Town Hall, St. Mary’s Hill, Stamford, PE9 2DR

17 April 2019

Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Town Council at the Town Hall to be held on Tuesday 30 April 2019 at 7 p.m. for the purpose of considering and passing such resolutions as may be necessary with respect of each item on the agenda attached.

Yours sincerely,

Town Clerk

Please note that this meeting will be preceded by a reception at 6.00pm to thank all the volunteers who have supported the Town Council throughout their term of office and in addition to wish Mrs Susan Brooks all the very best on her retirement as Matron from Stamford Hospital.

Stamford Town Council

Town Hall, St. Mary’s Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2DR


Members of the Public and Press are welcome to attend. Before the formal meeting commences there is an Open Forum to receive questions from members of the public. As part of this process members of the public can speak for no more than 3 minutes to address the Town Council.


1. Apologies and reasons for absence

2. Declarations of Interests: Members are reminded to declare any interests which may arise on matters for discussion at the meeting

3. To confirm the notes of the Town Council meeting held on 26 March 2019

4. Reports on Outside Bodies/Organisations a. Lincolnshire County Councillors b. District Councillors c. Town Councillors on Outside Bodies d. Stamford Ward Councillors e. Town Councillors on Outside Bodies

5. To consider the un-contested 2019 Election Results and 2019 Mayorality

6. Feedback on the installation of the WW1 Commemorative Benches

7. Town Clerk’s Report a. Action Points arising from Council Minutes: b. Update on actions raised by members of public and other organisations:

8. Planning Committee a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 02 April 2019 & 16 April 2019 (to be tabled) b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion and acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

9. Amenities Committee Meeting a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 02 April 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

Town Hall, St. Mary’s Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2DR

10. Strategic Development Committee Meeting a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 03 April 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

11. Events Committee Meeting a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 08 April 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

12. Finance Committee Meeting a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 09 April 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion and acceptance of the recommendations: i. To consider the Internal Audit Report 2018/19 ii. Approval of the Governance Statement 2018/19 iii. Approval of the Accounting Statements 2018/19 iv. Confirm The Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/19. c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

13. Scrutiny and Audit Committee Meeting a. To approve the accuracy of the notes of the Committee meeting held on 10 April 2019 b. To identify any action points and items that may require further discussion or acceptance of the recommendations: c. The Chairman of the Committee to propose ratification of the minutes and approval of recommendations subject to any amendments.

14. Accounts for Payment a. To approve the schedule of payments - No 12b & No.1

15. Questions without discussion

16. Date of next meeting – Annual Town Council Meeting Thursday 16 May 2019

17.04.19 Town Clerk

Stamford Town Council - 4 - 30 April 2019



PRESENT Councillor B Griffin, Chairman Councillor M Exton Councillor B Sandall Councillor B C Sumner Councillor Mrs S J Sandall Councillor J Dawson Councillor T Story Councillor Ms M Couch Councillor Mrs S Sismore Councillor B Turner Councillor Mrs G Johnson Councillor D Taylor Councillor A Croft Councillor Mrs A Billington Councillor S Carroll Councillor D Dorson Councillor Mrs M Pitt Councillor R Foulkes

ALSO PRESENT Town Clerk Deputy Town Clerk Rev Andy Fyall, Methodist Church Councillor D Brailsford (LCC Councillor Stamford West) 2 Members of public 1 Member of press

Formal meeting commenced 7.00pm

722. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor H Bisnauthsing, Councillor Mrs B A Sumner and Councillor A Swan submitted their reasons for absence. The reasons were noted and accepted.

Apologies were also received from Councillor M Lee (Leader of South Kesteven District Council). This was noted.


Councillor M Exton and Councillor B C Sumner declared a Personal Interest in respect of any discussions related to planning as they are on SKDC’s Development Management Committee.

Stamford Town Council Stamford Town Council - 5 - 30 April 2019

Councillor D Dorson declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of any discussions relating to staff as his wife is Deputy Town Clerk.

Councillors Mr B Sandall and Mrs S Sandall declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of payment item 9573 as it related to their family business.

Councillor Miss B Griffin declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of payment item 9556 as it related to her Mayoral Allowance.

734. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The notes of the Town Council meeting held on Tuesday, 26 February 2019 had been circulated and the Pink Paper element tabled.

It was proposed by Councillor Ms M Couch, seconded by Councillor J Dawson and RESOLVED by majority vote that these minutes are a true record of the meeting subject to the minor amendment and be signed by the Chairman. There was three abstentions.


a) Councillor David Brailsford (Lincolnshire County Council, Stamford West) – Reported that a one-way system would be in operation along St. John Street leading in to Red Lion Square for the next two weeks. This is due to the erection of scaffolding to undertake roofing repairs. Councillor Brailsford repeated that he holds a neutral position in respect of the matter of the resurfacing of Red Lion Square and awaits the recommendation of the County Council professional Officers investigating this matter. b) Councillor R Foulkes (Lincolnshire County Council, Stamford East) – Reported that NHS Stamford Minor Injuries Unit will now become an Urgent Care Centre. This will mean it will operate twelve hours a day for seven days a week. In respect of the speed issues on Conduit Road, he has written to Lincolnshire Community Speed Watch to initiate a speed watch check in the area. The matter of the roundabout on Lincoln Road remains in hand and there will be a report when more information is available. c) Town Councillors on Outside Bodies – Councillor J Dawson informed Council that the United Charities are being reorganised and amalgamated with Truesdale Charity to make them more efficient in delivering their individual objectives. This will has resulted in the operation being overseen by the Truesdale Secretary rather than Stapleton’s Solicitors.

736. TOWN CLERK’S REPORT (Agenda Point 5)

a) Correspondence – A schedule of correspondence will be e-mailed to all members to keep them informed. Any queries relating to any element of such correspondence should be directed to the Officer dealing with that item.

Stamford Town Council

Stamford Town Council - 6 - 30 April 2019

b) Action Points – The status of action points relating to each Committee had been circulated to members to keep them informed. c) Other matters related to Council business: i. Forthcoming Committee meetings – Paperwork has been tabled. ii. Cherry Holt Road Development- Longhurst Group had allocated space on Wednesday 27th March at Stamford Arts Centre should Councillors wish to have sight of the detailed plans for the Cherry Holt Road development. Members of the Council were encouraged to attend so an informed response could be submitted. Councillor J Dawson informed the Council that as his son was involved with this development scheme he would be declaring a Personal and Prejudicial Interest when the application is submitted. iii. Ground Maintenance Contracts – It was confirmed that this had been issued and the contracts commence on the 1st April 2019. iv. Local Council Elections 02 May 2019 - Councillors wishing to stand for re-election where informed that their nomination papers have to be submitted by 4pm on Wednesday 03 April 2019. v. Mid-Lent Fair Monday 1st April 2019 – All Councillors were encouraged to attend the opening Ceremony and assemble at the Town Hall as per their invitations.

737. EVENTS COMMITTEE (Agenda Point 6)

a. Councillor Ms M Couch presented the notes of Monday, 04 March 2019 meeting.

b. Matters for discussion: It was observed that the date of the Senior Citizens Concert should read Friday 10 April 2019. Councillor Ms Couch asked Councillors whether they would contribute items towards the raffle prizes for this event.

c. It was proposed by Councillor Ms M Couch, seconded by Councillor Mrs G Johnson and unanimously RESOLVED that the notes are a true reflection of the meeting held on Monday, 04 March 2019 and the actions with recommendations of the Events Committee be approved and signed by the Chairman.

738. PLANNING COMMITTEE (Agenda Point 7)

a. Councillor S Carroll presented the notes of the meeting of Tuesday, 05 March 2019

b. Matter for discussion: i. Planning Application S18/1207 by Simon Boon Homes Ltd – Erection of 5 detached houses, Land off Kettering Road, Stamford PE9 2JS – Councillor Taylor reported as he had submitted a letter recognising that the new application had significantly reduced the number of dwellings from 25 to 5 houses. Further, the new developer has submitted revised designs which

Stamford Town Council

Stamford Town Council - 7 - 30 April 2019

are more appropriate and sympathetic to the location. In view of that, and as a member of the group which was in opposition to any development, he had submitted a letter in support of the scheme. ii. Planning Application S19/0218, Stamford House 28 Aberdeen Close Stamford –Councillor Taylor informed the Council that as Ward Councillor he was supporting residents and had submitted objections to this application in respect of noise, disturbance, loss of privacy, nuisance and potential anti-social behaviour. It was noted that these comments would be considered by the Town Council’s Planning Committee at their next meeting.

c. It was proposed by Councillor S Carroll, seconded by Councillor Mrs M Pitt and RESOLVED by majority vote that the notes are a true reflection of the meeting held on Tuesday, 05 February 2019 and actions with recommendations of the Planning Committee be approved and signed by the Chairman. There were three abstentions.

739. AMENITIES COMMITTEE (Agenda Point 8)

a. Councillor Mrs G Johnson presented the notes of Tuesday, 05 March 2019 meeting.

b. Matter for discussion:

c. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by Councillor Ms M Couch and RESOLVED by majority vote that the notes are a true reflection of the meeting held on Tuesday, 05 March 2019 and actions with recommendations of the Amenities Committee be approved and signed by the Chairman. There was one Abstention.


a. Councillor Croft presented the notes of Wednesday 06 March 2019 meeting.

b. Matter for discussion: It was noted that the Committee meeting commences at 9.45am. The Chairman informed the Council at that meeting there had been a very interesting presentation on ‘Way Finding’ for Stamford. It related to how directional signs were to be improved in the town.

c. It was proposed by Councillor A Croft, seconded by Councillor B Turner and unanimously RESOLVED that the notes are a true reflection of the meeting held on Wednesday 06 March 2019 and actions with recommendations of the Strategic Committee be approved and signed by the Chairman.

Stamford Town Council

Stamford Town Council - 8 - 30 April 2019

741. FINANCE COMMITTEE (Agenda Point 10)

a. Councillor Mrs S J Sandall presented the notes of the meeting of Tuesday 12 March 2019 together with the Pink Paper.

b. Matter for discussion: i. Museum Store - Councillor Mrs S J Sandall stated that the Surveyor’s Report on the Museum Store building had been considered. It was observed that there had been a significant number of issues which had been identified and these have been highlighted with the County Council. Councillor Mrs Sandall further noted that no formal decision had been taken by the Town Council in respect of taking the Museum Store and the Discover Stamford element as one unit. Councillors were encouraged to respond individually to this live survey which is due to close on 24th April 2019.

