Inherited Dlirwi. * UMU. T*o ftrl of aatura la nor# pragaanl U at Law. With awful nwilnf linn tba tact of the Counsellor llb«rl UOC* Of tllMftM Ifodarn actanra, wt.ieb taallumlnatM |4<klrl4, •omanr Urk ri.r » f i,« • otiM ONMr a !.• »» k t <m tba oiuiiiuu* w«,n!« of IA« r«vi§ m v-... i- • • cf 1i. 1 IIIM «. • WKL.Hr. iktll bo rlalu*d vpoa tba rhiMnu t,|« naiotba third and f«urth feneration " J at Law Fifty per tank of raaea (ftuaiunpIlM, »1 Councilor ranaar ant airnfula, rua la fanibea J/ through labarttaa< e (nasally la bared* r«rK llarf la a aartal decree, but, fortu- !• rn>m Ruin* nately. Iiae batty fiber Iwred.'ary »»t i**« . diaeaara. tend a to Wear Itaalf out, tha •Wm*M beoomlag eitiaet A dialin- u tni •.<a c. W»UtKH, (vnhMl ittrvljraap' organ f1 or taiiura of lb* bud/ la eiempt from fc. llnlM Trmn*rr1|>l. coal for the round thirty• OXFORD HOUSE TALK. tba rbaito* of tola* tha of at Iaiw AMONG It to Save 8«»ed? trip— * aubjort »l Coun cilor THE FARMERS. Doo« Pi*y required har*ditarr diaeae* I'robablr ai»ra A Two-Foot-Oauif© Track. two milee—ia $00 The h*av. Attorney win it p«y for th* firmer to hi* pound* chronic diaenaee, which i*rii.eaeatly ImImf. * u nrar Cmi«mK«llMi Aw tkta >l«p*r»n***t ah«w«l«t (•veil, own aee«i» U tb# th# lta'ala«ki< ire? r««t to the milr) modify tha ttrucluro aad fuacttoaa of Cir—pim-tfwf on urlrniunl Inp <ja««tlon irraJ** ('.MX) U* a>l>lrra*««l to A. T Null, mmUi Nr. piwUrtl be ult tn ft. WOUDft. tha mora or toea I labio to Im lo- Ire to •llntol. A>Wtr*wa all (smiwnii|r«lhw< at* to an*w*r, and It wo«)d din; A !»•»%% %%t RAILWAY the Hiram terminut, tod U on * half- Unty.ara »• ▼**•»». bar.tad. Tboiuporiaataul far roachiag lato»Wil kw thlt lo AitllK't Mk one that It wonld be mora Imp wMblr another Mb mil* 20.degree curve. There U practical de-lurtlaa from aurh facta muikiKnii>i)ir«iU(|iiatiiUflr4Ut> a ii.* no. There • jtmm ttaaawer'iy almple ye* Wt in a d«*l written and bear ara ebetoaa to aad «:.a at Laic Y»nkw notion U thi* nee curve of IB one of um of 12. great raOoctlag made, are son* of them •ncmlottlr A quwf d'grrea, 10, it CoummUor maay thing*, now -a brerd* baat Maaaa for or nrta| a deal **il about preventing jltifrurj to bnt which % railroad, and oo« of four of 10 and con«id- great d«ya thaaa a m»«'» u a •« Intra** in- Inin*. •julta f.mign tb* conceit, two-foot-gaufe 11, each, aubje«-t Mountain Viow Stock Fnrtn for but no oi» ha* m mad* terval to IMtlfM. really do bav« a moat Importaat hearing it ia not ft iukmi, but crahle number of leea degree. inn ei»«, j»t alt. Fortunately nature baa only prac'icftl rravidada ranadr. *«•••* We a tuit to thia ra- an instead of lb* Ha- it b i* can be with which e*i«rien«.o <><«•<• pOYAl receatly paid apm It, I aaawtrlng now there i* ft boom in and South Am* produced dccidedly The a'>rr»aid Central plain laa atieated aa and tba ram a ^ at were »o of ioai of them ju*t mfalllb.e, tabliahment J much to ral'a I will Ulk of fr»m of the * pleaaed ({VMtloi, i»mc *t any dfgree certainty any djr i* u<* rid faniaua Hwtft'a JsMtm** tb«* Im- tbia "bftbjr rftiiroftd." In fact, erictn Inspection learned aome, Mpe« •« the a that *»a*e been Klret. few, rrry few appreciate parti* familtee of the • pira vegetable aalure a improvement th*rr U n to in their miac*llaneou*.bred trotting compound ■ IIUUI, tad value of auperlor »eed Th«y tbu eery moment, probability tbrm, eupriaing facta forty an* «l< to for all bl>> <1 To tha J made ia the and »ur- portance Owner* of large *tallion* |~»iao«a ^ building* general •II w«at good eaed, bat It woald i«* very of two roada of tbU kind being built ftt minute*' rid* from Hiram to Hridgton. present day, afflicted It la a bleaaiag of ineatimaba r* we a ao til* at Lair. unding* thai will (ire abort de- to b farmer to |I0 |«er urge breeder* to um their bur*** they An Intaiaeting traatlaa en dm alt Indace pay ftn day in Central »nd South Amtr* learned that the littU 20.000 • Counsellor of to be the matter bow as- early They llrwvl t | Han lUtnira" wUl b# what baaba) for aeetl rorB, bo w will colta, but cIom obwnrtlitti acriptioo prumieee larg- ifft—'M, on# hundred an 1 fifteen mile* locomotive cou'l dr a well* get Urgt Bia..