...WORLD-SCOPE... MOSCOW—-The Soviet Communist party secretary, Frol Kozlov, has criticized lied China for its, in his words, "Adventuristic position” in the war with India. Kozlov avoided mentioning Ked China by name, but the implication was dear as lie spoke at the Italian Communist Party Congress in Rome. ■ ■ m ■ - BEVERLY HILLS—Movie producer Samuel Hronston and Stanford University are holders today of the first Condor Award presented by the Society of Pan- American Culture. llronston won the Award for focusing world attention upon CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE * Kl ('id, a figure in history much revered by all Spanish-speaking people, through his motion picture, “El Cid.” Vol. XXV No. 14 SAN LUIS ObTs PO, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, DEC. 4, 1962 ■ ■ ■ • LOS ANCiKLF.S—Veteran Rank Robber John Kinchloe De Jarnette was arragned in List Angeles Federal Court and was ordered held under 100-thousand dollar bond Cowboys Compete pending a December tOth hearing. De Jarnette, who had lioasted, he would never be taken alive, was captured in Hollvwood early today by the FBI which only recently placed him on its ten most wanted list.- . In Arizona Contest No Off-Campus Dormitory Units Cal Poly Rodeo team placed first " • 4 in the intercollegiate rodeo held last weekend at Tempe, Ariz. Yule Music Slated Lew Borzini placed first in the Engineering West Accepted'* first go-round calf roping, C. W. Are Scheduled For Fall Opening Adams placed’ third rin the bare- For El Corral Friday back riding, Terry Simpson placed Department s Start Moves I Popular. Christmas carol*, a med- first in the second go-round bull­ * lt-y of yule music and community logging, fourth In the first go- round bulldogging and second ove • Texas Firm The new $8.25 million multi-storied Engineering West I wi“ highlight a hand con- ill bulldogging, and fourth in the Building has been officially accepted by the college and the snack UaT ' “ y *' <'°r,“ ,lrat go-round calf roping, state division of architecture. Departments have begun mov­ George Heatie, Music Depart­ Dave Freeman plated second In Begins Work ing into new locations but the biggest moving job will be ment instructor, will pose as Saint bareback riding, and fourth in the ^luring Christmas, vacation. The Architectural Department Nick to bring the musical pre­ second go-round bulldogging. Jack sents with his team of til) musi­ Dawson, .filaced fourth in bareback Student houfling should will take UP occupancy in the - — cians. riding, Jack Sparrowk placed fifth to be such a dilemma north section of the building, of On; building-approximatcly in bulldogging, first in the first next yeaf, according to Ever- one acre—will be uned for the "White Christmas,v* "Yuletide along Polyvue; maintain a Festival," "Sleigh R id e ,” “A go-round saddle bronc riding, sec­ erett Chandler, dean of »tu- ronxtruclion of Architect stu­ ond in the saddle bronc average soil test lab in the west wing; dent'it senior project* and the Christmas Festival,” “Rudolph the dents. . general purt*»se classrooms Ked-nusoil Reindeer,,” and 'Mingle iml first in tbs bulldogging. future location of the geodesic Bells” will be played. Alternate John Miller from Paw- “T * o ‘ 160 -unit dormltorfei on the second floor of the east dome. huskn, Okie,, 'Placed first in the being constructed by the Texas wing and display gallery und of­ There are also two storage build­ second go-round ribbon roping and Chandler, Inc., will be approved fices on the ground floor of the ing* in the middle _of the. quad­ second in the Hvorage ribbon rop­ off-campus housing and should east wing. rangle to hold tfravqj, cemant nnd ing; Dwyane Collins placed second help the^sltuatlon," says Chandler. other supplies for the Architect­ New Speech Class Each dorm will accommodate 300 The aouth wing of the quadran­ ural lab*. in the second go-round bulldog- gular structure will house Mechan­ ging. students. , ical Engineering tnba, Aero Stress The first pow"r 'monorail Is aet To Study Drama The team placed first over the The units will be situated one- labs and Metallurgy labs on the up In the Went Winir of the build­ Interested in acting? Then University of Arizona which placed half mils from campus on Santa first door; the Techanical Art* area ing and will run into the indoor Rosa St., between Meinecke and architect lao from the atorage Speech 321 is designed for you. second and Arizona State which •on the second floor and Mechanical This course will be offered Win­ placed third. Murray St. Engineering nnd Aero drafting houaea. It will be uaed to feed ma- Construction la scheduled to ( teriala from atorage intp the labs ter Quarter and covers all aspects None of the all-around result* or kite on the third floor. of acting, including acting theory, the gtrhr result waa available. begin Jan. 1 with an expected and to haul projects Into labs for completion and occupancy date The quadrangle in the middle strength and atreaa testing. cter study and stage move­ Team members competing at ment. Tempe wei-e Jack Sparrowk, Jack sat for the Fall Quarter. The course carrying a prerequis­ Dawson, Dave Freeman, C. W. Both dormltoriaa, one for wo­ ite of English lOfl or Speech 201 Adams, Terry Simpson, Lew Bor- men and one for men, will have a utilizes a combined lecture-labora­ zini, and alternates Dwyne Collins ■elf contained dining hall, lounge tory technique for 3 units of aca­ and Ray Walker. Nadcy Whitman. and laundry facilities. Engineers To Attend demic credit. Jennnie Foote, Linda Hancock and alternate Sharon Packer repre­ Rooms will bo slightly larger The class meats from 3-6 Mon­ thaa those in the on-campus day and Wednesday in Little Thea­ sented the coeds. tre 212. Earlier this fall the team took halls with one bath for every Seattle Technology Talk According to Miles Johnson, En top honors at the University of two rooms. They will be aor­ glish instructor, this is an ideal Nevada Intercollegiate Rodeo at GOING III* . . . An artist's conception of tor nuu siuficni*, and have a self-contained tic ned Into sleeping and study Two outstanding and active engineering seniors have elective course because it promotes Reno, Nevada- The team completed the new off-campus dormitory units planned dining hall, lounge, and laundry facilities. areas, with two students to a been invited to attend the Boeing Advanced Technology speech training, confidence through against eight colleges and univer­ for construction one-half mile from campus Rooms will be built in two parts, one for ucting before groups, cooperation sities from California, Arizona and on Santa Rosa St. Is shown above. The studying and one for sleeping, with two Forum in Seattle, Wash. Dec, 20 and 21 They are Charles multi-storied structure will provide housing students to a room. Special acoustical til* and wall- Allen Russel, Electronics major from Lancaster, and Dorian in group efforts and personal de Ntvada. to-wall carpeting will subdue nolao veiopment satisfaction. In all room*. James Arnold, Mechanical Engineering major from San Luis Room and board will bo ap­ obisjak. HIGH SCHOOLERS HOSTED UN Tests Will Be Given proximately 9186 n month, par Russel presently ranks sec­ the Aero-Space Facilities Engineer­ person*. ond in a class of 67 Electronic- ing forum. Topics to be presented "Both halls will follow tho same in Russel’s area include test de­ Dairy Major regulations as on-campus. Each Engineering seniors. He has sign, instrumentation, information Thursday, 8 To Be Named hall will hav* a student resident particiitated in varsity track processing and.utilization and fu­ Engineers Slate of UN plenary procedure ia manager and a head resident. ture development*. In T a lk Meet' Eight sttHent* will be se­ and field for two year*. He waa expacted of the students. The firm of O’Moara-Chandler treasurer of hi* dorm in 19flO-Al Arnold'* field will rover archi­ Selected to represent California lected Thurso*.? to represent has constructed rodldanco halls and presently i* social chairman tecture-structure design, electrical in nationwide competition at the the college nt the 12th annual Specifically, (be examinations for aoveral other state collages of the campus chapter of the power distribution design, mechani­ American Farm Bureau "Talk will cover the Cuban and Berlin Annual Preview Model United Nations con­ situations, the C and presently baa 11 other facili­ Institute of Radio Engineers. cal plant design, equipment engin­ Meet" in Atlanta, Ga., Dac. 18 is vention to be held at San ties throughout tho West achedu- eering and mechanical. ------Richard Cotta, a sophomore Dairy Announcement of 106 injr at 1 D.m. in Fremont tion of Red Chins'* ______1 4 m A L a t y i a Arnold Is a member of the Hall. That awning the Jose State College, April tkm In tbo Untied Nations re­ ipn tot completion in inf nw i two •Indent chapter of the Mechani­ Both student* have experience Husbandry major. school applicants chosen for In their respective fields. Russel Cotta, who halls from Salinas, will attend a buffet ifipper in the 1 '24-27 organization of the secretariat, cal Engineering Society and has won the California Farm Bureau the Engineering Division’s College Dining Hall, with Dean Selection of the delegate* will the situation In Angola, been accepted a* t member of worked last|gymmer for the I’ari- third Haye* giving a welcome speech at fic Telephone and Telegraph Co. Federation’* “Young People's Talk annual Engineering be based on competitive written the question of nuclear Poultry Shutouts Will Judge the honorary engineering frat­ Meet" at the San Diego convention Preview has been made, ac­ 7 o'clock- and oral examinations which will meat. Nolan said. ernity, Tau Sigma. in system analysis and circuit design an an assistant engineer. over three other state finalist* with cording to Dean Harold P. Hayes. ____Monday.». __ Dec. 17. . feature* a talk, begin at 11 a.m. Thursday in room Th# Social Soianca'' instructor Turkey* At TuHtck Shew his extemporaneous speech on The outstanding 100 come from three technical sessions, and a . ban- . . 244 of the Erhart Agriculture said all students, regaYdlvss of Accommodation* and travel ar- The two previous summers he quet with a guest speaker. After Buildln|r The teiU> wh|ch wi|| Poultry students will Judge tur­ ■ngements for the trip will he worked for the Autonetica Divi­ “Foreign Markets." Modoc County in the north to Cal­ major, are eligible to participate keys at the 18th Annual Far West exico in the south. breakfast at 7:80 a.m.. Rodney |agt two hours, will be admtnis- in the Model United Nations. made and paid for by the Boeing sion of North American Aviation Speaking ia not Cotta’ai only in­ Klef, Air Conditioning Instructor b member, of the Social Turkey 8how at Turlock Dee. 6. Co. as a solid atgfte component* terest, he recently has been selected Some 400 applicants applied for Expenses of th* delegation whilt Senior Poultry majors snrolled in inspector. by a review committee of • the the three day program, with 100 and general host, will call the pre-- ge^ao* 'Department faculty, in Ban Jos* will be paid by th* leading technical personnel from view to.order. According to Thomas F. Nolan, th* Turkey Production class will Arnold's experience includes University of California at Berke­ selected by.a faculty committee. Associated Student Body. attend. Throe of th# studenta will the Hoeing Co. will conduct the Selection was made on the bast* At 9 a.m., Robert Adamson, | Social Science instructor and ad- Although students will be train­ numeroue Individual technical for­ three and a hair years at Aerojet- ley faculty to receive the 4-H Mechanical Engineering instructor, participate in th* Judging content. (ieneral Corporation where he was Diamond .Star award which ia the of expressed interest in engineer­ riser to th* MUN delegation, ing for the MUN convention dur­ Roland Pauta is Judging coach and um* to be held. These will include ing and the recommendation of will speak on "Theory and Mea­ prospective delegate* will be ing Winter Quarter, Nolan pointed both lecture* and diecusaions. Two employed in the Aerophyaies De- highest 4-H hohor in the state. He surement of Testing" In SC K-U7. Instructor of th* class. artment of the solid rocket plant, will receive the award at the 4-H the student's science or math tested on their knowledge of the out that the examinations Thure- Th* contestants will Judge both divisions of the company are co­ The two-hour technical sessions organisation .of the United Na­ day will be rfly ort unity operating to sponsor these forums, Elis work primarily consisted of national convention in Washington, teaeher. The preview will be held will follow. livo and dressed turkeys. Loot D.C. next April. Dec. lfl. 17 and 18. tions, current UN problem* and students will have to try the student judges placed the Aero-flpace Division and the research and development of both viewpoints of the Ukranian Peo- Transport Division. ■ contoured nozzle and plug-nozzle Competing in dairy cattle judg­ The basic theme of this year's Peter Askew, president of bership on th* delegaitic preview ie “Engineering Test* and Western Air Conditioning Indus­ pie'slie's Republic, the country Cal The students will participate in designs for various solid propellent ing this quarter< Cotta has placed Poly will wl represent at tha Model s forum appropriate to their aca­ engine systems. He ha* also high alternate in the Pacific Measursmenta." The students will tries, will be the guest speaker participate In the analysis of typ­ at n 7 p. m. banquet in the Col­ United Nutions. Some knowledge demic training and intem t. worked in cold-flow studies of aft. International Dairy Cattle Judging ical engineering problems, solu­ Russel wilt attend the Aero- closure geometric* and has con- Contest at Portland, Ore., and as lege Dining Hall. Ilia topic will tion* by analog and digital com­ be "Pattern* of flpara Division's Missle and Space ducted and analyzed hot-firing the second highest at the San puters and other means, and ac­ Systems Technology forum on test test* of subscale solid propellent Francisco Cow Palace in the Jersey tual test verification of solutions. Engineering Preview, 19*2, will technology while Arnold will vlelt 1 engines and Brown Swiss divisions. Problems will he selected from the emt Tuesday, Dec. 18, with s tech­ Urban Planning - kAAA^AAAAA^AAAAAA^AA^AAAAAAAAA structural, thermal and fluid fields nical session, seminar und com­ ments by Dean Hayes. The semin­ The underlying purpose of the ar will he a general discussion of preview i* to give a selected question* devt-io|>eer of national honorary organi­ Printing Week festivities In Cal will have to be purchased from flower markets In Poly’s Printing Engineering and Tji* pretty "Mite Printing Week" •hat Cal Poly la using to build Its 1MJ Tourna­ zation* such as Alpha /.etn and will be crowned at th* annual ment of Roses Parade entry. 1.0* Angeles, according to Boh Pettis and Ron 0 :A«» MF !*F 10F -41F IK Blue Key. ‘ -Th ' lOTh •ITh in Agricultural .Economic*. While coed is ■ tranafek student from Mat Pica Pi. Her plana for th* Fancy," and will feature three couples, repre- All students are invited to help build the float 1:00 12M 1M 2M 3M Studying for hi* master’s degree IMahlo Valley Junior College In future include both graduation and in Pasadena starling Dec. 22 at 9 a.m. at'th e car •enling grammar school, high school, and college- 2:00 1W !W 3W at th* university, he served as a Concord. Hh* was horn in Texas mMI Mechanical animals and an operating waterfall barns located at the corner of Colorado Hlvd. and 12W research statistician for *the lie- I nnd moved to California with her Cal Poly’s Printing Engineering ••II also be included. Uiamoiid Ave. in Pasadena. 12P IF 2F _ 3E pertinent of Agricultural Econo­ family in I MO. Mis* Prout sod Management Department-'ii Lack of flowers seem* to be the major problem Each and every flower has to he put on individ­ * mies ami as s research assistant attended Piedmont High and the only school on the West Comet this year, as the chrysanthemum* on- the keHogg ually by-hand, and many Nfudenf* from both cam­ >1:0<)’ 12T IT 2*r r«T puses will he needed to complete the float. for the Farm Economic* Division I Oakland Tech. High where she!that offer* n bachelor of science eampu* and the bachelor-button* from Han l.ui* r>:00 12Th ITh 2Th 3Th ' of the I’njtvd States Division of was active In student activities j degree in printing and manage- Agriculture aud waa an honor student. meat.