Proposal 1 – It was proposed by Councillor J Dawson, seconded by Councillor Ms Couch and RESOLVED that the Town Council would like to accept responsibility for the Stamford Museum Store and Discover Stamford as one unit subject to further discussion. This should be the response to the Heritage Consultation being undertaken. There were four Abstentions.

ii. LCC Grass Cutting – Councillor Mrs S Sandall informed the Council that last year Lincolnshire County Council had agreed to cut the Urban Verges twice with the Town Council supporting with three further cuts. However this year LCC has made a decision to cut these areas three times and would provide the Town Council with slightly increased funding to provide these three cuts for them. The increased support payment was welcome, but fell short. However, there were earmarked funds within the budget allocated for possibly two additional cuts, weather permitting. Following discussion it was agreed to support the Finance Committee’s recommendation.

c. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S J Sandall, seconded by Councillor J Dawson and agreed by majority vote and RESOLVED that the notes together with the Pink Paper of the meeting of Tuesday 12 March 2019 are a true reflection of the meeting and signed by the Chairman. There was one abstention.

742. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT (Agenda Point 11)

Schedule no. 12 (transactions 9556to 9753) had been circulated for consideration.

i. Councillor Ms. Couch enquired whether payment item 9569 was for the entire year. It was confirmed that it was one payment for all the Civic Functions attended. ii. Councillor Story enquired as to what payment 9789 related. It was confirmed that these were funeral service books for the Cemetery Chapel.

Stamford Town Council

Stamford Town Council - 9 - 30 April 2019

iii. Councillor Mrs Sandall asked for more information in respect of payment 9559, Councillor D Taylor stated that this was for the Stamford First website set-up in respect of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Proposal 2 - It was proposed by Councillor J Dawson, seconded by Councillor Mrs S Sismore and RESOLVED by majority vote that schedule No. 12 is agreed and approved for payment. There were three abstentions.

743. QUESTIONS WITHOUT DISCUSSION (Agenda Point 12) i. Councillor B Sandall believed that the former Darby and Joan building is on the market and it would be sensible if the Town Council considered making a bid. It abuts the Recreation Ground and would be a useful community facility. Grants and funds could be obtained to purchase and renovate the building. He asked whether the Town Council could investigate this potential. ii. Photographs of the replanting around the Bandstand were circulated and the Council’s thanks were voted to the band of volunteers from Stamford College, Burghley Vets, the Horticultural Group, members of public and Councillor Dorson who had assisted with the planting and the spreading of chippings.

Chairman (The meeting closed at 9.15pm)

Stamford Town Council

Stamford Town Council - 10 - 30 April 2019



PRESENT Councillor Breda Griffin (Vice Chairman) Councillor David Dorson Councillor Marion Pitt

ALSO PRESENT Richard Tracey – Administration Officer

744. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor Steve Carroll submitted his reason for absence. The reason was noted and accepted.


All councillors declared a Personal interest in application S19/0185 as they have an interest in the Museum building.

Cllr Dorson declared a Personal interest in application S19/0510 and S19/0511 as he is a frequent user of the ATM. 746. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 05 March 2019 were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.


The Committee’s observations are shown on the attached schedule.


The Committee’s observations are as follows – ‘Strong objections to this application. The proposed layout would cause an obstruction and bottle- neck for pedestrians and pushchairs and for people sat outside.’

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council - 11 - 30 April 2019

749. CORRESPONDENCE (Agenda Point 6)

a. Notification of comments submitted to SKDC by Councillor David Taylor regarding Planning Application S18/1207 by Simon Boon Homes Ltd - Erection of 5 detached houses, Land off Kettering Road, Stamford PE9 2JS. This application was passed by SKDC Development Committee this afternoon (02 April 2019), Councillor M Pitt in attendance.

b. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Further Draft Consultation deadline has now been extended by 2 weeks until 11.59pm 09 May 2019 – Noted by Committee.

c. Consultation on Applications PL/0049/19, PL/0050/19 & PL/0051/19 for Planning Permission for Development by County Council – ‘To Replace Existing Street Light attached to Building’ at Nos. 4, 36 and 39 St Mary’s Street, Stamford – No objection to these applications.

750. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (Agenda Point 6) None

751. DATE OF NEXT MEETING (Agenda Point 8) Tuesday, 16 April 2019 at 6.00pm


(The Meeting closed at 7.57pm)

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 12 - 30 April 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

20-02-19 11-03-19 S19/0348 Installation of 1 free standing Advertisement Mr Pennell Approved in principle. Defer to SKDC entrance hoarding (illuminated) and 1 Consent 1 St Peter's Vale, Conservation Officer. x building entrance sign Stamford PE9 2QT 1 St Peter's Vale

25-02-19 11-03-19 S19/0368 Approval of details reserved by Discharge of Dr & Mr Vaughan & Defer to SKDC Case Officer condition 3 (Materials) of planning Conditions Womack approval S16/2002 (Planning) 58 Tinwell Road, 58 Tinwell Road Stamford PE9 2SD 28-02-19 11-03-19 S19/0405 Erection of single storey rear Householder Mr Chris Allen No objections subject to neighbours’ extension and alterations 16 Ross Drive, amenities being respected. 16 Ross Drive Stamford PE9 2JF 28-02-19 11-03-19 S19/0412 Fell and remove Silver Birch (T1) and Trees in CA - Mr S Drake Work allowed 20/03/19. SKDC decision Blue Atlas Cedar (T2) Section 211 68 Stamford Road, made before Stamford Planning Committee 54 Tinwell Road, Stamford PE9 2SD Notice Easton on the Hill, held. Stamford PE9 3PA 01-03-19 11-03-19 S19/0424 Erection of first floor extension and Householder Mr Ben Jennings No objections subject to neighbours’ alterations 32 Arran Road, amenities being respected. 32 Arran Road Stamford PE9 2XS 05-03-19 11-03-19 S19/0449 Erection of single storey rear Householder Mr G Smith No objections subject to neighbours’ extension, following the demolition of Crossways, 100A amenities being respected. an existing conservatory Empingham Rd, Crossways, 100A Empingham Road Stamford PE9 2SU

19-02-19 11-03-19 S19/0335 Single storey extension and Householder Mrs Cliffe No objections subject to neighbours’ alterations 15 Empingham Road, amenities being respected. 15 Empingham Road Stamford PE9 2RJ

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council - 13 - 30 April 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

26-02-19 12-03-19 S19/0381 Insertion of additional window to Listed Building Mr JD Regis Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer and south elevation Consent C/o The Agent, mindful of Article 4 Direction regarding The Old Barn Restaurant, 1 Olde Barn Michael Roffe Associates, the Listed Building. Concerns that Passage, Stamford PE9 2DT 6 Adelaide Street, alterations will alter the character of Stamford PE9 2EN the building. 26-02-19 12-03-19 S19/0218 Lawful development (existing) use as Lawful Mrs Alison Spencer Strong objections to this application due to bed and breakfast accommodation Development Stamford House, noise, disturbance, loss of privacy, nuisance and potential anti-social behaviour, reinforced by Cllr Stamford House, 28 Aberdeen Close (Existing) 28 Aberdeen Close, D Taylor’s letter dated 14/10/18. The Stamford PE9 2TN Committee strongly recommend a site visit by the Development Management Committee. 12-03-19 13-03-19 S19/0489 Erection of single storey extension, Householder Mr & Mrs Reiss No objections subject to neighbours’ front canopy, alterations and new 94 Tinwell Road, amenities being respected. openings Stamford PE9 2SD 94 Tinwell Road

27-02-19 15-03-19 S19/0349 Erection of single and two storey rear Householder Mr & Mrs Simon Ingram No objections subject to neighbours’ extensions 57 Conduit Road, amenities being respected. 57 Conduit Road Stamford PE9 1QL

03-01-19 15-03-19 S19/0021 Erection of single storey extension Householder Mr Slipper No objections subject to neighbours’ 14 Hereward Place, Stamford PE9 2JS 12 North Road, amenities being respected. Bourne PE10 9AP 25-02-19 18-03-19 S19/0379 Alterations to the transom and Non-material Alysia Caring Luxury Care Amendments approved 20/03/19. mullion positions to window type 2A amendments Homes SKDC decision made before Stamford and 2B of the care home and Southgate Office Village Planning Committee held. aftercare apartments Block F, First Floor, 288 Orchard Meadow (Land to the East of Chase Road, London N14 Virginia Cottage), Uffington Road, 6HF Stamford PE9 3AA

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 14 - 30 April 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

05-03-19 18-03-19 S19/0444 Non-material amendment to planning Non-material Mr & Mrs T Upson Previous comments S17/1549, 05/09/17 - No approval S17/1549 for reduction in amendments 6 Berrybut Way, objection subject to neighbours’ amenities being respected rooflights (Householder) Stamford PE9 1DS No objections subject to neighbours’ 6 Berrybut Way amenities being respected. 06-03-19 18-03-19 S19/0455 Removal of 1x Apple tree and 23x Trees in CA - Mrs Juliet Holgate Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist Leylandii trees Section 211 17 Ryhall Road, 17 Ryhall Road Notice Stamford PE9 1UB 08-03-19 18-03-19 S19/0474 Works to trees Tree Mrs Fawsitt Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist 94 Drift Road Preservation 94 Drift Road, Order Stamford PE9 1XB 12-03-19 18-03-19 S19/0514 Fell 3x Conifer trees Trees in CA - Ms Tanya Sweeten Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist St Francis, 5 Pinfold Lane Section 211 St Francis, 5 Pinfold Lane, Notice Stamford PE9 2ET

14-03-19 18-03-19 S19/0516 Removal of 2x Conifer trees Trees in CA - Mr I Moss Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist Woodstock, 40 Tinwell Road Section 211 Woodstock, 40 Tinwell Notice Road, Stamford PE9 2SD 27-02-19 18-03-19 S19/0400 Internal alterations and alterations to Listed Building MIND Retail Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer. shop front Consent Granta House, 15-19 Essential to follow the colours in the 25 High Street, Stamford PE9 2AY Broadway, Stratford, Shopfront Guideline and subject to London E15 4BQ Listed Building Regulations. All materials should be sympathetic with the Conservation Area. 28-02-19 19-03-19 S19/0413 1no. Fascia sign to display existing Advertisement MIND Retail Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer. tenants new corporate colour Consent Granta House, 15-19 Essential to follow the colours in the 25 High Street, Stamford PE9 2AY Broadway, Stratford, Shopfront Guideline. London E15 4BQ

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 15 - 30 April 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

01-03-19 19-03-19 S19/0417 Replacement of 2no. casement Listed Building Miss Emily Craig-Tyler Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer windows Consent Milne Joinery, The Forge, regarding Article 4 Direction. Subject to 31A St Peter's Street, Stamford West Street, Listed Building Regulations and all PE9 2PF Stamford PE9 2PN materials should be sympathetic with the Conservation Area. 28-02-19 20-03-19 S19/0215 Erection of two storey extension Householder Mr & Mrs D Matthew No objections subject to neighbours’ 39 Exeter Gardens 39 Exeter Gardens, amenities being respected. Stamford PE9 2RN 19-02-19 20-03-19 S19/0185 Replacement of non original Listed Building Mr Gyles Teasdale (Declaration of Interest) guttering to rear, with Alloy Black Consent SKDC Council Offices, No comment made regarding this powder coated guttering, including St Peter's Hill, application. all downpipes and fixings Grantham NG31 6PZ Stamford Museum, Broad Street, Stamford PE9 1PJ 14-03-19 20-03-19 S19/0515 Erection of single storey infill Full Planning Mrs Ann Roffe Agree in principle. Defer to SKDC extension Permission 6 Adelaide Street, Conservation Officer. All materials 6 Adelaide Street Stamford PE9 2EN should be sympathetic with the Conservation Area. 13-03-19 20-03-19 S19/0437 Replace vehicular gate with new Householder Ms Tanya Sweeten No objections subject to neighbours’ pedestrian and vehicle gate St Francis, 5 Pinfold Lane, amenities being respected. St Francis, 5 Pinfold Lane Stamford PE9 2ET 18-03-19 20-03-19 S19/0339 Erection of single storey extension Householder Gayle Parsons No objections in principle subject to and alterations 14 Rutland Terrace, neighbours’ amenities being 14 Rutland Terrace Stamford PE9 2QD respected.

