...WORLD-SCOPE... MOSCOW—-The Soviet Communist party secretary, Frol Kozlov, has criticized lied China for its, in his words, "Adventuristic position” in the war with India. Kozlov avoided mentioning Ked China by name, but the implication was dear as lie spoke at the Italian Communist Party Congress in Rome. ■ ■ m ■ - BEVERLY HILLS—Movie producer Samuel Hronston and Stanford University are holders today of the first Condor Award presented by the Society of Pan- American Culture. llronston won the Award for focusing world attention upon CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE * Kl ('id, a figure in history much revered by all Spanish-speaking people, through his motion picture, “El Cid.” Vol. XXV No. 14 SAN LUIS ObTs PO, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, DEC. 4, 1962 ■ ■ ■ • LOS ANCiKLF.S—Veteran Rank Robber John Kinchloe De Jarnette was arragned in List Angeles Federal Court and was ordered held under 100-thousand dollar bond Cowboys Compete pending a December tOth hearing. De Jarnette, who had lioasted, he would never be taken alive, was captured in Hollvwood early today by the FBI which only recently placed him on its ten most wanted list.- . In Arizona Contest No Off-Campus Dormitory Units Cal Poly Rodeo team placed first " • 4 in the intercollegiate rodeo held last weekend at Tempe, Ariz. Yule Music Slated Lew Borzini placed first in the Engineering West Accepted'* first go-round calf roping, C. W. Are Scheduled For Fall Opening Adams placed’ third rin the bare- For El Corral Friday back riding, Terry Simpson placed Department s Start Moves I Popular. Christmas carol*, a med- first in the second go-round bull­ * lt-y of yule music and community logging, fourth In the first go- round bulldogging and second ove • Texas Firm The new $8.25 million multi-storied Engineering West I wi“ highlight a hand con- ill bulldogging, and fourth in the Building has been officially accepted by the college and the snack UaT ' “ y *' <'°r,“ ,lrat go-round calf roping, state division of architecture. Departments have begun mov­ George Heatie, Music Depart­ Dave Freeman plated second In Begins Work ing into new locations but the biggest moving job will be ment instructor, will pose as Saint bareback riding, and fourth in the ^luring Christmas, vacation. The Architectural Department Nick to bring the musical pre­ second go-round bulldogging. Jack sents with his team of til) musi­ Dawson, .filaced fourth in bareback Student houfling should will take UP occupancy in the - — cians. riding, Jack Sparrowk placed fifth to be such a dilemma north section of the building, of On; building-approximatcly in bulldogging, first in the first next yeaf, according to Ever- one acre—will be uned for the "White Christmas,v* "Yuletide along Polyvue; maintain a Festival," "Sleigh R id e ,” “A go-round saddle bronc riding, sec­ erett Chandler, dean of »tu- ronxtruclion of Architect stu­ ond in the saddle bronc average soil test lab in the west wing; dent'it senior project* and the Christmas Festival,” “Rudolph the dents. general purt*»se classrooms Ked-nusoil Reindeer,,” and 'Mingle iml first in tbs bulldogging. future location of the geodesic Bells” will be played. Alternate John Miller from Paw- “T * o ‘ 160 -unit dormltorfei on the second floor of the east dome. huskn, Okie,, 'Placed first in the being constructed by the Texas wing and display gallery und of­ There are also two storage build­ second go-round ribbon roping and Chandler, Inc., will be approved fices on the ground floor of the ing* in the middle _of the. quad­ second in the Hvorage ribbon rop­ off-campus housing and should east wing. rangle to hold tfravqj, cemant nnd ing; Dwyane Collins placed second help the^sltuatlon," says Chandler. other supplies for the Architect­ New Speech Class Each dorm will accommodate 300 The aouth wing of the quadran­ ural lab*. in the second go-round bulldog- gular structure will house Mechan­ ging. students. , ical Engineering tnba, Aero Stress The first pow"r 'monorail Is aet To Study Drama The team placed first over the The units will be situated one- labs and Metallurgy labs on the up In the Went Winir of the build­ Interested in acting? Then University of Arizona which placed half mils from campus on Santa first door; the Techanical Art* area ing and will run into the indoor Rosa St., between Meinecke and architect lao from the atorage Speech 321 is designed for you. second and Arizona State which •on the second floor and Mechanical This course will be offered Win­ placed third. Murray St. Engineering nnd Aero drafting houaea. It will be uaed to feed ma- Construction la scheduled to ( teriala from atorage intp the labs ter Quarter and covers all aspects None of the all-around result* or kite on the third floor. of acting, including acting theory, the gtrhr result waa available. begin Jan. 1 with an expected and to haul