September 2008 Geoff & Phoebe Overy of Darland, Venn Green, Who Celebrate Their Diamond (60Th) Wedding Anniversary on 11Th September 2008
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Sept 2008 29th Edition . Autumn Edition Autumn Edition £813 Raised–thank you Inside this issue: Milton Damerel Parish Council 2 Congratulations 3 Youth & Family News 4 Parish Planning 5 . Church & Chapel News 8 Harvest Festival 10 Fete 2008 12 Neighbourhood Watch 16 Parish Hall News 18 Putford W.I. 19 What,s On Diary 22 The deadline for submissions of articles and advertisements for the next edition is 27th November Milton Damerel Newsletter DamerelMilton Newsletter Page 2 MILTON DAMEREL NEWSLETTER Milton Damerel Parish Council Parish Clerk: Mrs Roberta Jackson Tel: 01409 261196 Westfields, enn Green E-mail: miltondamerelpc& Milton Damerel, EX22 7,P Councillors: Gareth Piper -Chairman. 07966550105 Grace Millman - ice Chairman. 01409 261251 Rose 2aynes 01409 261577 Michael 4irby 01409 261440 Edgar Pett 01409 261277 Richard Piper 01409 261114 John Webb 01409 261101 21st May 2000 was the date of the Parish Council Annual General Meeting when the Chairman and ice Chairman were elected to ser8e for the ne9t 12 months. Gareth Piper was re-elected Chairman of the Parish Council and Grace Millman was re-elected ice-Chairman. A regular Parish Council meeting followed the AGM and there ha8e also been meetings in June and July. During this period there were :ust three planning applications, two for agricultural buildings at 2igher Woodford Farm and one for a new dri8eway access for Town Farm Cottage. BT ha8e been consulting on the proposed remo8al of payphones in Torridge District but the Parish Council are pleased to report that there are no plans to remo8e either of the phone bo9es in Milton Damerel. Following the Post Office announcement to close or replace with outreach ser8ices, 01 Post Offices in De8on, the Parish Council sent a letter to the Consultation Team in support of Shebbear PO. The closure of this Post Office would be a great loss to many residents of this Parish. The final decision has not yet been made as the fate of Shebbear is still under re8iew. The De8on County Council Rights of Way officer has ad8ised the council that di8ersion of footpath number 24 at ,orth Town Farm is now complete. arious other works are scheduled to be done on local paths including re-hanging the gate at the back of the church and installing a new footbridge on footpath number 16 o8er Fishpool Lake. From the Parish Council minute book we are informed that the brick pillars, that are still in place, were installed at a cost of @4.4.0 [email protected]. in 1911. These pillars will be incorporated into the foundations of the new bridge. The Parish Council accounts for the year ending 11st March 2000 ha8e been appro8ed by the members of the Parish Council following the internal audit. The annual return is now with the Audit Commission. The certified return will be displayed on the Parish Council notice boards in accordance with regulations in due course. The 2olsworthy Motor Club advises that they will be holding their Roger Pole Taw A Torridge classic reliability trial, on Sunday 21st September. Appro9imately 50 cars and 40 motorcycles will be taking part and will pass through the parish at about 10.10am from 2olsworthy on their way to Stibb Cross. They will return at about 2.45pm to turn right at Shop Cross on their way to Abbots Bickington. Last year the e8ent was called off at short notice due to an outbreak of foot and mouth. To mark the Olympic Flag 2ando8er to London 2012 on Sunday 24th August the South West is planning to make 2 minutes of noise at 4.0pm lead by the pealing of bells. Cllr Webb is making arrangements to ring the bells at Milton Damerel Church as part of this special occasion. Roberta Jackson Parish Clerk SEPT 2008 Page 3 CONGRATULATIONS! To Mike Robertson who celebrated his 60th birthday on 20th August 2008 Gareth Piper and Sally Ashford who celebrate their marriage on 6th September 2008 Geoff & Phoebe Overy of Darland, Venn Green, who celebrate their Diamond 60th) Wedding Anniversary on 11th September 2008. Roy and Pauline Palmer of Strawberry Bank Farm who celebrate their Ruby 40th) Wedding Anniversary on 25th September 2008 Elizabeth Belle of Bluebell ,ottage, Abbotts Bickington who celebrates her 70th birthday on October 2008 ,ongratulations to Jaz Harper who was 18 on the 11th 0une ,ongratulations to Lawrence Harper who was 1. on the 26th 1ay, he had his first win, in the SW852150s, at 1oto 3, on his new bike, on his birthday4 To all young people in the parish who have recently completed their G,SE, AS 6evel, A 6evel, BTE,, 8V9 and degree courses : we hope