Bryan G Hall Ltd Consulting Civil & Transportation Planning Engineers Suite E8 Joseph’s Well Hanover Walk Leeds LS3 1AB

March 2012 Ref: 09-234-001.03


1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background ...... 1 1.2 Structure and Process of the Framework Travel Plan ...... 2 1.3 Overall Objectives ...... 3 2.0 PLANNING AND TRANSPORT POLICY OBJECTIVES ...... 4 2.1 National Policy ...... 4 2.2 Regional Policy ...... 5 2.3 Local Policy ...... 6 3.0 AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE SITE ...... 7 3.1 The Existing Situation ...... 7 3.2 The Proposed Development ...... 8 3.3 Pedestrian Accessibility ...... 10 3.4 Public Transport Accessibility ...... 11 3.5 Cycle Accessibility...... 12 4.0 TRAVEL PLAN ADMINISTRATION ...... 13 4.1 Site Travel Plan Co-ordinator (STPC) ...... 13 4.2 Individual Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators ...... 16 4.3 Funding ...... 19 5.0 TRAVEL PLAN MEASURES ...... 20 5.1 General ...... 20 5.2 Promotion and Awareness ...... 20 5.3 Proposed Measures ...... 22 6.0 TARGETS, MONITORING AND ACTIONS ...... 25 6.1 Interim Targets ...... 25 6.2 Specific Targets ...... 25 6.3 Monitoring ...... 26 6.4 Action Timetable ...... 28




1.1 Background

1.1.1 This Travel Plan forms part of an outline planning application by Commercial Estates Group who are seeking planning permission for a mixed use development comprising residential, employment and ancillary facilities on land to the south of Empingham Road, some 1.5 kilometres to the west of Stamford town centre.

1.1.2 In November 2010 Bryan G Hall submitted a Framework Travel Plan for the site to Council, County Council and Highways Agency as part of LDF representations. Lincolnshire County Council and the Highways Agency provided feedback on the Travel Plan. The Highways Agency concluded ‘This Technical Note has reviewed a Framework Travel Plan for a proposed mixed use development in Stamford. The Agency consider that the document provides a robust framework for developing individual Travel Plans for the site, catering for residents, employees and visitors, as well as meeting the specific travel plan objectives for the development as a whole’ This Framework Travel Plan addresses the comments received from Lincolnshire County Council and the Highways Agency in January and March 2011 respectively.

1.1.3 The Department for Transport in its recent report ‘Good Practice Guidelines: Delivering Travel Plans through the Planning Process’, 29 April 2009, defines a Travel Plan as “a long-term management strategy for an occupier or site that seeks to deliver sustainable transport objectives through positive action and is articulated in a document that is regularly reviewed.”

1.1.4 The report also identifies that a Framework Travel Plan is the appropriate tool for large mixed-use developments with multiple occupants or mixed classes. Within a Framework Travel Plan, overall outcomes, targets and indicators are joint and administered centrally. The Framework Travel Plan sets the parameters for the individual uses/elements that should then prepare their own subsidiary travel plans which are in line with the Framework Travel Plan.

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1.1.5 This report details a proposed approach to developing and implementing a Framework Travel Plan for the Stamford West development. The process and measures are illustrative of how CEG Ltd sees the Framework Travel Plan developing for the development but should not be read as the final set of proposals. The Framework Travel Plan will be very much a living document that will change as the Stamford West development progresses. For the Framework Travel Plan to have a sustained effect the actions should be implemented across the whole development and owned by the eventual occupiers and residents.

1.1.6 The Developer wishes to encourage everyone who visits the Stamford West development whether as a resident, employee or visitor to make sustainable travel choices and therefore they are committed to working with the Highways Agency, Lincolnshire County Council and South Kesteven District Council in order to realise this goal. Other bodies such as the transport operators will also be included within this process in order to deliver a transport network to provide that sustainable travel choice.

1.1.7 Engagement with the planning authority and highway authority officers is crucial at this early stage to guide the process and provide detailed local knowledge on measures that will be the most successful as part of a wider package. Initial contact has been made with officers at both the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council in relation to the development of the Framework Travel Plan and this will gain momentum as the Stamford West development moves forward.

1.2 Structure and Process of the Framework Travel Plan

1.2.1 The Framework Travel Plan is set out in the following sections: • Planning and policy objectives; • An understanding of the site and the proposed development; • Travel Plan administration; • Potential measures and their impacts; and • Targets and monitoring.

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1.2.2 The development will have one overarching Travel Plan policy and within this individual Travel Plans for the different uses/occupiers will be developed to take account of the individual needs of each type of occupier. The Framework Travel Plan addresses all of the travel elements associated with the development as a whole including resident, employee and visitor travel along with matters such as deliveries made to the site.

1.2.3 For the Framework Travel Plan to be effective it will be necessary to appoint a Site Travel Plan Co-ordinator (STPC) who will be responsible for the day to day development of the Framework Travel Plan. The STPC will set up a Travel Plan Steering Group prior to occupation of the site. The Steering Group will meet approximately four times a year and initially its membership will include the STPC and representatives from the Highways Agency, Lincolnshire County Council and South Kesteven District Council. Membership will be widened as new occupiers come to the development.

1.3 Overall Objectives

1.3.1 The overriding objective of the Framework Travel Plan for the Stamford West development is to reduce the impact of travel on the local environment and road network which will be generated by residents, employees and visitors travelling to and from the site. The specific objectives set for the Framework Travel Plan are: • To maximise opportunities for residents, employees and visitors to travel to and from the development using transport modes other than the private car particularly when the journeys are of single occupancy; and • To be complementary to the efficient operation of the Stamford West development.

1.3.2 It can be seen with reference to the following section that the stated objectives of the Framework Travel Plan are also complimentary to national, regional and local sustainable transport objectives.

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2.1 National Policy

2.1.1 In its White Paper “A New Deal for Transport”, the Government identified the responsibility for transport problems and solutions to be shared between the private and public sectors. It identified the importance that the planning system could play in reducing the need to travel by car (particularly single occupancy journeys) by the careful planning of new developments in a sustainable manner.

2.1.2 The Transport Act 2000 requires all local transport authorities in England, outside London, to prepare Local Transport Plans. Stamford is covered by the 3rd Lincolnshire Local Transport Plan 2011/12 to 2012/13 and within the plan it is identified that travel plans are a key demand management tool to assist in tackling congestion.

2.1.3 As well as promoting sustainable transport objectives PPG13 explicitly established provision for Travel Plans. Traditionally, however travel planning has focused on the development of “destination” Travel Plans appropriate for employment, retail, leisure and educational developments. PPG13 therefore requires Travel Plans to be submitted in relation to only these forms of development. Originated by the employer or operator, they provide the package of planning and transport measures that are adopted by the single operator of the development concerned that, together with parking management, promote sustainable transport choices by those either employed in or attending these forms of development.

2.1.4 Since publication of PPG13, there has been a major overhaul of the planning system, which now has a statutory duty to deliver sustainable development and at the core of the new system are the objectives set out in Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (PPS1). Many of the principles directly support the use of Travel Plans for all types of development proposal including residential uses.

2.1.5 The Good Practice Guidelines: Delivering Travel Plans through the Planning

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Process, published April 2009, aims to help all those involved in creating and implementing travel plans, local authorities, transport and travel plan officers, developers and consultants, understand the process involved and good practise steps for achieving successful and sustainable travel plans. It states “Travel plans can be a key tool in achieving national, regional and local objectives to manage the demand for movement and improve accessibility for everyone.”

2.2 Regional Policy

2.2.1 The use of Travel Plans is a key element of the Regional Transport Strategy (RTS) contained within the East Midlands Regional Plan. In line with national policy, the core strategy of the RTS focuses on encouraging the development of sustainable travel patterns through:- • reducing the need to travel, especially by car, and managing traffic growth and congestion; • significantly improving opportunities for walking and cycling; • promoting a step change improvement to the reliability, capacity, quality, accessibility and coverage of the public transport network; • making better use of existing transport networks through better management; and • only developing additional highway capacity when all other measures have been considered.

2.2.2 In order to deliver the core strategy, the RTS contains several polices including Policy 46 that seeks to deliver a Regional Approach to Behavioural Change through various measures including the development and enforcement of travel plans for both new and existing development to reduce traffic movements and safeguard transport infrastructure.

2.2.3 Whilst on 6th July 2010 the present Government decided to revoke Regional Spatial Strategy as of immediate effect it is considered that this cannot be taken to mean that this Government is rejecting the idea of personal travel reduction and modal shift as this is in any case embedded in National Policy.

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2.3 Local Policy

2.3.1 The 3rd Lincolnshire Local Transport Plan (LTP) contains a section on Managing Demand and within this section, travel plans are identified as a key tool in achieving this and reducing congestion. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) has recognised that in order to convince organisations of the benefits of travel plans the Council has to take a lead with the development of its own Travel Plan and also employing dedicated staff to deal with travel plan matters.

2.3.2 LCC has also produced a suite of documents ‘Development Guide on Transport and New Development Issues in Lincolnshire’. As part of this suite of documents there is a guidance note for the implementation of travel plans and this note identifies the benefits of both work-place and residential travel plans, as follows:- “Benefits of a Travel Plan include: The potential solving of problems caused by demand for parking A reduction in costs of providing and maintaining parking spaces Enabling higher occupancy of buildings A cut in staff mileage claims and other business travel costs A reduction in traffic congestion on and around the site Enable more customers to easily access your site Ease delays to deliveries and movement of good on or off site Benefits of a residential travel plan include: Cash savings from not running a car as often, or from participating in a car share scheme Health benefits from walking and cycling Environmental benefits of reducing car use Reduced car usage on site resulting in a more pedestrian friendly environment”

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3.1 The Existing Situation

3.1.1 The development site is bound to the west by the A1 Trunk Road and to the north and south by A606 Empingham Road and A6121 Tinwell Road respectively. Both these roads provide radial routes from the A1 Trunk Road into Stamford Town Centre and provide the site with a northern and southern access to separate junctions on the A1. To the east, the site is bound by the rear of existing residential properties which themselves front on to Lonsdale Road and Cottesmore Road, both traditional residential estate roads. Two culs-de-sac at Launde Gardens off Lonsdale Road and at Cottesmore Road have been constructed in the past to provide access into the site. The localtion of the site in relation to the local highway network is shown on the plan attached at Appendix TP1.

3.1.2 A606 Empingham Road is an adopted all purpose distributor road that links Stamford in the east with Empingham and to the west. In addition, it provides direct and indirect access to residential development on both sides as well as access to the Malcolm Sargent Primary School, immediately opposite the site. Along the site frontage Empingham Road is a single carriageway, 6.5 metres in width. The south side of the road is verge only; however, the north side does have a footway, separated from the carriageway by a verge and a hedge. The road is subject to a 7.5 tonne heavy goods vehicle weight limit, it is lit and is subject to a 30 mph speed limit. However, at school start and finish times, a 20 mph advisory speed limit prevails on the section of Empingham Road.

