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DOCUNENT RESUME '``.e ED 142 343 EA 011 /11 'TITLE The Built Eil.wirohient fir the Elderly, and the Handicapped. A Selective Bibliography. Second 'Edition, Bevitd. INSTITOIOH ;- Department-of Housing ani Urban Development, pshington, D.C. Library Div., ET-13 DATE Feb'19 NOTE . EDRS 41101/PC03 -Plus Postage. DESCRIkTO.RS ) *Buildings; *Handicapped;' *Housing; Information Sources; *Older Adults; *Physicalay Handicapped; Reference Mamerials;letirement; *Senior Citizens- 4STRACT This completely revised and upda*ed edition of the bibliogr4hy of th,.3. same ,title, published by-the Department of Hotisi.nq and Urban.DevelOpment (tun. Library in 1971, is a selective,' partially annotated list of publications And periodical articles -ue'd since 1970* Iw.cooperatiot with HUD'i Office of Policy. Daveloplient.and Research, the most nSefUll and readily available- studies and articles on the.eidecly and the .h4ndi6pped have been ch6sen.,Supplementing these entries,,tibliographies,grouped at.the end of each'aection supply additional references. Addendainclude those items.r'eceivE:d by the HUD- Library too' late .to be included in *.hp main body. Of particulAr-'importance is the series of hearings published iOlate 1978 by,thejlouSe of" Representatives' Select Committee on Aging. Taken to44,tIer, tkey-coMpose an up-to-date overview of he current situation of thek elderly. lAuthor/MLF) ;.. C .0 I. ..ir.******************************************.*********************** ** * . .;Reproductions supplied by.EnRSare the best that can be made Z. * . from;the iriginal locum9r2t. * ****44**********4*********************** * *'************************* S DEPARTMENT Of NEALTm. EDUCATION 41WOLIFAIRIC NATIONAL INSTITUTE Oi EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT MAS SEEN REPRO - DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OP VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT Dr StCeAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE 00 )..t EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY , THE BO' ENVIRONMENT FORTHE iLDERLY AND THE HANDICAPPE(} , -- A SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY 4 . , s C `,Second Edition, Revised February, 1979 ti U.S. Department bf Housing- and Urban,Development Library Division 4 , L \ . I . AP` O ft This completely revised and updat edition of the bibliography of the'sarbe tit* published by the HUD kibr4ry i,11971,,isa selectiVe,parjiallyannotated list,of publications and periodical articles issued since 1970. , , In cooperation with HUD's.fficepf Po licy Development and Research,%ye have' chOsenthe most Usefill and readily available studiesandarticleson the elderly and the handicapped. Supplementing these entries, bibliograp grouped at the,end of each section will supply,additionat references. Addenda include those items received_ by the HUD Library too' lateto be included in the maiOody. Of particular importance is series of hearings published in late 1978 by the House'Of, Representatives' Select Committeeon Aging: ,Taken logethef, they tomprise an up-to-date over,iew of the current situation of the elderly. 'o \ In addition to. the Congress, the Department of I-lousing and UrbiriDevelopment, s agencies of the Departnieni.4 Fleatth, Education and Welfare, the Department nsOortation, and the Office of the Presidentehave concerned ithemselveswith the, graIg needs of the ever-increasing number of elderly and handicapped citizens. , - Most of the items' listed are available in the HUD Library. Numbers,in brackets-* following book citations are the Library's, call numbers.However, HUD distributes only its own publications.For all others listed, pleaie consult your local library,or order them from the publishers.Federal government publicati may be ordered / from the Su'perintendent of Documents,11.S. Government Print irtOffice, Washington, D.C. 20402. 0 er foreword ii The Aging Process..., 1 Retirement and Income. 5. =The Housing Situation 8, 1-1oUSing Design . ... , ... :. "I 12 Congregate Hciusing -,P-^r.---: 14 Long-term Care . .:. Safety ... ,,, Services for the Elderly 70, Foreign Experience- . .. ° , 4. .. : . ReferenceSources .-',. .. ... ..... ... , 28. Bibliographies .' . ... .. .,.'...*,., 32. , , , , , Addenda. ... ...... , . 34 . .., The Handicapped . 38' .0 Housing 49 DItsign Access. ... ..........., .. .... 45 Foreign Experience . ,. 48 Services for- the Ha dicapped 51 Reference Sources. 52 Bibliographies 55 Addenda °. 57 Periodical and Newsletter Information Sources ..... 58 Author Index, I 61 4P. iii CI% THE AGINa. PROCESS e , ...-.. 0. Advgr.acy and ake'-. issues, exrierienies,, itrategies / edited by Paul _6. Kerschner; LoS Angeles :Ethe1 Percy Andrus Gerontology. Center, University-of Southern- California, 1976. :155p.