Department of English and Cultural Studies Panjab University, Chandigarh dialog: a bi-annual interdisciplinary journal No. 30 (2017) ISSN 0975-4881 Editor Deepti Gupta Editorial Board Pushpinder Syal RanaNayar ManjuJaidka Lovelina Singh Ani! Raina Pratibha Nagpal Rumina Sethi Akshaya Kumar SurbhiGoel MeenuGupta Sudhir Mehta Advisory Board M. L. Raina, Panjab University Harish Narang, Jawahar La! Nehru University Rajesh Sharma, Panjab University Editorial Assistants Komi! Tyagi, MCM DAVC, Chandigarh Renuka Dhyani, PGGC, Panchkula Harpreet Kaur Baweja, PGGC, Panchkula All inquiries pertaining to dialog should be addressed to: Email:
[email protected] Website: Subscription Fee: Institutions: INR 500 ($25) yearly or INR 1,200 ($60) for three years Individuals: INR 400 ($15) yearly or INR 1,000 ($50) for three years .... NUMBER30 2017 CONTENTS - ARTICLES ·· SREELAKSHMI SURENDRAN, Ancient in the Popular: A 1 Study of Parallel Narrative Manoeuvres in Somadeva Bhatta's Kathasaritsagara and Vikas Swamp's Q&A ASHMA SHAMAIL, (Re )Dressing the Cultural Wounds: 16 Memory, Healing, and Survival in Prais_esong fbr the lU'dow PRAVEEN SHARDA, Interplay of Perspectives in Ted 32 Hughes' Hawk Roosting and Daruwalla's Hawk: A · Stylis_tic Analysis MADHU SHARMA ~EE,SHORI, Space ~d Identity: . 47. Mapping the N~tion in Khaled Hosseini's And the Mountains Echoed · . AMANDEEP..KAUR, Absence of~he Progressives and 59 - the Strange ·case of Arun Kolat~ar YASHVEER, Bollywoodization of Space: A Study of , 78 Two Films on .the 'Red Corridor' MAiii YOGESH, Decoding the Postmodem Narrative . 99 through Shashi Thatoor's Riot . · LAKSHMISREE BANERJEE, World Women Poets: Sisters 110 ofthe Soil JASLEEN SAHOTA, The Dialectics of Image and Text: 125 Anthropological Photo Essay SUMANDEEP KAUR, Rethinking the Community with 142 Jean-Luc Nancy BOOK REVIEW Sengupta Hindol, Ibe Modern Monk: lWJa t Vivekananda 163 MeaJJs To U.s Today.