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Ulu-palaku- a Honolulu Aged Man, Said to be Demented, Slays Spouse at Suicide Juniors Not Quite Strong Rumored That Wages are Being Reduced on Enough Maxwell Makes Horrible Sight in Bedroom- - Adopted Jail Recommended and More Flogging for Still another shooting affray al- Home Run. Dauqhter Discovera Crime at Noon though, this time, no one was Degenerates Filipinos Executed. killed. It was a miracle that the On Saturday afternoon last there different and an awful woman in the case was not mur was a game of baseball played be Once more murder and suicide scene was (Special Correspondence ) was believed to be the amount less dered and, as it now stands, she is tween the 1'. A, C, Jrs., of Hono- has shocked the community, and sight met the man's eyes. The HONOLULU, 11. All-Mail- July It is said than for tho same period last year, in the hospital with a bullet wound lulu, and tho i, Jrs. The this time the tragedy occurred near body of Mrs. Brown was lying the neighborhood of Shat- well-earne- that Fort seventy thousand dollars covers tho her head had In her face. Her husband, who go ended in a d victory Ulupalakua, on Thursday last at half on the bed and ter was in every respect a newly decrease and there is no loss, report- did the shooting, attempted to for the local nine, which defeated noon. The dead are Sam Brown practically disappeared. Brains and discovered mining region with ed f tho visitors by score of 5 to 4. a in savings nd accounts. Six and his wife. The latter was shot blood were scattered over the bed, commit suicide, but was prevented a of half hundred men trying to locate months hence, this cashier remark- imme- and floor. The woman must from doing so by some friends who The sensational feature tho day dead by her husband, who walls the loot of tho Filipino murderers ed, tho difference will be greater by died instantly. seized him in time. The chief was tho homo run that Maxwell, of diately committed suicide shoot- have on Monday morning, after the pub- though it should not bo actors in the drama were a Japan- Maui, walloped out in tho third in- much. In ing. The man was over seventy Alongside the bed on the floor, lication of a report that tho men tho number of ese named Kitahama and his wife. ning of the Maui lads. Unfortun- accounts there has years of age and woman about for- was the body of Brown. He, too, had buried nineteen hundred dol- been no perceptible falling iMiey reside at Lahaina and the ately there was no one on bases at off for ty. Brown has been regarded as had made no mistake in destroying opposite where tho big lars murder was tho army officers who come here himself. Mis head wrfs olown off shooting took place on Wednesday the time that tho hit was made, half crazy for many years past. committed. In conversation with a for the first time, and the tourists, and his gore mingled with that of last. and tho fast runner could only The couple had a small farm below territorial official, assurance was all want to have .'an opon account his wife. The was like It appears that the couple had a make tho one notch for his team. the Raymond Ranch, and had an late room given that no 0111; need lose any from which they may row about something, and that the The scoring started in tho first check, and adopted daughter, aged twelve a slaughter house, and the scene sleep over the report as the men while the balances are not always sickeneA husband grabbed a revolver and inning, when tho I A. C got two years. A double barrel shot gun tliR uncle, who ran for did not, in all probability, bury the large they represont just fired at his wife. She fell to the men, Kiguora and Neves, home. so much was the instrument of death. further tsistance and to notify the money for the reason that with tho money which tho ground and he, thinking she was That looked good for the visitors banks are glad to The first news of the horrible police. amount of dead, then turned the gun on him and when, in the second, they same probability they get. Without the military the re- tragedy was given by the adopted The Sheriff was informed of the never had it. self. Some friends who witnessed scored through tho agency of Kaapa, duction in bank balances would be daughter, who, after discovering shooting and he called a coroner's Finances here are not as bad greater. the shooting, rushed at the would- - tho Maui root'is looked glum. The as far the bodies in the house, ran to a jury to investigate the tragedy. one might suppose from be suicide and took the gun from Mauians, however, bucked up in the the fact IIBDUCTIONS. relative's place. The jury returned averdict of mur- that dividends have dropped to him. third and Maxwell clouted out tho It is noted that concurrent with From the girl's story it seems der and suicide. almost nothing. One banker re- The man was brought before the home run that made I ho score the publication of the high wage that early on Thursday i..orning Brown was always considered to be marked this morning that the loss court and was committed for in stand at 3 t(. 1 . scal for laborers on Hawaii, comes her foster-fathe- r ordered her out of mentally unhinged and, some years in eommecial accounts vestigation by the grand jury on a There was no scoring by either had not the information from the house and told her to keep ago, he was examined and treated that island of charge of assault with a deadly side in the fourth or fifth bat, in totalled what was expected; whore away all the forenoon. The girl for his trouble. The day before the several Continued on page weapon, with intent to kill. the sixth the Maui lads came into hundred thousand dollars 3. went-fo- r a walk but, at noon, re- tragedy he is reported to have re- turned to the house. She saw that marked to some relatives that (Continued on page 4.) cognized to be correct by those the door was locked on the inside someone was coming to his house members who waited around for so she climbed to a window and to shoot him on Thursday. The Popular Pair Road ork half an hour or so last Thursday looked into the bedioom. The talk was thought to be one of his Kihei Wharf to begin. Business men have 110 sight that she saw terrified her, and delusions, and no notice was taken time to waste in such a fashion she ran screaming down the road of it. Are Married P rogressini and, when the meeting did come to her uncle's house. The little adopted daughter is in Soon Realdv to order, there was nothing of im- The uncle proceeded to the a very hysterical condition, and she On July 3, the weddingof Miss Out Kakipi is portance to discuss. Generally, Brown home and burst open the is being taken care of by some Carolyn K. Scholtz and George at Gulch there quite a village now-a-day- s, and when twenty or so members attend door. All was quiet in the front friends. It is considered fortunate Noa Weight, in the Wailuku Union Within five weeks from the pres- among tho camp buihiings is to bo the meetings, there are some inter- room and there was no sign of any- that the girl was not included in Church will long be remembered ent time ships' boats will be able seen a coffee shop and restaurant. esting matters brought forward by body moving. In the bedroom the i the horible affair. as one of the prettiest ever seen in to land passengers and freight at The men employed on tlo job are some one or another. Lately, the Wailuku. The church was like a the new Kihei wharf. landing, The comfortably housed and tho work is meetings have been very dull .Some had intended .. to return on the garden in its beauty. Quantities according to Howell, Hugh who going ahead rapidly. members only seem to attend when Malum Kca stopped over in order of potted plants were brought in has the work in hand, should be Solons Stir The Fast side of the gulch and there is something that they are to take in the dance. and placed so that all "wasja mass of ready for the regular traffic within vitally the bridge work is completed or interested in, coming up. Host Field was in his clement foliage and color on the pulpit the time mentioned . The sense of the meeting was and his good wife was also happy platform and about the aisles lead- The long concrete piles that have very nearly so. The present work Up Offici is that the regular monthly meeting in attending to the wants of the ing to the front part of the church. been "setting" for some weeks being done on the West side, where grade is 0110 of worst be called in August and that at guests. The decorations of the Misses Louise Hart, Belle Weight past, were raised on Thursday last, the tho that gathering the question of hotel were fine, and the electric and Irene Boyd did the work of and the first one was driven into on the whole Belt road. When this In future all the monthly reports relocation is completed, tho "around whether the monthly meetings be officials lights made the place look like preparing the church for the wed- Hie bed of the ocean. The work of the county and other road will be im- dropped or carried on, be settled. fairyland. The dunce was a fitting ding. will go ahead rapidly now and the island" much employees must be filed with the proved. County Clerk prior to the monthly wind up to the best Fourth of