(362.6 A28) Age in societj.An:iesictin Behat!ioral Scientist, Nov./Dec. 1975,entire issue. _ \ , Agipg:prospects- and>sissuesfir A Ton ograph7from the Ethel -Percy Andrus Geron- 'c'tolOgy Center'.Edited by Richard H. Davis and Margaret Neiswender.Los ro Angeles, Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, 1973. 12p4(362.1 ,A345) -4. Barsby, Steve L. ,Interstate inigratiOriL'o'file elderly:an economic analysis, by St L: Barsby and Dennis`R. Cox.Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books, 1975., 149p. (362.6 B17i) 5. Bild; Berrlice,Rand Robert J. Havighurst. SeniOr'sitizens in great cities:the case of Chicago.Gerontologist, Feb. 1976, entire issue., 6. Blau, Zena Smith. Old age in a changing society.New York, New Viewpoints, 1973.285,p. (362.6 B51) Bouvier, ,Leon. The elderly in America / Leon Bouvier Elinore Atlee, Frank McVeigh.Wash- . ington, Population Reference. Bureau, 1975.' 36p.(362.6 B68e) A pitblication of the Population Reference Bureau, Inc., vol. 30,no. 3. Butler, Robert N. Why survive? . Being old in America.New York, Harper & Row, [ 1975 J. 496p. (362.6 887) . Byerts,.Thomas 0., -ed. SymposiumThe city: A viable environment for the elderly?phase I. Gerontologist, part 1, Feb. 1975, p. 13-46. Articles. by Carroll J. Bourg, Marjorie H. Cantor, Frances M. Carp,Helena. Znaniecki Lopata, Robert H. Binstock and M. Powell. Lawton. 10. Califano, Joseph A., -Jr. - The aging 6f AmericalQuestions for the four' generation society: Vital Speeches, , May 15,,197, p. 450-454. 4I, 11. ,Cohen, Stepli*.Z. The other generation gap:the middle-aged and their aging parents by Stephen Z. Cohen and Bruce Michael ,Gans.Chicago, FollettPublishing.C6., 1978.290p, (362.6- C632) .. ' , tt 17.. Conference( on ,Social Policy, Social Ethnics and the Aging Society, Univer sity of Chicago,t1976.Social policy, social ethics,oarid the aging society:_ [papers of the Conference]. Bernice L. Neugarten, Robert J. Havighurst; editors.[Chicago'', : Comrnittee on Human De;elopinent, University of Chicago;,Washington: for sale: by,the Supt. of D.ops., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. [1976] 121p.(NSF[RA76-000247) , .. _.`o (362.6 C653sc:f) .. Report prepared-for National Science Foundation.- v a1 13.Council of StateGoyeinmints. -._.. ,. ,. The older Americans :issues in States' services.Lexington: The Council , 1976. 7 . 9'5p.(362.6.-C68ol), , 14.Economics of a stationarV*pulat : implications for older Americans / by :Juanita M. Kreps .[et al.].; teorge L. Maddox, director.[Washington] :National Science Foundation, Directorate for Research Applications, Divisionof Advanced Productivity Resea$ and Technology, [1977]91p.(312 E265.) . 15.Eisele, Frederick R., ed. - .. 1 of aging.:Ai; als Of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 5e .1974, entire issue. (362.6 P65) Issues 4 public pOlicyrpolitical behav ,and the political future as they relate to -°. the groAying population of the aging. ( 16.Environmental -research and aging : report from an interdisciplinary research develop- ment conference; May 1,973, St.Louis, Missouri / project director and editor,' Thomas 0.`Byerts ; sponsored by the Gerontological Society, co-sp nsored by Washington University and St. Louis University.Washington:"Theociety: 1974. 159p.(362:6 E58e), 17.Family, burepucracy, and the elderly./ edited by Ethel Shanas and in B. Sussinan. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1977. 23p.(362.6 Fl 1 18.Fandetti, Donald V. and Donald E. Gelfand. Care of the aged l.r attitudes of white ethnic families.Gerontologist, Dec. 1976, p. 544 -549.' 19.Field, Minna. The aged, the/Samily, and the community. New Y4ork;-. Columbia University Press, 1972,257p.( 13162.6 F42) 20.Fischer, David Hackett.. Growing old in America.New York. : Oxford University Press, 1977.242p. (362.6 F47) 21.',Growing old:a cause for rejoicing.Journal of Current Social Issues, Summer, 1977, entire issue. 22,.Growing oldi merica / edited by Beth B. Hess. New Brunswick, N.J. : Trans- action Books, 1976.498p.(362.6 G76g) 23.Johnson, Charles E.,Jr'. o Older Americans:population prpjections anq comparisons with the y-ear 2000. Industrial Gerabtology, Fall, 1974, p. 37-44. A 1A, In the year 2000 thq will be 87.1 Million Americaris 45 andover, compared to 65 million today with concomitant demanck for job, 'health tare and economic security after retirement. .24._Jones; Rochelle. - . The othir generation: the new power of older people.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1977. '264p.(A Spectrum book)(362.6 J65o) 25.Kasschau, Patricia. Aging and social policy; leadership planning. New York,Praeger, 1978.400p. Study examines ideas of legislators, agency administrators and advocates, inan,, effort to find out what influences their decisionson issues such as income maintenance, health care and housing. (362.6 K17) 26.Life's- careen -aging:cultural variations on growing old / edited by Barbara G. Myerhoff, Andrei Simic.Beverly