3.1.3 A6121 Tinwell Road is also an adopted all purpose distributor road that links Stamford in the east with Tinwell and the A47 to the west. It also provides direct and indirect access to residential properties on the northern side of the road. In the vicinity of the site, Tinwell Road has a single carriageway, some 7.5 metres wide with a nearside verge and footway whilst on the far side, there is only a verge. The road is subject to a 40 mph speed limit, is subject to a 7.5 tonne heavy goods vehicle weight limit, it is lit to appropriate standard and is marked with a centre line road marking. At the western boundary of the site,

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Tinwell Road meets A1(T) at a “clover-leaf” type grade separated junction which includes simple priority controlled junctions on to Tinwell Road whilst some 150 metres to the east of the eastern site boundary, Tinwell Road meets Exeter Gardens also at a simple priority controlled junction.

3.1.4 Cottesmore Road and Launde Gardens are existing residential culs-de-sac within the adjacent housing development to the east. The roads provide direct frontage access to housing on both sides and both roads have carriageways some 5.5 – 6.0 metres wide with footways on both sides. A footpath has been constructed along the rear of the existing properties to link the Cottesmore Road cul-de-sac and A606 Empingham Road.

3.1.5 The A1 is the main trunk road in the area, running north-south and connecting the town to locations such as London and Peterborough in the south and Grantham, the north of England and ultimately Edinburgh in the north. National policy restricts direct access to trunk roads, and development proposals for the site will need to ensure that this trunk road is not adversely affected.

3.2 The Proposed Development

3.2.1 The planning application by Commercial Estates Group seeks outline planning permission for residential, employment and ancillary uses on land between A606 Empingham Road and A6121 Tinwell Road to the west of Stamford.

3.2.2 For Transport Assessment and Travel Plan purposes, it has been assumed that the proposed development will comprise the following uses: • 400 residential units • 40,000 square metres of employment on a 10ha business park • A 1ha Mixed Use Centre

3.2.3 The employment uses will be located in the north-west area of the application site adjacent to the A1(T). It is proposed that the primary vehicular and pedestrian access into the employment site will be via a four-arm compact roundabout junction located at the existing Arran Road/Empingham Road

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junction. To enhance pedestrian/cycling accessibility links to/from the north of Empingham Road it is proposed to introduce a signalised Toucan crossing on Empingham Road some 30.0 metres to the east of the proposed compact roundabout.

3.2.4 To the east of the proposed compact roundabout, two further simple priority controlled junctions are proposed one to serve the Local Centre and the other to serve the residential development. The Local Centre access is located to the west of Malcolm Sargent Primary School and the residential access the east of the school with a further Toucan crossing proposed on Empingham Road outside the school. The objective of providing two accesses to the east and west of the school is to minimise the impact of development generated vehicular trips on Empingham Road outside the school.

3.2.5 A simple priority junction on Tinwell Road 120.0 metres to the west of the A1 junction is also proposed to serve the residential area of the site.

3.2.6 Within the site, a network of streets based upon the recommendations set out in the Department for Transport publication ‘Manual for Streets’ will be designed to achieve a design speed of 20mph and also to accommodate a bus service to ensure the site is penetrable by public transport and existing or new services can be extended into the site. The southern access onto Tinwell Road will be connected to the northern accesses onto Empingham Road by a network of streets to provide a permeable site layout to encourage good accessibility for all modes of travel. The internal road layout will be subject to reserved matters permission. Parking for cars, motorcycles and bicycles will be provided for both the residential, employment and commercial uses in line with Lincolnshire County Council’s maximum parking standards.

3.2.7 The site will be linked to the existing pedestrian/cyclist network through the provision of new footways/cycleways along Empingham Road and Tinwell Road that tie into the existing network. There is also the potential for pedestrian/cyclist links onto Launde Gardens and Cottesmore Road to the east of the application site.

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3.3 Pedestrian Accessibility

3.3.1 The Institution of Highways and Transportation publication [2000] ‘Guidelines for providing for Journeys on Foot’ notes that walking accounts for over a quarter of all journeys and four-fifths of journeys less than one mile (1.6 kilometres). The Department of the Environment publication [1996] ‘PPG13: A Guide to Better Practice’ states that distances under 1.6 kilometres are suited to journeys on foot. Walking is also an essential part of public transport travel, bus stops usually being accessed on foot. Promoting sustainable, integrated transport involves providing good pedestrian links to public transport facilities.

3.3.2 The guidelines also provide ‘ideal’ walk distances for various trip types and advise that the ‘desirable’ walking distance for commuting or walking to and from school is 500 metres, the ‘acceptable’ walking distance for commuting or walking to and from schools is 1.0 kilometre and the ‘preferred maximum’ walking distance is 2.0 kilometres. In terms of walking to town centres, the guidelines suggest a ‘desirable’ walking distance of 200 metres, an ‘acceptable’ distance of 400 metres and a ‘preferred maximum’ of 800 metres. A plan is also provided at Appendix TP2 which shows the straight-line 1,600 and 2,000 metre walking isochrones from the centre of the site.

3.3.3 As regards walk distances to retail outlets, the IHT Guidelines suggest a ‘preferred maximum’ walking distance to town centres of 800 metres. This advice is reflected in the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions in conjunction with CABE published ‘Better places to live: By design – A companion guide to PPG3’, September 2001. This suggests that: “Having established the site’s broad setting in terms of its relationship to a city, town or village centre, a good starting point is to examine the area within 10 minutes’ (about 800m) walking distance of the site. This can help to identify the range of facilities which residents may access comfortably access on foot, as well as opportunities to reach more distant facilities by public transport.”

3.3.4 The proposed development site is well connected to local amenities by a network of good footways that are well lit. To further encourage walking trips, it is proposed that a signalised ‘toucan’ crossing is provided on Empingham Road in the vicinity of the access to the Malcolm Sargent Primary School. This

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facility will provide a safe crossing point for pupils accessing the school and also for residents of the existing housing to the north of Empingham Road accessing the proposed facilities on the development.

3.4 Public Transport Accessibility

3.4.1 The Department of the Environment publication [1996] ‘PPG13: A Guide to Better Practice’ states that for trips over 3 miles (5 km), public transport is the main alternative mode of transport to the private car. It is recognised however that for public transport to be an attractive alternative mode of transport to the private car it needs to be easily accessible on foot. The Institution of Highways and Transportation publication [1999] ‘Planning for Public Transport recommends that residents of major new housing developments should not have to walk more than 400m (¼ mile) to their nearest bus stop but that this criterion has been hard to satisfy comprehensively and therefore it recognises that direct, frequent and easily understood services are more important than a few metres of walking distance. This principle is also applied to other land uses.

3.4.2 There are several bus stops within the recommended 400 metres walking distance from the centre of the site as shown on the plan attached at Appendix TP3. The main public transport corridor in the vicinity of the site is A606 Empingham Road with bus stops currently on the site frontage. There are also bus stops located on Tinwell Road and Lonsdale Road. A summary of the services using these bus stops is attached at Appendix TP3.

3.4.3 Within the development the layout of the highway network will be designed to allow bus services to penetrate the site, to allow existing or new services to drive through the site.

3.4.4 The Institution of Highways and Transportation publication ‘Guidelines for Planning for Public Transport in Developments’ March 1999 sets out that new developments should be located so that walking distances to the nearest railway station should be less than 800 metres.

3.4.5 Stamford Railway Station is located approximately 2.6 kilometres walking

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distance south east of the site off Station Road and although this is outside the recommended 800 metres it is still within a reasonable cycle distance from the site. Stamford Railway Station is accessible on foot via Tinwell Road, Bath Row, High Street St Martin’s and on to Station Road.

3.4.6 Stamford Railway Station is managed by East Midlands Trains, is covered by CCTV and has secure, sheltered cycle storage outside the station exit and a 60 space car park. The station is staffed part-time and also has self-service ticket machines. A summary of the trains serving Stamford Railway Station is also attached at Appendix TP3.

3.5 Cycle Accessibility

3.5.1 The Department of the Environment publication [1996] ‘PPG13: A Guide to Better Practice’ states that the bicycle is an ideal mode of transport for journeys under 8 kilometres. PPG13 [March 2001] states that cycling “has clear potential to substitute for short car trips, particularly those under 5km, and to form part of a longer journey by public transport.”

3.5.2 A plan showing the 5.0 kilometre and 8.0 kilometre catchments is attached at Appendix TP4. The whole of the Stamford conurbation including the Town Centre lies within a 5.0 kilometre catchment area along with the villages of Great Casterton, Ryhall, Tinwell and Ketton. For leisure trips, the eastern edge of Rutland Water lies within the 8.0 kilometre catchment and National Cycle Route 63 connects Stamford to Rutland Water and Oakham running along Empingham Road.

3.5.3 Therefore there is a large catchment of potential employees living within a reasonable cycling distance from the site along with numerous employment opportunities within reasonable cycling distances for residents. Stamford Railway Station is well within the 5.0 kilometre cycling catchment area and there is secure, covered cycle parking provided at the station.

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4.1 Site Travel Plan Co-ordinator (STPC)

4.1.1 The developer will appoint a Management Company for the site and the role of STPC will be undertaken by a member of its staff based on site. The appointment of a STPC will commence 6 months prior to occupation and the appointment will remain in place for at least 5 years after full occupation but will continue after this period of time for as long as a Management Company remains in place. If appointed the Management Company changes, the requirement to fulfil this role will be part of any subsequent appointment. This way the STPC can implement some measures for first occupation and can monitor the Framework Travel Plan for 5 years after full occupation. The developer will fund this position. The STPC will be in post when both the residential, employment and commercial units are first marketed.

4.1.2 The STPC will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Framework Travel Plan based on this initial document including the promotion of its contents to prospective occupiers. The overarching Framework Travel Plan is the responsibility of the STPC. The STPC will contact the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council to advise that work has commenced on delivering the Framework Travel Plan. The obligation to deliver a Company Travel Plan under the ‘umbrella’ of the Framework Travel Plan will form part of the sales/lease agreement for the commercial units.

4.1.3 Prior to first occupation of the site, the STPC will establish a working party for the Empingham Road Framework Travel Plan on to which will be invited the appropriate officer from the Highways Agency, Lincolnshire County Council, South Kesteven District Council and, as they come into post, the individual Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators. Other bodies may be invited on to the working party in response to particular issues raised. This working party will meet approximately every 3 months to discuss and agree strategic travel planning matters for the site.

4.1.4 The STPC will take ultimate responsibility for travel planning for the whole development including carrying out the role of Residential Travel Plan Co-

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ordinator, will be the main point of contact with the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council and will review all Travel Plans associated with the site. The STPC will take responsibility for all site-wide transport matters including the Car Park Management Plan, establishing and maintaining a site car-share scheme, ensuring physical aspects of the site support the sustainability aims of the Framework Travel Plan, and maintaining liaison with public transport operators and other statutory bodies.