July The wedding party was delayed there should be no delays, says by Contractor Hugh .Howell has a session of the Board of Supervisors. ever celebrated on Maui. a little an automobile accident, Mr. Howell. few eight large force of men at work on the There has been a general laxity in but a minutes after Miss The Kihei wharf project has ounty Kakipi and other jobs He is kept in this regard and the supervisors are Mary E. Hoffmann, played Lohen- been before the public for a long busy hustling around from place to determined to stop it. grin's Wedding March. Mr. Weight time and, toward the finish, it Play Ball place on Maui, to say nothing of No salary warrant of any county and Jamee R. Love, the best man, seemed as if the matter was a joke. Good Molokai. Shape employee will be issued by the together with Rev. R. B. Dodge, However, the wharf will soon be County Auditor till the report of Tomorrow the minister of the church, entered ready now, and the passengers who said employee be filed.. TImssIioiuI, from the General Armstrong Sun- used to shy at McGregor's will be Supervisor Ilennirg has just re- men day school room, while up the cen- able to come ashore in comfort and turned from a tour of the County the solons think, make the Tomorrow afternoon the second No Interes esponsible for reports, file them ter aisle the bridal procession safety at Kihei. that is excepting Molokai. He re- series of the Maui baseball league led by ports tho work will and get ar- inarched, the flower girls, that that have on time not months in will begin, and the schedule is given rears as some are said to be. Annie and Henrietta Hart. They to bo done in tho next half year can herewith. Tho series should prove easily bo The board took up the matter of were most picturesque, and carried hown accomplished with the to bo as good as was tho first one, Breakwater opening bids for school desks and out their part very well. Miss, Leilani funds available. Mr. Henning, as and the fans are looking forward to Weight, the bridesmaid, who was chairman of the finance committee, after some discussion it was 're- "There have been many fine the renewing of the baseball season. as pretty as a picture, followed, and is in full touch with the situation, solved to accept the tender of the meetings of the Maui Chamber of Owing to tho resignation of Louis then the bride leaning on the arm Job Is Pau and he is pleased with tho way Office Supply Company, which of William Scholtz, her brother, Commerce, and much work, of Soares, of tho Stars, there may bo money been expended on vari- offered ne- gave away. has concern to provide the somewhat of a change in tho lineup who her Daniel Weight, vital importance, has been accom- brother of the groom, and Herman v ous roads and other county improve- cessary furniture for 2,704.22. tomorrow. It is not known who On July 3, the last lot of rock plished at those meetings," said Scholtz, brother of the bride, were ments. Thu'inacadainized road in-t- o of the President F. Baldwin at the will have the big mitt, but some the ushers. The double ring cere- was dumped at the extension Prank Lahaina is finished, and no fur- The job of meeting of the chamber on Thurs- one will doubtless, bo found. Tho mony was used, and the minister Kahului breakwater. ther extension will bo made for at bo read the ancient form of the mar- extending big dyke an extra day last- "But," continued the Maui Hotel rest of the team will as usual, it the least two months. The road from riage covenant, which was most e 9 is expected. eighty-fiv- feet was completed, and president, "the Inst couple'of meet Tho schedule follows impressive. Kauuakakai to Kamalq, on Molo- Superintendent W. W. Walsh rais- ings have been almost farces. The July 131:30 p. m., Kahului vs The wedding reception took kai, will soon bo finished and most flag on the head of the derrick attendance has been poor, and Fine Lahaina. 3:30 p. in., Stars vs place at the beautiful residence of ed a of the efforts of tho road builders Dance Puuncno. Mrs. A. Noa Kepoikai, an of in commemoration of the event. most of those members who did at aunt will then bo devoted to the Maka-wa- o July 20 1:30 p. in., Puuneuovs the groom, immediately after the The extension of the breakwater tend, came along some time after ceremony. The house was ex- district. On the evening of July Fourth Lahaina. 3:30 p. in Kahului vs was rendered imperative owing to the meetings had been called to quisite decorated for the occasion. Ovor at Hana Supervisor Hen- there was a fine dance at the Mmii Stars. the fact that the long ocean swells order. If meetings are called for The receiving party stood in the ning found things running along IIoel and the affair was the most July 27 -- 1;30 p. in ., vs large parlor in front of a of used to swing around the end of a certain hour the members should stars mass well. The road money is being successful ever given at the well Lanaina. 3:30' p. m Puunene vs green sprinkled with white daisies. the shorter job. It was seen that be on hand 011 time. The secretary spent wisoly and, as soon as a sur- known hostelerj. Hundreds of Kahului. Lillies, caladiums, shasta daisies, the extra eighty-fiv- e feet would do always sends out notices, and ferns bo im- guests were present and the Hono- August p. and constituted the elaborate an immense amount of good and everybody is aware that the meet- vey can made, some other 3 1:30 in., Stars vs decorations for the evening. In lulu contingent was well represent- ings 011 I provements and grading will be Puuneno. 3:30 p. in., Kahului vs the dinning joom were the presents, the work was proceeded with. should start time. think ed. The music was excellent, the Lahaina. which were numerous and of great Kahului Harbor will be a fine it might be better to call off the done. floor was perfect and refresh- the August 101:30 p.m., Kahului value. The silver and cut glass one when another spur breakwater monthly meetings and have quar- At the meeting of tho board of ments that were generously donated vs Stars. 3:30 p. Lahaina vs were in abundance. Sets of china, is constructed from the Wailuku terly ones iustned. Should there in., and unusually supervisors hold on Thursday last, by Mrs. Field, wore tho very best. I'uuneno an attractive koa side of the bay. It is mooted that be any important matters to attend hotel was tho conter of activ- suite that arrived the day after the Mr. Henning told of his trip and vThe August 171:30 p. in., Kahului wedding, were among the gifts lav such a breakwater is to be con- to, then a meeting could be called knowledge gained while on the ity on the evening of the Fourth vs Puuncne. 3:30 p. in.. Stars vs ished upon the popular young structed, and there is not much between times." tho , and many Honolulu people who Lahaina. couple. doubt that it will be so ordained. Mr. Baldwin's statement was re rounds of tho county. 2 Till MAUI NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1913.

j: - THE MAUI NEVAS J. Garcia 'rr r r t 0 Entered at the Post Office at Wailuku. Maui. Hawaii, as second-clas- s matt

Republican Paper Published in the Interest of the People Has Kick Issued Every Saturday. The Editor, 'Vnut Publishing Company, Limited. Mavi Xkws. Proprietors unci I'liullshers Sir: "timi'RiPTtoN IIatks, in Aovanck .$2.00 per Year, fl.25 Six Months Being a member of the Star Base- if J. 50 per year when not ball Team, I am anxious to set my- ahiiJoi in advance Railroad self right with your readers, and would very much like V. L , manager to refute the Stevenson Bdltorand charge made in last week's issue, or MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT rnther the infe rence that "if some SATURDAY JULY 12, 1913. of the players took as much care of themselves as Son res does they LOBBYIST? would be in better condition to play ball Sundays " I have always term lobbyist is offensive in that it implies mercenary means endeavored to take care of myself creating opinion THK and securing votes. Mr. Wilson insults for baseball games, and I feel cer business men who are in Washington to give Congress concrete tain I have taken as much or better DISTRIBUTORS information regarding I the effect of the proposed Tariff schedules upon care than Mr. Snares. I will nlso I their by mild-mannere- d businesses calling them lobbyists. This school- say that I am a "Country Player" r v master President seems be " ' to more intolerant than hardheaded politi- and even though Mr. Sua res is a cians, lie is guiltless of business connection during his lifetime, yet city player, it strikes nie as pon r hv." dictates Congress to what shall be the government's relation toward taste that he should air his troubles business. thv ' When employers and the workingiuen who know inti- through the medium of your valu- mately what the effect of his measure will be upon trade, demur, 0 their able paper. he wage-reduc- threatens to bang a higher than Unman, and he has I had decided to leave the game his spokesmen give out that if the Tariff is blamed for reduced wages some four weeks ago, but in view of he will investigate the reducers The President knows that manufac- the fact that Mr. Snares has evi- turers agricultural and interests have convinced senators that