18-03-19 20-03-19 S19/0340 Alterations and extension to rear of Listed Building Gayle Parsons Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer. property Consent 14 Rutland Terrace, Subject to Listed Building Regulations 14 Rutland Terrace Stamford PE9 2QD and all materials should be sympathetic with the Conservation Area.

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 16 - 30 April 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Location Permission 05-03-19 20-03-19 S19/0453 Change of use of first floor from A3 Full Planning Mr Alex Pistolas No objections to change of use subject to C3, conversion of first and second Permission Maiden Properties, to neighbours’ amenities being floors to form 3no. flats and 8 Sheepmarket, respected. alterations Stamford PE9 2QZ 52 Broad Street, Stamford PE9 1PB 05-03-19 20-03-19 S19/0454 Listed Building Consent for Listed Building Mr Alex Pistolas Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer. alterations and conversion of first Consent Maiden Properties, Subject to Listed Building Regulations and second floors to 3no. flats 8 Sheepmarket, and all materials should be sympathetic 52 Broad Street, Stamford PE9 1PB Stamford PE9 2QZ with the Conservation Area.

18-03-19 20-03-19 S19/0539 Erection of single storey extension Householder Mr C Willcocks No objections subject to neighbours’ and erection of porch 40A Tinwell Road, amenities being respected. 40A Tinwell Road Stamford PE9 2SD

19-03-19 20-03-19 S19/0522 Erection of first floor extension and Householder Mr & Mrs Peasgood No objections subject to neighbours’ replacement of an existing flat roof 11 Angus Close, amenities being respected. with pitched roof Stamford PE9 2YU 11 Angus Close

12-03-19 26-03-19 S19/0433 Erection of sign on left hand of main Listed Building Mr Pennell Approved in principle. Defer to SKDC doors Consent C/o Harris McCormack Conservation Officer. 1 St Peter’s Vale, Stamford PE9 2QT Architects, Archaus, Peterborough Road, Wansford PE8 6JN 27-02-19 26-03-19 S19/0391 Repainting window and doors from Listed Building Mr Stephen Gates No objections. Defer to SKDC dark green to light grey Consent 54 St Leonards Street Conservation Officer regarding colour. 54 St Leonards Street Stamford PE9 2HN

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 17 - 30 April 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

06-03-19 26-03-19 S19/0250 Replacement of window to existing Lawful Mr M Harvey No objections subject to neighbours’ size but change of colour (white - Development 24 Little Casterton Road amenities being respected. grey) and material (UPVC - (Proposed) Stamford PE9 1BE aluminium), render panel to front elevation and front fence 24 Little Casterton Road 06-03-19 26-03-19 S19/0462 Alterations to shop frontage and Listed Building Mrs Bethany Scott-Morris No objections subject to neighbours’ fascia Consent Iris & Violet (Stamford) Ltd amenities being respected, Listed 31 St Mary's Street, Stamford 4 Marchment Square Building Regulations and the Shopfront PE9 2DS Peterborough PE3 6QR Guide. All materials should be sympathetic with the Conservation Area. 18-03-19 27-03-19 S19/0534 Erection of two storey extension, first Householder Mr & Mrs Baker No objections subject to neighbours’ floor extensions and single storey 8 Lonsdale Road, Stamford amenities being respected. extension PE9 2RW 8 Lonsdale Road

13-03-19 28-03-19 S19/0510 Retention of a free standing automated Full Planning Cardtronics UK Ltd, trading No objections subject to neighbours’ teller machine (ATM) Permission as Cashzone, PO Box 476, amenities being respected. 50 Kesteven Road, Stamford PE9 1SU Hatfield AL10 1DT

13-03-19 28-03-19 S19/0511 Installation of 6no. non-illuminated Advertisement Cardtronics UK Ltd, trading No objections subject to neighbours’ advertisement signs on a freestanding Consent as Cashzone, PO Box 476, amenities being respected. ATM Hatfield AL10 1DT 50 Kesteven Road, Stamford PE9 1SU

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 18 - 30 April 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission 18-03-19 01-04-19 S19/0542 Application to remove condition 3 of Full Planning Mr Lawrence Hoskins Cond. 3 (S19/0043) - 'The doors to the building S19/0043 Permission George Hotel, High Street, shall be kept closed at all times when the laundry George Hotel, High Street, St Martins facility is in use. Reason: To ensure that any noise St Martins, Stamford PE9 generated as a result of the building being in use 2LB is mitigated so as to avoid disturbance to residents within the local vicinity and in accordance with Policy EN1 of the Core Strategy.' The Committee strongly agree that Condition 3 should be retained. Application lacks relevant information in that the letter referred to in the Application Form is not included in the online documentation. 25-07-18 01-04-19 S18/1376 Demolition of extensions, erection of 8 Full Planning Mr A Ramm & Mrs J Carter Previous comments 04/09/2018 - 'Stamford Town dwellings and conversion of house in Permission RCR Group Ltd Council's Planning Committee wish to repeat their previous comments that it strongly objects to this multiple occupation to single dwellings Amended C/o Harris McCormack Blenheim Court, 51 Scotgate, Stamford application and recommence that Ward Information Architects, Archaus, Councillor Brian Sumner refers this application to PE9 2YQ Peterborough Road, the Development Control Committee for Wansford PE8 6JN consideration and a site visit conducted. STC's Planning Committee wish to draw attention to the Inspectorate's comments for dismissing the applicant's Appeal. STC's Planning Committee further request should the Planning Authority decide to grant approval a request for a Sec. 106 contribution is made towards the improvements of the local infrastructure of Stamford.' Strong objections to this application as per the Committee’s comments in 2011 namely, overdevelopment of the site. Serious concerns over safety and impact of blind access and egress onto a pavement and very busy highway and road junction. Recommend a site visit is carried out and the application referred to SKDC Development Control Committee.

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 19 - 30 April 2019

Date Date Ref. No. Proposed Development and Location Type of Applicant and Address Observations on Application Valid Received Permission

25-07-18 01-04-19 S18/1377 Demolition of extensions, erection of 8 Listed Building Mr A Ramm & Mrs J Carter Previous comments 04/09/2018 - 'If approval is dwellings and conversion of house in Consent RCR Group Ltd granted materials should be sympathetic and in accordance with Listed Building Regs.' multiple occupation to single dwellings Amended Plans C/o Harris McCormack Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer. Blenheim Court, 51 Scotgate, Stamford Information Architects, Archaus, PE9 2YQ Peterborough Road, Wansford PE8 6JN 19-03-19 02-04-19 S19/0543 Erection of a single storey dwelling Full Planning Mr Philip Heath Strong objections. Concerns of 1 Albert Road Permission 1 Albert Road, Stamford overdevelopment and altering the PE9 2EA street scene of this renowned area. Contravenes Article 4 Direction. Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer.

These observations have been submitted under delegated powers and will be presented to Stamford Town Council for ratification at the scheduled meeting on 30 April 2019.

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 20 - 30 April 2019


Conditional Planning Permission

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 28-03-19 S18/2216 Lambert Erection of a single storey rear 32 Adelaide Street, Stamford PE9 2EN No objection subject to neighbours’ extension following the demolition amenities being respected of an existing conservatory 02-04-19 S19/0216 Mr Mark Jolliffe Erection of a replacement conservatory 19 Ravel Close, Stamford PE9 1EZ No objection to the application submitted. 03-04-19 S19/0267 Mr Jonathan Section 73 application to vary 43 Sutherland Way, Stamford PE9 2TB No information available to view. Ystenes condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning approval S17/0022 05-04-19 S19/0285 Lady K Erection of single storey extension 52 East Street, Stamford PE9 1QD No objections subject to neighbours’ Humphries-Allen amenities being respected. 05-04-19 S18/2194 Mr P Johnson Erection of single storey rear 88 Conduit Road, Stamford PE9 1QL No objection subject to neighbours’ extension and insertion of dormer amenities being respected window 08-04-19 S19/0319 Mr & Mrs R Single storey front and part single 6 Lonsdale Road, Stamford PE9 2RW No objection subject to neighbours’ Aherne part two storey rear extension, and amenities being respected. external change in materials 09-04-19 S19/0021 Mr Slipper Erection of single storey extension 14 Hereward Place, Stamford PE9 2JS There was insufficient information provided to comment on the application. 09-04-19 S18/2297 Mr Chris Riddle Change of use from public house The Otter's Pocket, 20 All Saints Street, No objection. Materials should be in (A4) to office (A2) and Yoga class Stamford PE9 2PA keeping with the Conservation Area. (D2). The residential flat on the first Defer to SKDC Conservation Officer. and second floor will be removed 10-04-19 S19/0335 Mrs Cliffe Single storey extension and alterations 15 Empingham Road, Stamford PE9 2RJ No objections subject to neighbours’ amenities being respected. 10-04-19 S19/0298 Mr Paul Hudson Erection of two storey and single storey 11 West Street Gardens, Stamford No objections subject to neighbours’ extensions and render property PE9 2QB amenities being respected.

Planning Committee Stamford Town Council - 21 - 30 April 2019

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 10-04-19 S17/2095 Mr Davies Erection of single storey rear extension 6 Barn Hill, Stamford PE9 2AE No objection subject to neighbours’ (retrospective) amenities being respected and materials being sympathetic to the Conservation Area. 11-04-19 S18/1901 Mr & Mrs Erection of outbuilding 16 Exeter Gardens, Stamford PE9 2RN Strongly object to this development. Concerns over McCarthy the size and impact of the structure creating a dominant and oppressive environment to the residents of Tinwell Road. Concerns over highway safety on Tinwell Road Lane, excessive nuisance to residents, overlooking and loss of privacy, visually intrusive and excessive noise. To avoid setting a precedent a condition should be applied that the erection of the outbuilding is not converted into a household dwelling at any time.