4.1.5 The STPC will remain in post for at least 5 years after full occupation of the site but this role will continue to be part of any Management Company’s responsibilities and will assume the following responsibilities: • Carrying out the role of Residential Travel Plan Co-ordinator and producing a Residential Travel Plan for implementation, monitoring and maintaining at the residential development on site; • Ensuring that each occupying company has appointed a Company Travel Plan Co-ordinator and prepared a Company Travel Plan under the ‘umbrella’ of the Framework Travel Plan; • Ensuring that each Company Travel Plan Co-ordinator has introduced every employee to the respective Company Travel Plan. Employees awareness of individual Travel Plans will be measured through responses to annual monitoring and in addition to this individual companies will allow the Site Travel Plan Co-ordinator access to carry out ‘spot checks’ on employees awareness of travel plan initiatives; • Ensuring that each Company Travel Plan Co-ordinator complies with the travel planning standards and conditions and also meets specific targets; • Implementing, monitoring and maintaining the Framework Travel Plan which is consistent with the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council’s guidance on Travel Plans and addresses at a minimum the issues set out in Section 5.0; • Ensuring that annual travel surveys are produced and provided to each Company Travel Plan Co-ordinator. All the Company Travel Plan Co- ordinators will work with the Site Travel Plan Co-ordinator to collect the data;

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• Ensuring that all residents and employees are offered personalised travel planning and asked to take part in the annual travel surveys; • Organising Personal Travel Planning programmes and the preparation of personalised Travel Welcome Packs and a generic Travel Welcome Pack; • Analysing the results of the travel surveys and liaising with the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council to discuss the results against the targets set; and • Ensuring that targets are being met and if they are not being met, they will be addressed through agreed mitigation with the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council.

4.1.6 After 5 years of full occupation the STPC will liaise with the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council to reach agreement that the day to day responsibility for travel planning for the development will pass to the individual Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators working in conjunction with the appropriate officers at the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council. The STPC will ensure that on-call support for Company Travel Plan Co- ordinators is provided for a maximum of 25 working days per annum for the development as a whole, for a further 12 months.

4.1.7 It is essential that the STPC meets with the individual employers on site to develop innovative transport solutions for current and prospective employees and to ensure an integrated approach to accessibility for as well as other nearby similar developments.

4.1.8 The role of the STPC will also include managing content for the Framework Travel Plan website and also any contractual agreements with organisations such as Liftshare, any car club, or any additional third party service providers associated with the site. The STPC will also manage the allocated budget for Framework Travel Plan initiatives.

4.1.9 The STPC will also act as a point of information and guidance in raising awareness of workplace travel issues through e-mails, newsletters, memos, leaflets, special activities, promotions, and reinforcing annual activities such as

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Leave Your Car at Home Day, National Bike Week and Green Transport Week. It would also be necessary for the STPC to act as a role model, to demonstrate it is possible to effectively travel to/from work by using sustainable modes of transport.

4.2 Individual Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators

4.2.1 On or before occupation of each building, any occupying company will be required to appoint a Company Travel Plan Co-ordinator whose details will be provided to the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council within 1 month of occupation of the site. A Company Travel Plan Co-ordinator shall remain in position for as long as any company is on the site. The Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators will be responsible for assisting the STPC implement the Framework Travel Plan.

4.2.2 If a Company Travel Plan Co-ordinator is not appointed until after occupation, a representative (such as a senior manager) shall act as the main contact until a Company Travel Plan Co-ordinator is in post. The representative will be responsible for distributing the Travel Welcome Packs to all employees prior to their first day at work.

4.2.3 The express requirement for all large businesses occupying the site to appoint a Company Travel Plan Co-ordinator and implement, monitor and maintain a Company Travel Plan that accords with the Framework Travel Plan will be included in lease and sale agreements. The Company Travel Plans must be submitted to and agreed by the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council within 3 months of occupation. The STPC must ensure all Company Travel Plans are submitted for approval and any recommended changes made within 6 months of occupation.

4.2.4 It would be onerous for individual occupiers of small units to be required to develop a Company Travel Plan. A threshold will be set to show which occupiers will require a Company Travel Plan, and which occupiers will be covered by the Framework Travel Plan. The small units will still be required to have a Travel Plan Co-ordinator to work with the STPC.

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4.2.5 The Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators will be required to circulate the travel survey questionnaire to all employees every year. The first travel to work survey will be undertaken and completed within 3 months of occupation or prior to occupation if it is a company relocating to the site from other local established premises. The implementation of Framework Travel Plan measures will start prior to first occupation in line with those set out within this initial framework and/or the any later version of the Framework Travel Plan. The results of the initial travel to work survey will then assist the Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators in refining and developing the measures to suit specific employee needs.

4.2.6 The Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators’ primary responsibilities will be: • To promote and guide the development of their respective Company Travel Plans within the approved framework and/or the Framework Travel Plan; • To advise employees in all matters relating to sustainable travel including providing information on public transport, cycling and walking; • To retain an awareness of local and national transport policies and programmes so as to ensure that their Company Travel Plan remains fresh and that local service providers remain aware of the needs of employees; • Obtain current public transport timetable and fare information from the STPC and ensure this is made readily available to employees; • Assist in establishing a car sharing scheme and encourage employees to embrace it where practically possible; • To consider alternative working practices to reduce the need to travel; • To encourage employees living in close proximity to the site to walk or cycle to work; • To set annual targets for the percentages of trips by each mode of travel; • To undertake annual employee travel surveys and compare these to the modal split targets identified; • To liaise with the STPC and other Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators to share information and ideas and ensure maximum benefits can be

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gained from any local area Travel Plan initiatives; and • To assist the STPC with the Personal Travel Planning programme for employees.

4.2.7 The Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators will be obliged to work with the appropriate officer from Lincolnshire County Council who will offer support and advice regarding the any initiatives for sustainable travel available within the Stamford area.

4.2.8 The Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators will ensure that all of the necessary systems relating to the Travel Plan including data collection and recording, and the employee travel database are established, maintained and regularly updated. They will also ensure relevant information is available for inspection by the local planning authority as necessary.

4.2.9 The Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators will liaise with officers of Lincolnshire County Council responsible for cycling and public transport as required, to ensure maximum advantage is being taken of sustainable alternatives for travel.

4.2.10 The Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators will review the Company Travel Plans annually following the employee travel to work surveys and the process of monitoring and review will feed into the review of the Framework Travel Plan. The STPC will provide an overall annual review report to the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council with particular regard being paid to monitoring against targets. At each annual review targets will be reviewed in conjunction with the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council to ensure that they are being met and if so subsequent reviews shall ensure that targets are being maintained or bettered.

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4.3 Funding

4.3.1 Funding is necessary to achieve the initiatives that are the basis of this Framework Travel Plan, however a specific budget has yet to be allocated at this time.

4.3.2 It is expected that approximately 50% of the available budget will be allocated for direct management of the Framework Travel Plan, including monitoring of the both the residential and commercial elements and the remaining 50% will be for materials including notice boards, high visibility clothing, umbrellas, travel welcome packs, etc. This initial budget is not expected to cover the costs of appointing the STPC.

4.3.3 Funding for any mitigation measures will be secured in the S106 by means of penalty payments should the key targets set out in Section 6.0 not be met. The penalty payments will be used to fund travel planning measures directly related to this development. The details of the additional Framework Travel Plan measures, such as car club trials, public transport ticketing, and cycle hire, will be agreed by the Highways Agency, Lincolnshire County Council and the Site Travel Plan Co-ordinator in order to best address the reasons for targets not being met.

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5.1 General

5.1.1 The following sections outline the specific physical and administrative measures that will be introduced within the Framework Travel Plan and reflected within subsequent Company Travel Plans as implementation of the listed measures, which include awareness initiatives and infrastructure provision, is at the core of the Framework Travel Plan proposals. The package of measures will include both incentives, to encourage travel by alternative means to the private car, and disincentives, to discourage wherever possible travel by private car.

5.1.2 The detailed package of measures will be implemented and will be revised as necessary following the results of the initial travel surveys. These will incorporate measures that will have an effect in the short, medium and longer terms. Measures which can be taken forward to first occupation or shortly afterwards are identified in the next sections.

5.2 Promotion and Awareness

5.2.1 For the Framework Travel Plan to be effective, awareness and ongoing promotion is essential. CEG Limited intends to promote the Framework Travel Plan to everyone accessing the site to encourage ownership of it and also to promote it to the local community to raise its awareness that the Empingham Road development is committed to minimising its negative impacts on the community. The Framework Travel Plan will be promoted in a variety of ways including: • Written media such as travel welcome packs, newsletters, leaflets and posters; • Electronic media like a dedicated development website and also by email; • Spoken media through the working party meetings; and • Other media such as special events i.e. Breakfast Clubs.

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5.2.2 It is essential that early awareness is achieved, as soon as possible before any residents or companies move on to the development. Prior to any occupation of the site, during the first construction phase, the STPC will organise the creation of a Travel Plan website either as a stand-alone, or as a key part of a general website for all matters appertaining to the development as a whole. The website will include up-to-date information on public transport, links to Lincolnshire County Council’s website and TransportDirect’s journey planner. Information on car sharing and a link to the site car share database will be accessed from this website and walking and cycling maps will be available to download.

5.2.3 At the same time as the website goes live, a Travel Welcome Pack or Empingham Road development community guide will be produced that will contain information about the Framework Travel Plan and any other services provided to support sustainable travel. It will provide copies of the walking and cycling maps showing the location and routes to local amenities, public transport information specific to the development, details of the car share scheme and all useful contact numbers and website addresses.

5.2.4 Information on the role of STPC will be included with the invitation for a meeting to discuss personal travel needs. A copy of the guide will be placed in every new property as well as being available as a download on the website. It is essential that the guide is available prior to any occupation so that it is provided to prospective occupiers of both the residential and commercial elements of the development.

5.2.5 In addition to the induction process for both prospective residents and employees along with provision of information to new residents and occupiers, the ongoing development of the Framework Travel Plan and measures will need to be continually promoted on an ongoing basis. Means of achieving this will include: • Regular updates to the website; • An up-to-date public information board and the formation of community travel forums where users can meet and give feedback to the STPC; • Community travel events such as cycle promotion days and launches

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of new services; • Establishment of a Bicycle User Group; and • Newsletter and leaflet drops.

