig north of the lint et Kcfttkr aervtM b tMtalltl th* center Una of High Street If High Street sedaj| n fo— r $877^a.aiswawi. ' * ^^' Fred Liquore, Donald Perry, Frank. l»<* Modtt WA-S2 or SloUel WB-I2 the Central BaUroad and out «t Cedir were extended: thence along Uie projeotd The Fiflcst Froits and Vegetables Miss Kcalzadonna, the schoo Ptfc. Michael J. Throne of 429 e Motor TruekT. . Cfia«llff anadd Cab arid Street. )t keep ycMir car la rtw- renter line of High Street south sod still alonar Following public Severage. David Wright, Gloria' To Apply Dog Ruling ddiil i tlddl flb thr center line of High Street la the lnter- hearing final nurse, gave a health .talk on the Willow avenue has received his .other additional equipment tlndudlng flab 26o -Tana Boad fitotie. WAUrim B. XlrMA-VrS, order. approval was given the following Mosca, JeanRocco, Phyllis Rochow GARWOOD—The local Board of lti .. thh* fframe) ) p»r .sneclflcttlonlltl s oHn Dii e 40 TonaDuaL Borouch Cl«rt i-rtlan «f the center line of High Street with DELIVERED TO OUR STORE DAILY "Functitms of the Heart" to Mrs. honorable discharge from the Ar- at the office of the Borough Clerk.. tooO CUIlons B. C. 1 Dated: March ID. 1940. Uie center line of the Lehlgh VaUey BsU- offers td purchase borough-owned 1 and Bette Ana Schnell. Health has. voted to enforce the The Mayor , and Council reeerve* the •WOO Rtllona U. C. 1 oad: th«nce touthwesterly along the center Hoffman's fourth *~""grade- o~»f •'•••'th»e my at the Fort Dix Separation - CNtr Motto — Una of the Lehlgh .Valley Btllroad to the property: Lots 254, 255, 256 and state ruling to confine dogs to pens, Center. right to reject "any and sli.bUta or proposals «.l? •*»"• **•>« "A" riant Mix. Franklin. School. After the talk, enclosures, or ' ^buildings except «r parts of bids or prapoeala, waive any In- Bidders may liliT on any Item sad SatlafMtlofl adjoining 10 feet of lot 257, block Miss Sealzndonna encouraged Sgt George A. Gunsaules of 404 formalities. « or on all the Items. ', 7», by William D. Eberle Of Jersey GOP Club Endorses when on leash, accompanied by a By order of the ilsyor and Council of The pcpricee MUd •halshall he accepted aaas the With CwttrUay" Spruce - street has received . his 1the discussion period, in which the responsible person. the BoroucK of Garwtood. N. J. maxlmura price on auterlals to be paid to EYES EXAMINED City,, for $'714; lots 236 and 237childre, n asked questions or reN- . J. Veterans' Bonus honorable discharge ifrom the Ar- bidder throuchout the ye»r 1946. The qutn- This ruling becomes effective Borough Clerk. 1 rallall d for lr DR. M. N. MANN Mock 68, by Angelo Alimbnti d( lated bits of knowledge of their GARiWOOD—Garwood Republi- my at the Fort Dlx Separation . .« i "" " ' « iwroxlmate and may Wa*he« Week Day* Oulj B&O*s Premier Train to Baltimore and Washington 320 Hemlock avenue, tor $290. immediately and the' Board of Dated: April 9, IMS. 4-18 be IncreaseId d at the name price bias dbid upon. own concerning the heart.. Pupils can Club at a meeting last week in Center. Low bidder must he prepared to enter Into r- Optometrist The following offers to purchase Health has asked the local Police a wotract embodying theternts rfto* ££ who^took an active part in the dis- its North avenue headquarters en- COME ON OVER Koaal with the Borough of Gsnrood Un botough-owned property were ac- Department to aid them in enforc- medtately upon award hy the Mayor and 227 Eitt Broad St STAtlON HOVM cussion' were Theresa. Hurhenlk, dorsed the New Jersey State Vet- 1 TMI SELECTtOkTS r*INC AT ing the ruling. Violators will be Council. * v WC£KDATg_« A. MUrt #. M THE IUIY/IL ItLUE cepted, subject to final approval Annette Venezia, MEary Borelli, WALTER X FLESHER, Jr. WertfieU, N. J. erans' Bonus and letters were au- punished to the fullest extent of after public hearing on April 23: Jean Steffen, David^Gray,' John thorized ' sent. to the proper offi- MIKE'S WOOLEN SHOP SUNDAYS^ A. Kb! T. M. lots 245 td 249 inclusive, block 92, the law.' PkaUaC COVERTS—HABAROIMES-SHCTLANM cials. TWEEDS—CMeCKaV by Brie and ELna Paterson, 37 Con-Center street and Beech avenue, Garwood has had three dog bite TKT Consultant^ > LARSK •ClaXTiOII Of Grover C. Grupe of Elizabeth, y Mayor and Oouart! r the right cord street, Cranford, $450; lots 11 the borough engineer is making cases this year, and though none U SeedDd Ave* GarwooA, N. X kHORT HEMMAirrf £»£ " «U Udi If euch**H2i «u (Word Esso Station and 12, block 55; Max Famely and •candidate for Assembly, made a WEstfeU Z-SCM-1 the inUnats of the Borough of Htt«n: survey of the situation and pre- were rabid, two of the cases, chil- 1*7 MAIN BTH BOUND BROOK PIED L. W*>nm, Joseph N. Scher, 107 Center street. brief talk outlining his platform. dren, were bitten about the face local Board of Health Is I] uent, with the natural result that our growth and In- Mayor Daub, honorary chairmai matic program starring Ronald NOTICE! Und/cooperation anduiencottragement . Approval was voted the election making plans for the annual food-] 'CHEERFUL EARFUt" fluence i« not only city but eouaty wMe. of the local committee. Council Cobnan in "Lost Horizon." Law- of the following as probationers man Dickerman, chairman of th< handlers* checkup to take place] Ofeea yo. « «aee«v nlUUo rlnV Ho Inks rence Fitzsiwurjons oLHUlsidjELPr JTO ALLLDOGJ^ _ lart wa|Hl kW Intel ttiatat was Oopa. - in ^the-fire-department" for~one *campalBnrals«rsp6kernpra!sirtg the ^time-trii^ month.—Th*-eh v Y« VtOTNr. anil V«»athl BOARD OF HEALTH INSULATION EUZABETH EUZABETH other for Rhodbdandrboa. \u Aialraa and other BOROUGH OF GARWOOD W.L. BALimOBE &OHIO RAHstOAD plants. Speciat.parpoaa Aftrko ./•_ -• . • X Ciwalej .. • John Soltia, /4 fV , / . BARTON COAL CO. a batter Job, Jwt coat* IN WESTFTELD-^208 EAST .BROAD STREET—WESTFTELB 24)530 I 1 Secretary. • President. CR fe-2799 •I •••'/ m MHC6 nut rat cun snw nm

1 ; ; 1 : 'jJi?i V i' n^ii ' • m# j|^i%S^^ '•"••'"' •'...•'•' -''•--•'..'.''•..•"' '.''' •' ,'.• ••'• • , , '••••; .;,.'•' '• .' •',••••'••,.;/••;, '.,'••••, . ,r;'i %>If iiiattafei^^^ )Sf »t«i-i«-wfii H By Boy Scouts TBZ CKAWWMtP CjTlZMI AMD CHBOMICUC•' TBPB8DAY. APBIL H., Face 1^50,000 Baby Products Plant To Be Rnh US tttad. Thaw will Indicate lAWNS t GARDENS through glass tribe* and flashing To Depict Camp Life M.; .iDaylKht aaftec Ttm»). Ur IM Ufbts, tbe irate of flow of liquids Clerk's Office Open of rtKMhifllBl » ' •. - and the progreao* the mixing op- ' Looking forward to the coming •KenilworthBriefs • camp season, the Boy Scouts of HIRE CartcerDrive To Register Voters Primary Election " '. eration. All such instruments con-' tar 4JM, trol prdfr>siMnc nilve been com- the, yariqus troops in .the Cranford Sgt Fred Miller of Kenilworth KENILWORTH—Bofoagh Clerk -at caadl^rtM* «• Av $1450.000 plajjtbeta* con bined in one central control panel "an^KehIlworfh~dlstrlctswill^stage W-ax aboard the 1roopsh&j!> General Pl\Hip McGevna announced this OB lb« DacaocnUe. Urkat to a Eltingewrhen it arrived in Seattle >at«d upoo at th« auulnf Oowtal. BwMaa . strueted |it Walnut avenue and for each, product being manufac- a short, play .at 5t Michael's week that his office at the Borough to W h»ld oa Twaday; N'o>aori>ar S. 1*44). *• Karituk Jtwd for "the production ot tured., .,. . •• ' ' •; •'. •', '.; School Hall tomorrow at B:i& last week-end. ' • , Hall will be open from 6 to 9-p.m.. hd U«t*d, anil tot UM rtartim «T u tn.1, entitled' "A Day at Camp.' Cox., Frank J; Corcione, Jr.. of oat BU:U and «>• faaal* nnwhir of Ih* •»- of baby firoducts is ex- The company said that in/the on- April 22. 23. 