i TTTESDAY, DEC. i, PAGE 2 SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA c l a s s i f i e d ^ - — j l Many seasons ...Tha Snovemenle ...Tha tomru oP leader «va« to ...Hera paace stipulated descend from the ha First Night Kinks Ironed Out; ADVERTISEMENTS Jbugnt and won a that one* each mountain* bearing cornea FOR SALE great Wtkr With the winter .about gifts for our now! JbommsWs Snownan 1958 ''T-Bird” - - Clean Call 770 iGirl Crazy’Proves To Be Fun 2279 after 5 P.M. or Cal p0i» extension 220, Mr. Huffman. ' By MITCH HIDER TV sheriff in appearance. He did I Most elements of 'Girl Crazy Nearly new Royalite Typewrit^ It was probably high noon. The carry the- njob.... len t-, election were done right. Sets were, imug- with handy cutVylng case. $35.(10. | ^ H § | q Grand Hotel was quiet. Then from scene with thut peculiar grimace.. inntive, costumes colorful u n u bright to say the least, and the Sec Mr. Babb, Graphic Arts f i l l , the winga, . .ouops. , .hotel door Snake Eyes and Doc, like burles­ Bldg., Room 217. t i y i L omfortable. ^ yyi'yi J*. ,.■ emerged four fanciful cowboys que teams- were good as u team. sound system c with .“pidln’ My Time,” the open­ Dave Westsmith us' I)oc w h s a Awkward duneing cowboys can Viking 8&-RMQ 1-track! jT-heaij — * — - - g „ ^ ...... “ 0 -- CltSCHUulAfi.lL.- “ ing number of “Girl Crazy." model quick-liner, slupstick comic be attributed to the fact’ that it) To say that the Saturday night btertfo tape transport. Tupe In- of the ole duysi. reality it might be hard to- flutter Vcluded. Like new. $100.00, Phone capacity audience (barring some Juliun Brnncii ns Zoli wijs funny across tiie • room in boots and *‘4 seats) was' just hidin’ time and prompted laughs just where chupx, However leggy eewgals LI 1-7082. *Religion ’ Week Speakers Selected would be unfair. “GUy Crazy’’--aU Accidental Releasc^^'trffnb and leotard-clad- dancers pleasantly FOR RENT Sfc speakers will elaborate on (Gfcmma "Delta), tlwl, Rev John * 7 “7 S w'hmh w ! ^ r f , » hX u y the earned their bows-...... ■ - . colorful, unique and juft downright gn)^jj t0WJ1 postmlsterwa ir tmed "VoerfTty the show paralleled a Room Hnd Board, $886.00 per q{jjr. the theme “Who Care*?" which Zimmer, Methodist (Wcslcj* F.-uta fun ______, hat been chosen aa the subject dation); and the Rev. John J. Al- is Reel WatDanger' Neal to be a. natural for the part. She pattern ol' musicals. from the top ter. The Judges House, 1720 The uniqueness is fhut the mus­ Johnson Avenue. LI 8-9868,. for Cal Poly's 1961 "Reliirion in hadef, S. J. Roman Catholic (New­ r ical comedy is 1 College Union lodked colufortahie in jcuns and down—iepds have good voices and Life Wee|(,“4t. was announced re­ man Club... Drama Committee's first attempt minor parts can at .least-carry u Biographies of the speakers ‘The constant danger of buclenr areas of rompromisitrnow, hut time The cast of “Girl Crazy" will tune. Look nt “South Pacific” or cently. ‘ is or the essence. We most l>egin of this kind and, we hope, not the The annual campus focus on re­ h w rw »w |lM sd in the post office whr Is due to the fear that a nu­ take to the stage again this “Oklahoma" as examples. boxes of service club and depart­ clear bomb will go off 1 aeeldant- to disarm,.for there ia a conataat, weekend In the Rerond part of ' Th'e*'UiiT Crazy" chorus was liirion and deeper meanlnirs of life allv,” Fred W Wrier Neal, profes- over-riding danger of'accidental This writer ' thinks that Miss will be held Jan. 19-2.4 ment club presidents and are ask­ Merman herself would hnve been the ran. Performances ’ will be strong but seemed to wander in ut Room for woman, exchange for ing for response as to the choice sor of International Relations and thermonuclear war. The high test held Friday nnd Saturday nights the wrong time'(probably Gersh­ Imby-sittihg. Private entrance, Speakers invited to attend in­ Government at Claremont Graiili- of statesmanship is on the United smiling had she seen her 1902 Cal at 8:10 in the Little Theatre. clude: Rabbi Arthur J. Kolatch. of speakers and date desired by Poly counterparts—sexy, slinky, win’s fault). They sometimes luc­ 'private buth Avuituble after the club. nti? School, warned 200 students ] Sthtes, and we are about to see Tickets ure on snje in thq ASH ked vitality which slowed down the Dec. 15. Li,1-2833 (Hillel Club)| Dr. John Dunkin, and members of the World Affairs whether we will pass it,” and spirited Michelle Jenkins aqd office und may also be purchased Baptist (Inter-Varsity Christian Bert Chttmbler, RILW Chair­ Council last week. He spoke in Karen Wilson, in action. at the door. Prices are 75 cents pace. , WANTED Fellowship); Dale T. Tingey, L. D. man, has put out a call for dorm Agriculture Engineering Building Certainly leaders of the cast, for ASB card holders, S1.50 for Drawing fro pi a student 'body S. (Lambda Delta Slgmu); the nnd resident managers to choose 12.1. Newspapers serve everyone, Michelle's and Katen's character­ generul admission und $2 for re­ of neither music, speeoh nor drama Someone with truck to go to Glen- Rev. Charles Manske, Lutheran 1 who they would like for speakers. Neal attacked the American for­ every dny. isations, belt-em-out song styling, served. majors, this reviewer feels that dale at quurter breuk. Don Com eign policy as being based on two A dally newspaper reader is a und professional air curried all of evwyvvwwowwvw Keith Nielsen, E. Lewis Hurst, and Li.4-0818- erroneous assumptions. The first, their scenes. Eunice F'ish came out-ahead. erson who continues to educate boots, coundn’t hold her booze, nnd SERVICES OFFERED Jhat there is, in the Soviet Union, Pimaelf in the world’s greatest col­ Russell Lee ns the male lead was portrayed the “Cuaterville sweet- Applause and Inuglis seemed sin­ ! ! WE RE OPEN AGAIN * ! inevitablity of physical mili- lege-knowledge of everyday events. loud enough but not the typical cere. Most patrons left smiling. t» n aggixuMon. The second, that neart.” HEY! Need inptmus money? We possess tne ability to maintain lywood• ntfcnt Snuv-luid sUck .Pianist -Wuync .Stutuikc in the— Bring ur ecL books _.io the Alva Green's Automotive D im clear military superiority., J hair. ,He talked fust. His jaw wus orchestra pit appealed to he one Poly Phase Book Exchange, square. As a drunk, he drew laughs of the happiest this side of the Room ril, EE Building. We’ll Neal advocated a more realis­ Sickly Sid Is Cured hut most stage drunks do. After u footlights. He smiled ut ever.v joke be open W-10T and 1-2 during Come in for Christmos suggest­ tic foreign policy and the re­ few, Harold Giomi’s Hollywood