the dently endeavored to disrupt the bill V Wilson will do great damage to business, wiping out some lines Star team, I am very much tempted and depressing others. He knows that these senators would respond to remain in the game to the end of to the meritorious cases before them. He knows that, without intimi- 11 the present season, even though the dation, his Tariff bill hasn't a chance. But he has his nerve with him Stars should lose every game. I all right. He holds up the patronage and his managers throw out ink-res- have always had an t in the (Coppered Carboliiieuin) hints of unlawful inducements in order to hold the majority to the bill. Star team, having organized it is This not the way to frame or enact a Tariff bill which wiil play such thirteen years ago, iwul it does not a part in the business destimy of this country. look right to me that Mr. Sou rep who has only played one full sea GOOD WORK. son, should tit this time make an Preserved effort to break up the team. Wood to whom it is due and, without doubt, the Sheriff of Mr. CREDIT to be congratulated on the way in which he handled his When Soarea told ine that he was resigning, I thought it was his police force on July Fourth Nothing better in the way of polic- privilege, but when he thought A nut brown wood preserving stain ing could be seen anywhere. The traffic was taken care of in a manner that he should have it in that was the admiration of the Maui people and the visitors from the mentioned the to other islands. paper, and then discourage others, easily and inexpensively applied I could not agree with him. The There was not a hitch and autoists could proceed on their way around Stars are certainly sorry lose all sorts of corners feeling perfectly confident that although hundreds to new and old wood. Scares, but as Captain of the team of pedestrians and machines would be encountered, there would be no he should stay by his ship it danger as long as the police officers signalled to go ahead or to stop. until rises or sinks. I this is what Barol's great viscosity and high It was a lesson to the people of the other islands and judging from the think I will do, for the present season at way many of them spoke, before leaving for their homes, the story of least. (1.14) pen- how traffic is handled on Maui on big holidays, will be told every- specific gravity makes it Thanking you for space, where. Good work Sheriff! the J. GARCIA. etrate deep into the pores of wood, BADLY NEEDED. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT TERRITORY OF protects acids, nox-ou- s auto inspector and examiner of chauffeurs for Maui is a good HAWAII. which it from THE officer, and he does his best at all times to catch the At Chambers, In Divorce. speeders who risk their lives besides the lives of other people. MARY AMOE, Libellant, vs. YEE gases, wetting, fungus growths QUOX, Libellee. Libel for Divorce. But. without proper appliances, it is impossible for the inspector to take speed cases to court and win them. What is needed badly is a timing NOTICE. etc. etc. device such as used in Honolulu. The apparatus only costs a few dollars Territory ok Hawaii: and two stop watches, at twenty:five dollars each will also be necessary. ToYeeQuon, Libellee. You are here The chemical admixture of copper With this outfit the inspector can time the speeders, take them to court by notified that the above entitled suit, and prove his case up to the hilt. It is up to the supervisors of Maui the same being lor a divorce trom you to spend eighty or one hundred dollars, and to thus enable Officer on the grounds of desertion and a unique and exclusive feature of is now pending in the above to put an end to the dangerous speeding still goes on along Voeller that entitled Court, and that the same will be the beach road and especially near the electric power house. heard and determined on Thursday, the BarolJ greatly adds to its effective- 4:li day of September, A. I). I913, at 10 The Central Road through the Haiku pineapple homesteads is an o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as absolute necessity, and if the thoroughfare is not constructed the whole soon thereafter as may be set by the ness as a preservative. homestead project may become a failure. It is a pitiful sight watch- Judge of said Court, sitting at Chambers. Dated at Wailuku, Maui, 23, ing six mules trying to haul half a ton of pineapples to the cannery, June 1913. does not evaporate, (Seal) EDMUND H. HART, Clerk. Barol remains and, at that hauling the load about twice the distance needed. The J. W. KALUA, money is available and the road should be built at once. Attorney for Libellant. always liquid, thus always ready June 28, July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2. a letter published in another part of this issue, Mr. Garcia de- In J. I.N THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE clares that he takes care of himself and that the Morning Star base- SECOND CIRCUIT. TERRITORY OF for immediate use. ball team has never suffered from lack of attention. All we wish to say is HAWAII. that if the rest of the Stars were as good as Mr. Garcia on the ball field, At Chambers In Probate. Sold by the gallon or barrel.. prices the Wailuku representatives would be strong enough to take on any In the Matter of the Estate of ANNIE K. EMMESLY, Late of Kailua, Maka-wa- ' team in Hawaii. Maui, Deceased. on application. Order of Notice ok Petition for E. M. Watson and D. E. Metzger would make a fine running team Allowance ok Accounts, Determin- ing Trust and distributing the and the Territory would be safe in their hands. Watson as Governor, Estate. Ask for booklet covering the and Metzger as Secretary, would be the right kind of men to have in On Reading and Filing the Petition the chief offices at the Capitol building. and accounts of Antone F. Tavares, Administrator of the Estate of Annie K. subject. Etniuesly, of Kailua, Makawao, Maut, Most people are still talking about Maui's Fourth. And there is deceased, wherein petitioner asks to be allowed f 129.75 and charged with $400, every reason to do so. It was great and the clean racing, the genial and asks that the same be examined and crowd and the genuine hospitality shown by everyone, marked day approved, and that a final order be made the of Distribution of the remaining property as the best of all Island holidays. to the persons thereto entitled and dis- charging petitioner and sureties from all further responsibility herein: The movement to "see Hawaii first" means the whole group and It is Ordered, that on Monday, the 28 day ot July, A. D. 1913, at 10 o'clock Maui is right in line. This isle has attractions that cannot be found on A. M. before the Judge presiding at any of the others and the people of Honolulu should get wise to the Chambers of said Court at his Court Room in Wailuku, Maui, be and the Kahului Railroad excellent climate we enjoy. same hereby is appointed the time and Cos place tor Hearing said I'etition autl Ac counts, and that all persons interested Merchandise Department A Protective Tariff bill is the red flag to the Tear Off party bulls and may then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why the same their rage is being vented by a nearly total destruction of Protection to should not be granted, aud may present Ameiican production and its employment of millions of men and evidence as to who are entiled to the said property. And that notice of this Kahului, Maui, women. Order, be published in the Maui News. a weekly newsnaoer urinted and tmblish- - ed in said Wailuku, for three successive Wilson is a whale for school and newspapermen. weeks, the last publication to be not less teachers Professor -:- - is than two weeks previous to the time Bryan the latest "choice" for Governor of Hawaii. The Professor therein appointed for said hearing. TELEPHONE NO. 1062. adorns the position he now holds. Let it go at that Woodrow. Dated the 16th day of June, I9I3. (Sd.l S. B. KINGSBURY. Judge or the Circuit Court of the Second Think of the man who never did more busiuess than buying the Circuit. family groceries making Tariff laws for the great industries of Attest: (Sd.) EDMUND H. HART. the Clerk Circuit Courtof the Second Circuit' country! June 21, 28, July 5, i2. TIIH MAUI NKWS, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1913 3

