B.Arch, Univ. Southwest. La, 63. Pres. Firm

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B.Arch, Univ. Southwest. La, 63. Pres. Firm AMERICAN ARCHITECTS DIRECTORY RADER b. Lake Charles, La, May 25, 37. Educ: B.Arch, Univ. Southwest. La, 63. C(oleman) Rogers; Harold L(ynn) Adams; Charles E(dwln) Lamb; Francis Pres. Firm: Partic. assoc, Dunn & Quinn, org. 36, joined firm, 63. Reg: La. Tfournier) Taliaferro; George E(ugene) Kostritsky; George J(ohn) Pillorge, AIA Activ: Southwest La. Chap, secy-treas, 68-69, v.pres, 70. Mario L(awrence) Schack. QUINN, JAMES TOMS. AIA 66. North Carolina Chapter RAAB, MARTIN DAVID. AIA 70. New York Chapter Quinn-Wiggins, 109 Oberlin Rd, Raleigh, N.C. 27605. Haines, Lundberg & Waehler, 2 Park Ave, New York, N.Y. 10016. Home Add: 516 Gardner St, Raleigh, N.C. 27607. Home Add: 9 Willow PI, Great Neck, N.Y. 11021. b. Shelby, N.C, Nov. 28, 31. Educ: B.Arch, N.C. State Univ, 55. Prev. b. Brooklyn, N.Y, Oct. 1, 32. Educ: Brooklyn Col, 49; B.Arch, Mass. Inst. Firms: Synergetics, Inc, 62-66; prin, James T. Quinn Assocs, 66-67. Pres. Technol, 55; Tau Beta Phi, 54. Pres. Firm: Partic. assoc, Haines, Lundberg Firm: Partner, Quinn-Wiggins, org. 67, joined firm, 67. Reg: N.C. Prin. & Waehler, org. 86, joined firm, 57. Reg: N.Y; NCARB Cert. Hon. Awards: Wks: Rich Park Housing Inc, 69. Govt. Serv: U.S.A. 55-57. AIA Activ: N.C. First honorable mention for U.S. Army War Col, U.S. Corps Eng, 69. Educ. Chap, mem. educ. cmn, 69-70. Activ: Lectr, Columbia Univ. Sch. Indust. Mgt, 68-69. Govt. Serv: U.S.A. QUINN, K. E.* AIA 64. San Diego Chapter Security Agency, 1st Lt, 55-57. 7911 Herschel, No. 410, La Jolla, Calif. 92037. RAAD, GEORGE K. AIA 58. Northern California Chapter t George K. Raad & Assocs, World Trade Center, San Francisco, Calif. QUINN, PATRICK JAMES. AIA 67. East Bay Chapter 94111. t Patrick J. Quinn, 2224A Blake, Berkeley, Calif. 94704. Home Add: 315 Chestnut St, San Francisco, Calif. 94133. Home Add: 2224 Blake, Berkeley, Calif. 94704. b. Jerusalem, Palestine, Aug. 14, 24. Educ: A.B, Univ. Calif, Berkeley, 50, b. Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 15, 31. Educ: B.Arch, Nat. Univ. Ireland, 54; M.A, 51. Pres. Firm: Prin, George K. Raad & Assocs, org. 60, joined firm, M.Arch, Univ. Pa, 59; Univ. Calif, faculty fel, 64; Danforth teacher grant, 60. Reg: Ark, Calif, 111, Ohio: Tex; NCARB Cert. Prin. Wks: Stan Carlsen 66. Pres. Firm: Patrick J. Quinn, org. 67. Reg: Calif. Prin. Wks: St. Jude Inc-Volkswagen, San Francisco, 66; Cinema 150, Santa Clara, Calif, 67, Church, Marina, Calif, 66, assoc. archit. w. D.J. Shanagher; Church of Dallas, Tex, 68 & Oak Brook, M, 68; Carmel Rancho Shopping Ctr, 69. Pub. Christ, San Pablo, Calif, 67; Sky Ranch, Philo, Calif, 67; Elmhurst Method­ Serv: Mem. citizens adv. cmt, North. Waterfront Study, San Francisco, 68- ist Church, Oakland, Calif, 69; Church of Our Divine Savior, Chico, Calif, 70. 69. Hon. Awards: First prize, Competition Design, AIA-Royal Inst. Archit. Ireland, 58; honorable mention, Competition Design, Liverpool Cathedral RAAD, T. O.