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World Bank Document Report No. 978a4MAG Appraisalof a FourthHighway Project DemocraticRepublic of Madagascar Public Disclosure Authorized june 3, 1976 p Regional Projects Department [asternAfrica Regional Office E Cop FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized U Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Document of the World Bank This doc Liment has a restricted distrihution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise he dis losed without World Bankauthorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Except as otherwise stated, all f:Lguresare quoted in U.S. Dollars (US$). Currency Unit = Malagasy Franc (FMG) US$0.0047 = FMG 1 US$1.00 = FMG 215 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 meter (m) = 3.28 feet (ft) 1 kilometer (kmn) = 0.62 miles (mi) 1 hectare (ha) = 2.47 acres (ac) 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2 pounds (lbs) 1 metric ton (m ton) 2,204 pounds (lbs) 2 1 sq km (km) = 0.386 sq miles (mi2) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AM - Air Madagascar CEBTP - Centre d'Etudes du Batiment et des Travaux Publics Center for the Study of Public Works and Construction DIM - Direction de l'Infrastructureet de Maintenance Infrastructure and MaintenanceDepartment DTN - Direction des Travaux Neufs New Works Department LNTPB - LaboratoireNati'onal des Travaux Publics et du Batiment National Laboratoryof Public Works and Construction MA,T - Ministgre d'Amenagementdu Territoire Ministry of Works MTP - Ministere des Travaux Publics Ministry of Public Works MTR - Ministere des Transports et du Ravitaillement Ministry of Transport and Supplies PA - Parcs et Ateliers Central Workshop RNCFM - Reseau National des Chemins de Fer Malagasy Malagasy National Railway Network SCP - Service Central de la Programmation Central Planning;Service SINPA - Societe d'Interet National pour les Produits Agricoles National Agency for AgriculturalProducts SINTP - Societe d'Intere"tNational des Travaux Publics National Public Works Agency UCA - Union des Cooperatives Agricoles Union of AgriculturalCooperatives vpd - vehicles per day DEMOCRATIC REPU'BLICOF MADAGASCAR FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December 31 FOR COfICIALUSC ONLY DEMOCRATICREPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR APPRAISAL OF A FOURTHIHIGIHWAY PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . ................ i-ii 1. INTRODUCTION . ........... 1 2. THE TRANSPORT SECTOR. 1 A. Effects of Geography and thieEconomy on Transport .........., , ...................1 B. The Modes . ................................ 2 C. Transport Policy, Planning and Coordination 5 D. Bank Group Projects in the Sector 7 3. HIGHWIVAYS ............................. ,., 8 A. Administration .... 8 B. Planning ............ .................. 8 C. Financing ... 9 D. Engineering ... 10 E. Construction ..... ......................... 10 F. Mlaintenance. 11 G. Training .................................. 12 4, THE PROJECT .12 A. Objectives ... 12 B. Description .... 12 C. Cost Estimates .... 16 1). Financing .. .. 17 E. Implementation .... 18 1F'. Disbursements . .................. 19 5. ECONOMIICEVALUATION .......... .. 19 A. tain Benefits and Beneficiaries . .19 B. Arivonimamo-Analavory Road .19 C. Tsiroanomandidy-Maintirano Road .20 1). Road Maintenance Elements .21 6. AGREIMENTSREACHED AND RECOMMENDATION.......... 21 This report was prepared by Frida Johansen (Transport Economist), Peter Ludwig (Engineer), and Mustafa Nour (Economist) and was edited by Marie Garcia-Zamor (Technical Editor). This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Itscontents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. -2- 7. ANNEXES 1. Distribution of Benefits Accruing from Road Improvement 2. Background for Eva.Luation of the Proposed Road Construction 3. Draft Terms of Reference for Engineering, Management and Supervision of Tsiroanomandidy-Maintirano Road Construction 4. Draft Terms of Reference for Study of Training Needs and Implementatioi of Findings 5. Draft Terms of Reference for a Study of DIM Reorganization and Equipment ancl Spare Parts Needs 6. Project Progress Re!porting Requirements 8. TABLES 1. The Highway Network, 1974 2. Development of the Primary Road System, 1964-74 3. Motor Vehicle Registration, 1958-71 4. Fuel Consumption, 1960-73 5. Highway Expeniditures, 1964-75 6. Revenues from Road Users, 1971-74 7. Highway Design Standards 8. Estimated Schledule of Disbursements 9. Equipment to be Procured for Force Account Works on Tsiroanomandidy-naintirano Road 10. Vehicle Operating Costs 11. Economic Evaluation of Arivonimamo-Analavory Road 12. Economic Evaluation of Tsiroanomandidy-Maintirano Road 9. CIIARTS 1. Organizationi of the Ministry of Public Works 2. Organization of Ministry of Transport and Supplies 3. Implementation Schedule 10. MAP