Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards – Section 5 – List 4th Edition

Section 5 and (24 cards) Plate 5-1 Bones and of Pelvis 1.1 Iliolumbar 1.2 Supraspinous ligament 1.3 Posterior sacro-iliac ligaments 1.4 Greater sciatic foramen 1.5 Sacrotuberous ligament 1.6 Anterior longitudinal ligament 1.7 Posterior sacrococcygeal ligaments 1.8 Iliac fossa 1.9 Iliac crest 1.10 Anterior sacro-iliac ligament 1.11 Anterior superior iliac spine 1.12 Sacrospinous ligament 1.13 Lesser sciatic foramen 1.14 Pecten pubis 1.15 Pubic tubercle 1.16 Pubic symphysis Plate 5-2 Pelvic Diaphragm: Male 2.1 Levator ani muscle (Puborectalis; Pubococcygeus; Iliococcygeus) Plate 5-3 Pelvic Diaphragm: Male 3.1 Coccygeus (ischiococcygeus) muscle Plate 5-4 Female Perineum 4.1 with deep perineal (investing, or Gallaudet’s) removed 4.2 with deep perineal (investing, or Gallaudet’s) fascia removed 4.3 Perineal membrane 4.4 Superficial transverse perineal muscle with deep perineal (investing, or Gallaudet’s) fascia removed 4.5 Perineal body 4.6 Parts of external anal sphincter muscle (Deep; Superficial; Subcutaneous) 4.7 Levator ani muscle (Pubococcygeus; Puborectalis; Iliococcygeus) 4.8 Gluteus maximus muscle Plate 5-5 Perineum and Deep Perineum 5.1 Compressor urethrae muscle 5.2 Sphincter urethrovaginalis muscle Plate 5-6 Perineum and Deep Perineum 6.1 Sphincter urethrae muscle (female) Plate 5-7 Male Perineum 7.1 Bulbospongiosus muscle with deep perineal (investing, or Gallaudet’s) fascia removed 7.2 Ischiocavernosus muscle with deep perineal (investing, or Gallaudet’s) fascia removed 7.3 Perineal membrane 7.4 Perineal body 7.5 Superficial transverse perineal muscle with deep perineal (investing, or Gallaudet’s) fascia removed 7.6 Parts of external anal sphincter muscle (Subcutaneous; Superficial; Deep) 7.7 Levator ani muscle (Pubococcygeus; Puborectalis; Iliococcygeus) 7.8 Gluteus maximus muscle Plate 5-8 Perineal Space 8.1 Sphincter urethrae muscle (male) Plate 5-9 Anorectal Musculature 9.1 External anal sphincter (Deep; Superficial; Subcutaneous) Plate 5-10 Nerves of Pelvic Viscera: Female 10.1 Sympathetic trunk and L2 ganglion 10.2 Lumbar splanchnic nerves 10.3 Sacral splanchnic nerves (sympathetic) Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards – Section 5 – List 01.07.2017 1/4 10.4 Pudendal nerve 10.5 Pelvic splanchnic nerves (parasympathetic) 10.6 Inferior hypogastric (pelvic) plexus 10.7 Superior hypogastric plexus Plate 5-11 Nerves of Perineum and External Genitalia: Female 11.1 Dorsal nerve of 11.2 Posterior labial nerves 11.3 Branches of (Superficial; Deep) 11.4 Pudendal nerve in pudendal (Alcock’s) canal (dissected) 11.5 Perineal nerve 11.6 Inferior anal (rectal) nerves Plate 5-12 Nerves of Perineum: Male 12.1 Perineal nerves (Superficial; Deep) 12.2 Inferior anal (rectal) nerves 12.3 Pudendal nerve 12.4 Perineal nerve 12.5 Superficial and deep branches of perineal nerve Dorsal nerve of penis (continuation of pudendal nerve supplying muscles on superior aspect of 12.6 perineal membrane) Plate 5-13 of Female Pelvis 13.1 Superior gluteal 13.2 13.3 (patent part) 13.4 13.5 13.6 Uterine artery 13.7 Inferior rectal artery 13.8 Superior vesical arteries 13.9 Umbilical artery (occluded part) 13.10 13.11 Right Plate 5-14 Arteries and of Female Perineum 14.1 Posterior labial artery 14.2 14.3 Perineal artery 14.4 Internal pudendal artery in pudendal (Alcock’s) canal 14.5 Inferior rectal artery 14.6 Artery to 14.7 Dorsal artery of clitoris Plate 5-15 Veins of Rectum and Anal Canal 15.1 Common iliac veins 15.2 Median sacral 15.3 External rectal plexus 15.4 Internal rectal plexus 15.5 Inferior rectal vein 15.6 Internal pudendal vein (in pudendal [Alcock’s] canal) 15.7 Internal pudendal vein 15.8 Middle rectal vein 15.9 Superior vesical and uterine veins 15.10 Internal iliac vein 15.11 15.12 Superior rectal vein (from inferior mesenteric vein) Plate 5-16 Arteries and Veins of Male Pelvis 16.1 Right obturator vessels 16.2 Superior vesical artery 16.3 Umbilical artery (occluded part) 16.4 Superficial dorsal vein of penis 16.5 Pampiniform (venous) plexus 16.6 Inferior rectal artery 16.7 Internal pudendal artery

Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards – Section 5 – List 2/4 16.8 Inferior gluteal artery 16.9 16.10 Internal iliac vessels Plate 5-17 Arteries and Veins of Male Perineum 17.1 Inferior rectal artery 17.2 Internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerve (cut) in pudendal (Alcock’s) canal (opened up) 17.3 Internal pudendal artery passes superior to perineal membrane 17.4 Perineal artery and vein 17.5 Posterior scrotal arteries Plate 5-18 Female Pelvic Contents: Superior View 18.1 (fundus) 18.2 18.3 Uterine (fallopian) tube 18.4 Round ligament of uterus 18.5 Broad (lateral uterine) ligament 18.6 Sigmoid colon 18.7 Suspensory ligament of ovary (contains ovarian vessels) 18.8 Rectum 18.9 Recto-uterine pouch (cul-de-sac of Douglas) 18.10 Urinary bladder Plate 5-19 Transverse Section: Tip of Coccyx (Male) 19.1 Urinary bladder (interior) 19.2 Spermatic cord 19.3 Prostate gland 19.4 Femur (head) 19.5 Greater trochanter (femur) 19.6 Sciatic nerve (right) 19.7 Gluteus maximus muscle 19.8 Anal canal (proximal) 19.9 Coccyx (tip) 19.10 Levator ani (puborectalis) muscle 19.11 Internal pudendal artery and vein 19.12 Obturator artery, vein, and nerve 19.13 Iliopsoas muscle 19.14 Femoral vein, artery, and nerve Plate 5-20 Support Structures of Female Pelvic Viscera 20.1 Obturator artery 20.2 of uterus and uterovaginal fascia 20.3 Uterine vessels 20.4 Cardinal (transverse, or Mackenrodt’s) ligament 20.5 Uterosacral fold (uterosacral ligaments lie in this fold) 20.6 External iliac vessels 20.7 Ureter 20.8 Recto-uterine pouch (of Douglas) 20.9 Urinary bladder (vesical fascia partially removed) Plate 5-21 Female Perineum 21.1 Clitoris 21.2 Bulbospongiosus muscle 21.3 Ischial tuberosity 21.4 Sacrotuberous ligament 21.5 Ischio-anal fossa 21.6 Perineal body 21.7 Superficial transverse perineal muscle 21.8 Greater vestibular (Bartholin’s) gland 21.9 Bulb of vestibule 21.10 Ischiocavernosus muscle Plate 5-22 Male Pelvic Contents: Superior View 22.1 Ductus deferens (in peritoneal fold) 22.2 Deep inguinal ring 22.3 Testicular vessels (in peritoneal fold)

Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards – Section 5 – List 3/4 22.4 Descending colon 22.5 Ureter 22.6 Cecum 22.7 Rectovesical pouch 22.8 Urinary bladder 22.9 Rectum Plate 5-23 Male Perineum and Penis 23.1 Glans penis 23.2 Deep (Buck’s) fascia of penis 23.3 Ischiocavernosus muscle (cut away) 23.4 Superficial transverse perineal muscle 23.5 Perineal body 23.6 External anal sphincter muscle 23.7 Levator ani muscle and inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm roofing ischio-anal fossa 23.8 Gluteus maximus muscle 23.9 Anus Plate 5-24 Testis, Epididymis, and Ductus Deferens 24.1 Ductus deferens 24.2 Epididymis (head, body, tail) 24.3 Lobules 24.4 Tunica albuginea 24.5 Septa 24.6 Area of rete testis (mediastinum testis) 24.7 Efferent ductules

Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards – Section 5 – List 4/4