5.3 Proposed Measures

5.3.1 The measures that will be considered for implementation when and where appropriate prior to the occupation of the site, or in the immediate period of occupation are given in the table below along with the timescales for their implementation. Table 5.1 Proposed Travel Plan Measures Action Timescale Measures to Reduce the Impact of the Car Introduction of a Car Park Management Strategy which will Before first occupation provide spaces for use by the car sharing scheme. Employers to investigate the viability of introducing pool Upon occupation cars/bicycles available for use of employees. Implementation of a car sharing scheme. This will be open Before first occupation to both residents and employees. An online database will be set up via the Empingham Road development website. For members who do not have access to the internet, the STPC will be available to organise appropriate shared journeys. STPC to establish whether the site can support setting up a During marketing and Car Club which could also be available to the wider on occupation community. Measures to Promote Walking, Cycling and Powered Two-Wheelers Provide safe, well lit routes both within and outside the site Before first occupation and adequate connection to the existing facilities. Carry out an audit of existing pedestrian routes to local Before first occupation facilities and provide improvements where necessary. Work in partnership with local cycle and motorcycle shops Before first occupation to negotiate a discount scheme on cycle, motorcycle, accessories and insurance purchases. Employers to register with the Government’s Cycle to Work Upon occupation initiative. STPC to establish whether there is a demand from Within six months of residents and employees for a Bicycle Users Group and, if occupation so, facilitate its formation. STPC to set up or expand walking buses for any new Upon occupation residents attending local primary schools. Ensure shower, changing and locker facilities are available Before first occupation for all employees. Ensure covered, secure bicycle parking is available in Before first occupation convenient locations to premises and that motorcycle parking is available with the facility to secure vehicles. Carry out an audit of existing cycle parking/storage facilities Before first occupation both within the Town Centre and at Stamford Railway Station and provide improved facilities where necessary

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STPC to organise the preparation of specific walking and Before first occupation cycling maps showing the location and routes to local and available for amenities. marketing purposes STPC to promote the walk sharing scheme at Before first occupation www.walkbudi.com. Measures to Promote Public Transport STPC to organise the preparation of information about Before first occupation routes, timetables and fares etc including any new public and available for transport improvements resulting from the development at marketing purposes. Empingham Road Promote online journey planning facilities such as Before first occupation www.transportdirect.info Employers to consider the provision of interest free loans Before first occupation for public transport season tickets Carry out an audit of existing bus stop facilities and carry Before first occupation out improvements where necessary Consider the provision of real time bus information (if Before first occupation existing fleet supports this facility) in any public areas. Investigate whether improvements can be made to the Before first occupation linkages between the development and Stamford Railway Station. Information Provision STPC to arrange the production of the travel welcome Before first occupation packs and/or Empingham Road development community and available for guide marketing purposes STPC to arrange creation of the Empingham Road Before first occupation development website and provide information regarding and available for suitable links to other websites marketing purposes STPC to offer personal travel planning to all residents and Upon occupation employees with suitable incentives offered as part of service Workplace Specific Measures (not identified above) Employers to allow employees access to the Empingham Throughout Road development website for the purposes of journey occupation planning and obtaining information on sustainable travel choices. Sustainable travel information to be made available in Throughout community areas and kept up-to-date. occupation STPC to investigate employee discount ticket schemes with Before first occupation local bus operators. Employers to provide business mileage for bicycle journeys Upon occupation and look at incentivising the use of this mode of travel by reducing business mileage rates for private car users. Measures to Reduce the Need to Travel Companies to, where feasible, combine deliveries into one Upon occupation load. Implement recruitment policies to favour potential Throughout employees living in the local area within easy walking and occupation cycling distances.

5.3.2 The initial measures listed in Table 5.1 show the significant efforts that will be made by CEG Limited to ensure travel to and from the Empingham Road

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development will be as sustainable as possible. Introducing wide reaching measures as well as possible changes to local bus services before and immediately prior to first occupation will have a significant impact on the level of traffic generated by the development.

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6.1 Interim Targets

6.1.1 Lincolnshire County Council’s own Travel Plan contains specific targets for the increase in use of more sustainable transport options including car sharing. Planning Policy Guidance 13 (DETR 2001) sets out that Travel Plans “should have measurable outputs which might relate to targets in the local transport plan”.

6.1.2 In order to determine the impacts of the Framework Travel Plan, challenging but realistic targets must be developed. Prior to any occupation of the development, the actual travel patterns of residents, employees and visitors can be estimated from available census data. Table 6.1 below uses a target of 15% reduction in car commuter trips to show interim mode split targets for the development. Table 6.1 Census 2001 Journey to Work Mode Share Data Mode Without Travel With Travel Plan Percentage Plan Change To From To From To From Train 1% 2% 2% 3% 1% 1% Bus 0% 2% 1% 3% 1% 1% Taxi 2% 0% 2% 0% 2% 0% Car Driver 76% 76% 61% 61% -15% -15% Car Passsenger 5% 7% 7% 9% 2% 3% Motorcycle 0% 2% 2% 4% 2% 2% Bicycle 5% 5% 10% 10% 5% 5% Foot 11% 6% 15% 10% 4% 4%

6.2 Specific Targets

6.2.1 As well as an overarching target relating to reducing single occupancy car use for trips to and from the site, a range of supporting targets have been developed for other modes of travel. Targets should be time-bound and reviewed during the monitoring stages of the Framework and Company Travel Plans.

6.2.2 Table 6.2 below shows example targets based on trip rates from the Transport Assessment and a 15% target reduction in single occupancy car trips. It could be a number of years before the development is complete and fully occupied so the table shows targets based on 50 occupied dwellings and 2,500 sq m

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gfa of occupied B1 employment space, set at this stage for the implemented Framework Travel Plan to aim towards. Clearly these example targets are based on overall mode share targets for the site and therefore can be calculated for any phase of development and adjusted year on year. Table 6.2 Example Mode Share Targets Mode Predicted opening trips Target trips within 6 months Residential Employment Residential Employment Per Per Per Per 50 dwellings 2500 sq m 50 dwellings 2500 sq m AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Car Driver 26 30 42 34 22 26 36 29 Car Pass/Taxi 3 3 3 2 4 5 6 5 Public Trans. 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 Walk 2 2 6 5 4 4 7 6 Cycle 2 2 3 6 2 2 5 4 Motorcycle 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Total 36 40 56 48 36 40 56 48

6.3 Monitoring

6.3.1 Monitoring the success of the Framework Travel Plan against its own targets will be a key role of the STPC. The overall role and duties of the STPC is outlined in Section 4.1 of this initial Framework Travel Plan and it is anticipated that over the first five years of the life of the Framework Travel Plan, the STPC will committed to providing 240 man days in relation to carrying out the allotted duties and any other duties found to be necessary. A review of the time allotted to the STPC will be carried out every six months to ensure that a consistent service is provided to all occupants of the development.

6.3.2 In order to ensure that the STPC can undertake his/her duties satisfactorily, basic office accommodation will be made available within the development for this purpose. This accommodation will be available prior to any on-site marketing of either the residential or employment elements of the development.

6.3.3 Six months after initial occupation or when occupancy has reached a level it is deemed appropriate, as agreed by the Steering Group, the STPC will undertake a travel survey of current residents, employees and visitors. This will enable the STPC and the Steering Group to develop targets and indicators

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to be measured and met by the next travel survey. The targets will be set together with the appropriate measures to support those targets. The travel survey will collect, as a minimum, the following information: • How residents and employees travel to and from the site and why they choose that mode / method of travel; • How residents and employees travel during the working day, whether it is for business or leisure and where they need to get to; • Where, for journey to work purposes, residents are travelling to and employees travelling from (postcodes); • What measures would be most effective in persuading drivers to switch to other modes; and • What measures would be the most popular amongst different types of respondents.

6.3.4 A response rate of at least 50% should be set to ensure as many people take part in the survey as possible. Incentives will be offered to encourage people to take part and, in order to obtain as large a sample as possible, completion of the travel survey will form part of the personal travel planning process. In addition to the travel surveys, multi-modal surveys will be undertaken at all points of access and egress into the site along with other data such as: • Take up of bicycle storage provided on site; • Number of hits of the Travel Plan website; • Number of people taking up the car sharing scheme; and • Bus occupancy surveys at appropriate bus stops.

6.3.5 The monitoring of the site will also include traffic counts to a specification that will be agreed in advance with the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council.

6.3.6 The results of the surveys in the form of a monitoring report will be provided to the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council within 1 month of the survey results being available. Travel surveys will be undertaken annually for the first five years after the first survey is conducted. After this period an interval for future surveys will be agreed with the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire County Council.

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6.4 Action Timetable

6.4.1 This sub-section of the Framework Travel Plan sets out the timescales for delivering the initiatives outlined so far as shown in the table below. The table also provides details of who is responsible for the initial stages of the Framework Travel Plan prior to Company Travel Plan Co-ordinators being in place and setting up Company Travel Plans under the umbrella of the Framework Travel Plan to be developed from this initial Framework Travel Plan. Where responsibility lies with the STPC, failure to carry out any of these activities is a failure by the Owner to discharge against its obligations Table 6.3 Timetable and Responsibilities for implementing the Framework Travel Plan Initiative Timescale Responsibility Appoint STPC 3 months prior to any Developer marketing and/or 6 months prior to any occupation Agree and implement Within two months of STPC initial Framework Travel appointment Plan Establish Travel Plan Prior to any marketing STPC Steering Group and occupation Implement Car Park Prior to any occupation STPC/Developer Management Plan Prepare initial Prior to any marketing STPC Residential Travel Plan and occupation Establish Travel Plan Prior to any occupation STPC website Create Community Prior to any occupation STPC Guide Set up car share Prior to any occupation STPC database Install showers, Prior to any occupation Developer/Occupiers changing facilities and lockers in workplaces Set up walking buses to Upon occupation of STPC local primary school residential element Set up personal travel Upon occupation STPC planning meetings with residents and employees Ensure all properties are Upon occupation STPC supplied with Community Guide Conduct first travel 50% occupancy or STPC/Company Travel Plan survey within 6 months of first Co-ordinators occupancy

Bryan G Hall consulting civil & transportation planning engineers 09-234-001.03 28 APPENDIX TP 1 Application Site APPENDIX TP 2 09-234 Walking Catchment Plan

0 km 2 4 6 Copyright © and (P) 1988–2006 Microsoft Corporation and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved. http://www.microsoft.com/autoroute/ Portions © 1990–2006 InstallShield Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Certain mapping and direction data © 2005 NAVTEQ. All rights reserved. NAVTEQ and NAVTEQ ON BOARD are trademarks of NAVTEQ. © Crown Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. License number 100025500. APPENDIX TP 3 EXISTING BUS SERVICES - STAMFORD

Service Operator Route Summary Frequency Summary Number BUSES B53 Brylaine Travel Wyberton - Spalding - Stamford Monday to Friday 1 service 201 Delaine Buses Peterborough - Helpston - Stamford Monday to Saturday every 60 minutes Monday to Friday every 60 minutes at peak 202 Delaine Buses Bourne - Essendine - Stamford periods and every 120 minutes during the day and on Saturdays Monday to Friday every 60 minutes at peak 203 Delaine Buses Stamford - Market Deeping - Bourne periods and every 120 minutes during the day 4 Kimes Coaches Grantham - Swayfield - Ryhall - Stamford Monday to Friday 5 services 9 Kimes Coaches Peterborough - Stamford - Oakham Monday to Saturday every 60 minutes 12 Kimes Coaches Uppingham - Edith Weston - Stamford Monday to Saturday every 120 minutes 33 Kimes Coaches Stamford - Lincoln Monday to Saturday 1 service 102 Langtoft Private Hire Stamford - Mouton Seas End Monday to Friday 1 service 180 Mark Bland Travel Stamford - Kings Cliffe - Oundle Monday to Friday 3 services 182 Mark Bland Travel Stamford - Oakham Monday to Friday 2 services Peterborugh City Monday to Friday 1 service and 2 services on 401 Peterborough - - Thornhaugh Services a Sunday Peterborugh City 404 Peterborugh - Wittering - Stamford Sunday 3 services Services 111 Stuarts Coaches Stamford - Monday to Friday 1 service 112 Stuarts Coaches Stamford - Melton Monday to Friday 1 service Stamford - Barnack - Wittering - Helpston - 4P TransLinc Monday to Saturday every 30 minutes Sutton - Peterborough Stamford - Ryhall - Stretton - Seaton - 4R TransLinc Monday to Saturday every 60 minutes Rutland (Stamford & Rutland Callconnect) Stamford - Tallington - Greatford - 4S TransLinc Monday to Saturday every 60 minutes Nassington - Fotheringhay COACHES Liverpool - Manchester - Sheffield - Serving Stamford Bus Station Monday to Coach 350 National Express Mansfield - Stamford - - Sunday 2 services Peterborough - Clacton on Sea London - Peterborough - Stamford - Serving Stamford Bus Station Monday to Coach 448 National Express Tattershall - Grimsby Sunday 1 service Brylaine Travel Bus Routes & Key: Frequencies

