Amnesty International Report Cites Police Brutality in Ukraine
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INSIDE:• What the Kyiv street says of the Yushchenko-Yanukovych deal — page 3. • And Miss Soyuzivka 2006 is ... — page 11. •A view of Ukrainian Day at Giants Stadium — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIII HE KRAINIANNo. 41 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2005 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine AmnestyT InternationalU report WashingtonW roundtable focuses cites police brutality in Ukraine on post-Orange Revolution Ukraine by Yana Sedova Ms. McGill said. Ukrainian National Information Service Europe.” Kyiv Press Bureau However, tens of thousands cases of The roundtable, held at the Ronald police-induced trauma occur every year WASHINGTON – “Ten months after Reagan Building and International Trade KYIV – Tetiana Doroshenko spent 10 in Ukraine, estimated Arkadii the Orange Revolution, we have to be Center, was organized to analyze hours at a Symferopol police station as a Buschenko, legal expert for the Kharkiv satisfied that the mass media in Ukraine Ukraine’s transition to an established possible witness to a crime, separated Human Rights Group. is free, that Ukraine’s foreign policy is in national identity in light of what has from her sick 18-month-old son. The Kharkiv Group received about the hands of committed individuals and become known as Ukraine’s Orange Police told Ms. Doroshenko she could 200 reports on torture last year and pro- is pointed in a clear strategic direction,” Revolution. As chairman of the reunite with her son only if she testified vided legal support in 60 cases. At pres- said Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Roundtable Steering Committee, Mr. against the suspects. ent, about 30 appeals are at the European national security advisor and professor of Sawkiw noted that “the Orange Despite the fact that the child had a Court for Human Rights. American foreign policy at Johns Revolution was about the creation of a high fever, he reportedly remained in the Despite the fact that Ukraine signed an Hopkins University. police station without food or water the political nation.” According to Mr. optional protocol to the U.N. Convention In his keynote address to the Ukraine’s Sawkiw, the people of Ukraine moved whole day until he and his mother were Against Torture on September 24, little Quest for Mature Nation Statehood finally released. “the arrows of political development has been done to combat torture in Roundtable VI conference, Dr. toward an open society” expressing their “The (Ukrainian) police continue to Ukraine, Ms. McGill said. The protocol Brzezinski noted the Orange Revolution use torture in order to get confessions,” European identity. demands that the Ukrainian government was “a true and ecstatic emancipation.” It Walter Zaryckyj, executive director of said Heather McGill, a researcher at create a list of detention venues so that was the expression of a shared national Amnesty International’s International the Center for U.S.-Ukrainian Relations they could be monitored periodically, Mr. identity that was defined in a democratic and program coordinator for the round- Secretariat in London. “Sometimes the Buschenko said. context and became part of the Ukrainian police resorts to violence and psychologi- table series, noted that the first three Ukrainian law enforcement officers people. roundtables had Ukraine’s external rela- cal pressure in order to get testimony still extract confessions and testimony His enthusiasm notwithstanding, Dr. from witnesses.” tions as their themes. “Today’s round- from detainees through force, which Brzezinski spoke to the realities of poli- table marks the culmination of the third Amnesty International Ukraine on courts willingly accept as evidence, offi- tics, evaluating recent events objectively September 27 released its annual report in a series that looked at internal cials said. and not through rose-colored glasses. themes,” said Mr. Zaryckyj. He said that titled “Time for Action: Torture and Ill- Torture victims don’t sue lawbreakers “One cannot live forever in hope. But Treatment in Police Detention.” “the conferences were designed to be a because they do not trust law enforce- one can get indigestion from too much trilogy of trilogies, as Ukraine emerges Despite a wide range of human rights ment authorities and don’t believe any- opportunism,” hinting at the recent from the post-Soviet space and becomes abuses in Ukraine, Amnesty International one will be punished, Ms. McGill agreement signed by President Viktor a mature nation-state.” focused this year’s report on police bru- explained. “We believe there is impunity Yushchenko and former rival Viktor tality and abuse. Amnesty International The keynote speaker, Dr. Brzezinski, for those who torture and beat victims,” Yanukovych. Ukraine could not provide statistics was introduced to the assemblage as “the The challenge for Ukraine’s leadership because so many cases go unreported, (Continued on page 20) moral voice for the