^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^jgg Homes Sold Here ..- • '• " • •'• i •;:.-:.'>-fe;i> pi ^^^ w^&^§^f ;.•• Aa an example offon»ei»ftt* Holyt C^ininuQdoTi vdll be Cele- lowing fcomes In Crahford: A Boy Scout troops of the;.Cran^ :neefaltud'.plaoenwnt being done brated, with;' the (Rev. WiHiim H. one-family at 701 Spri«field ave- , avenue, was awar Contribute 'Nttt<w«ek'wUlbe *T&w«r tfottfSau*r;. Miss Elizabeth L. Durrell, the fo^wing'day confirmation of torji.andKenilworth districts will 1 nue to Geza Demeter for Charles entertain their- parents and; fellow Junior .genetal athievemej Contribute p&jfcHc Health Nurse W«*k," epos* school mu^; J^J^**. KtKatbryib iJ Vpp, fafa placement ^/r«peivjfedL'.:'-r -' -/Niefeanck,.pastc"r, officiating^ at the at &e graduation United State* EmjuoywientBerviotjyweB , StoAebridge; a one-family ai 103scouts with a play depicting a to thej iibib the NaHonal and' Stale school and attendance mine; Hti • BJr.Friemanako cite* the place- 11 a. m. service at Calvary Lutti- to the Hdfeert T, FrienanFri , LLabob rXbSfr Preston avenue to Phlbp Green- at the Boy Scout Camp, to be fltt f Ihbll'H^th Alice" I. Doran. aodal faysiene ment of a plant manager In the era! tiosplial BephMentatlve of tbe local eran Churdfi this'filunday. Sun- span for; Sidney Nunn J a ofre-fam- sentedatSt Michael's School ^ Cancer in cooperation with the nurse ' and lecturer <rf.4lie State New Srunswicfc.Biwa by tile local lt kT' Cancer Fund ,dte»lthe placing <rf«Hirt of offleeaiaa. day SAwl classes Will be held et lly at 6I« Orange avenue to George on TWday,- April 12. Refreshiments Public Health ^erv- He^Uj Department Miw Martha "of the dose cuireai JJo b openliigsl^C^pp pt John cooperation between local offices Frees© 'ifor 0. <B. Johannseri with Will be served at *he conclusion of Drive , aim of toaldafc theKeUyy o* toe Unldtt Countyy Tubef- S>Hiriktkte <aa ththe AniiA y fifiervjce Drive, /work of the public health nu»e S>Hirikte <a the fiervjce and offices in other areafl within There will be a meeting of. thetbe cooperation of the B. B. iMiller the performance. All tnowerir and eulosleull s ll and WisWi s BerthBh a L Forces at C^mji Kflmer wjtti the 1 Company;'a oae-tainily at id ^••b*tter: known to the public and to t ^i New Jersey. •; ••' -.:.'..• ••.'„. Couples' Club at the.church it 8 fathers of ecouts are invited to at- Coe, orthopedic taUre« -'the' -Mr. Friemao urge* all etnploy- Greaves place to Raymond Heartel tend. •, •'• •• - • •/.. ••• » :O»eiie Made Etriy !Q- ,'JjJQTcCTOn at WwiOBlS US suePitry Club; Elizabeth* o'clock tonight1 Toe Young Peo- v^mj^eOenia cheese I, GRANFORO * p^ was ln*twl e«,llarge and amafl, in the local for Victor -LandTetHj- and a twor lofbealtn. The tSogan'of the office area to place alt their open- ple's Luther League will meet at family at 55 Burnslde avehue, to •arllMt form of dairy. drive wiUteuOiieh>" the Door to a chiasiflcatilan analyst, 1he expert. • CMi State* ' ' ' Ing, Recogoudng the strengt CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. "APRIL 11, 1946 Men'. ings -with the local office in con-the church at 6 p. m. !Monday. Michael Tarblllo tor David Silva. •propertle, tt. chee« ;. • the FIVE CENTS fbr-wbl junction iwith the national -drive Wtarfy ID ih« gold mined in the e oparativelyhigh. Following the regular mid-week lted lte ffenn . p,vi and the Romans fed it to :, / • In cooperating in this campaign, J. Southard; employment inter- ibr Job order development cam- Lenten service at 8:15 p. m. next the New Jersey Tuberculosis ; U* Q . i arnuei,,iad the Greeks gav« Scholarship Contett 422 Local Name. To Head Rotary "Avtry Ceoive'wa^ elected presi- viewer in the applicant cervices paign sponsored by PresidentTru Weanesday, there will b* a meet- Colorado mid South D»- wi*«tler« to Increase their teodie is distributing booklet* de- man. tbe Rocky mountains Include no dent fef the S«en'* league ofCran- division of «h£ Ideal office, found ing of the Church Council. active volcanoes. Certificate for Bear Recreation Off Voting Lbt scribing in word* and pictures, fbrd at the S7th annual dinner of ©rant H.S, Reid whet pubKc health nurses do .to the league fa the school auditorium Herbert. Bear, a senior in the Names of 422 residents of Crah- promote better bealth in the <eom-of the First Presbyterian Church Cranford High School, has been, ford, 63 residents of Gar-wood and munlty. This booklet reveafe that list Thursday night He succeeds awarded 9 iCertifteate o* Merit in Committee 67 residents of Kenihvorth are .are 21,000 public health William G. Mulfcr, Jr. .