Site Boundary B53

400m isochrone from bus Monday to Friday 1 service per day. stops

Site area within 400m of a bus stop

Bus Stops

Bus Station Stuarts Coaches Bus Routes & Key: Frequencies

Site Boundary 111

400m isochrone from bus Monday to Friday 1 service per day. stops 112

Site area within 400m of a Monday to Friday 1 service per day. bus stop

Bus Stops

Bus Station Peterborugh City Services Bus Key: Routes & Frequencies

Site Boundary 401

400m isochrone from bus Monday to Friday 1 service per day and stops 2 services per day on Sundays. 404 Site area within 400m of a bus stop Sunday 3 services.

Bus Stops

Bus Station Mark Bland Travel Bus Routes & Key: Frequencies

Site Boundary 180

400m isochrone from bus Monday to Friday 3 services per day. stops 182

Site area within 400m of a Monday to Friday 2 services per day. bus stop

Bus Stops

Bus Station Langtoft Private Hire Bus Routes & Key: Frequencies

Site Boundary 102

400m isochrone from bus Monday to Friday 1 service per day. stops

Site area within 400m of a bus stop

Bus Stops

Bus Station Key: Kimes Coaches Bus Routes & Frequencies

Route 4 Site Boundary Monday to Friday 5 services per day 400m isochrone from bus stops Route 9

Site area within 400m of a Monday to Saturday every 60 minutes bus stop Route 12

Bus Stops Monday to Saturday every 120 minutes

Bus Station Route 33

Monday to Saturday 1 service per day Key: Delaine Bus Routes & Frequencies

Route 201 Site Boundary Monday to Saturday every 60 minutes 400m isochrone from bus stops Route 202

Site area within 400m of a Monday to Saturday every 60 minutes during peak bus stop periods and every 120 minutes during the daytime and on Sundays

Bus Stops Route 203

Bus Station Monday to Friday every 60 minutes during peak periods and every 120 minutes during the daytime Key: Translinc Travel Bus Routes 4P Site Boundary Monday to Saturday every 30 minutes. 400m isochrone from bus stops 4R Monday to Saturday every 60 minutes. Site area within 400m of a bus stop 4S

Bus Stops Monday to Saturday every 60 minutes

Bus Station Note: These services are call connect and only run when there is demand. APPENDIX TP 4 09-234 Cycling Catchment Plan

0 km 5 10 15 Copyright © and (P) 1988–2006 Microsoft Corporation and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved. http://www.microsoft.com/autoroute/ Portions © 1990–2006 InstallShield Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Certain mapping and direction data © 2005 NAVTEQ. All rights reserved. NAVTEQ and NAVTEQ ON BOARD are trademarks of NAVTEQ. © Crown Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. License number 100025500. APPENDIX TP 5 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 1 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801



Selected regions and areas: 02 SOUTH EAST BD BEDFORDSHIRE 2 days EX ESSEX 1 days HF HERTFORDSHIRE 1 days 03 SOUTH WEST CW CORNWALL 2 days DC DORSET 1 days GS GLOUCESTERSHIRE 1 days WL WILTSHIRE 1 days 04 EAST ANGLIA CA CAMBRIDGESHIRE 2 days SF SUFFOLK 3 days 05 EAST MIDLANDS DS DERBYSHIRE 1 days LE LEICESTERSHIRE 1 days LN LINCOLNSHIRE 2 days NT NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 1 days 06 WEST MIDLANDS SH SHROPSHIRE 3 days ST STAFFORDSHIRE 1 days WM WEST MIDLANDS 3 days WO WORCESTERSHIRE 4 days 07 YORKSHIRE & NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE NY NORTH YORKSHIRE 5 days 08 NORTH WEST CH CHESHIRE 5 days LC LANCASHIRE 2 days MS MERSEYSIDE 2 days 09 NORTH CB CUMBRIA 3 days TV TEES VALLEY 1 days TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 2 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

Filtering Stage 2 selection:

Parameter: Number of dwellings Range: 10 to 372 (units: )

Public Transport Provision: Selection by: Include all surveys

Date Range: 01/01/03 to 05/09/10

Selected survey days: Monday 7 days Tuesday 12 days Wednesday 5 days Thursday 12 days Friday 4 days Sunday 8 days

Selected survey types: Manual count 48 days Directional ATC Count 0 days

Selected Locations: Edge of Town Centre 3 Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) 20 Edge of Town 23 Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) 2

Selected Location Sub Categories: Residential Zone 38 Out of Town 1 No Sub Category 9 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 3 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters


LUTON Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 3 1 2 BD-03-A-02 SEMI DETACHED, LUTON BEDFORDSHIRE RIDDY LANE

LUTON Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 8 2 3 CA-03-A-02 MIXED HOUSES, PETERBOROUGH CAMBRIDGESHIRE THORPE ROAD

PETERBOROUGH Edge of Town Centre Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 3 6 3 4 CA-03-A-03 SEMI-DET., PETERBOROUGH CAMBRIDGESHIRE SUGAR WAY WOODSTON PETERBOROUGH Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 8 5 CB-03-A-02 SEMI DETACHED, WORKINGTON CUMBRIA HAWKSHEAD AVENUE

WORKINGTON Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 4 0 6 CB-03-A-03 SEMI DETACHED, WORKINGTON CUMBRIA HAWKSHEAD AVENUE

WORKINGTON Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 4 0 7 CB-03-A-04 SEMI DETACHED, WORKINGTON CUMBRIA MOORCLOSE ROAD SALTERBACK WORKINGTON Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 8 2 8 CH-03-A-02 HOUSES/FLATS, CREWE CHESHIRE SYDNEY ROAD

CREWE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 7 4 9 CH-03-A-03 SEMI-DETACHED, CREWE CHESHIRE SPRING GARDENS

CREWE Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 8 0 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 4 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)


CREWE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 5 11 CH-03-A-05 DETACHED, CREWE CHESHIRE SYDNEY ROAD SYDNEY CREWE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 7 12 CH-03-A-06 SEMI-DET./BUNGALOWS,CREWE CHESHIRE CREWE ROAD

CREWE Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 1 2 9 13 CW-03-A-01 TERRACED, PENZANCE CORNWALL ALVERTON ROAD

PENZANCE Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 3 14 CW-03-A-02 SEMI D./DETATCHED, TRURO CORNWALL BOSVEAN GARDENS

TRURO Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 7 3 15 DC-03-A-01 DETACHED, POOLE DORSET ISAACS CLOSE

POOLE Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 5 1 16 DS-03-A-01 SEMI D./TERRACED, DRONFIELD DERBYSHIRE THE AVENUE HOLMESDALE DRONFIELD Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 0 17 EX-03-A-01 SEMI-DET., STANFORD-LE-HOPE ESSEX MILTON ROAD CORRINGHAM STANFORD-LE-HOPE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 7 18 GS-03-A-01 SEMI D./TERRACED, GLOUCESTER GLOUCESTERSHIRE KINGSHOLM ROAD KINGSHOLM GLOUCESTER Edge of Town Centre No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 7 3 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 5 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)


BLACKPOOL Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 9 8 21 LC-03-A-29 DETACHED/SEMI D., BLACKBURN LANCASHIRE REVIDGE ROAD FOUR LANE ENDS BLACKBURN Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 8 5 22 LE-03-A-01 DETACHED, MELTON MOWBRAY LEICESTERSHIRE REDWOOD AVENUE

MELTON MOWBRAY Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 1 23 LN-03-A-01 MIXED HOUSES, LINCOLN LINCOLNSHIRE BRANT ROAD BRACEBRIDGE LINCOLN Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 5 0 24 LN-03-A-02 MIXED HOUSES, LINCOLN LINCOLNSHIRE HYKEHAM ROAD

LINCOLN Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 8 6 25 MS-03-A-01 TERRACED, RUNCORN MERSEYSIDE PALACE FIELDS AVENUE

RUNCORN Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 3 7 2 26 MS-03-A-02 DETACHED, LIVERPOOL MERSEYSIDE RIVERSIDE DRIVE AIGBURTH LIVERPOOL Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 3 1 27 NT-03-A-03 SEMI DETACHED,KIRKBY-IN-ASHFD NOTTINGHAMSHIRE B6018 SUTTON ROAD

KIRKBY-IN-ASHFIELD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 6 6 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 6 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)


NORTHALLERTON Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 5 2 29 NY-03-A-02 DETACHED, RIPON NORTH YORKSHIRE CLOTHERHOLME ROAD

RIPON Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 2 30 NY-03-A-03 PRIVATE HOUSING, BOROUGHBRIDGE NORTH YORKSHIRE NEW ROW

BOROUGHBRIDGE Edge of Town Centre Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 4 31 NY-03-A-04 PRIVATE HOUSING, BOROUGHBRIDGE NORTH YORKSHIRE


RIPON Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 7 1 33 SF-03-A-01 SEMI DETACHED, IPSWICH SUFFOLK A1156 FELIXSTOWE ROAD RACECOURSE IPSWICH Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 7 7 34 SF-03-A-02 SEMI DET./TERRACED, IPSWICH SUFFOLK STOKE PARK DRIVE MAIDENHALL IPSWICH Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 0 35 SF-03-A-03 MIXED HOUSES, BURY ST EDMDS SUFFOLK BARTON HILL FORNHAM ST MARTIN BURY ST EDMUNDS Edge of Town Out of Town Total Number of dwellings: 1 0 1 36 SH-03-A-02 DETATCHED, TELFORD SHROPSHIRE GATCOMBE WAY PRIORSLEE TELFORD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 5 7 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 7 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)


SHREWSBURY Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 1 0 8 39 ST-03-A-05 TERRACED/DETACHED, STOKE STAFFORDSHIRE WATERMEET GROVE ETRURIA STOKE-ON-TRENT Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 4 40 TV-03-A-01 MIXED HOUSES/FLATS, HARTLEPL TEES VALLEY POWLETT ROAD

