City in Focus | Perspectives of the National Urban Development Policy

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City in Focus | Perspectives of the National Urban Development Policy City in Focus | Perspectives of the National Urban Development Policy Positions of the Policy Board 1 Imprint Publisher Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) within the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) Deichmanns Aue 31–37 53179 Bonn Scientific Consultants Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) Division I 2: Urban Development Stephan Willinger Contact Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) Division SW I 1 Dr. Oliver Weigel Tilman Buchholz Contractors and Authors Team Prof. Dr. Franz Pesch pp a|s pesch partner architekten stadtplaner GmbH and Prof. Peter Zlonicky Office for Urban Planning and Research Editing Elke Wendt-Kummer Holger Everz Translation Michael Cullen, Berlin Layout Doris Fischer-Pesch, Dortmund Status June 2017 Print Domröse druckt, Hagen Orders to: [email protected] Stichwort: Stadt im Fokus Requests for Reprints and Distribution All rights reserved Reprints solely permitted with exact source. Two copies of reprints requested. The ideas of the contractors are not necessarily those of the publisher. ISBN 978-3-87994-206-0 Bonn 2017 City in Focus Perspectives of the National Urban Development Policy Positions of the Policy Board A publication within the framework of the National Urban Development Policy of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection, Construction and Reactor Safety (BMUB), supervised by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Develop- ment (BBSR) within the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) GREETING This year the National Urban Development Policy in Germany celebrates its 10th anniver- sary. We are taking this anniversary as an occasion not only to look back on successful pilot projects with this publication, but above all to look forward to the next decade: Have the tasks changed? Where do we have to adjust? What must be given particular attention in the future of National Urban Development Policy? It was obvious to question the more than 40 experts from different disciplines and institu- tions, which were appointed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior to the Policy Board of the National Urban Development Policy. Two members of the Policy Board, Franz Pesch photo: Harald Franzen and Peter Zlonicky, have undertaken to gather these opinions and make the National Ur- ban Development Policy visible in a project overview. For the realized projects show clear- ly, which role the Federal Government can and must play for the future development of municipalities. In addition, interviews and statements from the founding circle of the Na- tional Urban Development Policy as well as the next generation of planners and scientists were included. We know that the key to a sustainable and climate-friendly world lies in the cities. The ma- jority of people live in urban areas, which are a magnet for immigrants and whose con- sumption of resources is constantly increasing. For these areas, an answer must be found to how a livable urban environment can be designed without jeopardizing the global eco- system. In 2007 the states of the European Union, with the Leipzig Charter, have taken over this re- sponsibility. They have agreed to promote stable urban development through an integrated urban development policy and the strengthening of disadvantaged city districts. In order to implement the ambitious objectives of the Charter in political practice, the Federal Gov- ernment launched the National Urban Development Policy 10 years ago as a common ini- tiative by the Federal Government, the Länder and local authorities. It provides a platform for cross-departmental cooperation and brings together numerous actors in the cities and communities. In the pilot projects, civil society actors and initiatives are working on inno- vative concepts for sustainable development. I would like to emphasize especially two aspects. On the one hand, the increased interna- tional exchange in urban development policy is remarkable. A highlight here was the Hab- itat III conference in Quito and the adoption of the “New Urban Agenda” as a guideline for urban development. The conference has shown how positively the experiences of our cit- ies and municipalities are absorbed in the international discourse and that our municipali- ties also benefit from this exchange. The Federal Government will therefore further expand the international dimension of urban development policy. On the other hand, the question is how the municipalities are reacting to the great chal- lenges of our time: from demographic change, through the integration of people who have immigrated, to the process of digitalization. I am impressed what quality of ideas and com- mitment the project calls of the National Urban Development Policy have generated. Civil society initiatives and new alliances, with the participation of business, culture, churches and sports associations, have made remarkable contributions to improve the life of the neighborhoods and integrate