UNIT 3 1800–1855 The New Republic

Chapter 8 The Jefferson Era Chapter 9 A New National Identity Chapter 10 The Age of Jackson Chapter 11 Expanding West


6-8_SNLAESE484693_U03O.indd 260 7/2/10 1:35:20 PM What You Will Learn…

By the time the country had experienced two presidential terms, people had begun to think of themselves as Americans. A new sense of pride and unity infl uenced all areas of American society, from politics to art, from economics to religion. Settlers began moving deeper into the continent and the began to grow. In the next four chapters, you will learn about the fi rst expansion of the young nation. Explore the Art In this picture, Lewis and Clark are shown asking advice from Sacagawea, a teenaged Shoshone Indian who helped them on their exploration of the continent. How does this picture show the challenges facing the explorers?


6-8_SNLAESE484693_U03O.indd 261 7/2/10 1:38:26 PM FLORIDA . . . The Story Continues

CHAPTER 8, The Jefferson Era (1800–1815)

PEOPLE 1810: West Florida’s ownership is under question. Although President and former Presi- dent omas Je erson both thought that West Florida had been included in the Purchase, France and Spain insisted that West Florida had been excluded from the agreement. After American rebels took control of West Florida in September of 1810, President Madison took advantage of the situation and issued a proclamation on October 27, 1810, allowing the United States to occupy the region. President Madison, however, failed to notify Congress of the proclamation until December of that year. Federalists in Congress, who were traditional opponents of President Madison’s Republican party, did not think the U.S. occupation was constitutional. But in January 1811, Congress voted to approve President Madison’s proclamation.

PLACES 1763–1818: The Fort at St. Marks serves as an impor- tant trading center. During the British Period, a trading center known as Fort St. Marks was located at St. Marks in East Florida. Panton, Leslie & Co., owned the trading center and this company remained at the location after the Second Spanish Period began. At that time the fort was renamed Fort San Marcos de Apalache. e fort became a thriving center of trade with Native Americans. In 1818 General Andrew Jackson captured Fort San Marcos de Apalache during the First Seminole War. See Chapter 1 Florida. . .The Story Photo credits: Continues

261 FL1

6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08_SC.indd 1 2/22/11 9:49:07 AM 2_6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08_SC 2

Photo credits: See Chapter 1 Florida. . .The Story Continues cas and Bateria de San Antonio.cas andBateria deSan capital ofWestcapital Florida,Pensacola. West Florida for the United States. to Andrewfort Jackson, whothenclaimed governor ofWest Florida surrendered the Carlos deBarrancas. In 1818theSpanish earth and log structure named Fort San other fort built further upland was an was named Bateria deSan Antonio.  e stone, andlocated at oftheblu thefoot , Spanish forts, a water battery made of on the same strategic location. One of the around 1797,theSpanish forts built two ing the entrance to Pensacola Bay.  en, onablu built afort the British overlook- the capital ofWest Florida.  roughout Period, PensacolaDuring theBritish was PLACES PLACES The Jefferson Era, 1800–1815, Era, Jefferson 8,The help. Chapter for 1777–1791, aGovernment, Forming 1789–1800, 7, Chapter Nation, the Launching and 1774–1783, Revolution, American 4, to The Go Chapter class. working the Chapter 5, groups such as children, indentured servants, Native Americans, slaves, women, and Explore the early years of nationhood through the eyes of historically under-represented What doesitmean? SS.8.A.3.15 to chapter. this related standards other all to unpack Read the following to learn what this standard says and what it means. See FL8–FL21 Unpacking theFloridaStandards Americans, slaves,women,workingclass). historically under-representedgroups(children,indenturedservants,Native 1797: The Spanish build two 1797: TheSpanishbuildtwo 1781–1821: TheSpanish regain forts: Fort San Carlos deBarran- Carlos San Fort forts: control ofFlorida,includingthe SS.8.A.2.1, SS.8.A.4.17,SS.8.A.4.18   content specificallyrelated totheseChapter8standards. Examine thistimeperiod(1763–1815)fromtheperspectiveof In 1763, In 1763,

forSee SpotlightonFloridaHistory communities. provided protection from outsiders. vegetation anddense thatwetlands intheEverglades,primarily anarea of in which to live.  lived eSeminoles communitythe Seminole asafe haven andAlabamaslavery inGeorgia found whohadAmericans escapedfrom came knownas“Seminole.” to be African ern Florida from andAlabama, Georgia Creek whohad settling begun in north- 1818 during the1818 during War.rst Seminole Andrew Jackson captured Pensacola in small, remote settlement. General Period, Pensacola continued a to be once again. Spanish During this Second the Spanish gained control ofFlorida asarefuge forloyalists.served In 1781, Revolution,the American Pensacola EVENTS < … 1775–1817: Runaway slaves fi nd safehaveninSeminole By about 1775,bands of 261 FL2 2/26/11 8:33:58 AM CHAPTER 8 1800–1815 The Jefferson Era

Essential Question How did the events of the Jefferson Era strengthen the nation?

Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards SS.8.A.3.14 Explain major domestic and international economic, military, political, and socio-cultural events of ’s presidency. SS.8.A.4.1 Examine the causes, course, and consequences of United States westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness (War of 1812, Convention of 1818, Adams-Onis Treaty, Compromise, Monroe Doctrine, Trail of Tears, an- nexation, Manifest Destiny, Oregon Territory, Mexican American War/Mexican Cession, California Gold Rush, Compromise of 1850, Act, Gadsden Purchase). SS.8.A.4.3 Examine the experiences and perspectives of significant individuals and groups during this era of American History. SS.8.A.4.4 Discuss the impact of westward expansion on cultural practices and migration patterns of Native American and African slave populations. SS.8.A.4.12 Examine the effects of the 1804 Haitian Revolution on the United States acquisition of the Louisiana Territory. SS.8.E.1.1 Examine motivating economic factors that influenced the development of the United States economy over time including scarcity, supply and demand, opportunity costs, incentives, profits, and entrepreneurial aspects. SS.8.G.1.2 Use appropriate geographic tools and terms to iden- tify and describe significant places and regions in American history. SS.8.G.2.1 Identify the physical elements and the human elements that define and differentiate regions as relevant to American history. SS.8.G.2.2 Use geographic terms and tools to analyze case studies of regional issues in different parts of the United States that have had critical economic, physical, or political ramifications. SS.8.G.2.3 Use geographic terms and tools to analyze case studies of how selected regions of the United States have changed over time. SS.8.G.3.1 Locate and describe in geographic terms the major ecosystems of the United States. SS.8.G.3.2 Use geographic terms and tools to explain differing perspec- tives on the use of renewable and non-renewable resources in the United States and Florida over time. SS.8.G.4.4 Interpret databases, case studies, and maps to describe the role that regions play in influencing trade, migration patterns, and cultural/political interaction in the United States throughout time. SS.8.G.6.2 Illustrate places and events in U.S. history through the use of narratives and graphic representations. 1801 1803 Thomas U.S. Senate FOCUS ON WRITING Jefferson approves takes the Louisiana A Letter of Recommendation Americans love lists—the five office. Purchase. best books of the year, the 10 best video games, the three best soccer 1800 players. As you read this chapter you will gather some information about Thomas Jefferson. Then you will write a letter to your newspaper telling 1802 An army of former why Jefferson should be on the newspaper’s “Top Ten American slaves led by Toussaint- Louverture defeats a Presidents” list. French army in Haiti.


6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08O.indd 262 1/25/11 7:08:28 AM Jefferson’s Presidential Style

A man of many talents, Thomas Jefferson looked back to classical architecture to design his Virginia home, .

1804 1807 1812 1815 Lewis and Clark Congress Congress declares The Battle of begin their passes the war against New Orleans westward journey. Embargo Act. Great Britain. is fought. 18 05 1810 1815 1807 1814 The slave trade is Kurozumi Munetada founds an abolished in the influential Shinto religious sect British Empire. that stresses patriotism in Japan.


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08O.indd 263 7/2/10 12:33:04 PM Reading Social Studies Society Science and Economics Geography Politics and Culture Technology

Focus on Themes In this chapter you will see how he encouraged the exploration of the West, learn about Thomas Jefferson’s presidency. You will and discover why, during his second term, America read what happened when Jefferson’s fi rst run to found itself at war with Great Britain. You will see be president ended in a tie. After that, you will learn how America’s expanding geography and politics about his decision to buy Louisiana from the French, were intertwined.

Using Databases to Understand History

Focus on Reading Historians use many types of documents to learn SS.8.A.1.1 Provide supporting details about the past. Databases are one type of document that offers historians for an answer from text, interview for oral history, check validity of information from a wide range of important information, such as population fi gures, types of research/text, and identify strong vs. weak housing, or the number of people per household. A record is all the infor- arguments. SS.8.A.1.4 Differentiate fact from opinion, utilize appropriate historical research mation found in a database. Each category in a database is called a fi eld. and fiction/nonfiction support materials. Each piece of information stored in a database is called an item. There can SS.8.A.1.5 Identify, within both primary and secondary sources, the author, audience, be many items in each fi eld. format, and purpose of significant historical documents. SS.8.G.4.4 Interpret databases, Assessing Databases Studying databases can be confusing or diffi cult case studies, and maps to describe the role that regions play in influencing trade, migration to understand. First read the title. This explains the record. Next read the patterns, and cultural/political interaction in the names of each column and row. These are the fi elds. Then look at the items United States throughout time. found in each fi eld. You can fi nd one specifi c item. You also can see how items contrast and compare by looking at more than one item or fi eld.

Fields Column Record The title states Items All data entered heads show how the the type of information into a database is shown database is organized. held in the database. as individual entries.

