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Ialings DEPORT ' .. 11111 __ _ -1MMIIMIMIr- iAlINGS DEPORT ' :. ,MANAtEMER.T PERSPECTIVES T ip 50.MAR1(ETS *LATEST aM RATING.S-AND ANALYSES' www.americanradiohistory.com M www.americanradiohistory.com SAilli 111$: RATINGS RADIO'S LINK TO THE FUTURE SATELLITE BASICS 3 REPORT, An introduction to satellite technology, plus a map of the MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES existing birds' positions in orbit. 1981 VOLUME II DEDICATED VS. CAFETERIA DISHES 4 Discussing the two basic types of receiver dishes - MARKET INDEX 28 dedicated (restricted to one program source) or cafeteria - style (able to pick up a variety). THE RATINGS INFORMATION GUIDE 30 A guide to every informational feature found in R &R's uni- DOLLAR SIDE THE que market summaries, the innovations as well as the OF SATELLITE COSTS 9 tried-and-true verbal and pictorial representations. What you have to fork out to rent or lease channel space and uplinks. REGIONAL FORMAT LISTENING COMPARISONS 34 A BEGINNER'S GUIDE In this new feature, listening patterns in each major for- TO SATELLITE TRANSMISSION 9 mat are broken out for two major markets, graphically Simply stated, how it all works. displaying the strongest and weakest dayparts per for- SO YOU WANT YOUR OWN NETWORK ..,10 mat. Licensing, technical, and financial steps you'll have to MARKET SUMMARIES 48 consider Ratings results for the Spring 1981 books in the top 50 SATELLITE RACES: markets, complete with Market Summary; an Audience A DISH FOR EVERY STATION" 12 Composition Analysis to let you compare the demographic proportions of each leading station's au- Networks' plans for utilizing satellites add up to vast dience; the Format Reach graph displaying the relative numbers of dishes. strengths of each format in the market; the top three sta- tions for males and females 18 -34 and 25 -54; and of course the complete 12 +Share Trends, with com- parisons going back to Spring 1980. EDITOR /PUBLISHER: Bob Wilson EDITOR (Satellites): Jonathan Hall EDITOR (Ratings): Jhan Hiber ASSISTANT EDITOR (Ratings): Linda Moshontz EXECUTIVE EDITORS: Ken Barnes, John Leader SATELLITE. SERVICES CHECKLIST 14 ART DIRECTOR: Richard Zumwalt A graph that answers your bread -and -butter questions CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Joel Denver, Jim Duncan, Jeff Gelb, about every satellite program supplier's offerings, from Jeff Green, Walt Love, Gail Mitchell, Carolyn Parks, Fred Seiden, what transponder they're using to whether 'it's digital or Brad Woodward tonal to number of local avails offered. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Krisann Aglio, Christina Anthony, Ellen Barnes, Gayle Duncan, Vivian Funn, Nina Gomez, Nancy Hoff, SATELLITE PROGRAM DIRECTORY 16 Claudia Stewart Complementing the graphic checklist, this listing pro- PRODUCTION: Richard Agata, Marilyn Frandsen, Todd Pearl, vides details on each program supplier's existing and Kent Thomas, Gary Van Der Steur, Elizabeth Weston, Roger Zumwalt planned features, specials, and regular programming. "Satellites: Radio's Link To The Future" and the "1981 R&R Ratings Report, Vol. II" are published by Radio & Records, Inc., 1930 Cen- PROGRAMMER'S PERSPECTIVE 21 tury Park West, Los Angeles, CA 9006 7. All reasonable care taken Satellite Music Network Manager George Williams, a but no responsbility assumed for incorrect listings. Nothing may be longtime radio programmer, explains what satellites mean reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the Mailed first class to the United States, for individual radio stations in a highly informative inter- publisher. Printed in U.S.A. Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. view. © Radio & Records, Inc., a division of Harte -Hanks Communications. www.americanradiohistory.com YOU'RE ALWAYS #1 IN OUR BOOK. www.americanradiohistory.com III f S / RADIO'S UNK TO THE FUTURE r , Z./ , / , . 9á 4F,"_,4,. Pd 4 ' dry (),, O 1 V ''_ j ';: adio's future is definitely linked to satellites. Networks ,, and program suppliers are contracting to beam ,1 2III MILES ' / programming to stations via satellite far more extensively 70W than expected. With the profusion of satellite programming \ and talk about satellites in general comes confusion about 6,3 9' 4 \`- what satellites can and cannot do and how they can do it. VV °°w This report was designed to transmit a clear picture of 1. COMSTAR 3 87W B. ANIK B 109W satellite technology today, presenting all the options open to 2. WESTAR 3 91'W 9. ANIK A2 114W 3. COMSTAR 1 96W 10. ANIK A3 114W radio for satellite programming, and explaining, as clearly as 4. COMSTAR 2 95'W 11. SATCOM 2 119W possible, all works. 5. WESTAR 1 99W 12. WESTAR 2 123.5W how it '8. ANIK Al 104W 13. COMSTAR 4 128W Please turn ta Page 4 7. SBS 1 108W 14. SATCOM 1 135W www.americanradiohistory.com Satellite Basics Continued from Page :3 Dedicated Vs. Cafeteria Style Satellites to distribute One of the biggest controversies for their antennas or contract for an programming were first suggested by surrounding use of satellites has existing hook -up with a licensed British science fiction author Arthur been ownership of the dish. Mutual common carrier, like Wold Com- C. Clarke in 1945. Three- and -a -half and National Public Radio have munications. decades later, hundreds of satellites been the forerunners in supplying Other problems associated with orbit the Earth, most of them serving visual evidence (antennas) that jumping into satellite delivery sys- research or military functions. There satellite communications is indeed tems for these nets have been se- are currently 10 American -owned tomorrow's technology today. Simi- lection of a satellite, as well as the communications satellites: Comstar larly, AP Radio has instituted an ag- question of whether to go analog or D -1, D -2, D -3, and D -4 (owned by the gressive dish installation program digital. Communications Satellite Corp.); for radio by piggybacking dishes at With your own dish or a local Westar I, II, and III (Western Union); newspaper affiliates' locations and loop, it is possible to change pro- Satcom I and II (RCA); and Satellite broadcasters' facilities. Together gram sources. However, the largest Business Systems' SBS satellite. Three they have led the way for a dedi- expense to the majority of radio sta- of them, Westar I and III and Satcom cated system of distribution also be- tion receiving satellite program- I, carry radio broadcasts. Sixteen more ing utilized by RKO and similar to ming will be the cost of either a satellite launches are scheduled, some one planned by UPI. ABC announc- downlink antenna or a local loop of them replacements for existing ed in mid -August an extensive from another source. Reportedly, satellites. digital broadcast plan, signing a the cost of a dish will decline as The communications satellites deal to provide dishes to its af- much as 15% in the next year. follow the equator in fixed filiat. s, a key move on the dedicated However, unless one of several "geostationary" orbits (as if they're side. new digital compression systems is rotating at the same rate as the earth Other networks, CBS and NBC, approved and installed nationwide, so they don't appear to move, for example, have largely played a local loops could fall into short sup- although their actual rate is much wait- and -see game, looking at a ply and even bigger demand, thus faster because, revolving far above the large potential investment should possibly increasing costs. Addi- earth, their orbits are greater) 22,300 they purchase affiliates' dishes. tionally, installing one loop at a miles up. Just as broadcasters are Moreover, it appears that these net- time drives the expense up about licensed, satellites are assigned works will either ask stations to pay two to three times. Please turn to Page 9 Glossary Of Terms Common Carrier - A distribu- Geosynchronous Orbit - An Superstation -A regular broad- tion system, such as those using orbit 22,300 miles above the equator, cast TV or radio station whose signal is satellites or land lines, which offers in which a satellite appears to remain also carried by cable systems all over service to the public on a fee basis. stationary in the sky because it is mov- the country. The individual station has They are regulated by the FCC. ing in its orbit at a speed that allows it no control over this distribution, but to keep precise pace with the Earth's COMSAT Communications may derive additional advertising - rotation. (Also geostationary orbit.) revenue as a result of the increased aud- Satellite Corporation, created by the ience. Classical- formatted WFMT/ Communications Satellite Act of 1962 MDS (Multi-point Distribution Chicago became the first radio station to establish an international commer- Systems) - Does not use satellites; to be transmitted via satellite to a large cial satellite system. narrow -beam microwave systems used of cable systems. to send programs to selected locations number Dish - A parabolic antenna. such as apartment complexes and Transponder -A part of the hotel /motels. Also used at local cable satellite that is combination receiver - Downlink A receiving antenna - systems. transmitter, which picks up a signal on designed to pick up signals from a and retransmits it on a communications satellite. Parabolic The shape used for one frequency - Current com- downlink and uplink antennas. It has different frequency. A satellite send- satellites have either 12 or Earth Station the characteristic of focusing all waves munications a 24 transponders. ing or receiving installation; received from the direction at which if downlink or uplink. is aimed precisely to a single point. Uplink - An antenna that transmits of the to a transponder on a com- Footprint - The area SATCOM Satellite owned and signals up which signals - munications satellite. Earth's surface over operated by RCA -Americom. from a given satellite may be received.
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    ISSUE NUMBER 646 THE INDUSTRY'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER AUGUST 1, 1986 WARSHAW NEW KFSD VP /GM I N S I D E: RADIO BUSINESS Rosenberg Elevated SECTION DEBUTS To Lotus Exec. VP This week R &R expands the Transactions page into a two -page Radio Business section. This week and in coming weeks, you'll read: Features on owners, brokers, dealmakers, and more Analyses on trends in the ever -active station acquisition field Graphs and charts summarizing transaction data Financial data on the top broadcast players And the most complete and timely news available on station transactions. Hal Rosenberg Dick Warshaw Starts this week, Page 8 KFSD/San Diego Sr. VP/GM elevated to Exec. VP for Los Hal Rosenberg has been Angeles-based parent Lotus ARBITRON RATINGS RESULTS COMPROMISE REACHED Communications, which owns The spring Arbitrons for more top 14 other stations in California. markets continue to pour in, including Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Illi- this week figures for Houston, Atlanta, nois, and Maryland. Succeeding Industry, ASCAP Agree him as VP /GM at the San Diego Seattle, St. Louis, Kansas Cincinnati, Classical station is National City, Tampa, Phoenix, Denver, Miami, Sales Manager Dick Warshaw. and more. On 7.5% Rate Hike Rosenberg, who had been at Page 24 stallments, one due by the end After remaining deadlocked KFSD since it was acquired by Increases Vary of this year, and the other. by for several years, ASCAP and Lotus in 1974, assumes his new CD OR NOT CD: By Station next April. The new rates will the All- Industry Radio Music position January 1, 1987.
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