vote for it, tliey will keep tlieir Report of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Honolulu News word nml depend upon public opi- nion to switch the democrats licfore County of Maui for the Quarter Year Ending, (Continued from 1'nRe l) three years are passed. Further lie gives it his opinion, hased on June 30th, 1913. Pun Kaupakalua a rumored reductinn, a sraling down Conversations with senators and nil along tin- - line. It is quite what remarks made hy them, there will was to le expected for Koniething he no free sugar. Conditions will RECEIPTS. must bo done to enable tin; planta- he Htich that hefore the time comes Clear, plum-holder- A Sweet Wine Made tions to pay an inter- there will he no desire for it, and Cnsh Balance, April 1st, I913. est on tlieir investments. Tt ib re- the tariff will not he taken off. It Road Tax Fund $ 2,825 60 ported, you will note, that then; is is not helieved that this statement School Fund 418 11 from Maui Grapes Game Fund 916 89 to be a reduction in agents fees or is made with a desire to boost the Improvement Tax Fund 12,507 88 There is where the commissions. market; the man is not a stock General Fund 46,066 7S 62.735 26 shoespinehes some of the companies, gambler, cares and not whether Sundry Realizations 4 8 06 and it is where a reduction will they are up or down except as they Warrants written off under Act 93 of 1913 85 50 help out materially. There is a fixed may affect his friends who may be Fines and Costs 4,10405 Ask your dealer or let us fill your order direct from belief here that the agents, or in- interested. By the way, banks are Licenses, Liquor 348 34 dividuals connected with the Agen- calling for margins again and the Licenses, General 7" 47 our Malulani Hospital cies of the sugar plantations, are few '.5255 call is U'ing nobly met, the Taxes, personal and property 64,158 heavily interested in the companies 50 sales being made to order of banks Water Rates 3,101 66 Whoksak Department, fiaiku, Maui they represent. 5ut the theory, or having the absolute sanction of the Special Game Fund 155 00 whatever it may be called, docs not owners, which was not the case in " School Fund 4,50000 " 16 always work out for, the other day, 1D0O when there was a decided scar- Improvement Tax 18,729 " Road Tax Wailuku : 9,99268 it was stated in a meeting that the ify of of money and thousands " " MakawMO president and manager of one of the 5."75 shares upon which money hail been " " Lahaimi 4,322 50 largest firms of sugar factors in the l)orrowcd, were sacrificed. There " " Haua 1,59000 attention and MAIL ORDERS handled as you islands owns but a few shares in is money enough now to go around " " Molokai 37060 119,360 67 3i want them. one of the largest companies in nearly all of the way. 182,095 93 their control, and none whatever in s tsr. NEWS. 1'iC.R.COLLINS SADDLERYCO."oo"iu another almost ns important. Also EXPENDITURES. it is said that the gentleman whose There is a rumor abroad that the Salary Supervisors 1,200 00 SADDLES, name is not used was strong in his public is to be deprived of advance HARNESS Incidentals Supervisors 977 62 he news relative to the Hilo probe. 15y COLLARS, objections to dividend paying; Support Maintenance Indigents 22 50 2,200 12 MULE and J wanted to store up the money for a advance news is meant that which Subsidies Militia and Fire Department 275 00 HORSE GOODS J rainy day which his corns told him may refer to something that may lias de was coming. But he was overruled happen. The commission HEALTH DETARTMENT. REPAIRING i and today there has come the time cided that there is a leak somewhere, DEPARTMENT, Salaries County Physicians 96000 for conservation and reduction. elseSiow could the Hilo and Hono WORK lulu Vewspapers get so much good Salaries Health Inspectors 615 00 One of the gentleman returning Salary District Nurse 300 00 copyA Come to think of it there GUARANTEED. from the probe in Washington re- County Farm and Sanitarium 2,057 46 been case the marked the other day that half or has never a where Malulani Hospital 2,081 58 6,014 04 public a.s been taken so much into Automobile Trimmings. more of all the senators are with the confidence of a committee bent COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. ' I'antasote for Auto Tops, I Hawaii and the sugar producing Curtain Fasteners, Trans- - on finding out just how something light against the tariff -. parent states in their Salary of County Clerk 450 00 Celluloid for Curtain to happened and bow much it happen Lights. Wind but, having pledged themselves Deputy Clerk and 2 Assistants.. 750 00 t Shield Glass, ed. The Hilo populace will find J; Incidentals County Clerk 1 96 Leather Goods, Ktc. itself on short commons in a news Furniture Office Supplies 224 16 FREIGHT PREPAID ON ALL GOODS ORDERED FROM US. C. Toss, pr.. way if this supply is to be shut off. Telephones and Wireless 55 50 James There is a bunch going about that Bonds County Officers 5500 & Surveyor. Civil Engineer the leak will still allow the news to Rents 82042 percolate through. Printing and Advertising ,3945 4.55 09 Office Market & Main St. Wailuku -: -: Maui EXECUTED FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING. H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. Without further ado the Filipino Salary Auditor 525 00 bunch passed out in something Salary Deputy Auditor 330 00 Co. slower than record time but with Incidentals Auditor 328 25 Honolulu JMusic quickness and dispatch never-th- e- Salary Treasurer 525 00 less. It is thought by the officials Salary Deputy Treasurer 330 00 Incidentals Treasurer 61 55 Insurance W. Bergstrom, Manager. lesson of today will be Jas. that the Expenses Liquor Commission. 353 5 2,458 30 88 King Street, Honolulu. beneficial to some of the other Fili- - pinoes who may be inclined to get LAW AND COURTS. Latest Hawaiian Records. noisy. But banging has been in Agency Victor and Columbia Talking the murder game for more years Salary County Attorney 600 00 Machines, Primatone and than can be spoken off hand, and Salary Deputy County Attorney f. 450 00 Salaries 2 Assistants 420 00 Now yet the murders continue at irregu with the Autopiano Players, Knabe Incidentals County Attorney, , 283 50 Pianos. Latest Popular Music, lar intervals, just the same. Salaries District Magistrates 1,470 00 etc. WHITE 6LAVERY. Incidentals District Courts 37 25 Court National Salary Clerk Circuit 45 00 First Bank It is like white slavery; arrest Clerk and Stenographer Circuit Court.. 450 00 H. Cvishnian Carter of Harry Armttage. send to jail for a Expenses Circuit Court 754 85 Wailuku baniuel a. wamcr. men and them short term, if you will, but the Library Circuit Court 2,50000 Expense Witnesses Circuit Court 155 8 slavery business will go on just the Harry Armitage & Co., Expense Juvenile Court 58 00 7,629 40 The only fully equipped agency on Maui. Patronize your home same and the chances are even that " TUf rTT? r agency. those same men will get back into POLICE DEPARTMENT. Stock, and Bonds the trade when their time expires. There seems to be one form of pun Salary Sheriff 600 00 MemberbrokersHonolulu Stock and Bond for class of Salary Deputy Sheriffs 1,35000 ishment cattle. Exchange. that' England adopted the whipping post Salary Sheriff's Clerk 270 00 P. O. Box 683. Telephone aiol. Salary Prison Guards 720 00 Cable and Wireless Address: and within twenty four hours the 6,497 'Armitage." Pay of Police 20 channels boats bad their quota of Examiner Chauffeurs 270 00 passengers for France, where the Coroner's Inquest 17400 ISLAND NO. 9239. A. 0. F. COURT VALLEY 41)0 idea of punishment for inacqiu s Detective Funds 75 Incidentals Sheriff 1.36027 Regular meetings held at "Castle had not penetrated the skulls of the Support Maintenance Prisoners 2.15691 3.7y9 13 Hall," Wailuku, on First and mini officials and probably never will. Thursdays of each month. Visiting Adopt the post for miicqucs and PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Brothers cordially invited. wife beaters and there would 1 JOHN. E. GARCIA, C. R. Overseers 1 ,760 J. S. MKlEIROS, F. S. fewer divorces on the ground of Salaries District 00 cruelty, and very few cases of as- County Buildings 1.309 38 County Parks 495 7 LODGE MAU 1, No. 984. A. F. & A. M sault to bother the magistrates. T Stock and Machinery 9.477 25 L.QO Automobile Painter. The sentimental folk protested on Street Lights 1,56882 JOCK Opposite Old Wailuku Depot, Wailuku, Maui. on the ground that the post would Expense Fire Department 2 50 be the cause of the men losing their Waterworks Wailuku 590 06 manhood. What do you think of " Makawao 1 ,408 63 " Lahaiua 975 89 will that? Such people were without Stated meewins be held at Roads and Bridges Wailuku... 9.374 w when started into Mas:nic Hall, Kahului, on the first manhood they " Makawao. 9.463 55 Saturday night of each month at 7.3fJ whip women or put them into lives " Lahaiua .. 8,791 26 P. M. of shame. " Haua 4,630 79 VlHitintr brethren arc eordiall.y in ' Molokai... 56 watkon 3.4o2 53.250 53 Budweiser viled to attend. Expense Importing Game. 50 10 V. V. Wr.SCOATT. R. V. M. Again it begins to look like Wat Public Schools Wailuku ... 302 23 King of II. K. DUNCAN, son but you will note that it is " Makawao... 357 ' The Bottled Beers . Secretary likely Governor Prear will remain in Lahaiua. 47 2 2S Made of the choicest materials obtainable: Barley-Mal- t, office until September first, as the Haua 369 Molokai. 22 lo 1,097 61 ALOHA LODGE NO. it KNIGHTS Nkws published months ago. Also from sound, thoroughly ripened grain. Hops OH PYTHIAS. it picked Watson for a winner. Since Total Exenditures., 9i.325 62 of the finest quality and Yeast of special culture. democratic pary his return the CASH BALANCES. seems to have become somewhat A Beer of Exquisite Taste and Finest Flavor disorganized, and team work has Road Tax Fund 23,41)5 84 2,820 been supplanted by pretty jealousy School Fund 20 Game Fund 1021 79 Regular meetings will be held at the struggle for jobs. Only the in the Improvement Tax Fund 5.654 83 Knights of Pythias Hull, Wailuku, on the other day the mouthpiece of Link General Fund 57.867 65 9.77 3' second and fourth Saturdays of each became involved in a brawl with a H. Hackfeld & Co. mouth. 93 race track, and it is AH visiting members are cordially in citizen at the vited to attend said the politics of the party being Wholesale Distributors. CHAS. WILCOX, W. A. SPARKS, C. C. out of joint had something to do Auditor of the County of Maui. A .MARTINSEN, K. R. & S with it. 4 TIIR MAUI NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1913.

