U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge 1730 Eastern Neck Road Rock Hall, MD 21661 410/639 7056
[email protected] Eastern Neck https://www.fws.gov/refuge/eastern_neck National Wildlife Federal Relay Service for the deaf and hard-of-hearing Refuge 1 800/ 877 8339 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800/344 WILD History of http://www.fws.gov/ Eastern Neck Island February 2020 T OF EN TH TM E R IN A P T E E R D I . O S R . U M 9 AR 4 C H 3, 18 The History of Eastern Neck Island is located at The Island in During the time of the last great Eastern Neck the mouth of the Chester River on Prehistoric Times ice sheet ten thousand years ago, Island the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Eastern Neck Island was not an Bay in Kent County, Maryland. Its island at all. Native Americans may abundant natural resources have have paused here while hunting to been the basis of a long and varied look out over a wide forested valley history. Today, the 2,285-acre island to the west. There, the Susquehanna is a national wildlife refuge that is River was carving through This goose, designed by managed to provide habitat for fine-grained deposits placed by J.N. “Ding” Darling, has many species of migratory birds. meltwaters and wind during earlier become the symbol of the National Wildlife Refuge Farming, fishing and hunting still glacial cycles on its long way to the System. occur on the refuge, although they sea.