264 CHAPTER 008

6-8_SSFLESE607511_C08RS.indd 264 10/4/11 8:23:52 AM LA. The student will use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly. LA. The student will listen to, read, and discuss familiar and conceptually challenging text. LA. The student will assess, organize, synthesize, and evaluate the validity and reliability of information in text, using a Key Terms variety of techniques by examining several sources of information, including both primary and secondary sources. and People You Try It! Chapter 8 Section 1 The record below was taken from the U.S. Census bureau’s database. (p. 266) Read the database and then answer the questions that follow. The Thomas Jefferson (p. 266) U.S. Census Bureau has several types of databases online. These can John Marshall (p. 270) Marbury v. Madison (p. 270) be found at http://www.census.gov/. judicial review (p. 270) Section 2 Population Estimates (p. 274) Geographic July 1, July 1, July 1, July 1, July 1, July 1, Meriwether Lewis (p. 275) area 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 William Clark (p. 275) Florida 8,852,754 8,812,214 8,729,879 8,549,484 8,277,009 8,027,188 Lewis and Clark expedition (p. 275) Alachua Sacagawea (p. 276) 110,511 109,771 108,644 106,954 104,801 102,847 County (p. 276) Baker 9,013 8,965 8,838 8,644 8,364 8,135 County Section 3 Bay County 99,263 98,610 97,829 95,103 89,846 86,100 USS Constitution (p. 278) impressment (p. 279) Bradford 10,312 10,310 10,220 10,124 10,012 9,907 embargo (p. 279) County Embargo Act (p. 279) Brevard 268,801 267,749 265,406 260,982 252,647 243,959 Non-Intercourse Act (p. 280) County Tecumseh (p. 280) Broward 807,092 806,128 803,389 797,858 791,742 783,519 Battle of Tippecanoe (p. 282) County War Hawks (p. 282) Calhoun 5,530 5,524 5,509 5,483 5,421 5,373 James Madison (p. 283) County Charlotte Section 4 101,522 101,312 100,182 96,201 91,648 88,099 County Oliver Hazard Perry (p. 285) Citrus Battle of Lake Erie (p. 285) 77,075 76,569 75,834 73,978 70,493 67,908 County Andrew Jackson (p. 286) Clay Treaty of Fort Jackson (p. 286) 73,208 72,663 71,823 69,647 65,705 62,608 County Battle of New Orleans (p. 286) Collier Hartford Convention (p. 287) 194,258 193,611 191,855 187,511 181,226 174,518 County Treaty of Ghent (p. 287) Columbia 26,496 26,388 26,159 25,768 25,180 24,739 County Academic Vocabulary In this chapter you will learn the following academic words: After reading the document above, answer the following questions. functions (p. 269) 1. What is this database about? How is the database organized? consequences (p. 287) 2. How did the population of Florida change from 2004 to 2009? 3. What might explain this steady increase of people migrating to Florida? As you read Chapter 8, look for passages 4. Access the U.S. Census Bureau at http://www.census.gov/. Find from other public documents. What can these documents teach you about the an online database on the U.S. Census Bureau website that is of past? interest to you. Explain the database’s record, fi elds, and items. What did you learn from studying the database? THE JEFFERSONSECTION TITLE ERA 265

6-8_SSFLESE607511_C08RS.indd 265 10/4/11 8:26:22 AM SECTION Jeff erson Becomes SS.8.A.1.5, SS.8.A.3.14, SS.8.C.1.3,1 SS.8.C.1.4, SS.8.C.2.1 President

What You Will Learn… If YOU were there... Main Ideas You are a Maryland voter from a frontier district—and you are 1. The election of 1800 marked tired! For days, you and your friends have been wrangling over the the first peaceful transition in power from one political party presidential election. Who shall it be—John Adams or Thomas Jef- to another. ferson? Your vote depends on your personal judgment. 2. President Jefferson’s beliefs about the federal government were reflected in his policies. Which candidate would you choose for president? 3. Marbury v. Madison increased the power of the judicial branch of government.

BUILDING BACKGROUND John Adams had not been a popular The Big Idea president, but many still admired his ability and high principles. Both Thomas Jefferson’s election he and Thomas Jefferson had played major roles in winning indepen- began a new era in American dence and shaping the new government. Now, political differences government. sharply divided the two men and their supporters. In the election of 1800, voters were also divided. Key Terms and People John Adams, p. 266 Thomas Jefferson, p. 266 John Marshall, p. 270 The Election of 1800 Marbury v. Madison, p. 270 In the presidential election of 1800, Federalists John Adams and judicial review, p. 270 Charles C. Pinckney ran against Democratic-Republicans Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Each party believed that the American republic’s survival depended upon the success of their candidates. With so much at stake, the election was hotly contested. Use the graphic organizer online to Unlike today, candidates did not travel around giving speeches. take notes on the election of 1800, Instead, the candidates’ supporters made their arguments in letters Jefferson’s beliefs and policies, and newspaper editorials. Adams’s supporters claimed that Jeffer- and how the power of the judicial branch changed during Jefferson’s son was a pro-French radical. Put Jefferson in offi ce, they warned, time in office. and the violence and chaos of the would sure- ly follow in the United States. Plus, Federalists argued, Jefferson’s interest in science and philosophy proved that he wanted to destroy organized religion. Democratic-Republican newspapers responded that Adams wanted to crown himself king. What else, they asked, could be the purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts? Republicans also hinted that Adams would use the newly created permanent army to limit Americans’ rights.


6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08S1-4.indd 266 1/20/11 1:21:29 PM The Election of 1800

John Adams Thomas Jefferson and the Federalists and the Democratic- • Rule by wealthy class Republicans • Strong federal government • Emphasis on manufacturing • Rule by the people • Loose interpretation of the Constitution • Strong state governments • British alliance • Emphasis on agriculture • Strict interpretation of the Constitution • French alliance

Adams receives 65 votes, and Jefferson and running mate Pinckney receives 64 votes. Election Results Burr receive 73 votes each.

• Peaceful change of political power from one party to another • The tied race led to the Twelfth Amendment (1804), which created a separate ballot for president and vice president.

When the election results came in, lawmakers put their heads on their desks and SS.8.A.3.14 Explain Jefferson and Burr had won 73 electoral votes slept between votes. Some napped on the fl oor. major domestic and international each to 65 for Adams and 64 for Pinckney. The Jefferson fi nally won on the thirty-sixth economic, military, Democratic-Republicans had won the elec- vote. The election marked the fi rst time that political, and socio- cultural events of tion, but the tie between Jefferson and Burr one party had replaced another in power in Thomas Jefferson’s presidency. caused a problem. Under the Constitution at the United States. that time, the two candidates with the most The problems with the voting system led votes became president and vice president. Congress to propose the Twelfth Amendment. The decision went to the House of Represen- This amendment created a separate ballot for tatives, as called for in the Constitution. president and vice president. The House, like the electoral college, also deadlocked. Days went by as vote after vote READING CHECK Analyzing Information was called, each ending in ties. Exhausted What was significant about Jefferson’s victory?


6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08S1-4.indd 267 1/20/11 1:21:40 PM Primary Source

SPEECH Let us, then, fellow citizens, unite with one heart and Jefferson’s “one mind . . . [E]very difference of opinion is not a dif- Inaugural Address ference of principle. We have called by different names brethren1 of the same principle. We are all republicans; On March 4, 1801, Thomas By using phrases like we are all federalists. Jefferson gave his first these, Jefferson tries ” to reassure his politi- inaugural address. In Still one thing more, fellow citizens, a wise and frugal 2 cal opponents. the following excerpt, “Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one Jefferson describes another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their his thoughts on Here Jefferson states his own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not the nation’s future. opinion of what is essential take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. to good government. This is the sum of good government . . . ” 1. brethren: brothers 2. frugal: thrifty

This phrase shows Jefferson’s deter- ANALYSIS mination to keep government small. SKILL ANALYZING PRIMARY SOURCES What words and phrases indicate Jefferson’s support for a small national government?

Jefferson’s Policies When Jefferson took offi ce, he brought with the will of the majority. He also stressed the him a style and political ideas different from need for a limited government and the pro- those of Adams and . Jefferson tection of civil liberties. was less formal than his predecessors, and he From these humble surroundings in which wanted to limit the powers of government. Jefferson delivered his speech, Washington eventually grew into a large and impressive Jefferson Is Inaugurated city. Over the years, the Capitol and the Americans looked forward with excitement executive mansion were joined by other state THE IMPACT to Jefferson’s fi rst speech as president. People buildings and monuments. Jefferson, who TODAY from across the nation gathered in the new had long dreamed of a new national capital A monument to capital, Washington, D.C., to hear him. Curi- that would be independent of the interests of Thomas Jefferson was completed ous travelers looked with pride at the par- any one state, was pleased to be a part of this in 1943 and tially completed Capitol building and at the process of building a federal city. is one of the executive mansion (not yet called the White most frequently House). The two buildings dominated the Jefferson in Offi ce visited sites in Washington, D.C. surrounding homes and forests. President Jefferson faced the task of putting Small businesses dotted the landscape. his republican ideas into practice. One of his At one of these, a modest boardinghouse, fi rst actions was to select the members of his the president-elect was putting the fi nishing cabinet. His choices included James Madison touches on his speech. On the morning of as secretary of state and Albert Gallatin as sec- March 4, 1801, he left the boardinghouse retary of the treasury. and walked to the Capitol. The leader of a Jefferson would also benefi t from the republic, Jefferson believed, should not ride Democratic-Republican Party’s newly won in fancy carriages. control of both houses of Congress. At Jef- Jefferson read his speech in a quiet voice. ferson’s urging, Congress allowed the hated He wanted to make it clear that he supported Alien and Sedition Acts to expire. Jefferson


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 268 7/2/10 1:17:56 PM lowered military spending and reduced the Marbury v. Madison size of the army. The navy was cut to seven Although Republicans controlled the presi- active ships. Jefferson and Gallatin hoped that dency and Congress, Federalists dominated saving this money would allow the govern- the federal judiciary. In an effort to continue ment to repay the national debt. Jefferson their control over the judiciary, Federalist also asked Gallatin to fi nd ways to get rid of legislators passed the Judiciary Act of 1801 domestic taxes, like the tax on whiskey. The shortly before their terms of offi ce ended. Democratic-Republican–led Congress passed This act created 16 new federal judgeships the laws needed to carry out these policies. that President Adams fi lled with Federalists The entire national government in 1801 before leaving offi ce. The Republican press consisted only of several hundred people. called these people midnight judges, arguing Jefferson preferred to keep it that way. He that Adams had packed the judiciary with ACADEMIC VOCABULARY believed that the primary functions of the Federalists the night before he left offi ce. federal government were to protect the functions Some of these appointments were made uses or purposes nation from foreign threats, deliver the mail, so late that the documents that authorized and collect customs duties. them had not been delivered by the time Jefferson did recognize that some of Adams left offi ce. This led to controversy the Federalist policies—such as the creation once Jefferson took offi ce. William Marbury, of the Bank of the United States—should named as a justice of the peace by Presi- be kept. Although Jefferson had battled dent Adams, did not receive his documents over the Bank, as president he before Adams left offi ce. When Jefferson took agreed to leave it in place. offi ce, Marbury demanded the documents. On Jefferson’s advice, however, the new secretary READING CHECK Summarizing What policy of state, James Madison, refused to deliver changes did Democratic-Republicans introduce, them. Jefferson argued that the appointment and which Federalist policies did Jefferson keep? of the midnight judges was not valid.