much attention. He will son give i.l Olid Irint t.r.t I. a i.nnmliil f. ... again in Honolulu, in the Opera ro.-ul- s in tliis tract. Will Assist Base Bail At llie same lime nntl pluce, the fol- House, the same exhibit he is to lowing resilience lots will lie offered for give on Maui next Thursday. Later ("Continued from page 1) sale; situate Ht Waiohuli-Keok- t , Kula, Fresh Haas' Candy Library Ass'n he goes to Kauai and to Hawaii for Maui: the same purpose. their own and scored three runs. Lot Area Appraised BY PARCELS POST. The slides will be shown next That put the Maui team one run No. V'cres) Value. Some grout pleasure is in store for Thursday evening in the Kahului ahead and the local fans rooted for 73, Sec- - l J.oo $ 60.00 Half pound boxes delivered to any Post Office on Mnui... $ .40 Sec- - 2 nil lover of benuti-- 73, 1.93 40.00 v Hawaii and Inr f Lyceum, at eight o'clock, and the all they were worth. One nl scenery. It. J. ISnker, tlio well Terms, Cash. ' " " charge for admission will he fifty However, the P. A. C. outfit were Purchaser to pay cost of stamp. Two " known lias made cents. not to be denied and they evened For maps and further information, ap- ariiiiieiiient through the gene- The benefit is for the Maui Li- up the tally in the seventh, when ply at the office of W. O. Aiken, Sub candy Is taken from cold storage rosity of II. 15 Weller, the manager Agent, Makawao, Maui, or office This brary Association, which is now they made one run through the ef- at the closes, and comes of tht! Kahului Lyceum, to give in of the Commissioner of Public Lands, Just before the mail paying tl.e freight on all the hooks forts of Figuera. Then the fans got in the popular show house, an exhibi- Honolulu. to you first class condition. from the Honolulu Library to va- excited and the noise was like that at JOSHUA D. TUCKER, of tion the pictures, which he has rious parts of Maui, so that in con- a big game in Honolulu. The visitors Commissioner of Public Lands. made during the few last years. nection with the private circulation failed to score in the first half of the Dated at Honolulu, May 16, 1913. The slides that will he used number of the Maui Library Association, eighth, and then Ah Liy did the May 21, 31, June 7, 14, 21, 28, July 26. some two hundred in all, and have the free books from the Library of trick for Maui. The P. A. C. fell 5, 12, 19, BensonSmith&Co.' I ice n made with the care that Mr. Hawaii, may be readily accessible down again in the first half of the WANTED POIIAS. I'.aker shows in all his work Many to all Maui people. Vhis is an en- ninth and there was no further SOLE AGENTS.' of.thcni have licen colored under his tirely new departure for both the need of the Mania ns to go to bat. We will pay Ten runts a Quart direction. These are - - - HONOLULU exceptionally Library of Hawaii and for the Maui The game ended in a win for the for Points. At the Wharf in Hono- BOX 426 artistic, Library Association. The obje ct of home team by a score of 5 to 4. The lulu. The pictures will show Hawaii in the exhibit by Mr. linker is to help score of the game follows: Honou i.v Jam it Ciu:tnky Faciouy all its lieautiful scenery. Mr. linker along the splendid scheme inaugu- Lrn. is also making arrangement for P. A. ('., Jus. rated by the Administration Com- music that evening and to illustrate All U HP A E I THE HENRY WATERIIOUSE TRUST CO. Ltd I mittee of the Maui Library. In con- ISOriCE TO CliLOITORS. the songs by means of the pictures. Figuera, 2b 4 2 2 4 2 2 nection with the sending of the The popular "Old will Perry, ef 4 0 1 3 0 2 In the Matter of the Kstate of Plantation" books from Honolulu ami the local BUYS AND SKLLS REAL ESTATE, STOCK A UONns lie sung and some twenty pictures Neves, .lb r 1 2 0 0 0 JOHN IIOOMALU, Deceased. Library books about Maui, there are will illustrate this striking Hawai- Mara, lb 4 0 1 13 0 0 Notice is hereby given to all WRITES FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE some hea vy expenses. 'I hese arc to ian melody. Mendonca, If 3 0 0 0 0 2 persons having, or claiming to have be met by the proceeds of next NEGOTIATES LOANS AND MOKTO AfiKS Mr. linker has taken pauicular Domingo, p 3 0 1 0 5 0 claims against the estate of John Thursday evening. The hoys and pains with the picturesque Olokele Victor, c ' 4 0 0 2 0 0 Hoonialu, deceased, who died at SECURES INVESMENTS v girls who sell the tickets aie to be and Waimea Canyons ;if Kauui. l)e Ponte, ss .... 4 0 0 2 7 0 Paia, Maui, Territory of Hawaii given n year's membership in the A List of High Grade Securities mailed on application Most people have not. visited these Kan pa, if 4 1 3 0 0 0 011 May 3rd., 1913, to present their Maui Library free of charge. They claims, duly authenticated and spots of tare heauty, and will hard- 1 (j CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED will have access to the juvenile de- 35 4 10 2 14 ly believe the camera when they see with proper vouchers if any exist, partment, which at present is well ALL-MAU- I, Jhs. what linker throws on the screen. even if the claim is secured bv HONOLULU. HAWAII i". u. Mux .i4t m started. The oilicers of the Library All It II P A E mortgage upon real estate, to D. Other places of interest on Kauai, expect to increase this department Maxwell, 21) 5 5 1 C. Lindsay, Administrator of th ami the Island of Xiihau will also by the addition of many new books 113 be shown. Title slides will be Used, in the near future, and also by the Viela, 3b 4 0 1110 said Kstate at his place of business so there will Ik; no lecture, hut only securing of a large number of books Cockett, ss 4 I 2 1 1 0 at the Baldwin National Bank of Sfime &ableJCahului Slailroad Co. from the Library of Hawaii. 1 music in connection with the even- Do Pego, c 4 0 9 2 0 Kahului, Maui, T. II. within six From the start of the new Maui Daily Passenger Train Schedule (Except Sunday) ing's entertainment. Kala. p 4 months. from the date of first publi Library, it has been the earnest 11110 effect July 11)13 Kila, 4 1 1 10 0 0 cation of this notice, or within The following schedule will go into 1st, Oahu, Liinni and Molo'cai will hope of tin- - Administration Com- lb 'six also be fully illustrated. Those who mittee and the Library Committee Ah Loy, cf 4 1 2 0 0 0 months from the day they fall clue, HAIKU have seen linker's Lanai pictures that all the money from the dues of Uodrigues, rf 4 0 2 0 0 0 or they will be forever barfed. TOWARDS WAILU'U TOWARDS members should go ward pur- 1 1 speak in glowing terms of his work t the Tallant, If 4 0 2 0 Date of first publication June 14, chase of new hooks. If the tickets 1913. on island. that are well sold for next Thursday 512 27 10 2 D. C. LINDSAY 10 The M aui Ditch, Uale-aknl- a, Lahaina, evening, this hope will be reaiized. SUMMARY. Administrator of the Kstate of All known STATIONS Miles Kilauea, the Hamakna coast, who have the work of John Hoonialu, deceased. Mill Home Runs Maxwell. Three P M A M A M and other interesting places vill the Library for the last year and a be Two base June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12. half have appreciated it, and will base hits Kaapa. hits 1 8 5 15-- 6 38 shown during the evening. 5 33 3 30 25 42 6 A..Vatluku..L 4o8 50 303 35 5 1 8 6 16 48 help to make the exhibit of Mr. Dorego. Stolen bases Cockett, 5 23 3 20 5 3o 25 L.. -- A 50 9 00 403 45 5 Mr. llaker gave one exhibition .in 3-- Baker's next Thursday evening a 2. Double plays Figuera to Mara. BY AUTHORITY. 12.0 Kahului.. 6 1 Honolulu last year that attracted great success. 5 2 3 17 8 27 L. 52 42 3 47 Struck out Uv Domingo, 2; Kala, 8 02 1 THE GOVERNMENT MARKET 5 10 3 07 17 L" - "A 7 52 3 57 6. First base on bf.lls Off Kala, 3. 8.4 Spreck- 6.9 ING DIVISION AT HONOLULU elsville "j 1 Hit by pitched ball Domingo. 5 "9 3 5 j' 7 03 S3 3 58 HAVING BEEN ABOLISHED BY 5 00 2 55 805; 5-- L 9-- 7 15 2 05 4 10 Score by innings: ACT FOF THE LEGISLATURE 4 581 JL 4 12 3 1 5 0 7 8 9 AFTER JUNE 1913. 2 53 is 03 7 17 2 07 12 30, THIS L" "A 2 4 52 2 47 7 57 - 7 24 144 19 1 1 Hama- P. A.C Jrs.2 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT CAIN RECEIVE NO 3-- "kuapoko 04 "9 2 20 11. II 4 2 0 1 0 1 1 .0 110 CONSIGNMENTS OF PRODUCE 4 5i 2 46 7 56 7 25 154 2 L -- A 7 33 2 23 4 28 Maui J 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 5 FROM FARMERS AFTER THAT 4 45 40 7 50 Educator is... 1.4 Pauwela .. 13-- 13. II 0 13 0 13 13 12 DATE. 4 441 2 39 7 49 ..L 7 35 2 25 4 30 o ..A 2 35 .VICTOR S. CLARK, 4 Ao 2 35 7 45 L.. Haiku is 37 40 3 4 $4.00 NOTICE. COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRA- shoe TION, LABOR AND PUUNENE DIVISION List of Unclaimed Freight to be Sold tit Public Auction Accord- TOWARDS PUUNENE TOWARDS KAHULUI ing to Law. FOR SALE.

