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RODMAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 378.771 C557c.1v.19 MR ALLIANCE R00 ( The Chronicle. CHRONICLE V •' r x # - * -' • # v < ,ON TH^ RHUJ%^BPANT TERRACE .; 'WITH gpE TRElte GtdSE BY* ^ * * j , VI STANDS OUft NOB^E*ALMA MATER. ;!"" ,,r DEAR ALLIANCE HIGH. ,'-,.;-, JZ , ^ *%*3 LIFT fVpUR VOICES ^LAUP^^^^^SE Ijgfc \.? > ^ ^FORft-HERE AR,E.BUT,*EW.;. *\ ^M ^ . \', , *ZHA#ARE LIKlfpUR ALMA M4TER* ^ '• «fc* THE RED AND BLUE. ' ,. y ', / ^^ *^ limit m * %^ v ^# *% &: - #*** Z" >>** ^PT ^* -^••;,^>%i &v5* V5^ 1I#-< «^r • ^*#%*&§* HE •"•- . - ^ ALLIANCE HIGH SCHOOL - ALLIANCE, OHIO f ..:•»' : -.-™,. * -• i:". " -'<•• m. -cm- i; - ..: • - , ' - , • ••> • . ! jcreseyitlna LYNN DANIELS tlu JANICE HAMPU igbi (^krontcL Queen amd NANCY LUCA ker VICKI SWEITZER Uouri Olwen (y)raven h^P TABLE OF SENIOR SECTION PAGE 6 DEDICATION PAGE 30 TALENT SECTION . PAGE 32 ACTIVITIES PAGE 50 UNDERCLASSMEN & FACULTY PAGE 80 ATHLETICS PAGE 100 SENIOR ACTIVITIES PAGE 121 ADVERTISEMENTS PAGE 129 CONTENTS <& sPSwWPp j " Presenting the class of 1961 Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course lie all the varieties and realities of your existence: The bliss of growth; The glory of action; The splendor of beauty; For yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; But today, well lived, makes every yesterday A dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day! Sanskrit SI MOI8S • vc $\\%U $rh // \WV A* "/ •*«• <»<• ••I rf fttoftf »t~«« t •' ©iliUtmit J4~/«/<£J/~ * Edythe Abblett ; 4 Randall Addams Theresa Aiello David Albert Kay Albright Donald Allen Kay Allen Fred Allison Richard Amos James Anderson Janice Anderson Shirley Anderson Georgene Andress Janet Ansley Rochelle Arnold Shirley Austin Carol Babb Richard Bainer Darlene Baker Janice Bara Kurt Barbee Carolyn Barcus Sally Barcus Hii Dan Bard 8 Norman McLeod, patron; Charles King, vice president; James David son, president; Karen Frederick, treasurer; Janice Hampu, secretary. Gearl Barker Judith Barnes Kenneth Barnhart David Barnhouse Mary Jo Barrickman Chester Bartram Larry Becker Daniel Beckett Patricia Beitler Ray Benedetti Beverly Benner Linda Berlin 3onnie Lou Berry Mary Boschini Richard Bourne Robert Bowden Marilyn Diane Frank Richard Edgar Pauline Bower Boyce Boyce Boyd Braun Brienza Richard Harold David Toni Jack Richard Brienza Brill Br ion Brion Brown Brown Lula David Gary Clarence John John Bryant Burden Burkle Burr Burson Burtnett Veodis Brenda Susan Jenilyn Thomas Joseph Byrd Campbell Campeau Carli Carroll Casagrande 10 It was a happy occasion hen sports editor Ed De- raw gave Mr. Richmond id the boys the news of leir All-Ohio selections ith Charles King being amed Ohio's Most Valuable layer. Mel Knowlton, Principal Richmond, Ed DeGraw, Dick Knauf, Charles King, Bob Wallace, and Sam Longmire. Frank Caserta Thomas Caserta Carol Ciotti Diane Clair Bruce Clapsaddle Donna Clayton Jeffrey Clayton Nada Clough Patricia Clupper Georgetta Coleman Cathe Comer Edward Conrad 11 Carol Cook Claudia Cook Terry Cook Ronald Corbi Eileen Craven Ralph Crider Linda Crison Carol Cunningham David Curtiss Richard Curtiss Robert Curtis Connie