Madagascar, Transport System (IBRD 11744) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR APPRAISAL OF A FOURTH HIGHWAY PROJECT SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS i. Despite recent improvements, Malagasy transport infrastructure is fragmentary. Rugged topography translates into high construction costs which, combined with the country's meager resources and copious development needs in all sectors, slow the pace of higlhwaynetwork improvement. The Bank Group has been active in accelerating this pace; since 1966, it has helped finance construction of 649 km of roads, 535 km of which are paved. It has also as- sisted in improving the Tamatave port and the railway system; total transport sector lending, including studies and technical assistance, amounts to US$63.6 million. ii. This will be the sixth transportation, or the fourth highway project in Madagascar. It will continue previous development efforts by upgrading the heavily-trafficked Arivonimamo-Analavory main road; constructing an all-weather feeder road between Tsiroanomandidy and Maintirano to serve a now-isolated area and connect the west coast witlh the central plateau; and identifying and subsequently financing training, equipment and spare parts needs to improve road maintenance. iii. Estimated project cost is US$31.8 million (US$25.6 million foreign and US$6.2 million local), net of taxes and duties. The proposed US$22.0 million IDA credit would finance 100% of foreign costs and some local costs, or 69% of project costs net of taxes and duties. The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) will participate in the project with a US$5.0 million loan, which will finance 16% of total project cost, but is earmarked specifically for the foreign cost of the earthworks on the Tsiroanomandidy- Maintirano road. Government will provide US$11.4 million, or US$4.8 million net of taxes and duties. iv. The Ministry of Public Works is competent and will be responsible for project execution. Main road construction will be awarded to contractors after international competitive bidding and will be supervised by Ministry staff. The Eeeder road will be designed and supervised by consultants, with earth works carried out by force account, and bridges constructed by contractors. Consultants will examine training and equipment needs and assist itl t:raining. Project execution is estimated to start in 1976 and finish by 1980. v. Road construction should result in a 12% to 16% basic economic return, depending on the section; on average a 12% return. The main bene- fits, decreased transport costs on the main road and access to an area with agricultural potential where an IDA-assisted LivestoclcProject is underway, will accrue to low-income farmers. Transport, marketing and land tenure system structures appear adequate to foster growth and to permit fulfillment of the possibilities the road betterment will create. The training program and the procurement of spare parts and equipment will improve maintenance operations which are essential to prevent deterioration of existing roads and loss of investments. - ii - vi. While overall performanceunder the previous highway projects has been satisfactory,Government's adherence to some of the credit/loan covenantshas been less so. Therefore,during negotiationsGovernment has agreed on a program to enforce axle load regulations;to discuss annually the appropriatenessof proposed budget allocationsfor road maintenance; and to provide funds as required to cover local project costs. In addition, Governmenthas agreed to preparea program and implementationschedule for the improvementof the Infrastructureand MaintenanceDepartment's maintenance equipmentrenting and spare parts supply systems; to employ consultants under terms of referenceand conditionssatisfactory to the Association;to procure civil works and equipment:according to IDA guidelines;and to carry out force account works under corLditionssatisfactory to the Association. vii. The project is suitable for an IDA credit of US$22.0 million on the usual terms to the DemocraticRepublic of Madagascar. DEMOCRATICREPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR APPRAISALOF A FOURTH HIGHWAY PROJECT 1. INTRODUCTION 1.01 The Malagasy Governmenthas requestedBank Group and BADEA as- sistance to upgrade and expand the highway network. Several possible project componentswere evaluatedby the Ministry of Public Works and Bank staff. Constructionof National Road No. 1 from Arivonimamoto Analavory (RN1, 67 km) and of the Tsiroanomandidy-Maintiranoroad (370 km) and improvementof road main- tenancewere given highest priority. The RN1 section had been included under the Third Highway Project, but when the lowest bid was 70% higher than the appraisalestimate, upgrading to proposed standardswas no longer justified. Reduced standardswere
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