12-04-19 S19/0405 Mr Chris Allen Erection of single storey rear 16 Ross Drive, Stamford PE9 2JF No objections subject to neighbours’ extension and alterations amenities being respected.

Refusal of Planning Permission

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 28-03-19 S19/0242 Mr Danny Erection of two storey extension 5 Bramble Grove, Stamford PE9 4BL No objections subject to neighbours’ Needham amenities being respected

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 22 - 30 April 2019

Listed Building Consent

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 28-03-19 S19/0127 Mr Norman French Insertion of two windows on Ostlers Cottage, 1-2 Watergate, No objections subject to Listed Building southern elevation Stamford PE9 2YG Regulations 10-04-19 S19/0309 Mrs D Vincent Listed Building Consent for the 74 High Street, Stamford PE9 2AW Defer to SKDC’s Conservation Officer installation of a defibrillator onto an external wall of a Listed Building 10-04-19 S17/2096 Mr Davies Listed building consent for the 6 Barn Hill, Stamford PE9 2AE Materials should be sympathetic to the erection of a single storey rear Conservation Area. Defer to SKDC extension Conservation Officer

Consent to Display Advertisement(s)

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 09-04-19 S19/0348 Mrs Caroline Installation of 1 free standing 1 St Peter's Vale, Stamford PE9 2QT Approved in principle. Defer to SKDC Stephenson entrance hoarding (illuminated) and Conservation Officer. 1 x building entrance sign

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 23 - 30 April 2019

Approval of Works on Trees in a Conservation Area

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 05-04-19 S19/0370 Anchor Trust Removal, crown reduction, crown 12 Welland Mews, Stamford PE9 2LW Defer to SKDC Arboriculturist thinning and pruning of numerous trees 10-04-19 S19/0514 Ms Tanya Sweeten Fell 3x Conifer trees St Francis, 5 Pinfold Lane, Stamford Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist PE9 2ET

10-04-19 S19/0455 Mrs Juliet Holgate Removal of 1x Apple tree and 23x 17 Ryhall Road, Stamford PE9 1UB Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist Leylandii trees

10-04-19 S19/0516 Mr I Moss Removal of 2x Conifer trees Woodstock, 40 Tinwell Road, Stamford Defer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist PE9 2SD

Approval of Works on Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 12-04-19 S19/0361 LCC, Highways Works to trees 36 Station Road, Stamford PE9 2WB Refer to SKDC’s Arboriculturist Department

Approval of Non-Material Amendment(s) Householder

Decision Ref. No. Applicant Proposal Location STC Comments Date 03-04-19 S19/0444 Mr & Mrs T Upson Non-material amendment to planning 6 Berrybut Way, Stamford PE9 1DS No objections subject to neighbours’ approval S17/1549 for reduction in amenities being respected. rooflights

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 24 - 30 April 2019

Stamford Town Council - Correspondence from LCC Highways- Traffic Orders

Please contact LCC Customer Service Centre on 01522 782070 for further information or email: [email protected] Date Content & Location of Restriction Reason for Restriction Period of Restriction Received 25-Mar-19 Ref: TTRO/370/2019 Essential maintenance works by PJ 05/05/2019 to 19/05/2019 Temporary Traffic Restriction: Stamford Slater Scaffolding Services Ltd (Restrictions to be implemented as Road Closure Order in Place on: & when required during this period, St John's Street (Closed Southbound only between All signage detailing accurate dates & Saint's Street & St Mary's Street) times will be displayed on site in St Mary's Street (Closed Eastbound only between St advance) John's Street & St Marys Hill) Alternative Route: Local diversion routes & access arrangements will be signposted This information is also available in map form at

04-Apr-19 Ref: TTRO/RB/630/2019 Essential maintenance works by 14/05/2019 to 16/05/2019 Temporary Road Closure: Roman Bank (Between Anglian Water (Closures to be implemented as & 30m and 70m Northwest of Tinwell Road) when required during this period, Alternative Route: Local diversion routes & access signage detailing accurate dates & arrangements will be signposted times will be displayed on site in advance)

Planning Committee

Stamford Town Council - 25 - 30 April 2019



PRESENT Councillor B Sandall (Chairman) Councillor Mrs G Johnson (Vice- Chairman) Councillor J Dawson Councillor A Swan Councillor Mrs S Sismore Substituting for Cllr Ms M Couch

ALSO PRESENT Deputy Town Clerk Town Clerk Councillor D Dorson (Arrived 7.53pm)

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Nothing to report

752. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor Ms M Couch, Councillor D Taylor & Councillor Mrs A Billington had submitted apologies; these were noted and accepted.


None 754. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 05 March 2019 where confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting by the Vice Chairman as the Chairman is indisposed.

755. ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCHYARD (Agenda Point 4) a. Floodlighting – The committee were informed the floodlighting to be installed by the Civic Society is due to commence imminently. Cllr B Sandall informed the committee that some buildings are now turning off their lights for an hour to reduce carbon footprint, the Town Clerk informed the committee this would need to be put to the full Town Council. b. Ground Maintenance- The committee were informed the grass cutting of St Michaels Churchyard will commence from 1st April 2019 c. Memorial Repair– The committee was informed that a memorial had fallen and the quote for repair has been received at a cost of £270 plus VAT to fit the monolith placing it in the ground in a 6” concreate cradle.

Committee Stamford Town Council - 26 - 30 April 2019

Proposal 1- On the proposal of Councillor J Dawson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs G Johnson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council accepts the quote for repair has been received at a cost of £270 plus VAT to fit the monolith placing it in the ground in a 6” concreate cradle this will be paid for by Skells. 756. MEADOWS (Agenda Point 5)

a. Feedback on action points i. Bird feeders and Dog waste bag dispensers – It was reported that Burghley Vets will fund the Feed and the dog bags with the proviso that they have complete exclusivity on the project, with the money from the feeders being used to fund the feed. They will produce the stickers advertising their support with the project in partnership with the Town Council. Following discussions, the committee agreed to Burghley vets having complete exclusivity and the installation of the stickers. ii. Spa Bench- It was reported that no further actions or approval from the Cecil Estate has been received regarding the installation of a bench, it was agreed that this action point is now closed. iii. Millstream Project & Information Boards – The committee were advised that this project has been undertaken by Cllr A Billington and from the elections there would not be a representative from the council for this project. Following discussions, it was agreed that the Deputy Town Clerk is given Delegated powers to be the representative from the Amenities Committee for the project to ensure the committee are informed on development on the project.

Proposal 2- On the proposal of Councillor A Swan, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed that the Deputy Town Clerk is given Delegated powers to be the representative from the Amenities Committee for the project to ensure the committee are informed on development on the project.

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report together with any correspondence –

i. Use of Drones- A request had been received for the use of a drone to access the roof of a building next to the Meadows, the company has ask if they could use the meadows as a launch site and have received permission from RAF Wittering to fly as Stamford falls within the new government radius from an airfield, it is illegal to fly drones at any time within these restricted zones without permission from air traffic control at the airfield. Following discussions, it was agreed that no social drones

Amenities Committee

Stamford Town Council - 27 - 30 April 2019

can fly from the Meadows, businesses would only be permitted on an individual application basis, with proof of permission from RAF Wittering.

Proposal 3- On the proposal of Councillor A Swan, seconded by the Councillor J Dawson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed that no social drones can fly from the Meadows, businesses would only be permitted on an individual application basis, with proof of permission from RAF Wittering. 757. CEMETERY (Agenda Point 6)

a. Feedback on action points i. X&Y plot holders – The committee was informed that appropriate wording to comply with the arrangements under schedule 3 of the Local Government Act 1972 has been requested from Buckles Solicitors to allow the council to progress further. No further communications have been received from the solicitor. ii. Landings- It was reported that a start date is waited for the installation of landings in the X&Y section. iii. Cemetery Memorial Garden- The committee was informed that the flowers have now been installed for the refurbishment of the memorial garden. iv. The renovation of Cemetery public conveniences – The committee were informed the works are underway. v. Update on Cemetery Wall - The committee was circulated a report on the findings and advise on suggested work required. The report included the budgeting costs for the works required at a total cost of £166,330 it was agreed the Cemetery wall renovation project is phased and is to be split over four years as an earmarked project for the Amenities committee, as no work has been carried out for at least twenty years with any surplus from this year’s budget directed to this project.

Proposal 4- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs S Sismore, seconded by the Councillor A Swan, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed that the Cemetery wall renovation project is phased and is to be split over four years as an earmarked project for the Amenities committee, as no work has been carried out for at least twenty years with any surplus from this year’s budget directed to this project. vi. Update on Chapel improvements- The committee were informed the Chapel clean will commence from 15th April 2019 and the flowers will be delivered on the 14th April 2019. The service books have been received.

Amenities Committee

Stamford Town Council - 28 - 30 April 2019

vii. Memorial stone for memorial garden -The committee were informed the works are in hand.

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report i. Correspondence – A letter has been received regarding the fullness of the bins on the cemetery, the photos supplied were time stamped with 31/3/2019 1pm, the committee were advised that this was the afternoon of Mothering Sunday and the decaying flowers also in the bins were possibly due to people removing previous flowers and wreaths from Christmas. The bins were fully emptied the following day. The committee agreed that a letter is to be issued acknowledging the correspondent informing that it has been reported to the committee. ii. Cemetery Office Roof Repairs – The committee were informed that the Cemetery office/staffroom roof has been inspected due to the leak and findings have shown that the roof is in need of replacement. Quotes are being sourced for this work, following discussions it was agreed that this would also be added to the earmarked projects for the Amenities committee.

758. RECREATION GROUND (Agenda Point 7)

a. Feedback on action points i. The enhancing of the outdoor play equipment for all abilities- It was confirmed these works are now complete. ii. Bandstand Flower Project The committee was informed that the flowers have now been installed and some of the slate has been laid. There are still a few more flowers to order and three more bags of slate chipping, these will all fall within the agreed budget for the project. iii. Goal Posts- It was confirmed that the funding for sport areas has been opened and will be applied for. iv. Skate Park Improvements- It was confirmed that the installation is now complete, there were some issues during the installation with youths climbing the fence to gain access to the site in the evenings. v. Replacement net for Climbing Frame- It was confirmed that the installation is complete. vi. Repairs to Seesaw- It was confirmed the installation is complete. vii. Damaged Bench by school children- It was reported that no further communication has been received regarding the weeding of the bandstand. In light of the project now complete it was agreed that this action point is now closed.

Amenities Committee

Stamford Town Council - 29 - 30 April 2019

b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report i. Underground Leak at Tennis Club Toilet- The committee was informed that following the correspondence received from Anglian Water stating they expect the leak to be repaired by 28th March 2019 they are happy for the works to extend this date due to the water being turned off. A quote has been received from Orchard at the cost of £670 plus VAT for the repair works to the pipe. Following discussions, the committee agreed for the works to be carried out.