Custar Dominic Delesandro Mario Damiani David Dan Jesse Daniels Bob Smyth is ques tioning G a y 1 e Josh during the trials in P. O. D. with Jim Davidson acting as the judge. Lynn Daniels Sandra Daniels Charles Darnell Jane Darnell Daniel Davia James Davidson Connie DeGroff Cheryl Deitch Janet DeLong Andrea Deming Joan Dennis James DeVeny David Didick Jennie Diehl Bruce Donahoe Janice Dore rimothy Dugan Douglas Duncan Judith Dutrow Gary Duvall udith Eddy Barry Ellis Suzanne Epps Susan Eskay Loretta Estock Bruce Everson Carol Ezzo Kenneth Faverty Clyde Ferguson Ray Fisher Peggy Fitzgerald Darlayne Floyd Gail Fogarascher Bruce Foith Sandra Forbush Karen Frederick Carol Freedman Robert Fryfogle James Furcolow Louis Fugiuele Ronald Gamertsfelder Thelma Gantz Robert Gaverick Barbara Gaul Nancy Gayer Judith Gibson Rochelle Gibson Nancy Glasser 14 The girls of the flapper era and their dates, Ron Corbi, Janice Hampu, Kay Allen and Glenn Rupp, arrived in costume for the Roaring Twenties dance. Carol GoKdner Ellen Graham Barbara Grant Charles Green Judith Green David Greenman Delbert Grimes Mildred Grimes Warrick Grossman Virgil Grubb Shari Guy Jeri Hahlen Daul Halverstadt Janice Hampu Doris Harrington Bruce Hartzell Lois Hayes Patricia Heestand Diane Heffelfinger James Held Linda Herren Lynn Heyne Geraldine Hicks Gary Hilbert Bruce Hill Sandra Hillman Kurt Hiner Darlene Hite Darlene Holloway William Holmes Linda Howard Sharon Howe Bill Holmes, Charlie King, Tony King, and Sam Longmire leave school for the Springfield game. Ralph Hunt James Hurford Charles Hutcheson Gloria Irvin Donald Israel Judith Jennings Arthur Johanson Catherine Jones Jimmy Jones Patricia Jones Gayle Josh Barbara Jurs Elizabeth Jurs Jack Kahler Norman Kaufman Jean Kayler Ronald Keirn Martha Kelbaugh Michael Kelly Pauline Kelly Charles King Sherry King Nancy Klusch Richard Knauf 17 v&- : <& *J 10* Representing the senior class, these girls nervously await the judges' decree at the Chronicle Queen Revue. Janice Korleski Stephanie Kozma David Kridler Corrine Kriner Diane Krueck Lars Kruse Jayde Laffey Barbara Lampe Patricia Lare Judith Lauer Thomas Learmonth Albert Leasure 18 Kenneth Don James Barbara Donna Richard Leasure Lee Leeson Lennig Leonard Linhart Craig Lorna Samuel Barbara Gayle Joseph Locke Long Longmire Loomis Lyon Henning Magyaros Leslie Michal Carol Lawrence Larry Brian [ainwaring Mainwaring Manheim Marazza Marshall Martin Douglas George Joyce Shirley Lois Jane Mather McBride McCallum McCallum McClintock McCrea 19 Maureen McGuire Raymond McLarren Loiene Michael Kay Miles Carolynn Miller Frank Miller Janet Miller Robert Miller Sue Miller Terry Miller Joy Moderalli Judith Mohr Tony Moore Ralph Moretti Joyce Morgan William Morgan Sarah Morris Susan Morrison Sandra Mummert Linda Murphy Tod Murphy Bonnie Myers Louis Nagy Frances Neiswanger 20 Judith Newton Donald O'Dell Lynn O'Dell V~ James Orzo Felicia Pack Andrew Packey Mary Painelli Betty Palmenter Douglas Palmenter ££ Patricia Papley Margaret Pasco Joseph Peloso Douglas Perry James Peters Donnetta Phillips Roger Piatt 21 William Pilmer Charles Pinkerton Robert Piotter Patricia Polen Mary Polinori Carol Polozzi Margaret Polverine Shirley Prickett Michaeleen Pusateri Janice Ramser Joyce Ramsey Patricia Randolph Roily Rastetter Dianne Ray Joseph Reese Margaret Retone Betty Robertson Beverly Robertson Cheryl Rocki Anita Rodriquez During P. O. D., these witnesses listen atten tively as they view the trial. 