Sale to he held at Kahului Railroad For Sale on Julv 2ist. 1913, at noon at A Home for the Feet not a Prison. Co's Foreign Freight Warehouse at 9 a. the office of K. R. HKVIXS. I Iron Safe. K . f..- ni. August 4', 1913. It...,i - ..n a.... i: :.. iww.il tin tilt ii, v ii nr. til III' liecilt 111 I Office Desk. From the Portland Seed Company, D. I Revolving Chair. their nal ural positions. . : : Seattle Washington, consigned to Order Yi Doz. Ord. Chairs. Miles STATIONS Miles notify K. Ml'RAOKA, Kahului. P M I Type Writer. I box Iiee Supplies. I Type Writer Desk. 2 50 6 00 0 L..Kahului..A 2 56 223 15 1 Crate Honey Hoards. I Large Hook-cas- e. I Crate Honey Frames. 3 000 id 2 5 A..Puunene..L ojo I2J3 05 I Small Hook case. SHOE-COMPANY- 5 Crates llee Hive Lumber. MANUFACTURER'S , 1 Set Bedroom furniture. x Ltd. Frojii the Evansville Trunk Company, 1. All daily except Sundays. I Path enamel trains Tub. - Sun- l consigned to Iialdwin National liank, 2. A Special Train (LiiIhu- Train) will leave Wailuku daily, except lo.-)- I'Or.T STRKKT, : : HONOLULU I Set Encyclopidia of Law. for KOZUKI. days, 5:30 a. 111., urriviirg at Kahului at 5:50 a. 111., and connect- I Set Kncyclopidia Pleading and at trunks. 15 111. for I'uuiieiio. 4 Practise some Hawaiian Repoits. ing with the 6: a. train W.M. WALSH, : Imgguge will he I Table. 3. li AGO AGE RATES 150 pounds of personal Superintendent of the Kahului Railroad 75 pounds on I Set World's Famous Orations and a carried free of charge on each whole ticket, and Company. same lot of Text Books Dic'.ionaries Novels each half ticket, when baggage is in charge of and on the Baseball Players Attention! July 12, 26. 5, 19, etc., etc, train as the holder of the ticket. For excess baggage- 25 cents per A. V. TA VARUS. 100 pounds or part thereof will be charged. Administrator of theKstateof J. M. Vivas For Ticket Fares and other information see 'Local Passenger Tariff I. C. Official BY AUTHORITY. of Depots. The Baseball June 2S, July, 5, 12. C. No. 8, or inquire at any the . . Notice of Sjilc of Residence Lot. SEALED TENDERS. The following residence lots situate at Notice is hereby given that sealed ten Olinda, Makawao. Maui, will be offe red ders will be received at the office of the (or sale at public auction at the follow- County Clerk of the County of Maui, up ing upset price at the front door to the to 3:00 P. M. Wednesday, July 9, 1913 Court House, Makawno, Maui, a! 12 for the following: Single 6 o'clock noon, Saturday, July 26, 1913: 344 school desks No. and 39 Terms of Sale Cash. rears 3cE5E2E2Effi3 No person will be a lowed ta purchase 212 Single school desks No. 5 and 25 We Sell These. more than one lot. Purchaser to pay rears. You want Are you cost of stamp. 166 Single school desks No. 4 and 22 the best. rears. for it this season? Lot Area Appraised We r prepared never to nu roar 10 oingie scnooi o. Jtpoth" No. (Acres) Value. desks 3 ami 9 wuatt in veiiioiti. and barnett. There rears, to be 1". 1 ,T".-- ine superior to what we are ihowing. in taste, delivered not later than the a hnneety in 6 2.69 ptyle J service. Absolute make 1 ico.uo 15th day of September, 1913, 1'. ( ). II aju mm 'ui. You will aire .'tea we tell you 7 100.00 Kahului Wharf. THE FAMOUS 8 2.SS irS iuo.00 No tenders will be entertained unless CORK 9 Iuo.00 accompanied by a certified check for a' Studebaker Line io 2.89 100.00 sum equal to 5 of the said tenders WE CARRY. 2 It 49 luo 00 made payable to the order of Samuel E. No master what yon want U it't a hameet r '2 too.oo oOMibinc tuat rune on wheels, we'vsj Kalauia, Chairman and Executive Officer (at it or wiii quietly get it. 3 2.93 100.00 Spalding Cork Centre Ball of the Hoard of Supervisors. Cam loaodfiforewUhtM. E iseibody taam 14 3.00 100.00 The Hoard of th pUo Send for complete catalogue of Spalding Goods. Supervisors reserves the '5 2.70 100.00 right to reject any and all bids. 16 DAN T. CAREY 2.42 100.00 By Order of the Hoard of Supervisors, '7- - 3- - ' I00.00 within and for the County of Maui. WAILUKA. MAUI. T. M. E. O. HALL & 18 2.33 :. 100.00 SON, Ltd. Wm. FRKI) KaAE, P. S. The Btadabaker Bsaeplat cm 3- HONOLULU 19 IOO.OO County Clerk. 1 tu guarantee. IVon'l large tola. The proceeds from the sale of the lots June 28, July 4. THK MAUI NKWS, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1913.

care of Mrs W. F. McConkey and arc especially grateful for the widen- Aloha Rev. R. B. Dodge gave an Much Doing Mrs. Bowdish arc Iois Murdoch, ing of the curves in vicinity of interesting account of the Hawaiian MATSON NAVIGATION CO, Dorothy, Bessie and Ruth Lindsay Kaluanui, and just above the Paia Evangelical Association Convention Virginia McConkey, Winifred church. in Honolulu. He stated that the Weddiek, Martha Aiken and 26S market Street, San Traneisco, California. in Country others. W. J. Forlies of Honolulu made convention will be held in Wailuku Some Kamchameha teachers are a flying trip to Maui this week per next year, and he asked for the spending the month at "Idlewilde." Claudine for the purpose of bring- hearty cooperation of Maui (Special Correspondence.) churches. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Livingstone ing his two children to Puuomalie MAKAWAO, July 0. On t lie of Honolulu together with their for a vacation visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. MacDonald 4tli, a picnic wan given nt "Sunny-side,- " children are at the Castle place on Miss Dorothy Guild who has been will visit friends on the large island. Pain, under the auspices of San Francisco Puget Sound Haleakala. visiting friends at Paia fo"r several Mrs. J. E. Gannon will sojourn the Ladies' Aid Society of the Ma- weeks past returned to Honolulu for several weeks in Honolulu and kawao Union Cliurch. It was large- Bertram Aiken recently took by the Claudine of July 0th. Kaii. ly attended. Many of the new some of his Punahou schoolmates No. 2 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 1913 settlers of the Haiku pineapple (James Hind, Kenneth Bond, Ern- P. F. PECK DF.AD. Mrs. John Little will take a trip lands U'ing present. There were est Baldwin, Gordon and Donald Monday evening, the 7th, P. F. to the mainland. 91 Brown) around East Maui via the races and games of all sorts, and a Peck, Superintendent of the Kalua- Mr. George S. Raymond, having crater. They returned from their PUGET SOUND Hnwellen Inlands Arrive VfiVQBft most bountiful and delicious lunch nui section of the M. A. Co 's been promoted by the BoardYof Steamer Arrive Leave Arrive Leve 8. P. UJIB trip on July 2nd. served within the Seminary plantation, died of Bright's disease Education, has removed to Hono- grounds.' Kenneth Emory of Honolulu is after an illness of several months. lulu. Wilbelmiiia... Apr. 9 Apr. 15 Apr. a3 Apr. 29 42 POLO. the guest of Jartd Baldwin at He was about 5S years of age and Honolulan.... Apt. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 7 28 Miss Roberta S. Caldwell is stay- "Hilonian Apr. 24 Apr. 27 May 3 May 12 May 21 May 29 69 At 9:30 a. m., a polo game was Olinda. The latter recently re- came to Maui from the coast about ing with friends in Honolulu. Enterprise... Apr. 26 May 4 May 14 May 24 103 le centre of interest. for the from twelve years ago. a turned, vacation the Lurline Apr. 29 May 6 May 13 May 21 58 line-u- p V. The which .varied during HitVhcoek Military School at San The funeral ceremony took place Mr. and Mrs. C. Schoenberg VMlheluiiiia... May 7 May 13 May 21 May 27 43 the different periods of play, was Rafael. at the Makawao Catholic Church, are enjoying a six weeks' vacation. IIoMolulan.... May 13 May 20 May 27 June 4 29 something us follows: Greens F. the afternoon of the 8th. Besides Meanwhile Mr. C. D. Lufkin has Ilyailes May 15 May 18 May 24 June 3 June 11 June 21 36 Dewitt Alexander of Honolulu is I.tirline May 27 3 10 18 F. Baldwin, A. V. Collins, J. 1. his widow, to whom he was married charge of the Lahaina Bank. June June June 59 visiting Ilollis Hardy at Makawao. Enterprise... May 31 June 8 June 18 June 28 104 Thompson, C. Uurns George about two years ago, he leaves two and Judge and Mrs. S. B. Kingsbury. Willielmina .. June 4 June 10 June IS June 24 44 CATTLE OKIVB. Steele. Whites Boh Shingle, Ar- grown-u- p children, by a former are entertained at Mr. Lufkin's Hilonian June 5 June 8 June 14 June 23 July 3 July 10 70 thur llice, D. T. Fleming, II. A. This week Haleakala Ranch is marpiage, Miss Rose Peck, a teacher seaside cottage. Honotulan.... June 10 June 17 June 24 July 2 30 Baldwin and Harold llice. having the big cattle-driv- e of the in Honolulu, and Ed. Peck, head I.urline June 24 July 1 July 8 July 16 60 Miss Lucy Adams is in Honolulu. Hyades June 26 June 29 July 5 July 15 July 23 Aug. 2 37 The game which was hotly con- year. It will be finished on Friday. lunaof Olaa plantation. Willielmina .. July 2 July 8 July 16 July 22 45 tested, 6 goals A motor 'bus is now carrying resulted in all, so an y ' lvntt-rpris- The fruit-fl- invaded Kaupaka-lu- a July 5 July '3 July 23 Aug. 2 105 the mail and passengers between extra period was necessary to decide for the first time this year, Honolulan.... July 9 July 16 July 22 July 30 31 Lahaina and Wailuku Tnis is a 26 21 matters. destroying the peach crop. It is to Hilonian July 17 July 20 July Aug. 4 Aug. 13 Aug. 71 great improvement. Lurline July 22 July 29 Aug. 5 Aug. 13 fi The Maui club has regular weekly be hoked grapes are immune Lahaina Lines that Willielmina.. July