new citizens. The tenth anniversary of the Leipzig Charter is a good occasion to think about an update of the National Urban Development Policy. We want to discuss the results of our evaluation at the National Congress in Hamburg in June of this year. I am looking forward to a lively debate and would like to thank the authors and all the participants sincerely for their con- tributions. Dr. Barbara Hendricks Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety FOREWORD A retrospective of ten years of National Urban Development Policy shows a mul- titude of successes and allows for pride in its achievements. I remember many interesting, surprising and inspiring moments and the important exchange at the annual congresses. The BBSR has scientifically accompanied more than 100 pi- lot projects and provided expert advice to the players. The projects focus on the importance of integrated action in a cooperative urban development. The projects point to the importance of experimental spaces in which new ideas are developed and tested. In recent years, a large number of projects supported by civil society have been recognized and promoted as part of our urban development policy. This photo: Milena Schlösser was by no means self-evident a decade ago and is therefore also a mark of merit of the National Urban Development Policy as an initiator of action. At the same time, however, the retrospective leaves a series of open questions that point to the future. Was it not too easy to devise the National Urban Development Policy as an umbrella for other federal activities in this field? Why has it so rarely succeeded, with the subject of “the city”, to reach not only the specialist public, but also the citizens themselves? Or can we also see this as a kind of confirmation of ur- ban development that successfully balances and prevents injustices? Finally, how can we involve those actors even more closely in the activities of the National Urban Development Policy who were sceptical in the first decade? The members of the Policy Board of the National Urban Development Policy ask similar questions in this volume. All these questions are justified. Yes, they are even necessary to subsequently jointly develop a National Urban Development Policy for the next ten years that will meet current requirements and continue to provide effective impetus for cooperative, sustainable urban development. I wish you interesting reading. Harald Herrmann Director and Professor of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) CONTENTS GREETING 4 Dr. Barbara Hendricks Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety FOREWORD 7 Prof. Harald Herrmann Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) within the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) ABSTRACT 10 1 NATIONAL CITY DEVELOPMENT POLICy – A PORTRAIT 13 1.1 The Players 13 1.2 The Sources – the Leipzig Charter and the Memorandum on Urban Development Policy 2007 13 1.3 Focal Poits of City Development Policy in different Action Fields 14 1.4 Updates in the Memorandum “Urban Energies – Future Tasks of the Cities” 2012 15 1.5 Design of National Urban Development Policy 15 1.6 Integration of National Urban Development Policy in the Urban Agenda for the EU 17 1.7 National Urban Development Policy Today 19 INNOVATION IN URBAN DEVELOPMENT AS POLITICAL PROGRAM 20 Prof. Peter Zlonicky | Prof. Dr. Franz Pesch 2 DESIGNING URBAN FUTURE – STARTING POINTS AND REFLECTIONS 25 LEIPZIG CHARTER AND NATIONAL URBAN DEVELOPMENT POLICY Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee (26), Prof. Dr. Engelbert Lütke Daldrup (28), Dr. Ulrich Hatzfeld (30), Prof. Dr. Christiane Thalgott (34), Prof. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz (36), Dr. Bernd Hunger (38) Pilot projects: Innovative City – Motor of Economic Development 32 DISCOURSE 1 | NEW ORIENTATIONS FOR URBAN PLANNING 41 Dr. Eva Lohse (42), Thomas Webel (44), Axel Gedaschko (45), Norbert Portz (48) Pilot projects: Regionalization 46 DISCOURSE 2 | UNTERSTANDING ROLES AND CREATIVE PROCEDURES 51 Johannes Dragomir (52), Regula Lüscher (54), Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Merk (58), Prof. Martin zur Nedden (60) Pilot projects: Civil Society 56 DISCOURSE 3 | BUILDING CULTURE AS AN OBLIGATION 63 Barbara Ettinger-Brinckmann (64), Heiner Farwick (66), Reiner Nagel (70), Till Rehwaldt (72) Pilot projects: Baukultur 68 8 DISCOURSE 4 | CITY AND ECONOMY AS SYNERGIES 75 Dirk Binding und Tine Fuchs (76), Josef Sanktjohanser (78), Eckard Schindler (80) DISCOURSE 5 | SOCIAL COHESION IN CITIES AND TOWNS 83 Dr. Christoph Beier (84), Prof. Dr. Ilse Helbrecht (86), Ralf Meister (88), Ulrich Müller (92) Dr. Michael Vesper (94) Pilot projects: Social City 90 DISCOURSE 6 | CITY AND ENVIRONMENT UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE 97 Dr. Brigitte Dahlbender (98), Maria Krautzberger (100), Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber (104) Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs (106), Petra Wesseler (108) Pilot projects: Climate Protection 102 DISCOURSE 7 | A FUTURE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING 111 Prof.
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