Proposal 5- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council accepts the quote from Orchard at the cost of £670 plus VAT for the repair works to the pipe.

ii. Replacement door for toilets- The committee were informed that one of the toilet doors on the Recreation Ground had been vandalised breaking the self-closer which has caused the door to warp. A quote has been received at a cost of £1799 plus VAT for a replacement door from Security Care Limited. Following discussions, it was agreed to replace the damaged door and an article would be published on the vandalism and the cost to the council in the local press and newsletter.

Proposal 6- On the proposal of Councillor J Dawson, seconded by the Councillor A Swan, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed installation of a replacement door the at a cost of £1799 plus VAT for a replacement door from Security Care Limited.

iii. Programmed Events and hire of the Bandstand- The committee were advised of 3 requests for hire for 2019 and 2020. • Children’s Party - A request to use the Bandstand for a children’s birthday party picnic for 10 6yr old’s plus parents for the 27th April 2019 12pm to 3pm, following discussions it was agreed that a charge of £50 would be required with the caveat that no person is to enter the flowerbeds and they would take full liability.

Proposal 7- On the proposal of Councillor B Sandall, seconded by the Councillor G Johnson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed to use the Bandstand for a children’s birthday party picnic for 10 6yr old’s plus parents for the 27th April 2019 12pm to 3pm, with a charge of £50 with the caveat that no person is to enter the flowerbeds and they take full liability.

Amenities Committee

Stamford Town Council - 30 - 30 April 2019

• Pinders Circus – A request has been received from Pinders Circus to hire the Recreation Ground on from Thursday 12th March 2020 to Sunday 15th March 2020 inclusive. Following discussions, the committee agreed to Pinders Circus attending in 2020

Proposal 8- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed to use of the Recreation Ground by Pinders Circus from Thursday 12th March 2020 to Sunday 15th March 2020 inclusive. • Events Committee – A request had been received from the Events Committee for using the Bandstand and Recreation Ground for a number of events. Spooktacular 27th October 2019, Music on the Bandstand 14th July 2019, Melton Brass Band 11th August 2019 and Yarwell and Nassington Brass Band on either 4th or 18th of August. Following discussions, the committee agreed the use of the Bandstand & Recreation Ground for all of the events undertaken by the Events Committee.

Proposal 8- On the proposal of Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs S Sismore, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed to use of the Bandstand & Recreation Ground by the Events Committee for Spooktacular 27th October 2019, Music on the Bandstand 14th July 2019, Melton Brass Band 11th August 2019 and Yarwell and Nassington Brass Band on either 4th or 18th of August. iv. Shack Water Heater- It was advised that the Methodist Church had requested for the water heater to be replaced. The heater was inspected when the extension works were undertaken and it was advised that the heater expels the water in the heater to below the element once turned off, the groups have previously been advised this. Following discussions, the committee agreed contact would be made with the Methodist Church explaining that there is no apparent fault with the unit however if they wish to replace it at their own expense they are authorised to do so, also an instruction of use to be displayed.

759. ALLOTMENTS (Agenda Point 8)

a. Feedback on action points

i. Priory Road Boundary Wall. – The committee was informed that East Midlands Building Consultancy (EMBC) has inspected the site and have received confirmation that two of the residents will be removing their section of the dangerous wall.

Amenities Committee

Stamford Town Council - 31 - 30 April 2019

ii. New Water Connection at Uffington Road New- No further update has been received regarding this matter. iii. Drainage at Priory Road Allotments- It was confirmed that the installation was complete however, correspondents had been received from tenants regarding damage to their plots and loss of produce, it was advised the three affected tenants, as a good will gesture receive compensation in the form of the annual allotment rent being free of charge for the 2019/2020 period. The contractor has agreed to a reduction of £150 off the invoice for the damaged cause which will cover the cost to the council.

Proposal 9- On the proposal of Councillor J Dawson, seconded by the Councillor Mrs G Johnson, it was unanimously RESOLVED the Council agreed the three affected tenants, as a good will gesture receive compensation in the form of the annual allotment rent being free of charge for the 2019/2020 period. b. To consider Management & Maintenance Report The Deputy Town Clerk presented the report on the status of the allotment waiting list and current vacancies. The Committee was informed that there were 12 vacant plots across the allotment sites 9 of which need to be completely cleared, quotes for this are being sort.

760. PERSONNEL MATTERS (Agenda Point 9) Nothing to report 761. ANY OTHER MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION (Agenda Point 10) 5-Year Plan- It was confirmed that the 5-year plan previously agreed by the council would be presented to the new committee along with the End of Year budget report with the additional item of the Cemetery wall to be added across the next 4 years. Thank you- Cllr J Dawson congratulated Cllr B Sandall on all his hard work and achievement whilst on the council. Cllr B Sandall thanked the committee and officers for all their hard work helping to achieve all the projects the committee has undertaken over the past four years.

762. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: (Agenda Point 11) – TBC

Chairman (The meeting closed at 8.18pm.)

Amenities Committee

Stamford Town Council - 32 - 30 April 2019



PRESENT Councillor Andy Croft (Chairman) Councillor Bill Turner (Vice Chairman) Councillor Mrs S Sismore

Also, in attendance: Civic Officer Chris Hunt - Town Hall Guide


Apologies for absence were received from Mary Davies (TiC), Jill Collinge – Blue Badge Guide, Penny Rowley- Tour Guide, John Davies - Tour Guide, Christine Bearne - Tour Guide

a. Wayfinding William Tse (InvestSK) had been in contact with the Chairman and The Town Clerk in respect of the wayfinding project. The next stage for the signage is a walk around in April in conjunction with the Civic Society. The Chairman will extend this invitation to members of the Committee and the Tourism Working Group when a date is fixed.

b. Chris Hunt (Tour Guide) Chris Hunt expressed concerns over the future of the museum store, a discussion on the building ensued, The Chairman stated that the Town Council had requested for an independent survey to be carried out and this would be progressed through the Finance Committee. Chris Hunt also had concerns regarding the accessibility for disabled persons wishing to gain access to The Cellar Bar in The Arts Centre.

10.40am – the formal meeting commenced. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – None


Councillor Harrish Bisnauthsing, Councillor Mike Exton and Councillor Tony Story had submitted apologies; these were noted and accepted.


None declared.

Strategic Development Committee Stamford Town Council - 33 - 30 April 2019

765. MINUTES The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 05 March 2019, were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.

766. UPDATE ON ACTION POINTS The Committee considered the feedback on the following action points in hand: a. Terracotta Coat of Arms – Although this action point was previously transferred to the Amenities committee, it was noted that one of the possible sites was St Peters Green, if this was deemed the most appropriate site the administration of this project would sit back with SSDC. For both the Cemetery and The Recreation Ground the project would sit with The Amenities Committee.

767. WEBSITE, ADVERTISING & NEWSLETTER The Civic Officer informed the members that the newsletter was due to be distributed at the end of May 2019.

768. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED Correspondence was received from InvestSK which was discussed and minuted in The Tourism Working Group at the start of the meeting.


770. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION AT NEXT MEETING Councillor Turner wished for disability access at Stamford Train Station to be considered at the next SSDC meeting. 771. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: – TBC June 2019

Chairman (The meeting closed at 11am.)

Strategic Development Committee Stamford Town Council - 34 - 30 April 2019


PRESENT Councillor Ms Maxine Couch (Chairman) Councillor Miss Breda Griffin (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Mrs Gloria Johnson Councillor David Dorson

ALSO PRESENT Mrs Patricia Stuart-Mogg - Town Clerk

772. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillors Mrs Brenda Sumner and Councillor A Croft submitted their apologies, and these were noted.


None made.

774. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday, 04 March 2019, were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.

775. SENIOR CITIZEN CONCERT, Wednesday 10 April 2019 (Agenda Point 4)

The Committee considered the final details of the annual Senior Citizen’s Concert to be held on Wednesday 10 April 2019. There was a possibility of the Chairman not being available due to a hospital appointment. Following discussion it was suggested by the Committee that the Deputy Town Clerk should stand-in. All Councillors assisting on the evening should arrive at the Town Hall by 5pm for a final briefing.

776. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE NEXT MEETING(Agenda Point 6) i. Stamford Christmas Festival SCF2019: • Entertainment • Traffic Management ii. December Festival of Carols on the Band Stand iii. Feedback on the French Market

777. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: (Agenda Point 7) – June 2019

Chairman (The meeting closed at 6.30pm.)

Events Committee Stamford Town Council - 35 - 30 April 2019



PRESENT Councillor Mrs S J Sandall (Chairman) Councillor J Dawson Councillor B C Sumner Councillor T Story Councillor Miss B Griffin Councillor Mrs S Sismore Councillor Mrs G Johnson

ALSO PRESENT The Town Clerk Mr A. Totten, Kiwanis Club of Stamford & District


Mr Totten was welcomed to the meeting and invited to present the application for financial assistance towards traffic management for Stamford’s Festival of Floats, which celebrates its 40th Anniversary in 2019. It was recognised that historically that the Town Council has been kind enough to support the cost of this expense. This year an application has been submitted for just over £2,000 which is about in line with recent years. This is the most hazardous element of the event when a number of floats drive through the centre of town in procession. There is a clear requirement for a professional management body to marshal the safe movement of traffic and road closures; without this the parade would not be able to go ahead. The event is supported by many organisations that provide their services free or through charity donations. It is also recognised that the Town Council do grant free use of the Recreation Ground and provide additional assistance towards other parts of the Stamford Festival. There is a street collection during the event; however the returns have diminished over the years. Financial assistance is critical and if the Town Council or another commercial body is unable to sponsor the Traffic Management element there is the potential for this traditional pageant to be discontinued. The Kiwanis operate this event and any funds obtained are invested in the function and consequently returned back to the people of Stamford. It was hoped that the Town Council would be able to support this request again as the Kiwanis will be using the Council’s preferred traffic management contractor. Following discussion, it was appreciated that in previous years the Police used to assist with the traffic management but with the pressures on resources this has changed and a professional traffic management body has to be contracted. This was in conjunction with the Town Council as the contractor also covered other Civic Events. TMS was approached by the Kiwanis because they are familiar with the operation, the Town, and have said that

Finance Committee Stamford Town Council - 36 - 30 April 2019 this is their most competitive pricing for a charitable organisation. The Town Clerk informed the meeting an added complexity is the end of the Financial Year and also the

concluding few weeks of this Council’s term of office. The Traffic Management for Council events will need to be tendered and it may be that TMS is the selected contractor. The question was asked whether something special was being organised given it would be the 40th anniversary. Mr Totten stated that although the format would be essentially the same, preparations are still in the early stages. It is very encouraging that there are some new organisations entering floats and a concerted effort is being focused on the content of the show. However securing financial assistance is paramount. Councillor Mrs S J Sandall thanked Mr Totten for attending and that a recommendation would be made to the Town Council, following which the Town Clerk would inform him of the decision.