your results have been as good or better than your expectations and will enable you to go forward with your plans, and to those who are moving to new schools and colleges and taking up university places we hope the experience will be exciting and worthwhile. GOOD-BYE & (ELCOME A warm welcome to: Steve & Christine, Adam and Callum Johns who have moved into Springfield Phil & Mary Ro linson who have moved into West Willow, Town Farm CONDOLENCE Sympathies to all who have been bereaved recently SCARECROW COMPETITON Saturday, 4th October 2008 A compet t on for entr es by nd v duals or fam l es to nclude all ages. Scarecrow)s) on your selected theme should be placed on d splay n your garden / an area v s ble from the road by 12 noon on Saturday morn ng, and )weather perm tt ng) left on d splay for the wee-.end. Pr /es w ll be awarded for0 1est Overall Most Com cal Most Or g nal Entry fee 23 for the newsletter funds and entr es to be not f ed to 4race )251251) by Thursday 2nd October .. a l st of entr es w ll then be ava lable from garage for those who w sh to 7tour around8 to see them all. 9udg ng w ll be from 2pm on Saturday. Page 4 MILTON DAMEREL NEWSLETTER Youth Family News Monster Club During the school holidays we had a 8ery en:oyable trip to see a seBuel to the Lion, Witch A Wardrobe, which is Prince Caspian. We met at the Schoolroom and had a Buick tea and arranged lifts and tra8elled in con8oy to The Plough. The film lasted o8er 2 hours and e8eryone thoroughly en:oyed it. Following on from the film we had a Prince Caspian afternoon, which included a lot of games, crafts and face painting. There was a bring and share tea. All children were 8ery well beha8ed and a pleasure to take out and thank you to e8eryone who helped with both e8ents. It has been brought to our attention that some find Thursdays difficult and so we ha8e mo8ed the club meetings to Friday. If any-one has any problems please let us know. Monster Club resumes on Friday, 12th September, 4.45 to 6.15pm, when we will be doing a recycling and :unk fashion e8ening. Please bring anything you may think is useful - colourful plastic bags, fabric, ribbons, old items of clothing, etc. A programme of further meetings will be prepared. Tracy Dunmore ,EIL DA CES ASSOCIATES C2ARTERED ACCOD,TA,TS A,D BUSI,ESS AD CSORS ETa9ing times calls for specialist help, ,eed help with your personal ta9 returns, business accounts or ta9 planningF. EWe are helping businesses PROFIT A,D GROW and gi8ing people peace of mind.. without paying the ta9man a fortune“ Free initial consultation at your business, home or in our office Prompt Professional Ser8ice from ,eil Da8ies F.C.A. and Graham Johns F.C.C.A. BSc -2ons) Tel: 01200 150616, Mobile: 07972765112 Email: ,eil& Web: Bude Business Centre, 4ings 2ill Ind Est. Bude, Cornwall SEPT 2008 Page 5 PARIS: PLANNIN4 < UPDATE The Par sh Plan is now a8ailable and has been deli8ered to all households in the parish. We do hope you will take time to read it and more importantly to gi8e thought to how YOU can help to make it happen. Many of the action plans will only bring about results if there are 8olunteers to help carry forward the proposals. Are you one of the individuals who supported more activities / clubs, etc., or supported more use of the Parish Hall for community benefit? Your Parish Needs You!! Could you 8olunteer to organise a club or acti8ityG We ha8e the names of those who filled in the response form at the end of the 2ousehold Huestionnaire, but there were more e9pressions of Iable to organise or helpJ than names pro8idedK All of us L members of the Parish Plan Steering Group, the Parish Councillors and those who 8olunteered L would be 8ery much encouraged if you contact one of the Councillors -see Page 2 for names and telephone numbers. to let us know of your interests. Already we ha8e interests for starting again a Eget togetherF of those interested in crafts, and For more information L see your for starting a horticultural society L see details elsewhere in this ,ewsletter L householdJs copy of MILTON DAMEREL PARISH PLAN 2008 we encourage you to respond to these now. DonJt delayKK and pre8ious editions of the The Parish Council will be contacting 8arious indi8iduals in the District ,ewsletter, which may be Council, County Council, 2ighways, Police, etc., to discuss and petition for 8iewed on action as reBuired to bring about the changes included in the action plan. e’ve compiled the Plan --- the challenge now is to make it happen!happen!happen! Shebbear Study Day 2008, Shebbear College, North Devon Saturday 18th October 9.30am – .00pm Bishop Bob Evens Leads the day on “The Kingdom of God is near” The cost of the day will be £12 to include lunch, coffee and tea.