World Championships Twirl 2020 Eindhoven, the Netherlands

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World Championships Twirl 2020 Eindhoven, the Netherlands World Championships Twirl 2020 Eindhoven, The Netherlands Wednesday 8th until Sunday 13th of April 2020 We proudly welcome you! The World Championships for Twirl 2020 will take place in the Netherlands. We are proud to be your host during this event. In this brochure we are informing you about our possibilities to make your stay warm and comfortable during your event. As athletes we understand that during the World Championships your stay should be comfortable and an absolutely unique experience. NBTA the Netherlands has decided to give you the outmost experience. We collaborate during this event with our tour operator. You will find the contact details of our tour operator at the end of this brochure and at the bottom of this page. Let us give you a small introduction of the Netherlands. The Netherlands is a unique country: it is completely flat and below sea level. Many tourists visit the Netherlands for its cultural cities such as our capital Amsterdam; The Hague; Rotterdam; Delft and Utrecht. But also because of our different countryside such as the small fisher village of Volendam; the Windmills in Kinderdijk; and Giethoorn is known as “Venice of the North”. The Netherlands is most known for 5 different icons; the tulip fields; windmills; cheese markets; wooden shoes and Delft blue. Although it is not in the top 5 icons we all know the Dutch national brewery Heineken. And did you know that we are the Cycling Nation? With over 32,000 kilometres cycling paths throughout the country. This Is due to our flat country which makes cycling safe, easy and great fun! Without any doubt, the best way to discover the Netherlands is by using our great bicycles. And we are also well-known for our yearly seasonal periods: go Ice Skating in the winter; enjoy the tulip fields in the spring; go cycling in the summer; and soak the culture in the autumn. This was just a small introduction of the beauty of our country. We are proud of the Netherlands and although the World Championships are short: we do hope you will have great fun with us. We thank you for your interest and we hope we can be of assistance to you. Good luck with the selections and we hope to welcome you soon! On behalf of NBTA the Netherlands, Verschoor reizen Suzanne van der Ent Tel.: +31-(0)184-612714 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Page 1 out of 20 [email protected] ©Verschoor reizen 2019 Indoor-Sportcentrum Eindhoven Indoor-Sportcentrum Eindhoven is one of the largest indoor sports facilities in the Netherlands. It offers participants, spectators and press high-quality facilities during (high-profile) events. From sports practices, sports competitions and tournaments to meetings, conferences and concerts: Indoor-Sportcentrum Eindhoven has all the necessary facilities for events. The location is situated in the South of the Netherlands. More or less 1,5 hour drive from Schiphol Airport. To give you some idea of this unique location we are presenting you with a few pictures. The Sports Arena has a total surface of 50 x 80 metres, which makes it possible for a lot of different sports. There are eight spacious changing rooms with showers, a spacious car park (free parking) next door, a fitness centre, press room, AED present, hospitality service available, permanent stand with 2250 seats (possibility to extend stand capacity by 1750 seats), several meetingrooms and there is a VIP rooftop terrace aswell. Page 2 out of 20 [email protected] ©Verschoor reizen 2019 Transportation We can help you with our great transport system throughout the Netherlands. The below-mentioned information is a setup based on the negotiations with NBTA The Netherlands and the requirements known to us at this moment. Should your team have different wishes or requirements? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Type of tour bus Transport details Pricing 50-seater coach One-way transfer Schiphol € 515,00 airport towards hotel 50-seater coach One-way transfer Eindhoven € 245,00 airport towards hotel 50-seater coach One-way transfer Rotterdam- € 460,00 The Hague airport towards hotel 50-seater coach One-way transfer Maastricht € 405,00 airport towards hotel 50-seater coach One-way transfer Brussel € 460,00 airport towards hotel 50-seater coach One-way transfer Dusseldorf € 515,00 airport towards hotel 50-seater coach 4 hours approx. 150 km. € 355,00 50-seater coach 8 hours approx. 300 km. € 765,00 50-seater coach 12 hours approx. 