Adaptability of Florida Fruit Trees to Landscape Use
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308 FLORIDA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1954 ADAPTABILITY OF FLORIDA FRUIT TREES TO LANDSCAPE USE Jasper N. Joiner used as landscape features. When fruiting trees and shrubs are used effectively they Florida Agricultural Extension Service provide an additional attraction and talking point for retired personnel. Gainesville I certainly do not mean to imply that fruit The wide selection of fruits that are so well ing plants alone should be used in the land adapted for landscape use in Florida simplifies scape picture for this could create a monoto the problem of living more completely on a nous situation. The ideal situation is a mix small plot of land. This approach to the ture of plants used for their ornamental value landscape problem is particularly important to along with plants used for their ornamental many of our retired home owners who are in and fruiting values. terested in the recreation of maintaining the Where can fruiting plants be used in the home grounds as well as having as wide a landscape plan? There are sufficient varieties variety of home grown fruits as possible. to fit into every phase of any landscape plan- First let's have a look to see what the land as base plants, border and screening plants, as scape plan is supposed to do. A good land accent plants and as shade and scaling fea scape job must (1) improve the looks of the tures. home and home grounds, (2) increase the In Florida, with its wide climatic variations, utility of the grounds, (3) increase the value our choices range from deciduous fruits, com of the property and (4) add to the enjoyment mon to northern states, to the most tropical of and recreational activities of the home. plants rare in all other areas of the United It is rather unfortunate that more emphasis States. Certainly our choices are restricted is not placed on fruit-producing plants in our by the area of the state in which we live. But landscape designs. Is there anyone who can regardless of area we should be able to have deny that many of the trees and shrubs grown fruiting plants for any landscape feature and in Florida which produce edible fruits are variety enough to provide fruit for the family some of the most ornamental plants available? table all seasons of the year. When used and maintained properly in a Obviously in only 15 minutes we cannot landscape plan they certainly fulfill the first cover all of the fruits available and list their requirement of landscaping—improve the landscape adaptability, but let's cover typical beauty of the home and the property. examples for all areas of the State. For pur In addition to providing beauty—an intangi poses of discussion let's divide Florida into ble and relative item-fruiting trees can pro three areas-North and Northwest Florida, vide shade and food for the family. This food Central Florida and South Florida. Included item is important to most families. Fruits, as in North and Northwest Florida is that area a basic part of the diet, are items many fami north of the northern boundaries of Citrus, lies cannot afford, some will not bother to Marion and Volusia Counties. From this buy, but all need them for a balanced, health point south to the southern boundaries of ful diet. Although strictly ornamental trees Hillsborough, Polk, Osceola and Brevard will increase the utility of the home grounds Counties will be considered Central Florida by providing shade and scaling effects for the and the remainder of the State will be consid home itself, fruiting trees do this, PLUS pro ered South Florida. viding food-healthful food-for the family* One of the outstanding shade trees and one How about increasing the value of the well adapted to scaling large properties is the property? Do not fruiting trees and shrubs— pecan. It is ideal as a background or fore- when used properly to blend in the landscape ground tree and for an area where shade is de picture—do double duty in increasing real es sired in the summer and sun in the winter. tate values? Contractors have told me that It is a large tree with varieties that produce the average landscape plan will increase the upright growth habits and others that produce value of property by 15%—quite an increase. rounded tops. The pecan sheds its leaves This is considering only ornamental plants rapidly which makes the cleanup job easier JOINER: LANDSCAPING 309 than when oaks or other slow-shedders are also adaptable for pattern effects and screen used. The major disadvantage to this fruit is ing on wire fences. scab which often completely destroys the crop The myrtle family gives an excellent land of nuts. Home owners should only plant scab scape fruit for this area—Feijoa sellowiana, resistant varieties such as Stuart, Curtis, El commonly