54 and 25 for the U Kt»u Comiall(a» and on* atlt a>4 :.,JMcted to be completed this sum- The "boys will enact various 22d North Ninth street recehtly re- purpose "of registering voters who l Xf U Dil H production of baby, powder, (or events in a "scout's day at camp Plan Mail Campaign; ceived his honorable discharge at and fur ttu)r (iTM.that <)uaUa*y the senior choir under direction To Preach Fi performance. street All members interested in y the society and the,Women's March 27, 1944, and. was engaged •if*m» WaM in* 390 feet by 315 feet, with, a factured'products. • • •;•. • :j ft Miss Beryl Antrobus and the in accounting work, first at Mercer KENILWORTH KMUwMtk.M.J. . - total area of 120.000 square feet. To take Seats taking part are urged to attend this unior choir under direction', of Sermon on EntirW Reid Army of Kenilworth for at any Urn* b*t««*n WeKtemdar, Jos* 5. A comprehensive conveyor sysr' funds to finance the fight for con-Field, Trenton; and later at Floyd Ndrice OF . !•»«. and Thuraday. iMambar t». I»i4. on ft It belntr erected in the center of tem .supplies the manufacturing H first meeting. ;. rs. tMangaret Sonclair. The Rev. KBNrLWORTH—The Rev. Otis Benhett Field.-Brooklyji. which la'ttar dat* Ui* raciairailoa booai wttl ibe 30-acre plot so that four-way tis (Moore, pastor; will take "King Moore," pastor of the Kenilworth trol dwf/ cancer. Mrs. Gertrude " rloa«4 until afUr th* forthnooing Om area with' raw materials stored in n,«tin^oi the Borough Council Slmnui t». captain of the Field Elsie L. iBiorris of 55 Ar- 4 Id^rtloa on Tueaday. XotemMr S. eapanilon will be possible without the warehouse section of the.plant. 323*Vr -ftiesday night ma f Kings" as his sermon" topic Community Church for the. past Registry 4. and • . Dr.HowardP.Wingert Army here. :hur terrace is among those whose- MOTICC ' •• " . Interfering with, the ARCHITECT'S WALNUT AVBNVE IOILDINO AND GEOUNDS After the material,passes through .'5 held because tour of the coun- The Rev. (Mr. Moore announced five years and active in young I. Himpele general chairman names have been drawn to report U hereby rt'en that lit* DtrtHrt CUcUon tnanufacturing areas' and so.that tbe "U" Shaped processing line, the JSurgeon Chiropodist SS refused to take their seats his week that the usual sunrise people's work-in the borough, ten- Board* In and for tht Borouch be CaollAanli ernes P. Monday for the final period of Jury will aU at th* DUr« hereinafter •t the same time duplication of.lts ; result of a dispute over a pro- rvlce wiU be held in the church dered his resignation on Monday >f the local c General Election building will have a /single en finished products are carried* ,by duty in the current court term at on OCSee Boors In Crawford; night at a meeting of the official imms is vicercha In punuanc* of lh« pro* Ulan* ot an Jut unique layout. may be possible: trance, through which fU employ the conveyor line back into the Sf^u^^wnedprop 6:30 Easter Miming, conducted he Courthouse, Elizabeth. "in Art Itf. lb«ul>l< KhrtlaiM." TUESDAY. NOVEMBER S. IMt tbe buikUnf Itself, will cost about Dally 1A.M. to 1* Noon jy the Young People's Fellowship, board of. the church. The resigna- Glendinning is treasu T1U« 1*. K«*U*d HUtutoi ol Sim icrarjr, b i. BrW^fttl* 'TttJ ^fld' ' >t IJH»1 «"W ltt>il t# I*. M, (KaalWn tttamkrd Time), for On put ope million dollars. ing case seal-machine. All con- Evenlnxs tor the council to convene. ith Irma Sbalkross, president of Uwteto -• '•• .-• —-. :-- |ioa« .of_c«uidf' the boroujjh. brrvby (lv«n tli»( ouiIUUd TOUT* of General Election - will be able to; look out upon the trolled centrally .froth a Special tfpat Venice andBoroUgh Clerk WorkdSahobl— Local school ill be a special program by the' Die uld its own private roadways with pro- Other" evenlnrs * • 441 W. MONT Still 1 Philip MoGevna apipeared at, the hoirs at this service and at the on Easter ,gunday. who may wish to aet=be{ore bei LMti Program b" »(H* upon candidate for tba iioUamiag manufacturing operations through panel board. ',"' " ; ' *. children in tHelr "art-, classes this solicited through the rnajl are urgr KXMILWORTM. N. J. oOe*»:'.,.- • • • • • Vision for a parking lot for 50 - by appointment only * - ' ^cil table. The meeting was •egular 1.1- o'clock morning worship The retiring pastor cited as his A 1'nUed Ut2itt dwitor. " a large plate, glass window. Spe- 'The engineering work on mar week are Working on Easter dec- for the A Mmlar of lti» Houat of D«t>rManUU>M automobiles; , • , «rvice. At the latter -service~the reason for resigning the fact that ed to turn in their contributions tly vv«Utvr«d' lu MAU KforAilch under. cial rest rooms for visitors will be chTnery and equipment in the new 15 ALDEN ST. CH. 6-14S8 adjourned subiect to call of orations' for the'Red* Cross, pro- to Mr. GlendlnningiifcSKS Borou^i ^ "program of- the Sunday trim th« Mirth <\vntr*aalonal Diatrtct -' Grbtind 'for the project was S and the scheduled prop- astor will preach on .''.Victory he Sevres to locate nearer to New cUtxkt A tiovcrnor. . • k available in this Section of the baby products plant is being done gram booklets ifor the operetta, HalL ,. • . School >of Community Methodist it \l nay r«vLw^r with thi* Iluroufl IV>ur UNulxra. M Oio Rcoentl AaaajnUjr "broken at ceremonies last October. ertsaic postponed to the * )ver Death." • The sunrise service York City where. Mrs. Moore serves \y--" building. by Eadie, Fruend and Campbell, "Peter^Rabbltt," and posters for Church, to^Jbe held at the church hU offle* from tli« County of Untvi. c ' Tbe -architects ar« the Balllnger reiular meeting, April-23. lll be followed by Jbreakfast jat as one of the -general officers of Other members of the local com- A County fItrit for Uir C«untyj>f Union. To the right oard Mohday evening. Re- • lid Z'y fruu ( b »l'. U Tha Bn»l d»te will be the fact that raw materials SEy Vital* refused, tojenter and two "first grades this "Friday, reports, Mr. Simms; special gifts, y*ar .tc'tnu. Tfae hew Johnson & .Johnson and at the end of which will be lo- There will be a social hour for PhjJJjprjlnies, Malaysia-and Suma- gret was expressed Uiat the" party Itrr IVltiury 1uei*UAtUm * U; Htx-li Juatlr«a of tha P»ar* at may ba and the finished goods will be ihe meetingbecause, as they stated, has been postponend .until May 3 'olice Chief George D. Conklin, will mark-the last time the (Rev- nil vblrli cUt» ttir r>v<ployes_over the Eastesr muqiq will be held at 7:30 he recentlJrTiad been cb£££n Ken- In thfe way all handling" w Speaking torth e four "who ob- most absences. It is expected the An Urgclntappeal to local house- and the children," Eric Hamilton tn'lw^eti the tumftf -bf doctor*, nurses', pediatricians, edi- plant's loud-speaker system; «v Wednesday, and the ,Boy ihvorth's "Good NeighbS-v in a minimized., Adjacent to the •sented themselves from the meet- cotming week .will find most of wives to save old white, clothes, tors and others interested in child The building will be so arranged il- Vitale declared •Scouts also will meet at thconteste ' sponsored by the Pi-T. A. that all employes, executives ping area is a trucking (platform on Councilman those who had chicken pox return- Members of the board stated that sheets, towels,, table cloths, etc.. welfare. ..'•.•'• ' . . .' • . the north sicfe, with an' enclosed ipostpdnement UK to their classes: One case of- hurch that evening. washed and U possible ironed, to ' Many new features in factory well as plant operators and. the they tfelt that a the Rev. Mr. Moore will be sadly truck slip to provide, for would allow the borough to sellll scarlet fever was reported in the A s.upper in honor of the unde- be -used as cancer dressings, was construction are included "firthl* clerical and supervisory staff, ente* INSIDE MODERN MANUFACTURING CENTER feated basketball team of Harding missed by the congregation and weather loading and unloading of the entire parcel oi land under kindergarten a week ago, but no borough residents and thg^bes issued this week by MrSrSinrans structure, which will benefit the building via the single front consideration, with a covenant in School will, be jhekl at the church entrance.