^ ' Frozen to Salaries the annual scholarship competition among the 7,518 names of. Union or Sunday Basebal ourteourtses throughouughout .th.ee UeUnitedd held by the National Admihlstra- County residents being removed Other' officers were named as et w # By a 6 to 3 vytte, the Board of > States working to conquer- sickness follows: Vice-president George At & SP '**" -• **. t_i_i tion Board for Pepsi-Cola schoiar- Named from the voting list because '"and -win better health tor every h^ Poncipal Hay A. Clement vote, it was announced today by the Education, at a special meeting Conover; eecretary. A, J. Davtet; Jules DuBarry has been desig- Sen. SmiUi To Speak Tuesday night in. Cleveland School, i man, woman and child in thetreasurer, James Andrews; assis- presented the award at an. assem- Union County Board of Elections; .country* bly in the high school l&st Friday. nated .as chairman of Cranford's Names <A the Cranford, Garwood approved-the application eg Cran-v tant secretary a«d assistant t«as- Recreation Committee, it was an- At Peace Forum Here ford Post, 212, Atnerican. Legion, v^ Among' the activities of these* Thirty eaes of vnwtlwtene The award <barries with it a $50 and iKenflworth residentsJvill be. 1 urer, Albert Beach, and ..auditor, re Jteiping—the ^hoTSy H ander Smith will speak in the high ing the past week, it was ani-n defraying the expenses of books lotic. field on Saturday and Sunday handicapped to .gain health and made by a (committee headed 1 This step is to line special meeting of the Township Reasons cited for removal of the school auditorium at 8: IS p. m. on afternoons for Softball and base- nounced yesterday by Health OJE- and other materials when he en- names from the election lists fol- security, saving bedside, care to Roy Richards^.. • ' taken iUi narby Committee Monday night.. April 35, in the final forum of aball ~~games. Trustees MathW ». 'Ittte (slbkVat home, supervising the cer. W. JJ ^BiH$ey'. Ttu« brines to ters college. low:" Missed four general elections, "Among the 125 members; 28ft cases the —jtunober veeosded Other members of the new com- series which has been^-sponsoccd , Kennady HeMon and J. B. health of the Kamibr and an Haguests present at the affair were ftractural salaries by .J The Cranford High School Cer- moved, do hot possess qualifica- by Cranford civic and religious or- Stearns- voted against the applica- bete state tbe ^tariot the ejudeaoic mittee follow: Mayor bsterheldti tions to vote, deceased, or married members, helping women prepare the following -past president*: *«ent bonuses the ; tificate bf Merit winner is the sonrepresenting the Township Com-, ganizations with the general theme, tion. • • -.'•',. forwotherbood, teaching and pro-*'P. Steward, WV' F. Hoffman, weeks ago. • . of C^pt and Mrs. Herbert S. Bear and failed,, to register. ' . of -Also repotted thus far this mittee; Mrs. F. G. Dickinson, Jun- gs to "the United While the board discussed and teettag bealth in school* and in-ward'Everett, Walter Hay, Hussel of .334 "Walnut avenue. He Is a Eligible voters may reregister States , in • .Maintaining World voted separately on the Saturday month aise nifie tssts of ior Service League; Victor O. Sha- with Township Clerk J.- Wallet . dustry, controUltt« tSe spread of Smith and H. <5. Wilson.. M| member. of the High. School heen, Lions Club; Patrick J. Grail, Peace. ' '' ' and Sunday phases of the applica- tfebi . andd otheh r «wnmuni* Tbe Rev. Russell G. Jones, pas- pox. one cise of 'ty| *if^ lence Club. He has~done some Coffee in the municipal building 41 : Rotary - Club,; L. R. Pompliano, 1 Senator Smith, who Is a member tion, the roll calls showed the same rett salary: ts g and'" a.few. cases of or at the Union County- Board' of cable "disease*. •' '•. • •' ' tor of the Krst Baptist Church. surveying during, his summer va- American Legion; William' Tom- of .the Senate Committee on Mili- results. Motion to grant approval :, • Public health nurses serve per- Bloowifoeld, and dean of the New- $7,800 and salary adiusfanents ' cations. He^ljoeame eligible, to Elections ofiice,. Courthouse, Elira- 78 mile, Jr., VJFJW.; H. C. Petttngill tary, Affairs, will take as his topic. was offered by Mrs. -D, S. Berry 'son» 4a alt walks of life, Families taling W^ ? tc> the National—Scholar^ip- bth^bfre April ft5, or may_p:re:=- ark Bible School, was the speaker. andnMrs; Jacob Stanley. Cyril and seconded by W. J. Fredrick. bH Total salaries for Competitioh when he was elected sent-proof before a Judge of Cfifls^ f Perley has been designated: as. sec- to World r ^Permission is^to expire not later 1946-47 amount to $257,225. and by his classmates as among the top Court ot Common Pleas of-Union the nurse's" visit; others pay what retary. than September IS or on such nther V " fjqf supervisors and .Princfoals, Meurers Buy fiye per cent of his class"rnost County during the twaw^eks.prl will enlarge on the foreign, policy they can.
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