The Court’s Ruling Why It Matters The Court ruled that the law Marbury Marbury v. Madison was important based his claim on was unconstitutional. for several reasons. It confirmed the Supreme Court’s power to declare acts The Court’s Reasoning The Judiciary Act of 1789 gave the of Congress unconstitutional. By Supreme Court the authority to hear a doing so, it established the Court as Marbury v. Madison wide variety of cases, including those like the final authority on the Constitution. (1803) Marbury’s. But the Supreme Court ruled This helped make the judicial branch of government equal to the other Background of the Case Shortly that Congress did not have the power two branches. Chief Justice John Marshall before Thomas Jefferson took to make such a law. Why? Because the and later federal judges would use this office, John Adams had appointed Constitution limits the types of cases the William Marbury to be a justice Supreme Court can hear. Thus, the law power of judicial review as a check on the of the peace. Adams had signed was in conflict with the Constitution and legislative and executive branches. Marbury’s commission, but it had to be struck down.

was never delivered. Marbury sued ANALYSIS to force Madison to give him SKILL ANALYZING INFORMATION the commission. 1. What do you think it means to be the final authority on the Constitution? 2. How did Marbury v. Madison affect the Constitution’s system of checks and balances?


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 269 7/2/10 1:18:28 PM Marbury brought suit, ask- John Marshall ing the Supreme Court to served as chief justice of the United States order Madison to deliver the for 34 years. appointment papers. Marbury claimed that the Judiciary Act In denying Marbury’s of 1789 gave the Supreme request in this way, the Court Court the power to do so. avoided a direct confronta- John Marshall, a Federal- tion with Jefferson’s admin- ist appointed by John Adams, istration. But more important, was the chief justice of the it established the Court’s power United States. Chief Justice Mar- of judicial review, the power to shall and President Jefferson dis- declare an act of Congress unconsti- agreed about many political issues. When tutional. Marshall and later federal judges Marshall agreed to hear Marbury’s case, would use this power of judicial review to Jefferson protested, saying that the Federalists make the judiciary a much stronger part of “have retired into the judiciary as a strong- the national government. hold.” Marshall wrote the Court’s opinion in Marbury v. Madison, a case that helped READING CHECK Analyzing Information establish the Supreme Court’s power to Why was Marbury v. Madison an important ruling? check the power of the other branches of government. The Constitution, Chief Jus- tice Marshall noted, gave the Supreme Court S UMMARY AND PREVIEW A peaceful authority to hear only certain types of cases. transfer of power took place in Wash- A request like Marbury’s was not one of them. ington after the election of 1800. In the The law that Marbury’s case depended upon next section you will read about the was, therefore, unconstitutional. Louisiana Purchase.

Section 1 Assessment ONLINE QUIZ

Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and People Critical Thinking 1. a. Identify What were the political parties in the 4. Categorizing Review your notes on Jefferson’s election of 1800, and who were their candidates? beliefs and policies. Then copy the graphic orga- b. Analyze Why was the election of 1800 signifi cant? nizer below and show how Jefferson brought 2. a. Describe What ideas for government did change through his policies.

Thomas Jefferson stress in his inaugural address? Jefferson as President b. Compare and Contrast What similarities and Federalist Policies Republican Policies differences did Jefferson’s Republican government have with the previous Federalist one? c. Elaborate Defend Jefferson’s preference for keeping the national government small. 3. a. Identify Who was John Marshall? b. Draw Conclusions Why is the power of judicial FOCUS ON WRITING review important? c. Predict How might the Marbury v. Madison 5. Gathering Ideas about a Person’s Accomplish- ruling affect future actions by Congress? ments Look back through what you have just read to see what you have learned about Jefferson’s decisions in offi ce. Make a list of the traits you think each decision shows in Jefferson.


6-8_SSFLESE607511_C08S1-4.indd 270 10/4/11 8:32:24 AM B IOGRAPHY Thomas Jefferson KEY EVENTS 1767 Begins practicing How would you inspire people to seek freedom? law in Virginia 1769–1776 Serves When did he live? He was born on April 13, 1743. He died on July 4, 1826, in Virginia House of within hours of the death of President John Adams, his rival and friend. The Burgesses date was also the fi ftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. 1776 Drafts the first version of the Where did he live? He was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, where he Declaration of inherited a large estate from his father. At age 26 he began building his elegant Independence lifetime home, Monticello, which he designed himself. He spent much of his life away from home, in Philadelphia; Washington, D.C.; and . Yet he 1789 Appointed secretary of state by always longed to return to his peaceful home. George Washington

What did he do? Jefferson wanted only three of his accomplishments listed 1801 Inaugurated on his tomb: author of the Declaration of American Independence, author as president of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, and Father of the University of 1803 Authorizes the Virginia. What did he not mention? , purchase of Louisiana lawyer, Revolutionary leader, writer, philosopher, from France inventor, architect, plant scientist, book collector, musician, astronomer, ambassador, secretary of 1809 Retires to state—and, of course, president of the United States. Monticello

Why is he important? Jefferson’s powerful words in the Declaration of Indepen- dence have inspired people throughout the world to seek freedom, equality, and self-rule. His most celebrated achievement as president (1801–1809) was the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 nearly doubled the size of the United States. Jefferson then spon- sored the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore this new territory.

Evaluating Why has Thomas Jefferson been a hero to generations of Americans?

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Indepen- dence and later served as president of the United States.


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 271 7/2/10 1:20:42 PM SECTION e Fort Clatsop E c Ri n G ve r e The Louisiana LE ETUR r N Bitterroot W R N BRITISH TERRITORY r IS'S w e A Mtns. Superio a v R r L i SS.8.A.1.2, SS.8.A.1.3, SS.8.A.1.5, ke a . R 2 L t C L o S SS.8.A.3.14, SS.8.A.3.15, SS.8.A.4.4, lu E m Fort W bia N La TUR Mandan I k SS.8.A.4.12, SS.8.E.1.1, SS.8.E.2.2, E S RE S e CLARK' n H D A a u ke SS.8.G.1.1, SS.8.G.2.1, SS.8.G.2.2, SS.8.G.2.3, OREGON COUNTRY N A g La Purchase i r o ri LOUISIANA D o ta C (Claimed by Britain, h M n n SS.8.G.3.2, SS.8.G.4.6, SS.8.G.6.1 c O S C i M s i Russia, Spain, and the PURCHASE L s S

A A is

M M e i R s i MICHIGAN

C United States) k (Purchased in 1803) ss K ip e a ' e N

Sn r ss S p

k k e I e G oo TERRITORY i

E i r a

iv uu XP a E L

R r E L e A What You Will Learn… rii D k R a P R I L T 4040˚N˚N i T Ri la v I t Rer O N te E iv v If were there... e N

YOU r e U

R r A iv INDIANA OH e r O Main Ideas R You and your family live on a small farm in Kentucky in about 1800. T TERRITORY r o i e M rad v v lo e i 1. As American settlers moved o r St. Charles R C r 14,110 ft. Raised on the frontier, you are a skillful hunter and trapper. One ive Ohio R (4,301 m) St. Louis N West, control of the Missis- A I day at the trading post, you see a poster calling for volunteers to KY H sippi River became more im- A 3535˚N˚N P r C k portant to the United States. a A join the . This expedition will explore the vast L ns L as TN 2. The Louisiana Purchase A Rive A Santa Fe r P region west of the Mississippi River. You think it would be exciting— I P almost doubled the size of N A Red Ri ATLANTIC the United States. S ve but dangerous. You might never come home. r MISSISSIPPI OCEAN 3. Expeditions led by Lewis, TERRITORY

30˚N30˚N C C SPANISH TERRITORY Clark, and Pike increased o ON N n TII Would you volunteer to join the Corps of Discovery? R EDIIT t i P Americans’ understanding i o X n E E


PACIFIC n S W of the West. ' t a New Orleans E SPANISH

l G K PACIFICOCEAN D r I FLORIDA a P S 7575˚W˚W i n S v ' de E OCEAN i K d PI e The Big Idea Gulf of 25˚N25˚N BUILDING BACKGROUND As the 1800s began, the United States Under President Jefferson’s 9090˚W˚W 8080˚W˚W leadership, the United States was expanding steadily westward. More lands were opened, and 9595˚W˚W 8585˚W˚W added the Louisiana Territory. settlers moved in to occupy them. Americans were also curious about the vast lands that lay farther west. Adventurous explorers organized expeditions to find out more about those lands. Key Terms and People Louisiana Purchase, p. 274 Meriwether Lewis, p. 275 American Settlers Move West HRW American History William Clark, p. 275 ah06se_c07map022a Lewis and Clark expedition, p. 275 By the early 1800s, thousands of Americans settled in the area Lousiana Purchase Sacagawea, p. 276 between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River. As the region’s 2nd proof - 11/05/04 Zebulon Pike, p. 276 Approved: 11/11/04 population grew, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio were admitted to the Union. Settlers in these states depended upon the Mississippi and Ohio rivers to move their products to eastern markets. New Orleans, located at the mouth of the Mississippi, was a Use the graphic organizer online to very important port. Its busy docks were fi lled with settlers’ farm take notes on the events leading up products and valuable furs bought from American Indians. Many of to the Louisiana Purchase and the these cargoes were then sent to Europe. At the same time, manufac- exploration that followed. tured goods passed through the port on their way upriver. As Ameri- can dependence on the river grew, Jefferson began to worry that a foreign power might shut down access to New Orleans. “There is on the globe one single spot, the possessor of which is our natural and habitual enemy. It is New Orleans, through which the produce of three- eighths of our territory must pass to market.” —Thomas Jefferson, quoted in Annals of America, Volume 4, 1797–1820


6-8_SSFLESE607511_C08S1-4.indd 272 10/4/11 8:33:54 AM The Louisiana Purchase and Western Expeditions

e Fort Clatsop E Ri c G ve r n L re N Bitterroot EW RETURN BRITISH TERRITORY r IS'S w e A Mtns. Superio a v R r L i ke a . R L t C L o S lu E m Fort W bia N La TUR Mandan I k E S RE S e CLARK' n H D A OREGON COUNTRY a u ke A N g La i r rio LOUISIANA D o ta C (Claimed by Britain, h M n n c O S C i M s i Russia, Spain, and the PURCHASE L s S

A A is

M M e i R s i MICHIGAN

C United States) k (Purchased in 1803) ss K ip e a ' e N

Sn r ss S p

k k e I e G oo TERRITORY i

E i r a

iv uu XP a E L

R r E L e A rii D k R a P R I L T 4040˚N˚N i T Ri la v I

t Rer O N t E i v e ve N

r e U

R r A iv INDIANA OH e r O R T TERRITORY r U.S. states and o i e M rad v v territories in 1804 lo Pikes Peak e i o r St. Charles R C r 14,110 ft. ive Ohio Louisiana Purchase R (4,301 m) St. Louis N A I Disputed by United States KY H and Britain A 3535˚N˚N P r C k a A Lewis and Clark's L ns L Expedition, 1804–1806 as TN A Rive A Santa Fe r P Pike's Expedition, I P 1806–1807 N A Red R ATLANTIC S ive 0 200 400 Miles r MISSISSIPPI OCEAN TERRITORY


C 0 200 400 Kilometers C SPANISH TERRITORY o ON N n TII R EDIIT t i P i o X n E E


PACIFIC n S W t ' a New Orleans E SPANISH

l G K PACIFICOCEAN D r I FLORIDA a P S 7575˚W˚W i n S v ' de E OCEAN i K d PI e Gulf of Mexico 2525˚N˚N HRW Middle School American History GEOGRAPHY New OrleansLouisiana was Purchase founded by SKILLS INTERPRETING9090˚W˚W MAPS 8080˚W˚W the Frenchah06se_c07leg022a in 1718. Over time, 9595˚W˚W 8585˚W˚W it became2nd home proof: to 11/3/04many 1. Location What major port city was located at the languagesApproved: and cultures. 11/11/04 southern tip of the Louisiana Territory? 2. Human-Environment Interaction Why might Lewis and Clark have followed the ?