« Employe! will then pass .trucks. lA railroad siding is at the others have developed. wishes of. the chuwh were ex ••There will be a pick-up of the by the introduction' of various new Isolated, corners, will make them foot candles of illumination in the rear of the building. the deed requiring construction of t 6:45 p. tn. next Thursday, with articles -within the next month. developments of (rull/ automatic throufeh. the cotrHdjf- and down one easily available to. all employees. Miss Mary Flaherty's third grade L star of the New York University tended to him. manufacturing -area. All machin- Power for the plant's rrianufac-r homes in compliance with the spe- Is studying about birds. The chil- Mrs. Simons announced, and a can- processes similar 4o those used In flight of stairs, where .WiU be lo- The" main floor is divided into ery and equipment will be enclosed cifications set forth by the counclL asketball team as guest speaker. The Rev. Mr. Moore has, been cer dressing station will be set up cated restjrobms,. lockers, lounges tiirlng area will be carried on a dren have all become members «f tbe food packaging and processing two sections. Ope lor, storing raw and will incorporate every modern bus duct to which- *ach machine. He said they further, contended At the Young People's Fellow- particularly active in young peo in- the basement of St. Theresa's Industry. . • and showers. .They will then pass the Audubon Bird Club. Every ship recreation hour on Monday ple's wortc since corning here. H materials and warehousing finished safety device available. It will wiH be connected individually to that a competitive bidding on the Chapel. t). up another' stairway to their posts child plans to make a notebook on venkig of this week, Teddy Smith has taken local youngsters on bi "The building .Itaelf'wffl be of goods, and the other where the be'a manufacturing showplace af- fateilitate alterations of equipment "property would bring added reve- The linens collected in the d.rive unglsied, Drl-Speedwall tile, trim- on the main floor. products are actually-manufactur- fording visitors an opportunity to bird life. nd yvalter Scheuerer," both re- cycle anil swimming trips, accom as needed. The power house will nue to the borough, without preju- The .eighth grade boys defeated will be used as outer coverlrigs- Something "Special" of Interest to med with terra cotta and aluml- This stairway will lead them ed, processed, and packaged for witness complete processing opera cently returned from service with panied them-. on trips to Scoiit be 180 feet west of the plant to > 1 dicing the position of the borough. the seventh grade boys in a gaine cainps-and hiM-maihtalned^corjes •over the cellulose cotton furnished ' num. There will be a continuous through the center of the plant's shipment. . tions. .. permit expansion and will occupy „ It Is understood the dispute arose the drmed^QEces, teamwLup to win by the counCy organization, the" atrip of windows, all doiible glazed of baseball last Friday by the score ping pong tournament'... Later pondence with scores of loca p , g manufacturing area, where will' be In planning the manufacturing The processing machinery is en- a plot 60 toy. iff Ifcet. It will employ i -with regard topropose d sale of the of 10-6. This breaks the tie be- local Field Army captain ex to permit of adequate air condi- located ' an operations' center in- section of the building, the com- closed in streamlined gfcards and two oil-fired boilers) remainder of the Blue Ridge Manor the group went to the former's young men' in the armed forces plained. The need is great, Mrs. tween the two teams. home for a party in honor of his during the war. tioning. Tfieglau wiUbealitfit trltidlrKg offices of the plant's fore- pany has accepted the recommen- will be laid out in a "U" shape.' The new plant will manufacture tract, on original offer to purchase Miss Edna Mulligan's fifth grade Simms said, for some patients use refracting product which will cut men, a process laboratory and adations of experts skilled in mod-The "U" shape makes it possible the remainder as a whole having lirthday. Prior" to coming to Kenilworth, as many as 200 dressings a week. Johnson's Baby Powder, Baby Oil, boys defeated Miss Pauline Volk- the Rev. Mr. Moore served as pas- Awn glare.' " ^ flrst-aid room. The glass enclosed ern functional design, .acoustics, (or.all extraneous operations to be Baby Lotion, and Baby Cream, been followed by other offers to aert's fourth grade boys in a game An appeal will be made for In planning this new factory offices of the foremen, located- in lighting and psychology of color. carried dut in. the warehouse sec- purchase certain portions of the tor of a ^country parish in Jowa women of the borough to help in which are currently produced-at of baseball. The class is experi- New Members for for 35 years. ' The Rev. Mr. and v •much thought was given to thethe very,center of the manufac- Floors, walls and equipment will tion rather than in the manufac- the company's main plant in New available tract. menting with seeds in connection this work. '* Interior arrangement. The hew turing operations;' rather than in be of colbrs and design which' are Married, Single Club Mrs. Moore have three children, turing area. This will also make 'Brunswick. with" science, work. Ruth Sehumm Mrs. IMairy. Ellen Heinetman of known to minimize fatigue, eye- it possible for the-operators to be and Ronnie Hartshorn are room strain, .and are conducive to effi- Benefit Card Parly KENILWORTH — Kenilworth Madura, India;. Richard Moore, Transfers of Tinsidfe the "U" find the visitors . . ' Bomut Lens . JOIN OUR leaders this week. . Married and Single, Men's Club at principal of Lodinphur Commun- cient production. Herbert Rosen- Real Estate outside, where they will not inter- The lens of the human eye Is mor« For Regional Fund The eighth grade ipupils are ts meeting last Thursday night ity School, Unified Providences, In- gren of WoodcHff like, industrial fere with the manufacturing' pro- HENlIiWOHTH — The follow- designer and. color ewpert,. has rounded lit front than in behind. . KENILWORfrH—-A card iparty making plans for Sidd Day. They welcomed the following as new dia; arid Miss Allison Moore,! su- Why not be that lucky miss who cess. All Machines in each unit expect to sell refreshments to members: Peter Ciravalo, Sebas- ing deeds have (been recorded at worked out the design schemes to under the auspices/of -the 'Ken pervisor-of orchestras in thetbav- the oftlce of County Register Advice Ja will be tied together as one ma- make money for the eighth grade ian Daniels, Cornelius O'Donnell, be employed throughout the new 1 worth Unit of the Regional. High enDort, Iowa( iPubllc Schools. Bauer in the Courthouse, Eliza- chine. All extraneous patts^will Complete Line of HOUSE OF THE MONTH CLUB rund. Joseph Lugara and Winneld Har- secures one off these fine jobs? plant • ,; '• . School P.-T. A. for the benefit of The official board this week be- beth: be covered so that operators' and A chedc of census indicates sell. A donation to the Veterans' • Beware of patent medicine* The manufacturing area of this visitors' attention will be focused PAINTING the school's student aid fund, will gan the task of finding a successor Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Edwards How would you like to receive each month a different illustrated be held April 26 in the basemen' kindergarten, next term, of 90 toWelcome Home Fund was voted. to the Rev. Mr. (Moore, and areto Mr. and Mrs. Marresc, part of advertised as cures or remedies unusual new structure will -com- on products being worked upon. SUPPUfiS 100 pupils, which; makes it neces- The meeting was conducted by VJ- prise a single «0 by 283 foot alr- There will be a total of six Sepa- house/architecturally drawn, expertly designed. T. H. A. approved, showing . of St Theresa's chapel. Mrs, Adam hopeful of obtaining a returned lots-31 and 22, block 111, revised for diabetes I They are fakes. : Simms is chairman. sary to employ a new kindergarten Allen Arthur, president. chaplain. The boardbd - expectts tto map of New Orange Park. '. condltloned room, devoid of col- rate manufacturing lines, which teacher so that there may be four After the business session a pro- Diabetes was first recogniied * umns or posts. Here all walls will will mark,a conversion from ,'the" floor plans? . Each house reflects the latest improvements in detail and design . Mrs, Simms explained this week fill the vacancy by May 1. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Duncan Schlecter's that each unit is obligated to ar-half-day classes instead of two. gram ot vocal and instrumental to Elizabeth Zhelesnik. lot 0, map be of flush construction, and a spe-semi-automatic •-qferoductlon now- MJss Mary Belyea, fourth grade; selections was presented by the (Eccord Chanter Experience Helpfnl) about 1SS2 B.C. This was about cial vinyl-resin plastic will be used each is moderate in size and planned ti suit your pocketbook. * range one benefit program a year of New Orange. • /'••>. emplbyed at New Brunswick to teacher, has resigned to accept a- following young" people,'1-elatives Dripping* for toe flooring. Acoustic celling^ . for the student aid lund and, that Borquigh of Kenilworth to Wal- the time of Moses, or 200 years fully automatic production at the position in the Crawford schools. of members of the club) Donald Bacon drippings are good uied lot- will be. employed throughout this new Cranford plant: >* This serviced supplied free tomembers of the . Kenilworth program' is long past making ipoon bread, com bread MIW ter Stollen. lots « to 43, to and before the hiiih of King tut. "See Us First — We Have due. The money is used to help Simms, Carol Simms, Margie Dl- 83, block 187, official tax atlas. area, five strips of fluorescent Some idea of the advanced de- 1 mart pi* Just About Everything Regional School pupils who are In. rabio, Thomas Kramlik, Angle Ever since, that time, at inter- lighting each about 265 feet long, sign of the equipment {nay Jbe UNION COUNTY TRUST CO. Army Chaplains Work CKanfonI B-187» need of financial assistance. Ap- Cordello, William Cooper, Sally will provide a maximum of 45gained from the fact that in baby vals, some faker comes up with a cure. A depend- t«« SOUTH-AVR.E. CSANFOBD HOUSE OF THE MONTH CLUB plications lor aid are made by the Praised by Danforiji Cooper, Helen Arthur and Jane Larson. • . . able treatment for diabetes was discovered lea* students to Mrs. Ruth Montgomery, [—Work of .chap- You ajre invited to join the club. Membership is Jree aynd is offered school nurse and chairman of' the KENILWORTH INN than twenty years ago. It will not c*ure the dis- lains bf-the armed forces during BOULEVAKD at lWh STREET. KENILWOHTit N. J. to you by this bank as a form of public service.-^ ... • fund committee. - World War II was praised by >Maj. WSCS to Serve STRAIGHTENERS ease, but it will enable the diabetic.4o live a nor- When an application is approved Dwight A. Dawforth of Elizabeth AL BERTOLOTH the student is put to work after Easter Breakfast mal life. The discovery is known as Insulin. Your' Each month club members will be pro- arrangements for protection of the buyer oi In an address before the Regional "We're keeping.' vided with a picture • of the House of the seller of real estate. school'hours in an occupation most Council of Clergymen and Laymen KENILWORTH—Plans for serv- Restaurant Under New Management doctor knows all about it. If he finds it necessary beneficial to the school and the in- Month. Won't you. come in or mail the coupon at a meeting In the Conimunlty ing the Easter breakfast at 7 INSPECTORS in your case, we can supply it in just the right The building pictured above is the "House below so that you may be enrolled as a mem- dividual and is paid~thirty-dve Methodist Church last Wednesday o'clock Easter Morning, following ITALIAN-AMERICAN KITCHEN of the Month" for April, 1946. We have ber of our House of the Uonth Club? cents an hour. He is given maxi- Maj. Danforth, a candidate foi the sunrise service, at Community Steaks, Chops. Chicken, Turkey, Spaghetti Dinners strength. ... '••.-. mar^y other types' of homes and plans. mum employment of ten hours the (Republican nomination fo« Methodist Church, were made at to s your service! We also wish to announce our 7 month or total - pay of $3.50 Congress from the Sixth District the monthly meeting of the Wom- All kind, of Sandwiches and Short Order. / UNION COUNTY TRUST CO. Union County Trust Co. ' month. • —' also lauded the heroism of mem-en's Society of Christian Service ,a Specializing in ' SOLDERERS Cranford. N. J. - HOUSE OP THE MONTH The fund also provides students bers of the awn«d forces on I?at the home of Mrs. Florence Wood Please send me, free of charge? your with eye glasses or other items not on Tuesday night. Mrs. Anna BANQUETS and WEDDING PARTIES —ami they're kept hof, these solder- SAVINGS ACCOUNT Day. He declared it is his aim t selected House of the Month leaflet of a major expenditure when their see that those who survived th< Scheuerer, president of the so-, i SOCIAL and BUSINESS MEETINGS ,'S PHARMACY ing irons, on a big job—the job of By opening such an account the member ciety, will be in charge. If you hayejiad previous 'experience so much the better, -4 • families cannot afford the cost. In war get a square deal and are no' getting telephone service to the peo- may begin a home-building fund and is en- Name. t For Reservation* telephone Mr. Bertalottl at CRanford 6-0715 Three Registered Pharmacist* on Duty ple.still waiting, and making service rolled as a member of our House of the Month view of the -Worthy W6rk made made the objects of a politic* The Blue Circle of the society, but there are also excellent opportunities for girls who can better for everyone. All in the least Club, entitled to all its privileges. You'll possible by the fund, the commit- football game. headed by Mrs. Ann Feidler, will CRanforo1 64062 find,-too, that we finance mortgage loans with tee urfies all residents, to support prepare and* serve the dinner to be qualify as trainees. These are not average factory jobs, 17 N. Unicji Avenue amount of time. a definite saving to the borrower. Welhould Telephone- the card party. presented by the Lions Club in One© the long job of manufactur- also be glad to advise you regarding escrow HNS Bowler* Lead honor of the Kenilworth Varsity but positions with a real future, which should particularly ing and setting up new central office Wolf-Kiefer Trolh As Season Ends Basketball team at the church next SEND YOUR WORN SHIRTS TO appeal tok refined, ambitious young women. equipment in the telephone build- Thursday evening. daaia tugs is done. New Jersey Bell men put Announced aT Parly KENrLWORTH. — The HpbIt was announced that the nn- these ."hot iroiu" to .work—soldering Name Society team was in tlrs nual birthday party of the society connections to provide for iiutnlla- K ENILWORTH—Announcement place, with the pla.nt team of Vole- will be held torJune II. has been made of the engagement Brass second and the Kehllwortl Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wood were > tions and transfers of telephones i ?;• of Miss Dorb M. Klefer, daughter i NEW INCREASED STARTING RATES • BUILDING MATERIALS " throughout your community. Fire Department rollers third, a welcomed on their return to town, BLAIR'S fe: of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph A. Kiefer the season of the Kenllwortl and a gift was presented to them of Hillside to Elmer. Wolf, son of Bowling 'League came, to n clos i v.,...r,¥,™^_^,-...,.:^^^ —_-_ _ by the society.