* AIA 57. New York Chapter Jury, 60; merit award for St. Jude Church, Liturgical Conf, 69. Educ. Activ: 4 Dartmouth St, Forest Hills, N.Y. 11375. Assoc, prof. & v.chmn, Dept. Arch, Univ. Calif, Berkeley, 59- Mem: Royal Inst. Archit. Ireland, 55; assoc. RIBA, 56; Liturgical Arts Soc. U.S, 61. AIA RAASCH, RONALD ADLER. AIA 69. Alaska Chapter Activ: East Bay Chap, mem. educ. cmt, 68- t Ronald A. Raasch & Assocs, 610 H St, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Home Add: Mile 3.2, Rabbit Creek Rd, Anchorage, Alaska 99502. QUINN, RICHARD WALTER. AIA 66. Connecticut Society of Architects b. Milwaukee, Wis, Oct. 1, 39. Educ: B.S, Heald Eng. Col, 65. Pres. Firm: Russell Gibson & von Dohlen, 80 S. Main St, West Hartford, Conn. 06107. Ronald A. Raasch & Assocs, org. 69. Reg: Alaska. Home Add: 19 Stuart Dr, Bloomfield, Conn. 06002. b. Waterbury, Conn, Dec. 30, 36. Educ: B.Arch, Univ. Notre Dame, 61; RABE, BENJAMIN JOHN. AIA 48. Inland California Chapter Kervic Gold Medal for archit. rendering & Sollitt Award (first place thesis t Benjamin J. Rabe, 1421 Cajon St, Redlands, Calif. 92373. design), 61; AIA Wade scholar, 60. Pres. Firm: Partic. assoc, Russell Educ: B.Arch, Cornell Univ, 35, M.Arch, 36; grad. fel, Cornell Univ, 36. Gibson & von Dohlen, org. 54, joined firm, 63. Reg: Conn. Prin. Wks: St. Pres. Firm: Benjamin J. Rabe, org. 47. Reg: Calif. Marys RC Church, Newington, Conn, 68; South Windsor Town Hall, Conn, 68; Tolland High Sch. Arts & Sci. Ctr, Conn, 68; Kintzer Res, Watertown, RABINEAU, ELI. AIA 50. Westchester Chapter Conn, 68; Quinn Res, Bloomfield, 69. AIA Activ: Mem. exhib. cmt, AIA, 65- Home Add: 78 Stoneleigh Rd, Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583. 69, chmn. exhib. & honor awards cmt, 70- b. New York, N.Y, Aug. 19, 14. Educ: B.Arch, N.Y. Univ, 46; M.S.Urban Planning, Columbia Univ, 70. Prev. Firm: Eli Rabineau, 46-70. Pres. QUINN-WIGGINS. (Sue. to: James T. Quinn Assocs). Occup: Deputy planning dir, Bronx Off, N.Y.C. Planning Cmn, 70- Reg: N.Y. t 109 Oberlin Rd, Raleigh, N.C. 27605. Prins: James Toms Quinn, J(ames) Prin. Wks: Walt Whitman Jr. High Sch, Yonkers, N.Y, 60; Pub. Sch. No. 27, B(radford) Wiggins. Yonkers, 61; Sprain Brook Libr, Yonkers, 62; Ramapo Sr. High Sch, Spring Valley, N.Y, 67; John Burroughs Jr. High Sch. & Cent. Admin. Bldg, Yon­ QUINONES. PABLO R.* AIA 70. Puerto Rico Chapter kers, 70. Hon. Awards: Award of merit for Sprain Brook Libr, AIA, Am. 142 Marte St, Atlantic View, P.R. 00913. Libr. Asn. & Nat. Bk. Cmt, 64. Pub. Serv: Trustee, Yonkers Savings Bank, 61-; chmn. archit. cmt, Yonkers C. of C, 64-67. Mem: Assoc, mem. Am. QUINT ANA, NICOLAS JOSE. AIA 69. Puerto Rico Chapter Inst. Planners, 69. t Nicolas Quintana Gomez & Assocs, 1507 Ponce de Leon, Santurce, P.R. 00912. RABINEK, GEORGE. AIA 70. Chesapeake Bay Chapter Home Add: Condominio Los Robles, Rio Piedras, P.R. 00927. t George Rabinek, P.O. Box 7625, Baltimore, Md. 21207. b. Havana, Cuba, Mar. 26, 25. Educ: Arch, Univ. Havana, 51. Prev. Firms: Home Add: 3804 Arbutus Ave, Baltimore, Md. 21207. Prin, Moenck & Quintana, 51-60; assoc. P.A. Miranda & Assocs, 60-66; b. Berlin, Ger, 1929. Educ: Arch, courses, McCoy Col, Johns Hopkins Univ. prin, Gaumann & Quintana, 66-68. Pres. Firm: Nicolas Quintana Gomez & Pres. Firm: George Rabinek, org. 70. Reg: Md. Assocs, Archits. & Urbanists, org. 69. Reg: P.R. Prin. Wks: Hotel Kawaraa, Varadero Beach, Cuba, 55; Nat. Bank of Cuba, Havana, 59; Residential Yacht RABOLD, W. A.