HRW American History Spain controlled both New Orleans and Louisiana ah06se_c07map022a Louisiana. This region stretched west from Lousiana Purchase In 1802, just before handing over Louisi- the mighty Mississippi River to the great 2nd proof - 11/05/04 ana to France, Spain closed New Orleans to Approved: 11/11/04 . Although Spain owned American shipping. Angry farmers worried Louisiana, Spanish offi cials found it impos- about what this would do to the economy. sible to keep Americans out of the territory. President Jefferson asked the U.S. ambassa- “You can’t put doors on open country,” the dor to France, Robert R. Livingston, to try to foreign minister said in despair. buy New Orleans. Jefferson sent James Mon- Years of effort failed to improve Spain’s roe to help Livingston. position. Under a secret treaty, Spain agreed to trade Louisiana to France, passing the prob- Napoléon and Louisiana SS.8.A.4.12 Examine lem on to someone else. One Spanish offi cer the effects of the 1804 France was led by Napoléon (nuh-POH -lee-uhn) expressed his relief. “I can hardly wait to leave Haitian Revolution Bonaparte, a powerful ruler who had con- on the United States them [the Americans] behind me,” he said. acquisition of the quered most of Europe. He wished to rebuild Louisiana Territory. READING CHECK Analyzing Information France’s empire in North America. Why was New Orleans important to settlers in the Napoléon’s strategy was to use the French western regions of the United States? colony of Haiti, in the Caribbean, as a supply


6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08S1-4.indd 273 1/20/11 1:23:26 PM base. From there he could send troops to Loui- Livingston and Monroe knew a bargain siana. However, enslaved Africans had revolted when they saw one. They quickly accepted the and freed themselves from French rule. French offer to sell Louisiana for $15 million. Napoléon sent troops to try to regain control The news pleased Jefferson. But as a strict of the island, but they were defeated in 1802. constructionist, he was troubled. The Con- This defeat ended his hopes of rebuilding a stitution did not mention the purchase of North American empire. foreign lands. He also did not like spending large amounts of public money. Nevertheless, Jefferson Buys Louisiana Jefferson agreed to the purchase in the belief The American ambassador got a surprising that doing so was best for the country. offer during his negotiations with French On October 20, 1803, the Senate approved foreign minister Charles Talleyrand. When the Louisiana Purchase agreement, which the Americans tried to buy New Orleans, roughly doubled the size of the United States. Talleyrand offered to sell all of Louisiana. With the $15 million in the French treasury, With his hopes for a North American Napoléon boasted, “I have given England a rival empire dashed, Napoléon had turned his atten- who, sooner or later, will humble her pride.” tion back to Europe. France was at war with Great Britain, and Napoléon needed money for READING CHECK Making Inferences military supplies. He also hoped that a larger Why was the Louisiana Purchase important to United States would challenge British power. the future of the United States?

The Journey West

The time line and photographs you see here show some of the key events and places of the Lewis and Clark expedi- tion. Read the journal entries to get an idea of what the explorers faced.

VIDEO Winter with A large keelboat and two the Mandan smaller boats were needed Small boats helped the to get the supply-heavy travelers move supplies expedition moving west. across the .

May 14, 1804 August 3, 1804 October 1804 – April 1805 The expedition begins The first official council between The expedition establishes Fort Mandan to spend near St. Louis. representatives of the United the winter. There, the explorers meet a French fur States and Plains Indians is held. trader and his wife, Sacagawea.


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 274 7/2/10 1:23:32 PM Explorers Head West he saw. With Clark, Lewis carefully selected about 50 skilled frontiersmen to join the Corps Americans knew little about western Native of Discovery, as they called their group. Americans or the land they lived on. Presi- In May 1804 the Lewis and Clark dent Jefferson wanted to learn more about expedition began its long journey to the people and land of the West. He also explore the Louisiana Purchase. The Corps wanted to see if there was a river route that of Discovery traveled up the Missouri River could be taken to the Pacifi c Ocean. to the village of St. Charles. Once past this village the men would receive no more let- Lewis and Clark Expedition ters, fresh supplies, or reinforcements. In 1803 the president asked Congress to fund Lewis and Clark used the Missouri an expedition to explore the West. To lead River as their highway through the unknown it, he chose former army captain Meriwether lands. As they moved upstream, a look- Lewis. Lewis then chose his friend Lieuten- out on the boats kept a sharp eye out for ant William Clark to be the co-leader of the sandbars and for tree stumps hidden expedition. underwater. When darkness fell, the weary To prepare for the journey, Lewis spent explorers would pull their boats ashore. They weeks studying with experts about plants, cooked, wrote in their journals, and slept. surveying, and other subjects. This knowledge Swarms of gnats, fl ies, and mosquitoes often would allow him to take careful notes on what interrupted their sleep.

The explorers paddled down the Columbia River toward The expedition relied on the Pacific in five canoes. 24 horses to cross the Rocky Mountains.

August 12, 1805 September 1805 November 7, 1805 Lewis climbs the first ridge The expedition nearly starves. The expedition reaches a bay to the Continental Divide. Local peoples help the explorers. of the Pacific Ocean.

ANALYSIS SKILL READING TIME LINES On what date did the explorers reach the westernmost point of their journey?


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 275 7/2/10 1:24:03 PM Primary Source a Shoshone from the Rocky Mountains, accompanied the group with her husband, a JOURNAL ENTRY French fur trader who lived with the Mandan September 17, 1804, Indians and served as a guide and interpreter. Sacagawea helped the expedition by naming Great Plains plants and by gathering edible fruits and veg- While traveling across the Great Plains, Meriwether Lewis etables for the group. At one point, the group marveled at the richness of the land. met with Sacagawea’s brother, who provided horses and a guide to lead the expedition “T  hrn . . .  gr gv t  l t  across the mountains.  ernc t ruh ts  l xt   e - After crossing the Rocky Mountains, f ng-gr    n rd r . . . t s sc n ry, Lewis and Clark followed the Columbia River. Along the way they met the powerful ready c, leng, n ef s  Nez Percé. Like the Shoshone, the Nez Percé rt r ig t ne by m  r­s  Bf- provided the expedition with food. At last, l€, d r E‚ n A tƒlp„  c  s†  in November 1805, Lewis and Clark reached v ry ‡reˆ i e‡ng  t  s n l s. the Pacifi c Ocean. The explorers stayed in the Pacifi c Northwest during the rough win- I d‰ Š‹ t  ‚ I xaŒ rt   I „ mt t  ter. In March 1806 Lewis and Clark set out  r  Bff l‰  c cl  c‘’r[ n] on the long trip home. e  n ”i † t‰ m  t‰ 3000.” Lewis and Clark had not found a river route —Meriwether Lewis, quoted in Original Journals of the Lewis and across the West to the Pacifi c Ocean. But they Clark Expedition, edited by Reuben Bold Theraites ANALYSIS had learned much about western lands and SKILL ANALYZING PRIMARY SOURCES paths across the Rockies. The explorers also What did Lewis find so impressive about the Great Plains? established contact with many Native Ameri- can groups and collected much valuable infor- Insects were not the only cause of sleep- mation about western plants and animals. FOCUS ON lessness for the Corps of Discovery. As weeks York (c.1770- passed without seeing any Native Ameri- Pike’s Exploration c.1831) Slave and cans, the explorers wondered what their fi rst In 1806 a young army offi cer named Explorer York was a slave owned encounter would be like. Zebulon Pike was sent on another mission by William Clark. to the West. He was ordered to fi nd the start- When Clark joined Contact with Native Americans ing point of the Red River. This was impor- the Corps of Dis- covery, so did York. During the summer of 1804 the Corps of tant because the United States considered During the expedi- Discovery had pushed more than 600 miles the Red River to be a part of the Louisiana tion, York became upriver without seeing any Native Ameri- Territory’s western border with . a curiosity to the Native Americans cans. But when the men spotted huge buf- Heading into the Rocky Mountains, in who had never falo herds in the distance, they guessed that present-day , Pike tried to reach seen a black man. Indian groups would be nearby. Many Indi- the summit of the mountain now known He was also a scout and a hunter, an groups depended on the buffalo for food, as Pikes Peak. In 1807 he traveled into even though slaves clothing, and tools. Spanish-held lands until Spanish cavalry were not allowed Lewis used interpreters to talk to the lead- arrested him. They suspected Pike of being to carry firearms. ers of each of the peoples they met. He told a spy. When he was fi nally released, he them that the United States now owned the returned to the United States and reported land on which the Native Americans lived. Yet on his trip. Despite his imprisonment, he the explorers relied on the goodwill of the peo- praised the opportunities for doing business ple they met. Sacagawea (sak-uh-juh-WEE -uh), with the Spanish in the Southwest. Pike’s


276_6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08S1-4 276 2/26/11 7:41:49 AM LINKING TO TODAY

The Louisiana Purchase Natural Resources oil, natural gas, coal, gemstones, copper, iron ore, lead, zinc, When the Corps of Discovery headed west in 1804, an estimated silver, limestone, sulphur, diamonds, helium 30 million buffalo roamed the plains alongside 97,000 people, mostly Major Agricultural and Livestock Production Native Americans. Since that time the numbers have reversed. Today rice, cattle, chicken, hogs, corn, wheat, nearly 40 million people call the lands of the Louisiana Purchase sugarcane, cotton, dairy products, hay home. In contrast, the buffalo, which had been driven nearly to extinction by the late 1800s, has recovered to a population NH of approximately 15,000 in the wild. WA VT ME MT ND MA OR MN ID WI NY SD MI RI WY PA CT IA NJ NE OH DE IN NV IL MD UT WV CO VA CA KS MO KY NC TN Louisiana Purchase OK SC AZ NM AR GA MS AL TX LA FL ANALYSIS SKILL ANALYZING INFORMATION Other than agricultural goods, what types of valuable resources are found in the former Louisiana Purchase?

ah06se_c07scl005ba Louisiana Purchase Locator Middle School -– American History report offered many Americans their fi rst SS.8.G.3.2 Use HRW description of the Southwest. S UMMARY AND PREVIEW The Louisiana geographicF1 proof: terms10/29/04 and toolsApproved: to explain 11/11/04 differ- Purchase nearly doubled the size of the ing perspectives on READING CHECK Supporting a Point of View United States. In the next section you will the use of renewable and non-renewable What would you do if you were Pike and found learn about increasing tensions between resources in the yourself in Spanish territory? the United States and Great Britain. United States and Florida over time.