-Mr.-Wood-is;treas- pHbnc^ystein, you canheJp speed''the" Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wolf of Tuesday night. Priies will bi urer of the church. Hostesses at NEW INCREASED INCENTIVE-PAY . * • ' * * work fey using your telephone spar- 38 Columbia avenue. The anawarde- d at (he annual bowlln the mceUng^Werc-MTS.- Scheuerer, ingly,*and making your edlls brief. nouncement was made at a recent dinner to be held at Kenilwortl Mrs. Anna »Arnekc, Mrs. Emma SAS,; dinner party which also marked Inn on April 23. Shirt • STORM SASH . mav Gelsler and'Mrs. Grace Stults. Miss Kiefer's birthday. Final team standings: A study of Africa will be pre- Many extra Advantages—Such as The bride-elect Is a graduate of Holy Name Society ..S2 29 sented at the next meeting to be Vacations with Pay, Paid Holidays, Hillside High School, Union Jun- Volco Brass—Plant ..SO 31 held May 14 at the home of Mrs. • PAINT ' ior College and Wpsala College. Kenflworth Fire Dept 47 34 Harry deCrau. Pension Benefits, Sport* Activities Mr. Wolf attended Hillside High Gering Products -4« 35 Hospital School and was graduated from Volco Brass—Office ..44 37 • MASON MATERIAL Regional High School and Union Sunhyslde Tavern,....44 37 Lions to Fete Junior College. He is now hi his Carpenter Steel No, I 39 42 46 Basketball Team »nior year at Rutgers University, M & S Club 35 Music while You Work where he is studying engineering 62 KENILWORTH — The Lion* • BUILDERS' HARDWARE Carpenter Steel No. 2 20 62 Bhie Ridge Five 19 Club will be host to the Kenil- COUARS TURNED - -^ - - 35* Pallartua Ttm Jttei worth Basketball team at a meet- Pullorum disease U transmitted Need Baa ing at 6:30 p. m. next Thursday from hen to chick through the hatch' Geranium! grow bttrt In a»0U' in Community Methodist Church. NEW COUARS ATTACHED (WhH«) - 70* If You. Waul THE BEST, Get U At tag egg. Supervising Principal Edwin W. Kraus and his undefeated tea*rr^>f r - aifVES SHORTENED m[m^. • 35* playcrg Ifrom • "»' T*w*nth nnri ei«hth grades will bejguestq at a dinner in their hor>or7~"Trophies SHiiTS MUST BI lAUNDKH) 829 Newark Avenue. Elizi abeth HkV.'i'11 COa&W 8-1*18 y. will be awarded to the players by 50 NOftTU tWh 8TEEET KENttWORTM, N. J. the club. Standard Lumber & Supply Co. Reached by BUM* 11.12, 62 and 24 In Thomas Beninati, chairman of - I ' QLAM.T GIVEN " . , ..''' New Jersey Bell Telephone Company the waste paper drive conducted, AND MEAT BA115 AND recently by the Lions Club, re- JAMES % BLAIR CO. ported ".this week that $33.«7 real- and Stresto . CRanford 64506 SAUSAGE Dl ESkil 110 EAST WONT ST. K- ''. " -•'. -••.••>•••.-' '.•: .-.•' ized on the'drlve was donated to CR ARFOtRD Alto Snort Ot^er* mad ffandwiche* (at AU the Veterans'. Memorial Fund. - PtAINRELD, N. J. OPEN DAILY 1'A.M.toS.A. . Angela *2ardella and Harold F. Home- Reynolds, were elected to mem- OfOJ SATUtDAY* TIU « — THUMDAYS Tttl » It»Ji*n LA PIZZA bership at a meeting last Thurs- tron ^^^O^Q&KO. day night ,-..••

lk :: / : ..' ^., * • •* ^/^^.n»"«»W^:v^'i':''-»r»-w.;-^»ta^-!frA«»a^' ' ••' '' *iV^vavflv4'SSL!iieJiiiik^ ! a^ii^ Let TmntSDAT. APTOU U. 1»W will be Decenary tor him to reg- while after Oiflbrt Carrier <* its ister, the county board emphasized. ConfesM* Bike Thik nhtftti aveoue» vest, Tcported^o tbs aad rauW «a iaattem Ht tafldiaft For example, if a man left for the The DAV cflets—tree--' o* police that hUbicjrde.-was stolen foe joedfled uaaa. aad U>* loca(J«a army before be was 21 years at tcadta aM tadnKrtn. cha loeataa of tucland rocrlet tin diarg. —attistance in adJodJcatka Inpe4tig»Uoa by Ii George L. while he was in the local theatre. for a»t with an attestation that Roaendale and Patrolman George ao as tA pmoli -tn# of baUdtpci itetaMd for aptcilUd Mai mad mesit'benefits, .,.-•' • .'-..• ".' Want recultad in a i-^^irtgn by a ^ufitte' *^*'**»' aafity aqd fCaoral wttfar*, -for "racti vnipaa* to trt.h p I dt pne*Hy '*»!• general supplies the. county with a nationally* .- • - . •. - • '*• nue, west. Th|l stolen a cap gun and niture Store on North Union ave- luf "iad tin Onttioa at adapd. ttM peculiar wtiuWtky 'for .par- nue tomorrow' starting at^ a." ni-, Best In Manlun w*h .^ ticular baa of » diatrkt tfas «0BtenaSiOB of File Transferred new list of those still in 'uniform, •M. A. local Chapter of the DAV a Jutating knife, and ^hat during flu u<]ilu t> tmthlbU* pcuhla* far thproperty* , value* aaid ibe cMrectlon of butld- a revised military file will:-be Van, be Very helpful in developing the.afternoon he had.stolen a bi-by Currie Uemorial, WLTUX i oT tbtm ncvUtiaM. nmoictlm. tnc fc> of .Craafonl: be »o4 U bereby. U further amended u ^J^vote in the ^^&^t^Z£?£ placement. on^-the-Job . training, .The confession came a short llant Mm haifbt aad bulk at l^tLay (gj Sit^ioa 1. YbaC Bt^Ua 1 of th» ordl- baud: Primary Election, the Union Coun- Jcompiling a-new absentee rolL and pointing out that disabled art ty Board of Election* last weekj County Clerk Henry: G. Jfurion valuable employees.' . 1 Appearing in Cranford Concert moved to dp away with its current: will iend ballots to the men- and '-5. Through chapter meetings gKa»w»»f' die:' - . | women in uniform. Eligible voters- and gei-togethers' men .who. have 88-Family Boar ames Glee Club ointmeni been disabled have a common in- SWs roeant transferral of'Wi not Watered may participate by . F. Metz Nominated (filling-out an accompanying form 4.000 names still on the Walker said complete inf Held Here by to llousing Unit military, list to the civilian records, ] tiorj'on bow. to go about f Teachers ForTomasulo " .13 with the- result that any man or Chapter Urged local chapter can be ob Scarlet Fever for Postmastership who 'was registered but contacting a DAY Cha g nearby city orSjrriting Planned ' *l|o Place Plaque' The Wheaton College Women's Chancellor Names , vho feas, been to war, will be able For Local Veterans Adjutant Vivian D. Glee Club of Wheaton. 111., which to vote without applying for an Cranford veterans of World War tional DAY headquarters. 1423 E. As Memorial I presented a concert before- a ca- Local Man Advisory Next Postmaster Legion Commander - emergency, ballot II who were disabled in service, Ohio. I Town Sells Land jpacity-audience Tuesday night in In the transfer, the voters wUl TaHS. War Dead jthe Ctahford Gospel Tabernacle, . Master In Chancery Expected To Get this' •week"' were urged by Do.w" V. be Hated with their- last civilian On Mjnrtlc Sbnect Appointment of four teachers to ^has been forced to cancel several Nicholas A. Tomasulo. 40. of 371 $4,500 Job Shortly Walker of Newport. Ore^ national east.-has^beeiL.ap- r ieilinithejCranford J&ib- j < f' 24 Stratlord" : Heftee,. any voter 'whose address commander of the Disabled Amer- 1 te-l—In baa chanced since he entered the !. was authorized by. the* .. , terrace was nominated last Thurs- ican- Veterans, to get together and ,n of 11 multiple tarn-. CC Luther A. day by President Trumart^tQr ap- armed forces ahould advise the form a local chapter of the DAV. FREEDOM FROM ilv housi-'-s units, insisting of Boar^. dJ of Educatio, ,, .