deepening of democ- is to strike a balance between the hope of racy in Poland and Ukraine,” by Adrian the “maidan” (Independence Square) and Karatnycky, senior scholar at Freedom Unveiling monument to victims of terrorism, the imperatives of reality, he explained. House. Mr. Karatnycky recently founded The September 27-28 conference, the the Orange Circle, a new international sixth installment of the Ukraine’s Quest non-profit initiative to support the values Yushchenko recalls two Ukrainian Americans for Mature Nation Statehood series, was of the Orange Revolution, including opened by Michael Sawkiw Jr., president democracy, the rule of law, a competitive of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of by Zenon Zawada ed when she showed up at the ceremony. economy, and honest and transparent America, who commented that, “Ukraine Kyiv Press Bureau First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko invit- government. is indeed a country of immense propor- ed Mrs. Matiaszek to the monument’s “The future of Ukraine should not be tions and holds within its balance the KYIV – In unveiling a new monument unveiling. When arriving, Mrs. Matiaszek linchpin of stability and security in (Continued on page 4) dedicated to victims of terrorism on modestly stood at the back. However, September 11, President Viktor Yushchenko Mrs. Yushchenko noticed her there and recognized two Ukrainian Americans who asked her to stand next to her. perished in the World Trade Center attack. The Victims of Terrorism monument is Oleh D. Wengerchuk and Ivan Skala located on Mechnykov Street, near the were among the 2,807 who died in the 2001 entrance to the Klovska metro station in attack. Mr. Wengerchuk, 56, was a trans- Kyiv. portation engineer with The Washington It is a 15-foot-plus metal sculpture in Group International, and Ivan (John) Skala, the shape of a broken heart, bearing the 31, was a police officer with Port Authority words of the commandment “Thou Shalt of New York and New Jersey. Not Kill,” written in English, Hebrew, During his speech, Mr. Yushchenko intro- church Slavonic and 120 other languages. duced Lydia Matiaszek, Mr. Wengerchuk’s In the heart’s fissure is a tuning fork, younger sister, who 11 years ago moved to symbolizing the unifying role that ethnic Kyiv from New York City with her husband, harmony must play in society. Petro. After she stepped forward, the presi- “I think the author wanted it to sym- dent hugged and kissed her. bolize the harmony that should be in peo- “He acknowledges Ukrainians around ple’s lives, but it also reminded me of the the world and he hasn’t forgotten about Twin Towers,” Mrs. Matiaszek said. the rest of us,” Mrs. Matiaszek later com- Also attending the ceremony were lead- mented. “It makes a world of difference to ers of Ukraine’s Jewish community, have a president who cares about Ukraine including magnates Yevhen Chervonenko as a whole and Ukrainians abroad.” and Vadym Rabynovych, who is active in Zenon Krislaty Mrs. Matiaszek said she was deeply Step Towards Unity, an interfaith organi- moved when the president introduced her At the Ukraine’s Quest for Mature Nation Statehood Roundtable VI in Washington personally – a gesture she had not expect- (Continued on page 21) (from left) are: Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Michael Sawkiw and Walter Zaryckyj. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2005 No. 41 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS Has Yushchenko betrayed NEWSBRIEFS Yanukovych threatens to recall signature said that the Cabinet of Prime Minister Yurii Yekhanurov is one of “the most prag- the Orange Revolution? KYIV – Viktor Yanukovych said on matic governments” that possesses “fairly October 5 that the new leadership of ideal conditions to work productively.” by Jan Maksymiuk even more concessions to Mr. Ukraine has not changed its policy with According to Mr. Yushchenko, the new RFE/RL Newsline Yanukovych in exchange for the latter’s regard to thousands of people who were Cabinet will manage to stabilize the econ- support for the new Cabinet. But even unlawfully fired. According to Mr. omy by the end of this year. The president On September 27-28 Ukrainian without any supplement, the memoran- Yanukovych’s personal website, this was also announced that some regional gover- President Viktor Yushchenko appointed dum is such a bewildering document that what the Party of the Regions of Ukraine nors will be replaced but did not specify some 20 ministers to the new Cabinet of it has prompted many in Ukraine to (PRU) meant when the memorandum of the regions concerned. He confirmed that Prime Minister Yurii Yekhanurov. The assert that Mr. Yushchenko has betrayed understanding was signed between the he is not going to undertake any “destruc- appointments apparently marked Mr. the ideals of the November-December Yushchenko administration and the opposi- tive actions” against the political reform Yushchenko’s recovery of control over a 2004 Orange Revolution and backed tion. The PRU leader’s statement lists that is due to take effect in January.