HARTLEPOOL Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 2 2 5 41 WL-03-A-01 SEMI D./TERRACED W. BASSETT WILTSHIRE MAPLE DRIVE

WOOTTON BASSETT Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 9 9 42 WM-03-A-01 TERRACED, COVENTRY WEST MIDLANDS FOLESHILL ROAD FOLESHILL COVENTRY Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 7 9 43 WM-03-A-02 DETACHED/SEMI D., STRBRIDGE WEST MIDLANDS HEATH STREET

STOURBRIDGE Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 2 44 WM-03-A-03 MIXED HOUSING, COVENTRY WEST MIDLANDS BASELEY WAY ROWLEYS GREEN COVENTRY Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 8 4 45 WO-03-A-01 DETACHED, BROMSGROVE WORCESTERSHIRE MARLBOROUGH AVENUE ASTON FIELDS BROMSGROVE Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 0 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 8 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)


REDDITCH Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 4 8 47 WO-03-A-03 DETACHED, KIDDERMINSTER WORCESTERSHIRE BLAKEBROOK BLAKEBROOK KIDDERMINSTER Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 3 8 48 WO-03-A-06 DET./TERRACED, BROMSGROVE WORCESTERSHIRE ST GODWALDS ROAD ASTON FIELDS BROMSGROVE Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 2 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 9 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

TRIP RATE for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/A - HOUSES PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES Calculation factor: 1 DWELLS BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00 - 01:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 01:00 - 02:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 02:00 - 03:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 03:00 - 04:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 04:00 - 05:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 05:00 - 06:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 06:00 - 07:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 07:00 - 08:00 48 99 0.071 48 99 0.245 48 99 0.316 08:00 - 09:00 48 99 0.148 48 99 0.370 48 99 0.518 09:00 - 10:00 48 99 0.164 48 99 0.210 48 99 0.374 10:00 - 11:00 48 99 0.155 48 99 0.197 48 99 0.352 11:00 - 12:00 48 99 0.190 48 99 0.191 48 99 0.381 12:00 - 13:00 48 99 0.210 48 99 0.186 48 99 0.396 13:00 - 14:00 48 99 0.188 48 99 0.179 48 99 0.367 14:00 - 15:00 48 99 0.199 48 99 0.197 48 99 0.396 15:00 - 16:00 48 99 0.279 48 99 0.212 48 99 0.491 16:00 - 17:00 48 99 0.310 48 99 0.198 48 99 0.508 17:00 - 18:00 48 99 0.364 48 99 0.228 48 99 0.592 18:00 - 19:00 48 99 0.271 48 99 0.218 48 99 0.489 19:00 - 20:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 20:00 - 21:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 21:00 - 22:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 22:00 - 23:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 23:00 - 24:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 Total Rates: 2.549 2.631 5.180

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 10 - 372 (units: ) Survey date date range: 01/01/03 - 05/09/10 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 40 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 8 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 1 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

RANK ORDER for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/A - HOUSES PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES Ranking Type: TOTALS Time Range: 08:00-09:00 15th Percentile = No. 41 (**) 85th Percentile = No. 8 (**)

Median Values Arrivals: 0.138 Departures: 0.377 Totals: 0.515

Trip Rate (Sorted by Totals) Travel Rank Site-Ref Description Area DWELLS Day Date Arrivals Departures Totals Plan 1 WO-03-A-01 DETACHED, BROMSGROVE WORCESTERSHIRE 10 Thu 23/06/05 0.500 0.600 1.100 2 BD-03-A-02 SEMI DETACHED, LUTON BEDFORDSHIRE 82 Tue 06/07/04 0.317 0.537 0.854 3 CH-03-A-05 DETACHED, CREWE CHESHIRE 17 Tue 14/10/08 0.235 0.588 0.823 4 WO-03-A-03 DETACHED, KIDDERMINSTER WORCESTERSHIRE 138 Fri 05/05/06 0.203 0.543 0.746 5 SH-03-A-04 TERRACED, SHREWSBURY SHROPSHIRE 108 Thu 11/06/09 0.287 0.454 0.741 6 SF-03-A-02 SEMI DET./TERRACED, IPSW SUFFOLK 230 Thu 24/05/07 0.243 0.491 0.734 7 WM-03-A-03 MIXED HOUSING, COVENTRY WEST MIDLANDS 84 Mon 24/09/07 0.321 0.405 0.726 8 ** SH-03-A-03 DETATCHED, SHREWSBURY SHROPSHIRE 10 Fri 26/06/09 0.200 0.500 0.700 9 EX-03-A-01 SEMI-DET., STANFORD-LE-H ESSEX 237 Tue 13/05/08 0.177 0.523 0.700 10 CB-03-A-03 SEMI DETACHED, WORKINGTO CUMBRIA 40 Thu 20/11/08 0.225 0.450 0.675 11 SF-03-A-03 MIXED HOUSES, BURY ST ED SUFFOLK 101 Mon 15/05/06 0.109 0.554 0.663 12 LC-03-A-29 DETACHED/SEMI D., BLACKB LANCASHIRE 185 Thu 10/06/04 0.130 0.524 0.654 13 ST-03-A-05 TERRACED/DETACHED, STOKE STAFFORDSHIRE 14 Wed 26/11/08 0.143 0.500 0.643 14 LN-03-A-01 MIXED HOUSES, LINCOLN LINCOLNSHIRE 150 Tue 15/05/07 0.187 0.440 0.627 15 CW-03-A-01 TERRACED, PENZANCE CORNWALL 13 Thu 30/06/05 0.385 0.231 0.616 16 LN-03-A-02 MIXED HOUSES, LINCOLN LINCOLNSHIRE 186 Mon 14/05/07 0.183 0.425 0.608 17 TV-03-A-01 MIXED HOUSES/FLATS, HART TEES VALLEY 225 Thu 14/04/05 0.138 0.458 0.596 18 NY-03-A-05 HOUSES AND FLATS, RIPON NORTH YORKSHIRE 71 Mon 22/09/08 0.113 0.465 0.578 19 WM-03-A-01 TERRACED, COVENTRY WEST MIDLANDS 79 Fri 03/02/06 0.152 0.418 0.570 20 BD-03-A-01 SEMI DETACHED, LUTON BEDFORDSHIRE 131 Thu 08/07/04 0.145 0.420 0.565 21 CB-03-A-04 SEMI DETACHED, WORKINGTO CUMBRIA 82 Fri 24/04/09 0.183 0.366 0.549 22 WO-03-A-06 DET./TERRACED, BROMSGROV WORCESTERSHIRE 232 Thu 30/06/05 0.099 0.448 0.547 23 CA-03-A-02 MIXED HOUSES, PETERBOROU CAMBRIDGESHIRE 363 Thu 13/05/04 0.201 0.339 0.540 24 SF-03-A-01 SEMI DETACHED, IPSWICH SUFFOLK 77 Wed 23/05/07 0.104 0.416 0.520 25 LC-03-A-22 BUNGALOWS, BLACKPOOL LANCASHIRE 98 Tue 18/10/05 0.173 0.337 0.510 26 CB-03-A-02 SEMI DETACHED, WORKINGTO CUMBRIA 40 Mon 20/06/05 0.075 0.425 0.500 27 CH-03-A-02 HOUSES/FLATS, CREWE CHESHIRE 174 Tue 14/10/08 0.103 0.374 0.477 28 DC-03-A-01 DETACHED, POOLE DORSET 51 Wed 16/07/08 0.098 0.373 0.471 29 LE-03-A-01 DETACHED, MELTON MOWBRAY LEICESTERSHIRE 11 Tue 03/05/05 0.091 0.364 0.455 30 WO-03-A-02 SEMI DETACHED, REDDITCH WORCESTERSHIRE 48 Tue 02/05/06 0.104 0.333 0.437 31 CW-03-A-02 SEMI D./DETATCHED, TRURO CORNWALL 73 Tue 18/09/07 0.096 0.329 0.425 32 NT-03-A-03 SEMI DETACHED,KIRKBY-IN- NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 166 Wed 28/06/06 0.108 0.313 0.421 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 2 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

Trip Rate (Sorted by Totals) Travel Rank Site-Ref Description Area DWELLS Day Date Arrivals Departures Totals Plan 33 WL-03-A-01 SEMI D./TERRACED W. BASS WILTSHIRE 99 Mon 02/10/06 0.071 0.333 0.404 34 CH-03-A-06 SEMI-DET./BUNGALOWS,CREW CHESHIRE 129 Tue 14/10/08 0.163 0.240 0.403 35 GS-03-A-01 SEMI D./TERRACED, GLOUCE GLOUCESTERSHIRE 73 Tue 25/05/04 0.123 0.260 0.383 36 MS-03-A-01 TERRACED, RUNCORN MERSEYSIDE 372 Thu 06/10/05 0.091 0.269 0.360 37 NY-03-A-04 PRIVATE HOUSING, BOROUGH NORTH YORKSHIRE 23 Sun 14/09/08 0.130 0.217 0.347 38 NY-03-A-01 MIXED HOUSES,NORTHALLERT NORTH YORKSHIRE 52 Tue 25/09/07 0.173 0.173 0.346 39 WM-03-A-02 DETACHED/SEMI D., STRBRI WEST MIDLANDS 12 Wed 26/04/06 0.083 0.250 0.333 40 DS-03-A-01 SEMI D./TERRACED, DRONFI DERBYSHIRE 20 Thu 22/06/06 0.200 0.100 0.300 41 ** NY-03-A-03 PRIVATE HOUSING, BOROUGH NORTH YORKSHIRE 14 Mon 15/09/08 0.143 0.143 0.286 42 NY-03-A-02 DETACHED, RIPON NORTH YORKSHIRE 22 Sun 21/09/08 0.045 0.182 0.227 43 SH-03-A-02 DETATCHED, TELFORD SHROPSHIRE 57 Sun 21/06/09 0.035 0.140 0.175 44 CA-03-A-03 SEMI-DET., PETERBOROUGH CAMBRIDGESHIRE 28 Sun 11/05/08 0.107 0.036 0.143 45 MS-03-A-02 DETACHED, LIVERPOOL MERSEYSIDE 31 Sun 05/09/10 0.032 0.097 0.129 46 CH-03-A-03 SEMI-DETACHED, CREWE CHESHIRE 80 Sun 19/10/08 0.037 0.063 0.099 47 CH-03-A-04 DETACHED/SEMI-DET., CREW CHESHIRE 25 Sun 19/10/08 0.040 0.040 0.080 48 HF-03-A-02 HOUSES, WELWYN GDN. CITY HERTFORDSHIRE 195 Sun 20/07/08 0.041 0.036 0.077 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 1 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

RANK ORDER for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/A - HOUSES PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES Ranking Type: TOTALS Time Range: 17:00-18:00 15th Percentile = No. 41 (**) 85th Percentile = No. 8 (**)