Mr A Totten left the meeting at 7.15pm and the formal meeting commenced.

778. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor B Turner submitted his apologies; these were noted.


None made.

780. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 12 March 2019 were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.

781. UPDATE ON ACTION POINTS (Agenda Point 4)

a. Museum Store – The Town Clerk reported that she will be attending a Workshop this Thursday, 11 April 2019, at the Town Hall, with the Northampton Museum Mentor and the Museum Consultant in respect of the Accreditation Application. Both David Wallington (Curator for Browne’s Hospital) and John Hopson (Archivist for the Town Council) have been invited to attend. The Chairman Councillor Mrs S Sandall advised that a response is awaited from Lincolnshire County Council in respect of the survey conducted on the museum store building on behalf of the Town Council. b. Transfer of Open spaces to Town Council – The Town Clerk reported that the land owner of the open spaces abutting Rockingham Road and Chatsworth Road had agreed to pay the legal fees to transfer the deeds to the Town Council and wished

Finance Committee

Stamford Town Council - 37 - 30 April 2019

this to be expedited. This was noted with the process of transfer would commence following Town Council ratification.

All other items would be discussed later on as they were associated with the agenda.

782. FINANCE (Agenda Point 5)

a. Consider the list of Accounts for Payment Schedule – Payment Schedule No. 12b & Schedule No. 1 was circulated for consideration. These were discussed and noted. End of Year Budget Report 2018/19 – The End of Year Budget Report has been circulated for consideration. The report was examined in detail and the Town Clerk confirmed the levels of funds being earmarked for agreed projects which would be carried forward as they had not yet been completed, together with any pending liability against purchase orders awaiting clearance. The Profit and Loss Report was discussed and it was observed that one of the investment schemes had matured with the second investment maturing in June. It was recognised that this would be on the occasion of the first meeting of the new Council’s Finance Committee, when a decision may be taken on the level of the next investment when the first instalment of the Precept is also received. The Town Clerk advised that there would be a residue from the current budget which would, if necessary, be carried forward and assigned either against appropriate cost centres or projects e.g. Age UK Fund, Elections, conservation of the Historic Panel and Neighbourhood Plan. A schedule will be produced identifying all the projects against which there are earmarked reserves. The Town Clerk informed the Committee that the Sage Accounting system was operating well with the Deputy Town Clerk managing the Customer elements of the accounts and the Administration Officer managing the Supplier elements of the system. As Responsible Finance Officer, the Town Clerk would oversee the entire process and will produce quarterly and reconciliation reports. A manual exercise has been initiated by the Town Clerk to ensure that these balance accurately and match the information recorded within Sage, which is currently being overviewed externally by Mr Sismey.

b. Year 2018/19 External Audit – The external auditor PKF Littlejohn has called for documentation to be sent by 30 June 2019, preferably electronically. The Internal Audit will be conducted by Godfrey Parkes Services on 17-18 April 2019, with the final report being issued to the Town Council for approval.

Finance Committee

Stamford Town Council - 38 - 30 April 2019

c. 1st April 2019 / 31 March 2020 Business Rates – The Town Clerk reported that the Business Rates for the Town Hall and Stamford Cemetery had been received and were £18,044.25 and £3,240.60 respectively. This was noted. d. Energy Renewal for Bandstand – It was reported that the business contract was due for renewal and on current usage the renewal offer made by Eon is 1year at

£100 or for 3years £99.94 per year respectively. It was noted that the NPower contract for the gas and electricity usage at the Town Hall is due to be expire in 2020. Following discussion, it was noted that Eon which supplies the Recreation Ground Skatepark and main site lighting was providing a better service. There had been a number of issues with NPower and all invoices were being paid as soon as they were received rather than with a standing monthly payment, which was leading to excessive credits being held by NPower. There was a consensus that the main account for the Town Hall should be investigated but in the interim the Eon fixed price business plan should be accepted.

Proposal 1 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S J Sandall, seconded by Councillor Mrs G Johnson and unanimously RESOLVED that the Fixed Business Electricity Plan for three years is accepted at the standing charge of 27p per day on the current usage of 6Kwh with a total cost of £99.94 per annum.

e. Floodlighting All Saints Church -The Town Clerk informed the Committee that a bulb needed to be replaced in the floodlighting unit at All Saints Church. Contact had been made with JEM Electrical and they had provided a quote to supply and fit the replacement bulb at a cost of £60.00. Councillor Mrs S J Sandall declared a Personal Interest as she is acquainted with the owner of JEM Electrical.

Proposal 2 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S Sismore, seconded by Councillor T Story and RESOLVED by majority vote to accept the quote. There was one abstention.

783. MAJOR BUILDING WORKS (Agenda Point 6)

a. Attic Room Flooring – It was reported that a quote for the installation of roller blinds and durable carpet with good quality underlay was £1,400.00 + VAT. Following discussion it was noted that the window lintel of one of the rooms still required replacement before some of the rooms could be carpeted. Following discussion it was considered that a good quality underlay was important and the work to the lintel be expedited.

Finance Committee

Stamford Town Council - 39 - 30 April 2019

Proposal 3 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by Councillor Mrs S Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED that £1,400.00 +VAT is earmarked for the total cost of carpeting and provision of roller blinds for the attic rooms, commencing with the Music Rooms and as soon as the lintel has been fixed the remaining rooms are to be completed with the carpets being extended to incorporate the stairs.

b. Rear Garden Landscaping – It was reported that the railings to the rear garden are being installed and should be completed by the end of the week. However, with just two weeks before the first Civil Ceremony is held at the Town Hall, it was suggested that the surface of the garden could be graveled rather than partially covered with turf. A quote of 1,780.16 plus VAT had been obtained from Orchard who is installing the railings to assist with digging out and removing the existing soil and gravel to the area adjacent the new handrails. Geo-textile matting would be laid before laying washed gravel to the area. Following discussion there was a suggestion that slabs could be installed instead of gravel or some slabs as stepping stones. The Town Clerk informed the Committee that some of the plants have been planted, but the gratis prototype pots from Tarmac were now not going to be supplied as the exercise was proving more challenging than expected. Therefore pots will need to be purchased to complete the landscaping and planting. In addition an appropriate cushion will need to be purchased for the swing chair in the rear garden in readiness for the first function.

Proposal 4 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs G Johnson, seconded by Councillor Mrs S Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Clerk asks Orchard whether they would be able to slab rather than gravel the area in time. If this is not possible gravel is to be used, with some slabs being installed as stepping stones at a later date. The Town Clerk is delegated to purchase the appropriate pots and cushion to complete the rear garden.

c. Conservation to Historic Panel – The final report is awaited for the second stage of the conservation process. It was hoped all members of the Council have seen the work thus far and the small piece upon which the second stage has been undertaken. There are photos near the panel which show the how the panel can be stabilized and repairs made with minimal loss to the integrity of the panel. This was noted.

784. ASSETS (Agenda Point 7)

Finance Committee

Stamford Town Council - 40 - 30 April 2019

a. Consideration of Town Hall Bookings: The list of recent requests received to use the Town Hall was considered: i. Stamford in Bloom – A request has been made to use the Court Room for the Reception for the announcement of the winner of the Photographic Competition on Monday 29 July 2019 at 7.30pm.

ii. Stamford & District Twinning Association – Request the use of the Court Room for the Reception of the Czech Twinning visitors to Stamford on Monday 1st July 2019. The reception will be from 6.15pm to 9.30pm.

Proposal 5 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S Sismore, seconded by Councillor J Dawson and unanimously RESOLVED that the above Town Hall bookings be accepted free of charge under the allocation of the Town Council. b. Civil Ceremony Bookings – It was noted that two further Civil Ceremony bookings had been scheduled for June 2019 and February 2020, with deposits paid. These were noted. c. No. 4 St. Mary’s Place Scaffolding – The Town Clerk reported that the neighbouring building had requested for scaffolding to be installed on the Town Hall to undertake some roof work. All work has now been completed. This was noted. d. Speed Signs – The Town Clerk informed the Committee that in light of recent discussions at the Town Meeting, she had been made aware of two speed signs which are being sold. They had been purchased for £4,562.00, powered by battery or mains with four cell chargers and with 2x Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership fascia plates. Saltfleetby Parish Council which is selling them is open to offers. These could be located at the entrance to the Town by the William Cecil Hotel and along Uffington road. This was noted. e. Lincolnshire Bereavement Guide - Lincolnshire County Council has enquired as to whether the Town Council wish to advertise in their Bereavement Guide at the cost of £330 for a 90mm X 90mm size advertisement. This will be considered once the new Council has taken office. 785. MAYOR’S CHARITY (Agenda Point 8)

The current status of the Mayor’s Charity Account had been circulated. It was noted that the level stood at £1,732.51. The Town Clerk enquired whether any residue of the Mayoral Allowance, which currently was just over £200, could be used to top-up the Mayor’s Charity account.

Finance Committee

Stamford Town Council - 41 - 30 April 2019

Proposal 6 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S J Sandall, seconded by Councillor Mrs G Johnson and unanimously RESOLVED that any residue of the Mayoral Allowance could be directed toward topping up the Mayor’s Charity Account.

The Town Clerk advised the Committee that to comply with Local Government Transparency Code 2015, the Mayoral Allowance must be fully accountable. This year the Deputy Mayor has claimed certain expenses against the Mayoral allowance

and each claim had been duly authorised by the Town Council. Having consulted with the Internal Auditor, it was confirmed this process is best practice to demonstrate clearly how public funds are utilised. Following discussion, it was the consensus that this procedure is outlined and implemented in future as part of the Civic Protocol.


a. Stamford Kiwanis – The Chairman Councillor Mrs Sandall summarised the presentation made earlier by Mr Totten. Following discussion, it was noted that this request would be better allocated from the traffic management cost centre rather than the Grant Fund. It may very well be better to use TMS for the Kiwanis event as they are familiar with the operation. It was recognised that there was urgency for the Kiwanis to

know the outcome of these discussions so they could continue their preparations for the Festival Parade on 22 June 2019. The consensus was to recommend that the Town Council supports the cost for the Festival’s Traffic Management operation. However it would need to be with its preferred traffic management operator for all its events.

Proposal 7 – It was proposed by Councillor J Dawson, seconded by Councillor Mrs S Sismore and unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Council supports the cost of traffic management operation for the Festival of Floats as part of its contract with its selected Traffic Management Contractor.

The Town Clerk was asked to inform Kiwanis of this recommendation which would be presented to the Town Council at the end of the April.

b. Stamford & District Twinning Association - A request has been submitted for financial assistance of £250 towards the catering of the reception for the Kutna Hora Twinning visitors.

