Anatomy of Female Reproductive Tract
Anatomy of Female Reproductive Tract R,D FIROUZABADI External Genital Organs mons pubis (Sp ,Distribution Of Hair) labia majora (Sp_perineum,round lig, scrotom,without mus,8,-2.5,1-2.5 mucous labia minora – prepuce (clitoral hood) – frenulum of the labia minora = fourchette – w/o hair follicle ,nervous corposcle,variable in size,shape, 2 flat, red ,urethral fold vestibule of the vagina (6 orifice)lab minor, fourchette,clitoris – external urethral orifice paraurethral glands (Skene’s glands) [prostate] Bartholin's gland Clitoris: Glans,corpus,crura(inf ischiopubic Pubic arch body),nerve,squamus – vaginal orifice hymen – greater vestibular glands Bartholin’s glands [bulbourethral glands] arterial supply – two external pudendal arteries – one internal pudendal artery venous drainage: internal pudendal veins PELVIC DIAPHRAGM levator ani ,coccygeus UROGENITAL DIAPHRAGM deep trns ,cons urth,int,ext Pelvic Viscera urinary organs – ureters pass medial to origin of uterine artery and continues to level of ischial spine, where is crossed superiorly by the uterine artery. Then passes close to lateral portion of vaginal fornix and enters posterosuperior angle of bladder – urinary bladder hollow viscus with strong muscular walls trigone of bladder – urethra - about 4 cm long, anterior to vagina rectum – Ligaments round ligament of uterus - attaches anterior- inferiorly to uterotubal junctions ligament of ovary - attached to uterus, posterior- inferior to uterotubal junctions broad ligament - encloses body of uterus, freely moveable transverse cervical ligaments - extend from cervix and lateral parts of vaginal fornix to lateral walls of pelvis uterosacral ligaments - pass superiorly and slightly posteriorly from sides of cervix to middle of sacrum, can be palpated through rectum as pass posteriorly at sides of rectum.
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