© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71005-3 - A.D.A.M
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71005-3 - A.D.A.M. Student Atlas of Anatomy, 2nd Edition Todd R. Olson and Wojciech Pawlina Index More information INDEX A Anal triangle palmar Abdomen female, 151 deep, 296–297, 340 abdominal wall muscles, 22–23 male, 150 superficial, 296, 337–338 innervation, 465 Anastomotic loops between anterior & pelvic fascia, 160–161 peritoneal cavity, 112–117 posterior spinal artery, 34 plantar, 230–231 posterior wall, 140–143 Anatomical neck, 280–281 plantar arterial, deep, 270–271 regions, 111 Anatomical snuffbox, 278, 330–331 Arcuate eminence, 365, 443 right scapular line, 111 Angiogram, coronary, 85 Arcuate line of ilium, 23, 44, 48, 153–155 topography, 110 Angle of scapula. See Scapula Areola, 2, 66 Abdominal esophagus, 117–120 Angles. See specific anatomical feature Arm Abducens nerve (CN VI), 392–393, 396, 430, Ankle joint actions, 238 dermatomes, 300–303 432–435, 440–441 Annular tendon, common, 449–450, 452, 456 muscles, 286–287 auricular branch, 457 Annulus fibrosus, 84, 106, 385 muscles, anterior, 288–289 buccal branch, 457 Anorectal (pectinate) line, 162–163, 208 nerves, cutaneous, 300–303 cervical branch, 457 Ansa cervicalis, 314, 385, 408, 410–411, 470 nerves, deep, 306–307 function, 471 inferior root, 410–411, 469 skeleton/muscle attachments, 280–283 groove, 362 superior root, 408, 410–411, 414, 437, 469 surface anatomy, 278–279 mandibular branch, 457 Ansa subclavia, 98, 305, 316 veins, 298–299 marginal mandibular branch, 457 Antebrachial fascia, 289 Arrector pili muscles, 465 occipital branch, 457
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