Finance Committee

Stamford Town Council - 42 - 30 April 2019

Proposal 8 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S Sismore, seconded by Councillor J Dawson and unanimously RESOLVED to support the grant of £250 towards the reception of the Kutna Hora visitors.

c. Stamford Brass – A request had been submitted for financial assistance of £900.00 for the installation of a loft ladder in the club house. Following discussion it was noted that there was no financial information provided with the application and therefore no decision could be taken. However, this organisation provides a service to the town and the request should be considered by the new Council.

d. Christ Church Day Care Centre – It was reported that Christ Church Day Care Centre which had submitted an application for assistance from the AGE UK Grant had now completed their project. This was for a grant for £2,000.00, which had been approved in November 2018. All invoices had been submitted and, once checked, the grant will be released. This was noted.

787. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN (Agenda Point 10)

It was noted that although the Town Council has earmarked funds towards the delivery of this plan, the Town Clerk is applying for additional grant funds to support potential future costs. It was confirmed that expenditure currently covered the drafting of the plan and the engagement of professional planners to ensure that the policies within Stamford’s Neighbourhood Plan are robust. There are two additional supporting pieces of work which have been necessary – a Character Assessment of the Area and an Open Space Plan to ensure that future development would be sympathetic with locations and ensure heights of any new construction does not impact the surroundings. Once the draft document is completed it will need to go out for public consultation. This will no doubt result in some amendments having to be made to accommodate feedback. The final stage will be when the final document goes before the Inspector for approval and, if approved, become a legal document within the planning system.

788. PERSONNEL (Agenda Point 11)

The Chairman confirmed in pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the meeting would continue in closed session during consideration of the next item which relates to personnel matters.

It was resolved to exclude the public and press.

The meeting proceeded in Closed Session 8.40pm Finance Committee

Stamford Town Council - 43 - 30 April 2019

The meeting resumed in Open Session 9.35pm

Following discussion it was agreed that the Town Council supports the reduction in hours of the Administration Officer from the 1st June 2019; the recruiting of an additional full time Administrative Assistant from the 1st June 2019; a trial in the operational hours of the Town Hall - Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm and 2pm till 4pm. Closed between 1pm and 2pm for lunch; Work Experience student should be granted a three week session in May 2019.


a. Land adjacent to 44 Caithness Road – The Town Clerk reported that herself and Councillors had received correspondence from the owner of the land adjacent to 44 Caithness Road who wished to maximise the space by constructing a property to accommodate 2xbedsits on each floor of a three-storey building. He is willing to consider an exchange of an area of equivalent land in another location in Lincolnshire. The Town Clerk confirmed that the correspondence had been acknowledged and that any such development would need to be sent to the Planning Authority and in respect of the alternative exchange the Committee believed that this was inconsequential. b. Election Circular – the Town Clerk drew attention to a recent circular which is being posted through the doors of Stamford residents which has used the Town Logo without permission. It was noted that this matter has been taken up with the Electoral Office.

790. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: (Agenda Point 13) – Tuesday, 09 April 2019 at 7pm

Chairman (The meeting closed at 9.45pm)

Finance Committee

Stamford Town Council - 44 - 30 April 2019



PRESENT Councillor B Turner (Chairman) Councillor Miss B Griffin Councillor Alan Swan Councillor Mrs S Sismore

ALSO PRESENT Mrs Patricia Stuart-Mogg - Town Clerk

791. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda Point 1)

Councillor Mrs B A Sumner submitted her apologies and these were noted.


None made.

793. MINUTES (Agenda Point 3)

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 13 February 2019, were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.

794. POLICY / REGULATIONS REVIEW AND UPDATE (Agenda Point 4) i. Review Induction Policy for Councillors and Volunteers - The Induction Policy had been circulated to members of consideration. It was noted that due to the 2019 Elections a new Council would preside, and an induction should be put in place on Wednesday 8 May 2019 at 6pm. The Town Clerk would contact the elected councillors to inform them of this induction. Proposal 1 – It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Sismore, seconded by Councillor Swan and unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Council adopt the Induction Policy for Councillors and Volunteers.

ii. To consider and review Committee Structure – Following discussion it was considered there was general consensus that the core Committees should be Finance, Planning, Amenities and Events; with the Strategic Development being discontinued. There was a

Scrutiny & Audit Committee Stamford Town Council - 45 - 30 April 2019

clear need for a Tourism Working Group which could form part and be a subsidiary to the Events Committee. Any policy review this could be directed by means of a Working Group, determined and reporting back to the Full Council. It was also considered with the potential of the Museum services coming on board a Heritage Working Group should be in place, directed by the Finance Committee. However, this would ultimately need to be the final determination of the newly elected Town Council. iii. To review the Members Allowances Policy – This was reviewed in line with the current Town Council decisions and to comply with Local Government Transparency Regulations 2015. Proposal 2 – It was proposed by Councillor Sismore, seconded by Councillor Swan and unanimously RESOLVED that the Members Allowances Policy is adopted following amendments to comply with the Local Government Transparency Regulations 2015.

795. ACTION POINTS (Agenda Point 6)

All action points were examined, and status noted.


i. Disabled Access at Stamford Railway Station – The Chairman Councillor B Turner considered that this item should be taken forward by the newly elected Town Council as a matter of priority for residents and visitors to the Stamford.

797. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: (Agenda Point 8) – TBC

Chairman (The meeting closed at 10.55am.)

Scrutiny & Audit Committee

Stamford Town Council - 46 - 30 April 2019

SCHEDULE NO 12 B (2018-2019) / NO. 1 (2019 - 2020) Transaction From: 9793 Transaction To: 10040 Tran No. Item Type Date Supplier Inv Ref Details Net Amount Tax Amount Gross Amount 9793 1 PI 19/03/2019 Market Deepting Town Council V. 441 Mayoral Event Exp. 50.00 0.00 50.00 9819 1 PI 31/03/2019 Cllr Breda-Rae Griffin V. 443 Mayoral Event Exp. 248.70 0.00 248.70 9820 1 PI 25/03/2019 Personnel Advice V. 444 Personnel Advice 100.00 20.00 120.00 9821 1 PI 02/04/2019 J Parker's Wholesale V. 445 Horticultural plants for Rec / Cem/ T'hall 706.25 141.25 847.50 9822 1 PI 28/03/2019 Custom Fencing Ltd V. 445 Repair to bollard 550.00 110.00 660.00 9823 1 PI 22/03/2019 Preservation Equiqment Ltd V. 446 Archiving Pens 22.45 4.49 26.94 9826 1 PI 26/03/2019 A&K Associates V. 449 Payroll Services 329.00 65.80 394.80 9827 1 PI 22/03/2019 NPower V. 450 Elec. Public Toilets 106.40 5.32 111.72 9830 1 PI 22/03/2019 Caroline Bendix V. 453 NADFAST Training 254.10 0.00 254.10 9831 1 PI 25/03/2019 Buildbase Building & Timber Supplies V. 454 Chippings for Bandstand 600.00 120.00 720.00 9832 1 PI 20/03/2019 Anglian Water V. 455 Water Charge - Allot. Water Furlong 0.45 0.00 0.45 9833 1 PI 19/03/2019 EON V. 456 Elec. Rec. Grd Lighting 45.36 9.07 54.43 9843 1 PI 26/03/2019 NPower V. 457 T/Hall Electricity bill 256.30 51.26 307.56 9844 1 PI 29/03/2019 Patricia Stuart-Mogg V. 458 Travel Expenses Finance / Election briefing 27.00 0.00 27.00 9845 1 PI 31/03/2019 Orchard Building Contractors Ltd V. 459 Rear Garden railings 16677.44 3335.49 20012.93 10026 1 PI 31/03/2019 Ian Sismey V. 460 Accounting Agreement 2018-2019 795.60 0.00 795.60 10027 1 PI 19/03/2019 Lincoln Conservation V.461 Conservation of the Heritage Panel 7795.00 1559.00 9354.00 10028 1 PI 23/03/2019 AMG Sport-Play Ltd V. 462 Mulch for Skatpark 15020.00 3004.00 18024.00 10029 1 PI 31/03/2019 Harrison and Dunn V. 463 Amenites Operative supplies / tools 113.99 22.80 136.79

Accounts for Payment

SCHEDULE NO 12 B (2018-2019) / NO. 1 (2019 - 2020) Page: 2

9834 1 PI 01/04/2019 Lincolnshire Association of LC V. 001 LALC Training Scheme 160.00 32.00 192.00 9835 1 PI 01/04/2019 Lincolnshire Association of LC V. 002 CALC Annual Membership 2029.94 0.00 2029.94 9836 1 PI 01/04/2019 EON V.003 Elec. Band Stand 7.95 0.40 8.35 9837 1 PI 01/04/2019 Zurich Insurance V. 004 2019 Insurance Renewal fee 4733.65 0.00 4733.65 9838 1 PI 02/04/2019 V. 005 Stamford in Bloom 2019 grant 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 9839 1 PI 02/04/2019 V.006 Stamford in Bloom 2019 Entry fee 50.00 0.00 50.00 9846 1 PI 05/04/2019 Stratus Hosting Ltd V. 007 Telephone & Brd'Band 320.94 64.19 385.13 9847 1 PI 05/04/2019 Sage UK V. 008 Sage Annual Contract 453.75 90.75 544.50 9848 1 PI 05/04/2019 SMV Contract Services V. 009 GM Contract Cemetery / Grass Tennis Crts 9440.00 1888.00 11328.00 9849 1 PI 05/04/2019 SMV Contract Services V. 010 AM St. Michaels Churchyard 120.00 24.00 144.00 9850 1 PI 05/04/2019 Anglian Water V. 011 Water Charge - Lodge 251.33 0.00 251.33 9851 1 PI 05/04/2019 Anglian Water V. 012 Water Charge - Cemetery water taps 14.55 0.00 14.55 9852 1 PI 05/04/2019 Restore Datashred V.013 Confidential Waste 69.95 13.99 83.94 10030 1 PI 02/04/2019 EON V.014 Skatepark lighting 272.18 13.61 285.79 10031 1 PI 08/04/2019 Restore Datashred V. 015 Confidential Waste 66.57 13.31 79.88 10032 1 PI 08/04/2019 Beebys Limited V.016 Contracted Cleaning 457.50 91.50 549.00 10033 1 PI 10/04/2019 Stamford Engraving V. 017 Presentation Shield engraving 12.50 2.50 15.00 10034 1 PI 11/04/2019 Orchard V. 018 Final payment Cemetery toilet contstruction 11000.00 2200.00 13200.00 10035 1 PI 18/04/2019 Torney Ltd V. 019 Risk Assessment work 1350.00 270.00 1620.00 10036 1 PI 15/04/2019 MKS Groundcare Ltd V.020 Ground Maintenance Contract Payment Rec/ Meadows 1196.33 239.27 1435.60 10037 1 PI 16/04/2019 Jem Electrical Services V.021 Floodlighting repairs All Saints Church 60.00 0.00 60.00 10038 1 PI 16/04/2019 R Harrison & Co V. 022 Priory Rd Allot. drainage improvements 5530.00 1106.00 6636.00 10039 1 PI 16/04/2019 R Harrison & Co V. 023 5 X Burials 761.00 0.00 761.00 10040 1 PI 12/04/2019 AL Locksmiths V. 024 Rec. Toilet lock repair 40.00 0.00 40.00 Totals 83097.42 14498.00 97595.42

