The Storstrd Responsible Have a New on Board Tenyo, Third Officer of Collier , Sugar Story Say Adherents Blamed for Wreck of The
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From San Franctsco: Sonoma. July 13. For San Francisco i 3:30 Nippon Maru. July 14. From Vancouver: Makura, July 15. For Vancouver: i l Niagara, July 14. liJ Editio KvenliiK Bulletin. Kst. 18S2. No. ',903 20 --HONOLULU, TERRITORY OP HAWAII, JULY 11, 1911. 20 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS Hawaiian Star, Vol. XXII. No. 6942 PAGES SATURDAY, DEMOCRATS DR. SUN TAT SEN COMMISSION KINDS THE STORSTRD RESPONSIBLE HAVE A NEW ON BOARD TENYO, THIRD OFFICER OF COLLIER , SUGAR STORY SAY ADHERENTS BLAMED FOR WRECK OF THE McCandless ..Campaign on Whereabsuts of First Provi Declaration ' That Local sional President Mooted LINER EMPRESS OF IRELAND Question Republicans Refused to Among Chinese Accept Tariff a MAY RE EN ROUTE TO Failure to Call Captain Anderson When Fog Settled Over Compromise MAINLAND AFTER FUNDS Vessel, Given as Reason for Collision in St. Lawrence -- ,.. y-:-v VETERAN CANDIDATE Local Member of Young China River That Brought Death to Almost 1000 on Night ot SURE TO RUN AGAIN of -- Investigation Board Party ""'I J?- - " May 28 Lord Mersey Member Positive Leader Was A fym Iff 4. ' Aboard Japanese Liner ' --' Makes Informal Announcement 11 . v Associated Press servlr by Federal Wireless. ?2&i&e9E&- - No Statement Whether Did Dr. Sun Vat Sen. in the d sguise QUEBEC, Canada, July 11- - The commission appointed to make a Bourbons -- Indorse Duty of a lo!y cooUe, pass through Hono- thorough' investigation of the sinking of the S, S. Empress of Ireland, in the lulu Thus1ay as a st?erago passen- St Lawrence river ht night of May 23, has placed the responsibility for ger Toyo Informal announcement of his can- in the K!sn Kaisha liner the disaster upon the Norwegian collier Storstad. mem-be- r shewing S. S. Empress of Ireland; right. didacy for dclfRat?, and a siRnificant j Trnyo Maru, as an um fficiating Norwrg'an collier Storstad, damage om impact with the at According to the findings of the commission the third officer, who was iUt'lne of the prcbahle course taken of the party cf loyal suoporters Captain Johnson of the collier; at left, Captain Kendall of the Empress. on the bridge of the Storstad failed to call Captain Anderson when a heavy by territorial Democratic leaders on rt the first provisional pres'drnt of J fog settled over the vessel. It is a'so found that the third officer appar- the subject of free sugar legislation the infant republic? Is the loader of ently changed the course of the Storstad, after the vessels lost sight of large nort'.cn were given by I McCandless to 'a of China's 400.000,000, each other. K by many SEES A GREAT CATHCART HILO FEDERAL the Star-L'ulkU- thte mornmg. termed as an "impractical J.1 Lord Mersey sat as a member of the commission, representing the Apparently entirely dreamer,' still a refugee in Japan, British admiralty. confident that with a big price set on by delc-Cateshi- his head 10CO his repeated efforts to win the p Almost persons lost their lives when the Canadian Pacific liner President Shih-Ka- i, or are destine! for success In Yun has he I went to the bottom, following the collision with the collier. The Empress J914, Mr. .Mctoutlessjteg ing .nade good his escape from Japan to BLESSING WHEN WILL HE BUILDING NOT went to the bottom in 19 fathoms of water within 30 minutes following tha into the Ihe protecting 111, campaign with, Hhe same vigor arms of the British collision, the collier striking the liner amidships, plowing her way almost and government as was reported by one undismayed teal that hate character-lze- d to the liner's screws. h'a previous fights. rf the members of the Young Chbia Among those losing their lives were a large delegation of Salvation When rarty, while in this city Inst Thurs- DEA! MOVING FAST Army workers, returning from a convention in London; Irving, the direct qutfct'on waa put day? BOOZE IS TELLS FRIENDS Laurence to him as to what $tan1i Democracy in son of Sir Henry Irving, and his wife, and Seton Karr, the total lost of Hawaii will take on sugar lcg'slation, These qust.'ons are stirring the Chi- life being close to 1C00. In nese community of Honolulu todav. y i r view of the determined free trade policy cf President Wilson ml r ajarge number being of ti.e opinion Qr Sheldon Comments on Lo- - Telegraphs Decision, Setting Contractor Defies County and raticnal adm'nistratlr n, Mr. McCand- tiiL ir. cuii nas a very receci visior In less said: at this port and some even going so cal Situation and Gives at Rest Doubts of Foundation Bedrock Proves Claim Goethals Gave His "We ba'l probably icast the Repub- far as to state positively that he was sight into Kansas Results Candidacy Very Elusive licans for not aentirr the compro a pas3cnger in the Tenyo Maru. bus-fiess- Special Slar-Bllet!