Aug. Aug. 13 Aug. 19 46 practice games preparatory to the A Japanese was slightly 30 5 from tile pest, otherwise the winery woin.ii; Honolulan... Aug. 5 Aug. 12 Aug 19 Aug. 27 32 inter-islan- d tournament to take will he Vriously injured as an en- wounded by a pistol shot on Mon- Hyades Aug. 7 Aug. 10 Aug. 16 Aug. 26 Sept. 3 Sept. 13 38 The Likolehua Club of Honolulu place in Honolulu in about two terprise. day night. Enterprise.. Aug. 9 Aug. 17 Aug. 27 Sept. 6 I06 months. gave a concert at the Parish Hall Lurline Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 10 62 X The tkawao Orpheum at the July Wilhelmina.. Aug. 27 Sept. 2 Sept. 10 Sept. 16 VACATION NOTfcS. on 3rd. FOR SALE. 47. Tarn Sing corner in Makawao has Hilonian.... Aug. 28 Aug. 31 Sept. 6 Sept. 15 Sept. 24 Oct. 2 72 On the 7th, a party of boys under been recently completed. Joe Leal On July Fourth the courthouse, the charge of liev. A. C Bowdish the Pioneer Hotel the plantation One riding horse. One Mare for sad-dl- e of Wailuku will exhibit moving or carriage Apply to MISS CROOK, went into camp at Brewer's, Maka-wa- o, office, and other buildings were pictures in it beginning with the Makawao. PORTS OF CALL. and will "rough it" for a lGth. appropriately decorated; also the week. In the party are Bobbie automobiles. s. s. WILHELMINA To Honolulu and Hilo. A. family Murdoch, John Ross McConkey, Hon. F. Tavares and MAUI STABLES 8. S. LUIILINE To Honolulu and Kahului. their Kamaole for A number of tennis games were WAILUKU - THONE - 57 Teddy Hair, James Nicoll Scott are at ranch the S. S. HONOLULAN To Honolulu and Kahului. played on the Fourth, at the Club S. S. ENTERPRISE To Hilo direct. Nicoll summer. and S. Boyum. Drays, Wagons, Huggies, I To ROADS House Court. Express etc.; HILONIAN Honolulu, Port Allen, Kahului, On the same day a girls' camp Harness and Saddle Horses; HYADES J Kaanapali and Hilo. At Episcopal Church was set up on the Mrs. II. G. The Makawao roads are in fine the the Cadillac, TONY ABREU. Chauffeur; Indicates that steamer carries combustibles and freightonly (no Alexander premises, Makawao, and condition due in a great measure electric lights were burning for the also Buick Truck, for hire Day and passengers.) will for two weaks. to the personal attention of Chair- first time last Sunday evening. Night. Special rates for large parties. continue We guarantee to make all steamer and Among the girls who are under the man S. E. Kahuna. Auto owners On Sunday afternoon at Hale train connections. Subject to Change

1 Something New ILU 5 RADIUM SPRAY RADIUM RAY Radium Spray is a liquid cleaner and polisher, a dust layer, disinfectant, deodorizer The Great Cleaner and a sure death to vermin, such as moths, bedbugs, fleas roaches, etc. A LABOR Radium Spray is the finest article on the market for lay- A TIME SAVER ing dust in cleaning or sweep- ing floors, cleaning and pol- A MONEY ishing wood furniture, paint- ed walls, polished marble or tiles, brass, nickel or metal Radium Spray will not injure the finest fabrics; work, cutlery, carpets, rugs, kills anything that has no lungs, yet leather goods, mattresses; for cleaning the metal parts and you can drink it. body of automobiles Radium Spray has no equal. No Acids No Poisons 3E 11 The Peoples' Store, Ltd. THE MAUI NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1913.

great impression upon all those glad to hear of his promotion to "Peanuts," n Honolulu character, was present. the position vacated by Inspector fined $25 at the police court for the THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAILUKU. larceny of a suit case. He said that he Birthday Another interesting meeting was Gibson when he became Superin- needed the money to go bail; to Hono- C. H. COOKE, president R. A. WADSWORTH, nt tho tinging contest that was inaug- tendent of the department. lulu. Chief McDuflie will! be glad to D. H. CASE. 2ND LUFKIN, CASHIER a MANAGER urated by the Rev. Frank S. Seud-de- r. Mr. Case is well known 011 Maui hear lad is in CD. that the the laud of the JOAQUIN GARCIA, assistant cashier Party at lao This took place on Tuesday and lie has always been looked up- living. o? Condition 30, 1013 night and the Church was packed on as a first-clas- s man. Before M, H. Newman will arrive on Maui Sttitement June with interested spectators. The coming-- to Maui he was located on tonight bringing with him some excel- Resources Liabilities There wis a grout children's event lent pictures, which Maui delegation did well, but Ha Hawaii where he bears an equally have been exhibited Loans & Discounts $230,335 16 t'apital Stock $ 35, tt Kupaniwni on Wednesday last, in Honolulu during the past week. The United States Bonds Surplus & rrofits 44,95869 waii led in all points of excellence. good 25,000 00 when the eleventh birthday of Mas- name. first of these pictures will be shown at Other Bonds 81,60223 Due to Other Banks 4,589 09 is hoped ter Herbert C. Field was celebrated. It that next year Maui Herbert A. Wade is a compara- the Wailuku Orpheum Tuesday eveuing Cash & Due from Banks 89,388 M Circulation 24,997 5 Over forty children from Wailuku may take tho banner tively new man in the islands but, next. Real Estate Owned 1,00000 Dividends Unpaid 2,100 00 Banking House and Deposits 25 and Kahtilui were invited guests, Tho delegates voted unanimously right from the start, he made good The infant son of Wren Wescoatt, of Fixtures.. 5,300 00 3iJ3 Puuueue, met with a very severe accid- Five Percent Fund 1,25000 games of all to have the next session at the in the education department. He and sorts kept them ent last Tuetday. The little fellow fell in Wailuku, taught for over one year the S433.875 53 WifllS 53 happy all the nnrnintf. At noon at into a tub of boiling water aud was following the youngsters sat down to a real and the committees were Wailuku school and has now been scalded on the lower part of the body. outdoor picnic, which they enjoyed ippointed by the moderator: En given his first position as principal. The child is getting on as well as can be to tin limit. tertainment Committee Rev. L. B. There is every indication that Mr. expected. Kaumeheiwa, chairman, Hon. J. Wade will reach much higher pos- The house ofaMiss 15. Borba wasentered Tlio kids were taken back and Kalua, Frank F. Baldwin, H. itions in the service. ou Wednesday last, and a necklace and forth in the cars of Mrs. II. B. l'en-hullo- a A. Baldwin, Mrs. Joseph Welsh broach were stoleu. A boy, thirteen Mrs. W. S. Searby, Mrs. years of age, has been arrested and and Wm. Kukona. Rev R. B. Wadsworth and Mrs. Field. There charged with the offense. Aa he is a Dodge was appointed treasurer. was nothing to mar the day, and $ juvenile, he will probably be sent to the Tho Program Committee is as fol- - Xocals Reform School, the tired but happy bunch arrived ows: Rov. II. B. Dodge, chairman, home in the afternoon. A. H. Ford has written the Maui V. II. Rice of Kauai, Rev. Akaiko Miss Carrie Dunn, of I.ahaina, has Chamber of Commerce asking that body two o'clock a fine entertain- At Akana of Oahu, Rev. A. C Bow- - been spending n few days in Wailuku. to provide some articles on Maui. The ment was given by the youngsters, scheme is to print the stories iu the Mid-Pacif- dish of Makawao and Hon. J. W. L. Weiuzheimer has been appointed magazine. The chamber went on and the program was as follows; L. liquor commissioner, vice J. N. S. Wil- Kalua of Wailuku. Rev. B. record as not feeling inclined to take liams, resigned. l'l'ojii'nmme. Kaumeheiwa was elected moderator, action iu the matter. 1913 It is expectad that the instruments for Rev. H. Kapu and At the recent meetingsof the Hawaiian This wonderful car at so low a price has now arrived Piano Solo Nnomi Robinson the Paia band will arrive within a short 1. D Kellett, scribe. Evangelical Association held in Hono- on Maui. ( time from now. See - expert auto- Muriel Duncan Tho session will be held in July lulu at the Kawaiahao Church, two men C. J. SCHOENING & CO.- 2. Duet Vocal Attorney Murphy went down to Hono- mobile repairers, for Catalogs and other details. Mrargaret Rourtgues probably, and special plans will be from Maui were elected to membership lulu to enter a writ of error in the case in the Hawaiian Board of Missions: Rev. WAILUKU, MAUI. Speech Grncie largo 3. Schrailer soon made for entertaining the of Ting vs. Born. Collins G. Burnham, of Lahaina, aud .4. Piano Solo Aileen Walsh number of delegates is expect that A Filipino who was convicted of gross Rev. R. B. Dodge of Wailuku. Song Alma Robinson ed. 5. It is ten years since the annual cheat got three mouths jail at the police Dan Carey did some flue driving on 6. Dance (Highland Fling). ..Gracie Schrailer meetings were held on Maui. The court on Wednesday last. the Fourth, when he sent Deruevo around Telephone 1111 Wailuku. Maul, T. Ii, P. O. Box 83 7. Song and ( Henrietle and people here are looking forward Charlie Ilottel is again on Maui. He the track to victoryin three straightheats. Iiance Annie Hart with keen anticipation to the big is now traveling for the Honolulu Brew- The crowd was with Dan and when, WAILUKU HARDWARE CO., gathering. ing & Malting Company. at the end of the race, he was photo- Successors to 8. Speech Margaret Soper graphed, everybody cheered. "Bill" ( frauds Field In connection with the work of J. S. Ralston, the wireless operator, is Campbell stood alongside McPhee, the LEE HOP 9. 