Dog Racing, Legal Bets Otownbuysspeedway
COMPLETE COVERAGE ,„ „ growing territory haying 25,206 THE HOME NEWSPAPER population. Uad« In general news, .^^B^'WTfcwVr.n, For*, sports, fcaturei and editorials. Ajenel, Keaabey, Port Readinrt Colon!., IseUn and Hopelawn. XVI, No. 10 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., RRIDAY, MAY 11, 1934 PRICE THREE CENTS FROM OURSUIT TO RECOVER CHARGES RACKET FINANCING COSTS, Why All The Secrecy? DOG RACING, LEGAL BETS FRONT PLANOFJcELROY AN EDITORIAL Town Attorney Prepares This paper has succeeded in proving to the local public that WINDOW 1 OTOWNBUYSSPEEDWAY Court Action For the Town Committee is spending the taxpayers monies, in secret meetings. This "old Spaiiith custom" it not to he tolerated and some TAKES RESPONSIBILITY Nw ^tate Peraii.- fcrf. Wo don't^'/nincl being con. $25,00 Return civic body is sure to spring up, with sufficient stamina to stop the ,1,-mncd by contemporary news- practice. 1 Mutuel Wagering At papers but we'd much prefer to nc What authority has Commitlceman Spencer lo place an order |,nvc it d° '" decent English. WAS PAID LAST YEAR Municipal Tracks .,, far, the only criticism comes forjprinting ballott, without the sanction of an open meeting We i,om sources equally deficient Expense Was Incurred Illeg- were told that one hhlf of the primary-ballot order wu to come to PRICE IS SET AT $95,000 ,, diction, and ethics—-a combi- us. Not wishing to embarraai ihe Committeemen, unneccsinrily, we ,,.,lioTi tha' grates on u». The gally Is Claim; To made inquiry of the Town CUrk who informed ut that he to under- • ,,iorc important papers in ,the Improvements Are Planned .
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