Section 2 Assessment ONLINE QUIZ

Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and People Critical Thinking 1. a. Identify What new states were added to 4. Sequencing Review your notes on the Louisiana the Union by the early 1800s? Purchase. Then copy the graphic organizer below b. Explain Why were New Orleans and the Missis- and use it to rank the three most important effects of sippi River important to settlers in the West? the Louisiana Purchase, from most important to least 2. a. Recall What two reasons did Napoléon have for important, and explain why you chose that order.

selling Louisiana to the United States? Importance Why b. Summarize Why was the Louisiana Purchase 1. important to the United States? 2. c. Predict What are some possible results of 3. expansion into the Louisiana Purchase? 3. a. Describe What areas did the Lewis and Clark FOCUS ON WRITING expedition and the Pike expedition explore? b. Draw Conclusions Why were Meriwether 5. Gathering Information about a Person’s Actions Lewis and William Clark chosen to lead the Make a list of Jefferson’s actions—the ones that exploration of the Louisiana Purchase? would put him on that top-ten list. Add any new character traits you have discovered.


6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08S1-4.indd 277 1/31/11 1:45:10 PM SECTION The Coming of War LA., SS.8.A.1.2, SS.8.A.1.3,3 SS.8.A.1.4, SS.8.A.1.5, SS.8.A.1.6, SS.8.A.1.7, SS.8.A.3.14, SS.8.A.3.15, SS.8.A.4.1, SS.8.A.4.3, SS.8.A.4.4, SS.8.E.2.2, If YOU were there... SS.8.E.3.1, SS.8.G.4.2 You are a tea merchant in Boston in 1807, but right now your What You Will Learn… business is at a standstill. A new law forbids trading with European nations. Now, Boston Harbor is full of empty ships. It seems to you Main Ideas 1. Violations of U.S. neutrality that the law is hurting American merchants more than European led Congress to enact a ones! You know that some merchants are breaking the law ban on trade. 2. Native Americans, Great and smuggling goods, just to stay in business. Britain, and the United States came into conflict in the West. Would you obey the law or turn 3. The War Hawks led a to smuggling? growing call for war with Great Britain.

The Big Idea BUILDING BACKGROUND The United States tried to stay neutral in Challenges at home and abroad led the United States to declare the conflicts between France and Great Britain, but it was impossible to war on Great Britain. avoid getting involved. French and British ships interfered with Ameri- can trade across the Atlantic. The British also caused trouble along the Key Terms and People western frontier. Many Americans began to urge war with Great Britain. USS Constitution, p. 278 impressment, p. 279 embargo, p. 279 Embargo Act, p. 279 Violations of Neutrality Non-Intercourse Act, p. 280 During the late 1700s and early 1800s, American merchant ships Tecumseh, p. 280 fanned out across the oceans. The overseas trade, while profi table, Battle of Tippecanoe, p. 282 was also risky. Ships had to travel vast distances, often through vio- War Hawks, p. 282 James Madison, p. 283 lent storms. Merchant ships sailing in the Mediterranean risked cap- ture by pirates from the Barbary States of North Africa, who would steal cargo and hold ships’ crews for ransom. Attacks continued until the United States sent the USS Constitution, a large warship, and other ships to end them. Use the graphic organizer online to The Barbary pirates were a serious problem, but an even larger take notes on the challenges that led the United States to declare threat soon loomed. When Great Britain and France went to war war on Great Britain. in 1803, each country wanted to stop the United States from sup- plying goods to the other. Each government passed laws designed SS.8.A.4.1 Examine the causes, course, and to prevent American merchants from trading with the other. In consequences of United States westward expansion and its growing diplomatic as- addition, the British and French navies captured many American sertiveness (War of 1812, Convention of 1818, Adams-Onis Treaty, Missouri Compromise, merchant ships searching for war supplies. Monroe Doctrine, Trail of Tears, Texas an- The real trouble, however, started when Britain began stop- nexation, Manifest Destiny, Oregon Territory, Mexican American War/Mexican Cession, ping and searching American ships for sailors who had run away California Gold Rush, Compromise of 1850, from the British navy, forcing the sailors to return to British ships. Kansas Nebraska Act, Gadsden Purchase).


6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08S1-4.indd 278 1/20/11 1:24:12 PM The USS Constitution

CONNECT TO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In the early years of the republic, foreign trade was critical to the nation’s survival. In 1797 Congress decided to create a navy to protect American merchant ships. The powerful The main mast is warship USS Constitution was a key part of the new navy 220 feet high. and was undefeated in battle. It is the oldest commissioned warship in the world.

Copper sheathing supplied by People on the spar, or top, deck Paul Revere protected the hull. were exposed to enemy fire.

ANALYSIS SKILL ANALYZING DIAGRAMS 1. Why do you think gunpowder was stored on the bottom deck? 2. What was the purpose of the copper sheathing?

The crew slept and ate Most of the ship's cannons Boys called “powder monkeys” on the berth deck. were located on the gun deck. carried gunpowder from the orlop, or lowest, deck up to the gunners.

Sometimes U.S. citizens were captured by The Embargo Act

accident. This impressment , or the practice Great Britain’s violations of U.S. neutral- of forcing people to serve in the army or ity sparked intense debate in America about navy, continued despite American protests. how to respond. Some people wanted to go

Soon Britain was even targeting Ameri- to war. Others favored an embargo , or the can navy ships. In June 1807, for example, banning of trade, against Britain. the British ship Leopard stopped the U.S. Jefferson, who had easily won re-election Navy ship Chesapeake and tried to remove in 1804, supported an embargo. At his urging, sailors. When the captain of the Chesapeake in late 1807 Congress passed the Embargo refused, the British took the sailors by force. Act. The law essentially banned trade with all The brazen attack on the Chesapeake stunned foreign countries. American ships could not Americans. sail to foreign ports. American ports were also


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 279 7/2/10 1:25:41 PM closed to British ships. Congress hoped that the Conflict in the West embargo would punish Britain and France and protect American merchant ships from capture. Disagreements between Great Britain and The effect of the law was devastating to the United States went beyond the neutral- American merchants. Without foreign trade, ity issue. In the West, the British and Native they lost enormous amounts of money. North- Americans again clashed with American set- ern states that relied heavily on trade were espe- tlers over land. cially hard hit by the embargo. Congressman The Confl ict over Land SS.8.A.4.3 Examine Josiah Quincy of Massachusetts, in a speech the experiences In the early 1800s, Native Americans in the and perspectives of before Congress, described the situation. “All significant individuals old Northwest Territory continued to lose and groups during the business of the nation is in disorder. All the this era of American nation’s industry is at a standstill,” he said. land as thousands of settlers poured into the History. The embargo damaged Jefferson’s popu- region. The United States had gained this larity and strengthened the Federalist Party. land in the Treaty of Greenville, but Indian Angry merchants sent Jefferson hundreds leaders who had not agreed to the treaty pro- of petitions demanding the Embargo Act’s tested the settlers’ arrival. Frustrated Indian repeal. One New Englander said the embargo groups considered what to do. In the mean- was like “cutting one’s throat to stop the nose- time, Britain saw an opportunity to slow bleed.” Even worse, the embargo had little America’s westward growth. British agents effect on Britain and France. from Canada began to arm Native Americans who were living along the western frontier. Non-Intercourse Act Rumors of British activity in the old North- In 1809 Congress tried to revive the nation’s west Territory quickly spread, fi lling Ameri- trade by replacing the unpopular act with the can settlers with fear and anger. Non-Intercourse Act. This new law banned Tecumseh Resists U.S. Settlers trade only with Britain, France, and their colonies. It also stated that the United States Soon an Indian leader emerged who seemed would resume trading with the fi rst side that more than capable of halting the American stopped violating U.S. neutrality. In time, settlers. Tecumseh (tuh-KUHM -suh), a Shaw- however, the law was no more successful than nee chief, had watched angrily as Native the Embargo Act. Americans were pushed off their land. A bril- liant speaker, he warned other Indians about READING CHECK Comparing and Contrasting the dangers they faced from settlers. He In what ways were the Embargo Act and the Non- believed that the Native Americans had to do Intercourse Act similar and different? what white Americans had done: unite.

Time Line America’s Road to War

June 22, 1807 The British navy takes sailors from the U.S. Navy ship Chesapeake. 18 07 18 0 9 December 22, 1807 January 9, 1809 The United States responds to impressment Congress passes the by passing the Embargo Act. Non-Intercourse Act.


6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08S1-4.indd 280 1/20/11 1:24:22 PM Primary Source

POLITICAL CARTOON The Embargo Act The unpopularity of the Embargo Act prompted political cartoonists to show visually how the act was hurting American trade.

What do you think the turtle represents?

What is the turtle preventing this man from doing?

ANALYSIS SKILL ANALYZING PRIMARY SOURCES What is “ograbme” How does the cartoonist emphasize the spelled backward? unpopularity of the Embargo Act?

Tecumseh hoped to unite the Native established order.” The governor was con- Americans of the northwestern frontier, the vinced that Tecumseh had British backing. If South, and the eastern Mississippi Valley. He true, Tecumseh could be a serious threat to was helped by his brother, a religious leader American power in the West. called the Prophet. They founded a village In 1810 Tecumseh met face to face with called Prophetstown for their followers near Harrison. The governor urged him to follow the Wabash and Tippecanoe rivers. the Treaty of Greenville that had been signed in 1795. Tecumseh replied, “The white peo- The Battle of Tippecanoe ple have no right to take the land from the The governor of the Indiana Territory, Wil- Indians, because the Indians had it fi rst.” No liam Henry Harrison, watched Tecumseh’s single chief, he insisted, could sell land activities with alarm. Harrison called him belonging to all American Indians who used VIDEO “one of those uncommon geniuses which it. In response, Harrison warned Tecumseh War of 1812: Madison spring up occasionally to . . . overturn the not to resist the power of the United States. Declares War

June 18, 1812 The United States declares war against Britain.