(„n, a.ti its meetin"^scarleg ^rl(ft, fefeverve°'. ,. "" " ||Campbell Campbell.. IIt wawas announce announced thathatt election office at the Courthouse^ pointment to tHe 54,500 po£ituSn',as' Veterans who" were „•'•-• apartments in «ach unit, is Tuesday night ^Cleveland School.u Thc vktbn Js Miss MarjorieiMr. Tomasulo. who has a'law o«- postmaster of Cranford'to fill^the KUsabeth. of the revision prior to " i by M.,E. Howitz 6t Mrs. Ellen Troutrnan of Cran-Jones of Portland," Ore., who wasjftce in Roselle Park, will assist in /.April 25. the last day for regis- gassed or disabled in any degree UNSIGHTLY HADt vacancy caused by the resigna'tion i'n Paramount Home Recondition-. foid was appointed to serve for the taken ill following Tuesday night's .concested courts until . he ulti- tration and transfer. , while serving in-the armed forces Beltoe a year ago of "WilHa'm H. D'Arcy. Company of Cranford, it was balance of the year as a fiftrfgrade performance here and the case was'mately is assigned to a post, in the Senate confirmation, necessary to • Men and women, who .received dumg time of war are eligible for membership, in the DAV, which is a meeting of>.the teacher in Cleveland School. Shk<**B^y&**d«y. »££*•* to]Onion - Essex,.. Morris - Middlesex make the appointment Anal, is exs ballots while in aervke and/who Committee Tuesday , „ . .. „, . Health Officer W. J. Willsey. jarea. • . p«!Ctcd momentarily. - had not been registered previously chartered by Congress as the offi- Township cial voice, qf America's wartime •Eight. ' .' ~-mJ will succeed Mrs. Maude Nelson, _. *••• «-,.«. t_, i. , "»T- • >. • Mrs. Rose M. D'Arcy, wife of the \_ will be required ^o register. Tbi* 1 procedure applies primarily to new disabled: Veterans of all wars are . xhe committee accepted aif ^ .-. , • | The Glee Club, which was He was sworn in Monday mom former postmaster, ha-iijeen scrv- wot«r|t-thoie "who came of agemembers, i .'•• . •• . • ofTw of ST.OOO, submitted by th« resigned. Mrs. Troutrnan s basic scheduled to sing last night Inliri^ by Chancellor Campbell at Inc as acting postmaster since Mr. while in service or siiiie their dis- Commander Walker listed the • yd>5ierson Realty Company for salary wiU-be at the rate of $1,600 Newark and,tonight in New York the chancellor's office in Jersey .] D'Arcy resigned On April 7. 1945, .following' five reasons why a dis- .\[r Howitz. for lots 35 to 57,-block a year plus $200 bonus. ' iCity, was forced to cancel ajt leadt,City. On Tuesday the local manf after ,holding, the office for 10 Mary Flaherty'presently a *hese two engagements dnd' pos-^Jwas. in Trenton to receive his in- .Whether or not a veteran voted abled veteran should be a mem- t9( which is'the propertjrtwunded years. • • • - . • upon receipt of a ballot while in ber of the DAV: ~ ••-..-. CnafM by Center.nial -avenue, Myrfle i—-i. •• \t- •& ii '_.•-. i- , sibly others, in _thc_yicinity__oL;Etlructions. Mr. Metz, who finished first . teacher m the Kenilwortrt schools, tj.iY_j_ir.i,u S - I » ^ ' », >„ « > . . service, as long as h> was not wj£ ELS-ISM , 3v«r.uc. Park street and the Lehigh P ladelphia among sevein applicants . for the "1. -Disabled veterans can be of appointed, effecUve SePtem- ^ /T-wiU , tcstcc„ l to Elizabet I A formeh r Rosclle Park borough ;1 istered priori to military duty, it benefit to each other by discus- Valley Rxlroad.- . ^ ."' • besitiorir 1., toA an-elementar graduate ofy th schooe Bloomsl po-- HealthAccordin- theg tf^ the loca ^l Board of-counsel" , hTomasule is tho ean -husband sodn oof f post in a Civil Service examina-' ', Renal o( the' 88 apartmleh.ts, bury Pa State Teachers' College doy t0 «!etermind their sensitivity Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tomasulo tion held last Jiine, Had been con- l to scarlct iwe ^J^J»JAAJ«-I^«-IOO^»W^J-W [ when coxpleted, will be-handled- Shown- above are Joanna and Nikolai Grsadaa.. fanning an ceded a belter'thanI even,,chance ishe will receive $1,700 plus $20() tests probabl?-y willResult not bs eo knowf thne onef Rosellw appointmente Park. O, nh ereceivih tenderede his' to) Mothers rely on Weatber-llutfs sc3entifi« I -bf uie'lccal War Dads and first unusual duo: with their. •'. combination of pissiar iafij "tello. s».-ho . ibonus. i for the position since Inst summer preic-rep.ee will be-given .to veter- will, appear in the high school auditorium April 36 IH the final' »»• »r • T ^.i «. • n-n until tomorrow. . ... Republican County Chairman whi'n he received, the endorsement 1945-46 presentation, of the .Cranford ComaitE^ty Ccascert Miss Mary L. Tichenor of ""1- . Members oir the Glc« Club, in the George Rankin, his'resicrtation as , iof the local Democratic.:orgjihila- 5U. Mr. Rowiti ""also plans- to elation. ''" 4 .- • - • ' . —cally constructed shoes to take care of their children's feet i 5-e.{;hr« stores on the Centeii- sjde and Miss Barbara^ Barnes of .meantimCi arc gucste in- severarsecHtaTy of the County Commit- Jtion. — ^ 4 1' were named pnniary cranford homes. Theif concert tee. a post he had held for 10 years, % ••'••' • * - . . "° : \.i\ aver.ue frontage, of the plot Final Peace i The presidential nomine* for at salaries of Sl-.e^u plus heduled todast about three M-rr'. Tomusulo was honorably 75th Church Annii\ .Bu-d'.'-g permits were-approved Banks Will Be tour se the postnpstership i's i> World War 'of Newark' State . ., weeks, had taken them through discharged last December after I veteran and' has been a resident thrn every stage of derelopmeiiL Mothers know that si. :ri -.i.t-e:iag" for the following Graudans achers 'Col ~ Canada prior to- cdming to Cran- serving with the Navy as judco: r.e-.v cor.i.:ruction:' T.^ V. Albert, ^Closed Tomorrow lege. Forum Talk of Cranfiird since 1921. He has ford. They arc- * traveling" by advocate irir the Ninth-Naval Dis- been cirtployedc- by the .People's cvt-Siir.V.y dwelling on \y&t fend i Resignations o( Bernard Carhe- chartered bus. trict; Great Lakes Training Sta- •Bariksg- municipal offices, T'raini Bank and Trust Company of West- children's shoes can't be judged by looks , place, i\ «n "estimated cost of ivale, former hich school basketball ~^ tion. He entered the service in schools and the Free Public rfleldjfor the past .2^ years in a su-* S25.0O0, litxlngton Homes, four To I coach, and William Kendrick of I as an apprentice seaman and- Library will be closed tomor- Sefiator Smith Here pervisory capacity. T alone. They know, too, that Weather-Bird's hidden qualities l:.i-'.iv.:.:y dw^Hjngs <5tt-Lne-family dwelling . on morning deliveries and stamp i Annapolis, and Mr. -Kendrick has Navy Coach of receiving his discharge'he was. 'Holding Company. Mr. Metz has \V:Uo-v f.reet, $6,000. ' . Season April 26 " accepted a position in the public i advanced to lieutenant, seiuor A ducu^ian. of thc .foreign pol- been active • 'in the local Lk-mo- own 5-point fittingplan guarantees a perfect .- • windows will close at 12 Adop:tof a bronze plaque in the- main on Monday morning, April 29, >jOlf Club and. Alexander Smith in the-hish school ous times. He is a length* loot width, heel ling, foot Wlwnrti. sures from S400 to $750' ind of it was announced yesterday* by I the Crartford Coeaa»ani!y Concert!lobby of the high school vestibule At Annapolis auditorium at 8:15 p.m. next ,of St Michael's Church. . Uve.Tis from $600 to $1,000, effec- Supervising Principal Dr. ^H. i Association-- ' ias a memorial to'thoge from Cranj' Ben Cam*v'al«;-former Cranford j tive July 1. Also adopted was an R. Best the final fcirum' of 9 \ Mr. Metz is married and has a arch length... all very vital for correct shoe-fit! Yet, orinanoe sanctioning the mainte- ed by Cmnford civic ^uehtcr.Mrs. Eleanor Metz Cook. klHOP nance of the old Hess Hotel build- wl bo e by th S6 r and religious organizations. "• • ^^ » tf ' A *| 4£ il De Millc's religious masterpiece, seen by 600,00(M)00 people. it's Weather-Birds... whether they're starting -••.ki at 1 South Union avenue in its when s rflfee opened " >>? I!" J 4 ! ^? emy at Annapolis; Md., it was an- The Rev. Howard F. Klein of1 Thc genera! them* of"these for- |««na-OaT April ZO jreser.t location. the Craa&rd Fyaitaw Store, 1??AUtc^tude?t ^! nounced, this week by Capt. C. O. J* still a Kit after 17 years. An undying movie. — - Zepfler Named a e.03 Brookside —place, son of (ims has been "Challenges to the For Six Selectees T~.i c-jn.n-iittee will request the Mr. and Mrs. William C. Klein United States in Maintaining . • * . . " • kindergarten or nigh school! Shoe Salon, St. FL BiiM o! Freeholders-to investigate Three showings: at ,3:30, 7:00 and 8:45 P. M. m tlie-Educational of 214 Orange avenue, who cri- -WoMJd Peace." and the final speaU- j S*nd-off ceremonies will fee held tie-p-jsiibi-ity of building a bridg* United Fund Richard J. Kaul was designated tered the ministry from Trinity er's talk will be. titled. "Further nt the municipal building Friday •3:.