1'iauo Duet on a two weeks vacation and is putting ( Mrs. l'ield the Association, the Sunday Schools owner, aud appeared injthe group. in the time at Makawao. General Hardware, Enamelware, Oil Stoves, Twines, and tho Societies of Christian En- The picnic of the Wailuku Sun- to. Song Tait Robinson Union Mattings, Wall Papers, Mattresses, Etc., Etc., Etc. deavor held their conventions. There was a lineup of rent autos yes- day School will be held at the Waihce terday, and they were all inspected by COFFINS MADE AT SHORT NOTICE. .1, Spanish Muriel Duncan These were also largely Beach House on Tuesday afternoon next. attended. Special Officer Dance ( Alma Robinson the Voeller. The members of the School and the Portable track will be laid along the cradle roll members, together with the ( Herbel Field new Kihei wharf and this wilt make the parents, are all invited to attend. All 12. Piano Duet j Mrs lfiel(1 transportation of material easy. those wishing to go to the picnic had Fine Picnic better notify Mrs. H. B. Penhallow not 13. Piano Solo Naomi Robinson W. W. Walsh was elected a trustee of LAHAINA STORE later than today, so that transportation 14 Chours All the Children the Maui Chamber of Commerce in place can be arranged. of J. N. S. Williams, who is out of the Sc at Kahului Territory. J. E. Souza writes the Maui Nitws to Importers Dealers the effect that he claims that the Maui The Hawaiian Dredging Company put Junior baseball team was "rigged" to To in the lowest bid for the dredging of in Meet on beat the P. A C. Junior, in the second picnic of Kahului harbor, and they will probably At the the Good game on July Souza says Senior get the contract. 5. that Shepherd Sunday School, held at players were were put in the team on GENERAL MERCHANDISE Maui 1914 Kahului beach last Wednesday, The Women's Guild of the Church of account of the locals being defeated in Willie Cuuunings beat the record the Good Shepherd will hold its Annual the fiftt game by a score of 16 to 11. We Bazaar sale of work on evening by winning in the sack race, the and the have"oubles of our own, and Mr. Souza WHOLESALE and RETAIL of Saturday November 15. can thrash the matter out with the Maui delegates ninety-fir- st Maui to the backward race and the hop, skip uniors. annual meeting of the Hawaiian and jump. Kenneth Wallace, a W. G. Let, a Honolulu plumber, is in He is Evangelical Association report Hcnolulu visitor, carried off second goiug to settle Wailuku. well CARD OP THANKS. GASOLINE and DISTILLATE IN DRUMS tlrit recommended by those who know the the session was one of unusual in- honors by winning the running work he did when in Honolulu. The family of the late Judge Copp terest and great spiritual signifi- broad jump, and throwing the wish to convey their thank to H. A. Wade left for Honolulu last heartfelt all those who extended such sym cance. The uplift of the great baseball. Wednesday afternoon. He will proceed kind in their meetings was felt by all. The early The other winners of the ribbon to Canada for his vacation and intends pathy late bereavement. morning prayer meetings were full prizes were Eliza Lewis and Frank to stay away about two months in all. LAHAINA STORE. of earnestness and helpfulness. Bal for the egg and spoon races; IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE W. Leslie West leaves for his home in SECOND CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF The discussions upon vital topics Eva Vivas and Wells Cuiiimings, Australia next Monday. He received HAWAII. concerning the work of the Church for the girls' and boys' races. word that his mother is very ill. He will be away about two so. was lively and always to tho point. Leslie Lewis won the sack race for mouths or In the Matter of the Estate of Secretary Crockett, of the Maui Racing CHARLES COPP, Late of Kokomo, One of the most interesting oc- girls. Francis Spencer the stand Association, received many congratuln Kula, Maui, Deceased. casions ing broad jump. David Parker Before buying your Motor Boat Engine, was the reception to the tions 011 the way in which he handled his three-legge- Order oi Notice ok Hearing and Conie won the d Peti Rev. II. II. Parker on Saturday part of the Fourth of July celebrations, kor Prorate Hearing. race. tion of investigate the merits of the afternoon, when several hundred Myers won the Iiolfing cup at Puuueiie The morning was spent wading A Document purporting to be the Last delegates anil a large number of and it took five sets to decide the matter. Will and Testament of Charles Copp, people from Honolulu greeted the and bathing, and lunch was spread W. A. Collins was the runuer-up- , and he late of Kokomo, Makawao, Maui, de venerable pastor of the Kawaiahao under the trees back of the Club made Mycrsextcud himself right through ceased, having on the 8th day of July, the match. Church, who had com Dieted his House. Iwo autos from lao A. D. 1913, been presented to said Pro fiftieth year of service The day Stables conveyed the children to The Santa Rita came in last Sunday bate Court, and a Petition for Probate morning with a cargo of oil. She left thereof, praying for the issuance of Let' FRISBIE and fro, and the day was perfect following, marked the celebration ters Testamentaty to Louisa Victoria The three postponements of the the same day for San Francisco. The of tlie fiftieth anniversary of the Rev. Freeman, of Los Angeles, is mak Copp. HighSpeed Motor Boat Gas Engines founding of the Hawaiian Board of fun seemed to put no damper what ing the round trip on the steamer. It is Ordered, that Monday, the 18th ever on the enjoyment. day of August, A. D. 1913, ht 10 o'clock All - Missions. The addresses on that The false start race between Major The Day Motor" A. M., of said day, at the Court Room jeeasion were noteworthy. They Collier and Athloue was far more excit of said Court at Wailuku, Maui, be aud ing As Collier won pointed out tho wonderful change than the real event. the same is hereby appointed the time on both there was no possible All valvos locatod in tho head of cylinder and that and civilization occasions and place for provinir said Will aud Promotion kick coming from the Athlone backers. diroctly over had brought to Hawaii, tho mission hearing said application. tho piston. from Hawaii itself to the Marquesas W. Bal, Jr., won the bowling tourua It is further Ordered, that notice there Islands, when Hawaiian ministers, nieut at Puuueue and he has the wonder of be given, by publication once a week ful average of 176 for 100 names. For for three successive weeks in the Maui who had Is Pleasing themselves been but recent five games he average 2:6, which is News, a weekly newspaper, printed and products of Christianity took the record that will stand for a long time to published iu Wailuku, Maui, the last Honolulu Iron Works Company message to the South Seas. This Among the many changes in the come. publication to be not less than ten days previous to the time therein appointed phase of the celebration made a schools of territory some Many people commented upon the the are for hearing. that move teachers from big towns fact that the Maui Racing Association had to import a man from Honolulu to (Sd.) . S. B. KINGSBURY, to little ones and from small vil- act as announcer. The choice of official Judge of the Circuit Court of the 2nd lages to large places. In some cases was not approved of by many people, Circuit. Open Saturday, July 12 the teachers are delighted with the either. Attest:. Your Mail Orders for Photographic (Sd.) EDMUND II. HART, change but, in many other instances, Dutro and Tanioka are opening up A new market where can Clerk Circuit Court of the 2nd Supplies Should be Addressed you the instructors are worried. store on Market street and they intend Circuit. get goods that are fresh to handle poultry, fish, corned beef, eggs every Maui Jeachers have been remov Dated Wailuku, Maui, July 8, 1913. and vegetables. The best of goods will SUmp day, kept in a sanitary manner ed, changed, promoted and reduc July 12, 19, 26, August 2, 1913. be stocked and the whole store will be ed. There have been many such Fresh Vegetables f. changes and among the promotions Honolulu 11. w. big car on Photo Supply Co., Ltd. may be mentioned Klce's turned turtle To Prospective Builders Live and Dressed Poultry with pleasure the Lahaiua road last Monday night. FORT the cases of George S. Raymond The Japanese chauffeur, who was alone J. HOLM BERG STREET, and Corned Meats RUSH Salt now iu the car, was slightly ABCHITFCT Island Order inspector, tormer pnncipa injured. The Will prepare plaiiB and specifica HONO' I'LU car was righted later on aud shipped to Fresh Fish Case, now Sunervisinir Princinal tions lor building of every uescrip and H. A. Wade, of WailukufTvho Honolulu. tion. Will superintend construe Mail your exposed films to us, and they goes to Laupahoehoe as principal Two young men traveled forty-fou- r tion work anywhere in the islands & miles on July Fourth in order to get Dutro Tanioka of that school. Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction developed glass of beer each. The pair jumped in will be and printed, and returned Market St. opposite Maui Meat Co. George Raymond has always im to an auto aud rail over to Lahaina Guaranteed by first special facilities for pressed everybody with his energy where the closing law of the Fourth FORT STREET HONOLULU boat; rapid work and ability. His many friends are does not apply. No. 925