22 Sharyn Rogers Carol Roose Colleen Rose Nancy Ruff Glenn Rupp James Russell William Ruth Bernard Samblanet Michael Sapp Delsia Hunt Saunier Ellery Savage George Savakis Linda Sax Janet Sayer Donald Scheible James Scheible Larry Schock Clara Schuller Dennis Schulze Larry Schulze Judith Scott Carolyn Sergent Larry Shade Margaret Shade 23 Sue Shaffer Edward Shearrow Kathy Sheen James Shellenberger Donald Shoffstall Lila Sickle Fay Shoup Bonnie Siegenthaler Eva Jean Simon Charles Sinkovitz David Smith Diane Smith Joel Smith Sheila Smith William Smith Robert Smyth Dennis Snider Cassandra Snodgrass • 1W H 1 Kit Snyder Ronald Snyder Barbara Solinger Dianna Sotcan Karen Springer Carol Stackhouse 24 "Cool" Gayle Josh is delivering the recipe for a "beat" team while Lynn Daniels, Jeri Hahlen, and Vicki Sweitzer pay strict attention. Mary Lyn Poli- nori is checking one of the "mountains" before last year's Junior-Senior Prom. Carol Steed Marsha Steen John Stella Janice Stevenson Bonnie Stitz Donald Stryffeler Mary Lou Stump William Sutton Barry Taylor Patricia Taylor Thomas Teeters Frank Thomas Maria Elena Thomas Richard Thomas David Trieff Preston Tucker 25 Robert Tucker Linda Tullis Raymond Tunelius Diane Twark Valerie Vanaman John Van Camp Janet Van Derkar George Vitalarii John Vitale Charles Walbourn Michael Walker Jane Walker Robert Wallace Bryant Walter Patricia Warren Sharon Wasmire John Burtnett, Dick Boyd, and Bob Wallace, the boys who presented the roses during the Chronicle Queen Revue, anxiously wait for the show to begin. Part of the decoration committee for the Prom worked hard in preparation for the big night. Judith Anne Karey John Paul Patricia Weber Wehner Wehner Wells Wheatley White Gary Geraldine Robert Delmas James Patricia Wilhelm Williams Williams Williamson Williamson Williamson Donn Donna Edna Hugh James Judith Willis Willis Willis Wilson Wilson Wilson Rosalie Wittenbrook Mary Alice Woods Jerry Woolf Richard Wright Bonne Wurgler Daryl Wuthrick Paul Yarian Vera Yendrich Nadine Yoder Dorothy Young James Young Melvin Young Dennis Yuklich Louise Zingg Samuel Zucchero William Difloure Paul Floyd Naola Fortner Sally Scruggs Sally Wolpert Janice Ely Brian Henry Robert Lorden Carolyn Lower 28 Graduating at Last When we entered Alliance High in our Starting in May, we went to many fare freshmen and sophomore years, graduation wells making us realize even more poignantly seemed a long way off. But now as we we would soon leave these crowded halls. We participate for the last time in many school were fitted in our caps and gowns; we de events, we realize that soon we shall no cided how we wanted our names on our longer be high school seniors but we will be diplomas; we planned our farewell to the college freshmen or adults, joining the work school; we were given a prom by the juniors; ing force of America. we had a banquet. Now we are graduating, and the cars are waiting to