and his flashing eyes showed de­ finals week nnd into Winter ion*. Fortin Meal gift — duction of tensions so that dis­ Dear H;lynochondriac Harry, J 1 ilin' became a typiciiTfskid row light. armament can be faced. He said “I’m cured, I’m cured, I’m cured!!” For only fum which’ was out of character that the bases around the Soviet (perhaps). CUSTOM tNTCMORS Union are outmoded nnd obsolete $6, I’ve been cured!! seat covert, convertible fopt, tonneau Coven and removal of them could ease Do you realize that I’ve been living in the Health U 3-2862 tensions. Center all quarter for only $(> and my meal ticket? Major In English Neal also proposed territorial Where can you beat dorm fees like that? integrity for Berlin as a step Seriously Harry, when I entered the Health Center Is Under Study toward military dfsengagmem itt Ipst October, I was suffering from hang halts, tom lig­ Western Europe. He proposed a To clarify a question presented themonuelear free tone in EWitem aments, broken knee caps, cuts, bruises, sprained ut the recent Presidential Press RAUCH'S UPHOLSTERY ■Europe to ease tensions. ankles, and various other minute imperfections. But, Conference on possible expansion • In concluding his speech, Neal now, this very day, Dec. 4, I am emeiging a whole man. of college curriculum to Include Hn COMPLETE UPHOLSTERING said, “Both the Soviet Union anti I’ll admit I’m still rather weak from my experiences, English major and foreign lan­ the United States have accepted but nevertheless, it is only the jabs of the hypodermic guages, Carl Cummins, dean of , CUSTOM SEAT COVERS inspection of a test ban. Timing Applied Arts Division, announces and phaalng are more important needle that have stood me on my feet and shot me out that plans have been proposed to into this world once more. enlarge offerings in the English 10% DISCOUNT I’m afraid the X-ray technician saw through my area which will lead to a major proclaimed illnesses, which I believe is *^he reason for In the field. to ASB CARDHOLDERS El Mustang m.V recent recovery. , The college dropped the English major three years ugo. The propo­ CaUleml* Itate Polytechnic Colley* That pharmacist is terrific, too. Without his little sal, concerning the development of 1234 Broad St. ** 7 ; LI. 3-7929 San Luis Obispo Campus lls and capsules, I know I wouldn’t be here today. an English major, is now under Guaranteed Jamas Crundown ..Editor-In-Chief Kany times one of his little pills (four inches in diam­ ktudy by the college. , Boter Kingman Managing Editor eter) accompanied by a large gulp of water was all The statement attributed to Tires and Service Bill . R lc — a _ i...... ^.^....Jportl Editor NeilMl NonNorum Photo Editor that kept me going!!! Cummins in the Press Conference Martha Shaff...... Advert iaing Manager And where else in America can one find the soft report in the November 10 issue to meet your M*ry Kail...... Buainau Manager of El Mustang should have been Nail Nornm..... - ...... Circulation Manager beds and the excellent food that the infirmary offers Automotive Clinic Ingvar Hallatainaaon ...... Production credited to Robert Kennedy, vice- car needs -*■ __ Manager its patients? president of the college. 1234 Broad Staff: Eathar Alaxander, Dava Beno. Unfortunately, just as I was deciding to make Also, the sentence stating that U 3-8077 Karen Proyland. David Jooaa. David the Health-Center my new home, Dr. Mounts proclaim­ intercollegiate boxing wus dropped Klahiyama, Judith KuraipltDu. Jim McLain ed my body mended, and I was asked to take my place because of “lack of Physical Edu­ Judy Mobana, Ron ParkV Lynta PrIndie. cation Department staff” should Bill Rica, Daniel Schilling. Donn Silviua, in the bacteria-filled world again. have read "through recommenda­ Allan 8lpa, Darryl Skrabak, Susan Tobbe. OK Tire Store '‘As I stand on the steps of the Health Center, I tion of the stuff.” John Bimflii. Batta WUIIamt. - Paul have a tear in my eye but a smile on my lips, for I’m Warts. Publtahod twiaa-waakly during tha reg­ looking forward to the new quarter with eagerness. 1413 MONTEREY ST. ular school year axoopt holiday* and oxam The first thing I’m going to do is pay my “SIX DOL­ Have A Dining Hall Gripe? periods by the Aoeociatod Students, Cali­ LAR HEALTH FEE” and then, ah — solid comfort, II DISCOUNT TO M B CABD fornia State Pelytoehnic College, San Lula room and board for next quarter!! Attend Menu Board Meeting Obispo. California. Printed by students Well Harry, now that I'm cured for awhile, I suppose Don’t like apples and bananas? majoring In Printing Engineering and Wunt chocolate pie? Hate mush? Management Opinions expressed In this you’ll have no more need for my letters; so, until I’m Plagued with Dining Hall eating paper In signed editorials and articles taken in nearly “D.O.A.” (dead on arrival, that’s a problems ? TrBdftlon«! Shop* / I \ for Young Men are the views of the writer* and do not new term I learned), I’ll be singing off, '. Students are invited to a menu neoeasarily represent the opinions of the Here’s til the bacteria bite, board meeting at 1 p.nr. tomorrow staff, visors of the Associated Student Your buddy, itp the Staff Dining Hull. Next

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— g— ; it* n(Hi LIEUTENANT JOHN MONTEFUSCO, HISTORY MAJOR, CLASS OF '61 Every Nit* “If I had it to do over again, V would I take Army R.O.T.C.? NATURAL SHOULDER CONTINENTAL Makes the right impression for the Holidays My wife and I are In Panama at the moment. She likes it. V ou know, Officers’ Club, dances—that sort of thing. Our source: Cricketeer, tailor to young men of I like it, too. Rut whether I stay in the Army or not, the imagination anti classic good taste. Here’a asuit question is: Would I take Army R.O.T.C. if I had it to that combines the best of the Ivy and Continen­ do over again? Yes, 1 oertainly would. In spades, I tal world* with it* modified cutaway front, didn’t realize how lucky I was. At the time I figured: natural shoulders and side vents...in lustrous Okay, so I 11 get my degree—get an Army commission, worsted and silk sharkskins, all wool worsteds Only Schick makes two different too, and pick up some extra money along the way! I and worsted-mohair. 6 9 .9 5 wasn’t the leadership type, I thought. I was wrong. Boy, electric shavers... pick the one to was I wrong! Looking back on-it, I wouldn’t trade the THI Newi leadership training 1 got for anything! Take my word match vour face! for it, leaders are made-not bom! Whether I stay in the Army or not, nobody can take away what I’ve Wickenden’s• less 1*0* Roth new Super Speed shavers have SCHICK Schick’a exclusive waahable head, made (^) A m»t4 tjpuu'iy learned. And let s face it, where can anybody my age of surgical atainleaa steel. Snap It off step out of college and walk into a standard of iiving this and wash away dirt, stubble, and germs. ,good? Look, if you have already invested two years in For tough Cat the new Schick Easy Shine Electric Shoe Shiner for a bootblack ahine in 60 second)I & regular beards Furssmifirt akin college ROTC, take it from me: Slick it outl It’ll be one of the smartest things you ever did. / say so." • v