1810 1812

November 4, 1811 ANALYSIS When the twelfth Congress convenes, SKILL READING TIME LINES Kentucky representative Henry Clay What events led to war against Great Britain? leads the call for war against Britain.


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 281 7/2/10 1:26:59 PM Primary Source

POINTS OF VIEW William Henry Harrison was Views of War proud of his efforts to obtain Tecumseh urged Native Americans to unite to op- land for settlers. pose what he called the “evil” of white settlement. “By my own exertions in securing “The only way to stop this evil the friendship of the chiefs . . . by is for all the red men to unite admitting them at all times to my in claiming a common and house and table, my propositions equal right to the land, as it for the purchase of their lands was at first, and should be were successful beyond yet. Before, the land never my . . . hopes . . . In the was divided, but belonged course of seven years to all, for the use of each the Indian title was extin- person. No group had a guished to the amount of right to sell, not even to fifty millions of acres. each other, much less ” —William Henry to strangers who want Harrison all and will not do with less. ANALYSIS ” SKILL ANALYZING POINTS OF VIEW —Tecumseh How did Harrison’s and Tecumseh’s views on western settlement differ?

Tecumseh traveled south to ask the Call for War Creek nation to join his forces. In his absence, Harrison attacked. Harrison raised The evidence of British support for Tecumseh an army and marched his troops close to further infl amed Americans. A Democratic- Prophetstown. Fighting broke out when Republican newspaper declared, “The war on the Prophet ordered an attack on Harrison’s the Wabash [River] is purely BRITISH.” Many camp on November 7, 1811. Americans felt that Britain had encouraged The Indians broke through army lines, but Tecumseh to attack settlers in the West. Harrison kept a “calm, cool, and collected” The War Hawks manner, according to one observer. During the all-day battle, Harrison’s soldiers forced the Several young members of Congress—called Indian warriors to retreat and then destroyed War Hawks by their opponents—took the Tecumseh’s village. Said Chief Shabbona, lead in calling for war against Britain. These “With the smoke of that town and loss of that legislators, most of whom were from the battle, I lost all hope.” Although Tecumseh was South and West, were led by Henry Clay FOCUS ON safe, U.S. forces defeated Tecumseh and his fol- of Kentucky, John C. Calhoun of South READING Carolina, and Felix Grundy of Tennessee. lowers in the Battle of Tippecanoe . The defeat What words did They saw war as the only answer to British Calhoun use that destroyed Tecumseh’s dream of a great Indian had strong confederation. He fl ed to Canada. insults. “If we submit,” Calhoun warned, emotions tied to “the independence of this nation is lost.” them for READING CHECK Finding Main Ideas Calls for war grew. Leaders wanted to put Americans? (See “The War Hawks” Why were U.S. officials worried about Tecumseh’s a stop to British infl uence among Native section.) actions? Americans. They also wanted to invade


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 282 7/2/10 1:27:18 PM Canada and gain more land for settlement. Declaring War Others were angered by British trade restric- Republican James Madison was elected tions that hurt southern planters and west- president in 1808. He faced the diffi culty of ern farmers. War Hawks gave emotional continuing an unpopular trade war begun speeches urging Americans to stand up to by Jefferson. He also felt growing pressure Great Britain. from the War Hawks. By 1812 he decided that Congress must vote on war. Speaking to The Opposition Congress, Madison blasted Great Britain’s The strongest opponents of the War Hawks conduct. He asked Congress to decide how were New England Federalists. British trade the nation should respond. restrictions and impressment had hurt New When Congress voted a few days later, England’s economy. People there wanted the War Hawks won. For the fi rst time in the to renew friendly business ties with Britain nation’s brief history, Congress had declared instead of fi ghting another war. war. Months later, Americans elected Madi- Other politicians argued that war with son to a second term. He would serve as com- Great Britain would be foolish. They feared mander in chief during the War of 1812. that the United States was not yet ready to fi ght powerful Britain. America’s army and navy READING CHECK Summarizing Why did the were small and poorly equipped compared to United States declare war in 1812? Britain’s military. In addition, Americans could produce only a fraction of the military sup- plies Britain could. Senator Obadiah German S UMMARY AND PREVIEW Confl icts on of New York pleaded with the War Hawks to be the frontier and with Great Britain domi- patient: “Prior to any declaration of war . . . my nated U.S. foreign policy under Jefferson plan would be, and my fi rst wish is, to prepare and Madison. In the next section you will for it—to put the country in complete armor.” read about the War of 1812.

Section 3 Assessment ONLINE QUIZ

Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and People Critical Thinking 1. a. Describe In what ways did the war between 4. Categorizing Review your notes on the chal- France and Britain cause problems for the United lenges that led to the War of 1812. Were most States? challenges foreign or domestic? Categorize them b. Make Inferences What were the reasons for the in a chart like the one below. failure of the Embargo Act? Foreign Domestic c. Elaborate Why do you think embargoes against Britain and France failed? 2. a. Describe What was Tecumseh’s goal? b. Explain What role did Great Britain play in the confl ict between the United States and American Indians on the western frontier? 3. a. Identify Who were the War Hawks? Why did FOCUS ON WRITING they support war with Britain? 5. Taking Notes Take notes about any of Jefferson’s b. Elaborate Would you have supported going to actions and character traits you can identify during war against Great Britain? Explain your answer. the buildup to war with Britain. Save this informa- tion for the top-ten list you will create at the end of the chapter.


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 283 7/2/10 1:27:30 PM e e c c n nDisputedDisputed e SECTION re r w aw a L erL er ME ME BRITISHBRITISH TERRITORY TERRITORY . v . v The War of 1812 t i t i DisputedDisputed R R(PART(PART OF MA) OF MA) Supe rSuper S S ke ke ior ior MontrealMontreal SS.8.A.3.15, SS.8.A.4.1, SS.8.A.4.3,4 La La SS.8.A.4.4, SS.8.G.1.1 PlattsburgPlattsburgVT VT L L a ak If YOU were there... ke e H H Lake Lake NH NH ILLINOISILLINOIS u u n OntarioOntario n r r YorkYork BostonBoston o o It’s 1812, and the United States and Great Britain are at war. TERRITORYTERRITORY a a n n g g MA MA i i ThamesThames NY NY


h Fort NiagaraFort Niagara


c i

What You Will Learn… You are a sailor on an American merchant ship that has been i MICHIGANMICHIGAN Lake Lake Erie Erie CT CT M




k k a

licensed as a privateer. Your ship’s mission will be to chase and a

Fort DetroitFort Detroit Y RY New NewYork York 40˚N 40˚N L R Main Ideas L ER ER PA PA P P NJ CityNJ City capture ships of the mighty British navy. Even with the help of H H HARRISONHARRISON 1. American forces held their U U Philadelphia L Philadelphia Fort Fort L

L Lake L Lake BaltimoreBaltimore own against the British in merchant ships like yours, the American navy is badly outnum- DearbornDearborn Erie Erie DE DE the early battles of the war. INDIANAINDIANA OH OH Washington,Washington, 2. U.S. forces stopped British bered. You know you face danger and may not survive. TERRITORYTERRITORY D.C. D.C. MD MD offensives in the East and South. MISSOURIMISSOURI TERRITORYTERRITORY VA VA 3. The effects of the war included Do you think your mission will succeed?

prosperity and national pride. KY KY 35˚N 35˚N

NC NC TN TN The Big Idea N N JACKSON JACKSON Great Britain and the United BUILDING BACKGROUND Anger against Great Britain’s actions SC SC E E W W States went to battle in the finally provoked the United States into the War of 1812. Britain’s great TallapoosaTallapoosa MISSISSIPPIMISSISSIPPI RiverRiver S S War of 1812. navy gave it a clear advantage at sea, but the war was also fought TERRITORYTERRITORY HorseshoeHorseshoe Bend Bend on several other fronts. Victories in major battles along the frontier AlabamaAlabama 30˚N 30˚N River River GA GA LA LA Fort Fort Key Terms and People gave Americans a new sense of unity. SPANISHSPANISH MimsMims Oliver Hazard Perry, p. 285 TERRITORYTERRITORY DisputedDisputed ATLANTICATLANTIC Battle of Lake Erie, p. 285 SPANISHSPANISH OCEANOCEAN Andrew Jackson, p. 286 New OrleansNew Orleans TERRITORYTERRITORY Treaty of Fort Jackson, p. 286 Early Battles Battle of New Orleans, p. 286 In the summer of 1812 the United States found itself in a war with GulfGulf of of 85˚W 85˚W 75˚W 75˚W MexicoMexico Hartford Convention, p. 287 25˚N 25˚N one of the world’s most powerful nations. Despite the claims by the 90˚W 90˚W 80˚W 80˚W Treaty of Ghent, p. 287 War Hawks, the War of 1812 would not be a quick and easy fi ght.

War at Sea When the war began, the British navy had hundreds of ships. In Use the graphic organizer online contrast, the U.S. Navy had fewer than 20 ships. None of them was to take notes on the sequence of as powerful as the greatest British warships. events in the War of 1812, from Most of the British navy’s ships, however, were scattered around HRWHRW American American History History beginning to end. ah06se_c07map021aah06se_c07map021a the globe. Although small, the U.S. Navy had well-trained sailors War Warof 1812 of 1812 and powerful new warships such as the USS Constitution. American 2nd proof:2nd proof: 11/4/04 11/4/04 Approved:Approved: 11/11/04 11/11/04 vessels defeated British ships several times in one-on-one duels. Such victories embarrassed the British and raised American morale. Eventually, the British ships blockaded America’s seaports.

Battles Along the Canadian Border American leaders hoped to follow up victories at sea with an overland invasion of Canada. Three attacks were planned—from Detroit, from Niagara Falls, and from up the Hudson River valley toward Montreal.