projects Into labs for completion and occupancy date The quadrangle in the middle strength and atreaa testing. cter study and stage move­ Team members competing at ment. Tempe wei-e Jack Sparrowk, Jack sat for the Fall Quarter. The course carrying a prerequis­ Dawson, Dave Freeman, C. W. Both dormltoriaa, one for wo­ ite of English lOfl or Speech 201 Adams, Terry Simpson, Lew Bor- men and one for men, will have a utilizes a combined lecture-labora­ zini, and alternates Dwyne Collins ■elf contained dining hall, lounge tory technique for 3 units of aca­ and Ray Walker. Nadcy Whitman. and laundry facilities. Engineers To Attend demic credit. Jennnie Foote, Linda Hancock and alternate Sharon Packer repre­ Rooms will bo slightly larger The class meats from 3-6 Mon­ thaa those in the on-campus day and Wednesday in Little Thea­ sented the coeds. tre 212. Earlier this fall the team took halls with one bath for every Seattle Technology Talk According to Miles Johnson, En top honors at the University of two rooms. They will be aor­ glish instructor, this is an ideal Nevada Intercollegiate Rodeo at GOING III* . An artist's conception of tor nuu siuficni*, and have a self-contained tic ned Into sleeping and study Two outstanding and active engineering seniors have elective course because it promotes Reno, Nevada- The team completed the new off-campus dormitory units planned dining hall, lounge, and laundry facilities. areas, with two students to a been invited to attend the Boeing Advanced Technology speech training, confidence through against eight colleges and univer­ for construction one-half mile from campus Rooms will be built in two parts, one for ucting before groups, cooperation sities from California, Arizona and on Santa Rosa St. Is shown above. The studying and one for sleeping, with two Forum in Seattle, Wash. Dec, 20 and 21 They are Charles multi-storied structure will provide housing students to a room. Special acoustical til* and wall- Allen Russel, Electronics major from Lancaster, and Dorian in group efforts and personal de Ntvada. to-wall carpeting will subdue nolao veiopment satisfaction. In all room*. James Arnold, Mechanical Engineering major from San Luis Room and board will bo ap­ obisjak. HIGH SCHOOLERS HOSTED UN Tests Will Be Given proximately 9186 n month, par Russel presently ranks sec­ the Aero-Space Facilities Engineer­ person*. ond in a class of 67 Electronic- ing forum. Topics to be presented "Both halls will follow tho same in Russel’s area include test de­ Dairy Major regulations as on-campus. Each Engineering seniors. He has sign, instrumentation, information Thursday, 8 To Be Named hall will hav* a student resident particiitated in varsity track processing and.utilization and fu­ Engineers Slate of UN plenary procedure ia manager and a head resident. ture development*. In T a lk Meet' Eight sttHent* will be se­ and field for two year*. He waa expacted of the students. The firm of O’Moara-Chandler treasurer of hi* dorm in 19flO-Al Arnold'* field will rover archi­ Selected to represent California lected Thurso*.? to represent has constructed rodldanco halls and presently i* social chairman tecture-structure design, electrical in nationwide competition at the the college nt the 12th annual Specifically, (be examinations for aoveral other state collages of the campus chapter of the power distribution design, mechani­ American Farm Bureau "Talk will cover the Cuban and Berlin Annual Preview Model United Nations con­ situations, the C and presently baa 11 other facili­ Institute of Radio Engineers. cal plant design, equipment engin­ Meet" in Atlanta, Ga., Dac. 18 is vention to be held at San ties throughout tho West achedu- eering and mechanical. ------------ Richard Cotta, a sophomore Dairy Announcement of 106 injr at 1 D.m. in Fremont tion of Red Chins'* _______ _ 1 4 m A L a t y i a Arnold Is a member of the Hall. That awning the Jose State College, April tkm In tbo Untied Nations re­ ipn tot completion in inf nw i two •Indent chapter of the Mechani­ Both student* have experience Husbandry major. school applicants chosen for In their respective fields. Russel Cotta, who halls from Salinas, will attend a buffet ifipper in the 1 '24-27 organization of the secretariat, cal Engineering Society and has won the California Farm Bureau the Engineering Division’s College Dining Hall, with Dean Selection of the delegate* will the situation In Angola, been accepted a* t member of worked last|gymmer for the I’ari- third Haye* giving a welcome speech at fic Telephone and Telegraph Co. Federation’* “Young People's Talk annual Engineering be based on competitive written the question of nuclear Poultry Shutouts Will Judge the honorary engineering frat­ Meet" at the San Diego convention Preview has been made, ac­ 7 o'clock- and oral examinations which will meat.
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