TUESDAY, DEC. 4, 10fi2 EL M W T H W P A C E jS

Instructor Invited m m m Architect Pair To Held English Aid tor Students •i . ' ^ ■ * \\ .J-r'i Which comes first? The subject $6 Medical Fee Necessary '63 Campus Committees or the predicate? If you’ve been To Mexico Confah pondering this question or any Asian Study Two Architectural Engineering similar problem, now is the time Dr. Robert K. Yeatoh of Un- juniors from Srfn Luis Obispo were Graduating seniors .with inter­ It paf selected last week for campus com-' to get those needed answers. English' mid Speech Department To Retain Health Services ests in diplomatic service in Asia, allowance and an Asia field study mlttee ehalrmanshipposltions. They Members of the student body hus been invited to be one of 40 teaching Asian affairs or other Srant. During fieffl study, the stu- were Joe /.alien, Welcome Week who would like help to Improve U,S. und Lutin-Americnn educator* TIME: 4HC H.m. DATE: said that most students are un­ they must pay for the services. careers related to the Far East, ent goes to a country In Asia for Camp, and Jim Dorr, Homecom­ writing skills are urged to make aware of the servieea offered und The >Sta(e Board of Pharmacists use of the English lab facilities. to participate in the Inter-Ameri­ Nov. 25), 1902. REASON: Lu- will find the holiday break a good first-hand acquaintance with the ing. , cpnited hand. PHYSIC AN: of their availability. ruled several years ago thut Cal chance to apply for an 1903-114 particular culture and language in /.alien’s committee wltl consist Students who wish to do so are can Adult Education Conference to Poly was operating fligiprlegally; b«- East-West Center scholarship. One which he is specializing. asked to bring a sample of their be held in Mexico Dec. 10-21, Dr. Billy Mounts. Place: Cal “The 24-hour infirmary care is cuuse nurses were dispensingi*DI Center students a choice of of Gary McDowell, vice-chairman; writing to English 31B any time maintained for the students und hundred arc available and the ap­ have Dr. Yeaton will participate in Poly Health Center. - / drugs. The Health Center then hud plication deadline is Feb. 1, nearly 200 courses in Asian stud­ Jana Mosgar-Zeulal, secretary, and between B a.m. alid 4 p.m. Monday English und Spanish discussions on “It wus in the dead of the morn­ should be used as s substitute to hire u certified pharmacist to ies a t'th e University of Hawaii, Fred Bohman, treasurer. through Friday, ing when 1 recieved a call from for one’s home. If a student feels issue drugs. The East-West Center in Hon­ where a greater choice of Asian methods iff securing; 'practical ad­ olulu I* America’s unique institu­ vance In literacy, community devel­ our nurse on duty at the Health language Is offered than in any Center thut u student had just “Our pharmacist is paid entirely tion for promoting mutual under­ University in the United States. opment, und adult education in from the voluntary medical fee. standing between Aeia and th e lboro-America. been brought in with a lacerated The University currently is offer­ hand. She said that he was bleed­ Without him we would have to op- United States. It offeis expense- ing Japanese, Chinese, Koreafcr In­ Other participants include na­ ing profusely and needed ImmadD grate as we did six or seven year* paid, jil-month scholarships f o r donesian, Javanese, Thai, Hindi, tional leaders in adult education ate attention. 1 uttended the boy Ago, where the dpetors d(s)yii»ed JttUlly at the Unixaraily.ftf Hawaii UMakrtt orJtd“ ‘ from Latin American countries, und put six stitches in the hund.” medication. This takes as long us I t 1 und in Asia. An additional 200 now at the UNKSC.6 and United, Nations Or- Dr. Mounts, acting heud medical does to see a student and would scholarships will be awarded Hr East-West Centerter are THE AUTO WORKS CAN GIVE IT gaoizution experts, and selected officer of the cunpus Health Center, severly handicap us,” Dr. Mount* bring students from Asia und the countries in Asia, New Zealand, persons from the U.S. State De­ related thut the boy hud been added. Pacific ureu to the Center f o r , five isla■lands of the Pari- portment and American private study a n d to share experiences HAPPY HOLIDAY SPIRIT! studying lute and had fallen and The very nuture of u college with Americans. fleand the United States agencies. stuck his hand through a window. Heulth Center, that of dealing with Further Information and scholar­ Seven hours previously, Dr. active young adults whu ure par­ The scholarships include round- ship application forms may he ob­ Mounts had returned to- attend un ticipating in uctivitie* und lobs trip transportation, tuition, books tained by writing to the Eaft-West acutely ill girt. which by their very nature ure con­ and fees, housing, food, health in- Center, Honolulu 14, HaInwall. Don's Shoe Shop “I’m thankful thut we have a ducive to injury, ure situations (SANDY & HEIDI) class III budget and are not atrict- which create problems in physical "We shoe the Mustang*" ly un 8 a.in, to 6 p.m. health center therapy. ------Cotton Association Sponsors I like the rest of the Stute Colleges," Ultra-violet treatment, various Cowboy Boot and Shoo he udded. mechanical means of introducing THE AUTO WORKS Dr. Muunts explained that the heat deep Grito injured tissue* to Poly Expert On National Tour Repairing income received by State College increase the blood flow, exercise ALL FOREIGN MAKES Leathercraft Supplies Health C e nt e r s -is budgeted devices, brain and heart study me­ Glen Rich, faculty member in vantage of to boost fjber quality through three separate entities: chanism* and other specific, tech­ the Agricultural Engineering De­ and cut coat cotton, PHONE 543-1573 304 HIGUERA ST State (inanres (Class i ), Stu­ nical teat* are only a part of the partment, has recently been spon­ According to n o ‘cot­ 1321 dent Materials and servit* fees services rendered by tras depart­ sored by the California Coopera­ ton picking machines In Arisona, ! (Class II) and an optionul med­ ment, Tht* is all financed