known as pineapple guava. If left liot, Russel, Waukeenah and Farley, for it unpruned this is a small tree, but can be used would be too expensive to spray for the con in the base planting or in the enclosing shrub trol of this disease pest. bery border. It makes a beautiful contrast In lieu of redbud, Cercis canadensis, or tree in an ornamental planting since the flowering dogwood, Cornus florida, why not leaves are glossy bluish green on the upper use the crab apple, Pyrus augustifolia, with its surface and silver grey on the lower. showy flowers and edible fruit and satsumas, Central Florida homeowners have a wealth Cftrus reticulata, kumquats, Fortunella spp. or of semi-tropical fruiting material to choose citrangedins, a cold hardy trispecific hybrid, from in making up their landscape plan. This with their dark green, fine-textured foliage, area is too warm for most of the deciduous willowy growth habits, beautiful white, fra fruiting crops and they should be left for the grant flowers and colorful yellow-orange fruit. more northern areas. The kumquats, F. japonica, round kum When thinking of fruit production in this quats, and F. margarita, oval kumquats are area of the State one can't help thinking first small, bushy trees that can be used in any of citrus since this fruit is so well known for shrubbery border or as corner subjects in the its commercial value. In addition to the regu base plantings from this area south. lar round oranges, tangerines and grapefruit Citrus varieties in this area should be bud- which are beautiful trees in any landscape ed on rootstocks which will give them the plan, homeowners should be on the lookout greatest degree of cold hardiness such as for the new citrus hybrids that are being re Poncirus trifoliata and Severinia buxifolia. leased. The tangelos, crosses between tan The S. buxifolia also produces a dwarfing ef gerines, Citrus reticulata and grapefruit, C. fect which is especially desirable where the paradisi, tangors, crosses between tangerines, tree is to be used on small properties. C. reticulata and sweet oranges, C. sinensis, The fig, Ficus carica, with its low branch are especially desirable from a landscape point ing habits can be used effectively in the en of view. Other hybrids such as limequats, closing border, or around unsightly objects citrangequats, and tangequats, citrumelos, cit- such as woodpiles, to hide them from view. randarins have tree growth habits to fit al Its coarse textured leaves and branches and most any spot and fruits for any occasion. general grey-green color adds interest and Of the more common citrus varieties the lends it to use as a scaling subject. Fig roots mandarins or kid glove group of citrus are are among the most susceptible to the root- generally good for enclosing borders and cor knot nematode and thus heavy mulching ner plantings. Many varieties in this group should be practiced. Apparently no nema- such as the King are upright in habit with tode-resistant variety of fig has been found. large, broad leaves and deep orange colored As a shrub in this area what could be fruit. Other varieties such as the Dancy tan prettier than the blueberry? It is a close gerine and Ponkan have willowy habits of relative of and combines well with the azalea growth that offer excellent contrast in devel and likes the same acid soil conditions. Blue oping interesting texture groupings in the berries provide yellow, gold and red fall colors landscape plan. The Ponkan can be trained plus the excellent combination of pink flowers as a dwarf. and blue fruit. For home use the rabbit-eye Bright yellow-fruited lemons and limes type, Vaccinium ashei, is recommended. Ever with their intense green fruits have low, bushy green varieties, Vaccinium ovatum, are now growth characteristics and almost year round available which are prized as ornamental bearing habits that make them desirable in plants. Such varieties can be used in base any border planting where privacy is desired. plantings or in bordering hedges. Grapes, For a specimen tree that will draw attention blackberries, raspberries, and dewberries can at any time of year you can't beat a calamon- be used, when trimmed properly, as low shrub din, C. mitis, with its acid fruit. This stately bery borders or along fence rows. They are tree with its columnar habit of growth and 310 FLORIDA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1954 small, yellow, tangerine-like fruit is outstand dainty small, creamy flowers that are especial ing. In addition it is a good corner plant for ly attractive if coppery-colored young leaves large buildings. are present, and downy myrtle or hill goose Before leaving the Rutaceae family let's dis berry, Rhodcmyrtus tomentosa, with its light cuss a citrus relative that more homeowners green smooth leaves and rose-pink to light should know about and use.