Median Values Arrivals: 0.366 Departures: 0.186 Totals: 0.553

Trip Rate (Sorted by Totals) Travel Rank Site-Ref Description Area DWELLS Day Date Arrivals Departures Totals Plan 1 SH-03-A-03 DETATCHED, SHREWSBURY SHROPSHIRE 10 Fri 26/06/09 0.700 0.600 1.300 2 WO-03-A-01 DETACHED, BROMSGROVE WORCESTERSHIRE 10 Thu 23/06/05 0.500 0.600 1.100 3 CB-03-A-02 SEMI DETACHED, WORKINGTO CUMBRIA 40 Mon 20/06/05 0.525 0.400 0.925 4 LC-03-A-29 DETACHED/SEMI D., BLACKB LANCASHIRE 185 Thu 10/06/04 0.551 0.346 0.897 5 WO-03-A-03 DETACHED, KIDDERMINSTER WORCESTERSHIRE 138 Fri 05/05/06 0.558 0.319 0.877 6 LN-03-A-02 MIXED HOUSES, LINCOLN LINCOLNSHIRE 186 Mon 14/05/07 0.495 0.355 0.850 7 DC-03-A-01 DETACHED, POOLE DORSET 51 Wed 16/07/08 0.510 0.333 0.843 8 ** WM-03-A-03 MIXED HOUSING, COVENTRY WEST MIDLANDS 84 Mon 24/09/07 0.405 0.369 0.774 9 CH-03-A-05 DETACHED, CREWE CHESHIRE 17 Tue 14/10/08 0.353 0.412 0.765 10 SH-03-A-04 TERRACED, SHREWSBURY SHROPSHIRE 108 Thu 11/06/09 0.463 0.296 0.759 11 SF-03-A-03 MIXED HOUSES, BURY ST ED SUFFOLK 101 Mon 15/05/06 0.525 0.228 0.753 12 SF-03-A-02 SEMI DET./TERRACED, IPSW SUFFOLK 230 Thu 24/05/07 0.478 0.248 0.726 13 CB-03-A-03 SEMI DETACHED, WORKINGTO CUMBRIA 40 Thu 20/11/08 0.475 0.250 0.725 14 EX-03-A-01 SEMI-DET., STANFORD-LE-H ESSEX 237 Tue 13/05/08 0.439 0.274 0.713 15 NT-03-A-03 SEMI DETACHED,KIRKBY-IN- NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 166 Wed 28/06/06 0.398 0.307 0.705 16 WO-03-A-02 SEMI DETACHED, REDDITCH WORCESTERSHIRE 48 Tue 02/05/06 0.458 0.229 0.687 17 CW-03-A-02 SEMI D./DETATCHED, TRURO CORNWALL 73 Tue 18/09/07 0.425 0.219 0.644 18 LN-03-A-01 MIXED HOUSES, LINCOLN LINCOLNSHIRE 150 Tue 15/05/07 0.413 0.213 0.626 19 TV-03-A-01 MIXED HOUSES/FLATS, HART TEES VALLEY 225 Thu 14/04/05 0.409 0.209 0.618 20 NY-03-A-05 HOUSES AND FLATS, RIPON NORTH YORKSHIRE 71 Mon 22/09/08 0.437 0.169 0.606 21 WO-03-A-06 DET./TERRACED, BROMSGROV WORCESTERSHIRE 232 Thu 30/06/05 0.414 0.185 0.599 22 MS-03-A-02 DETACHED, LIVERPOOL MERSEYSIDE 31 Sun 05/09/10 0.323 0.258 0.581 23 CB-03-A-04 SEMI DETACHED, WORKINGTO CUMBRIA 82 Fri 24/04/09 0.354 0.207 0.561 24 CH-03-A-02 HOUSES/FLATS, CREWE CHESHIRE 174 Tue 14/10/08 0.322 0.236 0.558 25 GS-03-A-01 SEMI D./TERRACED, GLOUCE GLOUCESTERSHIRE 73 Tue 25/05/04 0.411 0.137 0.548 26 WM-03-A-01 TERRACED, COVENTRY WEST MIDLANDS 79 Fri 03/02/06 0.342 0.203 0.545 27 BD-03-A-01 SEMI DETACHED, LUTON BEDFORDSHIRE 131 Thu 08/07/04 0.351 0.183 0.534 28 LC-03-A-22 BUNGALOWS, BLACKPOOL LANCASHIRE 98 Tue 18/10/05 0.347 0.173 0.520 29 MS-03-A-01 TERRACED, RUNCORN MERSEYSIDE 372 Thu 06/10/05 0.325 0.194 0.519 30 WL-03-A-01 SEMI D./TERRACED W. BASS WILTSHIRE 99 Mon 02/10/06 0.374 0.141 0.515 31 ST-03-A-05 TERRACED/DETACHED, STOKE STAFFORDSHIRE 14 Wed 26/11/08 0.286 0.214 0.500 32 BD-03-A-02 SEMI DETACHED, LUTON BEDFORDSHIRE 82 Tue 06/07/04 0.232 0.268 0.500 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 2 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

Trip Rate (Sorted by Totals) Travel Rank Site-Ref Description Area DWELLS Day Date Arrivals Departures Totals Plan 33 CW-03-A-01 TERRACED, PENZANCE CORNWALL 13 Thu 30/06/05 0.308 0.154 0.462 34 LE-03-A-01 DETACHED, MELTON MOWBRAY LEICESTERSHIRE 11 Tue 03/05/05 0.273 0.182 0.455 35 SF-03-A-01 SEMI DETACHED, IPSWICH SUFFOLK 77 Wed 23/05/07 0.247 0.169 0.416 36 WM-03-A-02 DETACHED/SEMI D., STRBRI WEST MIDLANDS 12 Wed 26/04/06 0.083 0.333 0.416 37 CA-03-A-02 MIXED HOUSES, PETERBOROU CAMBRIDGESHIRE 363 Thu 13/05/04 0.220 0.190 0.410 38 NY-03-A-01 MIXED HOUSES,NORTHALLERT NORTH YORKSHIRE 52 Tue 25/09/07 0.154 0.231 0.385 39 HF-03-A-02 HOUSES, WELWYN GDN. CITY HERTFORDSHIRE 195 Sun 20/07/08 0.210 0.169 0.379 40 NY-03-A-02 DETACHED, RIPON NORTH YORKSHIRE 22 Sun 21/09/08 0.227 0.136 0.363 41 ** CA-03-A-03 SEMI-DET., PETERBOROUGH CAMBRIDGESHIRE 28 Sun 11/05/08 0.250 0.107 0.357 42 NY-03-A-03 PRIVATE HOUSING, BOROUGH NORTH YORKSHIRE 14 Mon 15/09/08 0.214 0.143 0.357 43 CH-03-A-03 SEMI-DETACHED, CREWE CHESHIRE 80 Sun 19/10/08 0.163 0.163 0.326 44 NY-03-A-04 PRIVATE HOUSING, BOROUGH NORTH YORKSHIRE 23 Sun 14/09/08 0.130 0.174 0.304 45 CH-03-A-06 SEMI-DET./BUNGALOWS,CREW CHESHIRE 129 Tue 14/10/08 0.132 0.140 0.272 46 DS-03-A-01 SEMI D./TERRACED, DRONFI DERBYSHIRE 20 Thu 22/06/06 0.100 0.150 0.250 47 CH-03-A-04 DETACHED/SEMI-DET., CREW CHESHIRE 25 Sun 19/10/08 0.160 0.080 0.240 48 SH-03-A-02 DETATCHED, TELFORD SHROPSHIRE 57 Sun 21/06/09 0.070 0.053 0.123 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 1 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801



Selected regions and areas: 02 SOUTH EAST BU BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 1 days HC HAMPSHIRE 1 days HF HERTFORDSHIRE 1 days OX OXFORDSHIRE 1 days 03 SOUTH WEST DC DORSET 1 days WL WILTSHIRE 1 days 04 EAST ANGLIA NF NORFOLK 1 days SF SUFFOLK 1 days 05 EAST MIDLANDS LN LINCOLNSHIRE 1 days NT NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 1 days 06 WEST MIDLANDS HE HEREFORDSHIRE 1 days SH SHROPSHIRE 3 days WM WEST MIDLANDS 1 days WO WORCESTERSHIRE 1 days 07 YORKSHIRE & NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE NO NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE 1 days 08 NORTH WEST GM GREATER MANCHESTER 1 days 09 NORTH TW TYNE & WEAR 3 days TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 2 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

Filtering Stage 2 selection:

Parameter: Gross floor area Range: 1300 to 121275 (units: sqm)

Public Transport Provision: Selection by: Include all surveys

Date Range: 01/01/03 to 22/10/10

Selected survey days: Monday 3 days Tuesday 5 days Wednesday 1 days Thursday 8 days Friday 4 days

Selected survey types: Manual count 21 days Directional ATC Count 0 days

Selected Locations: Edge of Town Centre 1 Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) 5 Edge of Town 14 Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) 1

Selected Location Sub Categories: Industrial Zone 7 Commercial Zone 5 Residential Zone 2 Retail Zone 1 Built-Up Zone 1 Village 1 No Sub Category 4 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 3 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters


HIGH WYCOMBE Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Gross floor area: 1 3 3 0 0 sqm 2 DC-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, POOLE DORSET COMMERCIAL ROAD

POOLE Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Built-Up Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 5 7 0 sqm 3 GM-02-B-03 BUSINESS PARK, SALE GREATER MANCHESTER CROSS STREET

SALE Edge of Town Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 3 9 8 5 sqm 4 HC-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, BASINGSTOKE HAMPSHIRE CROCKFORD LANE CHINEHAM BUSINESS PARK BASINGSTOKE Edge of Town Commercial Zone Total Gross floor area: 121275 sqm 5 HE-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, NR HEREFORD HEREFORDSHIRE A4103 WITHINGTON NEAR HEREFORD Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Village Total Gross floor area: 1 8 8 0 8 sqm 6 HF-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, HATFIELD HERTFORDSHIRE ST ALBANS ROAD WEST

HATFIELD Edge of Town Commercial Zone Total Gross floor area: 2 6 0 0 0 sqm 7 LN-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, LINCOLN LINCOLNSHIRE BISHOPS ROAD

LINCOLN Edge of Town Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 4 4 6 0 sqm 8 NF-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK, NORFOLK WHITING ROAD LONG JOHN'S HILL NORWICH Edge of Town Retail Zone Total Gross floor area: 7 4 0 0 sqm 9 NO-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK, SCUNTHORPE NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE DONCASTER ROAD

SCUNTHORPE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 5 7 4 sqm TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 4 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)


NOTTINGHAM Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) No Sub Category Total Gross floor area: 2 3 2 1 sqm 11 OX-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, OXFORD OXFORDSHIRE GARSINGTON ROAD COWLEY OXFORD Edge of Town Commercial Zone Total Gross floor area: 3 3 1 0 5 sqm 12 SF-02-B-01 BUSINESS PK, BURY ST EDMUNDS SUFFOLK KEMPSON WAY

BURY ST EDMUNDS Edge of Town Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 2 4 8 0 sqm 13 SH-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, SHREWSBURY SHROPSHIRE WELSHPOOL ROAD

SHREWSBURY Edge of Town Commercial Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 7 1 9 7 sqm 14 SH-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK, TELFORD SHROPSHIRE STAFFORD COURT