through tive Gin Association to take a six- work on the latest ginning equip­ Near Weatherby'i ical fee (Cla>« III). the $(! fee. month tour of the nation’s cotton ment in Texas, visit cotton research The complaint registered most belt. , laboratories at collages and inter Cal Poly Is’the only college In often is thut of no surgery offered' Rich, cqtton expert will take view textile mill operator* through­ the state system Which offers a, III by the Heulth Center. a close look at cotton-processing out Dixie. Thla wide variety of G U E Y H 0 U M 7 i optionul fee und its 'acompunying methods which other arses are operation* will make hi* research benefits. At the present time we cannot uaing, with an sye to picking out unique and especially valuable to 9m K SHlNOtoiV F A service breakdown of the cate- Dr. Billy Mounts have.surgery because of an ad­ new ideas California can take ad­ local cotton gin operators. ministrative directive originating ^ Christmas Trees! ~ | gories.shows: * • Class I covers the entrance his ill or pain is an emergency, from the Attorney General’* Of­ COSGT physical examination and college we want to aee him regardless fice. The ruling stated that there sanitation inspections. These in­ of the time of day or night,” Dr. will be no major surgery at clude cafeteria, food processing Mounts stressed. State College Health Centera,” I.OMU THE “IDEAL" GIFT units and water supply inspection*., ■ays Dr. Mount*. so me# • Class II covers all 8 a.m. to The entire infirmary and attend­ FOR YOUR PARENTS 5 p.m. Health Center operations, ing nurse are financed through Dr. Mounts said that 3700 stu­ excluding varsity athletic Injuries the optional fee. At present the dents paid for Iff fee this quarter. and physical therapy operations. . 24-hour service is open to students “We would like to see all stu­ Give a gift subscription • Class II covers all athletic In­ who have not paid the $0 fee, but dents pay for the fee next quar­ juries, 24-hour infirmary service ter," he added. - . oi EL MUSTANG (with, an attending nurse and a "If interest in the fee drops and Start the New Tear ell with ■ in physician on call), emergency am- we receive no money from It, we hulunce service, phurmacy and phy­ will bq forced to cut bark to. an Subscription price — 12.11 per yeas. sical therapy. Alum Undertakes 8 a.m, to 5 p.n). service and com­ COLLEGE SQUARE Varsity athletic Injuries are also pletely lose otir Infirmary provi­ We beadle all SHOPPING CENTER covered by spedul A8B Insurance sions, pharmacy and physical ther­ policies. Spacecraft Work apy operations." EL MUSTANG. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Starting December 4th Explaining the ‘special services "In the long run this would be Graphic Art* Salldtng, loom 221 under the optional fee, Dr. Mounts Leland Seghetti, a 1953 graduate of the Air Conditioning and Re­ very detrimental and costly to the frigeration Engineering depart­ students," wsrns Dr. Mounts. SUMMER JOBS ment, la playing a major role In Chineti art, you know that Bfoykound fort? aro loot thin the development of tne Gemini IN EUROPE "two-men-ln-spnce” craft being any other form of public tranoportotion. What you probably APPLICATION-INFORMATION worked on presently by McDonnel VOICE OF THE WRITE AT ONCE don't roallzo It bow muob loot.For a pleasant surprise, Aircraft Corp. National OLIVER'S AUTO SHOP EUROPEAN SUMMER JOI • McDonnel Aircraft Corp of St. ebook the monoy-oovinp Greyhound ferae below. You'll coo PROGRAM: I K D ST. Louis is building the space capsule Automotive STUDENT SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA which will carry two astronauts Body and Paint Shop et a glaneo why It alwaye paye to Ineiet on oxelueivo' Sponsored by into orbit sometime next year. Association i?„and leave the driving teuot Clarence Ilrown Jewelers He 1s employed as an air con­ Hwy. 1 4 19th SI. SPruce 2-7943 (Opinions expressed in this ditioning and refrigeration project oi column are not necessarily Got Acquainted engineer by a York Pa., firm, - MORRO BAY, CALIF. No other form QiJMlllg transportation has fares so low For example which has loaned him to the QUALITY those of the El Mustsng staff . .. . f n m i o n Lais Obispo fo: or of Clarence Hrown Jeweler, McDonnel Corp. because of his the latter intending only to special talents. Son Francisco With The problem is to design nine COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP... Lm Angeles sponsor this space on behalf o«« wey 542, ipund Mp 9.76 owe wey 4.60; rousd tfp 120 of the students. Legal names separate chambers to simulate nine Son Jotc •re required on all material different environmental space eon- ONE STOP FOR ALL TOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS Son Diego submitted and will be printed ditiona up to an' altitude of 210 o«« ray 4.40. rated trip 7.92 see wey 7 05, reead Me 12.09 SolilMt unless so designated by the miles. Conditions the capsule will Long loach writer, in which case a Non de meet in space have to be simulated • Hoad Surfacing m < wey J.17, rousd trip 5.71 Plume should be included. Fac­ on the ground, and Seghetti was lUno om way 5.09, reend trip 9.16 ulty members are urged to leaked to help work out some of OM wey 1210, rowed trie 21.10 plot 10% Federal to*. the air conditioning problems. • Volvo Grinding • Generator Repairing participate. If so desired). LI S-2121 1009 Monterey St. No Opinions? • Chroma Wheel* >*•*»• *M W l N you r***' MM lo-Mry - oo«.o I It Is Interesting that one col­ Sdl ghoed By Qffyhoufld FeckOptKM* tisia v« sw w I umn sponsored by a downtown Biologist Will Attend merchant and written by ran­ Flnosl Watch dom contributor* like myself, lUpalr* at Naturalists' Convention TO STUDENT »ODY AND should constitute the entire edit­ Lowest price* ■ - 10% DISCOUNT STAFF OF CAL FOLY GREYHOUND orial comment of Kl Mustang. Between Santa and Father Time There have been varioua obser- comes the Western Society of Nat­ vationa made In Voice of the uralists meeting at San Jose State Student about what the student 20 per cent Dl*c< College. newspaper should be. However, on repair* December 27, 28 and 20 are the nothing has been said about convention dates for 400 blologicsl bringing* controversial issues be­ te Cal Pely scientists, professors, Instructors fore the student body through student* at and students, including a Cal Poly the media of El Mustang. It is delegation discussing the latest re­ my understanding that Cal search and reports from the west­ Poly’s newspaper has a paid ern states, according to. Dr. Glen editor who is selected and ap­ A.