Zoroastrianism: The Iranian Roots of Christianity? Bryan Rennie, Department of Religion, History, Philosophy, and Classics Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001
[email protected] To readers other than scholars of Iranian religion this material is very late, the oldest manuscript being from the thirteenth may be new, but the issue of Zoroastrian influence on Biblical century CE. religions is itself far from new. Matthew Black, John Bright, The reliability of oral tradition in preserving such ancient Harold Henry Rowley, William David Davies, Walther material as the Hindu 0g Veda from around 1,200 BCE is Eichrodt, Reginald H. Fuller, Theodore Gaster, E. O. James, seldom seriously questioned but the similar antiquity of the and Helmer Ringgren all recognized it. Parallels between the Avestan materials is not widely accepted. It is true, as Mary Jewish and Christian Messiah and the Zoroastrian Sosyans Boyce says, that absolute dating is impossible for this sort of were noted in Ί906 by Lawrence Mills and in 1926 by Hu material (1992, 1168). And Almut Hintze agrees that attempts bertus Von Gall. George Carter wrote a monograph on Zoro at dating any Avestan text are uncertain (1999, 77). The astrian influence in 1918. It was a common theme of the Avestan texts are complemented by more extensive materials Religionsgeschichtliche Schule, who suggested a thoroughgo in Pahlavi, which were composed between the ninth and ing influence on Jewish and Christian apocalyptism, messian- tenth centuries of the Christian era. The Dênkard, the Bunda- ism, and eschatology. Finkelstein and Manson in 1929 and hisn, the Zädspram, the Dädestän J Dënïg, the Pahlavi Ri- 1938 suggested that "Pharisee" derives from a Pahlavi rather väyat, the Bahman Yast or Zand J Wahuman Yasn, the Arda than a Hebrew root, and thus means "Persian" or "Persian- Wiräz Nämag all date from between the seventh and the tenth izer." That has not been decided and seems to have been centuries CE.