March 14, 1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 8191 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, March 14, 1972 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Defense to lend certain equipment and to Chaplain Rogers was raised in a Rev. J ames E. Rogers, chaplain, Vet­ provide transportation and other services to Methodist children's home in North erans' Administration hospital, Colum­ the Boy Scouts of America in connection with Carolina and later attended Atlantic bia, S.C., offered the following prayer: Boy Scout jamborees, and for other purposes. Christian College and Duke University Most merciful and gracious God whom School of Religion. Somehow he also found time to participate and earn letters we reverently worship and adore, as we MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE enter this day of labor may we be in­ in four major sports. spired with Thy wisdom and holy direc­ A message from the Senate by Mr. During World War II, he answered tion in the ongoing of Thy kingdom. Arrington, one of its clerks, announced his country's call and served on active Cleanse us from unselfish ways to­ that the Senate had passed without duty as a chaplain for a period of 4 years. ward our fellow man and may we be amendment a bill of the House of the Thus you will readily note that he has more committed in cultivating the noble following title: devoted his adult life to the service of skills of creativeness in the heart of H.R. 8293. An act to continue until the those men and women, both past and brotherly living. close of September 30, 1973, the Internationral present, who have worn the uniform of May we aspire to emulate the faith­ Coffee Agreement Act of 1968. one of our Armed Forces. As a further indication of Chaplain fulness of our fathers who enriched the The message also announced that the great heritage of America. May the Roger's outstanding service, I should also Senate insists upon its amendment to tell you that he has been nominated for blessed ministry of this dedicated body the amendment of the, House to the bill help all Americans in our common task the Federal Employee of the Year Award (S. 659) entitled "An act to amend the in my State. We are highly honored to as trustees of freedom. Higher Education Act of 1965, the Vo­ have this distinguished member of the We thank Thee for the faithful efforts cational Educ~ . tion Act of 1963, the Gen­ clergy with us today. of our President, our Speaker, and Mem­ eral Education Provisions Act--creating bers of Congress who search to help all a National Foundation for Postsecond­ humanity achieve the life which holds ary Education and a National Institute ARMY REFUSES TO SUPPLY eternal truth. of Education-the Elementary and Sec­ Hear us and speak to us O God. Amen. ondary Education Act of 1965, Public FACTS Law 874, 81st Congress, and related acts, (Mr. PIKE asked and was given per­ THE JOURNAL and for other purposes," agrees to the mission to address the House for 1 min­ conference asked by the House on the ute, to re,Vise and extend his remarks, The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ disagreeing votes of the two Houses and include extraneous material.) ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ thereon, and appoints Mr. PELL, Mr. Mr. PIKE. Mr. Speaker, since last May ceedings and announces to the House RANDOLPH, Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. KENNEDY, I have been trying to get the facts on his approval thereof. Mr. MONDALE, Mr. EAGLETON, Mr. CRANS­ the costs involved in the transfer of Without objection, the Journal stands TON, Mr. DOMINICK, Mr. JAVITS, Mr. Army intelligence units from Fort Hola­ approved. SCHWEIKER, Mr. BEALL, and Mr. STAF­ bird, Md., to Fort Huachuca, Ariz. The There was no objection. FORD to be the conferees on the part of GAO wrote me on August 5 saying the the Senate. report would be in my hands by October 1971. . MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT The message also announced that the Senate had pas~ed concurrent resolu­ On November 3 they wrote to me say­ Sundry messages in writing from the tions of the following titles, in which. the ing that they could not do it because: President of the were com­ concurrence of the House is requested: The progress of our work has been ham­ municated to the House by Mr. Geisler, s. Oon. Res. 67. Concurrent resolution to pered by problems in obtaining access to one of his secretaries, who also informed authorize the Secretary of the Senate to pertinent documents of the Department of the House that on the following dates make a technical correction in the enroll­ the Army. the President approved and signed bills ment of the bill (S. 888) providing for the The basic fact is that I still cannot get of the House of the following titles: relief of David J. Crumb; and S. Con. Res. 68. ConcUITent resolution to the facts. All a Congressman can get is On March 8, 1972: authorize the preparation of ofticial dupli­ letters telling him why he cannot have H.R. 12067. An act making appropriations cates of S. 2097. the facts. for foreign assistance and related programs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, and Mr. Speaker, the letters I refer to for other purposes. are as follows: On March 9, 1972: OUR GUEST CHAPLAIN, REV. JAMES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE, H.R. 1824. An act for the relief of Clinton E. ROGERS Washington, D.O., August 5, 1971. M. Hoose; B-173556. H.R. 2714. An act for the relief of Mrs. (Mr. SPENCE asked and was given Hon. OTIS G. PIKE, Kayo N. Carvell; permission to address the House for 1 House of Representatives. H.R. 2792. An act for the relief of Juanita minute, and to revise and extend his DEAR MR. PIKE; Reference is made to your Savedia Varela; remarks.) request of July 7, 1971, that we examine H.R. 2846. An act for the relief of Roy E. into the move of certain Army Intelligence Carroll; Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker and col­ units from Fort Holabird, Maryland, to Fort H.R. 4497. An act for the relief of Lloyd B. leagues, our guest chaplain for this Huachuca, Arizona, and the proposed estab­ Earle; morning was the Reverend James E. lishment of an Army Intelligence Center. H.R. 4779. An act for the relief of Nina Rogers, from Columbia, S.C., in my dis­ In accordance with our discussions in a Daniel; trict. I would just like to let the Mem­ meeting with you on July 29, 1971, this is to H.R. 6291. An act to provide for the dis­ bers know that Chaplain Rogers has been confirm that we expect to have a report on position of funds arising from judgments in very active for many years in minister­ these matters to you by the end of October Indian Claims Commission dockets Nos. 178 1971. and 179, in favor of the Confederated Tribes ing to the veterans throughout this coun­ Sincerely yours, of the Colville Reservation, and for other try. As a matter of fact, he is a past R. W. GUTMANN purposes; national chaplain for the Disabled (For Director). H.R. 6998. An act for the relief of Salman American Veterans of the United States, M. Hilmy; and he is now the State chaplain for GENERAL ACCOUNTING 0FFIOE, H.R. 7316. An act for the relief of Mrs. the Forty-and-Eight Society of the Washington, D.O., November 3, 1971. Norma McLeish; and Department of the Amer­ B-173556. H.R. 7871. An act for the relief of Robert J. Hon. Oris G. PIKE, Beas. ican Legion. He has been chaplain of House of Representatives. On March 10, 1972: our Veterans' Administration hospital DEAR MR. PIKE: This is in further reference H.R. 11 738. An act to amend title 10, United in Columbia for many years and has been to your request of July 7, 1971, that we ex­ States Code, to authorize the Secretary of' with the VA for a total of 25 year.s. amine into the move of' certain Army Intelli- CXVIII--517-Part 7 8192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 14, 1972 gence units from Fort Holablrd, Maryland, prison sentence on anyone who uses a TECHNICAL CORRECTION IN BILL to Fort Huachuca, Arloona, and the pro­ firearm in the commission of a felony. FOR RELIEF OF DAVID J. CRUMB posed establishment of an Army Intell1gence be Center. For the first offense there would a Mr. DONOHUE. Mr. Speaker, I ask In our letter of August 5, 1971, we In­ minimum of a 5-year term; for a second unanimous consent for the immediate · formed you that we expected to have a re­ offense there would be a minimum of a. consideration of the Senate concurrent port to you by the end of October 1971. As 10-year term. This sentence would be resolution (S. Con. Res. 67) to authorize discussed with your Office on October 29, in addition to any other imposed for that 1971, however, the progress of our work has felony, and could not be served concur­ the Secretary of the Senate to make a been hampered by problems in obtaining ac­ technical correction in the enrollment rently with any other sentence. of the bill

SENATE-Tuesday, March 14, 1972 The Senate met at 12 meridian and DESIGNATION OF THE ACTING the President had approved and signed was called to order by Hon. ADLAI E. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE the following acts and joint resolution: STEVENSON III, a Senator from the State The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk On March 9, 1972: of Illinois. will .please read a communication to the S. 2896. An act to a.mend chapter 83 of Senate from the President pro tempore title 5, United States Qode, relating to (Mr. ELLENDER). adopted child. PRAYER On March 10, 1972: The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward The assistant legislative clerk read the S. 748. An act to authorize payment and L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following following letter: appropriation of the second and third in­ prayer: U.S. SENATE, stallments of the U.S. contributions to the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Fund for Special Operations of the Inter­ God of our fathers and our God, amid . Washington, D.C., March 14, 1972. American Development Bank; the turmoil and tensions of our times To the Senate: S. 749. An act to authorize U.S. contribu­ we pause to place our lives in the light Being temporarily absent from the Sen­ tions to the Special Funds of the Asian De­ of Thy holy presence. Search out our ate on official duties, I appoint Hon. ADLAI E. velopment Bank; inner beings. Look upon our motives, our STEVENSON III, a Senator from the State of S. 2010. An act to provide for increased longings, our aspirations, and our deep­ Illinois, to perform the duties of the Chair participation by the United States in the during ·my absence. International Development Association; and est needs. Forgive our sins and by Thy ALLEN J. ELLENDER, S.J. Res. 189. Joint resolut'ion to author­ grace make us better than we have been. President pro tempore. ize the President to designate the period be­ 0 Lord, make us receptive to the truth Mr. STEVENSON thereupon took the ginning March 26, 1972, as "National Week Thou dost make known to us. Keep us of Concern for Prisoners of War/Missing in firm in the right, magnanimous with chair as Acting President pro tempore. Action" and to designate Sunday, March 26, others, thankful for every increase in 1972, as a national day of prayer for these Americans. righteousness and justice. Give us wis­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ dom to be the instruments of Thy APPROVAL OF BILLS AND JOINT purpose for mankind. Through human RESOLUTION REPORT ON AERONAUTICS AND hands and human minds give divine Messages in writing from the Presi­ SPACE ACTIVITIES-MESSAGE direction to the course of history. dent of the United States were communi­ FROM THE PRESIDENT In the Redeemer's name, we pray. cated to the Senate by Mr. Leonard, one The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Amen. of his secretaries, and he announced that pore (Mr. STEVENSON) laid before the