- NoWe^ Biologloal Science de­ pointed by a sub board of SAC. partment head. 1 If this is the rase it would seem Dr. Anran Roest, David Mont­ reasonable that like most news­ gomery, Dr. Richard Nelson, Fred paper editors he would seek and Clogston, and Dr. Harry Fink will '-omment upon iasues of interest 779 Hlgura St. U 3-4706 represent the Biological Science to his reading public. It would Acre** From staff. “Students are welcome to not he fair to say there have attend and make important con­ T sx sc a c been no editorials in El Mus­ Woolworth's tacts in (he many fields of biologi­ tang. LdOking through a number cal research,” Dr. Noble said. of Issues of the pH per from this quarter 1 was able to find two editorials. There may have been more. They are, however, the exception rather than the rule. A Dissatisfied Reader c a l poly Safe and Sane Jackets It is refreshing to note that some students on campus are Waist length, 100% wool, engaged in activities that are worthwhile. I feel that the mem­ leather sleeves, and featur­ bers of the Cal Poly Mechanical ing RENO'S patented lea­ Engineering Club should he complimented on the fine job ther cult protector, quilted they are doing in connection lining. Heavy duty slpper. with the current Seal Belt Clinics. Here are a group of students who certainly couldn’t be described by this term “apathy" we have heard so • Levis Corduroy Slim Fits much about lately. The*^ men * ■■ ■ ■ - • ...... saw an enterprising opportunity • Lee Westerners «|id took advantage of It. Acti­ vities of this nature, in addition • Frye Beets , to being nn outstanding con­ tribution to the community, rt1- • Campus Sportswear flect most favorably on Cal Poly and college students in general. Other 'student organi­ Ask for Year Discount Card at Bono's zations, when planning their varioua activities, might cqn- »ider the example the Meehanl- WE CASH YOUR CHECKS rsl Engineering Club has set and see if they can do as well. Editorial material should be submitted to Clarence Brown In All 50 ntatea, the big switch is to Marlboro Jeweler or dropped tn the El Mustang Mall Drwp, Boom 228, Remember 1#6S, when Marlboro came to town? Suddenly, 4- G.A- building. The editor of this column reserves the right the U.S. had a flavor cigarette with a Alter on the end.' Seles to refuse or edit any and ail grew In every town, In every atate. Today tha whole place la material submitted. Marlboro country—land of the Alter cigarette tvith the un­ Clarence Brown SIN E 1938 | fit tered taste. Behind this popularity Ip the famoue Richmond Jewelers Bold mod enjoyed In alt SO dates recipe of ripe tobaccos (tha flneet grown), and the pure white Credit |eW*l*r and In more than tOO nountrie* around thr world Belectrate Filter. Pack or box. you gel a lot to Uke. leu Luis Obispo’s Loading 1019 Morro San Luis Obispo •tx Hlguera St. Li. 3-51 CAMERA NIGHT Water Polo Club Clark, Albee Named All Conference To Enter Tryouts Alumni Hoopmen Return Throe MustangK irrgridder* were t Ploying in his tlnul season for named to the All-CCAAl*CC> 11*88 _arid the Mustangs.M ■ ■ ■ i Albee was — all over j i Ton Cal Poly student* have form­ which waa officially rolaatod ula field, both im tfJfitkt ami pd a CnI Poly Water i«»h, Chib and yesterday. Placing on (he top SPORTS To Battle Varsity Tonight defense. He was lonsixtently the Hq|| t|.nvt,| to Lynwood during team were senior guard John Albee lending tackier and Intelcepteil ('hrlstmas vacation to compete in HILL KICK. Spurts Editor who waa alto named last year, and two passes, returning them « I the Pan American Came trials The Mustang Varsity Raiketbsll unior fullliack Jack Clark, the yards-with one being u 55 yard. The triHls'will he held Dee. 80- squad will host returning Cal p#i, uitang’s lending ground gainer. touchdown run. a.I while the games will be held In Hancock jC Romps nliiinni In ii pre-seusoti contest to­ Placingg onOld the____ seeond____ squad,. from Albee, who received honorable i Hraxil the latter part of April, night in the Men’s Gym beginning the Cal Poly' elevenvan was tackle Bill ■ mention on the AP All-toast Representing Cal I’oly In the Cagers Edge Gators 63-59; at 8; 15 o clock Dauphinjphtn who playedplayi hit laijt yeur Squad, was also honored by hl*L,ub rorw„r,|, Jack Adams, Past Frosh,94-53 The evening will tie full „f tr. of football for thee Mustangs this tesnunates a* he was voted as the Ml(X m.^aiplen, Roger Moblgd, tlvity beginning ut 8:15 o'clock Season. team’s lineman of the year and tens Mikt, NeJV| Svemlson,,and Lose To Strong USF Five - The Cal Poly Colt basketball wheni the fresh squad takes on , Clark hat received several hon­ elected hr u oo-cuptnin with John Sciinmi; jrunrilK Krnnk Hrookn squad opened it* sertson lust Fri­ ten mi formed by Pence Corps vol. ors since the closing of foutball Hrcnnan. Fowwrt Ritfch, Jack Nontfottfry) W -- ■ day against Hancock Junior •Col­ unlectsera training lit Cal Poly. AlioAlso season last month. He received Duunhin, a senior tackle, tiiudc „nd goulie Hob Murr. w»t It's IK points, the Mustang lege and was soundly dumped, D4- the evening will he n combined honorable mentions on the Associ­ several fine blocks and tackle.- in The student* have formed the Imsketbullcrx opened the season j 61, by u rough Bulldog squad that Camera Night und II Meet the i'liy. ated Press Little All Coast team hie Anal season for the Mustangs. wh' trailing 'ami cnucmng, r i'ai ,‘TSrl'i~5TUte-"TTt(t(ry'' nTRtrr last seusun uml y ell on its way this 4'«jl»iw Hill, HII nil' ml inn uluiig national Little All Coast grid team. Must «r them if presented.the Mui* San Franeisi’o. year sii|,ullnes with cameras for action The junior fullback who gained tang water polo squad during the Top scorer for the Colts was shots. 51!) yards In lt)2 carries for a 6 2 recent, season. The Mustangs led throughout Dwight Harm's, who totaled 15 dig- Several Mustang stars will yard average per carry also re the game with the exception of ita, while hitting nine for the ( ill turn to the home court in tonlght'i calved honors frorom his (eammatee a short* tilde in the fourth quurter Poly squud was Terry Ward. They game.- Heading the list of return, when he was numed as the team’s when the ’Gator* went ahead. i were followed by Norm Angell who <.e» will lie-Kully Kounsuvllio, !«» back of the year. • Prep Cagers Enter Coach Ed Jorgensen's men rallied ' hit for tAven points. 