Accounts for Payment

Stamford Town Council - 48 - 30 April 2019

DEPUTY MAYOR'S CIVIC ATTENDANCE 2018~2019 AUGUST 2018 TO PRESENT DAY No No Date Event Venue Hosted by Cost £ Mileage East Mids, War Rupert Matthews, 1 01 August 2018 Browne's Hospital 0.00 2 1 Memorials Assoc. Conservative MEP NHS Recovery New College 2 20 August 2018 Sarah Wallace 0.00 4 College Event Stamford Service of 3 24 August 2018 Thanksgiving for All Saints Church 0.00 2 David Nalson 4 26 August 2018 Stamford Car Show Meadows Oliver Wilson 0.00 2 Champagne Reception 5 30 August 2018 Mrs Miranda Rock 0.00 6 B-H-T President of Land 6 02 September 2018 Luncheon B-H-T Burghley House 0.00 6 Rover RAF Wyton Parade & 7 03 September 2018 Huntingdon Mayor of Huntingdon 0.00 60 Reception

Town Hall & Janet Meenaghan 05 September 2018 HE Awards 0.00 2 Methodist Church Principal & CEO

8 06 September 2018 Annual Reception RAF Wittering Gp Capt Keeling 0.00 14

Civic Attendance

All Saints' & St Raise the Roof 9 08 September 2018 Johns Community The Trustees 0.00 2 Reunion Centre

Town Hall, Cllr Amanda 09 September 2018 Annual Civic Service 0.00 130 Hunstanton Bosworth

Fenland District Neale-Wade 10 14 September 2018 Cllr Mrs Kay Mayor 0.00 70 Council Reception Academy, March

A performance of Stamford Arts Mike Steele ~ 11 15 September 2018 0.00 2 'Jeeves and Wooster' Centre Shoestring Theatre

Battle of Britain Methodist Church 12 0.00 2 16 September 2018 Parade & Service & War Memorial

13 Flower Festival St Johns Church 0.00 2 Wilds Lodge 14 20 September 2018 Wilds Lodge Festival Darren Rawnsley 0.00 6 School 15 21 September 2018 Freedom Parade Town Hall Mayor of Huntingdon 0.00 60

St Mary's Church, 16 23 September 2018 Civic service Mayor of Rushden 0.00 76 Rushden

Annual Lifeboat Barnsdale Lodge 17 26 September 2018 Brian Gibbins 54.00 16 Luncheon Hotel

Civic Attendance

Stamford Brass 18 03 October 2018 Mayors Parlour 0.00 2 Reception Chairmans Civic St Wulframs 19 Chairman of SKDC 0.00 46 Service Church 07 October 2018 Stamford Street 20 Pastors AGM & Methodist Church Elizabeth Goodwin 0.00 2 Celebrations Thorpe Hall 21 The George Hotel Joely Garner 0.00 2 Engagement event 12 October 2018 Corn Exchange 22 Civic/Charity Dinner Mayor of Bourne 54.00 24 Hall, Bourne Ian Ferguson - A production of The Corn 23 13 October 2018 Stamford G & S 0.00 2 Patience Exchange Theatre Players

St Martins 24 21 October 2018 The Burghley Sermon Church & Miranda rock 0.00 4 Burghley House

Cheque Presentation Roger Ing - Stamford 25 24 October 2018 Mayor's Parlour 0.00 2 to Mutts Nutts Dog Show Community Officers' Mess, 26 01 November 2018 Engagement Cocktail Kendrew Commanding Officer 0.00 25 Party Barracks

Civic Attendance

Stamford Mental 27 02 November 2018 Health & Wellbeing Town Hall Keith Spurr 0.00 2 Educational Event Goodnight Mr Tom' Arts Centre, 28 03 November 2018 Sarah Dorson 0.00 2 Production Stamford Official Opening of Peterborough Mayor of 29 09 November 2018 0.00 32 the naming of the Men Town Hall Peterborough Annual Parade & War Memorial & 30 Service of 0.00 2 Browne's Hospital Remembrance 31 Faure's Requiem All Saints' Church 0.00 2 11 November 2018 Lighting of the The Recreation 32 0.00 2 Remembrance Beacon Ground

The Gurkha Oven 33 Broad Street 0.00 2 opening RBL 'Thank You 34 12 November 2018 Town Hall 0.00 2 Supper' Living with Diabetes' 35 Stamford Hospital Keith Spurr 0.00 3 16 November 2018 event 36 Charity Ball Wicksteed Park Mayor of Kettering 60.00 50 A Service of 37 18 November 2018 All Saints' Church Stamford RBL 0.00 2 Thanksgiving

Civic Attendance

Burghley Golf 38 24 November 2018 Dining in Night 2071 Cadets 0.00 4 Club 39 25 November 2018 Christmas Festival Town Hall 0.00 2 Paws for Thought 40 27 November 2018 Town Hall 0.00 2 Coffee Morning Peterborough Mayor of 41 28 November 2018 Open day 0.00 32 Town Hall Peterborough Stamford Junior 42 05 December 2018 Nativity 2018 Head Teacher 0.00 3 School 43 Santa Fun Run Burghley Park Steve Allen - Rotary 0.00 3 Max Bayes - 09 December 2018 Christmas carol Peterborough 44 Provincial 0.00 32 Service Cathedral Grandmaster Blackstones 45 10 December 2018 RBL Poppy Party Jim Jackson 0.00 3 Social Club Joely Garner Thorpe Hall 46 Tour Community 0.00 30 Hospice 12 December 2018 Fundraiser Stamford Arts Mike Steele ~ 47 My Boy Jack 0.00 2 Centre Shoestring Theatre 48 13 December 2018 Christmas Party Stamford Hospital Matron Brooks 0.00 3

St Peters Church, 49 14 December 2018 Civic Carol Service Mayor of March 0.00 70 March

Civic Attendance

Fur & Feather Social Stamford Mr Ian R McLachlan 50 15 December 2018 0.00 2 Evening Masonic Centre ~ Good Intent Chapter

51 18 December 2018 Born in a Barn' St Georges school Head Teacher 0.00 3

Christmas Wreath Peterborough The Mayor of 52 20 December 2018 0.00 32 Laying Town Hall Peterborough Gilly Hicks - 53 29 December 2018 Sleeping Beauty Corn Exchange Stamford Pantomime 0.00 2 Players St Wulframs 54 13 January 2019 Civic Service Church, Mayor of Grantham 0.00 45 Grantham Holocaust Memorial Peterborough Mayor of 55 24 January 2019 0.00 32 Day Town Hall Peterborough 56 25 January 2019 Annual Civic Service The Showmen's Guild 0.00 104 Belfry Hotel Hollocaust Memorial Kettering The Mayor of 57 27 January 2019 0.00 50 Commemoration Borough Council Kettering

Official Opening of New College Janet Meenaghan 58 30 January 2019 the Digital Skills 0.00 4 Stamford Principal & CEO Centre A production of Oswald Elliott Stamford Junior 59 08 February 2019 0.00 3 'Aladdin Jnr' Hall School Civic Attendance

The High Sheriff of 60 10 February 2019 Legal Service Lincoln Cathedral 0.00 100 Lincolnshire Afternoon Tea for 61 11 February 2019 Mayor's Parlour 0.00 2 RBL raffle winner The Station 62 13 February 2019 Dinner Party Kestrel House 0.00 14 Commander The George 63 16 February 2019 Charity Ball Hotel, Mayor of Huntingdon 70.00 60 Huntingdon Dogsthorpe The Mayor of 64 17 February 2019 Mayor's Civic Service 0.00 36 Methodist Church Peterborough

United Reformed Rev Dr Peter 65 24 February 2019 Welcome Service 0.00 2 Church Stevenson

Deputy Mayor of 66 01 March 2019 Georgian Tea Party Town Hall 0.00 2 Stamford Band of The Royal Air The Corn 67 07 March 2019 Mr George Woolf 0.00 2 Force & S.E.S Schools Exchange Theatre

Mayor's Charity Masonic Hall, Mayor of 68 09 March 2019 60.00 66 Cabaret Evening Wellinborough Wellingborough Tallington Lodge 69 10 March 2019 Open Day Hew Graham 0.00 11 Care Home

Civic Attendance

St Peter & St 70 Civic Service Pauls Church, Mayor of Wisbech 0.00 68 Wisbech Fly the Flag for the Guildhall, 71 11 March 2019 Chairman of SKDC 0.00 41 Commonwealth' Grantham Walkers 72 Book Launch Mr R.Street 0.00 2 Bookshop 13 March 2019 The Brewhouse, Burghley House 73 Treasury Exhibition 0.00 6 Burghley Preservation Trust Mountain Trust Deputy Mayor of 74 14 March 2019 Mayor's Parlour 0.00 2 Reception Stamford Riverside Church, 75 17 March 2019 Civic Service Mayor of Sleaford 0.00 64 Sleaford

Chairmans Charity Guildhall, 76 22 March 2019 Chairman of SKDC 0.00 40 Gala Grantham Rutland County Civic All Saints' Chairman of Rutland 77 24 March 2019 0.00 22 Service Church, County Council

Deputy Mayor's Civic Burghley Golf 78 26 March 2019 Cllr Breda-Rae Griffin 0.00 9 Dinner Club Mid-Lent fair Opening Showmen's Guild & 79 01 April 2019 Ceremony & Town Hall 0.00 2 SKDC Reception

Civic Attendance

Decorated Egg 80 Bluecoat School Emily Coleman 0.00 3 Competition 04 April 2019 Men of the Stones 81 The George Hotel Clifford Bacon 0.00 2 AGM United Reformed 82 Stamford Model Show Keith Hansell 0.00 2 Church 06 April 2019 Sissons Barn, The Mayor of Market 83 The Mayor's Ball 100.00 25 Peakirk Deeping St Peters Church, 84 07 April 2019 Civic Service Mayor of Raunds 0.00 56 Raunds Chairmans Civic Belton Park golf 85 12 April 2019 Chairman of SKDC 0.00 50 Dinner Club Rotary Disability S.E.S Conduit 86 14 April 2019 Jim Guthrie 0.00 3 Games Road 398.00 1829

Civic Attendance