TELFORD Edge of Town Centre Commercial Zone Total Gross floor area: 9 5 0 0 sqm 15 SH-02-B-03 BUSINESS CENTRE, TELFORD SHROPSHIRE CASTLE STREET HADLEY TELFORD Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) No Sub Category Total Gross floor area: 1 3 0 0 sqm 16 TW-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK,NORTH SHIELDS TYNE & WEAR HIGH FLATWORTH

NORTH SHIELDS Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 2 7 1 4 2 sqm 17 TW-02-B-03 BUSINESS PARK, SUNDERLAND TYNE & WEAR CITY WAY EAST HERRINGTON SUNDERLAND Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Gross floor area: 7 7 5 1 3 sqm 18 TW-02-B-04 BUSINESS PARK, NEWCASTLE TYNE & WEAR KINGFISHER BOULEVARD LEMINGTON NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE Edge of Town Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 3 8 8 5 3 sqm TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 5 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)

19 WL-02-B-01 BUSINESS PK,WOOTTON BASSETT WILTSHIRE HIGH STREET COPED HALL WOOTTON BASSETT Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Gross floor area: 2 6 0 0 sqm 20 WM-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, COVENTRY WEST MIDLANDS COURTALD WAY FOLESHILL COVENTRY Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 3 0 0 4 2 sqm 21 WO-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, REDDITCH WORCESTERSHIRE BURNT MEADOW ROAD MOORS MOAT NTH IND. EST REDDITCH Edge of Town Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 3 5 2 5 sqm TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 6 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/B - BUSINESS PARK VEHICLES Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 00:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 00:30 - 01:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 01:00 - 01:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 01:30 - 02:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 02:00 - 02:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 02:30 - 03:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 03:00 - 03:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 03:30 - 04:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 04:00 - 04:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 04:30 - 05:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 05:00 - 05:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 05:30 - 06:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 06:00 - 06:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 06:30 - 07:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 07:00 - 07:30 21 21140 0.150 21 21140 0.042 21 21140 0.192 07:30 - 08:00 21 21140 0.402 21 21140 0.080 21 21140 0.482 08:00 - 08:30 21 21140 0.615 21 21140 0.125 21 21140 0.740 08:30 - 09:00 21 21140 0.811 21 21140 0.144 21 21140 0.955 09:00 - 09:30 21 21140 0.470 21 21140 0.118 21 21140 0.588 09:30 - 10:00 21 21140 0.267 21 21140 0.115 21 21140 0.382 10:00 - 10:30 21 21140 0.151 21 21140 0.108 21 21140 0.259 10:30 - 11:00 21 21140 0.118 21 21140 0.109 21 21140 0.227 11:00 - 11:30 21 21140 0.121 21 21140 0.118 21 21140 0.239 11:30 - 12:00 21 21140 0.141 21 21140 0.131 21 21140 0.272 12:00 - 12:30 21 21140 0.149 21 21140 0.280 21 21140 0.429 12:30 - 13:00 21 21140 0.210 21 21140 0.222 21 21140 0.432 13:00 - 13:30 21 21140 0.238 21 21140 0.274 21 21140 0.512 13:30 - 14:00 21 21140 0.252 21 21140 0.171 21 21140 0.423 14:00 - 14:30 21 21140 0.131 21 21140 0.153 21 21140 0.284 14:30 - 15:00 21 21140 0.132 21 21140 0.162 21 21140 0.294 15:00 - 15:30 21 21140 0.120 21 21140 0.187 21 21140 0.307 15:30 - 16:00 21 21140 0.123 21 21140 0.217 21 21140 0.340 16:00 - 16:30 21 21140 0.104 21 21140 0.339 21 21140 0.443 16:30 - 17:00 21 21140 0.137 21 21140 0.447 21 21140 0.584 17:00 - 17:30 21 21140 0.105 21 21140 0.655 21 21140 0.760 17:30 - 18:00 21 21140 0.084 21 21140 0.495 21 21140 0.579 18:00 - 18:30 21 21140 0.061 21 21140 0.286 21 21140 0.347 18:30 - 19:00 21 21140 0.046 21 21140 0.135 21 21140 0.181 19:00 - 19:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 19:30 - 20:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 20:00 - 20:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 20:30 - 21:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 21:00 - 21:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 21:30 - 22:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 22:00 - 22:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 22:30 - 23:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 23:00 - 23:30 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 23:30 - 24:00 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 Total Rates: 5.138 5.113 1 0.251 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 7 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 1300 - 121275 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/03 - 22/10/10 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 21 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 1 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

RANK ORDER for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/B - BUSINESS PARK VEHICLES Ranking Type: TOTALS Time Range: 08:00-09:00 15th Percentile = No. 18 (**) 85th Percentile = No. 4 (**)

Median Values Arrivals: 1.390 Departures: 0.397 Totals: 1.787

Trip Rate (Sorted by Totals) Travel Rank Site-Ref Description Area GFA Day Date Arrivals Departures Totals Plan 1 NO-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK, SCUNTHORP NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE 1574 Thu 22/09/05 3.494 0.254 3.748 2 WL-02-B-01 BUSINESS PK,WOOTTON BASS WILTSHIRE 2600 Mon 02/10/06 2.423 0.385 2.808 3 SH-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, SHREWSBUR SHROPSHIRE 17197 Tue 14/06/05 2.058 0.570 2.628 4 ** NF-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK, NORWICH NORFOLK 7400 Thu 17/05/07 2.162 0.243 2.405 5 SF-02-B-01 BUSINESS PK, BURY ST EDM SUFFOLK 2480 Wed 10/05/06 2.218 0.161 2.379 6 OX-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, OXFORD OXFORDSHIRE 33105 Tue 21/10/03 2.099 0.205 2.304 7 NT-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, NOTTINGHA NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 2321 Thu 17/05/07 1.810 0.474 2.284 8 SH-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK, TELFORD SHROPSHIRE 9500 Mon 22/06/09 1.958 0.242 2.200 9 TW-02-B-03 BUSINESS PARK, SUNDERLAN TYNE & WEAR 77513 Thu 09/10/08 1.773 0.267 2.040 Yes 10 LN-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, LINCOLN LINCOLNSHIRE 4460 Tue 17/05/05 1.457 0.583 2.040 11 WO-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, REDDITCH WORCESTERSHIRE 3525 Tue 02/05/06 1.390 0.397 1.787 12 BU-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, HIGH WYCO BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 13300 Thu 08/07/04 1.571 0.180 1.751 13 HC-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, BASINGSTO HAMPSHIRE 121275 Thu 22/11/07 1.375 0.366 1.741 Yes 14 DC-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, POOLE DORSET 1570 Thu 17/07/08 1.529 0.127 1.656 15 HF-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, HATFIELD HERTFORDSHIRE 26000 Mon 07/07/08 1.485 0.119 1.604 16 TW-02-B-04 BUSINESS PARK, NEWCASTLE TYNE & WEAR 38853 Thu 11/12/08 1.264 0.245 1.509 17 GM-02-B-03 BUSINESS PARK, SALE GREATER MANCHESTER 3985 Fri 28/05/04 1.330 0.050 1.380 18 ** WM-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, COVENTRY WEST MIDLANDS 30042 Fri 10/02/06 0.809 0.273 1.082 19 SH-02-B-03 BUSINESS CENTRE, TELFORD SHROPSHIRE 1300 Tue 16/06/09 0.846 0.077 0.923 20 TW-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK,NORTH SHIE TYNE & WEAR 27142 Fri 10/10/08 0.501 0.103 0.604 21 HE-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, NR HEREFO HEREFORDSHIRE 18808 Fri 22/10/10 0.069 0.021 0.090 TRICS 2011(b)v6.8.2 270911 B14.59 (C) 2011 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Thursday 24/11/11 Page 1 OFF-LINE VERSION Bryan G Hall josephs well leeds Licence No: 604801

RANK ORDER for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/B - BUSINESS PARK VEHICLES Ranking Type: TOTALS Time Range: 17:00-18:00 15th Percentile = No. 18 (**) 85th Percentile = No. 4 (**)

Median Values Arrivals: 0.165 Departures: 1.338 Totals: 1.503

Trip Rate (Sorted by Totals) Travel Rank Site-Ref Description Area GFA Day Date Arrivals Departures Totals Plan 1 SH-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, SHREWSBUR SHROPSHIRE 17197 Tue 14/06/05 0.611 2.128 2.739 2 NF-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK, NORWICH NORFOLK 7400 Thu 17/05/07 0.311 1.932 2.243 3 WL-02-B-01 BUSINESS PK,WOOTTON BASS WILTSHIRE 2600 Mon 02/10/06 0.154 2.000 2.154 4 ** NO-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK, SCUNTHORP NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE 1574 Thu 22/09/05 0.191 1.842 2.033 5 NT-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, NOTTINGHA NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 2321 Thu 17/05/07 0.259 1.594 1.853 6 DC-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, POOLE DORSET 1570 Thu 17/07/08 0.510 1.338 1.848 7 BU-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, HIGH WYCO BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 13300 Thu 08/07/04 0.203 1.632 1.835 8 TW-02-B-03 BUSINESS PARK, SUNDERLAN TYNE & WEAR 77513 Thu 09/10/08 0.228 1.560 1.788 Yes 9 OX-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, OXFORD OXFORDSHIRE 33105 Tue 21/10/03 0.187 1.492 1.679 10 SH-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK, TELFORD SHROPSHIRE 9500 Mon 22/06/09 0.105 1.411 1.516 11 HF-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, HATFIELD HERTFORDSHIRE 26000 Mon 07/07/08 0.165 1.338 1.503 12 SF-02-B-01 BUSINESS PK, BURY ST EDM SUFFOLK 2480 Wed 10/05/06 0.161 1.331 1.492 13 GM-02-B-03 BUSINESS PARK, SALE GREATER MANCHESTER 3985 Fri 28/05/04 0.226 1.230 1.456 14 WO-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, REDDITCH WORCESTERSHIRE 3525 Tue 02/05/06 0.085 1.333 1.418 15 HC-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, BASINGSTO HAMPSHIRE 121275 Thu 22/11/07 0.211 1.018 1.229 Yes 16 LN-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, LINCOLN LINCOLNSHIRE 4460 Tue 17/05/05 0.179 0.919 1.098 17 TW-02-B-04 BUSINESS PARK, NEWCASTLE TYNE & WEAR 38853 Thu 11/12/08 0.139 0.947 1.086 18 ** SH-02-B-03 BUSINESS CENTRE, TELFORD SHROPSHIRE 1300 Tue 16/06/09 0.154 0.692 0.846 19 WM-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, COVENTRY WEST MIDLANDS 30042 Fri 10/02/06 0.063 0.609 0.672 20 TW-02-B-02 BUSINESS PARK,NORTH SHIE TYNE & WEAR 27142 Fri 10/10/08 0.048 0.309 0.357 21 HE-02-B-01 BUSINESS PARK, NR HEREFO HEREFORDSHIRE 18808 Fri 22/10/10 0.016 0.027 0.043