1 yeur 'Ali-tVA A gmiftl and roi-ently lit thi* point and walked off the T The Huldogs were lend hy All- j the last man releaaeil from the new John Alhee tloor with a .three point advantage. California JC guard Walt Dumph- Oakland pro etuh. CAHPER Tourney Helping Horwuth with the scor­ i ier who dunked IK point* for the Alsu hack will bo Dale Kuykon. Matmen Win 3; ing were Hob Wllipot with 12 vjctnr*. Damphler hit clght-uf 11 dull, 11180-81, guard; Hill Wucmir. Eight high school basketball points and K e n Anderson with allots from.the floor, and the Hull dnm, tt)81.82 forward; Then Dunn, Good Year Seen teams will he on rumpus this week 18, Glen Cooper und .lack Hungs dogs hit u niee 56 shooting percent- 11)80-81 all-eonferenee- center; Joe to compete in the .seeufui annual completed the starting unit unit Rye raw, 11)80-81 ull-eouferunee for. CCAA Improving with each match, the three-uay CAHPER Basketball emit diluted 5 points apiece. Curt Next game for The Cults will he will'd; and Richard Simmons, i Mustang wrestling team we* vic- Tourney* ' . • Parry and Mike Ferguson played .onight in the Men's Gym when reserve squad member on the lll(|i. < furious in three outings over the some in the second half umi com­ | they meet the Pence Cor|i» squud ut 80 squad and now leaching in Tem. ROUNDUP The teams will play In u double pleted the team scoring with two | 8,15 o'clock ns ii |irel[fidnnry game pluton, Other alumni In the urn 1 weekend. elimination tournament with first and eight points respectively. I to the varalty-alumni game at 8:16 will also he on hand to give the The team opened the *eason with round losers going into u consola­ ; o'clock. / « "old timers" n hand sUn Diego State'* brilliant half­ tion bracket. JfOl) tlOl'WHin back; Kern Carson, atfll rr®*no _ Salurday evening the rom- Tram* pgrttctpirttnjr fnthr hnii n- petition wiin too much for the State'* quarterback, Jon Anabo, might be the clue to a very aucess- uincut are Atasiudero High School, Mustangs us they dropped u • topi>e>, 7N-51 deelsiim to the powerful Undefeated Animals. Deuel Tangle Today week. Carsonl emerged a* the top Coast last year. Mustang Spencer San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, University of Hun FfanrUro ground gainer and leading »corer, Tamoto proved to be the outstand­ ; ami Morro Huy. Don*. Undefeated Animals United will In other action tonight, the Dairy Sonoma Hall 1 ^8 ing niatman as he led his teum to Jack Clark Project will meet ScnUoia. Tomor­ Crops House 1 '( while Anabo grabbed the passing The final gume of the tourna­ The Dons sverc led hy center and total offense title*. _' the 22-6 win- ment will lie held Saturday evening today at 4 p.m when they tangli row at' i p.m.. Animals United will Lassen Hull ...... 2 4 Ollle Johnson who displayed some piny Duiry Project while Deuel Sequela' No. 1 I I ! Two of Anabo's teammates; to decide the winner. ‘ fine shooting in making 21 points. with undefeated Deuel Dorm on tni Saturday afternoon, the Cal Trophies will he awarded to tla- Intramural Football field- In thi liattles Sequoia. I’lumuH I’undus ...... 0 7 wound up on top In the remaining | Agglea found the Mustangs In Santa Marians Down A returning all-West Coast Ath­ two team*' second game of thi ' top three finishers while the tram letic Conference forward,- Ed If the top two teams should end Wednesday League W L statistics. End U iry Kogelstrom another victorious mood and which bus the best rooting section play-off tournament. up In a tie, a fourth game will lie Sequoia Woods 8 0 came out of the match In about Soccer Jeamt 4-1_ Thomas, put 16 point* through me Annum* notched their sev played on Thursduy to decide the tupped, tliu receivers with -1 re- ) the saute shape as did SaaJoae. lwll.1. jJjt'Ltt-’A'A'Wjt.«.tr o p h y ._____ 141 California 5 0 eeptions, while Hruce Siefert | the- hoop tu-ohl The-uttaelu------ifnth' ahutnmt-irr eight- hitramural- ftiamptormrtdp'' ' Again the Mustangs won by a The Cal Pqlyaocccr squad atarted Hob wiimot played another fine, guinea us they whitewashed Wed The final league standing*: Tonuyn No. 1 grapped the CCAA punting title score of 22-8. game, winding up th e evening nenday League winner Sequoia by faat but a more experienced Santa u 18-0 count. The results of last Monday League W I, Fremont No. 1 .<.... with a 37.8 average. Last Paper For Fall with 18 points. Anderson Contri­ ...... 8 1 M odoc...... The weary grspplers continued Maria team came on to win by u buted nine points while Horwath night’s first-round play-off game Dairy Project o i I’ttlomur Pirates In taking the rushing crown. their invasion of tne Northern Cal 4-1 margin in tha second of the two between Deuel und the Dairy ProJ- Tennyn No. i ifornia colleges with a shutout over Today's issue of El Mu*tang i* tallied 10 markers In the losing ige'K House 2 Industrial Eng. Carson wound up with a total team'* games la*t Sunday after- cause for the Mustangs. act were not available a« El M us-Judee* Ho of 798 yards and a i.7 average. the University of California at the last one for the Full Ijuurter, tang had gone to preaa. 1 oultryiTtry Club ‘f Thursday league Ron McCauley of I Angeles Berkeley, 28-0. noon on the varsity practice held. The first Issue of the paper next, Returning home for an encoun­ The Animals. will . gut. _their.*ter;______] Cropi -pa C( luh J Deuel Hull ...... 714 Throughout the weekend, out. A crowd of 80 to 1)6 spectators quarter will be Friday, January 11. ter with the alumni tonight, the llltg dafena#_____e, led hy Hill Lynd und ' Canterbury \ Tenuyn No, 2 yards and a 8.9 average. Dee standing performance! were turned loked on a* Poly grabbed an early Musiiing* will prepare themselves John Proud, to the real test tonight Auir Conditioning 11 Sheep Unit No. 1 Andrews'of Ixing Beach State in by 167-pound Tamo to- Larry 1-0 lead. Jaime Eicohar kicked the 46 minute hulf. for two tournunient* over the (n „„ effort to stop the Douel of- Muir Woods 7 Diablo Hall gained 814 yards for third place Owens, 123 pounds; James Green, ;oali for the lead after ten minutes The avcoml period was a differ­ Christmas vacation, TiiuTile leaglleague fense * led by Jack Vincent------—J and ° Harry----- Tuesday League T Collegians...... while Mustang fullback Jack 130 pounds; and Hally Herbert, at Rad elapsed in the first period. The ent story. Santa .Muriu took com season will begin Ju«, 4 ngntnst Hanson Proud has intercepted Animqls United ii M m Clark waa fourth with 589 yards 177 pounda ware winners In all two teams fought u defensive mand, scoring four goals while UC Santa Riirhara in the local seven passes this season to nult Mat Pica 0 Fremont No, 2 . and a 5.0 yard average. three outinga, stapdoff for the remainder of the holding Poly scoreless- gymriusium, \ > many opponent drives. Fremont Height* 0 Tehuniu ......

* ■

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