0-9, and Symbols A
Index Note : Online information is listed by print page number and a period followed by “e” with online page number (54.e1). Page references preceded by a single letter with hyphen refer to appendices. Page references followed by “f ,” “ t ,” and “ b ” refer to fi gures, tables, and boxes, respectively. 0-9, and symbols ID (ASID) , 436 VAX fl oating-point formats , D-29 inadequate , 497.e5–497.e6 ALU control , 249–251 . See also 1-bit ALU , A-26–A-29 . See also shared , 507–508 Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) single physical , 507 , 507–508 bits , 250–251 , 250 f adder , A-27 f virtual , 436 logic , C-6–C-7 CarryOut , A-28 Address translation mapping to gates , C-4–C-7 for most signifi cant bit , A-33 f for ARM cortex-A53 , 458 f truth tables , C-5f , C-5 f illustrated , A-29f defi ned , 418–419 ALU control block , 253 logical unit for AND/OR , A-27 f fast , 428–430 defi ned , C-4–C-6 performing AND, OR, and addition , for Intel core i7 , 458 f generating ALU control bits , C-6 f A-31 , A-33 f TLB for , 428–430 ALUOp , 250 , C-6 b –C-7 b 64-bit ALU , A-29–A-31 . See also Address-control lines , C-26f bits , 250 , 251 Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) Addresses control signal , 253 from 63 copies of 1-bit ALU , A-34 f b a s e , 6 9 Amazon Web Services (AWS) , 415b with 64 1-bit ALUs , A-30f byte , 70 AMD Opteron X4 (Barcelona) , 533 , 534f defi ning in Verilog , A-36–A-37 defi ned , 68 AMD64 , 148 , 148 , 215 , 173.e5 illustrated , A-35f m e m o r y , 7 8 b Amdahl’s law , 391 , 493–494 ripple carry adder , A-29 virtual
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