* AIA 46. Dayton Chapter Club, Varadero, 59; Coliseum of San Juan, 67; Mkt. Place of Rfo Piedras, 4336 Ardery Dr, Dayton, Ohio 45406. San Juan, 67 Hon. Awards: Nat. awards for Pub. Bldgs, Hotel Kawama, 55 & Low Cost Housing, 55, Colegio Arquitectos Habana. Educ. Activ: Critic, RABON, WILLIAM JAMES, JR. AIA 63. Cincinnati Chapter lectr. & head educ. dept, Klumb Found, San Juan. Pub. Serv: Master planner, A.M. Kinney Assocs, William J. Rabon, 2912 Vernon PI, Cincinnati, Ohio Cuban Planning Bd, Varadero, 54-60 & Trinidad, 55-60. 45219 Home Add: 2324 Madison Rd, Apt. 2009, Cincinnati, Ohio 45208. QUINTAS, TED S. AIA 69. Chicago Chapter b. Marion, S.C, Feb. 7, 31. Educ: B.S.Arch, Clemson Col, 51; B.Arch.(hons), t Quintas & Assocs, 5828 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, 111. 60645. N.C. State Col, 55; M.Arch, Mass. Inst. Technol, 56; Mass. Inst. Technol. b. Chicago, Jan. 1, 33. Educ: B.Arch, Univ. Ill, 59. Pres. Firm: Quintas & Grad. Sch. scholar, 56; Fulbright scholar, 57. Prev. Firms: Assoc, John Assocs, org. 64. Reg: 111; NCARB Cert. Prin. Wks: Restaurant, 1711 Rand Carl Warnecke & Assocs, 61-63 & 64-66; assoc, Keyes, Lethbridge & Condon, Rd, Arlington Hts, 111, 69; 56 Unit Apt, 922 N. Blvd. Oak Park, 111, 70; Ware­ Assocs, 66-69. Pres. Firm: Partner, A.M. Kinney Assocs, William J. Rabon, house, 3636 W. 5lst St, Chicago, 70; Shopping Ctr, Broadway & Wilson Ave, org. 69, joined firm, 69. Reg: Calif, Md, N.C, Ohio. Chicago, 70; Jewel Family Ctr, Zion, 111, 70. Govt. Serv: U.S.A, 53-55. Mem: 111. Soc. Archit, 69, NCARB, 70. RACCHIN1, PETER LOUIS. AIA 55. Saint Paul Chapter Peter Racchini & Assocs, Getty Bldg, 716 Third St, White Bear Lake, QUINTON -BUD LONG* Minn. 55110. t 812 W. Eighth St, Los Angeles, Calif. 90017. Home Add: 2119 Fourth St, White Bear Lake, Minn. 55110. b. Ancona, Italy, July 13, 24. Educ: B.Arch, Univ. Minn, 50. Pres. Firm: QUITTELIER, ALBERT EUGENE. AIA 61. Grand Valley Chapter Prin, Peter Racchini & Assocs, org. 63, joined firm, 63. Reg: Minn, Wis. Roger Allen Assocs, Inc, 1126 McKay Tower, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49502. Prin. Wks: Munic. Bldg, Stillwater, Minn, 65; Latter-day Saints Church, Home Add: 205 Norwood Ave, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506. Little Canada, Minn, 66; Golden Valley Med. Clin, Minn, 66; Bailey Nurseries b. Antwerp, Belgium, Mar. 9, 10. Educ: Royal Acad. Fine Arts, Antwerp, Off. Bldg, Newport, Minn, 69; St. Mary's Parish Ctr. Addn, White Bear Lake, 27-33; Institu d'Etudes Polytechniques, Brussels, 34. Pres. Firm: Secy, to 69. Hon. Awards: Honorable mention for Stillwater Munic. Bldg, CSI, 66. bd. dirs, Roger Allen Assocs, Inc, org. 51, joined firm, 55. Reg: Mich. RACCUGLIA, JOSEPH VICTOR.* AIA 70. Chicago Chapter QVALE, R. C* AIA 57. Southern California Chapter 1628 Riverside Ct, Glenview, 111. 60025. 2525 W. 7th St, Los Angeles, Calif. 90057. RACE, ROBERT OSCAR. AIA 61. Philadelphia Chapter Shay, Schwartz & Assocs, 900 Packard Bldg, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102. Home Add: 322 Howarth Rd, Media, Pa.
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