6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08S1-4.indd 284 1/20/11 1:24:59 PM e c Disputede n c Disputed The War of 1812 re n re aw L er aw ME BRITISH TERRITORY . v r BRITISH TERRITORY t i L e ME Disputed R . (PARTiv OF MA) DDisputedisputed Superi S t R (PART OF MA) ke Sourper S La ke ior Montreal La Montreal PlattsburgPlattsburgVT L VT a L ke a ke Lake NH ILLINOIS H Lake NH u H Ontario IILLINOISLLIN n r u York Boston n o Ontario B TERRITORY a r York oston o a n TTERRITORYERRI g MA i Thamesn g NY MA i h Thames Fort Niagara NY


c Fort Niagara


Lake Erie




k TERR. k

a Fort Detroit Y New York 40˚N a R L Fort Detroit ER RY PA New York 40˚N L P R PA PE NJ City City H HARRISON NJ U H HARRISON U Philadelphia Fort L

L Lake Philadelphia Fort L Baltimore Dearborn L Lake Baltimore Dearborn Erie Erie DE DE INDIANAINDIANA Washington, OH OH Washington, MD TERRITORYTERRITORY D.C. D.C. MD MISSOURIMMISSOURIISSOURI TERRITORY TTERRITORYERRITORY VA VA KY KY 35˚N American forces 35˚N

American victories NC NC British forces TN TN N N British victories JACKSON JACKSON E SC SC E British blockades W TallapoosaTallapoosa W Creek victory River S MISSISSIPPIMISSISSIPPI River S 0 150 300 Miles TERRITORYTERRITORY HorseshoeHorseshoe Bend Bend Alabama 30˚N 0 150 300 Kilometers Alabama 30˚N River GA GA LA River Fort Fort SPANISHSSPANISHPANISH LALA MimsMims TERRITORY TTERRITORYERRITORY ATLANTIC DisputedDDisputed ATLANTIC SPANISHSPANISH OCEAN New OrleansNewNew Orleans TERRITORYTERRITORY OCEAN GEOGRAPHY ANIMATED SKILLS INTERPRETING MAPS GEOGRAPHY Gulf of 75˚W Gulf of 85˚W 75˚W Mexico 85˚W The War of 1. Location According to the map, what major Mexico 25˚N HRW American History 90˚W 80˚W 25˚N2 1812 ah06se_c07map021asouthern port was affected by the British 90˚W 80˚W Warblockade? of 1812 2.1ST Region revision: Which 5/2/05 battles took place in the Great Lakes region?

The attack from Detroit failed when Brit- when the British surrendered. Perry sent a

ish soldiers and Indians led by Tecumseh cap- message to General William Henry Harrison: HRWHRW American American History History tured Fort Detroit. The other American attacks “We have met the enemy and they are ours.” ah06se_c07map021aah06se_c07map021a War Warof 1812 of 1812 failed when state militia troops refused to Perry’s brilliant victory forced the British to 2nd proof:2nd proof: 11/4/04 11/4/04 Approved: 11/11/04 cross the Canadian border, arguing that they withdraw, giving the U.S. Army control of Approved: 11/11/04 did not have to fight in a foreign country. the lake and new hope. In 1813 the United States went on the With American control of Lake Erie estab- attack again. A key goal was to break Britain’s lished, General Harrison marched his army control of Lake Erie. The navy gave the task into Canada. At the Battle of the Thames to Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry. After River in October 1813, he defeated a com- building a small fl eet, Perry sailed out to bined force of British troops and Native meet the British on September 10, beginning Americans. Harrison’s victory ended British

the Battle of Lake Erie . The battle ended power in the Northwest. Tecumseh’s death


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 285 7/2/10 1:29:46 PM during the fi ghting also dealt a blow to the Great Britain on British alliance with Native Americans in the region. the Offensive Despite U.S. success on the western and south- The Creek War ern frontiers, the situation in the East grew Meanwhile, war with American Indians worse. After defeating France in April 1814, erupted in the South. Creek Indians, angry the British sent more troops to America. at American settlers for pushing into their lands, took up arms in 1813. A large force British Attacks in the East attacked Fort Mims on the Alabama River, Now reinforced, the British attacked Washing- destroying the fort and killing close to 250 ton, D.C. President Madison was forced to fl ee of its defenders. In response, the commander when the British broke through U.S. defenses. of the Tennessee militia, Andrew Jackson, The British set fi re to the , the gathered about 2,000 volunteers to move Capitol, and other government buildings. against the Creek nation. The British sailed on to Baltimore, Mary- In the spring of 1814 Jackson attacked land, which was guarded by Fort McHenry. THE IMPACT the Creek along the Tallapoosa River in Ala- They shelled the fort for 25 hours. The Amer- TODAY bama. Jackson’s troops won this battle, the icans refused to surrender Fort McHenry. The Inspired by the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. The Treaty of Fort British chose to retreat instead of continuing Americans’ strength at Jackson, signed late in 1814, ended the Creek to fi ght. Fort McHenry, War and forced the Creek to give up millions Francis Scott Key of acres of their land. The Battle of New Orleans wrote the national After the attack on Washington, the British anthem, “The Star-Spangled READING CHECK Comparing What advan- moved against New Orleans. British com- Banner.” tages did Great Britain and the United States have manders hoped to capture the city and thus at the start of the war? take control of the Mississippi River. Andrew Jackson commanded the U.S. forces around New Orleans. His troops were a mix of regular soldiers, including two battalions of free African Americans, a group of Choctaw Indians, state militia, and pirates First Lady Saves Washington’s Portrait led by Jean Lafi tte. The battle began on the morning of January 8, 1815. Some 5,300 British troops attacked Jackson’s force of about 4,500. The British began marching toward the U.S. defenses, but they were caught on an open fi eld. The British were cut down with fright- ening speed. More than 2,000 British soldiers were killed or wounded. The Americans, for their part, had suffered about 70 casualties. The Battle of New Orleans made Andrew Dolley Madison Jackson a hero and was the last major con- refused to leave Washington, D.C., until fl ict of the War of 1812. a famous portrait of the first president EADING HECK was saved from the R C Finding Main Ideas executive mansion. What happened at the Battle of New Orleans?


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 286 7/2/10 1:30:25 PM Analyzing the War of 1812

• Impressment of American sailors • Interference with American shipping • Increased sense of national pride • British military aid to Native Americans • American manufacturing boosted • Native American resistance weakened

Effects of the War ACADEMIC Before the battle of New Orleans, a group of have several consequences. The war pro- VOCABULARY New England Federalists gathered secretly duced feelings of patriotism in Americans consequences the effects of a at Hartford, Connecticut. At the Hartford for having stood up to the mighty British. particular event Convention, Federalists agreed to oppose the Some even called it the second war for inde- or events war and send delegates to meet with Congress. pendence. The war also broke the power of Before the delegates reached Washington, many Native American groups. Finally, a lack however, news arrived that the war had ended. of goods caused by the interruption in trade Some critics now laughed at the Federalists, boosted American manufacturing. and the party lost much of its political power. READING CHECK Slow communications at the time meant Analyzing Information that neither the Federalists nor Jackson knew What were the main effects of the War of 1812? about the Treaty of Ghent. The treaty, which had been signed in Belgium on December 24, S UMMARY AND PREVIEW The War of 1812 1814, ended the War of 1812. showed Americans that the nation would Though each nation returned the ter- survive. In the next chapter you will see ritory it had conquered, the fi ghting did how the United States continued to grow.

Section 4 Assessment ONLINE QUIZ

Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and People Critical Thinking 1. a. Identify What losses did American forces face 4. Comparing and Contrasting Review your notes in the early battles of the War of 1812? What victo- on the battle dates. Then compare and contrast ries did they win? the details of the major battles during the War of b. Make Generalizations What role did American 1812 in a chart like this one. Indians play in the war? Battle Details (Winner, Location, Importance) 2. a. Describe What attacks did the British lead against American forces? b. Evaluate What do you think were the two most important battles of the war? Why? 3. a. Identify What was the purpose of the Hartford Convention? FOCUS ON WRITING b. Draw Conclusions How did the United States 5. Organizing Your Ideas Reorder the items on your benefi t from the War of 1812? lists from least important to most important.


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08S1-4.indd 287 7/2/10 1:30:44 PM History and Geography America’s British Territory

Claimed by United States, ceded Growth to Great Britain in 1818 50° N In 1803 the United States made the 49th Parallel biggest land purchase in its history—the Louisiana Purchase. With this purchase, the1820 R country stretched west all the way to the O Rocky Mountains. In 1819 the United States C acquired Florida from Spain, gaining even K Oregon Country more new territory. By 1820, the young Y

American republic had roughly doubled in

size, as you can see on the map. Explorers, M

ah06se_ u01amg002a 42nd Parallel M traders, and settlers began to pour into the O i revised by ron bowdoin s ATLANTIC new lands in search of wealth, land, and a s 12/21/04 U o u OCEAN place to call home. r The Oregon Country Both the United States i S N and Great Britain claimed the Oregon Country. R T iv 40° N T e M r

A N A I I H C America’s Population, 1820: 10.1 million N A L

S r A e P 1% v 4% i P R A

R ed i Rive p r p Ethnic Groups, 1820 i 18% s


White/European i


s African American i

77% Native American M Other Spanish Territory PACIFIC OCEAN 30° N Louisiana Purchase, 1803 New Orleans 30° N <1% Claimed by United States and 4% 1% Great Britain, 1818 Gulf of Convention of 1818 Mexico Religions, 1820 From Britain to United States, 1818 Protestant Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819 Catholic From Spain to United States, 1819 Jewish 94% Other 0 150 300 Miles 0 150 300 Kilometers 70° W

SS.8.A.4.1 Examine the causes, course, and consequences of United States westward expansion and its growing diplomatic assertiveness (War Tropic of Cancer of 1812, Convention of 1818, Adams-Onis Treaty, Missouri Compromise, Monroe Doctrine, Trail of Tears, Texas annexation, Manifest Destiny, Oregon Territory, Mexican American War/Mexican Cession, California Gold 288 CHAPTER 8 130° W Rush,120° Compromise W of 1850, Kansas Nebraska Act, Gadsden Purchase).110° W

6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08GH.indd 288 1/20/11 1:27:34 PM

90° W 50° N 49th Parallel

R Early Traders Soon after Lewis

O and Clark explored the Louisiana Territory, American fur trappers and C traders began setting up trading posts Through the Gaps Settlers crossed there. Many of these posts became K the Appalachians through valleys called gaps. towns later as settlers arrived. Y Daniel Boone established a trail through the Unorganized Cumberland Gap in 1775. In time, roads were Territory built through the valleys, making it easier for M Americans to head west. 42nd Parallel M O i s ATLANTIC s Delaware Gap U o u OCEAN r i S N R T iv 40° N T e M r