-o« tr.e.-rlahway River at. the 3,11 ^___._ .i.-^i^, before Buildinfc. Admission 12c.for those up to the 8th Grade; 30c by President VValter E. Cooper, Church here, has been called to Milestones on thc Road to WurlJ morning, April 26, for four Cran- !>;•. of Beiniont.avenue to connect •who presided, to represent -the the rectorship of Trinity Epacopal Pejce." ' . • tor6 and'two- Garwood men Who for adults. The receipts .will be used to purchase amoving "~e eaiteriy and wcster-ljr- sides of Chairman liavc board on the' Union -County As- Church in-Elizabeth. . Announce- „Smit h wh_o ..is. „a mem- bccrrordcrcd up for army iri- -ih* r,v«: 'ar.d make an outlet fo cr r e w , picture jDrojector for our Church use. Louis H. Zepfler has been named '^ ~ ". \ sociation of Boards of Education. ijpent of'selection of, thc new rector ber x>f, the Senate Conimittw? o 'ductio" "' n ' Selective Service Board, 1 S;r.r.siieid avenu«*. 0I n p. executive • chairman for the 1946- A±r^ Mrs. • Margaret McCullough was made,: by Clark McK. Whitte- Military Affavcg. will conduct...?l5> jt wus annoiinccd yesterda, >y B:ds -or road materials were re- l47 Unjted campaign drive in Cran- .concerts district clerk pro tern at more, senior warden, at services in *L. B. Hazzard, chairman. «6d Ir^.ii ihe following con- i Roderick W. Smith is ai"GtI e3 quest um-and-answer penod~*afU;r —tHE PUBLIC IS INVItEI*-: fordt ancl meeting in the absence! of her the Elizabeth church on Sunday. Those .ttpm Cranford or for- cerro and referred to committee; chairman of the eligibility com-U:zl ^^ :M;'-- Ke^ry Gruber ^ District Plerk H. R. Mc- Mis address. husbandi Selection of the new rector was from Cranford follow: to: study and recommendation: IjnUtee. Annoncement of'the ap- B^ra! <*=i»T.a= ^.cnarse ofJf-jCullough,who Is in Pittsburgh at- B. F. Newswanger -Is general made by ,the vestry. He succeeds , ch3ir:!:an for the -sporisAring .V. Brown, Maurice River HrtSer-Snyder Co.. Plainfleld; Um-1ifc-v—.w.™.-intments, Was made b„y -J. H. Me- ranger-eots for site concerts. Mrs. tending .a convention of School •CM PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 14th po tendjng the Rev. Robert Lee Bull. Jr. Thegrau^>>. which include the •&>1!QXV- Frank A. Buzyn, 51% I, s«Aspr.a;: Sales Corp., Fanwood;!ciintoc'ciintockk , Bpresident of the United Everett H«== ^ secretary-of the Business Officials. Rev. Mr. Klein has been officiating mc: Calvary Lutheran Church, streets James H. Hall, 110 Ts: .\fpfla-t Service, Inc., New '5^,,! Campaign. Inc.. at a meeting- aisociatwi:. ; Referred to. the building and street and John Church School at 9:45: Bible Class for men and for women. 11 as te.Tvporary rector of the E'uza- CrorL-h. Cleveland P.-T: A.. .Col- B.-ur.-x;^; Loizeaux Builders' j |,BM Monday night at the home of ^-^ota: ana J.\ixna G^^da ; grounds committee for study was a .bi'th church since the resignation lese Club, Cranford Citizens' 18 Broad street, "suggestion from the board's insur- inducted will be Edward J. Bc- 9:40 A. M.-^CONFlRMATION and Reception *>f Members. Two 3 of thc Rev. Mr. Bull la.-^t Nov«:r- Peace Forum, Cranford Methodist ~ ance broker that, in view of the c asst 2 ber. Church. Crin'iord Teachers' Asso- u "' " Second avenue, and An- choirs. r- .. • ..:.'•••''• '-, increased valuation of property, u A graduate of H/u-Trt and. the cut.un. First Bapt:st Church, Jun- • -v Pasco. 623 Spruce, avenue, the board's coverage of school •i GeneraJ Thtfllugical Sen-.inar'y ;r. 11:00 A. M.—Palm Sunday Service, Sermon. Reception of Members. Mr Zepfler succeeds James P. ^^-f ^-^- -^ -—-"^ buildings be increased by S440.000. ior' Service League. Lions Club, of Garwood. j'New York C.ty, the- Rev. Mr.R .rj.-v Club. St. Mark* A.MiC. Ordered to report the .same ..^r.orized to file a protest^ whQ hbads compete Su The initial'year's additional fros:-for Ordered to report the 7:00 P. M.—Youth Fellowship Meeting. Klein assisted the late Rev. Clar- Cr.jrc'h. Temple Beth El. Village morning for pre-induction. physical ..-.0 proposal of the Plain- drive t0 raise Wnds for ^ l0C9l- T.iousa ^j born in-ljjje increased insurance coverage ence S. Wood, D.D., rector of St. iTTiiveifit \s--ociation' Wed- examinations are: Arthur K. Bur- 8:00 P.M.—Evening Worship. Sermon. "Are You Afraid To Die?" :.,:. U ater Company to ex-;B g^^Gir l Scouts> cranford _ —ey-didi would be $475-while the cost in Luke's Episcopal Church. Roselle, nesday Morning Club and the d'U. Jr.. 18 Elm street; Frank R. -°.: ;ral"5^.the followme:Boys' Camp. VisiUng Nurse ^Assa- ™»rr€e: ^-r e2~ first £one subsequent years would be $315 a Caruso, 33 Hollywood avenue; h:i for two years, and for-.-even years Womir/s Club. L,.m-KeUK street, Lex- uiation and Welfare Association. , iRalph V. Cipollo, 7 New street; was^rector of Trinity CHurch ir. .Tickets for the lecture may be' HOLY WEEK SERVICES N -t-T.ue and Vefkjia avenue f VWa „„,„ M^n^m^an^r ;« Nikolace b ia : ;e.tr e: -^ psccse To >.udy Health Officer William J. Will- HEN CARNEVAtE ' - " ^^ - e:srsbarg Woodbridge. obtained from ir.embers of the :::** ™1\. n^Z1 ^itechnicalassistant drew the board's attention .to!* Henry G. Dircks, Jr., lOi Wednesday, at 8 P. M.—Sermon. ^Who Betrayed Jesus?" rj the szs3 oi which he 'the fact that the State permits wfll take over his new post on He was commissioned- a first sponsoring organizations or loxitted'by Otto C. Paul-! ^ lieutenant in the Army Chaplain's • min street; Richard H. Ditzel, 108 vr.. tendent of steam a d power .-as appointed ripen his graduation. ,8031x1rd5s of Education to require pu- June 1515.. . •••--,. u ,»«. J d^sr next Thursday night. North Union avenue; David '".L. Holy Thursday, at # P. M. Candle Light Communion Service and -~Ll.e-5>ark-at the corne. rrealtor of Lincol, «>r.|n Bayway Refirjcry 61 the Stu,.^^ . - Kharkov d B to worIt to be vaccinated aeaSrt small,; A former cage star at New York Cdrp, m October, HM1. and a-as Finch, 39 Broad street, and Al- Reception of members. • i-'i Centennial avenues to be used Z-L^^Zt oi the^Cranford ^ **= «=« «> ^^ 'pox and immunized against diph-; University. Carnevalc, who pbyed; honorably discharged as a captain;«- m«^ I bert P. Nugent,- 24 Hillcrest ave- *s.s >:te for a filling station. Smn^JcSCbandis^heSSn: ^^ the gci&ete oi • Ks«it«r ^Swia. He pointed out that a case professional basketball with the last October The He^ Mr Klein Jl MCHSleS nue, all of Cranford; Ralph T. GOOD FRIDAY— 10:30 A. M. Service for boys and girls. ( Also rejected was art-application S toe^Lions Suron^e-dSchnab,!. !of smaUpox was reported recently Jersey Reds before coming .loj ^ ^^^^S, ^J'Reported in Week JEnglesc, 204, Fourth avenue; Ed- tor. Jinies G. Mullany, suhmit- SSntod Committee in charge of .^the^^e N^^f ^ Garwood and urged the board Cranford was -comm,*.oned .»S R«.^«.ou. a,r base, m the Thirty-one cases of measles were ward L.jMflka, 310 North avenue. _ 12 to 3 P. M. Agony Service in half hour intervals. Clergy- •w t>y George S. Sauer, attorney, and Donald A. Nash, 331 Second men taking part: Rev. Gordon Keeney. Rev. Robert Long- to build rvwp two- avenue, Garwood, and Howard A- !i.T.:ly dwellings at 116- Eastman Shand, 28-p Wavecrest avenue, •'•; alter, Rev. Benjamin Allen. Rev.' William Neibanck. Rev. :**•-• A petiuon, signed by flve Winfield Park. tr ^ -Frederick Poppy, Rev. Albert Allinger. -~ '- '! the neighborhood, op- the application, and they tjota. retiirr. - pionship. United Campaign Committee, 1 •-.- .;.-ezr. V3.r3tipn>. uring the past s$as6n.under, his To Become Inactive ing. _ ••_ *y** M.