- n tnlHo that was offered them ip w--lngt- .cn "Dr. Sun Yat Sen was on beard the "If the saloons and other liquor John W. Catiicart, city aDC county CortTpondrnHl Permission for Pictures year. We shall hold them Tpnyo," stated a prominent member could be eliminated in Hawaii attorney, will te a candidate for re- HILO. July 10. Charles H. Will, responsiblelt by of the Ycung party, many would be greatest blessing ever election. the sub-contract- cr in activo charge of Associated Press" by Federal Wireless. " for the ccurse taken Ch'na for it the y)tce the tariff legislation as It affects Ha years a resident of Honolulu, yester- bestowed upon the territory. ' t the Rumors that the Republican veteran the present work on the new federal SAN FRANCISCO, July 11. CharleY KT 'vaitorj of the Sunset mag-zin- e, wail." day. "I did not see him personally press, the rel'gious organizations an 1 and successful administrator of the at-th- e building, openly defied Building In- Robert G. Fowler, aviator, Ray D. Duhem, photographer, and Riley Asked for further elaboration of thii but I saw the other members of the good people of these islands would torney's office would rtilre front poH-sericus- ly spector William Vannatta Wednesday Scott author, today entered pleas of not guilty to the charge of photo- statement McCandless said: party, lnclud'ng General Wcng H'.n, get behind such a movement, tics were set at rest this morniii,- - bv nd for a short time veiled threats graphing and reproducing, without permission, pictures of Naos island, the "The compromise, I out with message as the Democrats and have every reason to trust the It could be easily carried the receipt of a wireless frou were heard of a suit by the county sentinel at the Pacific entrance to the Panama canal. , . know, was offered by Senator Shaf-rct- h veracity cf their statements to me. amaring results. I have talked with Cathcart to A. Jl, Brown, deputy city against the contractor for failure to Upon making the statement that Col. George W. Goethals had granted of Colorado. Under its terms Dr. Sun is n't in England at the pres- many cf Honolulu's leading men and and county attorney. Yesterday after-hav-e obtain a county Duilding permit It permission for the flight and photographs the were released, without the tariff on sugar would have been ent time, although I am of the opin- asked them the question, 'What noon Brown cabled to Catiicart, who is appears the trouble arose, not over bail, their case being continued for one month, j - cut to approximately Jl 7 per ton ion that he Intends seeking the protec- do ycu consider the greatest local in San Francisco asking for a definite the postoffice structure Itself but the about half of the duty then existing. tion of the British government Just as problem?' and invariably they have statement as to his intentions, two small shacks that have ben "Cut the Republicans representing soon as his work in the Un'ted States answered, "Booze." The wireless message in rcpiy said erected, on the ground for storage of Hawaii wouldn't accept the compro- Is accomplished. Dr. Charles M; Sheldon, prominent briefly: "Yes. Will run." building materials. Carranza Chosen President mise. George It Carter not only want- , "The ether members of the party, author and former minister, makes The announcement of Cathcart's ln- - The breach was temporarily ed the full duty kept on sugar but all fugitives with a big price set on the foregoing statement basing hl8 tentlons furnished the most important bridged, however, when Fujimoto, the demanded it , , y thjeirhesda. conclusions cn the experience of two political news of; the day in Q. O. P. by Convention: Villa Loses are taking the best of - Japanese engaged by Will to contract 'The Republicans would be willlne care cf Dr. Sun and are shielding him weeks spent in Hawaii. Doctor Shel- circles. For one. thing, it came as a sheds, procured' a county permit Re-- the to accept now the compromise offered den is net a temoerance lecturer; . pleasant, syrpriseto a: good many Associated Press service by Federal Wireless. as much as possible; from the pcssI " one fCYlElTify he-ha- for of .them. The cost then, they be; agitator. s publicans, doubt- - .' but can't dp it. We shall Duny- - r a reyeiatien cr bis Id entity hAltlier la an But wholiad been rather him nothing as the building was TORREON, Mex., July 11. The conciliation conferees have absolutely wndemit.',thelr.'-fallur- e to have th seen prohibition in effect In Kansas ful whether the G.