450 km. € 1062,00 All above mentioned rates are inclusive 9% VAT. The transport is based on standard coaches as a 50-seater. If you need a 60-seater the rates will be 25% higher. If you need a 85/90-seater the rates will be 50% higher. If you need a trailer for all the luggage, the extra costs will be € 109,00 per day or transfer. Shuttle service between our accommodation and the Indoor-Topsportcentrum Eindhoven will costs € 245,00 per shuttle. Depending to the availability and pricings below coaches may be of different suppliers. 18-seater coach Various coaches with divers sizes 50 -60-seater coach 88-seater coach Page 3 out of 20 [email protected] ©Verschoor reizen 2019 Hotels With outstanding care we have selected various hotels and hostels for your accommodation during the World Championships. By selecting these hotels we can present you with an offer based on your entire stay and the required transport. Our selection of the hotels is based on comfort, price and quality. The level of service and comfort has been rated by price level aswell. All prices given in our proposal are inclusive VAT and breakfast. Sports dinnerbuffet is mentioned optional. In case your budget or the size of the group is different or in case you have different needs; please contact us by [email protected] The hotel offers are valid till the 15th of November 2019. “We are here to deliver you an outstanding service” Page 4 out of 20 [email protected] ©Verschoor reizen 2019 Holiday Inn Eindhoven Website: Location: Holiday Inn Eindhoven is located in the heart of the city centre of Eindhoven. The railway station and the bus station are only 550 metres from the hotel. From this hotel it’s a 15-minute drive to the Indoor-Topsportcentrum in Eindhoven. Rooms: All of the 207 rooms are equipped with renovated spacious bathrooms, a work desk, minibar and tea/coffee tray and guests can choose from different pillows for extra sleep comfort. Free WiFi is available in all areas. The hotel includes an indoor pool and gym. Surroundings: If you like to explore the surroundings, Music centre Frits Philips is a 10-minute walk away. The famous Philips Stadium is a 15-minute walk from the hotel. The shopping area are only 400 metres away. Hotel proposal (check in Tuesday 7th of April, check out Monday 13th of April 2020) Room type Based Price per room on: Double/Twin Logies € 124,00 per night For single use and Breakfast Double/Twin Logies € 144,00 per night For double use and Breakfast Junior Suite (1 king-size bed + 1 Logies € 209,00 per night sofa bed, suitable for 2 adults and for 3 adults and 2 children or 3 adults breakfast € 219,00 per night for 2 adults and 2 children City tax is not included: € 3,50 per person per night Diner buffet is not possible in this hotel! Hotel terms and conditions: Payment conditions: 50% of the total booking paid 3 months before arrival. Other 50% of the total booking paid 2 months before arrival. Cancellation policy: In case of cancellation more than 3 months before arrival without costs. More than 2 months before arrival 35% cost of the total booking. More than 1 month before arrival 60% cost of the total booking. More than 3 weeks before arrival 85% cost of the total booking. And within 3 weeks before arrival 100% cancellation cost of the total booking. Subject to price changes upon confirmation! Page 5 out of 20 [email protected] ©Verschoor reizen 2019 NH Conference Centre Koningshof Website: centre-koningshof Location: NH Koningshof is located a 15-minute drive from the centre of Eindhoven and is surrounded by forests. The hotel is located on the outskirts of Veldhoven. From this hotel it’s a 15-minute drive to the Indoor-Topsportcentrum in Eindhoven. Rooms: The hotel has 509 rooms. All rooms are simply furnished in restful, toned-down colors. Many rooms have views out onto the woods. There are also connecting and familyrooms available. The hotel has a indoor swimming pool, sauna, solarium, a gym and tennis/squash facilities. All rooms has private bathrooms. Surroundings: The hotel is close to a national park, perfect to walks and hikes. There is a bus stop in front of the hotel for journeys to Eindhoven city, airport and station. Hotel proposal: (check in Tuesday 7th of April, check out Monday 13th of April 2020) Room type Based on: Price per room Superior Single Logies and € 106,00 per night room for single Breakfast use Standard room for Logies and € 105,00 per night double use Breakfast Superior room for Logies and € 120,00 per night double use breakfast Family Room (3 Logies and € 154,00 per night persons) breakfast Extra’s Type Price per person Diner buffet Sports € 28,50 per evening (excl. consumption) City tax is not included: € 1,46 per person per night (based on 2019, rates for 2020 are unknown at the moment) Hotel terms and conditions: Payment conditions: 50% of the total booking paid 4 months before arrival.
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