A N Cumberland A Missouri I I Gap H Territory C N A L

S r A e P Arkansas v i P R A

Territory R ed i Rive p r p i s The Mighty Mississippi The Mississippi River was s

i s

s the great highway of the central United States. Americans

s s i

i west of the Appalachians shipped farm goods and supplies M

M up and down the Mississippi and its major port, New Orleans. PACIFIC OCEAN Louisiana 30° N New Orleans 30° N

Gulf of Unorganized Territory Mexico (Florida)


1. Movement In which main directions did the United States 70° W expand before 1820? 2. Region Based on the map, why do you think the United States was interested in claiming the Oregon Country? Tropic of Cancer

130° W 120° W 110° W THE JEFFERSON ERA 289

289_6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08GH 289 2/26/11 7:51:08 AM

90° W Social Studies Skills Analysis Critical Thinking Civic Study Participation

Working in Groups to Solve Issues

Define the Skill The skills Congress needed to reach its solu- tion are valuable ones for any group that must You already know that the decision-making process make decisions involving controversial issues. They is more diffi cult in a group than it is if just one per- include the following attitudes and behaviors. son makes the decisions. However, group decision- 1 Willingness to take a position. If an issue is making becomes an even greater challenge when controversial, it is likely that group members controversial issues are involved. will have differing opinions about it. You have Group members must have additional skills a right to state your views and try to persuade for the group to function effectively when confl ict others that you are correct. exists within it. These include respect for differing views, the arts of persuasion and negotiation, and 2 Willingness to listen to differing views. an ability to compromise. A group may not be able Every other member has the same right you do. to fi nd solutions to controversial problems unless its You have a duty to listen to their views, even members have these skills. if you do not agree. Disrespect for those whose views differ from yours makes it more diffi cult for the group to reach a solution. Learn the Skill 3 Willingness to debate. Debate is a form of “healthy” argument because it defends and Some of the biggest challenges Congress faced in attacks ideas instead of the people who hold the early 1800s were related to the war between them. Debating the group’s differences of opin- Great Britain and France. Some Americans sup- ion is an important step in reaching a solution. ported the British, while others favored the French. Both countries hoped for American help. When the 4 Willingness to negotiate and compromise. United States would not take sides, they each began If debate does not produce agreement, a com- interfering with U.S. ships on the open seas. promise may be needed. Often it is better to As you read in this chapter, Congress tried to have a solution that members may not like, but solve this problem by passing the Embargo Act. can accept, than to have no agreement at all. That solution was controversial, however. The northern states were hard hit by the law’s ban on overseas trade. Their representatives in Congress Practice the Skill demanded a less extreme action. The result was the Check your understanding of the skill by answering Non-Intercourse Act. This law was a compromise the following questions. between members who wanted to lift the trade ban and those who wanted to continue it. Congress was 1. Why would refusing to listen to other members able to solve this problem because its members were make group decision-making more diffi cult? able to work around their differences. 2. Why is compromise often a better solution than forcing a decision on members who disagree?


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08SK.indd 290 7/2/10 1:32:33 PM History’s Impact ▲ CHAPTER video series Chapter Review Review the video to answer 8 the closing question: How do the background, value system, and character Visual Summary of the United States reflect its Use the visual summary below to help you review spirit of exploration? the main ideas of the chapter. Reviewing Vocabulary, Terms, and People Complete each sentence by fi lling in the blank with the correct term or person. The Nation at War and Peace 1. The War of 1812 ended soon after the U.S. 1803 victory over the British at the ______. Marbury v. Madison 2. After winning the election of 1800, ______gives the Supreme became the third president of the United States. Court the power of judicial review. 3. The power of the Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional is known as 1803 ______. The United States doubles its size 4. After U.S. neutrality was violated, the United by making the States issued an ______against trade with Louisiana foreign nations. Purchase. 5. In 1803 Congress approved the ______, which added former French territory in the West to the United States. 1807–09 Congress passes the 1811 Embargo and William Henry Comprehension and Non-Intercourse Harrison defeats Acts. Tecumseh’s Critical Thinking forces at the SECTION 1 (Pages 266–270) Battle of Tippecanoe. 6. a. Recall What were the key issues in the elec- tion of 1800? 1812 b. Analyze In what ways did Marbury v. Madison 1814 The War of affect the power of the judicial branch? Federalists 1812 begins hold the between Great c. Evaluate Which of Jefferson’s new policies do Hartford Britain and the you think was most important? Why? Convention United States. to protest the SECTION 2 (Pages 272–277) War of 1812. 7. a. Describe What was the purpose of the Lewis 1814 and Clark expedition? The Treaty of 1815 Ghent ends the Andrew b. Draw Conclusions What are three ways in War of 1812. Jackson wins which the United States benefited from the the Battle of Louisiana Purchase? New Orleans. c. Evaluate Do you think that Napoléon made a wise decision when he sold Louisiana to the United States? Explain your answer.


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08RT.indd 291 7/2/10 12:41:46 PM SECTION 3 (Pages 278–283) Reading Skills 8. a. Identify What group led the call for war with Public Documents in History Use the Reading Skills Great Britain? taught in this chapter to answer the question below. b. Contrast What arguments were given in favor of war with Great Britain? What argu- 13. Which of the following is an example of a ments were given against war with Britain? public document? c. Elaborate In your opinion, why were the a. the Constitution Embargo Act and the Non-Intercourse Act b. the current president’s journal unsuccessful? c. a tax return d. an ambassador’s letter to the president SECTION 4 (Pages 284–287) 9. a. Identify What role did Andrew Jackson play in the War of 1812? Social Studies Skills b. Make Inferences Why did the British want to capture the cities of Washington and New Working in Groups to Solve Issues Use the Social Orleans? Studies Skills taught in this chapter to complete the activity below. c. Predict In what ways might the U.S. victory over Great Britain in the war affect the status of 14. Organize into groups of two or three students. the United States in the world? Decide which of the following reasons for the War of 1812 you think might have been most important in Congress’s decision to declare war. Reviewing Themes a. impressment of American sailors 10. Geography Through what geographic regions b. trade barriers with Britain and France did the Lewis and Clark expedition travel? c. battles with Native Americans on the frontier 11. Politics What impact did the Hartford Conven- d. gaining land in Canada tion have on American politics?


Using the Internet 15. Writing Your Letter of Recommendation 12. Activity: Journal Entry Prior to Lewis and Clark’s You already have a main idea and an opinion expedition, some people thought that woolly statement for your letter: Thomas Jefferson mammoths and unicorns lived in the uncharted deserves to be on the list of the top-ten American West. The Corps of Discovery set off to find presidents. Now, look at all your information out the truth about this uncharted land. Its and pick out three or four points—actions or members also wanted to search for a Northwest character traits—that you think are the most Passage that would speed commerce and bring important. Write a sentence on each of those wealth to the young nation. In addition to your points to add to your letter. Put the sentences online textbook, use articles, editorials, journals, in order, from the least important to the most periodicals, reports and other media to research important. Finally, conclude with one or two the topic. Assume the point of view of one of sentences that sum up why you think Thomas the explorers and write a series of journal entries Jefferson was such an important president. outlining the thoughts, feelings, discoveries, and events you experienced during the journey. Include drawings of what you might have seen in the West in your journal entries.


6-8_SSFLESE607511_C08RT.indd 292 10/4/11 8:35:49 AM CHAPTER 8 Florida Standardized Test Practice

DIRECTIONS: Read each question and write the % The Lewis and Clark expedition was signifi - letter of the best response. cant because it A introduced the United States to valuable raw ! The Supreme Court’s decision in the 1803 materials such as coal. case Marbury v. Madison is an example of B improved America’s knowledge of the West. A checks and balances. C led to U.S. settlement of the Southwest. B reserved powers. D opened trade between the United States and C delegated powers. Native Americans in the West. D dual sovereignty. ^ During the War of 1812, trade interruptions @ Most of the fi ghting in the War of 1812 took resulted in place A the repeal of the Embargo Act. A in Europe. B a rise in unemployment. B in Canada. C an increase in the production of cotton in the C in the United States. South. D at sea. D a boost to U.S. manufacturing.

# Why did President Jefferson agree to buy & Read the following passage from Thomas Louisiana from France? Jefferson’s inaugural address and use it to A He wanted to learn more about the lands and answer the question below. peoples east of the Mississippi River. B He believed that the United States would “Though the will of the majority is in all benefi t from the purchase. cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, C He wanted to end the French threat in must be reasonable . . . [T]he minority North America. possess their equal rights, which equal D He hoped to increase the president’s laws must protect . . . Let us then, fellow constitutional powers. citizens, unite with one heart and one mind . . . We have been called by different $ The United States went to war with Britain in names brethren of the same principle. We 1812 for which of the following reasons? are all republicans; we are all federalists.” A to strengthen the alliance between Britain and France —President Thomas Jefferson, B to endanger the rights of U.S. ships on the Inaugural Address, 1801 high seas C to allow British infl uence among Indian groups Document-Based Question What did on the frontier Jefferson mean in making this statement? D to stop trade restrictions against American merchants


6-8_SSFLAESE607511_C08RT.indd 293 1/18/11 6:33:53 AM MULTIMEDIA CONNECTIONS Lewis and Clark

In 1804 Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and plants, and animals. Not only was their mission one the 33-man Corps of Discovery began an 8,000- of history’s greatest explorations; it also secured mile journey across uncharted territory. Under an American claim to the Pacific Coast and helped orders from President Thomas Jefferson, the expedi- inspire millions to migrate west. tion mapped a route across the Louisiana Purchase Explore entries from Lewis’s journal and other to the Pacific Ocean. From St. Louis, Missouri, they primary sources online. You can find a wealth of traveled west up the Missouri River, then across information, video clips, activities, and more at the Rocky Mountains, and to the Pacific. They met . Native American peoples and cataloged geography,


6-8_SSFLESE607511_C08MMC.indd 293 10/4/11 5:49:06 PM CLICK THROUGH INTER /ACTIVITIES hmhsocialstudies.com ...t  Ini m  ogze t     ig l t r ig   c   f rme s s  ry st    t   mr  re  r Underway on the Missouri ­i    vr €‚ n Watch the video to see how the Corps of Discovery sailed up the Missouri River to begin their t  ƒ ts  c s expedition. t t  „ .”

— Meriwether Lewis

“Lewis’s Journal, Entry 1” Read an excerpt from Meriwether Lewis’s journal that details Sacagawea’s assistance during the journey.

Making Friends Upriver Watch the video to see which Native American peoples the Corps met and traded with as they made their journey west.

The Shores of the Pacific Watch the video to see how the Corps tried to adapt to a different climate and the new peoples that they met along the Pacific coast.


6-8_SNLAESE484693_C08MMC.indd 293 7/24/10 11:36:00 PM