General and Analytical Index
GENERAL AND ANALYTICAL INDEX Abbreviations: s.=under; v.=see; q.v.=which see. Form of reference: 4g3.1 = part 4, section g, subsection 3.1; an s=following. 4/12-13=part 4, notes 12 and 13. Abtin (Xthwya, Xswyan), 6h5. Abzar(abzar), original stuff-energy, instrument, v. apsu, kat, 5c5, e2.2S, f, 3, 3.2, 4, g; 7a3; as wind-water, 5f7; as Ahriman, 5h3.4; Ahura, 5fB. activity, v. motion, logos, 12e2. actor (mimus) , galO. Adam, 3/6. Adonis, 3d; 4h3, i2; 3/5; 4/17; 5/9B. Ad portam, s. Transitus divus. Adrastia, 2/4; I2/1. adveniik, form, specie, s. man, 4glss; 5f3; 6b3; 4/9,1I; hypostasis, lIe3.!. aegis, 2b6. aer, v. air, vapor, 4/9, I I. Aesma=~sm, q.v. Afrasyab (Frangrasyan, "Prior-Mover"), v. Az i Dahak, 5£2.2. Agatha Tyche, Good Fortune, v. fortune, 6h7.1. Agathos Daimon, v. daimon, snake, Xvarr, 2b6, B, g; 5f9.3; gaI6.1; as one's daena, 4i4; a scorpion, 4j3.2. Agdistis, Ba14. agdos, rock, Bal4. Aggressor, s. motion, v. Ahriman, 5h2. I; as Saturn, lIe3. I. Aghraeratha, "Moving Order", 5£2.2. agni, fire, 6h2.2, 4.1. Agnophoros, s. Transitus divus, 12d. agreement, v. Covenanter, Junctio dextrarum, mithrem, patmiin. Ahriman (Angra Mainyu, Anghra Mano, the Aggressor, world-mover, v. ang-, Deus Arimanius, Xvarr; 2b5; 5e2.4, fI.3s; 6e; 12a4; substance of heat, 5c5.2, hl.l, 2.1, 3.4; 6fI; 4/11; of cold north (Zoroastrian). 4i4; 5f3·2, h3.4; Ile3; pierced a hole in world-egg or mother's womb, 5js-6; 5/103; attacked world-bull or -man, 5f9.3, h2.
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