«d frae by addreaaiag eat >r It to He. Nocr | have Km UrtHtl. breeding eetabliahment in I'aria. he Mleved pound reveala the fact that larg- m*r'* l*»irr ; the one hundred ftnd ten train a le 200 feat to the breeding Tbb Hr«<-inc Ca, •ern b dllT-renca of nearly 10 baahela per long other, l«*drd up grr Mr. J. U. of to atallton* la no of I'rawer I, A (Utile, Ua. k. UIMNllk. Young. Milton, Ma«i., corn laat two a 20* larg« guarantee get- wr< la tb« ylald of eight acrea of mile*. Within the month*, rep. mil#; that it could ea«ily rcued bought tie farm of Albert Yatea ia the selected *«ed ting planted with a bnahvl of reaentfttive* t.f New OrUana, Centrftl ftnd curie; that the aeeming reckle*** large produce. Wbr la U the gayaet Utter la tba degree own aJ|b*« of the with the iatea- >*. r of the <>f the fl.-M «»r Tbia waa well illmtrate 1 in our at Laic, early part apring that remalo.Wr South American in«#re*t* have come to neaa uf to run a train on rail* >wt? I!<'raiiaa II la tlwaya In fan. Attorney corn of the attempting Uh» of making a of rataing any of It planted with caa« tbia W# br-d a mare of apeciality portion western Mftlne, to ftnd two fret a thoroughly apring. Rrlhrl • »me takrn from tb« crib. The personally inapect only apart proved A great man? h»?e need no olhar firat cla«« loraea and vary variety coarae 1 > handa bigb and people appropriately whol# fle'd waa and carad for observe the prat tical working of the »jra. aafe *> far m any d-nger of make-up, ( kind for aatlafac- planted performance, to yeara //>)• Jtftfrt glre r. MttN. named it "Mouataia View Stock Farm.** »e*»l naed. weighing o*er 1100 ml*. Cyril, allka ear. pt In the matter of the tern letter* of have alio been a tip over wa« concerned, on account of p» Uo». Mnce irtpiry a* a J purr baaing the farm be haa made acrea aelectad *e*d g**e large, and ah foale! anall, f"» The eight from written to the auperintendent of the road the nearnraa of the care to the ground equally at Law. ^AKIN*5 great impMtementa oa the building* and I* f»o«h*U m <re than the heat el«ht acrea tine and n*r*y colt Kr<>m an- lllark feet are not pretty, hat they ara Attorney tutted th^ae Southern *entlrm*n, from and of the centre of grained W»»y. Maim 10 c*nta by cuna»<juent hwering (ha of ator ia due time intend* to bring the o.' th* r at nf the fl»l<t Allowing other mar*, I'» hand* end 900 lbe lot all Ihoaa who waar black k* w« to up ?>'• buiinru men in the West Indie* ftnd and the three eaaentiala of onljr MM' a* |i«» bnahal for hnaklng ant marketlag gravity; Inge daring hot weather. ^■o wb<4e fatm to a high atate of cultitatioa per bred to Itinaldo, about 16 band* and >>aaheU, Bad roB»l lerln* the mm worth Florid*, asking for detail* in regard to it. •afety, and comfirt vera abi n- C. MTia, con- ipeed POWDER At the time the 1 art of 1100 we hate a tall, built wu preaeat building* wa a rangy a no rnu per hnahel, bat* gala For mjwlf. I have no financial of person. dantly aecured. A atriking teat of the pounda, "For long Una I bad appetite. jj •»et of a two atable na* of the aalact ao the A com* al aad rnacb debllltat* at Law. Pure. large atory bouae, $.10 40 for the need, wa* with good bone. I.Vhand, rraCaaa night, very Attorney Absolutely a| interest in thw system, further than capability of the ayatem mad*. The filly omn, TH « » »'W« A and laruur conld bsatn I for It and of our* d After taking two Attica of at r».«*rt ml Mr * romrn<«Jioua outbuilding*, newly par #J0 per who built Morgan tnare produc- Ajar'* «> »in«wmn. na« of bla have *uch of my fellow-townsmen viattora were di**mb«r ;ed at the begin* ptctlj • m ■truitt V«n«w«mmI thea gain tO cent, for tb* H«r*ap«rltla, my atrengtb and »p,»*tlta rc« • m Wnlll» fiaiabed ia*ide and and ia tbor« par a ktt Ik* irlMrf IMi. m4 miiM ba *m4 • out. put in *iitc*n-mile ed la*t year, rangy, good-an.
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