** »%^»yxt>a a,CTj. a»». _L ,...,..^^ ;:4_..Jrnemc>o£..-Sea*monsjca— T-hc+Scvgtt=La^~Woreported""durihif"the" week f* «-. —~~~r~-~ -• iii'rt- /Continued on Tpaoe elaftij -:tr.ci in favor, notified the I ' _= The fallo-i-^ig s*iio=---tey start-j dance. Rahway Memorial Hospital has werc one Case of ^^^^ tevcr one LAnCCr fund UTIVC o 8:00 P. M.—First Presbyterian Church. Cantata. "From "••••••••.•* :.-at they also desired ed cortcertizins tssesisec. 3zxi. two ^.n_0^.HlaAS^^^ A total'of $312 was Olivet To Calory." rendered by the Church choir. ?:>-<.- tr.e application.' ' ' •years after tr.e— ~a~iC3 ter, American Red Cross, will.dis- they hrec days of --.^ :s ,.-.d i6, block 75A, wero Declared Rabid continue its Nurse's Aid service as . -j-nc \iarcb. report of After their .~irr.3se. i=e couple Notes About Local Residents of the ••%•-•. r> be sold at pubUc of June 1. and that the local of Health shpwod.STS cases of con-' :ae next meeting on! A stray mongrel dog. which was ^j rr.o.-e ^r.i .-r.:rt rslied upon to it ! A P m C foUows: M an- a minimum price of ?hot Tuesday on Riverside drive > j ^- -or &ve lZt*e co™r ™ ^ °™ ""^r ^^^^ , nounced yesterday by John V. EASTER .SUNDAY^ APRIL *21st inimum price of ? y ppVt jo inactive corps. ch.ckenpox. 13 German measl*^ , •{« Jd^ira^n. Half of A. W^iiie or brou-n boo:. Infants' D. Golly Woes for growing girls. In Nation's Armed Forces Nostrand Ralph DlDelii a SSerr a hhadd by Police LieuLieutt. George L. Rosen- years they • :car«s Europe as a At a Red Cross executive board -"• measles. 4 scarlet fever. 2 ^ ^ proceeds Church School at 9:43. Bible Class for men and for women. Brown only. 3-J to 9. Widths Honorable discharges have been this repr nted sixes . . . 5vt to 8 : . 3.S*. Also •••-••-i-an offer of S1.50O at the dale, was ''found to have been •cend_?ulnc e=-e^b^. in the! Center street recently received his me{.tin(, in Cleveland School last 1 tuberculosis. 8 whoop- „ AAA-B ... S.W to I granted to R.M 3/c Robert H. Van from card rty hcld "9:30 A. M.—-First Service. Combined Choirs. Special Easter music. . child's sizes to 11 ... 4.M l on Tuesday night rabid, according to a report re- rceart^e. each. honorable di-scharpe , from the Ar, - TThursdav.,_ ,.„y nafternoo(,Drnwn „it ,..„wa„s j^.ij«, decidedeci di and 6 dog The ir. 3 a salo ca-• BTOsSclrk 350 North avenue, Dill of >- -1 51,600 "was received1 ceived last night from the State aeh:eve recc _ my .1 the Fort D, Separation ... nurse 7 MM 3/c Philip H. Pearlman of 110Center. x tnat the nnnual mcetini; wlll nut avenue. . . '• .. -, • Q '• ••Sermon. • .-' '-.,'•• • •'.,••."•.-.••.- \ # Fi r Dffabio Onlv one Department of Health in Trenton i;y; each was (essased as guest held on thc same day as the next v^ts during E. Bifown and white saddle ox* fc pac Retford avenue and MM 2.'e Louis Donald B. White Shanks Mare in child- fords in misses' sizes 12^ to 3. ' cr.tanin- not Sf thTn,by Health Officer William J. Will-• artist ^th •-e Berl^ P&tear- W.- Schindler, son .of reKulor-meeting of Cranford Chap-. Mr. Nostrand said that 4.20& ap- 11:00 A. M. Special Music. Sermon. "What Protestants Believe h d as s t ye3 i Klekner of 2 Chestnut street at Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Schindler, 303 October, '^ peal letters have been mailed, to ren's sizeJi 124 to 3 ... AA to B widths ... 4.M "!« feet', may be built on '•«.*<*•. ^rhx hwir*f l ^wn«. tenf"t ^dou-n ves- ~^*.i^ while JCsi^Jsi also'' -«"'- I *» far M could *>«Ieame d by P°" BocR a=d u-.th the recently from Lido Beach, L. I. He years . • TP are expected to start coming ,in C Oxford in whit*, brown, black. a had not bitten or mo- I Sgl Roy'G. Daniels of 22 Beech 'from this source before the end of 8:00 P. M—Easter Drama, "Simoh. The Cross Bearer* by Dorothy 'Jif. 3? the ncxt »ha»2as=ic uoder Sir served as an aviation tooatsman's A resolution was passed com-' Infants' 5*4 to 8 ... SM. Child- Street has received his honorablemate, 3/c, aboard the USS Chen- mendin>g. Franlc T Whitty, chair- The Initial meeting of the Cran-!the week. V Marshall. Presented by the Junior High School TrlS DU^!' discharge Iro^m the Aumy at the ren'* 8V4 to 12 . . . paH ColHe an*o and saw djurty in the South ' ; Mr*. P. I. Tinkler', vice-chair- ford Recreation Committee wil—l be; Mite boxes have been placed in M*•«r• anad MJUTS«. \ ' . !.„ ^ In thi* e3Sa* to UVJ to 3 ... . brown color, had long- 0Bu. lo ^e called Srvxn :ts &JM>T« tc. ^="ort Diic Separation Center. Pacific for two years. man; Mrs. Grace Mack, treasurer held at 8 p. m. tonight in the mu-jevery classroom in the local together is She- Duidt lfiltt PhM 3/c John W. Hughes, 9 Bluff Mary C Small, Ph. m. 2/c,and all captains and workers for nicipal building, it was announced-lichools as well as in all local busi- MISSIONARY SUNDAY, APRIL 28th I Indies. Upon ta*-:r ^ la tau street; Seaman 1/c Arthur Laurel, USNR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs-iu,^,t},ejr. fi^ ^or^okk in exceeding theitheir yesterdayy y byy Juk* duBarryy,, ehair- ness houses where .children and j country. Sir. Graudin «a«ag«d S SfcClellan stre*t; SM Ve Albert S. O. Small of 7 Oaklane, was hon ! i j the 1946 Red Cro$s fund man. Member* of the corrtmittee. townspeople may deposit their for i0t 4. block W; and Rob- Business Aw'n. n KOa n 9:45 and II :00 A. M —Wor^ip Service*. Miw Zillah Smile; a $8MA)rlo t M< by Dimltti Mefcropoui» as first J. Coffey, Jr.. 41 Craig place, and orabry discharged recenitly in New drive. named last week by the Township|Mpare change to aid this worthy -m b S To Meet Tonight '•• 'cellist with tfce S|i2seapolis Sy»-Seaman 1/c Richard R. Hetfernan, York after 19 months" active duty. It was announced that Mrs. L. B. Committee/ follow: Mr. DuBarry*'eauae, • ' native of India, will speak at both services on mission work . i ' ' ~ ' ftra. duriag " •1-:-1-T05 Herning avenue, have'received She- received her "boot" training Hazzard. chairman of the. special Mayor George E. Osterheldi, Mrs.! Girl Scouts of Cranford will con- o! oo:lflrma«on was givea Member, of the Cranford Busi- • •.,•.•.' in her country. • .; • ..._-. _.'• ; • . lou la Mrs. Joined honorable'discharges at the U. S.'at Hunter College and "trained at services, attended a nutrition F*. H: Dickirisoa, Victor D. Shaheen.'duct a one-day drive.on Saturday, ' ' fi Properly sales: Lots Xavai Personnel S¶tion Cen-; t!je Corps School, U. S. Naval Hst lido Beach, L. I. / M pital, Bethesda, Md. She has been Announeernttit was made of the William Tom*edle,.Jr., H. C. Pet solicit donations from townspeople. WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT ALL SERVICES ! A" The following Cranfoyd men; on ward duty in the operating room 1 convention to be held by the N'a-.tinjrill and MnL Jacob Stanley. The local chairman pointfld iave received honorable djlicharg- i of the U. S. Nsval Hoapital, Cor-tional Red Croal In Philadelphia Cyril W. Perlcy is secretary. again to the widespread need far. »s at the Focfc-Bii Separation Cen- j ptii Christl, Te^.as. She plans to June 18 to 21. Mrs. T. G. GiUey.ll research and education in tbe Jidd err T'4.Arthur H. Ahdenlon of M return to college^ ..: Junior Red rt,airman, is' Currit Merrtorial AVCTU. is of'cancer, which takes more lives ard *f Adjuit- Columbia avenue and Sgt Fred! Lt Edward Markowich, USA, , than any other disease, SHOP IN EIJZABETH THURSDAY N1CHTS TU, 9 ««t was the application of As- making arraiucements to «end' two. holding its regular meeting this ingeL JrA of X JamelLiivenUe. j who ii itationed at Fort Bragg, K-members of that group to the cop-1 afternoon • In the fhayfvf of theloeal raidenta to -2**5** «« WestiUM for p*r- CJ>L Gordon T. Mould of.417j (Ctmtimtud on pout vention. . \_ " ._ ' I1 Cranford MetrmrlrrI t Cauirdi. MMtteAlk

• '< ' , . ^ ' . • '* . ••:->'.. , •' ^^«*Ni¥,ti;>'*wpr«^; iiMtiifiiwiaaflfillliJ^ -\- - ' ,^». ^